Russian Air Defense Forces Day. Feats and heroes of the air defense forces

One of the most important holidays among professional military personnel is Air Defense Forces Day. It is celebrated by everyone involved in protecting the country’s territory from airborne threats. Find out what date Air Defense Day is in 2019 and the history of this holiday in our article.

Days and numbers

Initially, Air Defense Day was classified as a professional holiday - it was celebrated by military personnel who were involved in the issue of “cleanliness” of the airspace. In addition, it was celebrated by those who guarded military installations outside the country.

Today this holiday is included in the list of memorable days in the armed forces of the Russian Federation. This status was assigned to him by a Presidential Decree in 2006.

Air Defense Day does not have a fixed date. That is, every year it falls on a new date. The same Decree designated the second Sunday in April as the day of celebration.

History of appearance

Air Defense Day is a holiday with a rich, heroic history, because the entire journey of the air defense troops is a feat. Despite the fact that the first air defense units appeared more than a hundred years ago, a memorial day in honor of this formation was established only in 1975. By decree of the Presidium of the USSR, a special holiday was allocated in memory of the merits of the troops during the Great Patriotic War - April 11. The date was chosen in memory of the most important decisions made during the Second World War in April. It was these decisions that largely determined the future path of development of the army.

Five years later, in 1980, the date is moved. Now it is celebrated in April, on the second Sunday of the month. In fact, with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the regulations on holidays ceased to apply, but until 2006, Air Defense Day was celebrated annually on this very day - the second Sunday in April. Well, in 2006, as mentioned above, a presidential decree officially assigned the specified date to professional troops.

Military history

The issue of air defense was first raised after the use of balloons and airships during the First World War. The first aircraft were used first for reconnaissance - detecting enemy units, and then during combat operations - they dropped bombs on enemy concentrations. Of course, as a type of armed equipment, airships were ineffective, but they still caused some damage. And then the engineers began to think about protecting their own units from air attacks. With the advent of aircraft, the problem of air defense has become very urgent.

In the first decade of the 20th century, air defense was carried out on a residual basis, that is, systematic defense was not established. But already in 1914, the first air defense complex appeared - a battery of guns, whose task was to shoot down aircraft. A year later, the first anti-aircraft guns appeared, and with them the defense became more effective. Of course, due to the poor development of technology and weapons, air defense was never formed as an independent branch of the military in the First World War. But the foundations, the principles that are still used today, were laid and formed precisely in that distant time.

The next stage in the development of armed units was the Second World War, or more precisely, the Great Patriotic War. The rapid development of aviation and the increasing threat it brought with it simply forced the Soviet command to pay special attention to air defense. Although it would be more correct to say - first only defense, and then full-fledged defense. During the war years, a large-scale idea of ​​air defense developed, which is still in effect today. This concept includes not only anti-aircraft weapons, but also a whole range of measures designed to protect against air raids.

With the cessation of hostilities, the development and improvement of air units did not stop. Aircraft and artillery, missile systems and radar equipment - all the best was allocated to equip the units.

In 2015, there was a significant change in the air defense structure. On the basis of existing units, unified troops were created - the Aerospace Forces. Currently, it is these military formations that carry out the air defense of the country, both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad. Today, the total length of airspace protected by the Aerospace Forces is 4,500 km, of which about 1,500 are on the state border.

Look video about Air Defense Day in Russia:

Almost all branches of the military in Russia have their own holidays. The air defense troops also have their own special day. And today we want to tell you about what date Air Defense Day will be celebrated in 2019, as well as about the history of the creation and development of air defense troops in our country.

On May 31, 2006, the President of Russia signed a decree “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.” In accordance with this Decree, Air Defense Day in Russia is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of April.

This holiday was first established in the Soviet Union. In 1975, on February 20, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree, according to which it was prescribed that this professional military holiday should be celebrated annually on April 11. Thus, the enormous contribution that air defense soldiers made to the Victory over Nazi Germany was noted, as well as their outstanding services in strengthening the defense capability of our homeland. However, a little later, in 1980, it was considered more appropriate to move this holiday to a weekend and Air Defense Day began to be celebrated on the second Sunday in April. This tradition continues today. Air Defense Day in 2019 will be celebrated on April 10.

How the air defense forces were born

The history of the creation of air defense troops is inextricably linked with the emergence of aviation in many countries. Airplanes appeared that were used in military campaigns - it was necessary to defend against them. The first anti-aircraft gun was produced at the Putilov plant in St. Petersburg back in 1914. It was developed by the Russian designer F. F. Lender with the participation of artillery officers V. V. Tarnovsky and P. A. Glazkov. However, by the beginning of the First World War, the Russian armed forces did not have time to create full-fledged units to combat air targets specifically. This deficiency had to be quickly made up for by already conducting military operations. The General Staff began to form special Russian units and arm them with 75 mm naval guns, as well as 76.2 mm field artillery pieces, from which they could fire at air targets, both airplanes and airships. And in order for the results of this shooting to be more accurate, special optical instruments were developed. In particular, the Russian inventor Ya.N. Perepelkin proposed his own lead angle device, on the basis of which A.M. Ignatiev later created his own cannon sight, very advanced for those times.

On December 13, 1915, the Government issued a Decree on the formation of four separate light batteries for firing at enemy air targets. In addition, in order to defend Petrograd from the air from 1914 to 1917, a special air detachment was created, which consisted of about 200 aircraft. This can be considered the birth of our country’s air defense forces.

After the formation of the Soviet Union, work in this direction actively continued. Air Defense Day in 2019 is another reason to remember the important role these troops played during the Second World War. When the Great Patriotic War began, there were 13 air defense force districts on the European territory of the USSR. However, their command was largely decentralized, and the air defense forces at that time did not have their own fighter aircraft. Of course, the Soviet Union had fighter aircraft, but it was subordinate to another military department - the Air Force.

With the outbreak of the war, it became clear that such a situation was unacceptable. This was especially evident in the first months of hostilities, which showed the important role aviation plays in defeating ground targets. Therefore, fighters - I-15, I-16 and I-153 - began to enter air defense service. And although they were not distinguished by high speed, this made it possible to significantly protect our cities from enemy air attacks. Then the air defense forces received MiG-3, Yak-1, Yak-3 and Yak-9 fighter-interceptors, as well as foreign fighters supplied to us by our allies under Lend-Lease.

During the Great Patriotic War, anti-aircraft artillery continued to develop. By the beginning of 1945, on all fronts there were already 61 RVGK anti-aircraft artillery divisions, 192 small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery regiments, 97 separate RVGK divisions, armed with about 11 thousand anti-aircraft guns.

Air Defense Day - continuation of the legend

The active development of air defense troops continued in the post-war years. However, until 1958 they were not an independent branch of the military. The management of combat forces and air defense systems continued to remain fragmented. Only in 1957, after the next joint exercise of the military districts, the Minister of Defense of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov made a report in which he clearly proved the need to create a new type of Ground Forces - the Air Defense Forces. And already on August 16, 1958, the Minister of Defense signed the corresponding order No. 0069. Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of Artillery V.I., was appointed Chief of the Air Defense Ground Forces. Kazakov, who led them until 1965.

The Office of the Chief of Air Defense Troops of the Ground Forces was created in the Main Command of the Ground Forces. In military districts, armies and army corps, combined arms formations and units, the position of chief of air defense troops is being introduced. One of the first regiment commanders in 1958-1959 were A.Ganzha and S.Mukhanov.

As regiments of a new type of troops began to form, personnel training was needed, for which a special training center was formed near Kharkov. The military personnel were trained here for six months. After which they faced exams at the State Training Ground of the Air Defense Forces near Astrakhan.

Military equipment continued to improve and develop. By the early 70s of the last century, the air defense forces were armed with the Krug, Kub, Strela-1, Osa anti-aircraft systems and the Strela-2 man-portable anti-aircraft missile system (MANPADS). Russian air defense soldiers took an active part in many local armed conflicts in accordance with treaties of friendship and cooperation. In the period 1980-1989. The personnel of the Air Defense Forces of the Army carried out combat missions as part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops on the territory of the Republic of Afghanistan. Modern air defense forces are armed with such complexes as the S-300V, Buk-M1, Tor-M1, Osa-AKM, and Tunguska-M1. Regularly exhibited at international exhibitions, this technique successfully competes with most Western analogues. Military personnel of the Russian Air Defense Ground Forces are ready to defend the airspace of our country at any moment.

The Day of the Russian Air Defense Forces is one of the most important professional holidays in the Russian troops. On what date will Air Defense Day be celebrated in 2017 and how this holiday appeared - in our article.

Russian Air Defense Day in 2017

People who are always on duty - day and night, on holidays and on weekdays - are soldiers and officers of the air defense forces. The service of these brave people is in many ways similar to the border service: their main task was to protect the air borders of our country. And in honor of one of the most important branches of the military, a special holiday was established - Air Defense Day, celebrated annually on the second Sunday of April.

History of air defense troops

The history of the air defense forces goes back a little over a hundred years and dates back to the turn of the 20th century, during the First World War. The need for this kind of troops arose with the advent of balloons and airships, which began to be used for military purposes.

To protect their own troops from enemy actions from above, they began to use machine guns and mobile rapid-fire cannons - they used them to shoot down enemy airships when approaching the location of a military unit. So, in 1914, the first battery of guns was formed, whose task was to track and shoot down aircraft. And the first “anti-aircraft guns” - anti-aircraft guns, a full-fledged anti-aircraft weapon, appeared a year later - in 1915. Based on airships and balloons, their own air surveillance system was created, designed for early detection of enemy aircraft. However, due to the weakness of weapons, air defense did not develop during the First World War. However, it was during the First World War that the basic principles of air defense were formed: all-round defense, increased fire at sites of probable attack, and readiness for round-the-clock combat operations.

The Second World War became a real test and a true baptism of fire for air defense. The need to prevent countless enemy air attacks made these troops perhaps the most needed in the army. With the development of aviation, rear areas ceased to be a safe zone - air raids could not be restrained by infantry or tank units. The introduction of aircraft into the army significantly expanded the area of ​​ongoing combat operations. In order to ensure the security of the rear, it was necessary to improve air defense. Thus, wax parts were allocated to a person whose task was to maintain the “purity of the sky.”

Of course, the weapons have also changed. Weak and low-power cannons and machine guns were replaced by anti-aircraft systems and automatic systems for early detection of enemy air forces, and instead of single detachments, air defense forces began to form special units with trained fighters. During the war years, air defense grew from a rather primitive security system into a large-scale, high-tech structure, constituting an important part of the Russian defense forces.

Orders and dates

On February 20, 1975, the merits of the air defense troops were noted throughout the country - then the Soviet Union. The Supreme Presidium of the USSR established a new state holiday in honor of this type of troops - Air Defense Day. According to the signed Decree, this holiday was supposed to be celebrated on April 11. However, five years later - in 1980 - a new order made the date of the holiday “floating”: Air Defense Day began to be celebrated on the second Sunday in April.

In our time, this date was confirmed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. The Day of the Russian Air Defense Troops is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of the second spring month - that is, in the first half of April. In 2017, we celebrate Air Defense Day on the 9th.

On December 26, the Air Defense Forces of the Ground Forces celebrate the anniversary of their formation. The beginning of the formation of military air defense units was the order of the Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief dated December 13 (26), 1915 No. 368, which announced the formation of separate four-gun light batteries for firing at the air fleet. According to the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated February 9, 2007 No. 50, the date of creation of military air defense is considered to be December 26.

Military air defense formations are designed to cover troop groups and military logistics facilities, important state infrastructure facilities located in the area of ​​responsibility of the combined arms commander. In the context of the rapid development of aerospace attack means of the armies of foreign states, formations, military units and air defense units have become an integral part of combined arms formations from the tactical to the operational-strategic level.

In the modern Armed Forces there are more than 90 formations, military units and air defense units. As the practical actions of the troops at the training grounds have shown, the level of training of soldiers and officers has increased significantly, especially in practical terms.

The basis of the military air defense weapon system is anti-aircraft missile systems and complexes (ZRS and SAM) "S-300V3", "Buk-M2", "Tor-M1", "Osa-AKM", "Tunguska-M1", MANPADS "Igla" . The main means of automated control are the Polyana-D4M1 automation equipment complex (CAS), designed to equip command posts of military districts, armies, anti-aircraft missile brigades in mobile and stationary versions, as well as a single CSA "Barnaul-T" - to equip units Air defense of individual motorized rifle (tank) brigades.

Reconnaissance means include mobile radar stations (radars) of the standby mode “Sky-SV”, “Sky-SVU” and combat mode “Ginger”, “Obzor”, “Dome”, as well as portable radars “Garmon”. Currently, research and development work is being carried out to create a new generation of air defense weapons. The basic areas of the technological basis of such work are microelectronics, computer science and robotics.

The modernization of the S-300V air defense system made it possible to increase the range of destruction of aerodynamic air targets to 400 km, the areas covered from attacks by operational-tactical and tactical missiles (OTR and TR) by 3-4 times, and the destruction of OTR and medium-range ballistic missiles with a launch range of up to 3500 km.

The Air Defense Forces of the Air Force will soon receive a modified Buk-M2 complex, which, while maintaining the same number of combat weapons, will increase the number of simultaneously fired air targets for a division from 6 to 24, the area of ​​​​covered objects and troops - by 2.5 times, the possibility of hitting TR with launch range up to 150-200 km. Work is nearing completion on the creation of a new medium-range air defense system, which will be many times greater than its predecessor in terms of destruction range, number of simultaneously hit targets and destruction speed.

In 2011, the Air Defense Forces received a new modification of the Tor-M2U air defense system, which today is the only one in the world in terms of simultaneous firing of four air targets by one combat vehicle. Compared to the previous modification, it has 1.5 times increased parameters of the affected area in height, speed and heading parameter.

In the interests of developing the command and control system, work is underway to create new unified command and control systems at various levels of command and control of troops and weapons. At the tactical level, the brigade is being planned to equip it with sets of control equipment from the Barnaul-T KSA, which in terms of its main characteristics corresponds to, and in terms of maneuverability, security, interchangeability of control equipment, and the time it takes to set a mission, it exceeds its foreign counterparts. The time it takes for commands (information) to pass from the air defense chief of a brigade to an air defense missile system (SAM) combat vehicle is no more than 1 second.

On Thursday, February 14, 2019, Russia celebrates a wonderful holiday - Valentine's Day. State lotteries cannot stay away from such a bright event, and are holding a special event dedicated to Valentine's Day. holiday drawing number 1271.

In this regard, I would like to wish: lovers - love, lovers - keep them, those who bought a Russian Lotto ticket - win!

The day the program goes on air on the NTV channel is traditionally Sunday. Starting from October 17, the broadcast begins at 14:00 Moscow time.

The broadcast of the 1271st draw of the Russian Lotto on TV, dedicated to Valentine's Day, will also take place on Sunday February 17, 2019, starting at 14:00 Moscow time on the NTV channel .

What will be played on February 17, 2019:

In 1271 editions of the All-Russian State. lottery will draw many clothing and cash prizes, 100 romantic trips and a Jackpot of 500 million rubles.

What does a ticket look like:

Ticket edition 1271 has a pink border. A heart-shaped balloon flies against the background of a blue sky, to the left of it is the inscription “Happy Valentine’s Day!”, and below it is “Jackpot 500,000,000 rubles.” On the bottom left it says "1271 edition". At the bottom, on a white background, there is the inscription “100 Romantic Journeys.”

Let us remind you that the short day on Friday 02/22/2019 will be the only “gift” to the Russian defenders in terms of rest, because The day off from Saturday is moved not to the next Monday, but to Friday, May 10, 2019.

Growing good tomato seedlings in 2019 on a windowsill in an apartment is an art. Knowing the timing of timely planting of seeds, picking seedlings and following the rules of caring for them results in strong and healthy plants. Experienced gardeners also advise not to neglect the calendar of lunar phases, which, in their opinion, have a huge impact on the development of tomatoes. Below we talk about when to plant tomatoes in seedlings and in the ground in 2019, taking into account the lunar calendar.

Dates for sowing tomato seeds for seedlings in 2019:

In 2019, the best time for planting seeds for seedlings at home for central Russia is coming one day after the new moon on March 6, 2019. However, the most favorable days are from March 10 to 12, 2019, as well as March 15 and 16, 2019. Late dates for sowing tomato seedlings 2019 are approaching after the full moon March 21, 2019. On the waning moon, the optimal days will be March 23 and 24, 2019.

Let us remind you that before planting, seeds should be disinfected (for example, in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate) and then rinsed well. To increase the future yield, we recommend soaking the seeds for a day in a weak solution of boric acid (0.1 g per 0.5 l of water). Sow the dried seeds in small (7-8 cm) trays with soil to a depth of no more than 1-1.5 cm, water and cover with film. The seed germination temperature is +22-25 degrees, so they are kept away from the cold windowsill. As soon as the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the trays are placed on the windowsill. Water the seedlings only with warm (+20+-22 degrees) water.

Dates for picking tomato seedlings in 2019:

When the first true carved leaf appears between the cotyledon leaves, the seedlings can be planted in separate pots or in boxes with soil 12-15 cm high. In any case, the distance between neighboring plants should be 10-12 cm. In this case, the sprouts are buried in the ground to the very top. cotyledons.

In March 2019 - from March 23 to 27; in April 2019 - April 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17. April 5, 2019 is a new moon, so a pick on the waxing moon from April 7 to April 17, 2019 most preferred.

Time frame for caring for tomato seedlings in 2019 (watering, fertilizing, hardening):

To prevent tomato seedlings from stretching, you need provide her with enough light and reduce the air temperature during the day from +18 to 24 degrees, and at night from +12 to 16 degrees.

It is also necessary fertilize. The first feeding is given 7-10 days after picking, when the plant forms new roots, and then every 8-12 days. To fertilize, mineral fertilizers or wood ash are dissolved in water for irrigation.

In April 2019, any days will be the best for feeding from 7 to 18, from 20 to 26, 29 and 30 April. In May 2019 you can feed from 1 to 4, from 7 to 18, 21-23, 26-31 May.

15-20 days before planting in the ground seedlings need to be hardened off. It is best to take it out onto the loggia or balcony and open the window.

During the last ten days before planting, tomato seedlings become very elongated, especially if the weather is warm. Stunt growth You can stop watering, and water only when the leaves wilt in the middle of the day.

Dates for planting tomato seedlings 2019 in the ground:

Tomato seedlings are planted in the ground at the age of 60-70 days from germination when the air temperature at night exceeds +12 degrees. One or two days before planting, the plants need to be well watered with water and fertilizer to ensure the preservation of the roots and nutrition of the plants after planting in the ground.

In May 2019 seedlings can be planted under arches with covering material as early as May 17-18 on the waxing moon. Let us remind you that May 19, 2019 is a full moon, and it is better to interrupt the work. The best days in May 2019 on the waning moon will be May 26-28 and 31. In June 2019 it is already possible to plant in open ground June 1st and 2nd, 5th and 6th. June 3, 2019 is a new moon and activity in the garden is undesirable.

Let us recall the optimal timing for planting and caring for tomato seedlings in 2019:
* sowing seeds - from 10 to 12, 15 and 16, 23 and 24 March 2019;
* picking seedlings - from March 23 to March 27; April 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 2019;
* feeding seedlings every 8-12 days - from 7 to 18, from 20 to 26, 29 and 30 April, from 1 to 4, from 7 to 18, 21-23, 26-31 May 2019;
* planting seedlings in the ground - May 17, 18, 26-28, 31, June 1, 2, 5, 6, 2019

We also read:

The date of Passover is tied to the lunisolar Jewish calendar, and therefore, according to the Gregorian calendar, the date of the celebration changes annually. The Jewish Passover 2019 begins with the onset of twilight on the 14th day of the spring month of Nisan ( from the evening of April 19, 2019), and lasts 7 days in Israel - from 15 to 21 Nisan (from April 20, 2019 to April 26, 2019), and 8 days outside of it, including in Russia - 22 Nisan each (until April 27, 2019).

According to ancient tradition, every Jewish holiday begins the evening before, after sunset. Therefore, the celebration of Passover 2019 also begins on the evening of April 19, 2019 with the festive Sedar (night Passover meal). And the day of Nisan 14 is also called the Day of Preparation for the Holiday.

Thus, the date of Passover in 2019 will be as follows:
* Beginning - April 19, 2019 (in the evening, at dusk).
*First day - April 20, 2019
* Last day is April 26, 2019 in Israel (April 27, 2019 outside Israel).

We also read:

It is prohibited to work on the first and last day of Passover 2019, so Nisan 15 (April 20, 2019) and Nisan 21 (April 26, 2019) are declared non-working days in Israel. In addition, April 20 in 2019 falls on a Saturday - a non-working day with a five-day working week in a number of countries, including Russia.

One of the traditions of the Passover holiday is eating “flat unleavened bread” - matzo. This tradition is explained by the fact that when Pharaoh freed the Israelites from slavery, they left Egypt in a hurry, in which they could not wait for the bread dough to rise with yeast. Therefore, during the Jewish Passover they do not eat leavened bread.

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