The village of Bely Bor 28.11 41 battles. Military graves in the villages of Bely Bor

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Troitsko-Pechora district is one of the leading logging regions of the Komi Republic (Komi ASSR). In the post-war years, new logging centers grew up in the area on the basis of the Troitsko-Pechora private farm.

Bely Bor is a small village stretching along the Northern Mylva River. Why Bely Bor? We address this question to the old residents of the village and hear many opinions. As they say - “how many people, so many opinions.” And yet it is considered more accurate that... “In the spring the village was all white with the color of bird cherry and rowan. In the summer, the white moss bush was full of porcini mushrooms. And how could the new village be called differently?”

Purpose of the study: explore the past and present of the village of Bely Bor. Tasks:

1.Collect material about the history of the village of Bely Bor.

2. Find out about the people the village can be proud of.

3. Collect material about the history of the municipal educational institution “Elementary school - kindergarten”; determine its role in the life of the village.

4. Arouse the interest of fellow villagers in the history of their small homeland.

Object of study - Bely Bor village Troitsko-Pechorsk Troitsko-Pechorsk district of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Subject of study - the past and present of the village of Bely Bor, its residents who you can be proud of, the history of the municipal educational institution “Elementary school - kindergarten”.


I believe that the topic of my work relevant. There are more and more abandoned villages, villages and towns on the map of our country. Rural youth are leaving their homes and moving to the city. I would like to draw the attention of my peers to the fact that it is necessary to know and remember the history of the homeland of our parents, our small homeland.

The work consists of three chapters. IN Chapter I reflects the past of the village of Bely Bor, its emergence and construction. Chapter II introduces the history of the municipal educational institution "NSH-DS". IN Chapter III - the present village of Bely Bor.

In my work I used different research elements. From archival data I learned when our village was founded, in what year it became part of the Mylvinsky Village Council, and the names of the first residents. In the Council of Veterans and the military registration and enlistment office I found information about veterans of the Great Patriotic War and participants in local conflicts. In the regional museum I studied the documents of one of the liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. He talked with residents of the village, recorded their oral stories and memories, studied newspaper material, collected reviews, and conducted interviews.

Chapter I. The past of the village of Bely Bor

1951 The development of a new gas field and the construction of a road to the village of Komsomolsk-on-Pechora began. Tractors passed from Troitsko-Pechorsk to the Dzhebol River. The embankment was built by hand by convicts, prisoners and free settlers. The free settlers lived in three barracks along the river bank. There was deforestation along the route. There were no permanent staff at the training camp, so seasonal workers worked. They were transported from Troitsko-Pechorsk on open lawns. Here are some of them: Mikhail Varlamov, Nikolay Karmanov, Vasily Bazhukov, A.N. Bazhukov, Grigory Krovny.

1954 is considered the year of birth of the Beloborsky timber point.

1956 The silence of the frosty February morning was broken by the hum of a car. The first place of residence was a large canvas tent. Construction of the first panel house-barracks began.

And with the onset of warmth, workers - foresters - began to arrive. Mostly they came from the Bolshelyagsky forest area - Sosnovka, Yudino, Roshayol, Mishkinyol. We walked from the village of Troitsko-Pechorsk and arrived along the river on a barge. These were Evgeny Serafimovich and Karolina Ivanovna Yudin, Egor Lazarevich and Maria Kuzminichna Denisov, Vladimir Egorovich and Natalya Stepanovna Porokishny, Nikolai Aleksanrovich Skobyalko, Semyon Potapovich and Zinaida Andreevna Chizhov, Alexey Nikolaevich and Nina Arsentievna Tyutrin, Nikolai Nazarovich Otrutsky, Leon Joseph ovich Kozderko (application 1).

A little later N.G. arrived. Belozerov, A.S. Kulikova, E.A. Spiridonova, Alexander Nikolaevich and Ekaterina Varfalameevna Zhenev, Ivan Ivanovich and Anastasia Ivanovna Zhurins, N.A. Slobochikova, A.I. Ignatkova, Vasily Andreevich and Vera Vasilievna Potolitsyn and others (Appendix 2). The first child born in Bely Bor is Kozderko Vova. The first children who came with their parents were Vera Yudina, Misha Kozderko, Sveta and Shurik Denisova, Kolya Patolitsyn.

Active construction of Bely Bor has begun. Felling timber, building houses. The “Shop” and “Dining” trailers were brought. With the onset of autumn, people who lived in tents began to move into barracks. Instead of separate apartments, the houses had partitions made of ordinary boards or just curtains. We lived without a radio, instead of electricity there was a kerosene lamp. The bread was baked by K.I. Yudina. 3. A. Chizhova carried water from the river on a horse... But life was in full swing. On rest days, people gathered for gatherings, sang and danced to the accordion. They lived together as one big family. They worked from morning to evening, deforestation took place both in the village and across the river. The main tools are an ax and a bow saw. The men worked alone. Each person felled the forest himself, cut off branches, and loaded them onto a drag or sleigh. And the women were taken to the cart. There, the forest was put into rafts and floated down the Northern Mylva to Pechora. A lot of interesting things can be learned from the memoirs of the discoverers of the village (Appendix 3).

The population of the village was constantly growing, people came from all over the USSR. In 1967, there were 27 nationalities here. Everyone lived together. New married couples were created.

Time passed, the country developed, workers began to be sent to tractor driver courses at the Mitrofanovskaya machine operator base, and then to Zelenetskaya. Small complex brigades began to be organized to replace single fellers. A more modern electric saw “K - 5” appeared, which worked from the mobile station PS - 12 - 200. The first tractor also became a good help. It had a basket for small firewood and a stove. While the wood was burning, the tractor was moving. Therefore, we had to replenish fuel along the way.

Living conditions gradually improved, everyone began to have their own apartment. Grocery and industrial stores appeared, a library and a club were built. Amateur artistic groups performed on stage. Even artists from the city of Syktyvkar came with concerts from other villages. The then beginning singer Valery Leontyev also performed on the club stage. The club organized film rentals. On Saturdays and Sundays the entire adult population came to dance. For New Year's Eve, Komsomol members decorated the hall and put up a Christmas tree. Those interested came in carnival costumes and received prizes. Even residents of other villages and the regional center tried to attend the New Year's celebration. The heads of the club at different times were Nizskaya R.F., Surova M.A., Nyuksha R.G., Zaitseva N.V.; projectionists - Kushnir M.M., Popova V.N., Zenina S.I.

The first paramedic in the village was V.M. Novolotskaya. L.D. Sokolov worked for many years and monitored both labor discipline and the cleanliness of the streets. On active days he gave lectures for loggers. Later, Sheshukova R.V., Zhukova N.M., Sobrovina V.V., Rumyantseva S.A. worked as paramedics. The duties of a nurse at the FAP were performed by G.I. Petrenkova for 16 years, and V.N. Gultyaeva for more than 20 years.

The heads of the post office at different times were Shebereva A.A., Manoilo L.Yu., Lazorik V.S., Gaifulina N.M., Krynitskaya R.S., Dietrich N.L.; postmen - Kozderko A.K., Kudashova A.A., Zyabysheva N.V.

During the period of existence of the logging station, two dormitories, a bathhouse (bathhouse attendants M.A. Shcherbak, M.F. Vedyakova) were built, three boiler houses were used, a shopping center (grocery, industrial stores, a canteen), a farm, and a new sawmill. More information about this can be found in the historical chronicle of the village (Appendix 4).

The primary party organization, the Komsomol cell, the workshop committee, the comrades' court, the people's squad, and people's control were active in the village.

Working conditions gradually improved. Electric saws “Druzhba” and “Ural” replaced the electric saw “K-5”. Timber trucks MAZ-200, MAZ-501, MAZ-509, tractors TDT-40, TDT-60 appeared. Loggers mastered new professions, accepted socialist obligations and successfully fulfilled them.

In 1988-1996, the head of the logging station was Viktor Afanasyevich Zyabyshev (my grandfather). During his leadership, cottages began to be built - first panel houses, then from timber.

The loggers worked with full dedication, despite the difficult working conditions. For weeks, the loggers lived in the taiga. The hard work of all teams, all units of the logging station gave excellent results. March was considered the shock month. We prepared for it in advance. The logging station switched to a continuous working week. The Zarya newspaper more than once informed residents of the region about the results of social competitions and about leading production workers (Appendix 5).

For successes in work and life, the Beloborsky logging station, loggers and other groups of the village were repeatedly awarded the Challenge Red Banner and pennants. Leading workers were encouraged with certificates, prizes, orders, and medals (Appendix 6). I would especially like to say about the foreman of the lower warehouse Egor Lazarevich Denisov: it is the only one in the Troitsko-Pechora region Hero of Socialist Labor. In addition, in 1966, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, he was awarded Order of Lenin(Appendix 7).

In a relatively short time, the loggers of Bely Bor made a significant contribution to the development of the timber industry of our republic. Among them are 28 participants in the Great Patriotic War and 13 home front workers (Appendix 8). There has always been a tradition in the village: on May 9, Victory Day, children come to them, congratulate them on the holiday, and are often invited to school to hold a joint event. They provide all possible assistance. Many of the veterans have already passed away, some received comfortable apartments in Troitsko-Pechorsk. Today, only Pyotr Illarionovich Otrutsky lives in our village. My teachers and I often visit it.

The grandchildren of the soldiers of Victory also had to go through a terrible war, following orders, to participate in hostilities in Afghanistan (Vasily Khudinets), in Chechnya (Viktor Kitsnak, Roman Denisov), in Tajikistan (Andrey Kitsnak). Denisov A.E. - participant in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Chapter II. The house we live in

(history of kindergarten and school)

The first nursery-kindergarten building was built in 1957. The kindergarten was first opened in the residential building where A.I. lived. Alyokhin. The kindergarten building was built in 1958. Two different age groups are open: junior - middle, senior - preparatory. The kindergarten was constantly filled with children. Only in 1966, during renovations, the walls of the kindergarten were covered with dry plaster and wallpaper, and panels were made. Before that, the walls were just logs. Due to severe frosts, the temperature in the building in winter dropped to -2-3 degrees, although the stokers diligently heated the stoves. There were a lot of children, the number reached 32 in the group. Some children had to sleep on bunk racks. The cots were wooden, folding. Teachers themselves had to prepare manuals, handouts, and draw pictures based on fairy tales, since there was no ready-made material for conducting classes at that time. The nursery and kindergarten began the working day at 5:30 a.m., because workers left for work at 6:00 a.m. Often we had to stay after working hours and wait for workers from the forest.

Over time, everything changed. Modern manuals and methodological literature have appeared. Educators took part in methodological associations. We conducted interesting open classes and also went to other kindergartens to exchange experiences. They actively took part in events and exhibitions held in the area. In winter we went skiing with the children. Together with the children, we sculpted snow figures to decorate the playground. In the summer we went to the river to swim, sunbathe, and pick berries in the forest. Then the cooks prepared compotes, fruit drinks, and baked goods from them. We held festive events, sports entertainment, and excursions in nature.

For many years, the head of the kindergarten was Gavron Valentina Ivanovna. She is also a music worker. The staff of the nursery-kindergarten has been repeatedly awarded with certificates. He took part in all-Union socialist competitions in the forestry industry and won prizes.

In 1988, a new nursery building was built - a garden; construction work was carried out by N.S.’s team. Yusipishina. This is a large, bright building, which has a gym, two group rooms, separate bedrooms, and modern furniture. Children no longer sleep on folding beds, but on beds. Modern equipment, furniture, toys. All this created coziness and comfort.

The primary school was opened in 1957. The director of the school for a long time (25 years!) was primary school teacher Tatyana Nikolaevna Sokolova. Training was conducted from 1st to 4th grade. Students in grades 5-10 studied at the Troitsko-Pechora secondary school and lived in a boarding school.

An extended day group was opened, where the children not only did their homework, but also played board games, competitions and sports competitions were held. There were hikes in the forest. The children enjoyed preparing for the matinees, which were very interesting. Parents always tried to come to the matinee. Meetings were often held with participants of the Second World War.

Veteran teachers of teaching Evgenia Ivanovna Yaurova, Elizaveta Semyonovna Bazhukova, Valentina Stepanovna Popova and others dedicated many years to the school.

During the years of perestroika, the number of families in the village decreased (young families left in search of work and housing), and the birth rate decreased. In 1999, the elementary school and kindergarten were combined into one institution - the Municipal Educational Institution "Elementary School - Kindergarten", whose director was A.A. Knight. Since then, the kindergarten has had one different age group from 1.5 to 7 years old. There are only two sets of classes left in the elementary school: grades 1 and 3, grades 2 and 4. But, despite the cuts, the primary school and kindergarten continue to exist. Now there is more modern equipment. A wonderful creative team works under the leadership of Alexandra Alekseevna. This is teacher Anna Aleksandrovna Zyabysheva (my mother), primary school teachers Valentina Gamirovna Smolyaninova and Elena Vladimirovna Mizeva. Teachers master new technologies and participate in regional events.

Due to the fact that the club was closed for a long time, the kindergarten school held various events not only for children, but also for the residents of Bely Bor. These include festive evenings, meetings, elections, and much more, which you can often read about in the Zarya newspaper.

Chapter III. The present of the village of Bely Bor

How does the village live today?

Today, the village is home to more than one generation of strong, hardworking, friendly families of the Mizevs, Yusipishins, Koygorodovs, Otrutskys, Krynitskys, Zhurins, Belosludtsevs, Gultyaevs, Rumyantsevs, Zyabyshevs. Most residents work in the forestry industry - in organizations and enterprises of the Troitsko-Pechora district: PechoraEnergoResurs, LLC Troitsko-Pechora LPK, Pechorles, DC "Lesprom", LLC Pechora LPH, Forest Protection.

In our village, the Beloborskoye forestry of the Troitsko-Pechora forestry enterprise, which was founded in 1968, continues to operate. A nursery has been developed here. Its main purpose is to grow seedlings for silvicultural work. For many years, dedicated people have been working in the forestry. They protect the forest and its inhabitants from poachers and fires, do everything possible to preserve biological diversity, preserve and increase forest reserves.

Our village is located not far from the regional center, and some youth representatives serve in the Forest Guard, in the traffic police and police department in the Troitsko-Pechora district, and work in the Communications department, the Troitsko-Pechora branch of Russian Post.

There are two peasant farms in the village. The Radmila farm has 29 heads of cattle and 240 heads of pigs. 8 people are employed in the peasant farm; there is equipment for cultivating land plots (tractors, machines). They supply residents of the village and regional center with their products. The farm “Irina” sells milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, and eggs in nearby villages.

In addition to peasant farms, there are also personal subsidiary plots in the village, including ours, the Zyabyshevs. Our farm has four cows, a bull, calves, and chickens. Our family is very friendly, we take care of animals together. Everyone has their own responsibilities. Since 2013, I have been taking part in the school fair, selling milk, cottage cheese, butter and sour cream from our personal farm. Our family took part in the regional agricultural fair "Harvest - 2013", where they were awarded with gratitude and a memorable gift.

In Lake Vad, located near the village, trout and carp are bred. There are guest houses near the lake and a bathhouse.

In Bely Bor there is a resting place for everyone who wants to celebrate an anniversary, birthday or wedding - the Gamayun base.

The village has a Veterans Council and a Youth Council. There are many enterprising people who value their region and improve it to the best of their ability. The Youth Council built a children's playground.

Through the common efforts of residents, the defunct club was restored. Now there is a place where young people can gather and celebrate memorable and festive dates.

Bely Bor has an attractive force: children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of residents come here throughout the summer.

Our village is small, with a small number of inhabitants, but with a huge soul and a big heart. I would like to say: “Live, my homeland, for centuries and always be beautiful, young and real!”


Every person should know about the place where he was born and lives. In a big country, every person has a small corner - a village, a street, a house where he was born. This is his little homeland. And our common great Motherland consists of many such small native corners.

The search work allowed me to plunge into the wonderful past of my village. From archival data I learned when our village was founded, in what year it became part of the Mylvinsky Village Council, and the names of the first residents. In the Council of Veterans and the military registration and enlistment office I found information about veterans of the Great Patriotic War and participants in local conflicts. In the regional museum I studied the documents of one of the liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. He talked with residents of the village, recorded their oral stories and memories, studied newspaper material, collected reviews, and conducted interviews.

The village is famous for its inhabitants even today. Many are loyal to their small homeland - they live and work on their land.

conclusions research work are:

1) The loggers of Bely Bor have made and continue to make a significant contribution to the development of the timber industry in our region, republic and country.

2) The pride of the village of Bely Bor is its residents, including:

workers of logging crews;

participants of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers;

participants in local conflicts;

owners of peasant farms and personal subsidiary plots.

3) The primary school - kindergarten has been the center of the cultural life of the village for many years.

The practical significance lies in the fact that this work can be used in history lessons of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It can be used in a school and district museum, and shown to residents of a village or district.

List of sources and literature used:

I Literature.

1. History of the Komi Republic. 7-11 grades Moscow, 2000

2. Book of Memory of the Komi Republic. Syktyvkar: Komi book publishing house. T.5.- 1997

3. Let us bow to those great years. Book two. Syktyvkar: Information Agency “Sever” LLC, 2006, p. 48.

II. Periodicals.


Annex 1

Appendix 2

They were the first...

First tech hands: Vakhnin K.G., Medzhidov A.M.

Masters of the Forest : Krynke G.E., Bolakvadze S.V.

Lower warehouse masters : Khudyakov N.N., Slobodchikov L.K., Belosludtsev S.N., Smirnova V.A.

The first fellers : Poroshkin V.E., Yudin E.S., Denisov E.L., Solkin M.N., Rumyantsev V.M., Benyuk V.M., Katanaev N.V., Slapkiy V.R., Makarov V.S. ., Borisov A.K., Moskalev I.A., Galkin V.A.

Feller's assistants : Gavron O.V., Benyuk V.M.

Tractor drivers : Ignatkov V.B., Ignatkov P.B., Lezhen A.P., Ratnikov N.T., Karnaukhov V.M., Kuznetsov A.N., Demida I.I., Pinaev V.M., Kiselev L. .G., Kudashov A.P. , Petukhov A.I., Klyuev V.S. Utyuk I.A.

During timber removal : Belosludtsev R.S., Shcherbak V.N., Petrenkov M.F., Aleshin P.E., Korotkov M.V., Gansons Ya.E., Lipin N.K., Nikitin P.I., Krinitsky I. O., Kiselyov V.F., Lazorik V.V., Drachov B.V., Manoilo V.I., Kitsnak F.V., Aleshin P.E., Chizhov N.S., Starovoitov G.I., Nyuksha S.N., Lazorik V.V., Aleshin P.E.

Transporting people : Otrutsky P.N., Krynitsky I.O., Starovoytov I.N., Vedyakov V.S., Chopik Yu.L., Stipula A.I., Zhurin I.I., Zakharenko V.E.

Joiner - carpenters : Otrutsky N.N., Belozerov N.G., Borisov N.N., Berezin N.A., Weideger A.A., Kozderko L.I., Leonenko I.E.

Plasterers : Ivanov I.P., Belozerov N.G.

Batteryman : Lipin N.K.

Turners : Popova A.M., Vasiliev V.K., Sokolov D.L.

Blacksmiths : Kuralenkov N.F., Popov V.V., Makhonko I.N.

Knockers : Kozderko L.I. Potolitsyn V.A., Kolukanova T.N., Yudina K.I. Ignatkova A.I., Ignatkova L.P., Rumyantseva T.I., Zhurina A.I., Nekrasova A.I., Adamenko O.N., Kormushkina E.N., Yudina R.T., Galkina N. .S., Leonenko L.N., Ratnikova (Basko) M.L., Shavykina Z.T., Nyuksha R.G., Suvorova A.I., Demida A.M., Medzhidova R.N., Borisov N.E., Kutuzov F.V., Saparov Khalmurat. Among the women, Ignatkova A.N., Shavykina Z.T., Suvorova A.I. worked the longest as loppers. By order of the release of female loppers, they were transferred to work in the village.

Receivers - scrapers : Ignatkova L.P., Motorina A.E., Valeeva L., Belosludtseva T.A., Cherenkova V.F., Khudinets G.V.

Technicians in dormitories : Maslova L.I., Rocheva T., Nekrasova A.I., Kutuzova V.G.

On the switch : Kozlova T.A., Otrutskaya N.N.

Chief accountants : Kulikova A.S. , Okulovskaya V.A., Gorchakova L.N.

Economist : Spiridonova E.A.

Electric welder : Tyutrin A.N.

Appendix 3

Memoirs of the pioneers of the village

Poroshkin V.E.

“We arrived in Bely Bor in July 1956 from the Bolshelyagsky LPHZ. We lived in a tent. In September, a house was built on the site of a cleared forest. They felled the forest with a bow saw. They cut the branches themselves, choked them on the skids first, and then on the S-80 tractor. In 1958, the tractor was running on wood. They threw small firewood into the boiler, and the tractor moved on. Zhurin I.I. and Lipin N.K. They transported the assortment up to the 26th in a ZIL-5 vehicle with a trailer. At first we felled the forest individually, then we organized small-scale teams. The foremen were me, Yudin E.S., Petrenkov M.F., Denisov E.L., Sonich P.K. The forest was felled with a K-5 electric saw, which worked at the PS-12-200 mobile station. The forest was transported with a KT-12, then S-80 gas generator skidding tractor. It worked on diesel fuel.”

Poroshkina N.A.

“T.L. Terekhova and Z.A. Chizhova lived in tents with me. Cargoes were transported along the river. The road to the river ran between the dining room (which burned down) and the Kooptorg store. On the shore behind I.O. Krynitsky’s house. They built a temporary club. There was a bakery on the site of the KBO. The bread was baked by K.I. Yudina. I alone sawed and chopped wood for the kindergarten. We kept a cow, and I carried 10 liters of milk to the kindergarten every day. Since 1961 to 1966 worked as a cashier at a club. Before retirement, she worked as a technician in a garage. While there was no store, we went to the store in Yagtydin, 6 km away. They brought us bread from Yagtydin, and then brought us from Troitsko-Pechorsk.”

Petrenkova G.I.

“At first I worked as a lopper for the feller Nikolay Shagu. Afterwards she worked as a nurse at a medical center. I worked with Leonid Dmitrievich Sokolov for 16 years. My husband Mikhail Fedorovich, after a week-long internship with Alexander Utyuk, began working as a feller. I cut down the forest with a K-5 electric saw. He trained as a driver in Zelenets and in 1974 began transporting timber on a MAZ-501 timber truck.

Yudina K.I.

“We came to Bely Bor on foot, along a narrow path along the road from Troitsko-Pechorsk. We lived in a large tent. Freelance workers lived on 24th in three barracks. They had a bakery and a bathhouse. At first I baked bread for them and for myself. We also went to their bathhouse on certain days. Then they built their own bakery, where they opened KBO. In 1964 the bakery was closed. We opened a grocery store. Bread began to be transported from Troitsko-Pechorsk. First they brought them from the bakery, where the forest's ORS base was located, then from the Blue Danube store, then from Nizhnyaya Omra. Then I worked in the canteen of OR-Sa forest. We built a house on the banks of the Mylva River, not far from the dining room. Before that, after the tent, we lived in the first panel house, opposite the club. My husband, Yudin E.S., worked as a feller. First alone, and then as a foreman of a complex team. He worked well and was awarded several times. For a long time he worked with E.L. Denisov.

The first bathhouse was built near a stream in the middle of the village. The stable behind the house on the street. Komsomolskaya - 22. Uncle Grisha was the groom. A pigsty was built where a woodshed was located next to the old dining room, which burned down. Krynitskaya A.A. looked after and fed the pigs. Z.A. carried the water on a horse. Chizhov, Chizhov S.P. - shoemaker. The workshop trailer stood near their house. The first boss was P.P. Novolotsky, his wife Vera Moiseevna was a paramedic. Then the bosses were K.G. Vakhnin, I.T. Sokolov, Danilov and others.

It was hard at first. But we were young. At first there was no electricity or radio.”

Nyuksha R.G.

“I arrived already in 1964. At first I lived on an armored shift, because there was nowhere to live. Masha Stroikina and Memet Maria lived with me. At first she worked in the team of Alexei Bondar. His tractor driver was Ivan Utyuk. Then she worked in A.K. Borisov’s brigade, Spiridonov was a tractor driver. In recent years she worked for Alexander Shcherbin. She also worked as the manager of the club for some time.”

Khristoforov M.I.

“Upon arrival, I worked a little as a mechanic. Then I went for the bus

"KAVZ". Then he brought a LAZ and worked on it for 20 years. I took schoolchildren to school in Troitsko-Pechorsk. For the last 7 years, I have been driving schoolchildren in a LAZ. I drove schoolchildren for 27 years. My wife, Tatyana Efimovna, spent all her years working as a nanny in a kindergarten.”

Khudinets Yu.G.

“At first our family lived in Troitsko-Pechorsk, in Zarechye. And I went to work at the Beloborsky logging station with other workers by car. At first they drove us in an open car. Then the body was covered with plywood, then with tarpaulin. He worked in the lower warehouse, on the rafting as a foreman. The road from Troitsko-Pechorsk was built by prisoners by hand. They made clearings and felled forest. The timber was dragged by hand and placed in place of the flooring. They dug trenches along the edges with shovels and laid them on the flooring, and then cars drove along the flooring. Under the guidance of road foreman P.I. Kudashov. built a wooden bridge across the Bezymyanny stream.

Coastal logging was taking place near the village. Felling and bucking were carried out with K-5 electric saws, which were powered by PS-12-200 mobile power stations. Stacking was done manually using single-row rulers and stakes. The timber was also rafted by hand. Single-row rulers were connected with wooden strings.

As soon as they felled the forest, they transported it like this: the S-80 tractor hitched the sled, pushed it under the bunch with its backside, they hooked the bunch with two cables, pulled the bunch onto the sled with a winch and took it into the raft. The team of E.L. worked on the construction of the bedsteads. Denisova. Women worked for him as loppers - A.I. Zhurina. and Medzhidov R.N. Also, I and E.S. Yudin worked on the construction of a peat bed. The tractor driver was V. Shcherbak. Workers from Transcarpathia also came to build the bedsteads.

Our team under the leadership of E.L. Denisov (me, Tolik Starovoytov, Anvar Abdrakhmanov, Anna Moskaleva, Anna Ignatkova) cut a route for a high-voltage line from the Troitsko-Pechorsk substation in winter. And the Mylvinskys came towards us. The winter was fierce. Anvar and Tolik walked along the track. Suddenly Anna Ignatkova fell near the Christmas tree and had to be pulled out. Oh, she's had enough!

He also worked in construction. They were building an extension to the club. On one side is my team, on the other - Ignatkova I.B. My team was then taken to the lower warehouse. The club was already being completed under N.S. Yusipishin. The first dormitory was built by Troitsky, the second by Ignatkov’s team I.B. House on the street Strelnikov-11 was also built by the Troitsk brigade - V. Bazhukov, N. Karmanov, Panarin. The water pump on 24th Street and the well near the kindergarten were built by E. Denisov and L. Baranov.

Together with the workers, we poured the foundation for the shopping center and built a boiler room for the center. Our team also built a new kindergarten building. The foreman was Yusipishin N.S. There were 6 of us - me, Kitsnak F.V., Konshin N.A., Schastny V., Benyuk V.M.

His wife, Galina Vasilyevna, initially worked as a labeler at the lower warehouse. I made nigrolic and heated water pumps, and then worked as a nanny in a nursery and kindergarten.”

Kitsnak R.I.

I moved to Bely Bor in 1958. I started working in 1966. I worked as a teacher. At first there was only 1 group, there were a lot of children. The working day lasted more than 12 hours. Children were brought in at seven o'clock, and sometimes earlier. The kindergarten finished work at 19:00. But we often had to stay longer, since many parents worked in the forest and arrived late. All the time while the parents are in the forest, the children are in kindergarten. They often worked on weekends... Matinees and conferences were held. There was little space in the old kindergarten, and not all parents could look at their children. The teachers were paid little - only 60 rubles for their hard work.”

Appendix 4

Historical chronicle of the village

1951 - construction of the Troitsko - Pechorsk - Komsomolsk road.

1952 - start of construction of the road - embankment from Troitsko-Pechorsk

prisoners - civilians.

1956 - construction of a temporary wooden bridge across the Bezymyany stream by P.I. Kudashov’s brigade.

1956 - Beloborsky logging station became part of Troitsko-Pechorsky

1956 - the first 4-apartment residential building was built (Oktyabrskaya street, building 5.)

1956 - the first temporary club on the river bank.

1957 - the first building of the nursery - garden was built.

1960 - we received an ordinary diesel-powered tractor.

1958 - the first kindergarten building was built on 24th.

1966 - By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, E.L. Denisov, foreman of the lower warehouse, was awarded the Order of Lenin.

1969 - opening of Beloborsky forestry. The director was Pshenitsyn Valery Petrovich.

1969 - construction of a shopping center (I. Schnarr).

11971 - with the support of the General Director of the Troitsko-Pechora LPH V.S. Senin, a stadium was built.

1974 - opening of a first-aid post on 24th.

1975 - Beloborsky lesopunk became part of the Pechorles Association.

1975 - cutting of the route for the high-voltage line from the Troitsko-Pechorsk substation was carried out by the team of Yu.G. Khudinets.

1981 - Beloborsky logging station becomes part of the Pechora timber industry enterprise.

1984 - reunification of the nursery with the kindergarten.

1988 - construction of a new kindergarten building.

1998 - the kindergarten was reunited with the primary school.

1998 - closure of the Beloborsky logging station and the Pechora LPHZ.

Appendix 5

Extracts from the regional newspaper “Zarya”»:

“We worked especially well in the shock month of March, fulfilled the plan and social obligations of the upper warehouse brigade: A.I. Kuznetsova, I.G. Ivanova, V.N. Kholopova, A.A. Bondareva, V.M. Makarova, N.N. .Kataev, I.F. Bakatovich, A.A. Shcherbin, V.A. Antonov.”

“We significantly exceeded the monthly plan of the brigade of the lower warehouse of the communist - order bearer E.L. Denisov, Yu.G. Khudinets.”

“The team of the crew of the timber transporting aggregate vehicle, consisting of drivers Ya.E.Gansons, I.O.Krynitsky, N.K. Lipin, fulfilled the monthly plan and removed 533 cubic meters of wood in excess of the plan.”

“The team of the Beloborsky logging station, on the initiative of teams of workers, engineering and technical workers and employees of the Achim logging station, the Kyltovo timber industry enterprise and the Verkhne-Lopyinsky logging station of the Obyachevsky LPHZ, for March - the shock month - took social obligations to give the country 720 cubic meters of commercial timber in excess of the plan. The team fulfilled and exceeded its obligations.”

“Drivers M.F. Petrenkov, L.I. Kiselev, P.I. Nikitin, N.M. Ratnikov, V.S. Kudashov, V.S. Petukhov did a good job. A.P. Sill".

“The logging site’s quarterly plan was completed by 111% in general, and by 112% in business terms; 28 thousand cubic meters of industrial wood were given above the plan with an annual social obligation of 1.0 thousand cubic meters.”

“The successful implementation of the January program is largely due to the advanced teams, led by loggers Konstantin Timofeevich Ralensky and Vasily Mikhailovich Benyuk. Brigade K.T. Ralensky fired 1567 cubic meters onto the loading platform with a plan of 1219. Brigade V.M. Benyuk is 247 cubic meters more than planned. During the removal, the crew of B.V. Spiridonova and V.N. Yusipishina, as well as drivers Z.S. Pachevsky and N.I. Zakharchuk, delivered 2651 cubic meters of timber, thereby completing last month’s task by 261%. At the lower warehouse, the team of Yu.G. Khudinets’ brigade. the plan for cutting the crops was fulfilled by 187%; the team under the leadership of G.G. Golovin also worked well.”

“All these results were achieved thanks to the efficient work of all units and the dedicated work of the entire team and, in particular, thanks to the properly organized work of forestry equipment, headed by senior mechanic A.N. Geneva."

Appendix 6

Many production workers were awarded government awards:

- Order of Lenin- Egor Lazarevich Denisov. He is the only Hero of Socialist Labor in the Troitsko-Pechora region.

- Order of the Red Banner of Labor- N.S. Yusipishin, B.V. Drachev, V.E. Poroshkin;

- Order of Labor Glory, 3rd degree- Yu.G. Khudinets;

- Order of the October Revolution- N.S. Yusipishin.

- medal “For valiant work. In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of V.I. Lenin"- E.S.Yudin, K.I.Yudina, Yu.G.Khudinets, O.V.Gavron, V.M.Benyuk, N.S.Yusipishin, I.O.Krynitsky, V.I.Manoilo, I Starovoitov, F.V. Kitsnak, P.N. Otrutsky, M.I. Khristoforov, A.N. Tyutrin, P.I. Nikitin.

Many received the badges “Winner of Socialist Competition”, “Drummer of the 9th Five-Year Plan”, “Excellence in Socialist Competition”, “Drummer of Communist Labor”.

More than 50 people received medal "Veteran of Labor"

Appendix 7

Appendix 8

Participants of the Second World War in the village of Bely Bor:

1. Aleshin Pyotr Efimovich - senior sergeant, driver of the BM-13 (“Katyusha”) vehicle.

2. Berezin Nikolay Aleksandrovich - sapper, 853rd separate sapper

battalion, commander of the reconnaissance department.

3. Belosludtsev Mikhail Stepanovich - marine corps, Karelian Front.

4. Veziryan Ruben Khostrevich - infantry.

5. Gulidin Georgy Kuzmich.

6. Kozderko Leon Iosifovich - officer in the infantry.

7. Kudashov Pavel Iosifovich - ski fighter battalion,

37th Infantry Regiment, 256th Division.

8. Kulikova Anna Stepanovna - machine gunner on the Karelian front.

9. Kozlova Tatyana Akimovna - radio operator.

10. Kiselev Valentin Fedorovich.

11. Kazakov Georgy Valentinovich - infantry.

12. Lazorik Vasily Vasilyevich - 274th Infantry Regiment of the 4th Ukrainian Front.

13. Letunov Ivan Sergeevich.

14. Lytkin Sergey Vasilievich.

15. Mazin Ivan Ivanovich - intelligence officer.

16. Matveev Vasily Nikolaevna - infantry, lieutenant, political instructor.

17. Nikitin Pyotr Illarionovich - tanker of the SU-100 self-propelled gun.

18. Novolotsky Pavel Petrovich - partisan, major.

19. Novodotskaya Vera Moiseevna - partisan.

20. Otrutsky Pyotr Nazarovich - 2nd Ukrainian Front, 23rd Guards

air brigade.

21. Potolitsyn Vasily Andriyanovich - rifle commander

reconnaissance companies.

22. Maria Andreevna Surova - partisan.

23. Sokolov Leonid Dmitrievich - paramedic.

24. Stoychuk Ivan Yurievich - infantry.

25. Toporkov Vasily Ivanovich - in the tank forces in Belorusskoe

26. Timergaliev Mansur Bakhtievich - junior sergeant, infantry.

27. Khlusov Nikolai Georgievich - infantry, private, construction battalion.

28. Chizhov Semyon Potapovich - partisan.

Home front workers:

1. Belozerova Gradislava Akimovna.

2. Belozerov Nikolay Grigorievich.

3. Konshina Evdokia Mikhailovna.

4. Maslova Lidiya Ivanovna.

5. Mazina Olga Trofimovna.

6. Makhonko Valentina Nikolaevna.

7. Makhonko Ivan Nikiforovich.

8. Lipina Zoya Alexandrovna.

9. Popova Alexandra Mikhailovna.

10. Savchuk Lydia Fedorovna.

11. Khristoforov Maxim Ivanovich.

12. Chizhova Zinaida Andreevna.

13. Pashkova Maria Alexandrovna

Behind the village, in a field, nestled the chapel of Kirik and Ulita. The ceiling inside has already collapsed, but the chapel is still standing.

There is no further road. The picture is very reminiscent of Zabelino, only the houses are different. But we find what once was a road and try to make our way towards the village of Bely Bor. And having “sneaked” through the former production area, judging by the remains of buildings, there used to be a large barnyard here, we drive out into the field, where we find a completely tolerable road, which turned out to be very beautiful in itself. The road goes through a field, and trees are planted along the road, with their crowns closed over the road. When approaching the village, a forest begins, and to the left of the road I notice an old cemetery, where you can see a dilapidated chapel, I decide to stop here on the way back. The village of Bely Bor itself consists of only six courtyards. But all the houses have undergone a thorough renovation, there are “plates” hanging everywhere and there is an SUV at each house. The place is very quiet and peaceful. Just the thing for rest from the labors of the righteous and the vanity of the world. Behind the village, in a field, nestled the chapel of Kirik and Ulita. For some reason, I remember her most from this trip. Somehow I was hooked. The chapel is not locked, I think due to the inaccessibility of the place. Having examined the chapel, we take a break not far from it, in a field. After having a snack and lying in the grass, we set off on the way back. As I said, I stop near the old cemetery and examine the old chapel. The ceiling inside has already collapsed, but the chapel is still standing.

Well, that seems to be all! We head back to the track.

About starting shoals
We were planning to leave early Saturday morning. However, it was NOT possible to leave early in the morning. We waited an extra two hours for those lagging behind, gave up, loaded up in “packed” mode and rushed off. Regarding the reproaches and indignation of the late Muscovites: a fair number of voluntary drivers did not arrive at the start for various reasons: breakdowns, accidents, enthusiasm of the population, they forgot and overslept - everything was fully present. There is nowhere to seat passengers, bins full of cargo - so they waited too much. Thanks to Vitalik - he fit everyone and everything into his Miracle Delica. Otherwise, some passengers would have to be turned away. Well, okay, from now on we will be smarter and more cunning.

We weren't driving very fast along the Novorizhskoye Highway - the lead car tried not to accelerate above 100 km/h - it was unsafe. And then the road surface became “Central Russian” and the speed dropped to 20-40 km/h. The cars, let me remind you, are not all-terrain SUVs, and without exception they are all jam-packed. So we were late.

About goods and products
There were a lot of boxes collected by you and me - a whole truckload. In order to distribute everything correctly, we turned to for advice. We received instructions to allocate a small part of the cargo to be transferred to an old granny caring for a prefabricated military cemetery near Igozhevo. Besides this, we didn’t pass by this story.

On August 2 at about 17:00 in the Sharoysky district of the Chechen Republic on the Itum-Kali - Sharoy highway, unknown persons fired grenade launchers at a convoy containing employees of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Sharoysky district and the operational group of the temporary operational group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sharoysky district. As a result of the attack, five policemen were killed, including the head of the operational group of the temporary operational group of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sharoysky district of Chechnya, a police colonel.

As the Department of Internal Affairs for the Novgorod Region clarified, among the dead were the head of the internal affairs department for the Shimsky district of the Novgorod region, police colonel Valery Zherdetskikh, a policeman of a separate platoon of the patrol service of the police department of the Borovichi district, police sergeant Sergei Chirkunov, a policeman-driver of the patrol service department. police department of the Department of Internal Affairs for the Demyansky district, senior police sergeant Alexey Smirnov, policeman of a separate battalion of the patrol service of the Department of Internal Affairs for Veliky Novgorod, junior police sergeant Alexander Zaremov.

Konstantin, Stepanych’s son, was just on his way to the village of Yamnik for the funeral of a senior police sergeant and grabbed several boxes of food for the widow and family of the deceased policeman.

Another part of what was collected was set aside for the residents. We didn’t have time to get there ourselves, but the Demyansk people promised to throw everything there themselves. The rest of the food and goods were distributed among four grandmothers and one Beloborsk grandfather. They quickly divided everything right on the lawn in the yard into equal parts, brought it into the houses, set it up and put it away. They handed me the medicine and explained which light bulbs were used for what. One of the requests is to purchase a TV. The question is who paid for all this. I silently pointed my hands at all of you standing on the village street. There were no more questions, only wishes for health and happiness were spoken in a low voice. Generally speaking, I personally think that the grannies did not really understand what happened, why and why. Well, it doesn’t matter, the important thing is that they now have something to survive the winter with.

About a lump and tears
What shocked me personally: never in my life have I seen Anatoly Stepanovich in such a state. A lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. I have exactly one explanation for this state of affairs: all of you who have gathered and arrived. It is for people like you that Stepanych and his squad are doing difficult work. They do what they can for people who care.

Here, of course, there was some personal intent of mine - it’s not often that Anatoly Stepanovich speaks to an audience imbued with scale. I am sure that it was unusually pleasant and exciting for him to talk about extraordinary grief and courage. He really tried especially for people who specially and voluntarily arrived from different cities to look at the traces of the war. I don’t know for sure, but I’ll assume that in this form and quantity, maybe nothing like this has ever happened before. Special thanks to you for this.

This, by the way, appears to be a fresh burial. If anyone doesn’t know, that same “eternal memory” looks like this...

About money
We managed to collect the following amounts: 22,890 rubles in Yandex-money, 5,787 rubles in ruble webmoney, 1,045 dollars in dollar webmoney. 2,500 rubles arrived at my phone number and 17,500 rubles were given by different people in cash. Some sent a dollar, and some sent a thousand dollars. Together it worked out well. All this money will be cashed, piled up and counted. When I'm ready, I'll report. Among the upcoming expenses is the purchase of a TV for the Beloborsk grannies. At the beginning of September I will pay them another visit, I will really find out what else is needed, besides the TV.

And there is also this important need: the Demyansk search team is starting the next Watch on its own, for which there is no government money at all. This is not the first case with money - they will go to work for their own money. But in order to erect a homemade monument to the Red Army soldiers found during the Watch, electric welding is needed. This same electric welding will allow you to independently repair the Ural, tracked tractor and tractor, which are constantly used in search work.

So, I propose to the people who participated in the fundraising to make a decision: can we allocate one thousand dollars from the money raised to purchase welding equipment? If agreement is reached, I will personally transfer the money to Anatoly Stepanovich. Speak up quickly. You can directly in the comments, you can write me a letter at onepamop(а)
And once again, only those citizens who took part in the undertaking are interested in the opinions.

About the memories of eyewitnesses
There were a fair number of eyewitnesses - more than 30 people. Eyewitnesses arrived from Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Kazan, and Kaluga. In total, there were more than a hundred participants in the venture. Tyumen, Voronezh, Volgograd. Finland, Israel, Germany - people from everywhere approached with offers to help with business or money. I give the floor to them:

The weather on Saturday was disgusting. An organized column in the Tver region and further to the place moved under periodic rain, which in the end turned into a concrete downpour.

However, everyone got there, no one got stuck on local potholes, all drivers and vehicles showed their best side. I was especially pleased with Vitalik’s unit, which generally drove across the roads, going far ahead where there had just been no gouges or anti-tank hedgehogs. Every time I approached the car, I tried to find retractable tracks or a secret air cushion on it.

On Saturday evening we finally got there, visited the local history museum, where they were patiently waiting for us, and then we went to a not-secret forest shelter. They were already preparing to eat, there was a military tent and some kind of Ural, quite impressive looking. Local search engines revolved around all this. By the time we arrived at the forest camp, the weather had improved, we pitched tents, had a snack and went to see the most beautiful forest lake, complete with swamps, water lilies, beautiful banks, overgrown with some kind of picturesque rubbish (red berries of unknown purpose) and Smoke on the water - fog, giving the pond is mysterious and romantic.

On Sunday morning, the tents were put back together, the brought food was packaged in trucks of various calibers that arrived from nowhere, everything that came out was eaten, and we set off to inspect the bridgehead. During the inspection, we visited a mountain in an open field and took it by storm, examined monuments and burials in huge numbers around Demyansk, and went to the village to hand over the food and things we had brought to the grandmothers.

Along the way, it was decided to expand the circle of distribution of products, of which a lot was collected. It included an old woman caring for the graves near Demyansk, the family of a policeman who died in Chechnya.

A separate story: this is packaging of products. They were piled in the yard, in front of the first granny's house. They were sorted by type, and then evenly packaged into five impressive sets, which were distributed to the grannies' homes. In the process, local domestic animals were photographed, and the girl Nastya, who was riding in my car, was meanly bitten by a goat, carelessly fed with a dandelion.

At the end of the operation, we filmed a short story by grannies about the war years and set out to inspect the remaining monuments - now to the dead children, the train with which was bombed on the railway. stations during evacuation. We got home and, personally, I slept like the dead.
comrade Aspers

I was surprised by the cleanliness of the town, the museum was very impressive - it’s immediately clear that people are responsible and love their work. The comrades from Kazan were very impressed - respect and respect for them. Not everyone will agree to spend their vacation on such a thing. I liked the organization of the process, it seemed like no one was in charge - but everything was done efficiently and wisely. I was upset that I didn’t have to leave early and didn’t have time to evaluate your pilaf - but I think it won’t be the last time :)
comrade SpiritOfTheNight

The trip, I think, was a great success. The parcel turned out to be more than sufficient, Anatoly Stepanovich will distribute it where it is needed. The location is hellishly beautiful. In the area I devoured blueberries, lingonberries, porridge, pasta with stew, pilaf, and even snatched raspberries. I did not fail to swim in the marvelous lake in the evening and in the morning.
It was difficult at times to hear about all sorts of things - a lump came to my throat more than once.
comrade valtazar

So, I'll keep it short.
We set off in a not entirely organized manner, but with a completely acceptable ribbon. The trip there took place without any incidents, no one was lost, we stopped to write in an orderly manner, as part of a column. Special thanks to the vanguard in the person of Vitali and the rearguard in the person of Pasha - his TagAZ firmly covered the rear.

Arrived late, I confess. Along the way, I was struck by the quality of the highway road; despite the rain and lack of asphalt, everyone walked quite cheerfully, even the small-wheeled Suzuka, although the ace (Lena) was driving there. Well, my position was generally enviable, I was riding like a nabob, accompanied by three girls, which upset Borisych to the point of stomach cramps.

Upon arrival in Demyansk, we visited the museum with a nice guide, who waited for us (thanks to her!) and told us briefly about where we had actually come. Then we moved to a secret settlement, where caring St. Petersburg and Kazan comrades, under the strict leadership of Anatoly Stepanovich Pavlov, the permanent commander of the Demyansk search detachment, had already set up camp and began preparing food. In fact, I was ashamed of being late. True, as part of the rehabilitation, we immediately got involved in work on everyday life.

I would like to express special respect to the Kazan comrades Dima (SOBR) and Kirill (marines), both for their hard military work and for their search activities.

The evening was spent talking and eating delicious pilaf prepared by Misha. We slept without bare feet. In the morning we ate everything we could. We got on our horses and went to see the memorials and sights of Demyansk. We climbed, imitating the Tatar-Mongols, onto Princess Mountain. Anatoly Stepanovich spoke briefly about the history of the region and, not briefly, about those days when our guys with their lives stopped the fascist trash rushing deep into the country. And after that we went to Bely Bor, the main goal of our trip.

But now I can’t present it chronologically, my emotions are still going through the roof. We here, the Tyrnetov Jews, like to talk about how the country has been destroyed... Near Demyansk, on the territory of the Krasny Bor breeding farm, you can see how much it has been destroyed. Dead villages, boarded up doors. Rusty mowers in the fields. Hopeless: “This year they sowed at least a little potatoes...” - from a peasant collective farmer in White Bor. The breeding farm, which in the past had a population of several thousand pigs and several thousand cows, has disappeared. Grandmothers who tore the country apart on their backs - thank you, my dears, God bless you, they are the ones who should have been - we bow at their feet.

Fuck, I went for a smoke break several times, I couldn’t speak - there was a lump in my throat. Monuments that men, like Stepanych, like his son, like brothers () - made out of nothing, with their own hands. The guys they raise from the swamps and fields are our guys, from those years, like those tankers who were the first to go to the German Schwerpunkt in the light of searchlights. Stepanych, when he told us about what the search engines had done, for a long time could not find an address, he began: “comrades,” and then there was a hesitation, but someone told him: “yes, comrades,” and then he just said that. Comrades, thank you for your hard search work, from the bottom of my heart.

This was not a one-time trip. Once the Tupi4ites shouldered this responsibility upon themselves - now you’ll lose your shit.
I would especially like to say thank you to the crew of my car: Sveta, who is capable of compassion, forgetting herself. To a girl with an iron will and a fluffy soul - SanSanych, Sasha. Olga, whose feelings are always on the edge, a spring-like person. :)
comrade Utburd

I'll start from the beginning. The first thing that surprised me was the excellent asphalt roads when we drove between the lakes and in the vicinity of Demyansk. The section that we drove between the lakes, on mixed surfaces, also looked great, oddly enough. As an indicator of the quality of the road - living evidence - the little Suzuki Wagon drove everywhere without problems! Of course, it must be said that this is largely due to the driver (Len, respect), but the low ground clearance and the not at all off-road suspension are still a complicating factor. We arrived, in principle, very well, the speed was quite good for a caravan of 6 cars, despite some crookedness of the route, but this was compensated by the views of the lakes. Special thanks to Pavel, he dropped me off at home (on the way back), despite the night.

Secondly, I didn’t expect to meet with the search engines; I learned a lot of interesting things, including the usefulness of driving through the places of burials and battles. In general, the Great Patriotic War and everything connected with it is very important to me, and it hurts to see how this historical period is disgraced and poured slop. Therefore, great respect for those people who, like Anatoly Stepanovich, are trying to make us remember this terrible war, and remember it correctly. I think that this trip will not be the last, I will try to help as much as I can. Now I need to think about and rethink a lot. I was very pleased that the youth responded and were with us.

And in conclusion, I want to say that we got there and back well, there was, of course, a little confusion along the way, but this is basically inevitable for the first time, the team just needs to work together, then everything will be more organized, so we worked well , there is something to strive for.
Puzanov Andrey a.k.a.Vandal

Responding to the cry thrown by the comrade onepamop, I went to the Novgorod region for the weekend. The gathering was scheduled for 7 a.m. near McDonald's near the Tushinskaya metro station. I think that making an appointment near McDonald’s is very correct - since the departure was delayed by an hour by two hours, I visited this establishment at least three times.

In six cars, consisting of 23 people, they rushed towards Demyansk. In order to avoid stuck in traffic jams on the Leningradskoe highway, the command decided to go along the Rizhskoe highway. Gradually, the road changed direction - broken asphalt gave way to broken dirt road. Here I would like to express my respect to Elena, the pilot of the über-car Suzuki Wagon R, whose crew I was lucky to be a member of.

In the evening, at about six o'clock, we arrived in Demyansk. We immediately visited the local history museum, where we were given a short tour due to the late hour. This seemingly unremarkable, ordinary museum of local history was robbed twice. Twice. Some bastards took the most valuable things from the halls dedicated to the Second World War. After thanking the museum employee, we went to the camp, where we planned to have dinner and spend the night.

At the camp, the St. Petersburg part of the detachment was already waiting for us, consisting, as far as I understood, of search engines. Hungry and wet Muscovites and guests of the capital were carefully fed porridge and pasta with stewed meat by the hospitable hosts of the camp. Comrade onepamop made a whole cauldron of pilaf. Those who didn't eat were out of luck. After dinner, I rolled into the tent like a ball and packed myself into a sleeping bag and fell asleep. During the night, his prominent nose constantly tried to look out, for which he was punished with a runny nose.

In the morning, under the leadership of the commander of the Demyansk search party, Anatoly Stepanovich, we continued the expedition. Anatoly Stepanovich was once the editor of a local newspaper, and now he is engaged in searching and burying the remains of Soviet soldiers and maintaining the memory of that war. The past itself is dead. It lives only in the relation of living people to it. Anatoly Stepanovich is making every effort to ensure that our past is not forgotten, that people remember, know, are interested, and ask questions. With his participation, memorials and monuments dedicated to the war on the North-Western Front were created, soldiers were buried, and cemeteries were maintained in order. He does a lot of painstaking work, knows the history of his region well, and as a caring person, does not leave anyone indifferent. You inevitably compare yourself with such people, and your affairs and worries, and you yourself, turn out to be small and insignificant.

First of all, with the encouragement of Anatoly Stepanovich, “the Mongols climbed it in winter,” we stormed the slope of Princely Hill, a thirty-meter hill, where already in the thirteenth century there was a wooden fortress guarding the southern approaches to Novgorod. The route “from the Varangians” to the Caspian Sea passed nearby, so it was possible to rob merchants and fight off the neighboring Tverians, who were not averse to robbing the Novgorodians. Having climbed the hill, everyone asked themselves the question “why did I crawl here?” They went down from the other, flatter side.

Afterwards, we went to the site of the former concentration camp. About eight thousand people died here. Now, there is a cross topped with a soldier's helmet and entwined with barbed wire. At the line of defense of Demyansk there grows an iron tree, the crown of which consists of deployed casings from Katyusha shots. In one of the soldiers’ cemeteries, over the pilot’s grave there is a fragment of a propeller, over the tankman’s grave there is the top of a T-34 turret. All this was created with the direct participation of the commander of the Demyansk search detachment, as a reminder that all these people died in the war, defending their country.

After inspecting the battle site, we went to the village of Bely Bor to complete our main task - to hand over food and other washing powders to the local grandmothers. The grandmothers, at the age of fourteen, survived the occupation of these places by the Nazis. They ate potatoes dug up from last year. All were born in their twenties, they walk poorly, but their consciousness is still clear. We wore festive scarves for filming.

A herd of mad ants rushed around the village, scaring the dogs and spreading gifts. Afterwards, we visited the monument erected at the Demyansk railway station and dedicated to the children who died during the war. Here a train containing children taken from Leningrad was bombed. The whole trip was accompanied by Anatoly Stepanovich's stories about the war, individual battles and events of the war near Demyansk. In the evening we turned to Moscow.
Mikhail Nikitin cephalochordata

Of course, I was pleased with the diversity of people, characters, professions, and opinions. And all these people are united by one common goal - helping other people. During the trip, I realized why Muscovites are so disliked =) while we were waiting with the St. Petersburg and Kazan residents for the Moscow column of the Susanins, I was a little ashamed of the lack of at least approximate punctuality and calculation in the actions of the capital’s residents) Although Misha more than paid for everything in the evening with excellent pilaf. This is worth living for (I’m writing this and wiping away my drool). It’s strange that after a rainy day and a damp night in a damp tent, no one was taken away up to their ears in snot and with a fever. And some even splashed dashingly in the nearby lake.

Now a little seriously:
What surprised me most was that people like Anatoly Stepanovich are not erected monuments during their lifetime... a bitter feeling in my soul after his stories... how many tens of thousands (!!!) of people he raised from oblivion... brought back from the "Missing in Action" and wrote it into “The Brave Who Fallen by Death”... and it feels like he is experiencing death with each of the soldiers he raised... and these tens of thousands of stories with unhappy endings weigh on his already middle-aged shoulders... And for me, against this background even the problems of grandmothers have faded, who undoubtedly deserve, first of all, human life, and not survival in rotten, rickety houses... but even now, in their ninth decade, they are a living example of the inflexibility of people who went through the war.. And if our arrival brought at least a little warmth and joy to these grandmothers, then this trip was a success..
Evgeny Orlov

First. With the help of this trip, many things that were unclear to me about the Demyansk Cauldron began to become clearer. This was largely facilitated by the fact that much was explained “in situ”. It’s one thing to read books, but it’s completely different to perceive this material at the scene of events and as presented by people who closely study this topic and work “in the field.” It was very important for me to see these places with my own eyes. I would like to thank these people again.

Second. I was amazed by the amount of “military” iron that still remains in our Earth. And this is after 64 years. And this takes into account the fact that the area of ​​the Novgorod region. quite densely populated. In fact, this is further proof of the intensity of the fighting that took place in those places.

Third. Of course, the Russian village on the example of Bely Bor, the memories of “how it was” and the picture of what is “before our eyes” now, makes a depressing impression. In general, this is a typical situation. Not long ago I drove through the Tver region - the same thing happened there. But what surprised me more was the spirit of these Beloborsk grannies. There is a lot to learn and follow by example.

In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about the trip.
As I understand, there will still be similar actions and to optimize their implementation I have a couple of suggestions (of course, this is just my opinion and I do not pretend that everyone will suddenly rush to implement them;)).
Firstly. It will be more useful if preparations for the trip begin a little earlier, say 10-14 days in advance. Because people will have time to shop/pack wisely and efficiently. Otherwise, for the last two days I have been rushing around St. Petersburg like a well-known shot, collecting parcels.

Secondly. It may be useful to make a list indicating the name and quantity of what needs to be purchased in order to exclude amateur activities.
Well, a separate list of St. Petersburg comrades who participated by sending parcels, but were unable to go in person.
Dmitry Fedorov
Andrey Sokolov (transferred money from him)
Andrey Chistyokhin
Anton Vargasov
Yuri Serbin
Leonid Zaitsev (LeoAXE)

About those who distinguished themselves
Among those who distinguished themselves, I would like to mention comrade Chegrash (who was a day late due to emergency reasons, but still made it), comrade Vitalik in his all-containing Japanese car and ace driver Elena Khokhlova.

Among those who distinguished themselves, of course, are the so-called “lates”, “no-shows” and “forgetters”. The latter left a bunch of things in their cars. In the comments, it makes sense to agree with each other about collecting forgotten things. the largest part of them ended up in the Japanese folk Delica - the coordinates of Vitaly (her driver) are: vitalift() or ICQ: 277725664.

I firmly shake hands with everyone who helped in this venture. From myself personally. It’s great to understand that among the citizens around me there are quite a few who know how to implement serious tasks and not wag their tongues. Thank you.

Not everything turned out the way we planned, but there is an opinion that the result has been achieved. There is a desire to continue what we started. In September I will inform you about the news and it will be necessary, of course, to create a separate website on this topic. If anyone has a seasoned web builder in mind, his work will be greatly needed. I won’t be able to pay money, but suddenly one of the SKILLED people will find an opportunity to help for free...

And, of course, if anything needs to be corrected, don’t be shy, tell me. I remember about pilaf - sorry, I fell for your persuasion and didn’t let the rice “reach” :). I'll fix it!

About photo cards

Below there will be links to photographs taken by trip participants. Not everyone has their photos ready yet, so the list must be updated in a timely manner. I made mine in a hurry and put it in. We are waiting for other photographers. So far there is this.

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