What is intention and how does it work? Visualize a positive outcome. Religious use of the term

Have you ever wondered why we want, want, want to do something... but in reality, nothing happens, things don’t get done and nothing moves anywhere?

We continue to mark time, every day is the same, like Groundhog Day...

... and once again we postpone things from yesterday to tomorrow?

As they say, “Who is to blame, and what to do?”

I think you have heard about both intention and desire. How does one differ from the other?

-This year I want to go to Paris again

-Have you already been there?

-No, but I already wanted to several times.

In this example, a person has a desire, but there is no intention at all.

He only wants, but does nothing for it.

And if you do nothing, then nothing will happen. It’s not for nothing that the fourth principle of Reiki tells us, “Work hard today.”

Intention is the main driving force through which changes occur in our lives.

It takes us from the world of desires to the world of actions, and allows us to realize everything we dream about in reality.

What is intention? And why is it so important?

This is what Evgeny Smirnov writes in his book “Reiki. Theory and practice"

“Intention is the will focused on the final result

This is a statement containing a clear idea of ​​​​our goal, accompanied by unconditional faith in Reiki and in the achievability of the stated goal, this is an internal impulse confirming our desire to receive and our willingness to accept the desired result, this is the determination to take certain actions to achieve the goal in the absence of any any doubts about the effectiveness of the actions taken"

Intention answers the question “What do I intend to do.”

For example, we are sitting on a chair and intend to get up. The next second we rise, and now our intention has already been realized.

Intention is very different from desire.

Desire answers the question “What do I want,” and desire is emotionally charged.

We feel dissatisfied with the current state of things and want to change it.

For example, a very common desire among women is “I want to lose weight.” Those who want to are usually dissatisfied with their figure.

However, you can want to lose weight for years until the desire turns into intention and action - the figure remains the same.

But if a person intends to lose weight, then the desire for him has already passed the stage. He accepted this desire, formed an intention and began to act, leaving emotions behind. Because he no longer has time to worry and worry, he is on the way to his goal.

So, desire must be turned into intention, and then into action...

And then - we will magically move from point A, where we are now, to point B, where we will have what we are striving for

How to do this?

Ideally, the entire chain of “desire - intention - action” can be completed in a second: wished, formed an intention and internal impulse, and - forward.

However, in practice this does not always work out. We are lazy and put off, tormented by doubts, and - the desired point B - remains somewhere behind the foggy horizon...

What should I do? Reiki will help!

At seminars and remotely - we study various techniques for working with the Reiki flow - to work with situations... setting goals... creating a living space... and much, much more...

The basis of all techniques is intention.

In fact, any technique is a theater, a certain action that we perform in order to form a clearer and stronger intention, believe in ourselves and begin to actively implement our plans.

How do we work with situations in Reiki?

    Forming a strong and clear intention

    We support it energetically

    We create a thought form that represents our goal, already realized on the subtle plane

    Let's release it all into space.

And after such work, we have no choice but to take action in the Reiki flow and get the result.

“Are special techniques needed?” Yes, definitely.

Because it is not always easy to immediately give a clear intention and begin to act.

And even more so when we work with our goals and with the formation of space.

We must first check the truth of the goal - whether we really need it, and whether this goal is in harmony with our soul. And only then - set a goal.

Otherwise, in the end it will be very disappointing to climb the ladder and find that it is leaning against the wrong wall.

We are all creators of our lives and our universe.

The main thing is to believe in yourself and act.

Because moving towards our true goals in itself brings joy.

As Osho says, “A goal is just a reason to travel.”

I am a pragmatist in spirit, I do not believe in increased “levels”, and the feeling of my own importance only causes irony. I began to think and look for an answer: if intention is such a necessary condition for increasing efficiency, then there is something in it. I asked a simple question: “What is Intention?”, and in my research, research and experiments I found the answer. Maybe I will now disappoint lovers of exoticism, the occult and all kinds of miracles. Intention is a pragmatic thing, very simple and clear to use.

Let's remove all the husks, they are not edible and are difficult to digest. I once asked a friend, a pure pragmatist and a real practitioner “walking the Path”: “What is Intention?” He had no prepared answers, like a true seeker, he reflected and answered: “I think this is an urgent need. But this is when you really need something, and you get it...” I thought about it and asked: “How to use this?” The friend answered very simply: “Just know what you need and act.”

Later, I looked up definitions of intention on the Internet. The definition goes like this:
Intention is the determination to have and the willingness to act. The word Intent is simply a reference to a specific algorithm. Knowing the algorithm, anyone can practically apply it and get a specific result. All we have to do is fill these parts of the algorithm with certain content and implement it. I propose to analyze the two parts of the algorithm in more detail.

Determination to have. The determination to have is related to our specific needs. This is not just a desire, but a need in its purest form. What my friend said, “Urgent necessity.”

The second part contains: readiness to act. And now, attention, lovers of miracles, I present to you a miracle. There is such a word I wish, we replace the letter “F” with “D”, it turns out I do. The second part is action.

A simple example. I am thirsty, I want to drink - I have the determination. In the context of desire: I want to drink... In the context of intention: I feel thirsty and quench it, that is, I drink (water, juice, to taste).

Now an example from the experience of Phase. In the context of desire - I want to get into the phase, I really want to, I really want to... in the end, “There is no phase, this is deception, business and... (angry speech on a social network, an attempt to create a negative public opinion, to draw attention to one’s deprived person). In the context of Intention: There is a specific goal, an action plan - the determination to have, we carry out a clear algorithm for getting into the Phase, using techniques of deepening, holding, moving, finding, we realize the goal - readiness to act. As a result, you get Life in two Worlds. Take action!

Have a productive experience.

Aspects of Intention

Since intention belongs entirely to the nagual, it can be spoken of in terms of three aspects:

1) mystical;

2) structural and physical;

3) operational-magical;

From a structural-metaphysical point of view, it is necessary to distinguish:

The intention of the great emanations of the Universe;

Earth's Intention;

A person's intention;

We approach human intention through the study of the unconscious. It pushes us into action or inaction, generates emotional impulses. The Toltec studies his unconscious to find out what his tonal was like in his embryonic state. And recapitulation does not help in collecting the facts of their first years of personal biography. The unconscious is the foundation of modern human behavior. In the process of studying the content of the unconscious, we learn what forms and masks the semantic products of the psyche use to implement human intentions.

Nagualism states that the realization of meaning and freedom are inextricably linked. And this is a paradox that can be solved with INTENTION. Intention always strives for some area and embodies itself in movement. Intention has no end result, so nothing limits it. When a person follows intention, he finds harmony. We can say that the objective meaning of a person from the point of view of nagualism is concentrated in intention. Total stalking opens up to our awareness a certain presence that moves us from within, continues or embodies personal will. This is pure intention.

Intention and attention

The energetic body uses several channels for contact with intention: the crown, the eyebrow, the navel, and also a combination of the first three and the center of fear along with the (non-)perineum. Intention always exists in the area of ​​latent perception of the first attention. From the point of view of total stalking, we can trace most of the processes of energy exchange. In the second attention the person is not considered as a basic unit. This world can be called the world of non-human intention. Each world of second attention is the embodiment of a certain type of intention. The second attention has its own “society”, which reflects the intention of its constituent beings. By comprehending the social games of this environment in the second attention, we carry out an energy exchange with this environment. Our world of first attention also protects its immutability through society. We do not notice this because we are rarely aware of how the perceptual apparatus works. Sociality is only a projection of the intention of our species.

On any subject.

Unlike desire, which is an attraction, a desire to accomplish something, a plan is understood as a planned plan of action, therefore it seems appropriate to associate intention primarily with a plan [ ] . Intention - communicative intention - can appear in the form of a plan to construct a statement in a particular style of speech, in a monologue or dialogic form. A type of intention is speech (communicative) intention - the intention to carry out a speech act. Intention can also mean unconscious intention, literally: “that which leads me from within to where I want to go.”

In philosophy

In Roman law

In Roman legal proceedings, in the so-called formulary process, intention is the main part of the claim formula, which sets out the essence of the plaintiff’s claim against the defendant.

Religious use of the term

Intention is what someone asks for in prayer. Depending on the interests of the person praying or other persons. Intention can be spiritual or material in nature, personal or general. The intention of the mass is the intention of the priest celebrating the mass, and the people taking part in it, or the person who ordered it. To pray “in the intention of the Pope” means to pray for what the Pope asks. The term is widely used among believers

There is one important factor that distinguishes a successful person from an unsuccessful one. Not the only one, but the fundamental one. This factor is intention.

Imagine: two people graduated from the same department of the institute. They have approximately the same physical capabilities. More or less similar resources for starting activities. Two young professionals ready to conquer this entire daring universe. Although no - our universities do not graduate young specialists. This is called "graduating with a diploma." Sorry - I misspoke.

Let's assume that both were excellent students. We studied well, the teachers couldn't be happier. Studying was not so difficult, better than many. And then these people have completely different fates. One is ten times more successful than the other. Is this possible? Quite.

One of the most important defining moments in this situation is intention to achieve goals. This is important for managers, for businessmen - and for any person who has a goal in life that he plans to achieve. What’s interesting is that almost no one knows exactly what intention is and how to raise it. And you must admit, it’s very difficult to improve something, I don’t know what.

When I ask people, they list synonyms but cannot explain clearly. They say something about “perseverance” and wave their hands helplessly in the air when I ask what “persistence” is then. Someone begins to confuse persistence and obsession and comes to the conclusion that being persistent is bad. And you also need to think about whether intention is a good thing. Usually these are rather insecure people.

The word “intention” is one of the most widely used and most misunderstood words in the Russian language. And understanding it provides the key to achieving goals. This definition is given by L. Ron Hubbard in his Dictionary of Modern Management:

« Intention: If a person uses the power of his mind to get the desired result or directs the power of his mind to get the desired result, then he has an intention. Intention is as much a factor of management as any other factor. If you intend for something to happen, it will happen (if you really intended for it to happen). Intention is the carrier frequency that carries the verbal expression with it."

Let's take this definition apart, since it is the apparent complexity and capacity of the concept that makes this word massively misunderstood.

“If a person uses the power of his mind in order to obtain the desired result, or directs the power of his mind to obtain the desired result.”

The power of the mind. What is the mind? This is what a person thinks with. Thoughts themselves do not always have power. You can just sit and think - a huge number of people do this. “I was lying on the sofa, lying... I wanted, I wanted... Nothing happened. - What did you want to do, fall asleep? “No, I wanted to get married...”

Strength has to do with the ability to do work. For the mind to gain power, decisions must be made about actual actions in the physical universe. Such decisions that will be sufficient to move things that have inertia. For example, your body when it doesn’t want to move. Or the body of your subordinate. That is, not every thought has a quality that could be called “mind power,” but only one that sets something in motion.

The leader gives an order. The subordinate, for some reason known to God, does not fulfill it. The power of reason was insufficient. In other words, there was not enough intention.

“...getting the desired result...” So, part of intention is awareness of what result we want to get. A clear idea of ​​the result. If you put intention into doing something, then you imagine what should happen in the end. Otherwise, your intention will go the wrong way, dissipate in endless space, or fall into disarray.

“Intent is as much a factor in management as any other factor.” We look into the dictionary and look up what the word “factor” means. It turns out that this is “an essential circumstance, a driving force in some process, phenomenon,” and the word comes from the Latin factor - doing, producing. Therefore, intention is an essential factor in the management process. Its driving force. Along with other factors such as competence, wise planning, financial security, well-defined goals and objectives, coordination, etc. Throw any of these factors overboard, and the steering will lose some of its driving force. And intention - the power of the mind - stands among them.

“If you intend for something to happen, it will happen (if you really intended for it to happen).” Obviously, if you really applied the power of your mind, if your desire to accomplish something was sufficient, then it is you who will be the master of the situation. Look at this: a person wants to earn a million dollars. He works as a mechanic at a factory in the closed military town of Mukhozadripinsk-13. It seems like he has no chance. He really doesn't have the slightest chance of fulfilling his desire if he doesn't change his life. He must either become the director of this enterprise-forming town (and steal the budget, or use administrative resources to open a business), or leave the city, improve his skills, and open his own (albeit small) business. But note that all these actions require serious movements of physical objects that have inertia (at least the wife, if we move to another city, and the wife is a pretty, stupid village slob, whose ultimate dream is to realize her destiny as a human female).

But if a guy really has intention - that is, he is able to apply the power of his mind to the situation, then life will move forward. How is it that only intention determines whether you achieve your goal or not? The answer to this is in the last sentence of the above definition:

“Intention is the carrier frequency that carries the verbal expression with it.” This is worth clarifying further.

I looked up the word "frequency" in a variety of dictionaries. Until I did this, I misunderstood it as wavelength. All the people I asked the meaning of this word got it wrong. In my and their understanding, “frequency” was like a radio wave that carries words when a person gives an order or expresses his desires.

However, L. Ron Hubbard, the author of the definition, was a nuclear physicist and engineer. And if he used any terms, then in their literal meaning, being responsible for the wording. So, in every single dictionary in which I looked up the word “frequency,” it is defined as “the number of repetitions per unit of time,” and nothing else. And then it dawned on me that this is exactly what Hubbard wanted to say.

The number of repetitions of the solution per unit time. Have you heard the expression “water wears away stones”? A falling drop of water is not powerful enough to make a hole in a stone. But ten thousand falling (note - with the same force) drops pierce this solid, unyielding matter.

The fact that life is continuous is the same illusion as the illusion of a movie. In fact, it consists of frames. 25 frames per second. And at some point our decisions are made - but the question remains whether we continue to make and make this decision again and again. You can make a decision once and stop making it when you encounter the first barrier.

For example, you decide to earn a million dollars and you come up with a plan on how to do it. You tell your wife about it (the power of the mind, which resulted in verbal expression). The wife puts her hands on her hips, opens her mouth so that her tonsils are visible, and in not the loudest voice (which is not even capable of waking up the neighbors from the next house, but only from yours) tells you about the barriers to the realization of your intention. The next second you no longer make your decision in a new unit of time. You have stopped creating intention. You see - life is not continuous. It consists of separate, distinct moments.

So, intention is how many times we make our decision per unit of time. How often can we do this? Life looks continuous, just like movies. Obviously, if we make a decision 25 times a second, then it seems to us that it is constant.

The more often water drips onto a stone, the faster it will collapse. The higher the frequency of our intention, the faster we will achieve realization. Ancient warriors used battering rams to take the fortress gates. The gate will not break from one blow of a ram, but after several dozen blows - yes. It is the number of repetitions per unit of time that determines the speed of achieving results. How is a crowbar different from a jackhammer? Frequency. Which of these tools has more "intention"? He will do the job faster. And someone who has a low frequency can puff up and puff up, and even get blown away. Try using a crowbar to make a monumental sculpture on a rock.

Martial arts masters in Japan and China achieved fantastic speeds by learning to make movements very slowly. One blow of the sword takes half an hour - something like this. This technique made it possible to decompose a short movement into many “frames” and “spread time.” When making lightning strikes with a sword, the warrior did not perceive them as lightning - he stopped his perception of time. Other people couldn't even see his sword, they only heard the sound of "vshch!" But he saw every phase of the sword's movement and could control its trajectory, angle of attack and everything else. There were much more than 25 frames in his second. And these people showed miracles of intention, which have come down to us for the most part only in the form of legends.

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