A hyphen between parts of independent words, between words and in function words.

The choice of hyphen or continuous spelling depends on the presence of individual prefixes and suffixes in words, the presence of two roots in a word, particles -to and -ka, repetitions in function words and interjections.

prefix and root
root II suffix
root II root
In function words and in interjections
Between parts of an independent word

still anyone
somewhere northwest
dark yellow
Old Russian
half an apple
halfway from under ah-ah it’s still as if it exists. frequent
for a reason
prnl. frequent
red something
verb frequent
have fallen
verb frequent
bring it

1 (No. 45). Indefinite pronouns and adverbs with the prefix some and suffixes -that, -or, -are written with a hyphen.
gt;-either. Somewhere. Something. KoZukogo
If in an indefinite pronoun something is separated by a preposition, it is written separately.
Anywhere. Who (there is a sentence).
2 (No. 63). Adverbs are written with a hyphen between parts of the word, which include: 1) the prefix po- and the suffixes -oom (-em), -i; 2) the prefix v- (vo-) and the suffix -х (-ы);

  1. prefix something; 4) suffixes -to, -or, -something; 5) complex adverbs that contain the same roots.
Winter style. In a friendly way. Secondly. Somehow. Ever. Little by little.
і "І і I
It warms like spring (adv.). Like a spring sky.
Secondly (adv.). Second grade.
3 (No. 41). Complex adjectives are written with a hyphen if they are a) formed by adding words independent of each other (you can put a conjunction between them and); b) formed from nouns that are written with a hyphen; c) indicate color.
Complex adjectives are written together if they are a) formed by merging a phrase into a word; b) adding words based on a phrase in which one word depends on another.
Convex-concave (convex and concave). Northwestern (from Suits. North-West). Yellow-red (indicates color). Deaf-mute (excl.: deaf and dumb). Long-playing (based on long-playing).
  1. (No. 36). Compound words with half are written with a hyphen if the second root begins with l, with a capital letter, with a vowel. In other cases, gender in complex words is written together.
Half moon. Half a watermelon. Half of the Urals. Half the Volga. Half a house (not with a vowel, l or capital letter).
  1. (No. 71). Interjections formed by repeating stems are written with a hyphen.
Ox-jgt;x (from oh and oh).
  1. (No. 69, 70). The particles -to and -ka are attached to other words through a hyphen. Now, take it.


  1. § 8. Separation of the difference between independent and non-independent contents from the difference between contents that stand out and merge in intuition
  2. § 18. Distinction between mediated and direct parts of the whole


Russian language lesson in 7th grade “A hyphen between parts of a word in adverbs”

Prepared by a teacher of Russian language and literature Antonova Yulia Mikhailovna

Hyphen between parts of words in adverbs

Lesson objectives:

Educational : repetition of spelling of adjectives, pronouns with a hyphen; familiarizing students with the conditions for writing a hyphen between parts of a word in adverbs; developing the skill of writing a hyphen between parts of a word in adverbs. be able to distinguish adverbs from homonymous parts of speech.

Developmental : developing the ability to logically express one’s thoughts using literary language; development of the ability to argue and prove; speech development - constructing sentences according to schemes.

Educational : nurturing love for the Russian language, nurturing conscious discipline, developing skills of control and self-control, cognitive activity in a team and cooperation in solving search problems.

Lesson type – a lesson in explaining new material.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, presentation, tests

Methods: partially search-based, verbal-visual, problematic when discovering new material.

Techniques: work with a textbook, table, cards, independent work, self-control.

Shapes: individual, frontal, group, differentiated.

During the classes

    Organizing time. Emotional mood.

Teacher: Good afternoon Smile at each other! We have guests at our lesson, welcome them. Are you in a good mood? I hope it stays with you until the end of the lesson.Sit down at your desk and get ready to work.

We are studying a very interesting part of speech. This is an adverb. The epigraph of our lesson will be the words of M. Gorky: “The Russian language is unusually rich in adverbs that make our speech precise, figurative and expressive.” (Slide No. 1)

Our language is both modest and rich,

Every word contains a wonderful treasure.

Say the word “high” -

And you can immediately imagine the blue sky.

Remember the adverb “light” -

And you will see: the sun has risen.

If you say "it's dark"

The evening will immediately look out the window,

If you say “fragrant” you.

You will immediately remember lily of the valley flowers.

Well, if you say “beautiful”,

All of Russia is in front of you at once!

Sometimes it may be desirable for you

Explain the action or sign.

This means: it is necessary

Invite an adverb to help you.

ΙΙ Updating of reference knowledge.

Teacher: Let's remember everything we know about the adverb, for this we will complete a small task. I will read out a statement, if you agree with this statement, then put the number 1, if you disagree, put 0 (justify your choice). As a result, you should get a set of numbers, the so-called code(slide No. 2)

          Is an adverb an independent part of speech? (Yes).

          Does an adverb designate an object? (no: an adverb denotes a sign of action).

          Is an adverb an adverb in a sentence? (Yes).

          The adverb answers the questions: which, which, which? (no: where, to where, from where, how).

          Does an adverb refer to a verb? (Yes).

          Is an adverb a modifiable part of speech? (No).

          Does an adverb have an ending? (No).

          Is the adverb inclined? (No).

          Do adverbs have 6 ranks in meaning? (Yes: image and method of action, measures and degrees, place, time, reason, purpose).

          An adverb of place answers the questions when, how long? (no: where, where, from).

Teacher: Let's check what code you got(slide number 3). 1010100010.

Teacher: Well done! Do you remember how you should evaluate yourself: if there are 1-2 errors - “4”, if there are 3-4 errors - “3”, 5 or more - “2”.

ΙΙΙ . Repetition of studied material necessary for “discovering new knowledge and skills”

Teacher: Today we will continue to get acquainted with the topic “Adverbs”, namely the spelling of adverbs. What branch of linguistics deals with the study of the spelling of words? (spelling is the study of the spelling of words).

Teacher: And nowvocabulary work. (At the blackboard)

Soft blue, southwest, half a watermelon , someone, Russian-English, sofa bed, bright, bright garlands, bitterly pickled cucumber, bright brown leaves, someone will give it, someone will see, went somewhere.- Have you guessed how the last word is spelled? Why did you decide so? (slide No. 4)ΙѴ . Studying and explaining new material.

1) Teacher : The spelling of these words is subject to certain rules, namely the hyphenated spelling of nouns, adjectives, and pronouns. What do you think, what topic will we study?

-Hyphen between parts of words in adverbs.

We open the notebooks, write down the date and topic of the lesson.

What should we learn in class today? What goals should you set for yourself?

Find out when adverbs are written with a hyphen, that is, the conditions for hyphenating adverbs, learn to find adverbs in the text and write them correctly (slide No. 5).

2) Look, observe (slide No. 6). New topic.

Once upon a time


How are these adverbs written?

Let's look at the adverbs from the table again, read them, and say them out loud.

Do you have answer options when adverbs are written with a hyphen? How are they formed? How are they formed? (-Something, -either, -something-).

These parts of the word have already been encountered in the study of indefinite pronouns. They are written with a hyphen.

3). Explanation of a new topic. (Table on screen)(Slides No. 7,8,9)

Hyphen in adverbs


some day

/\ suffix

somewhere way

from somewhere

¬ somewhere

¬ prefix

some way


¬ /\
firstly (from first)
¬ /\
thirdly (from third)

according to you (from your)

¬ /\
dressed for winter (from winter)

¬ /\
in a new way (from new)

¬ /\
acted in a friendly manner (from comradely)

prefix - suffix method

close - close repetition of words

barely - barely

visible - invisible

little by little - repetition of the same root, complicated

prefixes and suffixes

unexpectedly - unexpectedly repetition of synonyms

We write adverbs separatelyexactly, side by side.

So, let's conclude. When is a hyphen written in adverbs? (Slide No. 10)

V. Working with dictionary words.

Teacher: Please note that on p. 119 there are words in a frame. What are these words?

( Vocabulary)(Slide No. 11)

These words are on the stand, pay attention to them, write them down in your notebook.

A long time ago



Little by little

Exactly the same

side by side

inside out

Do we need to remember all the words or is the spelling of most of them explainable? (most spellings are explainable.)

Teacher: The spelling of which adverbs can be explained? (A long time ago, willy-nilly, apparently - invisibly, little - little by little , topsy-turvy, but you need to remember the spelling of adverbsside by side Andexactly the same)

The teacher tellsabout the etymology of the word topsy-turvy

Currently, these words mean - on the contrary, inside out. And there was a time when they were associated with shameful punishment.

A caught thief or other criminal was dressed in torn clothes and brought to justice in this manner. Topsy-turvy meant clothes turned inside out as punishment. Subsequently, topsy-turvy began to mean: to do or say the opposite, the opposite of what is needed, to confuse.

VΙ. Consolidating new material

Exercise 1 . Work with text.Slide 12

(Quiet) quiet in the forest. Here, silently, (like) a cat, they step on the crust someone's paws. From somewhere on the right, along with the wind, hunger can be heard howl of wolves. You involuntarily remember the most terrible fairy tales.

VΙΙ . Physical education minute. (Slide No. 13)

Everyone reaches up to the sun

And they smiled at each other!

Bent to the right, to the left,

They bowed low to their friend.

Greeted amicably

And now we need to work!

Task 2. Adverbs with prefixes must be distinguished from similar combinations of prepositions with different parts of speech. Let's write down the sentences: (slide No. 14)

The sun is shining like autumn.

Clouds float across the autumn sky.

Teacher: Are these words different from each other in pronunciation?(No!).

How do these words differ in meaning and spelling? (an adverb denotes a characteristic of an action, and an adjective denotes a characteristic of an object; they answer different questions and, accordingly, are written differently).

In Russian such words are calledO mophones - so-called phonetic homonyms (words that sound the same, but have different spellings and meanings),

- So why are we still asking the question? (To determine the part of speech.)(Slide No. 15)


    refers to a verb or adverb

    does not change


    refers to a noun

    varies by gender, number, case

Task 3. Copy the sentences, open the brackets. (Slide No. 16)

1. It was still raining heavily.

2. The hunters went (on) the same path.

3. We walk (through) the winter forest and admire its beauty.

4.It’s still (like) winter cold.

Check (slide No. 17)

1. It was still raining heavily. (Was it going? still)

2. The hunters followed the same path. (Which way? Same way)

3. We walk through the winter forest and admire its beauty. (Through what forest? Winter)

4.It’s still cold like winter. (How cold? like winter)

Task 4. Working with cards "Explainers"

To yearn (for) the real thing, rest (for) the present, disappear (for) a little, walk (through) the autumn forest, (like) sunny spring weather, greet (like) friendly, warmed (like) the real, meow (like) a cat .

- mutual testing in pairs ( explain the spelling of words to each other).


Task 5. TEST (Slides No. 18,19)









9. FOLLOW (Following) the WOLF'S TRAIL












Examination (slide number 20)


1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 19, 20

Task 6. (Slide No. 21 )Find the fourth “extra”:

Somewhere),anyone , somewhere (somewhere), why (that).

Look (in) a new way, be (in) my opinion, (through) the winter forest , give a ()friendly pat.

Barely, little by little,cute-cute , I'll say hello.

Task 7. (Slide No. 22,23) "Who is bigger"

Make up sentences using complex adverbs.

Barely, barely, tightly, firmly,

strictly, just

visible-invisible, willy-nilly,

every day, more or less,


(Tchaikovsky's "Seasons" melody plays)

VIΙΙ . Summarizing.

Teacher: At the end of this lesson, I would like to hear from you the following:

    What spelling did you learn about in class today (hyphen in adverbs)

    When do we write adverbs with a hyphen?

Slide 24

Have your goals been achieved? (children answer affirmatively to all questions proposed on the slide).

    Have you repeated the spelling of hyphens in words of different parts of speech?

    Have you become familiar with the conditions for writing an adverb with a hyphen?

    Can we determine the conditions for placing a hyphen between parts of a word in adverbs?

    Can we distinguish adverbs from each other parts of speech?

ΙX Slide No. 25 Homework.

NSelf-dictation (make up phrases (verb + adverb, adjective + adverb, noun + adverb), in which adverbs that are written with a hyphen will be used).

POptional. Come up with a story on the topic “My best friend (girlfriend)”, in which adverbs with the studied spelling will be used.

Repeat vocabulary words.

(Distributed at the beginning of the lesson) Grade 7 student evaluation sheet: __________________

1st task (“code”).

The teacher announces grades for the lesson.

Topic: “Hyphen between parts of words in adverbs”

and literature Rogoza T.A.


Russian language lesson in 7th grade

Topic: “Hyphen between parts of words in adverbs.”

Goals :

    introduce hyphenated spelling of adverbs;

    develop the skill of writing hyphens in adverbs;

    repeat hyphen spelling in nouns, adjectives, pronouns;

    be able to distinguish adverbs with the prefix PO- from adjectives with a preposition.

Lesson objectives:

1. Repeat and consolidate the hyphenated spelling of nouns, adjectives, pronouns;

2. Arouse students’ cognitive interest in the topic being studied.

3.Create conditions for independent generalization and conclusions.

Equipment : cards, screen, projector, notebooks, textbook.

During the classes

1. Vocabulary dictation.

Delicate green foliage, yellowish-brown cap, transparent white fog, talk to someone, meet someone, someone was there, southwest wind, factory kitchen, Tien Shan shores, agricultural college.

2. Place punctuation marks and perform parsing.

(According to options)

Option 1.

The morning air was fresh and large drops of dew shimmered on the leaves.

Option 2.

Some kind of shadow flashed from the right, quietly (quietly) approaching us.

3. Working with the table.

- Review the table. (display table on screen)

Write together

Compound adjectives formed from subordinating phrases

Agriculture -agricultural,

Ancient Rus' -Old Russian.


Proper names, becoming adjectives, often lose their capital letters.

Write with a hyphen

Compound adjectives formed from coordinating phrases:

Russian And English Russian-English ,

Citric And yellow lemon yellow .

Pronouns formed withsuffixes: - then-, -either-, -any-, -yet, -ka and with the helpconsoles some:

Someone, something, some.

Nouns withfloor- :

half a lemon

half of Moscow

half an orange

New material.

There is a table in front of you, the words of which part of speech are written? Try to formulate the topic of the lesson yourself.

"Hyphen in adverbs."

In Russian

hare style


In my

the old way

In adverbs formed from full adjectives and pronouns with a prefixBy-

and suffix-and-, -mu- (-him)



In adverbs formed from numerals using a prefixin- (in-) and suffixes–s(s)



from somewhere


In adverbs after a prefixsome;

before suffixes-this, -either, -something


little by little


In complex adverbs with repetition of the same word or words close in meaning.

(The right side of the table is closed first.)

Now formulate the conditions for hyphenated writing of adverbs, based on the graphic designation (left column of the table).

Draw conclusions. Compare them with the right side of the table.

Most adverbs are written together. But among them there is a certain group of words, between the parts of which it is writtenhyphen.

Hyphen used if the adverb contains:

    PrefixBy- and the suffix -to him: By -previouslyto him , By -moto him , By -oldwow ;

    prefixBy- and suffix-And as part of the final-yi, -ski, -tski : By -hareAnd , By -RussianAnd , By -GermanAnd ;

    prefixin- ( V)- and the suffix -their in words formed from numerals:in -firsts , V -thirdtheir ;

    suffixes -either, or and prefixsome: Where-That , Where-or , where-someday , some -How.

    Throughhyphen words likebarely, tightly, little by little.

V . Working with the textbook.

And let's get acquainted with the rules of the textbook. 114, 115, 116 paragraph 42.

5. Consolidation. Training exercises.

1) Selective dictation. Write down adverbs with the studied spelling.

The revolution raised

hugged in a proletarian way,

and without words she understood

in Latvian and Magyar,

in French and German,

both in Czech and Slovak,

to live like neighbors with everyone.

6. Physical education minute .

Everyone reaches up to the sun

And they smiled at each other!

Bent to the right, to the left,

They bowed low to their friend.

Greeted amicably

And now we need to work!

2) Replace the phrases with adverbs that are written with a hyphen:1) Spoke Russian (in Russian)2) Live differently than before (in a new way)3) Very tightly (tightly)4) Unknown where (somewhere)5) Carelessly done work (somehow)6) I drove slowly (barely)7) Lots of berries (apparently-invisibly)8) Left without saying goodbye (in English)9) Do just a little (just a little)

Guys, do you think it is possible to distinguish an adverb with the prefix -po from an adjective with the preposition “by”? Words that sound the same are spelled differently.According to the winter sky (which sky? according to the winter sky - adjective with a preposition)Shines like a winter (shines like? like a winter - adverb with a prefix)

3) Consolidation of knowledge. Commented letter:
1) She listened with her mouth slightly open like a child.2) From time to time, a summer-blue patch of sky flashed.3) The city was festively noisy.4) Firstly, I haven’t tried this, and secondly, I’m not a gourmet.5) He did the job somehow.6) They left this city a long time ago.7) When the fireplace got a little hot, you could take off your warm clothes.8) In some places, sparks from the fire still flared up.9) He was a little embarrassed.10) They heard this somewhere.

7. Reflection. Lesson summary. 1) Tell us about the conditions for choosing hyphenated spelling of adverbs? What words should you remember?

2) What new did you learn about adverbs in class today?

3) Name the conditions for hyphenated writing of adverbs.

Homework : paragraph 42, exercise 253.

Vocabulary dictations

I. According to ancient custom; the jam is made according to an old recipe; brought up in the old-fashioned way; approach the problem in a new way; walked across the new bridge; approached the issue differently; they went on different schedules; come close to the shore; wrap in thick paper; waste time; entered an empty room; according to the new chronology; they followed a visible trail in the snow; apparently left; talk in a friendly way; acted in a comradely manner; speak English; it turned out our way; tie tightly; howl like a wolf; meet someday; do something; he walked barely; repeat exactly; go somewhere; clean up quickly; moved little by little; warm like spring; came from somewhere; here and there.

II. Visible in the distance; dive deep; think first; leave on time; look up - at the top of the mountain; completely offended - to the end of the alley; from the beginning of summer; during the lesson; deep into the river; at the beginning of the lesson - learn first; attach to the top - to the top of the tent.

III. Dark green bushes; light blue sky; bright yellow rye; Old Russian writing; southwest wind; agricultural machinery; convex-concave surface; Russian-English dictionary; broad-shouldered old man; half-dead with fear; half-woolen scarf; semi-literate person; ancient Roman poet; railway transport; The East European Plain; evergreens.

IV. Warm like spring; do it your way; cry like a child; gloomy autumn days; meet in a friendly manner; settle down in a camping manner; howl like a wolf; truly relax; moves a little; go far, far away; do it exactly; barely sways; little by little; do something; visible-invisible; settle down somewhere; sparkles here and there; headed somewhere; perceive in one's own way; crawl on one's bellies; talk in a friendly manner; Firstly.

V. Somewhere nearby; it burned like yesterday; according to yesterday's schedule; through the festive city; look festive; wander through the autumn forest; along the autumn landscape of the forest; yearn for the present; spring pink sky; followed the bear's trail; go bearish; still quiet; walked along the same route; from somewhere on the left; do it my way; according to my project; somewhere on the right; appear unexpectedly; somewhere near; dark-dark.

Warning dictations

I. 1) He taught you all to speak in your own way. (K. Paustovsky) 2) We spoke Russian to each other. (K. Paustovsky) 3) Her thin eyebrows rose like a child. 4) It was raining like yesterday, but I couldn’t hesitate any longer. (I. Turgenev) 5) Here and there you can see women with children in their arms. (D. Mordovtsev) 6) The hot summer sun burned him a lot somewhere in the steppes. (D. Mordovtsev) 7) The dark walls, once painted red, gave the courtyard a gloomy look. (K. Paustovsky) 8) Along the banks of the rivers there were dilapidated dwellings here and there. 9) Shading the light of the fire with his hand, he looked somewhere to the side. (V. Malov) 10) For some reason the light on the stairs was not turned on. 11) The ringing voice moved away somewhere and fell silent. (M. Semenova) 12) The old man cried quietly, like a child. (D. Mordovtsev) 13) The little horse was barely dragging along the road. 14) Sparks from the tram are falling far, far away. (V. Lentsov) 15) And at noon there was a lot of sun. (V. Lentsov) 16) From somewhere far away came the quiet sound of a flute (V. Pelevin) 17) The ice, slightly darkened, was still strong like winter. (V. Ryabinin)

II. 1) In my opinion, he will not return here again. (Strugatsky) 2) The guess simply stunned me. (E. Yakovleva) 3) The sweater he was wearing was exactly the same color as his eyes. 4) It was no longer possible to work as before. 5) Among the early greenery, people dressed in festive clothes walked along the streets. (V. Lentsov) 6) Firstly, I haven’t seen this film, and secondly, I don’t want to watch it at all. 7) My sympathies were still on his side.

Integrated and separate writing of prefixes
in adverbs formed from nouns
and cardinal numbers

Vocabulary dictations

I. Learn the rules first; from the beginning of spring; go to a meeting with friends; run towards; go upstairs; look at the top of the mast; in the distance of the sea; dive deep; deep into the river; hope for luck; walked at random; during the lesson; do the work on time; blue visible in the distance.

II. Come close; fold into quarters; rush in all directions; the three of us stood; they sat in groups of two; find yourself in a dead end; carry books under your arms; look straight; say in our hearts; move with difficulty; preserve for centuries; to remain in memory forever; to shatter into pieces; run a race; roll along; speak in a low voice; back down; come closer; have a quick snack; to make a mockery of; stand on tiptoes; persuaded by force; I saw it nearby.

Warning dictations

I. 1) Not far away, a red traffic light flashed from time to time. (V. Pronin) 2) Now you need to be twice as careful. 3) At the beginning of February, spring made its first raid. (F. Abramov) 4) We had to hurry to meet the scuba divers. 5) Blue-green grass. This only happens at the beginning of summer. (F. Abramov) 6) A guy in an open leather jacket was hurrying towards me along the gravel path. 7) We still climbed up for about two hours. (V. Korolenko) 8) She deftly but gently grabbed him under the arms, lifted him, and sat him down. (V. Kataev) 9) The taiga approached the water from both banks, shrouded in a purple haze in the distance. (A. Kazantsev) 10) The wind howled pitifully, as if saying goodbye to the earth forever. (A. Kazantsev) 11) People rushed in all directions. 12) Along with the umbrella, he had some small object clamped under his arm. (A. Kazantsev) 13) I took several difficult steps towards the truly brutal wind and went out to the very shore. (V. Popov) 14) The boy, squinting like an adult, shook his finger smeared in chocolate at him. (Strugatsky) 15) He was apparently surprised and was silent for some time. (Strugatsky)

II. 1) An asphalt road led into the interior of a small village. (V. Pelevin) 2) The path still leads deeper and winds through the sparkling snow. (V. Lentsov) 3) With their legs dangling, they sat on a high wooden fence at the beginning of the embankment. (V. Pelevin) 4) And immediately a little old woman came out onto the porch to meet them. (A. Adamov) 5) It began to rain, at first falling in rare drops. 6) At the beginning of September, an early frost suddenly struck. During the day, the puddles began to fill with ice, and the whitened grass crunched. At night the frost promised to be as strong as winter. (By E. Shimu) 7) Subsequently, I had the opportunity to admire the northern lights many times. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

III. He now looked at his friends in a completely new way. Firstly, the long journey side by side tested everyone willy-nilly, secondly, after all, they went through all the difficulties together, thirdly, they became closer to each other in their own way, just like in a song about a friend.

(A. Illuminatorskaya)

Soft sign after sizzling
at the end of adverbs

Vocabulary dictations

I. You rush away; dotted all over; gallop; open wide; hit backhand; marry; fall backwards.

II. Don't disturb your parents; bake pies; burn brushwood; return after midnight; hide from the rain; rush away; wait unbearably; perform exactly; unable to continue the journey; light a fire; appear from behind the clouds; make a hut; the day is good; appoint a duty officer.

Explanatory dictation

1) The puddles are completely covered with leaves. 2) A shot rang out and the bear fell backwards. 3) The soldier fell, got up and ran away. (L. Tolstoy) 4) The rivers and lakes froze, the high mountains were completely covered with blue ice. (M. Semenova) 5) And I see how at the red dawn someone’s dreams fly away. (V. Lentsov) 6) For the dear guest, the gates are wide open. (Proverb) 7) The windows are wide open, I can’t sleep, and in the garden above the stream all night long the nightingale is pouring and whistling. (A. Fet) 8) The front door was wide open like summer. (L. Zamyatin)

Warning dictation


The song began unexpectedly, as if it was being born somewhere in heaven. The melody flowed melodiously, my soul felt light and good, and my eyes felt hot from the approaching tears. Either the steppe air blew freshly, then the clouds thickened ominously, or light clouds moved to the beat of the song, and this made them sing again and again. Willy-nilly, the song flowed into the soul, the eyes opened in a new, free way, just like long ago in childhood. The melody rose up, up, carried away into the distance, and there was no end or beginning to it.

(A. Illuminatorskaya)

Control dictations

You will see green willow everywhere: in vegetable gardens, orchards, along roadways. A lot of it grows along the banks of forest rivulets, along streams. People call willow by different names.
The forest has not yet turned green like spring, but the delicate willow is blooming, reflected in the melt water with yellow puffs. When the sun warms up a little, bees fly out of the hives and hover over the flowering willows, collecting golden pollen. 2
Willow is an unpretentious tree. You can cut down or cut off its thin trunk and stick it even shallowly into the ground - it will take root, take root, and begin to grow. 2
From the beginning of spring, nightingales settle in the willow thickets and tirelessly sing their songs. The roots of willows protect dams built by people from erosion by spring water. From time to time, shuddering from an unexpected wind, the willow whispers quietly, revealing the silvery underside of its leaves.
How beautiful is this willow hanging down over the water, reflecting the sky and clouds floating into the distance. (129 words)

(By I. Sokolov-Mikitov)

The convoy was located away from the village near the river. The sun burned like yesterday, the air was still and dull. There was no escape from the heat. There were several willows on the shore, but their shadows cast uselessly into the water. The water in the river, turning blue from the sky reflected in it, passionately beckoned.
Dymov and Kiryusha quickly undressed and fell into the water with a loud cry. The quietly babbling river was filled with snorting, splashing, and screaming. Yegorushka undressed. Taking a running start, he jumped from a height into the river. Having described an arc in the air, Yegorushka plunged deeply into the depths of the river, but did not reach the bottom. Some force picked him up and carried him back upstairs. He surfaced, snorting and blowing bubbles. Yegorushka swam to the shore and began to rummage around the reed thickets. (112 words)

(By A. Chekhov)

At first they moved along the plain for a long time. There was no trace of green foothills covered with forests here. The mountains began unexpectedly on the left, a sheer wall rising somewhere upward. Wind, water and simply the past centuries have worked hard on it. In many places, layers of multi-colored stone were clearly visible, incredibly skewed and broken. In some places they resembled stonework.
The wall faced north, and the sun never illuminated it. The line of eternal snow descended low, and long before it the trees thinned out and then disappeared completely. A barely noticeable road stretched under the wall. She apparently tried not to press herself close to the wall. 3 But stubborn life still took its toll everywhere. Even along the wall itself there were tenacious bushes climbing, grown from seeds carried from afar by the wind or birds.
In the distance the road climbed up the mountain, following the curves of the rock slope. (123 words)

(By M. Semenova)

First thunderstorm

I remembered this clear spring-like and warm summer day for a long time. In some places barely noticeable green leaves have already appeared. The city looked new. Firstly, the breeze was blowing a little, secondly, almost all the windows were wide open, thirdly, the sun was shining royally, but not hotly, but affectionately, kindly. There were apparently no sparrows on the paths, and they were still scurrying up and down.
But suddenly the sky darkened. Disheveled clouds crawled carelessly, sloppily. First, a faint lightning flashed and cut the dark gray sky in two. Then a strong clap of thunder scared the birds away, as if somewhere someone had broken glassware into smithereens.
And the rain began to pour, just like a curtain fell to the ground and covered everything around. The city disappeared somewhere, and muddy streams of water hurriedly ran through the streets.
It rained for a long time, and in the morning the washed city looked festive and cheerful. (120 words)

(By A. Illuminatorskaya)

The guys climbed a steep mountain slope, completely strewn with stones. Black walls rose vertically to the right and left. A distant strip of blue sky could be seen above. It was fresh in the gorge, but the boys soon became hot. They, breathing heavily, stubbornly walked forward, hurrying to get to the camp before dark.
"Watch out, guys!" - Nikita suddenly shouted. A thick snake with shiny scales slithered towards the boys. A few steps away from them, she froze, then slightly moved her tail, threw up her head and, opening her pink mouth, hissed, shaking her head. Its forked tongue darted silently in its mouth.
Nikita threw a stone at the snake. She darted towards him like an arrow. He barely had time to run away. The guys, stumbling and falling, rushed in all directions, but it was not easy to run over the stones. And the snake had no intention of pursuing them.
Having caught their breath, the friends began to climb up again. (123 words)

(By V. Gubarev)



Vocabulary dictations

I. He rushed towards me; she didn't come to the meeting; sail towards the ship; I had to hurry to meet my classmates; splashes flew towards them; drove the herd towards him; walked towards the travelers.

II. We talked about an excursion; we must keep this in mind; sponsors transferred money to the school account; due to the approaching cold weather; swim in sight of the pier; make arrangements for lunch; stand in sight of the shore.

III. Due to bad weather; as a result, mistakes were made; did not come due to illness; Due to the rains, the river overflowed its banks; expands due to overheating; due to overwork; facts were discovered in the investigation of the case; included in the investigation of the case; the lake was formed due to an earthquake; no errors were found in the investigation.

IV. Throughout the summer; new characters were introduced in the continuation of the film; new heroes act in the continuation of the film; study for a year; the boat fell into the river current; there are many turns in the river's flow; be absent for a week; improvement in the course of the disease; within a minute; travel for a month; see changes in the flow of the stream; meet the heroes in the sequel of the film.

V. He answered without looking at the book; harvested a good harvest despite the drought; the ship went to sea despite the bad weather; climbed the slope without looking down; got to work despite being tired; spoke to his father without looking at him; the competition continued despite the snowfall.

Spelling of derivatives
prepositions and conjunctions

Vocabulary dictation

During a long time; changes in river flow; throughout the whole summer; due to heavy rains; an error has crept into the investigation; as a result, a mistake was made; new heroes act in the continuation of the novel; new characters are included in the continuation of the novel; inquire about excursions; transfer to the school account; instead of gratitude; put it in a secluded place; at the conclusion of the report; for many years the Decembrists were imprisoned in Siberia; despite failure; walked without looking around; answered, despite what was written; due to the approaching cold weather; Have this in mind; within five years; deteriorated due to overload; sail in sight of the city; expands due to overheating; fell behind due to illness; within a minute; did not come due to illness; climbed to the top without looking down; answered without looking at the textbook.

Warning dictation

1) As the river flowed, the water on the rapids boiled with foam. 2) Despite doctors’ prohibitions, he continued to train. 3) The error occurred due to ignorance of the terrain conditions. 4) It rained almost throughout the entire month. 5) There was no question of continuing the conversation. 6) The heat made itself felt, despite the evening. (A. Kazantsev) 7) He lay there for several hours, during which the sea receded. (A. Kazantsev) 8) He answered without looking at the plan written on the piece of paper. 9) Due to the deep snow, the moose did not walk through the taiga, but stood in those places where bad weather found them. (V. Malov) 10) The foliage will continue to fall for several days. 11) Due to bad weather, plane flights were cancelled. 12) Will you help me continue my search?


Continuous writing
unionsalso, also, so that

Vocabulary dictation

He also came and told the same thing; he is also a talented student; say the same thing as other witnesses; as boastful as his brother; he is also ready to go; he also had a dog; what should I read so as not to get bored on the road; no matter what happens, everyone must remain calm; acted as cunningly as the hunter; at the same time my brother arrived; he also came to the holiday; the problem was solved in the same way as the previous one; I will also go hiking; and he was there at the same time.

Explanatory dictations

I. 1) The lines of the mouth were courageous and at the same time childishly naive. (M. Sholokhov) 2) But here, too, silence managed to settle. 3) Walked along the corridor, greeted as usual, smiled. They smiled at him too. (V. Shukshin) 4) At that hour he also went out to look at Baikal. (V. Shukshin) 5) He, too, was an eternal worker and was just as cheerful when things got tough. (V. Shukshin) 6) Everyone who came to St. Petersburg was overwhelmed by the same feeling of admiration. 7) Everything was done hastily and at the same time as if in a dream. 8) My investigation was not progressing either.

II. 1) The trees rustled with leaves and swayed in the wind; clouds still ran across the dark blue sky. (S. Mayorov) 2) A minute later he disappeared in a snowstorm as suddenly as he had appeared. 3) And his manners were also very majestic and unhurried, and he spoke the same way. (A. Adamov) 4) Just like yesterday, the rain was noisy outside the window.

III. 1) Every person is inclined to think about what he would do in the place of another. (M. Semenova) 2) The night opened countless eyes to look down until dawn. (M. Semenova) 3) The road was wide enough for two trucks to pass each other on it. (V. Pelevin)

IV. 1) She silently walked along the corridor and just as silently invited me to enter the room. 2) I also dreamed of going on an expedition. 3) But the taiga came to life when the moonlit nights came. 4) Whatever he did, everything turned out badly. 5) The moonlight was still pouring into the windows. 6) And then I also gathered all my strength to endure at least another minute. (S. Smirnov) 7) The man thanked me for showing interest in the starry sky. (Y. Olesha) 8) She smiled, then slowly rose from her chair. 9) The day turned out to be cloudy, but it wasn’t hot. 10) It was still snowing, and nothing was visible. 11) The sea was calm, just like yesterday. 12) There was also once a country road here, but it had not been used for a long time, and it was overgrown with bushes and small trees. (V. Myasnikov) 13) He was short, but at the same time lean and muscular. (V. Myasnikov) 14) The room also made a strange impression. 15) The arrivals also settled down around the fire. (I. Efremov) 16) At the same instant, a huge pillar of fire burst out from the top of the hill. (A. Kazantsev) 17) To pacify the awakened element, the exertion of all human strength is needed. (A. Kazantsev) 18) The sea was darkening, the waves were losing their shine, but the sky began to brighten. (I. Efremov)

Control dictations

To study well, you need to be a well-organized person. First of all, you need to try to do what you set out to do during the day. From the beginning of September, accustom yourself to this and try to do it throughout the entire school year. Advise your comrades to do the same.
It is better to do the most difficult lessons first because they take longer to complete. But there will be free time for your favorite subjects and hobbies.
If you don’t understand something, do not immediately turn to your elders for clarification, but look in the dictionary or reference books. It's difficult, but rewarding. During the time you spend reading reference books, you will learn a lot of new and interesting things.
Read more in your free time. While reading, write down individual interesting thoughts and statements. It is also useful to memorize poems you like in order to enrich your language and develop memory. (128 words)

Over the course of many centuries, millennia, the shape and height of the earth's surface changes, and where the sea used to roar, land subsequently formed. The same thing happens with rivers and lakes as with seas. Mountains also do not remain unchanged. Rocks consisting of several components are especially susceptible to destruction. Because these parts expand and contract differently, cracks form between them. Water gets into them. When it freezes, it increases in volume and breaks the hardest stones with enormous force.
Plants and animals also play a big role in the destruction of rocks. Plant roots produce acid that eats away the stone. If a seed gets into a crack in the rock, it will grow and, gradually thickening, will push it apart. As a result, weathering occurs. It happens very slowly, but over the course of many years the strongest rocks are destroyed. (125 words)

(N. Efimova)


Distinguishing on the letter of particlesNot Andneither

Vocabulary dictations

I. There was not a speck of dust; could not help but think about his mother; had no doubt about success; not to take into account anyone's interests; no help; he cannot be trusted with anything; did not contact anyone; knew neither rules nor formulas; no matter how difficult it is, it must be done; one cannot help but be proud of his successes; the building turned out to be nothing more than a library; it couldn't have been anything else; not a bush or twig moves; whatever he does, everything is fine; no matter how hard you try, it’s all in vain.

II. Didn't catch a single fish; there is not a blade of grass in the field; I couldn’t help but hear; not a piece in the house; didn’t grow a single grain; none came; was late more than once; never been; out of nowhere; without stopping for a minute; not a soul in the house; I haven’t heard a word about him; not a tear was shed; did not make a single model; didn't say a word.

Warning dictation

1) You can’t help but admire the sunset. 2) No matter what thoughts overcome me, I am calm for him. 3) What thoughts did not overcome me! 4) Where has he been? 5) Wherever he went, everywhere he was greeted joyfully. 6) When you don’t come to your friend, she gets offended. 7) Whenever you come to your friend, she chats on the phone. 8) Those who have not read this book should read it. 9) Whoever read this book, everyone liked it. 10) Say no more! 11) He couldn’t help but come. 12) I couldn’t help but call. 13) Don't think down on seconds. (R. Rozhdestvensky) 14) Who hasn’t cursed bus crushes! 15) There is no other way to explain this. 16) We have never fished together. 17) There is no question of any trips. 18) Nothing else pleased him. 19) No matter how difficult it is, you have to do it. 20) No matter how hard we tried to save food, we ran out of food by the end of the week. 21) No matter how creaky the frost is, it is not painfully powerful. (Proverb) 22) No matter how much the cuckoo crows, it will fly away in winter. (Proverb) 23) No matter how dark the night, the day will certainly come. (Proverb) 24) But nothing moved either around me or in front. (I. Turgenev) 25) There was not a single bush or tree here. 26) No matter how much I walked, I didn’t see a bear. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov) 27) Without the past it is impossible to understand well or appreciate the present. (V. Peskov)

Integrated and separate writingneither AndNot

Vocabulary dictations

I. A ridiculous act; unripe watermelon; don't be sorry for the time; does not reach the bottom; lacks kindness; the sky is not blue; an ill-conceived decision; hair is not down; not having mastered the previous one; without feeling any pain; the habits are not that of a fox; the briefcase is not leather; no need to say that; the teapot is not porcelain; the branch is not broken; lacking tact; acted in an unfriendly manner; the essay has not been checked; not answering the letter; at least two meters; a river that has not yet frozen; was not interested in anyone; did not share his problems with anyone; nowhere to get strength from; no good; to do at all costs; as if nothing had happened; no better than this; did not do it your way; never quarreled; there is nowhere for an apple to fall; did not agree at all; nowhere to be seen; nothing to measure; did not warn in time; saw nothing; I wasn’t at all surprised; the light is not like summer; not sorry; no need; there was no time; the door not closed by me; without thinking it through; prolonged bad weather; sloppy appearance; awkward outfit; be indignant about what happened; not a deep, but a shallow lake; a small but fast river; not affected by weeds; did no better; uninvited guest; stupid kid; far from an interesting film; not completed, but only begun work; don't talk nonsense; far from an easy task; all sorts of surprises; hidden hostility; done carelessly; not high, but low.

II. He spoke a lie; it was not the truth, but a lie; an ugly act; not handsome, but simply cute; went far; he went not far, but close; spoke nonsense; a ridiculous act; looked ridiculous; not a nice outfit at all; he acted far from gracefully; not an easy task; far from an easy task; fly low; fly not high, but low; ugly cloak; not a cheerful, but a sad look; answered casually; behaved at ease; unrealizability of thoughts; inexpensive but beautiful scarf; a narrow but deep river; hidden hostility; all sorts of surprises; unsightly appearance.

III. Wasn't at school; could not; did not tell; do not violate; not feeling well in the morning; immediately disliked it; without feeling; not talking; Not understanding; indignant; regardless of faces; without remembering; not hoping; do not see; hated falsehood; unopened letter; a letter not opened by the father; the letter is not printed; no water was spilled; not a written, but a printed sheet; a friend I have not met; unmet friend; the floors are not painted; unpainted floors; unpainted floors; the grass is not cut; uncut grass; grass that has not yet been cut; not a thoughtful decision at all; the tireless tourist; uninhabited houses; houses not yet occupied; the houses are not inhabited; act in an unfriendly manner; don't feel sorry for the slacker; no need to be late; the briefcase is not leather; the jacket is not brown; the issue is not resolved; the river is not wide; the path is not long, but short; muttered something incomprehensible; it didn't come cheap; it is not cheap, but expensive; ignorant of music; should not be discouraged; despite the bad weather; irreparable defect; cross a narrow but deep river; without looking into tomorrow; not loud, but quiet speech; behave at ease; continuous screaming; the fire is not extinguished; an unextinguished fire; unprepossessing figure.

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