Quotes about autumn are short and beautiful.

This article contains short and beautiful quotes about autumn, with meaning about the nature of the autumn season.

Autumn is the flowering of nature, shrouded in wisdom and awareness of the immutability of the flow of life. The time for falling leaves has come again! So much light and color in the last days of autumn!

“His eyes reflected the gray color of the autumn sky” Marilli Juliet

“Notice that autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature.” Friedrich Nietzsche.

Spring flowers are fairy tales, autumn leaves are tragic dramas. Mehmet Murat Ildan

Our judgment matures; our imagination falls apart. We cannot immediately enjoy the flowers of the Spring of life and the fruits of its autumn. Macaulay Thomas B.

“Autumn is the greatest reminder of the fabulous beauty of nature, that beautiful dreams can easily disappear”

Autumn is nature's last party this year. Debra Welsh

My heart is a garden tired of autumn. Sarah Theusdale

An autumn garden is sad when the sun doesn't shine... Francis Brett Young, Cold Harbor

Autumn... the last, most beautiful smile of the year. William Cullen Bryant

Autumn begins to decorate the earth with its fragile pieces of weakened gold. Teresita Fernandez.

Autumn is the triumph of the last beauty of nature falling asleep.

Autumn teaches us humility. Joko Ono

Autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower. Albert Camus

Autumn is the season of checking for debts to the past... Elchin Safarli.

Autumn is the bite of the apple harvest. Christina Petrovski

Autumn spring in reverse order. Terry Guillemets, "The Fall"

Autumn is a season of change. Taoist proverb

Autumn returns to the earth the leaves that summer lent it.

Why is summer fog romantic, but autumn fog just sad? Dodie Smith

Ah, yellow forest, yellow forest... Here's a piece of happiness for you. Here's your place to think. Gabriel Troepolsky “White Bim Black Ear”

Pale amber sunlight falls on the reddened trees of October. Ernest Dawson.

There is something incredibly nostalgic and meaningful about the annual cascade of autumn leaves. Joseph Wheeler

In the autumn forest we step on carpets of gold and crimson, brown and bronze, woven by winds or rain from these fine textures while we slept.

In the autumn sunny forest, a person becomes cleaner” - yes, we all wish we could go to this yellow forest more often. Gabriel Troepolsky “White Bim Black Ear”

There is a snowstorm around the chalk: red, yellow, green. Henry Lyon Oldie. Savages of the Ecumene. Leader

Winter is dead; spring is crazy; Summer is fun and autumn is wise! Mehmet Murat

And every autumn I bloom again. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

And only autumn stretches with gray days, reminiscent of the ghost of lonely nights... Alisa Belousova

No matter how the metropolis stinks, it cannot bury the fresh and clean aroma of autumn. Dim Butcher

The leaves, falling, whisper, saying goodbye forever. M. M. Prishvina

Now the fire of autumn burns slowly through the forest, and day after day the dead leaves fall and melt. William Allingham

I love boundaries. August is the border between summer and autumn; this is the most beautiful month I know.

The music of distant summer trembles around Autumn, looking for its former nest. Rabindranath Tagore Migratory Birds

There is nothing sadder and more silent than autumn twilight. Emile Zola

Nobody dies as beautifully as autumn. Ashley Willis

But still, autumn is only twenty weeks before spring... Al Quotion.

Today there is a smell of autumn coolness outside the window. Elchin Safarli. "You were promised to me"

Autumn is the second spring, and every leaf is a flower. Albert Camus

Autumn is my spring! August Strindberg

Autumn is a hint from God to Old Age. Austin O'Malley

Autumn is a reminder that when the leaves die and fall, there will always be spring, a chance to be refilled and reborn again. We all have the ability to replenish ourselves to be reborn. Tao Porchon-Lynch.

Autumn ripens in the rays of summer. John Armstrong.

Witty people are born in autumn; beautiful in July. Andrew Holleran

October is a symphony of constancy and change. Bonaro Overstreet.

Autumn is a misty shadow that speaks of the sweet, precious things that God has created in the kingdom of nature. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Autumn is all the colors of a traffic light in one park. Life rushes forward when the park is spring-green and slows down when all the colors are on at the same time.

Autumn is a constant change. This is maturity and color, the time of completion; but also breadth, depth and distance. Hal Borland

Autumn for me is a time of magic, when the world is painted with the colors of masters.

Autumn is both the beginning and the end. Gene Pendzivol. Lighthouse Keeper's Daughters

Autumn comes with its golden days, its reverent days and with you - Oh, this is the most delightful time, my heart burns with anticipation. Byron Caldwell Smith, letter to Kate Stevens

Autumn is good only if summer in your soul is not over yet. Rinat Valiullin. Where are the kisses lying around?

Autumn walked through the streets quietly and confidently, like a cat. Marina Efimova “Ghost in Love”

The rainbow colors of fall remind me of your beautiful smile. Gabor Timis

The most beautiful carpet is a carpet of autumn leaves! Mehmet Murat

Love also has autumn, and it is experienced by those who have forgotten the taste of the kisses of their loved one. Mark Levy

Autumn colors... bright and beautiful. It is nature that is trying to fill us with color, saturate us, turning everything into muted and dreary until winter. Siobhan Vivian.

I still live, remembering our autumn. Ekaterina Sivanova

I don't feel like spring. I feel like warm red Autumn. Marilyn Monroe

Topic of the section: quotes with meaning about autumn, short and beautiful.

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