Zhong Yuan Qigong: “Big Tree” is an analogue of the “Pillar Standing” exercise. Source: Xuyi Mingtang, Tamara Martynova

Therapy with Thought Images - Image Therapy - is an effective direction of medical qigong, which until the summer of 1997 was classified as “secret knowledge”. This block is also conventionally divided into several stages. At the seminar they study:
- Fundamental differences between traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. Treatment methods. Qigong and qigong therapy;
- Levels of worlds, dimensions of space and man;
- An integrated approach to a person as an integral system. Its structure and levels;
- Health as a state of balance of the physical body, energy and information;
- Awareness of life outside of time.
- Working with cause-and-effect relationships.
- Treatment from a world beyond time and distance - awakening of matter, its change, regeneration, transformation;
- Human regeneration systems from the perspective of qigong therapy.
- Resonance therapy with mantras using symbols and mental images.
- Treatment of diseases of internal organs, nervous and endocrine systems, vascular diseases.
- Mercy, Love, Gratitude as factors of Being and treating a person according to the laws of the Cosmos.

What is image therapy within the Zhong Yuan Qigong system?

At Zhong Yuan Qigong we use image therapy for healing. At the beginning, the therapist conducts a qigong examination of the client on three levels: physical, energetic and informational.

At the physical level, the therapist diagnoses the structure of the body. For example, if a therapist sees a hole in the stomach, this means that the patient has an ulcer. And small black spots in the blood signal damage to the joints, which at a more advanced stage of the disease can develop into arthritis.

The therapist then looks at the energy system, which is as complex and heterogeneous as our physical body. Many diseases can be detected on the subtle plane even before any physical symptoms appear. For example, on an energetic level, cancer can be detected several years before its physical manifestation. Therefore, energy diagnostics makes it possible to take measures to prevent the development of diseases.

The information level of diagnosis allows the therapist to assess the impact on health of your consciousness, acquired knowledge, thought process, emotions, beliefs, information embedded in DNA, as well as ecology and society. Using this method, you can see how emotions and beliefs become the cause of physical illness. If necessary, the therapist can determine at what exact moment and due to what circumstances a particular disease arose.

Mingtang told one of his patients that she had an incident 30 years ago that still left her feeling angry and resentful, and that negative energy was affecting her liver. This allowed her to get rid of unwanted emotions and prevent the manifestation of the disease on the physical plane.

Since the physical, energy and information systems are interconnected, they equally influence each other. When you are physically healthy, energetically strong and emotionally stable, you think clearly and clearly. Conversely, at a time when you have little energy, a sick body and a weak immune system, you easily succumb to stress and depression.

Image therapy treatment Zhong Yuan Qigong

An image therapist examines and treats the whole person. Moreover, treatment is always individual, since there are no two absolutely identical people, and even the same person changes over time. Several patients may have the same symptoms, but the causes of illness in each individual case will be different. And, conversely, with completely dissimilar symptoms, there may be one cause of the disease.

Let's give this example: a girl and a young man's vision has deteriorated greatly. After reviewing their medical histories, we discovered that both had had stomach problems for a long time in the past. After examining the girl, Mingtang concluded that she had eaten something that had a negative effect on her stomach, which in turn led to a deterioration in her liver function. Due to a lack of energy in the liver canal, the energy potential in the eye canal decreased, and as a result, the girl became nearsighted in one eye and farsighted in the other. Therefore, first of all, Mingtang began to treat her stomach, then her liver, and only after that - her eyes. Vision returned to normal after 6 sessions.

And in the case of a young man, the disease began with liver damage. Its dysfunction caused indigestion, which in turn led to myopia a few months later. Therefore, the treatment of the young man was very different from the treatment of the girl.

Positive “side effects” of image therapy treatment

Patients often notice that not only the symptoms that were directly addressed by the treatment disappear, but also other ailments. Image therapy treats the whole person. Often, treatment of a gastric or kidney disorder leads not only to relief of this particular ailment, but also to relief from fifteen years of impotence, impotence, depression, headaches, etc. Many patients claim that after the sessions they became calmer, more balanced and even happier. In addition, they notice increased immunity, increased vitality, clarity of thought and improved general condition.

After 4 sessions, a 90-year-old woman admitted: “I have never felt such clarity of thought, such concentration in my life!”
Another patient, after two sessions, stated: “I feel like an energy bomb in my body has been defused.”
A patient who had suffered from chronic fatigue for over 10 years said: “For the first time in ten years I felt like myself. I have so much strength that it seems that I could achieve anything in the world. My life has become much more vibrant and fulfilling.”

Long-term studies have shown that CONSTANT PRACTICE OF QI GONG prevents disease, prolongs life and unlocks human potential. Hundreds of Xu Mingtang's patients became his students and, through practice, developed their own diagnostic and treatment abilities.

Energy, physical and informational treatment

Image therapists focus their energy on strengthening the patient's weakened or dormant energy systems, awakening chi centers, opening channels, and restoring the body's innate healing powers. Using the information obtained during diagnosis, the therapist distributes qi energy within the body: removes excess energy from some organs and places it in others, thus restoring the energy balance in the body. In addition, the therapist improves the patient's connection with the universe and attracts external energy, which has a beneficial effect on the patient's health.

If the energetic imbalance, blockage or stagnation of qi has not yet had time to manifest itself in the physical or information body, one treatment session may be quite enough.

A qigong nurse practitioner suffered from lower back pain for two weeks. The doctor at the sports clinic where she worked was unable to determine the cause. Xuyi Mingtang discovered an energy blockage in her back, and after 15 minutes of treatment, the pain decreased by 80%. Two days later, her back still hurt, but not much, and on the third it went away completely. For two years after treatment, the pain never returned.

Another woman suffered from chronic lower back pain for many years. At the same time, when she began practicing Zhong Yuan Qigong while performing the “Big Tree” exercise, the pain noticeably intensified due to the energy’s attempts to break through the existing block. As Mingtang passed her, he felt her pain. He opened the canal, and six months later the woman said her lower back no longer hurt.

If the physical body has already been affected by negative energy or information, more image therapy sessions may be required for complete recovery.

Three years ago, a woman injured her spine in a car accident. Doctors decided that she needed surgery, but the pain would still not be completely relieved. She had to take more and more powerful drugs. When she came to see Xuyi Mingtang, he examined her and found that the bone marrow and many nerves were damaged during the accident. After the course of treatment, the woman was able to go on a two-day hike and did not experience pain. As a result of constant qigong practice, she finally healed her back.

I (Claire) once treated a young patient who had nearly died in a car accident. He remained in a coma for a week, which led to severe stagnation of energy. When I was working on awakening certain areas, I knew that he must have been in excruciating pain at that moment, but he himself did not say anything. When I asked him how he managed to relax enough for me to work with him, he said: “I thought that if I could bear the pain of the disaster, I could bear the treatment.”

Physical damage takes a long time to heal, but nerve fibers can take even longer to heal.

Energy and information healing can affect the physical body. One man came to see Xuyi Mingtang complaining of low immunity. He himself is a chiropractor. One of his vertebrae kept shifting, and he periodically asked his colleague to realign it. After Xu Mingtang's course of treatment, not only the patient's immune system returned to normal, but also the displacement of the vertebrae stopped. A few months later, when we met, he admitted that he was constantly amazed that his vertebra was still in place.

When treating information diseases, Mingtang looks at the patient's past to identify the event that caused the emotional trauma. If this can contribute to recovery, he helps the patient remember the cause of the disease and trace its development over time. In order for the patient to be able to destroy the cause, Mintang sometimes reads special mantras. In addition, it may be necessary to expand the patient's knowledge or correct some of his philosophical views so that he can see life from a different perspective. Some internal conflicts must be resolved before treatment can have any effect.

No physical, energetic or informational substance disappears without a trace. To resolve a situation that has a negative impact on the patient, Mingtang acts as an intermediary between the physical, energy and information systems. Energy or informational healing is more difficult to explain than physical healing. This is due to the fact that our culture over the past two centuries has been mainly focused on understanding the physical side of existence. We now have the opportunity to further explore these interconnected systems with Xuyi Mingtang.

Since all three aspects of human existence - physical, energetic and informational - are interconnected, to cure the disease it is necessary to balance them among themselves. Emotions can be associated with physical illness, so emotional outbursts are possible during treatment. At the same time, some emotions (sadness, anger, fear) may manifest themselves in the form of trembling or laughter. During the entire treatment period, the patient may feel emotional stress. This is fine. At the end of your therapy sessions, your entire body will be more balanced.

In this treatment method, each human organ is treated as a separate living unit. Any disease requires its own approach. Some organs may have a lack of information, in which case they need nutrition, while others may have an excess that needs to be removed. When working with certain information, Xu Mingtang can allow himself some emotional displays. At the same time, it is very important to take into account that the therapist’s emotional reactions during treatment are aimed exclusively at the disease, and not personally at the patient. To gain deeper knowledge on the informational aspect of Image Therapy treatment with Zhong Yuan Qigong, you can attend a Zhong Yuan Qigong class or retreat.

How does image therapy differ from other treatment methods?

Since the development of modern medicine at the beginning of the 20th century, people living in the West have become accustomed to believing that a doctor will do everything for them. Many people have forgotten that we all have the innate ability to heal ourselves.

Image Therapy activates this ability of ours. To achieve the best treatment results, the active participation of the patient is required. Sometimes, to speed up the healing process, the therapist asks the patient to perform certain qigong exercises, which significantly reduces the treatment time.

Many people mistakenly believe that we should not experience pain at any time. However, pain itself is not “bad”; it is simply a signal from our body. A certain part of the body thus informs our nerves, and then the brain, that something is wrong and requires attention. Sometimes with chronic pain, our body and brain learn not to notice it, as if they fall asleep, and before trying to fix anything, we need to wake them up. Therefore, after two to four sessions, an exacerbation is possible, and only then you will feel better. THIS IS A NORMAL PHASE OF THE TREATMENT PROCESS.

When performing some qigong exercises, very unpleasant sensations may occur. The fact is that when qi tries to break through the blocks, increased pressure arises in this place, which causes a sensation of pain or tingling. Many practitioners experience great discomfort in the Big Tree stance at first. This is because when you do this exercise, your body tells you everything that is wrong with it in the form of pain, numbness and other sensations. If you continue to practice, the energy in your body will become stronger and will be able to break through all blocks and stagnation. Energy channels will open and your body will become more energetic, relaxed and healthy. You can spend several days self-medicating with qigong exercises for an acute problem or several years for dealing with a chronic disease. The duration of treatment also depends on the intensity and depth of your practice.

Xu Mingtang's treatment can produce results VERY FAST. In each session, he increases the energy of your body to produce the desired changes in the most optimal way. If you decide to seek help from Xuyi Mingtang or another Zhong Yuan Qigong Image Therapist, it is very important to FOLLOW THEIR INSTRUCTIONS STRAIGHTLY.

Mingtang uses regeneration methods that require taking calcium, herbs or other supplements. If he asks you to take any substance, YOU MUST TAKE IT IMMEDIATELY because it means your body needs extra nutrition to repair and heal. Otherwise, headaches, muscle spasms and prolongation of therapy are possible.

Image therapy treatment and Zhong Yuan Qigong practice significantly improve the immune system. Cancer cells can appear in anyone, and it is important to have a strong immune system so that cancer or other disease does not manifest itself in the physical body. With the help of image therapy and qigong practice, you can not only prevent the formation of cancer, but also cure it even in an advanced stage.

In one of Mingtang's patients, the doctor discovered a large tumor in the breast, the border of which was not clearly marked. This threatened the woman with removal of the mammary gland. But she refused the operation and came to see Xuyi Mingtang. Pain in her neck and lower back caused by the tumor made it difficult for her to move around. After two weeks of therapy, her mammogram returned normal and showed no tumor. She continued her daily qigong practice. One day during class, she lost consciousness and did not come to her senses for three days. After that, all her medical tests showed normal. She was cured of cancer in 1993. Since then, she regularly attends seminars and teaches qigong classes.

Areas in which Zhong Yuan Qigong Image Therapy is most effective

Image therapy is especially effective in areas for which Western medicine has not yet found a standard treatment. This is because image therapy increases qi, or vital energy, and simultaneously affects the physical, energetic and spiritual body. For example, Western science discovered so-called “lazy” cells only recently, while image therapy has been awakening “lazy” organs and cells from the very beginning. Scientists have also recently concluded that the frontal part of our brain is associated with emotions. At the same time, Zhong Yuan Qigong image therapy has always used balancing of this part of the brain to achieve emotional balance.

How Zhong Yuan Qigong works with chronic diseases

When treating with Zhong Yuan Qigong image therapy, we awaken organs that have chronic failure, are dormant, and inert. Many patients report that it is as if they have been feeling constant discomfort in an area of ​​the body for a long time, and now that area is finally getting the attention it needs. We specifically attract the body's attention so that it realizes that something is wrong in a certain place. We need to send extra help, extra blood and extra qi there. With the flow of energy, sensations in such organs noticeably intensify. Stagnant energy rises to the surface, the body begins to react to it more acutely, and this allows us to get rid of it more easily.

Chronic disease also manifests itself in many ways: on the physical, energetic and information levels. We work with all layers. The work is completed only when the cellular memory is released. In this case, the organ returns to its original healthy state.

Sometimes the condition of various organs is strongly interrelated. In this case, you should work with each organ in turn, achieving a shift in the balance of the system from the sick to the healthy.

When the entire system begins to work more harmoniously, a person discovers many seemingly unrelated improvements. For example, when the kidneys are cleansed and their function is strengthened, sexual energy also increases. Hearing may improve, bones and teeth may become stronger and, finally, a person may be much less susceptible to fears, troubles will recede. And these are just a few of the things that the renal system can influence. Of course, all other organs will also become healthier.

What is the recovery rate when treated with Zhong Yuan Qigong image therapy?

Xu Mingtang has been practicing medicine since he was seven years old. He has cured thousands of people in China, the former Soviet republics, Germany, Spain, Israel, Hungary, Latvia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and the United States.

The speed of recovery depends on many factors. One of them is the patient's attitude. Some people are willing to accept responsibility for treatment, while others are not. In addition, much depends on whether the disease is acute or chronic, on the state of the immune system, on the age of the patient and on his immediate environment. USUALLY, A PERSON'S ATTITUDE PLAYS A DECISIVE ROLE IN TREATMENT, much more so than the severity and duration of the disease itself.

Our experience shows that patients who are not ready for recovery, do not follow instructions and do not practice, underestimate the importance of treatment and do not want to make changes in the form of thinking, a negative social environment and give up bad habits, usually do not get a good result. No one can guarantee a complete recovery. The result is influenced by your personal choice.

Xu Mingtang has successfully treated many forms of cancer, such as breast, ovarian, uterine, cervical, prostate, lung and brain cancer. After one session of image therapy, cancer cells were no longer detected in many patients. For many, the tumor was assimilated after a period of six months to two years. For highly advanced cancer, image therapy sessions can reduce pain and suffering and shorten the disease.

No matter how serious your illness is, if you do at least one qigong exercise every day, you will soon feel a change.

How can I increase my chance of recovery?

Please read the following questions and explanations carefully and answer yourself honestly whether you are ready for treatment. If the answer is yes, the information below will help you achieve the best effect. If you are having trouble making a decision, first attend a Zhong Yuan Qigong class or retreat to better understand the basic ideas of image therapy.

1. Are you really ready for treatment? Full recovery can only come when you are ready to let go of the illness. You must learn to cope with problems and resist negative emotional, physical and social energy.
Are you really ready to change your lifestyle? This may mean that you will have to eat different foods, change your priorities, get more rest, do qigong exercises, work with fears and wrong beliefs, etc. Are there people in your life who are important to you who can support you on your path to recovery? After 12 sessions you may feel better, but if you don't change your lifestyle, you may get sick again because the part of you that caused the illness last time will still be strong.

2. If you are ready for recovery, are you truly ready to do the program? Typically, the course of treatment consists of 8-12 procedures, which must be carried out on consecutive days. Will you be able to attend at least 8 sessions? This is exactly what is usually required to change the body at the cellular level and establish a new healthy equilibrium. Sometimes doing only 7 sessions means significantly reducing the result. If you can only attend 7 sessions and then wait a week to make time for the 8th, then it is better to postpone treatment until you are able to complete 8 treatments in a row. If you miss one session, it may reduce your chance of recovery or prolong treatment. Depending on the disease and the organization of treatment, one procedure can take from 20 minutes to one hour. After the session, we highly recommend a three-hour rest period because the chi continues to work on your body. Some patients at this time feel very tired, dizzy, lethargic, etc. For three hours after your treatment, we ask you NOT TO READ, WATCH TV OR EAT FOOD. Therefore, in order not to experience discomfort later, do not forget to eat before the procedure. If you need to go home immediately after treatment, tell your therapist and they will delay the start of your rest. According to Xu Mingtang, treatment can be compared to eating, and subsequent relaxation is required for better digestion and absorption of food. If you eat a lot but fail to digest it, you won't get any nutrients. Therefore, rest is no less important than the treatment itself.

3. Are you really ready to strictly follow instructions? If a therapist tells you to do something today and you put it off until tomorrow, you will miss the opportunity and not get the expected results. During a Mingtang session, you will be given specific energy to make changes, but to maintain these changes, you may need some physical substances. For example, if you are receiving energy to strengthen your bones, then Mingtang may ask you to make yourself bone soup or take other additional elements that strengthen your bones on a physical level. If you are torn between the conflicting opinions of other doctors and the theories you read from books, wait until the chaos in your head has subsided and you are ready to calmly follow the instructions of the image therapist.
For example, one patient with Parkinson's disease was told by Mingtang to take double the amount of calcium. After several sessions it became obvious that the disease was progressing. When asked if he took calcium, he replied that he didn’t even buy it.

4. After finishing your session with Xuyi Mingtang, please inform the administrator about what was assigned to you. This will help avoid misunderstandings.
One patient was told to take herbs for a week. He thought they were too expensive and divided them into two weeks. After seven sessions, the desired result was not obtained.
Some sleeping pills and sedatives can cause psychological or physical addiction. Your therapist knows exactly when your body is healthy enough to stop taking your medications. If you do not stop treatment at this point, the desired effect may not be achieved.

5. There are many healing theories and treatment methods. Be sure to tell your therapist what other method you are currently being treated with or are planning to be treated at the same time as image therapy. Not all techniques are compatible with image therapy. Discuss with your therapist whether a particular technique will promote recovery or interfere with the results of image therapy.

6. If, after completing the course of treatment for one disease, you want to cure another, please fill out a new medical history. The causes of some diseases may be different. For example, if you complain of diabetes and knee pain, you should treat one first and then the other. Mingtang will be able to tell you right away how many sessions will be required to treat the second disease.

7. At the end of the course of treatment, many patients are close to recovery. If they practice qigong, their recovery will be complete over time. At this point, you should decide whether you want to just wait or whether you prefer to continue therapy to get results in a shorter time. Discuss this issue with your GP.

8. If you have any questions or concerns about changes during your treatment, you can contact your therapist at any time.

9. During the course of image therapy, we strongly recommend that you keep a diary of the changes occurring in your physical, energy and information body. Sometimes it can be helpful to remember the original symptoms. It will also help you remember to report any physical, energetic, emotional, or mental changes to your therapist. You can also use this diary to track your progress in treatment.

10. Please wear soft clothing for image therapy sessions: no rough cotton fabric or zippers.
By following the above recommendations, your treatment should be more successful. Please remember that you are solely responsible for your decisions.

What is the difference between image therapy treatment and the self-healing technique that Xuyi Mingtang teaches at retreats?

Self-healing exercises focus on long-term healing throughout your life, as well as disease prevention and inner development. With constant practice, your chi energy becomes strong. Your body knows what it needs. The movement of qi inside your body indicates existing blocks and stagnations, and thus you begin to understand your own body and gain the ability to self-diagnose. As you practice, your body will automatically begin to heal and become energetically balanced. Many practitioners gain the ability to see and treat illnesses in others.

At the beginning of a course of Image Therapy treatment, Mingtang does a general examination and focuses on the most important problems in the patient's body. He treats them first. Treatment of less serious diseases in the body is postponed until later. Often these diseases can be treated by performing Zhong Yuan Qigong exercises. If you want to gain more knowledge about the theory and practice of Chinese Medical Qigong, we highly recommend attending the Zhong Yuan Qigong Retreat, where Mingtang will explain everything in detail.

Every person has "weak spots" in their body. This could be a constantly twisted ankle, constantly inflamed tonsils, weak lungs from frequent colds, a diseased liver from constant drinking of alcoholic beverages, or weak kidneys from chronic stress.

Under the influence of stress and physical activity, the “weak spot” becomes inflamed. Regular qigong practice prevents stress and the recurrence of “old sores”. After a course of treatment, many clients get rid of acute diseases. Qigong exercises learned at seminars and retreats will help prevent the return of “old” diseases.

There are still many rumors and legends about this experienced practitioner; there are also those who do not like the Chinese hereditary physician at all.

But it is worth noting that Qigong Master Xuyi Mingtang is one of the most prominent practitioners of Eastern medicine, so it would be ignorant to ignore him. In 1991, the Master moved to Russia to continue practicing qigong and teaching Zhong Yuan, and then traveled around the globe.

Xiyu Mingtang: New Level Qigong or a Fraud

I would like to immediately note that Qigong Master Xu Mingtang has ill-wishers mainly for a number of reasons:

  • People generally have a poor understanding of Chinese medicine and know nothing about its fundamental concepts;
  • People hardly realize the significance of qigong practice (for many ignorant people it is just passive gymnastics";
  • Some practitioners are simply jealous of Mingtang's success and fame, since their own system does not bring such results.

In essence, to criticize the works of Xu Mingtang means to criticize all of Chinese traditional medicine as a whole, because the Master sacredly observes and preserves all its traditions, and he himself comes from the family of a Chinese doctor.

For an inexperienced practitioner, Zhong Yuan is qigong that is overwhelming, because it requires already certain knowledge, skills, and experience of long-term training. Many adherents and followers of Mingtang's teachings come to him consciously, wanting a new level of practice.

To help inexperienced people penetrate the secrets of Chinese medicine, Xu Mingtang specially created and released three consecutive manuals.

These are three teaching books, like steps that will help you climb to the very top of Eastern wisdom and comprehend all the possibilities of self-healing.

On the Internet you can find negative reviews about the Master’s appearance - supposedly he doesn’t look too good for his current 53 years. Of course, such criticism is an extremely strange phenomenon, especially considering that Mingtang’s works themselves are selling like hot cakes. And none of those who have read and mastered Xu Mingtang’s manuals respond negatively to the practice, which already says a lot.

For commentators who unreasonably criticize the appearance of the Master, the followers of his teachings have prepared a reasonable answer:

« As we all know, at birth each person is given a charge of Qi energy. The faster this reserve is used up, the faster a person ages. The practices of healing and spiritual shepherding require enormous expenditures of energy. And you know very well that Master Xuyi Mingtang began helping people and healing at the age of fourteen. If he had simply developed his abilities and practiced qigong, as we all do, this would not have affected his physical appearance at all. But Mingtang continues to practice Chinese medicine to this day, giving away colossal reserves of her living energy».

In fact, this is the absolute truth. Healers rarely manage to preserve the beauty, harmony and attractiveness of the physical shell, working on a kind of “return”. Only those who feed on energy, receiving it and giving nothing in return, always look great.

Moreover, there is not a single reasonable reason to doubt the sincerity of the Master himself and the effectiveness of his teachings - Xu Mingtang is a descendant of purebred Chinese doctors who are still highly respected in their homeland. The Master's printed publications and manuals are very easy to understand, they don't even cost a lot of money, and seminars and lectures are purely voluntary.

First of all, the Chinese Xu Mingtang made his classical Zhong Yuan qigong practice accessible to large masses of people who have only indirect knowledge about traditional Eastern medicine.

Mingtang Qigong presents it as an opportunity to have a healthy body and a strong body, as an accessible solution to any problem and physical illness. It is noteworthy that in China, even modern doctors respect Mntana’s works, because qigong is a cultural tradition of the country, it is a sacred rite and spiritual practice that is still practiced all over the world.

Mingtang - Qigong Master: biography

The Chinese Master was born in the province of Henan, his father at that time was already a famous doctor, an adherent of Chinese traditional medicine. His family had an important mission - for many centuries it was the custodian of the ancient Shaolin Temple.

From an early age, Xu Mingtang mastered the principles of oriental medicine, practiced qigong and martial arts. Already at the age of fourteen, Mingtang began to see his first patients, and at fifteen he entered college. A year later, the aspiring Master entered one of the best higher educational institutions in China - the University of Transport and Communications.

After finishing his studies in Beijing, Mingtang returned to his native land - to Henan Province. For several years he studied with his Teacher in the most famous and mysterious places in the country.

In 1988, Mingtang founded the association of the classical direction of Zhong Yuan - qigong, which is considered one of the most ancient and honorable. The master continues to improve his skills, writes and publishes books.

This is how his most popular printed manuals saw the light of day:

  • “Zhong Yuan Qigong. A book for reading and practice. 1st stage",
  • “Zhong Yuan Qigong. A book for reading and practice. 2nd stage",
  • “Zhong Yuan Qigong. A book for reading and practice. 3rd stage”, and several other lesser-known works.

In 1998, Master Xuyi Mingtang founded the Institute of Oriental Medicine Research, located in Ukraine. In addition, the Master continues to collaborate with the World Academic Community of Medical Qigong Research.

Siew Mingtang Qigong is a tribute to the traditional and time-tested practices of Chinese medicine. As the living embodiment of the most famous qigong - Zhong Yuan, Mingtang continues to develop his skills and openly shares them with the whole world by organizing seminars.

So, just this year the Master managed to give a ten-day seminar in Slovakia, gave a lecture in Novosibirsk, and held his seminars in Krasnodar, Jurmala and the Chelyabinsk region.

On November 5, 2013, Xu Mingtang’s new book, “Image Medicine,” was published, causing a lot of noise in the world of qigong practitioners and adherents. It turns out that the Master claims that our mental images are secret levers, thanks to which you can mold your life as you please!

Highest Qigong: Xuyi Mingtang, video with the Master

The selection of videos below will introduce you to the Master, you will be able to listen to his lecture, and also become familiar with the exercises that take place in the first stage of Zhong Yuan Qigong.

Qigong video lesson from Chinese Teacher Xuyi Mingtang

As you can clearly see, Xu Mingtang Qigong is a non-violent and friendly system, even for a beginner practitioner, which is based on the ancient teachings of Taoist monks and Chinese doctors.

If qigong is a new phenomenon for you, then first study the materials about it and the history of its origin in order to have an idea of ​​​​what you have to do.

It would also be a good idea to spend a few months doing basic practice exercises first. If you are determined to follow the teachings of Xu Mingtang, then act consistently - start with the manual of the first level, then just move on to the second, and then to the third.

Basic information

Master Xu Mingtang is a direct successor of the tradition of the Zhong Yuan Qigong school, a living bearer of the tradition, the transmission of which is carried out both at numerous retreats and through certified instructors of the school.

“...most scientists do not yet realize that there is another kind of information that neither instruments nor our brains can perceive. In ancient times, there were no microscopes and telescopes, radio and television, satellites and bathyscaphes, electricity and nuclear technology - everything that humanity is used to using today. But there are drawings and descriptions of other celestial bodies, maps of the continents have been preserved, evidence of the transformation of matter... Where and how was this information obtained? From ourselves. Man is the most reliable multifunctional research laboratory with truly unlimited possibilities. You just need to learn how to use it. There is an instructive Chinese fairy tale. In one well there lived a frog. And she said: “I know how big the sky is. And I know how much water there is.” One day a frog climbed out of the well and went to the sea. And she went crazy because she saw such a big sky and so much water. Therefore, a person has two ways: the first is not to go anywhere, not to get acquainted with anything new and stay in place, and the second is to learn this big world step by step...”( )

Zhong Yuan Qigong System

This is a holistic system of knowledge and practice methods, including exercises, meditation and different breathing methods aimed at human development, his healing and treatment, expansion of consciousness, understanding of one’s life tasks and mission. Its practice is available to people of any age and health status, and no artificial measures are required to change lifestyle, daily routine or nutrition. This system does not belong to a religious direction, is not associated with ideology, but is rather a science of Life in the broadest sense.

The direction of Zhong Yuan Qigong is the most ancient of all the qigong directions discovered today. According to legend, it is more than 7 thousand years old; it originated during the times of individual tribes in China. Zhong Yuan - Central China Plain - the geographical name of the area where this direction of qigong originates. Once upon a time, this was the name of a large province in the center of China, where the Shaolin Monastery was located.

Zhong in translation means center, middle. In relation to qigong, this name means “middle way”, “stick to the middle”. In relation to our modern life, the concept of “Zhong” also represents a kind of “golden mean” philosophy. This means that our emotional state should not be distorted and undergo sudden outbursts of anger, joy, delight or resentment... Everything should be in moderation: not too much, but not too little. Emotional balance must be accompanied by balance in the physical body. When we walk, our body should not sway from side to side, our mind and gaze should not wander to the sides, so as not to dissipate our energy outward. We must turn our gaze inward and detach ourselves from our surroundings.

The concept of Yuan is inherent in all qigong schools, but the techniques and methods of working in them are different. There are Yuan Jing, Yuan Qi and Yuan Shen. In translated literature, Yuan is interpreted as the original, jing - the reproductive force, seed, qi - vitality, pneuma, shen - spirit. In fact, to a first approximation, these are different types and structures of qi energy.

“The purpose of our practice is to understand what Life is. When we understand what Life is in general and in what forms it can be represented, we will be able to truly understand what is needed to maintain health and treat diseases. From this point of view, we can say that Qigong is a type of science that is based on ideas about Life and allows a person to use his own abilities to improve the quality of his life and his future" ( Xuyi Mingtang)

Zhong Yuan Qigong is the key that can open the doors of your own laboratory and turn on all the necessary analyzers in it. At the same time, Zhong Yuan Qigong is a simple science of life, although life itself is by no means simple. The practice of Zhong Yuan Qigong not only improves health, not only expands our knowledge of the world, but allows us to move to a qualitatively different level of life, independent of the physical body and environmental conditions.

Image therapy

Image therapy or mental image therapy is a new direction of medicine that is becoming increasingly popular throughout the world.

The term and the method of image therapy itself were introduced into scientific circulation by Professor Xu Mingtang.

The basis of image therapy is the combination of knowledge and treatment methods using energy, information medicine, medical methods of influencing the human physical body and methods of traditional Chinese medicine. The main advantage of this method is an integrated approach to the patient from the physical body, energy and information.

Treatment and training in image therapy methods is carried out at the Beijing Kundawell Medical Research Institute. Today, the Beijing Kundawell Institute carries out several types of activities, such as researching complex and incurable diseases, searching for their causes and possibilities for eliminating them, selecting ways to improve the body’s health, adjusting and activating the restorative and protective forces of each patient individually using image therapy and Chinese traditional medicine. .


1963 - Xu Mingtang was born in Henan Province (China) into a family with rich spiritual traditions. For many generations, the family's responsibility was to guard the Shaolin Monastery. Since childhood, he has been trained in traditional Chinese medicine and the art of qigong. He began to carry out treatment on his own at the age of 14, and at the age of 16 he entered Beijing Transport and Communications University.

1983 - After graduating from university, he returned to Henan Province. His Master secretly trained him for two years at various famous places such as the Shaolin Temple, Dragon Gate, Bai Ma Temple, Cloud and Frog Mantain Temple, etc.

1988 - Xu Mingtang established the Chinese Zhong Yuan Qigong Association and was elected Chairman of this association.

1989 - Xu Mingtang became a vice professor at the China Oriental Research Center for Human Hidden Potential.

1991 - Start of teaching Zhong Yuan Qigong in the USSR and Eastern Europe.

1998 - Worked as a professor of Chinese and Western medicine at Beijing Hospital and Chinese University of Medicine. Establishes the Institute of Oriental Medicine Research in Ukraine and is the vice-president of this institute.

2006 - Xu Mingtang founded Beijing Kundawell Medical Research Institute.


  • Xuyi Mingtang, Tamara Martynova, Zhong Yuan Qigong. The first stage of the ascent: Relaxation. Book for reading and practice, “Sofia”, 2007, ISBN 978-5-91250-278-1
  • Xuyi Mingtang, Tamara Martynova, Zhong Yuan Qigong. The second stage of the ascent: Silence. Book for reading and practice, “Sofia”, 2008, ISBN 978-5-91250-444-0
  • Xuyi Mingtang, Tamara Martynova, Zhong Yuan Qigong. The third stage of the ascent: Pause. The Path to Wisdom, “Sophia”, 2009, ISBN 978-5-91250-540-9


  • When and how the Zhong Yuan Qigong system appeared in the CIS. Martynova Tamara

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Xu Mingtang” is in other dictionaries:

    Qigong (Chinese trad. 氣功, simplified 气功, pinyin qìgōng) is one of the trends in the philosophy and culture of China. Considers energy, Qi, to be the main life force of a person. Teaches you to awaken, use and control this energy. Ancient Chinese art... ... Wikipedia

Xuyi Mingtang

Tamara Martynova

Zhong Yuan Qigong.

A book for reading and practice.

First stage


Born into the family of a famous surgeon. He graduated from Peking University with a degree in software engineering, postgraduate studies, 2 years of internship at the American Center for Advanced Computer Technologies, and worked for several years in the programming laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

From early childhood he studied Wushu, and from university - qigong. Many years of practice, great perseverance and innate talent allowed Xu Mingtang to master the skill in an incredibly short time and undergo training with many outstanding masters of China.

In parallel with his main specialty, he studied traditional Chinese medicine and already from the third year he worked as a diagnostician in a Beijing hospital.

Currently, he is the President of the Chinese Zhong Yuan Qigong Association (since 1988), a professor at the Beijing China-Western Joint Hospital and the Institute of Life Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a member of the Council of the World Academic Society of Medical Qigong.

Conducts seminars and demonstrates the healing capabilities of the Zhong Yuan Qigong system and mental image therapy in different countries of the world.


Graduated from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. Until 1998 she worked at the Electric Welding Institute named after. E. O. Paton Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ph.D. tech. Sci. In 1980-1981 she took courses in parapsychology at the Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. For several years she was a member of the Board of the Scientific and Technical Society of the Russian Electric Networks named after. A. Popova, taught courses on expanding consciousness. In 1991 I met Master Xuyi Mingtang and the Zhong Yuan Qigong system. She was captivated by its harmonious, logical completeness and became the initiator of the Master’s lectures and seminars in Ukraine and Russia, working with him as an organizer and translator. Since 1994 - teacher of the Zhong Yuan Qigong system. In 1995, she formed and headed the Qigong Association of Kyiv. Conducts lectures and practical classes on stages I, II and III in the cities of Ukraine, near and far abroad, and develops training programs.


The book is intended for the general reader to become familiar with the system and for practitioners who trained at Zhong Yuan Qigong seminars. The practices described in this book may be too strenuous for some people. In case of existing mental or severe cardiovascular diseases (heart disease of III - IV degree, angina pectoris of III - IV degree), consultation and supervision of a doctor is necessary.

The authors and publishers do not bear any responsibility for health problems resulting from incorrect independent practice: overdose of the duration of individual exercises, selectivity of exercises, violation of instructions.

Opening this book, you enter a world of unusual reality.

We offer you not just a journey through it, but the exploration of this world. Each of you has a chance to let it in, to make it your own, familiar. But to do this, you have to change yourself - become healthier and stronger physically, more stable emotionally, more talented and happier, and therefore kinder and more tolerant. And this is possible if you try to move away from your usual models of perception, fixed assessments and dogmas learned from childhood.

For some of you, some of the material presented here is already known and is beyond doubt, for others, almost everything is unusual and interesting, and for others, it is an irrepressible fantasy or, at best, unattainable perfection. And although this may seem strange to many, it is this third category that turns out to be the most open for development by “TERRA INCOGNITA”.

This step is basic. It covers the largest amount of material and the largest number of exercises.

Don't be confused by the fact that she was named first. The first is the most important, main step, laying the foundations for development in an unusual area, a springboard for deep knowledge of oneself, entering one’s own world, realizing oneself as a cosmic being. But to do this, you must learn to relax, and not only with your body, but also with your mind and consciousness. But relaxing the mind is by no means so easy. But this is an indispensable condition for further development.

You may have read a lot or studied other systems. But here you will get acquainted with the philosophical concept of the path of development of man as a biological species, his connection with the Earth and Space, the basic principles of self-regulation and communication with the environment. In fact, this is the basis on which you can launch the processes of healing your body and reveal those reserves that allow you to take a different look at the world and your place in it. You will learn about additional channels of perception, in addition to the well-known five senses, get acquainted with a fundamentally new method of teaching - knowledge transplantation, learn to sense various qi structures and control them with your consciousness.

And if you decide to take this path, you will see what our world really is and what you yourself are really like. And then you will understand how much better and smarter you are than you thought until now, because you will see your inner world - the deep one that exists, and not the superficial one that your environment and life circumstances have shaped for you.

And if you wish, if it appears, you can “jump out” of everything that does not suit you. But for this you need to want and try. So maybe it's worth it? Try it!

Martynova T. I.

Preface to the second edition

Zhong Yuan Qigong is one of the systems for self-regulation of the energy state of the Human body and the development of its abilities. Of all the many systems of this kind, Zhong Yuan Qigong seems to be the most effective and, most importantly, the easiest to master and convenient for practical use. At the same time, it has an extremely wide range of effects on a person: vital functions are normalized, stressful mental states are eliminated, and the body as a whole is healed. But what is especially important is that, unlike all other systems, Zhong Yuan Qigong contributes to the awakening and development in Man of those abilities and skills that are inherent in him by nature itself, but lie dormant in inaction, depriving him of the full joy of passing his earthly life path . That is why I read with such interest and attention the book by Xu Mingtang and Tamara Martynova, which describes the first basic stage of the practical development of this system, unsurpassed in its capabilities. And already in the very process of reading, I realized that this book itself is also different from all other publications of this kind.

It is well known that everyone who wants to engage in self-healing and self-development strives to choose the most suitable system for themselves. In this situation, the main thing for such a choice is often not even the system itself, but the ways of describing its essence and methods of its development as the basis for various kinds of teaching aids. But as you know, there are very few benefits that would meet all the requirements of a potential adherent of a particular system. And in this regard, the book by Xu Mingtang and Tamara Martynova, it seems to me, can satisfy all the requirements of even the most sophisticated reader in his life needs.

A few words about the authors of the book. Xuyi Mingtang is a MASTER, and that, it would seem, should say it all. But due to many circumstances, I was lucky enough not only to take a course in Zhong Yuan Qigong with him, but also to communicate with him in an informal setting. Therefore, I can say with full responsibility that Xu Mingtang is not only the highest professional in the field of qigong, with the gift of teaching, diagnosing and treating, but also a person of rare personal qualities.

Tamara Martynova is a candidate of technical sciences who has worked for almost 30 years in the system of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. And along with this, she always tried to popularize knowledge and phenomena related to parapsychology, while constantly developing her innate abilities. But, in my opinion, her main calling in life turned out to be knowledge of the Zhong Yuan Qigong system and promoting its development, both in Ukraine and in other countries. Now she is convinced that the practice of this system helps improve a person’s physical and spiritual health, reveals his creative potential, helps him adapt to any conditions and see the world in all its beauty, despite the adversities of our difficult times. And all this leads to the revival of the nation’s gene pool. She devoted the last 10 years of her life to serving this idea, becoming Xu Mingtang’s ally and his constant companion during his stay in the CIS.

Therefore, the book is written from the heart and with knowledge of the subject. In essence, this is a methodological guide to mastering the basic stage of Zhong Yuan Qigong. The book is preceded by R. Kipling's poetic commandment. It sets out those moral and ethical rules of life behavior, by observing which every representative of the human race can feel and realize himself as a self-sufficient, self-respecting person capable of organically entering into any group, i.e., a real HUMAN. This is extremely important for those who, after reading this book, decide to take the path of mastering the Zhong Yuan Qigong system - after all, its main purpose is precisely the development of a PERSONALITY in an individual, a healthy personality both physically and spiritually.

The first part of the book consistently and clearly outlines the basics of the theory and practice of the system, describes in detail and very graphically the progress of the main and auxiliary exercises, and provides practical recommendations on methods of obtaining, purifying and emitting qi.

The second part is devoted to a description of the methods of using qigong in medicine. The text of the book, like precious stones in the overall mosaic picture, contains the Master's stories about his practice, teaching and application of qigong in everyday life. The insertions into the text of dialogues between the Master and seminar participants are also logically justified. Answers to the most typical questions that arise among people who have completed a qigong training course and practice it in their independent lives are very important. The book is generously illustrated with drawings, diagrams and photographs that clearly demonstrate the form of performing the exercises.

This structure of the book should allow the reader to consistently, step by step, penetrate into the essence of the great art of self-healing and human self-development. The style of presentation greatly contributes to this. It doesn't just bring the book's text to life. It seems to introduce the reader into a sincere conversation with its authors and by this alone creates an atmosphere of his involvement in the secrets of qigong. The book is written in simple and extremely clear language, which makes it extremely easy to penetrate these secrets and creates in the reader a feeling of complete accessibility to mastering this amazing system.

So - good luck, dear reader. On the path of becoming Your Personality. On the path to normalizing your health, and therefore on the path to joy and enjoyment of your earthly existence, on the path to understanding the world and yourself, on the path to happiness...

Drozdovskaya A. A., Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Leading Researcher of the Department of Marine Geology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Xu Mingtang - Grand Master Zhong Yuan Qigong, Professor, healer, President of the American-Chinese Research Institute "Kundawell". For many generations, the official responsibility of the Xu Dynasty was the spiritual protection of the Shaolin Monastery. To this day, the monastery houses the temple of Xu Mingtang’s ancestor.

Based on the ancient knowledge of qigong and many years of personal practice, Xu Mingtang is confident that a person has great self-healing potential. To do this, you need to wisely use internal and external energy. The professor gives lectures on popularizing qigong around the world and conducts classes for his students.

Master Xu, please tell us about the basic elements of qigong, and how these exercises can be used by an ordinary person?

In short, qigong is a tool with which you can get rid of diseases, understand the world, find inner harmony and feel connected to the energy of the Universe. Nowadays we call this science qigong, but its basis goes back several thousand years. Qigong is based on the meditation practices of Taoism and Buddhism. In Chinese medicine, this practice is literally called “silent sitting to develop spiritual abilities.”

Qigong studies three types of human energy. The first energy is our gross physical body, the second is the internal energy that nourishes the organs and brain, and the third is even more subtle - our emotions, consciousness, mind, spirit. Modern medicine is based on anatomy and physiology, studying diseases of the body. But it does not work with internal energy and mind. For example, modern medicine treats most diseases with antibiotics. However, as a person ages, it becomes more and more difficult and ineffective to take them, since he no longer has enough vital energy. Qigong helps restore strength without drugs, using the inner potential of a person and the world around him. You just need to understand how to replenish energy, what food gives energy and what takes it away. For example, children now cough frequently, but in a few years many of them may be diagnosed with asthma. A common reason for this is that when a child has a cold and a red throat, antibiotics or similar drugs are immediately prescribed. According to qigong, the cause of coughs and frequent colds is cold in the lungs. Antibiotics make it even stronger. You can get rid of a cough by simply clapping your lungs and getting the cold out.(The master shows himself by vigorously slapping himself on the body in the lung area - Ed.).

Can only a specialist or any mother perform this procedure?

Any mother. Can your hands feel heat and cold? If you feel cold, clap it and it will start to come out. Medicines cannot get rid of the cold. There are people who are chronically cold; their hands and feet are always cool. This suggests that they have reduced yang energy and possibly weak kidney function. If your feet often get cold, then possible causes are fibroids or kidney stones. They reduce energy. The good thing about qigong is that anyone can use it without any side effects. Heat energy pushes out cold.

Should this energy be revealed within oneself or attracted from the outside?

Both. If we talk about internal energy, then we have the energy of fog and the energy of light. Chinese medicine says that we have special channels within us through which energy flows. It comes to us from food. Different foods provide different energy, support the body or weaken it. This is a whole science, and it is very individual. Light energy is the energy around our organs. You've probably heard that there is an aura around us. So, there is an aura not only around the body, but also around every organ. And it can transform from the energy of the fog, and also come from outside. For example, from the Sun, from other planets. Our body has the ability to gain energy directly through music, aromas, tactility, etc. There is another type of energy - it is called transcendental. We cannot see it, just like the force of gravity. However, it exists throughout the Universe, it is cosmic energy, divine, and we are all connected to it. But this is a deep topic, and we are talking about more practical things. So, with the help of internal and external energy we can heal ourselves and loved ones. And this is available to everyone if you practice consciously every day and lead a healthy lifestyle, of course. Masters who have achieved perfection can ultimately control this energy, strengthen or weaken it depending on the situation, and develop subtle vision. For example, when I touch a person, I feel his energy level and which channels are blocked. This is accessible to almost everyone, there is nothing extra natural in this, you just need to work in this direction for many years, observing the principles of purity not only on the physical level, but also on the mental level - pure thoughts, deeds for the benefit of other people. That is, qigong includes a person’s work on himself at all levels - physical, energetic, mental, spiritual.

One of your seminars is about mental images. Explain what this means?

People seem to think in some language, right? But in fact, we all have a different way of thinking - figurative. And there are moments when certain images and pictures flash before your eyes. For example, you have a certain difficulty, you don’t see a solution, there is no person or source of knowledge who would give the correct answer. To find a solution, you first need to calm down and enter a state of meditation. And suddenly, at some point, a bright picture will appear in your mind. This is exactly how Mendeleev discovered his table, constantly thinking about it. He didn’t just dream about her, it was a bright, clear image.

What if many different pictures flash in your mind?

Yes, in the process of thinking many images arise, but only one is true. One clear, specific image should emerge. You need to feel it. For example, a person has a heartache. Medicines no longer help, and you think - what to do? And among many other images, you suddenly clearly see a pine branch. You don’t know why you brew a decoction of needles, drink it, and your heart becomes easier. This is creative thinking, not logical, since logic is powerless here.

Can this be compared to intuition, insight?

Intuition is just the beginning, when you just feel, and here you can specifically train your abilities. And then not everyone has intuition. Imaginative thinking is accessible to everyone. It's like music. If you practice every day for many years, you will one day learn to play the piano.

Is it true that you treat people who have already been abandoned by official medicine?

Yes. Western medicine only works with the body. But it is often impossible to find the true cause at the level of physics. Asthma, hernias and many other chronic diseases can be cured in a couple of days. As for common oncological diseases, in my practice there were many successful examples of treatment. From the point of view of qigong, oncology is the result of a channel being blocked in some place. The body is forced to produce more cells to make up for this energy deficiency. As the disease grows, cancer patients become increasingly weak and fatigued. In modern medicine, they don’t look at a person’s strength, they simply find a tumor, cut it out, and then continue to irradiate and kill cells. All this greatly weakens a person and can lead to death. Add to this the person’s internal fears, numerous examples of slow decline despite chemotherapy, and these negative emotions further undermine the immune system and deprive the person of energy. In my practice, there are several examples when people completely trusted me and refused other methods of treatment. In this case, they were completely restored. Those who combined it with other methods, including chemotherapy, had completely different results. So, one patient from Hungary, whom the doctors sent home to live out her life, had metastases throughout her body and had terrible pain in her bones. After several months of complex treatment, diet, herbal treatment, meditation and other eastern healing practices, the metastases disappeared, leaving only a small tumor. Traditional doctors were shocked to see the results but insisted that the patient undergo chemotherapy to remove the tumor. As a result, the woman died because it was too intensive a course for her condition. Chemotherapy helps in about forty cases out of a hundred, but doctors use it because they see no alternative. In any treatment, the approach must be individual.

What, in your opinion, are the main causes of most diseases of modern people?

Just 50 years ago, no one had to buy water. It was clean, healthy and tasty. Now we even pay for air by installing purification devices. I do not rule out that the atmosphere may soon be damaged, and we will need to buy sunlight. We are developing many new technologies and at the same time destroying nature. It's all because of our vices, the main one of which is human greed. We want more and more, but in the end we destroy ourselves. Try to live simply. Try to do something useful for people, for society, and not just for yourself. We don't live forever on Earth. Maximum 70-80 years, why do we need so many things? In the name of greed we destroy the earth. No one will kill us from the outside, we kill ourselves. The only way out and salvation is to meditate, develop a spiritual understanding of the meaning of life, understand true values ​​that are not measured by money, fame and other temporary concepts.

Some practical tips for every day from Xu Mingtang. Need to:

  1. Sleep well. Otherwise, sooner or later your health will deteriorate. In sleep, our body restores and “repairs” itself. You need to go to bed no later than ten in the evening, and get up early. Morning hours are most favorable for meditation and a positive attitude for the whole day.
  2. Eat properly. Nowadays there are a lot of chemicals in products; they are already present at the growing stage. We need to help farmers to use natural methods rather than artificial ones. You need to eat in moderation. Diseases of civilization - high cholesterol, blood pressure, heart problems, obesity, etc. - the result of the fact that we eat more than the body needs. Control yourself and consume only 70% of what you need.
  3. Regulate emotions. There are many problems in modern society. We argue with each other, get angry, hate, because we have different understandings of situations. Everyone thinks he is right. But these disputes arise due to the struggle of two egos, in other words, it is again a manifestation of greed on the emotional level. Our emotions should be relaxed. If someone disagrees with you, don't worry. Just accept that he has this idea and view of the situation, and you have a different one. This is not a reason for conflict and waste of nerves. If children do not listen to you, you need to understand that they do not have the same life experience as you. Emotions should be calm and positive. It’s not for nothing that they say that all diseases are caused by nerves. People want to get something and they can’t. You need to live in the present. Most people either mourn the past or dream about the future. Very rarely does anyone live in the present moment. Therefore, the energy is dissipated into nowhere. We need to be able to be grateful to the universe for what it gives us, and this alone instantly increases our internal energy.


Master Xu Mingtang is the successor of the transmission line of the Zhong Yuan Qigong school. According to family tradition, since childhood, Xu Mingtang studied with his father the art of qigong, Chinese medicine and martial arts. And already at the age of 14 he began to independently see patients. In 1988, Xu Mingtang established the All-China Zhong Yuan Qigong Association and was elected its chairman. A year later he becomes a vice professor at the Chinese Oriental Research Center for the Study of Hidden Human Potential. Since 1991, he began teaching Zhong Yuan Qigong in many countries around the world. In 1998, Xu Mingtang, already as a professor of Western and Chinese medicine, was invited to work at the Beijing Hospital, as well as at the Chinese University of Medicine. And ten years later he opened the Kundawell Research Institute in Beijing with the aim of researching and scientifically confirming the effectiveness of treating diseases that are incurable from the point of view of Western medicine.

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