What is borax and where is it sold? Scope of application of the drill

There are many types of solders used during soldering. Each of them has its own advantages, which makes it useful for a particular area. Drill brazing flux is often used for soldering difficult metals such as cast iron, steel or copper, but can also be useful for other procedures. This is one of the most common and time-tested fluxes that are used both in the industrial sphere and in the private sector. Soldering borax is relatively inexpensive and can be used for many types of soldering. It gives a complex effect, which simplifies the process and does not require the addition of other components, although in the jewelry industry there are also more complex fluxes based on it.

Copper soldering borax

A drill for brass soldering helps not only improve the soldering properties of metal, but also clean its surface from excess films, deposits and other things that can damage a high-quality and reliable connection. In its pure form, it is a high-temperature flux, the melting point of which is approximately 700-900 degrees Celsius. But the properties of the material allow it to be easily dissolved in water, resulting in a softer flux. The degree of dissolution determines how high the melting point of the material will be. Over the course of its existence, soldering specialists have come up with many ways to use and create combinations for this material. Soldering borax is produced in accordance with GOST 8429-77.

Advantages of soldering borax

  • Copper borax is one of the few widely available fluxes for refractory metals;
  • The cost of the material is relatively low in comparison with other materials of this kind;
  • It is possible to dilute borax to the desired consistency in water, since it has good solubility;
  • Flux is available in almost all stores and there are no problems finding a suitable brand;
  • Long shelf life.


  • After use, a deposit of salts forms, which must be removed mechanically;
  • It is necessary to choose storage areas that are free of moisture, since high humidity will cause the flux to deteriorate;
  • To prepare the material for use, you need to spend time and choose the right proportion, which can lead to errors.

Varieties of Borax

There are two main varieties that relate to the appearance of the material. The first option is the solid form. Borax soldering flux is supplied in the form of a powder with fine solid fractions. Thanks to this, it is easy to lay it on the metal surface before soldering in the required quantity and it will not spread at the same time. This variety is supplied in a special box that protects the material hermetically from the penetration of moisture and other foreign factors. Fractions are white.

The second type, which is more often used for lighter metals and their alloys, is diluted borax. In this case, you are offered the same material, but dissolved in liquid. Thanks to this, it can be used at lower soldering temperatures. Using this type is also easier, since small parts are simply dipped into the liquid, after which they can be soldered. This is used both in the jewelry industry and in other places where small items are worked. Contacts, wires and other types of equipment come into good contact with dissolved flux. Despite the fact that the principle of using borax for soldering in liquid form is somewhat different from the standard one, they have almost the same effect.

There are also varieties in the form of mixtures, when other fluxes are also used. This is necessary in cases where it is impossible to achieve the desired results using one substance. Proportions and composition depend on specific goals. Most often it is combined with boric acid.

Composition and physicochemical properties

The composition of borax for soldering includes sodium chloride and barium chloride, in some cases boric acid is added to it. It is not used in its pure form for all procedures, since this would require too high a melting point. Drill soldering powder is a high-temperature flux, so its main property is resistance to high temperatures. It is worth noting that the material perfectly retains its chemical properties even at a lower concentration than what is supplied. Thus, the flux solution has a fairly high level of dissolution of the oxides of all base metals for which it is used.

It can also dissolve fatty films and other unnecessary things that will interfere with the normal soldering of the material. Brown soldering protects against many types of defects that can occur in work.


There are two main grades of the substance, which are defined according to GOST as grade A and grade B:

  • A – used for non-ferrous metals, frits, earthenware, etc.;
  • B – for enamels, glazes, technical equipment, plumbing, wire, etc.

Soldering Features

The minimum soldering temperature, even when working with a solution, should be more than 400 degrees Celsius. Most often, mixtures are used in conjunction with boric acid, due to which the composition gains versatility and a lower operating temperature.

When the borax burns, it becomes like a kind of glassy mass.”

During the period of direct soldering, salts are formed at the site of application of this material. They leave a visible residue that is not advisable to leave on the surface. To get rid of it, you should use a mechanical cleaning method.

When mixing borax with any other substance, the proportions most often used are 1 to 1. If solid components are mixed, it is best to grind them in a mortar made of porcelain or other material that does not have absorption properties.

The solution liquid is preheated. If the solution is evaporated, a solid residue from the flux will eventually remain, since its boiling point is above 100 degrees Celsius. It is worth noting that it almost never contains borax. Most often it includes.

To make borax more active, fluoride or chloride salt is added to it. There are two ways to use flux for soldering a drill. This may involve placing a solid powder at the soldering site, as it will heat up and melt when exposed to temperature. You can also use everything in a liquid solution, simply immersing the workpieces in flux, and then use ordinary soldering.

Popular companies and brands

The following common manufacturers of this flux are found on the modern market:

  • Buysky chemical plant;
  • ChemPack;
  • Xiamen.

Borax is an active substance that is included in some medications. By itself, it is a crystalline hydrate of the sodium salt of the so-called tetraboric acid. It occurs in nature as a white or gray-yellow mineral that dissolves well in water.

What is the effect of Borax?

Borax, a derivative of boric acid, has an antiseptic effect. In addition, it has a bacteriostatic effect, that is, it slows down the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms, and fungistatic activity has also been detected. The antiseptic is not absorbed into the body through intact skin.

What are the indications for use of Borax?

Preparations containing the active component Borax are indicated for use as antiseptics that can be used in dermatological practice, ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology.

What are the contraindications for use of the substance Borax?

Borax-based preparations should not be used if you are hypersensitive to this substance. It is contraindicated to use the product internally; it is intended for external use only.

Preparations containing Borax can be used together with boric acid as an antimicrobial agent in a dosage form such as eye drops, but it is recommended to use the drug only after prior consultation with an ophthalmologist.

What are the side effects of Borax?

When using medications containing Borax, some local side effects may occur, in particular, redness of the skin may appear, and some burning may occur directly at the site of application of the drug.

In addition to local reactions, symptoms of chronic intoxication cannot be excluded, which will develop after prolonged use of medications containing the active substance Borax. For example, some gastrointestinal disorders may occur in the digestive system, anorexia may develop, and dyspeptic symptoms may appear.

In addition, with chronic intoxication of drugs containing Borax, side effects from the nervous system may be observed, for example, the patient may feel increasing weakness, in severe advanced cases, confusion may occur, in addition, seizures may occur.

Side effects may also affect the skin; in this case, dermatological reactions of a negative nature will be noted, in particular dermatitis develops, and alopecia may occur, which goes away after discontinuation of the drug.

Other side effects include laboratory changes in the form of anemia, and menstrual irregularities are also possible. If the above manifestations are present, it is recommended to stop using such medications, and you should also consult a doctor about further treatment procedures.

What is the use and dosage of Borax? Borax treatment

The use of medications containing Borax is carried out individually and depends directly on the indications and the dosage form used. Before using them, it is recommended to first consult with a specialist.

Borax overdose

In case of an overdose of the drug Borax, the instructions for use note the following symptoms: pain in the abdomen, vomiting, nausea, impaired intestinal motility, which will be expressed by diarrhea, in addition, dehydration, general weakness, as well as headache and temporary loss of consciousness cannot be excluded.

In addition, generalized convulsions will be observed, cardiovascular failure will be noted, and the patient may have damage to liver and kidney function.

In this situation, it is necessary to provide the patient with appropriate medical measures, in particular, rinse the stomach as soon as possible after poisoning, prescribe forced diuresis; in severe cases, hemodialysis is indicated. In addition, riboflavin mononucleotide is injected intramuscularly in an amount of 10 mg/day.

It is necessary to correct the developed acidosis and water-electrolyte balance; for this, sodium bicarbonate solution is administered intravenously; in addition, plasma-substituting solutions, glucose, and sodium chloride are indicated. If there is pain in the abdomen, one milliliter of 0.1% atropine solution and 1 ml of 0.2% platiphylline are injected subcutaneously.

In addition, a 1% solution of promedol can be used as an anesthetic; intravenous administration of a glucose-novocaine mixture is also prescribed. Cardiovascular medications are prescribed according to indications. It is worth noting that the lethal dosage for adults is 10 or 20 grams.

Preparations containing Borax (analogues)

The active component of Borax is contained in the preparation Sodium tetraborate solution in glycerin 20%, it is produced by the pharmacological industry in small bottles, the volume of which reaches 30 grams. It should be stored in a dry place, and it is advisable to place the container in the dark so that the active substance does not decompose in the light.


The use of any medications should be carried out after consultation with a specialist.

Quality standard

GOST 8429-77



Technical borax (sodium tetraborate decahydrate) is obtained by neutralizing boric acid with sodium carbonate.


Depending on the purpose, technical borax is produced in two grades: A and B. Grade A borax is used in the production of non-ferrous metals, porcelain-ware, frits, for special and other purposes. Borax grade B is used in the production of enamels and glazes used in the manufacture of technical equipment, plumbing products, in the process of wire drawing, in the composition of welding fluxes, solders and for other purposes.


Borax is packaged in four-layer paper bags, film liner bags, inserted into flax-jute-kenaf, four-layer paper bags or bags lined with a rubber-bitumen mixture. It is allowed to pack the product in specialized soft containers for single use.


Borax is transported by rail and road, in universal containers. The product, packaged in soft specialized containers, is transported on open rolling stock.


Borax is stored packaged in closed warehouses. The product, packaged in specialized soft disposable containers, can be stored in uncontaminated open areas that have a hard surface with water drainage under conditions that ensure the operation of cargo mechanisms.

Guaranteed shelf life of the product: 6 months from the date of manufacture.


physical and chemical indicators

Indicator name Standard for the brand
1. Appearance White or colorless fine crystalline powder
2. Mass fraction of borax (Na2B4O7.10H2O), %, not less 99.5 94.0
3. Mass fraction of residue insoluble in water, %, no more 0.04 0.1
4. Mass fraction of carbonates (CO32-), %, no more 0.1 0.2
5. Mass fraction of sulfates (SO42-), %, no more 0.1 0.2
6.* Mass fraction of heavy metals (Pb2+), %, no more 0.005 0.01
7.* Mass fraction of arsenic (As3+), %, no more 0.001 0.001


Borax is fire- and explosion-proof, its toxicity is due to the main initial component - boric acid, which, in terms of the degree of impact on the body, belongs to substances of the 3rd hazard class.

Basic properties and types of hazard

Basic properties Free-flowing, white or colorless, crystalline product.
Explosion and fire hazard Fire and explosion proof.
Danger to humans The toxicity of the product is due to the main initial component - boric acid, which, in terms of the degree of impact on the body, belongs to substances of the 3rd hazard class. Borax enters the body when inhaled in the form of dust or aerosol, causing an irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. If ingested in significant quantities, borax can cause poisoning.
Individual protection means Overalls, safety shoes, safety glasses, “Petal” type respirator, hand protection. It is prohibited to eat, drink, or smoke.

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Borax in the household

There are so many chemicals that are not in stores now - it’s just mind-boggling! Meanwhile, very often all this diversity consists of 3-4 drugs in a variety of packages and combinations. In reality, all this endless variety of prices and packaging differs in how promoted the brand is, and in the useless flavors and dyes.

Borax or Borax is one of the remedies that has recently been used very widely. Its chemical name is sodium tetraborate, chemical formula is Na2B4O7. This chemical compound is considered toxic, but is used in the food industry as a preservative E285. True, in Russia and the USA the use of this food additive is not recommended, although it is no more poisonous than table salt. However, we are interested in this chemical preparation not as a product, but as a universal remedy for a wide variety of household uses.

So, the uses of borax

1. Cleaning the oven.
Requires 8 tbsp. spoons of baking soda, half a glass of salt and 4 tbsp. spoons of borax. All this should be dissolved in warm water. The resulting solution or paste, depending on the amount of water, can perfectly clean the oven walls. After cleaning, rinse the oven with warm water.

2. Universal cleaner for smooth surfaces.
Dissolve 2 teaspoons of borax, 2 tbsp. in 2 cups of warm water. spoons of 10% vinegar and 3 drops of tea tree oil. Use the resulting mixture with a sprayer. This product also works great as a dishwasher cleaner.

3. Window cleaning liquid.
Dissolve 2 teaspoons of borax in 3 glasses of water. Spray the glass with the solution and wash it with regular newsprint or a microfiber cloth.

4. Solution for washing organic contaminants.
Dissolve 1 teaspoon of borax in 300 ml of water. The solution ideally removes grease and can be used for washing bathtubs, sinks and tiles.

5. For cleaning pipes.
Mix half a glass of borax, the same amount of soda and add a glass of 10% vinegar. After half an hour, add a liter of boiling water, stir and use to clean the pipes, pouring the mixture into the location of the blockage.

6. Liquid for cleaning toilets.
Dissolve half a glass of borax in 2 liters of water. Clean with a stiff brush soaked in solution. You can pour the solution into the toilet and wait a couple of hours until the dirt gets wet. Then clean the toilet with a brush and rinse with clean water.

7. Bleach for washing.
Add 2 teaspoons of borax and the same amount of soda to the washing water. Thus, along with the whitening effect, the water also softens. If there are yellow stains on the laundry, they can be moistened with water and wiped with borax until they disappear.

8. A preparation against flies, mosquitoes, ants, cockroaches and other insects.
Mix a glass of sugar and borax with half a glass of cocoa. Sprinkle the drug in places where insects accumulate. If you need to get rid of flies and mosquitoes, then the drug can be poured into jar lids and placed in open places.

9. Washing powder.
Mix 200 g of crushed laundry soap, one and a half glasses of borax and the same amount of soda ash. Mix everything thoroughly and add 10-15 drops of aromatic essential oil to your taste. That's it, your homemade washing powder is ready.

10. Flux for soldering and welding.
For soldering with hard brass and silver solders, boron flux is used, which is a mixture of borax and boric acid in a 1:1 ratio. For soldering steel and cast iron, boric acid should not be added.

In addition to the above applications, this substance is also used as an antiseptic to protect various organic materials from damage by fungus, rot and mold during construction and insulation of buildings. Borax also has fire retardant properties, meaning it increases fire resistance. This is explained by the fact that its crystalline hydrate contains 10 water molecules and when heated, all of it is released, allowing materials impregnated with such a compound to resist fire for a long time.

In the cosmetics industry, borax is used to make various shampoos, ointments, gels and powders, as well as in bombs and bath salts. This reagent is also used in medicine as an antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal agent, for washing, rinsing, and lubricating lesions of the nasal and oral cavity in some infectious diseases.

Borax is a safe natural substance. In order to be poisoned by it, you need to swallow a very decent amount. Ingestion of up to one teaspoon of this reagent does not cause any unpleasant sensations in a person. The semi-lethal dose (LD50) when tested on rats was about 3 g per 1 kg of weight. But, nevertheless, some safety precautions should be observed when handling this chemical:
- when working, you must use protective gloves;
- store in a closed container, in a cool place, out of reach of children and animals;
- this substance should not be added to food;
- Contact with eyes is undesirable, and you should not rub it into the skin.

You can purchase borax from our company. Leave a request on our website!

Borax is a flux used when joining metal parts by soldering. Borax, which is produced in powder form, belongs to the category of high-temperature fluxes, since its melting point is in the range of 700–900°. Borax powder, the characteristics of which are specified in the relevant regulatory document (GOST 8429-77), dissolves well in water and, when heated, turns into a glass mass, which provides protection for the soldering zone.

Borax crystals can be transparent or grayish, but always have a characteristic “bold” shine.

Areas of application

Borax, which is a salt containing a weak boric acid and a strong base, also has a scientific name - sodium tetraborate decahydrate. Using this substance, used as a flux, soldering of metals such as steel, cast iron, copper and its alloys is performed. In this case, for such soldering, medium-melting solders are used, the basis of which can be copper, brass, silver and gold.

When borax melts, which occurs at a sufficiently high temperature, the surfaces of the parts to be joined are cleaned, and the oxides that are present on them dissolve in the heated flux. During the soldering process, for which a refractory flux such as borax is used, which meets the requirements of GOST 8429-77, salts are formed that crystallize on the surface of the joint being formed. After completion of the technological operation, salt deposits must be removed.

To obtain boron flux from borax, which can be used on cast iron, steel and other metals, this substance must be mixed with boric acid in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting mixture is thoroughly ground in a porcelain container, and then the excess liquid is evaporated to obtain a dry residue, to which fluoride and chloride salts are added. Using this technology, active fluxes are obtained that allow high-quality soldering of parts made of various metals.

You can familiarize yourself with the GOST requirements for technical borax (sodium tetraborate) by downloading the document in pdf format from the link below.

Benefits of use

Copper pipes as components of pipelines for various purposes are very popular today. In this regard, brazing copper, which uses a flux such as borax, has become a fairly common technological process. The use of this method of connecting copper products allows not only the installation of new pipelines, but also high-quality repairs of those that have already been in use for a certain time.

The use of technical borax as a flux when soldering copper has the following advantages.

  • Metal parts in any combination can be subjected to high-quality soldering.
  • Metal products that need to be joined by soldering can have any initial temperature.
  • When using borax, high-quality and reliable connections can be obtained even between metal and non-metallic parts.
  • Soldered joints made using this flux can be unsoldered at any time if the need arises.
  • When soldering, the base metal does not melt, as happens during welding, which avoids such an undesirable process as warping (and, accordingly, changes in the geometric shape of the products being joined).
  • The use of borax allows for excellent adhesion of the solder and the surfaces of the parts to be joined.
  • Technical borax, used as a flux, provides high productivity for a process such as capillary soldering.
  • The solder joints obtained using this type of flux are characterized by high strength, reliability and durability.

To understand what factors influence the quality of soldering, you should know the stages of this technological process. The soldering algorithm is as follows.

  • The surfaces of parts that need to be connected by soldering must be carefully prepared.
  • Contaminants are removed using standard means - brushes, rags, etc. And to remove refractory oxide films from the surface of parts, a flux such as technical borax is used.
  • The surfaces of the products to be joined must be heated to a certain temperature, for which a blowtorch is used.
  • Liquid solder is introduced into the gap between the parts to be joined, which is also heated using a blowtorch or a regular gas torch.
  • The interaction of the heated base metal and liquid solder ensures a reliable solder joint.
  • The soldering process can be considered complete at the moment when complete crystallization of the solder occurs.

How to solder copper pipes

Before you start soldering, you need to prepare the following tools and consumables:

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of gas burners, which are presented in a large assortment on the modern market. Such a device, designed to ensure complete heating of the base metal and solder, can be equipped with automatic piezo ignition or manufactured in a classic design. You should only choose burners that use a piezoelectric element for ignition if such a device is manufactured under a well-known brand. Otherwise, it is better to purchase a regular high-quality burner that will provide you with uninterrupted operation for a long time.

The soldering process itself using borax, including preparatory procedures before its implementation, is most conveniently considered using the example of connecting two pipes made of copper. This process is performed in the following sequence.

  1. The internal surfaces of the connected pipes are thoroughly cleaned, for which a jaw with metal bristles is used.
  2. External cleaning of copper pipes, carried out until their surfaces have a metallic shine, is carried out using emery cloth.
  3. After thorough cleaning, borax is applied to the internal and external surfaces using a special brush.
  4. Copper pipes coated with flux at the future connection must be joined together. After this you can start soldering.
  5. Before starting the process, the pipe surfaces must be heated to the required temperature, for which a gas burner is used. The surfaces of the products to be joined should be exposed to flame for at least 15–20 seconds.
  6. After the surfaces of the pipes are heated to the required temperature, solder is introduced into the soldering area, which also melts under the influence of the flame of a gas burner. Molten solder should be applied evenly to the surfaces of the parts to be joined to ensure the quality and reliability of the joint being formed.

After soldering with borax, the resulting connection should be inspected, for which destructive and non-destructive methods can be used. Most often, such control is performed when inspecting the resulting connection for the presence of external defects. A magnifying glass can be used to perform this inspection, which reveals many joint imperfections.

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