The color of the troops' berets. Overview of special forces berets

If for a civilian a beret is an ordinary headdress, which, in principle, is more popular among women, then for military personnel a beret is not just a component of their uniform, but a symbol. Currently, each branch of the Russian Armed Forces has its own beret. Headdresses differ not only in color, but also in the rules and rights of wearing them. Therefore, not everyone knows the difference between, for example, the GRU special forces beret and the headgear of the Marines.

The first mentions of army headdress

The very first army berets appeared at the turn of the 17th and 18th centuries in England and Scotland. Then the warriors wear special hats that look like a beret. However, the mass distribution of such a headdress began only during the First World War. The first to wear them were soldiers of tank and mechanized units of the French army.

Next, the baton for the introduction of such an element of clothing was taken by Great Britain. With the advent of tanks, the question arose of what a tank driver should wear, because the helmet was very uncomfortable, and the cap was too bulky. Therefore, it was decided to introduce the black beret. The color was chosen on the basis that tankers are constantly working and are near equipment, and black soot and oil are not visible.

The appearance of the beret in the army

During World War II, such hats became even more popular, especially among the Allied troops. US Special Forces soldiers noted the following conveniences of these hats:

  • First of all, they hid the hair well;
  • Dark colors were not visible in the dark;
  • The berets were warm enough;
  • He could wear a helmet or helmet.

Accordingly, some types and branches of the British and US troops adopted a headdress as one of the main elements of uniform. In the Soviet army, this element of clothing began to appear in the early sixties, as the main attribute of the landing force and special forces. Since then, the rules and wearing of such hats have remained virtually unchanged.

What does the special forces take?

At the end of the 20th century, berets became an integral part of the everyday and ceremonial uniforms of the armies of many countries. Almost every defense-capable state has elite special units that have their own unique headdress:

  1. The mountain infantry detachments of the French armed forces, the Alpine Chasseurs, wear a dark blue beret of sufficiently large diameter.
  2. The elite Foreign Legion is characterized by headdresses of a light green hue.
  3. French naval special forces are distinguished by wearing a green beret.
  4. German airborne troops and reconnaissance units wear maroon berets, but with different emblems on it.
  5. The Royal Netherlands Marines are distinguished by wearing dark blue elements of their uniform, while paratroopers wear burgundy headdresses.
  6. The British SAS special forces have been wearing beige caps since the mid-forties of the last century, and the Marine Corps have been wearing green caps.
  7. US Rangers are recognizable by the same color as British Special Forces - beige.
  8. US Special Forces have worn green berets since 1961, which is how they got their nickname.

You may notice that most NATO member countries have identical color schemes for their hats. As for the shape, all armies have it round, and differ only in size.

Distribution in the USSR Armed Forces

In 1967, an updated uniform was adopted for the Airborne Forces. Famous Soviet artist A.B. Zhuk submitted a proposal for consideration by General V.F. Margelov to use crimson hats as an attribute of paratroopers, referring to the use of such hats in other countries of the world. The commander agreed and the beret was approved. For privates and sergeants, there was an emblem in the form of an asterisk, which was attached to the front center of the beret, and on the right was a blue flag, and for officers a cockade was provided.

A year later, a blue beret was adopted for paratroopers, since the leadership considered that it more symbolizes the color of the sky. As for the Marine Corps, the color black was approved for this type of troops. Black berets were also used by tank crews, but not as the main gear, but during maintenance and repair of equipment to protect their heads from dirt.

The difference between the uniform of the GRU special forces and other branches of the military

Special forces developed with the Airborne Forces simultaneously and due to similar specifics And The application and task profile of these troops, their uniforms were identical. The special forces soldiers wore exactly the same uniform as the paratroopers. Outwardly, it is very difficult to distinguish who is standing in front of you: a special forces soldier or an airborne soldier. After all, the color, the shape, and the cockade itself are the same. However, the GRU had one caveat.

In Soviet times, special forces soldiers primarily wore blue berets and airborne uniforms in training units or in parades. After the training centers, the soldiers were assigned to combat units, which could be carefully disguised as other types of troops. This was especially true for those who were sent to serve abroad.

Instead of a blue and white vest, a beret and lace-up boots, the soldiers were given the usual combined arms uniform, for example, like tank crews or signalmen. So we could forget about berets. This was done in order to hide the presence of the special forces from the eyes of the enemy. Thus, for the GRU, the blue beret is a ceremonial headdress and only in those cases when it is allowed to be worn.

The GRU special forces beret is not just a type of headdress and an integral part of the uniform, but a symbol of valor and courage, honor and nobility, the right to wear which is not given to everyone, even the most experienced and courageous warrior.

Video: how do they pass the standards for a maroon beret?

In this video, Pavel Zelennikov will show how the special forces elite receives an olive and maroon beret:

Original taken from ledy_lisichka at the 2017 Parade in Moscow: notes in the margins

Traditional analysis of the ritual and organizational components of the 2017 Victory Parade on Red Square.
This is a post-Soviet parade №24 (since 1995).

Arctic parade with Arctic equipment and the same temperature (photo

1. This time the guest of the parade is the President of Moldova I. Dodon. Then Dm follows Putin. Medvedev. The clothes are warm, almost everyone is wearing coats and jackets. Putin is also not wearing a jacket, as usual, but a coat. Cloudy and gloomy, no sun and +2 degrees. Rain drops periodically appear on the cameras. Coldest year since 1978.

2. The mausoleum is camouflaged. Russia-1 broadcasts, incl. and from the Spasskaya Tower, from where the closing superstructure and its structure from the inside are clearly visible.

3. Ceremony of bringing in the flags - the State Flag of the Russian Federation first, the Victory Banner second. The exception was in the anniversary year of 2015, when the Victory Banner was brought in first. The Znamenny group comes out to the music “Get up, huge country, get up for mortal combat!”

4. This is the fifth parade of Minister S.K. Shoigu. The parade is commanded by Colonel General Oleg Salyukov, Commander of the Ground Forces - for the third time. Shoigu traditionally makes the sign of the cross in his car when leaving the Spasskaya Tower.

5. The dress uniform has changed! The officers have stand-up collars and “coil” buttonholes, like under late Stalin. The uniform with ties has disappeared. Unusual:) Shoigu has a large cruciform order with a coat of arms in the central place.

6. Oh, Putin took off his coat before Shoigu’s report! Now wearing a jacket, enduring the drizzle. All those present at the podium have St. George ribbons pinned to their chests.

7. Putin's speech: The Soviet Union is mentioned at the beginning as the leading force of resistance to Nazi Germany. Reads a speech from a piece of paper with large letters. The phrase " Russian, Russian soldier." Congratulations on "Victory Day" in conclusion, without the prefix "Soviet people" and "great".

8. Pseudo-generals and fake heroes in the stands: not directly noticed. If anyone notices something suspicious, be sure to write in the comments.

9. The parade is opened by young students of the music school with white drums. From the Suvorov students there are guys from the Tver SVU, then the Nakhimov students from St. Petersburg. Let me remind you that during the time of Serdyukov (late 2000s), Suvorov soldiers at the parade were canceled.

10. The Youth Army column (this is something like the Soviet DOSAAF, apparently?) - something new. In sand uniform and red berets.

Young Army members (photo

11. For the first time at the parade - the Kirkenes Marine Brigade of the Northern Fleet, as a symbol of Russia’s Arctic presence.

12. The second time there is a large column of only women- Military Institute of Logistics in Volsk, from the Military Academy named after. Khruleva. But this time they added second a female column from the Mozhaisky Academy, in a blue dress uniform with “coils”.

13. Putin and guests of the main stand in front of passing troops are worth. The shameful precedent of the “sit-in” Medvedev parade of 2010 and the reaction to it from society have been learned.

14. Soviet banners have been preserved as a duplicate of modern ones; they are also carried in their heads, respectively. columns They didn't remove it.

Soviet banners in columns (photo

15. Border guards, sailors, etc. they come without “reels” - apparently, the new parade is valid only for the ground forces of the RF Armed Forces.

15a. This time, when passing the column, the VKS did not play “Higher, and higher, and higher...”

16. The calculation of the National Guard of Russia (formerly the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) in the new status is taking place for the second time. The name of F. Dzerzhinsky is retained in the division's title. The title of the division named after Yu. Andropov (coming a little later) is also retained.

17. The Cossacks were not noticed among the columns, for the second year in a row - the Aksai Corps was pushed back. There are no horsemen as exotics either.

18. Medvedev stands fourth to the right of Putin on the main podium. Next to the Russian President are a Moldovan and military personnel. This time, young cadets were not assigned to them “to brighten up the picture.”

19. Was Mikhail Gorbachev seen in the stands? Last year it was. Write if anyone noticed it.

20. It is curious that the country’s leaders continue to stand while the equipment passes. Last year (2016) we sat down and watched this part of the parade while sitting. During Soviet times, leaders also stood at the Mausoleum all the time. But before the aircraft fly over, everyone sits down.

21. “Almaty” T-14s are at the parade for the third time. Then come artillery systems in increasing calibers and then air defense missiles.

22. For the first time at the parade - Arctic troops in white camouflage, with polar bears on the bodies of vehicles. See also paragraph 12. As a symbol of increased attention specifically to the Arctic.

23. Emblems on vehicles are uniform. An “empty” star with a red border, placed on top of the St. George ribbon. And new: orders of units directly on the body.

24. From the Strategic Missile Forces come the Yars (also a new generation, later the Topol). Then the new Boomerang armored personnel carriers arrive, and the passage of equipment is completed.

25. Then the orchestra sings a cappella “We are the army of the country, we are the army of the people” and leaves the square to “Farewell of the Slav”. Everyone gets up. Putin says goodbye to veterans on the podium; all this is shown very briefly and little.

26. There is no air parade. . Canceled due to cloudy and unusually cold weather.

27. After the parade, Putin (in a black cloak) greets all the commanders of the parade columns and shakes their hands (without Medvedev). The Youth Army commander in a red beret looks very unusual. Two women are the leaders of the columns. Shoigu follows him and also shakes hands with everyone. It's raining, there are drops on the cameras.

28. But the broadcast is not interrupted. They immediately show the ceremony of laying wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. In the first row are Putin and Dodon.

PS. HD version of the parade:

Previously on the same topic.

Read also

Takes a soft headdress without a visor. In the armed forces of different countries, it is used as a ceremonial headdress and a distinctive feature of some special forces units. History The prototype of the modern beret was probably a Celtic headdress. In the Middle Ages, the beret became widespread, both among the civilian population and in the army. Book miniatures allow us to judge this. In the late Middle Ages there appeared

The beret is the main headdress in the Israel Defense Forces.

One of the features of the IDF, which immediately catches the eye of an outside observer, is the universal wearing of berets in formal dress uniform. Indeed, in the Israel Defense Forces, caps are worn only by members of military bands, military police while on duty, and disciplinary warrant officers at ceremonial events; there are also ceremonial caps

Surprisingly, before the outbreak of the First World War, the beret was not widely used as part of the military uniform. True, in the 17th century, some units of the British army, consisting of Scottish highlanders, wore a certain prototype of it. Moreover, at that time it was considered a common item of clothing for fishermen. An Italian soldier in a crimson beret - a symbol of paratroopers in European countries. The military beret is a symbol of the British tank forces. Most contributed to the promotion.

Today we will talk about such an interesting headdress as the beret, as well as about its variety, which is the military beret. Its history began quite a long time ago, because its prototype is most likely the Celtic headdress. The beret was very popular in the Middle Ages. Moreover, it was worn by both representatives of the civilian population and soldiers; book miniatures speak about this. Further, at the end of the Middle Ages, decrees began to be approved,

Takes a soft headdress without a visor. History The prototype of the modern beret was probably a Celtic headdress. In the Middle Ages, the beret became widespread, both among the civilian population and in the army. Book miniatures allow us to judge this. In the late Middle Ages, decrees appeared on the introduction of military uniforms, where the beret appeared as the main headdress. The popularity of the beret in Europe began to decline

In many armies of the world, berets indicate that the units using them belong to the elite troops. Since they have a special mission, elite units must have something to separate them from the rest. For example, the famous green beret is a symbol of excellence, a sign of valor and distinction in the struggle for freedom.

History of the Military Beret Given the practicality of the beret, its informal use by the military of Europe dates back thousands of years. An example would be

A blue beret is a headdress, a blue beret that is an element of a military uniform, a uniform headdress for military personnel of the armed forces of different states.

It is worn by military personnel in the United Nations forces, the Russian Air Force, the Russian Airborne Forces of the Armed Forces of Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, the Special Forces of Kyrgyzstan, the Special Operations Forces of the Republic

In many armies of the world, berets indicate that the units using them belong to the elite troops. Let us consider their history and varieties among different types of troops.

The red beret is a uniform headdress in the Russian Federation. The highest form of distinction for military personnel of special forces units of the National Guard of Russia, previously the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and Russia.

It is assigned in the order of passing strict qualification tests and is a source of exclusive pride for the special forces soldier.

Contract and military personnel are allowed to take qualification tests for the right to wear a maroon beret.

The maroon beret is a difficult element of clothing for a special forces soldier; it is a symbol of valor and honor, the right to wear which not many are awarded. To receive this coveted insignia, there are only two possibilities. A special beret can be earned for participation and display of courage in hostilities, for demonstrated courage and perseverance.

You can pass qualification tests for the right to wear this special headdress.

The maroon beret is the uniform headdress of units and special forces of internal troops in a number of countries in the territory of the former USSR - Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Ukraine, and previously - the Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

It is a source of pride and a sign of the exceptional valor of a special forces soldier.
The right to wear a maroon beret is granted to military personnel (military soldiers) of special forces units (SPN) who have sufficient professional, physical and moral qualities and have successfully passed qualification tests. In addition, the maroon beret can be awarded for courage and bravery shown in the performance of military duty during combat operations and special operations, as well as for special merits in the development of special forces units and units.

For the first time, as a uniform headdress of the special forces of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, the maroon beret was adopted in 1978 in the 9th special purpose training company (URSN) of the 3rd battalion of the 2nd regiment OMSDON (Dzerzhinsky Division). The maroon color of the beret matched the color of the shoulder straps. internal troops. The head of combat training of the internal troops, Lieutenant General Sidorov Alexander Georgievich, supported and approved this idea and, on his instructions, the first 25 berets made of maroon fabric were ordered from one of the factories.

Alexander Georgievich Sidorov

1979 — 1987
Berets were worn during demonstration exercises by a small group of military personnel, as well as by officers and sergeants on public holidays.

This year, the father of one of the URSN servicemen made a gift - 113 berets, sewn from maroon cloth (the company's regular strength). For six months, maroon berets were put on with the tacit consent of senior commanders, finding any reason for this.
The founders of the new tradition were company commander Sergei Lysyuk and his deputy for special training Viktor Putilov.

Sergei Ivanovich Lysyuk

The idea of ​​establishing an exam for the right to wear a maroon beret in his unit was prompted by the book “Alpha Team” by Miklos Szabó, a former US Special Forces soldier, which described the process of selecting, recruiting and training Green Berets.
In American special forces, nothing was ever given for nothing; everything had to be earned. The right to wear the Green Beret was earned through grueling trials, blood and sweat.
— Miklos Szabó, Alpha Team
Striving for continuous improvement of the training process for special forces soldiers and their professional growth, Sergei Lysyuk and Viktor Putilov compiled an exam program, the passing of which automatically nominated the person who passed it to the elite of the special forces.

In the initial period, qualification tests had to be carried out illegally, under the guise of complex control classes. The wearing of a maroon beret by the select few did not find understanding among the command, which believed that this insignia should be worn by all military personnel of special forces units, regardless of their level of training.
May 31 - the then commander of the internal troops, A.S. Kulikov, approved the Regulations “On qualification tests of military personnel for the right to wear a maroon beret.” Only special forces units of internal troops can wear the maroon beret.

August 22 - Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated No. 326 “On measures to comply with the rules of wearing the established uniform by employees of internal affairs bodies and military personnel of the internal troops,” according to which the wearing of maroon berets was prohibited for everyone except special forces units of the Internal Troops.
since 1996

Gradual devaluation and disrespect for the maroon beret in some units:
Various units of the Special Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - riot police, special forces (OMSN), special forces departments of the GUIN (when they were still in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) - began to pass on the maroon beret in their units. The conditions of delivery in these units differed from those accepted in the special forces of the internal troops - the tests were easier, some stages were completely absent.
Some police special forces units began to issue a maroon beret as regular uniform
In the linear units of the Internal Troops, commanders, without any reason, began to issue a maroon beret to outsiders - mainly to sponsors helping military units.
A number of commanders are beginning to use surrender as a way to raise personal authority, a way to reward military personnel whom, for some reason, the commander considered necessary to encourage. In addition, some commanders conducted tests with violations.

May 8 - Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 531 “On military uniforms, insignia of military personnel and departmental insignia”, according to which:

Military personnel of the special forces units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation wear: a woolen beret of maroon color; vest with speckled stripes.

This decree ignored the principles, traditions and orders of the Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops, which in one way or another touched on this topic.

The order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for passing qualification tests for the right to wear a maroon beret” streamlined the process of passing and eliminated all speculation around the highest symbol of special forces.
Innovations: conducting qualification tests - centrally, in 1 place (in order to track the level of training of test participants); preliminary tests have been introduced - the selection of the most worthy military personnel who already have experience in participating in such events.
September - first qualification tests according to the new Regulations

The purpose of the tests is to identify military personnel with the highest individual preparation for actions to neutralize armed criminals, free hostages and perform other tasks in critical situations and under emergency circumstances;
Creating an incentive to cultivate high moral qualities in military personnel.


The preliminary stage of testing is the final test for the period of training under the program of special forces units. The overall assessment for the test should be no lower than “good”, and for special fire, special physical and tactical training of internal troops - “excellent”. Testing includes - running 3 thousand meters; pull-up (according to NFP-87); Cooper test (not to be confused with a 12-minute run) - 4x10 (push-ups, squatting, lying down, abdominal exercise, jumping from a squatting position) is carried out in seven repetitions. Testing is carried out 1-2 days before qualification tests.


The main tests are carried out in one day and include a forced march of at least 10 km, followed by overcoming obstacles in extreme conditions, testing training in storming high-rise buildings, acrobatics and hand-to-hand combat.

SPP - special obstacle course

12 kilometers of cross-country cross-country followed by a 100-meter sprint. At a distance, you need to overcome water obstacles and cross the “infected” area with a gas mask on.

There are special obstacle courses such as minefields, smoke-filled areas, and fires. From time to time you have to crawl or move in dashes under small fire.

Throughout the distance there is a special “psychological treatment” group that puts pressure on participants in order to identify mentally unstable people. Then - pull-ups and acrobatics.

Passing a special obstacle course - overcome on the move after completing the march. After passing the OSP (fire-assault line), in order to check the condition of the weapon during the forced march and overcoming obstacles, one blank shot is fired from a service weapon.

Testing speed shooting skills against a background of fatigue. Trainees immediately after checking the functionality of the weapon move to the firing line to perform 1 Special training exercise of firing a SUUS from a machine gun. The exercise time is 20 s.
Testing skills in storming high-rise buildings using special descent equipment is carried out on a five-story building. The exercise time at this stage is 45 seconds. Those who do not meet this deadline will not be allowed to participate in subsequent tests.

Performing acrobatic exercises: kipping from a supine position; kicking a silhouette followed by a somersault; forward somersault from an acrobatic springboard or swing bridge.

Training matches (of special importance) - the fight is conducted for 12 minutes without a break with a change of three partners, one of whom is the same examinee, the others are military personnel who already have a maroon beret. In the case of a passive duel between subjects, they are “broken” for one minute, and the duel with each of them is conducted by inspectors who will participate in the tests of the next subjects. If the subjects continue to show passivity, the “breaking” is repeated.

Note: the subject is allowed to provide medical assistance on the site for no more than 1 minute. during the battle.

If there are 3 comments, the serviceman is removed from further testing.
It is impossible for all participants to pass the test. Only 20-30% of all those taking part reach the 2nd and 3rd tests. The challenge will vary and become more difficult, lasting until this number is reached, a 12-kilometer cross-country race may develop into a 15-kilometer race, and so on.
Instructors are strictly prohibited from assisting subjects in marching and overcoming obstacles, as well as from interfering in the testing process or issuing any commands or orders to help the participant.

The doctor's decision during testing is the most important thing.

Award ceremony

The presentation of the maroon beret is carried out during the general formation of the military unit (participants of the examination tests) in a solemn atmosphere. A serviceman who has successfully passed all the tests receives the beret, kneels on his right knee, kisses it, puts it on his head, turns to the line, puts his hand to the headdress and loudly says: “I serve the Russian Federation and special forces!” (formerly “I serve the Fatherland and special forces!”)

From this moment on, the serviceman has the right to wear a maroon beret with his everyday and dress uniform. In the column of the military ID “Special notes”, as a rule, a corresponding entry is made and sealed with the official seal of the unit. Later, a certificate with an identification number is issued, confirming the right to wear a maroon beret.

Deprivation of the right to wear

For actions discrediting the rank of military commander. Special Forces units, a serviceman may be deprived of the right to wear a maroon beret. Discrediting the rank of a military member of a special forces unit is:
Manifestation of elements of cowardice and cowardice during combat operations;
Miscalculations and unreasonable actions that resulted in the death of comrades, failure of a combat mission and other grave consequences;
Reduced level of physical and special training;
The use of special hand-to-hand combat techniques outside of a combat situation and for personal gain;
Allowing hazing;
Gross violations of general military regulations and criminal legislation;
Systematic violation of military discipline.
The decision to deprive the right to wear a maroon beret is made by the Council of Maroon Berets of a military unit at the request of the unit commander.

Council of Maroon Berets

“Councils of Maroon Berets” have been created in detachments and special forces units of the internal troops. They contain the most trained and experienced “krapovikov”, who enjoy unquestioned authority among their colleagues. It is by decision of the council that one or another candidate is allowed to take qualification tests for the right to wear a maroon beret.
“The Council of Maroon Berets of the Internal Troops” was formed by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The chairman is Colonel Igor Medvedev, the deputy is Colonel Mikhail Illarionov. It included a number of other senior officers, as well as chairmen of the “Councils of Maroon Berets” of military units. It was this collegial body, after a meeting in Smolensk in 2008, that developed a proposal to hold two stages of the competition.

Interesting Facts
The maroon beret does not give its owner any privileges over other military personnel (no increase in salary, no promotion, or any other special treatment).
According to tradition, “Krapoviki”, like other military personnel of Special Forces units, wear berets with a slope to the left side - unlike the military personnel. Airborne Forces and Marine Corps, who wear their hats on the right side. This emphasizes that the maroon beret is not a simple element of uniform that is issued to any soldier, and the owner of the maroon beret has earned the right to wear it by passing all the tests. (Units of the Airborne Forces and Marine Corps participating in military parades wear berets tilted to the left - for greater uniformity of all participants / there is an opinion that this is done so that from the stands a band in the form of a flag, which is usually attached to the left, is visible from the stands, and on parades on the right / - but only for the duration of the parade).
It is believed that the maroon beret (like the uniform) should not be decorated with various flags and other “badges”, the use of which is widespread in other branches and types of troops. This is not accepted in special forces units.
No matter how worn the beret is, it is not replaced with a new one - the “coolness” is that the beret (like the uniform) should be as faded as possible.

No one other than the owner of a beret or another “speckled beret,” even through negligence, can touch a speckled beret. This offense is severely punished.
These customs emphasize that the blood-colored beret is a value in itself - which, coupled with the informal nature of the traditions, provides prestige to its owners.

Other countries

The traditions of the special forces of the Internal Troops in most post-Soviet states not only retained their high status, but also developed into a real cult. Based on the results of qualifying tests, the best fighters are awarded a maroon beret in the special forces of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Ukraine. Russia is considered the “trend setter” here, where the “Lysyuk rules”, officially approved on May 31, 1993 by order of the commander of the Russian explosives, are still strictly observed. A. S. Kulikova.

Anatoly Sergeevich Kulikov
In different countries, tests for the right to wear a maroon beret are carried out in accordance with local conditions and traditions. The order of conduct may vary, but the meaning of the tests is the same for all - the fighter must undergo a series of physical and psychological stresses to the limit of human strength. Common to all countries is a forced march with full gear. In 2010, 500 applicants competed for the right to wear a maroon beret, of which 15 people successfully completed the tests.

The beret is a soft, round-shaped headdress without a visor. It came into fashion during the Middle Ages, but for a long time it was considered an exclusively men's headdress, since it was worn mainly by military men. Currently, berets are part of the military uniform of various troops of the Russian Armed Forces, each of which has its own characteristic coloring of berets, which can be used to determine whether the employee belongs to one or another branch of the Armed Forces.

Historical reference

In our country, they began to include this headdress in military uniforms in 1936, following the example of the West. Initially, in the army of the Soviet Union, dark blue berets were worn by female military personnel and only in the summer. At the end of World War II they were replaced by khaki berets.

This headdress began to be widely used in the uniform of the Soviet Army much later, having appreciated all the advantages of the beret: it is able to protect the head from various precipitation, is extremely comfortable to wear, and due to its compact size and soft material, this headdress is extremely convenient to remove if necessary. , for example, in your pocket.

In 1963, the beret officially became part of the uniform of military personnel of certain special forces structures.

Today, in the uniform of the Russian Armed Forces, there are such varieties of headdresses as black, light blue, blue, maroon, green, light green, orange, gray, cornflower blue, crimson, dark olive and olive berets.

  • Black berets indicate that the serviceman belongs to the Marine Corps.
  • A blue beret on a serviceman’s head indicates that he serves in the Russian Airborne Forces.
  • The blue beret belongs to the military uniform of the Russian Air Force.
  • - uniform headdress for employees of special forces units of the Russian National Guard.
  • The Green Berets belong to the intelligence elite of the internal forces.
  • Light green headdresses are worn by representatives of the Border Troops of the Russian Federation at ceremonial and official events.
  • Orange berets are worn by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • Grays are special military units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Wearing a cornflower blue beret indicates that its owner belongs to the special forces of the FSB of Russia and the special forces of the FSO of Russia.
  • Crimson berets were worn by those representatives of the troops who served in the Airborne Forces until 1968, since they were then replaced by blue berets.
  • The dark olive beret is the uniform headdress of special forces units of the railway troops.

Military men wearing olive-colored berets are perhaps the most difficult to identify as belonging to any type of military force.

Olive color: belonging to the troops

The olive beret is part of the military uniform of the Russian National Guard. Until 2016, it was worn by representatives of the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and special forces of the 12th Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense. These troops carry out activities to ensure the internal and public security of Russia from various types of illegal attacks.

The troops have the following purposes:

  • ensuring the territorial integrity of Russia;
  • protection of the country's objects of special importance;
  • interaction with other troops of the Russian Armed Forces;
  • ensuring the safety of Russian citizens;
  • suppression of the activities of terrorist groups.

Very little is known about those who wear olive berets, since information about their activities is classified; wearing such berets is a great honor and pride for their owners and a lot of effort must be made to earn the right to own them.

Receiving an insignia

To earn the honorable right to wear an olive beret, you must go through several stages of the most difficult physical and psychological tests, because only the best employees wear olive berets. Submission for olive beret occurs once a year. Absolutely every Russian military serviceman can participate, but not all military participants are able to pass the olive beret exam; the selection of candidates is extremely strict. According to statistics, only about half of the candidates reach the last stage of the examination tests. To pass the standards to receive a beret, you need to be thoroughly prepared, both physically and mentally.

The following requirements are imposed on a military service member applying for the right to own an olive beret:

  • demonstration of physical fitness;
  • passing a forced march through difficult terrain with water obstacles;
  • ambush detection;
  • rescuing the victim;
  • overcoming an assault barrier;
  • demonstration of aimed fire skills;
  • demonstration of hand-to-hand combat skills.

Taking the olive beret begins with a preliminary stage, which includes such types of physical activity as pull-ups, push-ups, and cross-country over a distance of 3 km. At the next stage of the exam, the applicant for the olive beret will have to go through an obstacle course, storm a building and demonstrate hand-to-hand combat skills.

While completing the obstacle course for two hours, the applicant, wearing uniforms weighing more than 12 kg, must overcome water and other difficult obstacles. This test is carried out without respite or delay. The applicant must then demonstrate marksmanship skills. A 12-minute sparring session with a change of partners ends with a submission for the olive beret. Note that there are some similarities with special forces.

During the exam, a candidate for the right to own an olive beret is subjected to the most difficult physical and moral stress, and if the applicant passes all the tests successfully, then he becomes the owner of an olive beret and can rightfully be called a worthy representative of the troops of the RF Armed Forces.

The right to wear an olive beret can also be obtained in the form of an award for special merits in the performance of one’s official duties. The olive beret is a symbol of courage and bravery, but no matter what kind of berets military personnel wear, it is always equally honorable and responsible.

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