To combat car thefts, we need cameras on bridges. To fight car thefts, we need cameras on bridges Stanislav Antonovich Chichin reviews

Stanislav Chichin, Head of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Petrogradsky District, answers readers’ questions

7 islands, 175 streets, 7 squares, 34 road bridges, 411 intersections, 6 stadiums, 8 churches, dozens of museums and parks, 123,800 residents, thousands of tourists, migrants, visitors to nightclubs, cinemas and concert venues - this is the Petrogradsky district. An object of increased attention from the point of view of safety and, accordingly, great responsibility for law enforcement officers who work on this land.

Where do people get robbed more often?
“Evening Petersburg” held a hotline with the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Petrogradsky District, Stanislav Chichin, who tried to answer all questions. When the VP correspondent entered Stanislav Antonovich’s office, he was just informed about the discovery of a high-profile crime - last year’s robbery at a mosque, from where masked criminals stole about one and a half million rubles from a safe.

And who are the suspects? Is there a nationalist background?
- No, this is a purely property crime. But can we not disclose the details for now? The end to this matter has not yet been reached. And information in the media can hinder us.

Then here's a question. Stanislav Antonovich, you worked in the Kurortny district for 28 years. They came to Petrogradka after certification during personnel rotation. Was it a pity to leave your native land?
“It’s not a question of whether it’s a pity or not. I know everything there. Every stone. After all, he started in the patrol service. Then he worked as an operative. I knew my subordinates for many years. Any of their reports was for me not only a dry presentation of figures and facts; behind the paperwork I saw the persons involved known to me, familiar streets and courtyards. But work is work everywhere. There are clear mechanisms for coordinating the actions of units. I'm doing my job. I study people. After all, I came here when the personnel had already been formed, I did not recruit “my own.” I'm exploring the area. Experience helps.

Then can you already imagine the crime rate of the area and set priorities? Do you have anything to tell residents?
- Yes, sure. It doesn’t seem like it’s the holiday season, but there has been a series of burglaries. We are looking for criminals. Bit by bit we collect traces and evidence from crime scenes. We warn residents: be careful! And if you have something to lose, it is better to set the apartment to an alarm system. But I want to say that everything is much better than it seemed at first. Over 9 months, 1,411 crimes were registered on our land. 283 less than last year. As throughout the city, the bulk of crimes are domestic crimes and thefts. 528 crimes were committed in public places. This just relates to the characteristics of the area.

And these are just raw numbers?
- Let's go to the map. Look here. Krestovsky Island. South road. There is a high concentration of crime here in the summer. In addition to fights and “hooliganism”, there are mainly car thefts. There are trendy nightclubs there and hundreds of expensive cars park there every night. There are not many thefts. But there are a lot of thefts from cars. They carry what passengers leave behind. In winter, the hotbed of crime moves to the neighborhoods adjacent to Zhdanovskaya Street. It's deserted and quiet there. Very convenient to rob. Here is the picture of crime - 296 thefts, 98 robberies. The areas around Alexander Park are also considered quite crime-prone. Now we are introducing an additional police post there. Also under his control will be the territories around Aurora and the House of Peter I.

We would like more patrol officers
Reader of "Evening Petersburg" Marina Andreevna: - I live on Krasny Kursant Street. We have a park nearby. There is so much noise there at night. Is it possible to close public gardens at night or post guards there?
— Closing public gardens is not within our competence, and it makes no sense. Those who need it will climb over the fence or find a place that we do not control. And so the main squares of the area are included in the patrol routes. And practically no crimes have been registered in public gardens.

By the way, about the guards. Enough?
- What are you speaking about? Of course not. In order to properly ensure public order, we need another 200 people in the patrol service unit. And we asked the headquarters to increase staffing levels.

But the practice of voluntary people's squads has not been preserved?
— Assistants from the Petrogradskaya DND are working with us. There are 112 people there. And we are very grateful to them. But they do not replace police officers. These are civilians. They work not according to a schedule, but whenever possible. We can only use them at certain events. We involve them in ensuring order at public events. There are also routes along which they patrol the territories, and always accompanied by a police officer.

It's all about small fines
Reader of "Evening Petersburg" Alexander Zaitsev: - At our house, all the parking spaces have been seized - car owners are installing different devices. They disturb the residents of the house. It is allowed?
- No, this is self-capture. If parking devices are located on the roadway and on the sidewalk, then this falls under the competence of the improvement committee and the district improvement department. If the occupied territory is internal, then this question must be addressed to the State Administration, the management company, or the municipality. In general, we need to look for the owner of the territory. If they do not respond to demands to bring everything into compliance with the standards, you should file a complaint with the traffic police.

Reader of "Evening Petersburg" Maria Pleshcheeva: - I live on Kamennoostrovsky. There is a brothel in one of our front apartments. Based on my complaint, the police came, everything was quiet for a while, and then he started working again...
— In 2010, 5 criminal cases were initiated regarding the maintenance of brothels and brothels. All of them were in private apartments. In these cases, the court set a fine of 150 thousand rubles. All.

— Everything is within the framework of our powers. Look, we busted a brothel in an apartment on Bolshoy Prospekt. 11 prostitutes and the manager were detained there. The court fined them a total of 18 thousand rubles. They paid for it. For them it is not a sum. The apartment is private, we cannot seal it.
This doesn't just apply to brothels. But also in clubs where noise is heard at night and disturbs residents' sleep, and in stores that sell alcohol to children or sell it at inappropriate hours - violators pay a small fine and continue to violate.

There will be more fans soon
Reader of "Evening Petersburg" Mikhail Yunusov: - I live on Raznochinnaya Street. For some reason, the Sportivnaya metro station closes after football matches. And all the fans are scattering around the area. They hooligan, break windows, paint the walls. Is it possible to send them along the “corridor” straight to “Sportivnaya”?
— It is impossible to send fans to Sportivnaya. As a rule, more than 21 thousand spectators attend the match. One station will not allow so many people through. Therefore, we have to separate fans from three stations: Chkalovskaya, Gorkovskaya and Petrogradskaya, some go to Vasileostrovskaya.
Here I again return to the patrol service. Before and during the match, up to four thousand police officers can ensure order. After the match they all take off and go to their respective areas. And we are left with a patrol service company of 80 people, a private security company of 16 employees, as well as a traffic police department company of 56 policemen. According to the deployment standards, this is 7 patrol cars. And even during the strengthening, we will not be able to block the territory of the region. Imagine when the Zenit Arena stadium will open for 65 thousand spectators?

What about CCTV cameras?
— There are cameras. We have 579 observation points on the streets. 15 video peepholes in front doors. 16 citizen-police terminals have also been installed. The area is covered by them quite densely. We also need cameras on bridges to combat car thefts. All of them were sent to our duty units. By the way, about personnel policy. I want to strengthen the duty units of departments and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Each now has two people. When any mass events take place, and this year there were 1,455 of them, they are literally sewn up.

Police are waiting for the New Year
What other units would you strengthen?
— We have created a police department to combat the spread of drugs to help Drug Control. And the work goes on. They hire seven distributors a month. But drugs provoke all other crimes. I would strengthen this department even more.

Reader of "Evening Petersburg" Nina Borisovna: - You have been the police for a long time, and the signs “police” are still hanging...
— Signs and inscriptions on cars have already been replaced. We are just waiting for the new form. They promised early next year.

You were promised something else at the beginning of next year...
- I understood the question. The police have worked and will continue to work. And I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of myself and the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to congratulate the veterans and personnel on their professional holiday.

Prepared by Mikhail TELEKHOV

© "Version in St. Petersburg" (St. Petersburg), 07/10/2006

Customs coins...

Pavel Luspekayev

The high-profile resignations of high-ranking customs officers, which happened not so long ago, will, of course, not solve the problem of corruption of those who are obliged to protect the interests of the state where the border begins.

Huge amounts of money are circulating at customs; they are almost comparable to the financial volumes of gas and oil workers. Is it any wonder that following an attempt to seize control and re-register ownership of industrial enterprises, trading companies, and sometimes state real estate, the so-called raiders came to customs terminals. This activity seemed too sweet to the economic villains...

Ring Road terminals

Who will believe that the Ring Road around the Northern capital is being built only so that thousands of large and small cars can tirelessly travel along it? But what about warehouses, terminals, gas stations, motels, tire shops and other facilities without which one cannot imagine a modern highway? That's right.

There is a Federal program for the development of the Ring Road, which provides for an increase, in particular, in transport terminals. Alexander Vasiliev, who spent many years serving in law enforcement agencies and even, according to some sources, was awarded honorary membership in the legendary special unit "GrAD" of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, also decided to create such a terminal.

For this purpose, Mr. Vasiliev acquired a plot of land in the village of Pesochny in 2000, which according to documents was designated as the Mekhzelenstroy Mechanization Department. However, there is an opinion that at that time this territory was quite cluttered and looked more like a local landfill than any kind of mechanized management. After a year, from the moment Dibuny LLC, owned by Vasiliev, took ownership, the site acquired a civilized appearance. Thus, 16,000 square meters of area turned into a full-fledged transport terminal and... immediately came under the close attention of police officials.

We cannot claim that the head of the criminal police of the Kurortny district, Stanislav Chichin, is directly related to Stanislav Chichin, who is a business partner of the reputable financial structures RSO Pomoshch and CJSC CB Tekhnokhimbank. Perhaps there is a third Stanislav Chichin, posing as a senior law enforcement officer and associate of St. Petersburg financiers. And, probably, it was this third one, as the owner of Dibuny LLC says, who did not invent complex schemes to join the treasured land, but simply offered to transfer the company’s property to his beloved daughter. How would you feel about such a proposal? So Vasiliev was not too happy about the kind words and sent the walker on his way. In response, he promised the businessman to “arrange a beautiful life.” And, I must say, he kept his word.

Somehow, quite unexpectedly, various inspectors began to frequent Dibuny LLC, and representatives of fiscal and law enforcement agencies began to take an interest in the company’s activities. And on June 4, 2004, Alexander Vasilyev, we think, was completely accidentally waylaid by a thug with a metal rod. Unfortunately for the attacker, he did not take into account that the potential victim might, for example, have special training.

But soon the entrepreneur received a call, and a familiar voice sympathetically asked if the “Dibunovite” had any problems?

Does customs give... or confiscate?

Vladimir Pyatakov, according to informed sources, is a highly influential person. It is believed that he is related to the largest customs corporation in the North-West, STERKH. Who knows if this gentleman is actually the actual owner of STERKH? It is possible that Vladimir Pyatakov will be able to tell by what rules the internal life of customs commanders is built. For example, is it really necessary to “deposit” only 500 thousand dollars into the North-West Customs Department to obtain a license for a post in Osinovaya Roshcha, and to remove the head of the Department from the post, it is only necessary to transfer 100 thousand “American rubles” to the right people? However, such figures will not surprise Vladimir Frantsevich, because “STERKH” earns much more per day! Indeed, the names of Vladimir Kogan and Gennady Korabelshchikov are often mentioned in connection with the activities of the corporation.

The scheme of near-customs enrichment is simple and uncomplicated. For example, the invoice value of one car with goods is declared at 5 thousand dollars, accordingly, customs duty and VAT are charged in the amount of 28% - 1400 dollars. Then customs adjusts the value, doubling the original figures. The recipient company honestly pays another $1,400 to the Russian budget when releasing the goods into free circulation.

The customs broker receives $2,800 from the client, and the client files a claim with the Arbitration Court against unauthorized actions of customs. The court makes a decision satisfying the claims. For some reason, the employees of the legal department of customs do not protest too much. And the second $1,400 honestly ends up in the pockets of the organizers of the simple scheme.

Imagine what kind of money we can talk about if only the STERKH corporation, which, we are convinced, has never engaged in any dubious fraud, handles two thousand cars and containers every month, and VAT is usually at least a thousand dollars?

Naturally, an economic structure that operates stably in the market is unlikely to win a case against customs. The risk is too great. Therefore, it is easier for shell companies created by people close to customs brokers to go to court.

Is that right, Mr. Pyatakov? After a successful operation, the documents are subject to destruction, and the problematic company is re-registered to other persons.

If we assume that when declaring under the broker's seal, customs inspection is not carried out, then a significant excess is possible in each container. This is especially interesting when, for example, meat products are imported, exceeding quotas for which brings excess profits. And one more thing - we believe in the honesty of customs officers who destroy contraband. It’s scary to think how drugs can be moved in containers!

However, as serious experts on the topic, you should contact the official director of the STERH corporation, Mikhail Baranov, and financier Nikolai Shapovalov. We invite them to a conversation about how to destroy all sorts of machinations of clever brokers who are causing obvious harm to their country. It would be useful to invite a close relative of the St. Petersburg oligarch Vladimir Kogan, Yuri Sverdlov, to the discussion. There is a version that some time ago Mr. Sverdlov took control of one of the largest regional poultry farms, and at the second he headed the board of directors. Was it not through them that thousands of tons of frozen imported legs, which were also handled by the STERKH corporation, were processed?

Where the Concorde was, the Ganges is there...

Interesting aspects of the activities around customs, according to Alexander Vasiliev, did not immediately become known to him. After the entrepreneur realized that they would still arrange a “beautiful life,” the owner of Dibuny LLC agreed to the offer of a business partnership coming from the all-powerful Vladimir Pyatakov. It was decided to create the Beloostrovsky customs post of the North-Western Excise Customs on the Dibunovsky section. Lease agreements for premises and territory have appeared to obtain a temporary storage warehouse license. As they hinted to Mr. Vasiliev, the issue was quickly resolved by allegedly paying the customs general 200 thousand dollars.

It is unknown whether the dignitary really received a heavy package with green pieces of paper or whether this was someone’s way of increasing his worth. But Beloostrovsky’s post worked like clockwork.

Pyatakov also offered his intercession to the new partner. For this, as Alexander Vasiliev says, a purchase and sale agreement was drawn up for the property of Dibuny LLC to a certain Concord company, headed by Rifat Telyashov. Naturally, the new owners of the territory received assurances that an agreement on the possibility of a buyback would be concluded immediately. Alas, influential people are too busy, and when mere mortals need their attention, for some reason there are always more important things to do.

Thus, the agreement on the possibility of a buyback turned into empty talk. Meanwhile, Concord was successfully increasing its cash flows.

It was too successful not to doubt that the temporary storage warehouse license was used in strict accordance with the current legislative framework.

But you can’t attach doubts to the case, and no one will undertake to allege gross violations.

And at that time the Ganges appeared...

The appearance of "Ganga" is an interesting passage in itself. It turns out that it was impossible for Vladimir Pyatakov’s associates to conclude an agreement on the possibility of a buyback, but time was found to transfer the assets to a new company. According to information from Alexander Vasilyev, who is now in an unknown capacity, the owner of Ganga is Andrei Korol, a former FSB operative who was allegedly fired without being included in the active reserve for storing an Agran machine gun in a service safe.

At one time, a certain security officer-operative successfully fit into the security system of the Seaport of St. Petersburg. Having contacted the now deceased authority Vitya Sloka (Murmansky), he helped organize uninterrupted transit of unaccounted for alcohol, fuel and antiques at one of the piers. To legalize the smuggling flow, a company was established specifically designed for the storage and sale of customs confiscated goods. When clouds gathered over the company, a timely fire occurred.

Then a new company appeared, and things began to boil. But Vitya Murmansky was eliminated by the criminal guys, and the security officer-operative immediately found other people interested in him. They say that when problems arose more than once I heard from him the sacramental phrase: “What questions? I am the king!” What exactly was meant, distant family relations with princes of blue blood or a big name, is difficult for us to judge. And you never know how many of them are kings? There was a time when a small king with a scepter ruled over every piece of land.

But our Andrei Korol, as entrepreneur Vasiliev shares in a conversation, is strong friends with Vladimir Pyatakov and Nikolai Shapovalov. So strong that now there is no way for the owner of Dibuny LLC to enter the terminal territory. However, influential people have already digested more than one gullible company.

Do you have any questions regarding how the property of Alisar LLC, Skat TD LLC, LDS-Mekhanizatsiya LLC, and Elegion LLC turned out to be under their control? It seems that a similar fate awaits the subsidiary of Dibuny LLC - Vremya LLC. According to Alexander Vasiliev, the decision to transfer the Beloostrovsky customs post to Osinovaya Roshcha, to the patrimony of police officer Stanislav Chichin, is now being pushed through in various ways. By the way, both Chichin and even the deputy head of the St. Petersburg police department Oleg Makhno, as Vasiliev franks, are trying to influence him by conducting “touching” telephone conversations. Maybe it’s malicious telephone terrorists who are whispering insinuatingly into the receiver, and not people in police uniform?

Many of the episodes outlined in this journalistic material are already known to representatives of the competent authorities. Alexander Vasiliev handed over documents detailing the situation to the St. Petersburg prosecutor's office, the economic security service of the FSB Directorate, a special commission of the Federal Customs Service, and sent letters to the head of government and the President of Russia. So far everyone is silent.

“It’s unlikely that anyone has finally managed to solve the problem of corruption. But this does not mean that there is no need to fight it,” said the first person of the state after a series of high-profile revelations in the customs sphere. “The work is not finished yet...” I would like these The words weren’t just said on occasion!

Stars“We check every signal...” –First of all, the city governor noted that the strengthening of the material and technical base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs continues. This can be seen in our area,” says Stanislav Antonovich. – Thanks to the help of the administration, the building of the police department in Sestroretsk was repaired. We are currently setting it up. We will equip offices and a duty room, which will have everything necessary for high-quality service. In her Annual Address to the Legislative Assembly, Governor Valentina Matvienko paid a lot of attention to the work of the St. Petersburg police. We asked the head of the internal affairs department of the Kurortny district of St. Petersburg, police colonel Stanislav Chichin, to share his thoughts on this matter. We have new cars in all police departments - in Repin, Zelenogorsk and Pesochny. Just recently we received three motorcycles for patrol duty. As a result, more mobile mobile groups appeared. – Actually, the tasks of the police are the same everywhere – to protect the peace of citizens. However, I agree: there are specifics. The name itself speaks for this – Resort. – Your area is specific, probably, and the tasks of the police are somewhat different from others? Tell us about it. “In this regard,” continues Stanislav Chichin, “we are switching to a summer schedule, that is, we work on weekends and rest on weekdays according to a staggered schedule. We pay special attention to the most crime-prone areas. We post there. This applies to the locations of boarding houses, sanatoriums, mass car parking, and the coast of Lake Razliv. We also patrol the beach areas. Stanislav Antonovich and I approach the map. It shows the boundaries of the territory: the permanent population in the area is about 70 thousand people. And in the summer on weekends there are up to a million vacationers. – What is the general situation in the area? - I ask Stanislav Antonovich. We also identify places where unauthorized discos and youth “parties” are held. Huge trucks arrive there, equipment is installed on them, and the organizers of the “event” blast the music so hard that the eardrums are ready to burst. There were attempts to hold similar gatherings under the guise of festivals on the shores of Lake Razliv, Black Lake, in Solnechny, Komarov, on the beaches and even at... a military cemetery. – At the same time, there are enough places where people celebrate their anniversaries, birthdays, and other events that are important to them. They come to us as if they were in some exotic area to “have fun to the fullest” with fireworks and other noise and light effects,” continues Chichin. – Last year we gathered all representatives of shopping and entertainment enterprises, held a meeting with them, and signed the requirements for maintaining silence in the area. And I can say that the number of complaints from local residents has decreased significantly.– Valentina Matvienko noted that a decrease in the crime rate is not a reason to turn a blind eye to the problem of relations between the police and citizens. Indifference to the appeals of St. Petersburg residents, lack of culture, and even more so rudeness are absolutely unacceptable on the part of police officers. How are you doing with this? - I ask the head of the department.

“We have no place for the indifferent”

Among other things, there is a helpline and all conversations are recorded. We also check with the emergency rooms of hospitals where victims are admitted. After all, residents do not call the police in every situation, but we are obliged to be aware of all incidents in the area.

– A very serious topic. We are obliged to respond and do respond to every appeal from citizens. This is an axiom. Answers like “Come to the department and we’ll sort it out” or “Go to the department” are unacceptable with us. Each statement is recorded, a police squad goes to the place and investigates.

Who will believe that the Ring Road around the Northern capital is being built only so that thousands of large and small cars can tirelessly travel along it? But what about warehouses, terminals, gas stations, motels, tire shops and other facilities without which one cannot imagine a modern highway? That's right.

There is a Federal program for the development of the Ring Road, which provides for an increase, in particular, in transport terminals. Alexander Vasiliev, who spent many years serving in law enforcement agencies and even, according to some sources, was awarded honorary membership in the legendary special unit "GrAD" of the FSB Directorate for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, also decided to create such a terminal.

For this purpose, Mr. Vasiliev acquired a plot of land in the village of Pesochny in 2000, which according to documents was designated as the Mekhzelenstroy Mechanization Department. However, there is an opinion that at that time this territory was quite cluttered and looked more like a local landfill than any kind of mechanized management. After a year, from the moment Dibuny LLC, owned by Vasiliev, took ownership, the site acquired a civilized appearance. Thus, 16,000 square meters of area turned into a full-fledged transport terminal and... immediately came under the close attention of police officials.

We cannot claim that the head of the criminal police of the Kurortny district, Stanislav Chichin, is directly related to Stanislav Chichin, who is a business partner of the reputable financial structures RSO Pomoshch and CJSC CB Tekhnokhimbank. Perhaps there is a third Stanislav Chichin, posing as a senior law enforcement officer and associate of St. Petersburg financiers. And, probably, it was this third one, as the owner of Dibuny LLC says, who did not invent complex schemes to join the treasured land, but simply offered to transfer the company’s property to his beloved daughter. How would you feel about such a proposal? So Vasiliev was not too happy about the kind words and sent the walker on his way. In response, he promised the businessman to “arrange a beautiful life.” And, I must say, he kept his word.

Somehow, quite unexpectedly, various inspectors began to frequent Dibuny LLC, and representatives of fiscal and law enforcement agencies began to take an interest in the company’s activities. And on June 4, 2004, Alexander Vasilyev, we think, was completely accidentally waylaid by a thug with a metal rod. Unfortunately for the attacker, he did not take into account that the potential victim might, for example, have special training.

But soon the entrepreneur received a call, and a familiar voice sympathetically asked if the “Dibunovite” had any problems?

Does customs give... or confiscate?

Vladimir Pyatakov, according to informed sources, is a highly influential person. It is believed that he is related to the largest customs corporation in the North-West, STERKH. Who knows if this gentleman is actually the actual owner of STERKH? It is possible that Vladimir Pyatakov will be able to tell by what rules the internal life of customs commanders is built. For example, is it really necessary to “deposit” only 500 thousand dollars into the North-West Customs Department to obtain a license for a post in Osinovaya Roshcha, and to remove the head of the Department from the post, it is only necessary to transfer 100 thousand “American rubles” to the right people? However, such figures will not surprise Vladimir Frantsevich, because “STERKH” earns much more per day! Indeed, the names of Vladimir Kogan and Gennady Korabelshchikov are often mentioned in connection with the activities of the corporation.

The scheme of near-customs enrichment is simple and uncomplicated. For example, the invoice value of one car with goods is declared at 5 thousand dollars, accordingly, customs duty and VAT are charged in the amount of 28% - 1400 dollars. Then customs adjusts the value, doubling the original figures. The recipient company honestly pays another $1,400 to the Russian budget when releasing the goods into free circulation.

The customs broker receives $2,800 from the client, and the client files a claim with the Arbitration Court against unauthorized actions of customs. The court makes a decision satisfying the claims. For some reason, the employees of the legal department of customs do not protest too much. And the second $1,400 honestly ends up in the pockets of the organizers of the simple scheme.

Imagine what kind of money we can talk about if only the STERKH corporation, which, we are convinced, has never engaged in any dubious fraud, handles two thousand cars and containers every month, and VAT is usually at least a thousand dollars?

Naturally, an economic structure that operates stably in the market is unlikely to win a case against customs. The risk is too great. Therefore, it is easier for shell companies created by people close to customs brokers to go to court.

Is that right, Mr. Pyatakov? After a successful operation, the documents are subject to destruction, and the problematic company is re-registered to other persons.

If we assume that when declaring under the broker's seal, customs inspection is not carried out, then a significant excess is possible in each container. This is especially interesting when, for example, meat products are imported, exceeding quotas for which brings excess profits. And one more thing - we believe in the honesty of customs officers who destroy contraband. It’s scary to think how drugs can be moved in containers!

However, as serious experts on the topic, you should contact the official director of the STERH corporation, Mikhail Baranov, and financier Nikolai Shapovalov. We invite them to a conversation about how to destroy all sorts of machinations of clever brokers who are causing obvious harm to their country. It would be useful to invite a close relative of the St. Petersburg oligarch Vladimir Kogan, Yuri Sverdlov, to the discussion. There is a version that some time ago Mr. Sverdlov took control of one of the largest regional poultry farms, and at the second he headed the board of directors. Was it not through them that thousands of tons of frozen imported legs, which were also handled by the STERKH corporation, were processed?

Where the Concorde was, the Ganges is there...

Interesting aspects of the activities around customs, according to Alexander Vasiliev, did not immediately become known to him. After the entrepreneur realized that they would still arrange a “beautiful life,” the owner of Dibuny LLC agreed to the offer of a business partnership coming from the all-powerful Vladimir Pyatakov. It was decided to create the Beloostrovsky customs post of the North-Western Excise Customs on the Dibunovsky section. Lease agreements for premises and territory have appeared to obtain a temporary storage warehouse license. As they hinted to Mr. Vasiliev, the issue was quickly resolved by allegedly paying the customs general 200 thousand dollars.

It is unknown whether the dignitary really received a heavy package with green pieces of paper or whether this was someone’s way of increasing his worth. But Beloostrovsky’s post worked like clockwork.

Pyatakov also offered his intercession to the new partner. For this, as Alexander Vasiliev says, a purchase and sale agreement was drawn up for the property of Dibuny LLC to a certain Concord company, headed by Rifat Telyashov. Naturally, the new owners of the territory received assurances that an agreement on the possibility of a buyback would be concluded immediately. Alas, influential people are too busy, and when mere mortals need their attention, for some reason there are always more important things to do.

Thus, the agreement on the possibility of a buyback turned into empty talk. Meanwhile, Concord was successfully increasing its cash flows.

It was too successful not to doubt that the temporary storage warehouse license was used in strict accordance with the current legislative framework.

But you can’t attach doubts to the case, and no one will undertake to allege gross violations.

And at that time the Ganges appeared...

The appearance of "Ganga" is an interesting passage in itself. It turns out that it was impossible for Vladimir Pyatakov’s associates to conclude an agreement on the possibility of a buyback, but time was found to transfer the assets to a new company. According to information from Alexander Vasilyev, who is now in an unknown capacity, the owner of Ganga is Andrei Korol, a former FSB operative who was allegedly fired without being included in the active reserve for storing an Agran machine gun in a service safe.

At one time, a certain security officer-operative successfully fit into the security system of the Seaport of St. Petersburg. Having contacted the now deceased authority Vitya Sloka (Murmansky), he helped organize uninterrupted transit of unaccounted for alcohol, fuel and antiques at one of the piers. To legalize the smuggling flow, a company was established specifically designed for the storage and sale of customs confiscated goods. When clouds gathered over the company, a timely fire occurred.

Andrey Korol and Victor Sloka: "09/26/1997 Source of information: personal message. Summary: FORM 1 ABD; No. 01169-97; name: 7805 A045546: Sloka V.Ya. previously convicted and Gusev A.V. (former employee FSB) are the owners of the company “Ipex”, they are engaged in storing and then selling goods seized by customs authorities. Their “protector” is A.V. Korol, who previously worked in the FSB counter-terrorism department, and currently in the FSB economic counterintelligence service. .Korol A.V. receives money for the implementation of the “roof”; he was given a VAZ2109 car. Perhaps he has an attraction to Petrovlad LLC.

Then a new company appeared, and things began to boil. But Vitya Murmansky was eliminated by the criminal guys, and the security officer-operative immediately found other people interested in him. They say that when problems arose more than once I heard from him the sacramental phrase: “What questions? I am the king!” What exactly was meant, distant family relations with princes of blue blood or a big name, is difficult for us to judge. And you never know how many of them are kings? There was a time when a small king with a scepter ruled over every piece of land.

But our Andrei Korol, as entrepreneur Vasiliev shares in a conversation, is strong friends with Vladimir Pyatakov and Nikolai Shapovalov. So strong that now there is no way for the owner of Dibuny LLC to enter the terminal territory. However, influential people have already digested more than one gullible company.

Do you have any questions regarding how the property of Alisar LLC, Skat TD LLC, LDS-Mekhanizatsiya LLC, and Elegion LLC turned out to be under their control? It seems that a similar fate awaits the subsidiary of Dibuny LLC - Vremya LLC. According to Alexander Vasiliev, the decision to transfer the Beloostrovsky customs post to Osinovaya Roshcha, to the patrimony of police officer Stanislav Chichin, is now being pushed through in various ways. By the way, both Chichin and even the deputy head of the St. Petersburg police department Oleg Makhno, as Vasiliev franks, are trying to influence him by conducting “touching” telephone conversations. Maybe it’s malicious telephone terrorists who are whispering insinuatingly into the receiver, and not people in police uniform?

Many of the episodes outlined in this journalistic material are already known to representatives of the competent authorities. Alexander Vasiliev handed over documents detailing the situation to the St. Petersburg prosecutor's office, the economic security service of the FSB Directorate, a special commission of the Federal Customs Service, and sent letters to the head of government and the President of Russia. So far everyone is silent.

“It’s unlikely that anyone has finally managed to solve the problem of corruption. But this does not mean that there is no need to fight it,” said the first person of the state after a series of high-profile revelations in the customs sphere. “The work is not finished yet...” I would like these The words weren’t just said on occasion!

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