Children's spring break. Holidays in quarters

School holidays are always looked forward to not only by students, but also by their parents. For children, this is an opportunity to take a break between busy school days, actively pursue their interests and just have a good time. And for parents, school holidays are a time when they can take a little break from help with their studies, as well as from the various tasks that educational institutions constantly pose for them. Such issues include parent-teacher meetings, various events in which parents should participate and help, and more. Therefore, holidays are a period of rest for everyone.

The vacation schedule for the academic year is established individually for each educational institution, by order of the director or higher authorities. In fact, vacation periods rarely diverge from those established by the Ministry of Education and those established within a particular educational institution.

The big New Year holidays have died down and with them the winter holidays have ended. Closer to spring, the question arises about what date spring break at school 2016 begins. After all, knowing from what date to what spring break at school 2016 will help students concentrate on their studies and pull up their tails in order to successfully complete the quarter. And it is useful for parents to know the specific dates of school holidays in order to plan their child’s leisure time, as well as streamline their work schedule so that the child is not left alone at home, because not everyone is still ready to leave their child in their own care. In honor of the holidays, you can make it for your child.

School holiday schedule

When it comes to vacation dates, many people believe that these dates are fixed and focus on them. However, there are no strict rules about when to take holidays during the school year. The dates of the holidays constantly “float” in the calendar, and sometimes coincide with some large-scale events that are held in school institutions, for example, elections.

The dates of school holidays are fixed after they are approved by the director of the educational institution. At the legislative level, it is the school director who retains the right of final choice. But, the Ministry of Education always issues recommendations on when it is best to have a vacation, and most often the head of the school follows them or focuses on the recommended dates.

Typically spring holidays fall in the last week of March. What date does spring start?
school holidays 2016 in the Moscow region?

In 2016, spring break at school will also take place in the last week of the first month of spring. Typically vacations during this period last from one week to 10 days. In 2016, spring break is 9 days long, starting on March 28th and ending on April 4th. It is logical to start the holidays from the first day of the week, that is, from Monday, so that the student’s week is not divided into parts with rest and parts with study, because in this case the rest itself is not complete. If the holidays last a week, then the new academic quarter begins on Monday. But if the holidays last a little longer, then you will have to prepare for the fact that you will have to start hard studying already in the middle of the week. However, in 2016 such a sudden return in the middle of the week is not expected, because April 4 falls on a Monday.

However, this schedule applies to the Moscow region. And from what date are spring holidays at school 2016 in Voronezh? In 2016, the dates of school holidays in the Moscow region and in the city of Voronezh coincide. In Voronezh, spring holidays for schoolchildren will also begin on March 28, and will last 9 days, until April 4.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that spring break is not the only opportunity for schoolchildren to relax before the last academic quarter, which is considered one of the most difficult due to the end of the school year and upcoming exams for high school students. Before exams and final tests, students will be able to take a break during the May holidays. It will be possible to relax with your parents on May 1 and 2, and then for three more days from May 7 to May 9 inclusive.

How to help your child adapt to school after the holidays

Often, during the holidays, the child becomes very relaxed and unaccustomed to the stress that he is used to receiving at school. Therefore, even after a short spring break at school 2016, which will begin on the 28th of March, it is difficult to join the educational process again. But the last academic quarter is decisive, which means there is absolutely no time to fidget, and you need to quickly join the educational process again.

The weather during this period is also relaxing. The first rays of the sun, the daylight hours are getting longer, the birds are starting to sing, the first greenery is appearing on the trees, everything around is inviting you to spend more time outside. How can you concentrate your child’s attention on learning? Therefore, many parents are concerned about the question of how to help their child adapt to school after the holidays. You should start small. Pay attention to the ones that will help diversify your child’s menu.

The school regime and schedule teaches the child discipline. During the holidays, of course, the daily routine changes, since it is possible to sleep longer and, accordingly, go to bed later. Because of this, the child’s routine is disrupted. And that’s why, the first point why they don’t like school so much after the holidays is because they have to wake up early, even if they haven’t slept at all. How to solve this problem?

Parents should take care of their child’s routine a couple of days before the end of the holidays. For example, start insisting that he goes to bed 30 minutes earlier than on other days of the holidays. Accordingly, you should also wake up thirty minutes earlier. This will help the child get up in the morning during school hours without much persuasion and difficulty. In this matter, the main thing is to observe moderate severity. For example, if some TV show or series or movie ends later than the time when the child should go to bed, then you should persuade your child to stop watching TV and watch it the next day, when the program will be repeated during the day.

You can also replace watching TV before bed with reading or spending time together playing a board game, for example. By the way, in this way you can kill two birds with one stone: keep your child occupied before bed so that he goes to bed on time, and also teach him something if you choose an educational board game.

No less important for the child is how exactly he is woken up. The moment of awakening should evoke pleasant emotions. For example, you can choose his favorite song as the alarm melody. Or go into the room and gently whisper that it’s time to get up and lure him into the kitchen, telling him what a delicious breakfast is waiting for him on the table.

Sleep is directly related to your daily routine. It is also an integral part of how the child will feel during the daytime. Most children after age 7 no longer sleep during the day, but they still need 11 hours of sleep at night. Children aged 10 years old need 10 hours of sleep, and teenagers need 8 hours for normal functioning, good mood and well-being. Depending on these numbers, you should build your daily routine. According to statistics, those children who get enough sleep and maintain normal sleep hours have more success in their studies.

Success situation

In order for the child to have an incentive to study well, parents should create situations of success. For example, too high demands on a child’s results in the first weeks of school after the holidays can provoke a kind of rejection of success in the child. Children should accept learning not as a way to receive rewards and praise from their parents, but as a way to understand things and phenomena around them. And this is a priority. You should always ask your child not only about his grades, but also about what he likes to learn most, what he doesn’t like, what he does easier, and what he finds difficult. The child should feel that his parents are primarily concerned about himself, and not about the numbers in the diary.

Walks in the open air

During spring break from school, children spend a lot of time outside, which is very good. Of course, when they return to school, this time is reduced due to their busyness within the educational institution. But, it is important that every day the child spends at least 2 hours in the fresh air, because his activity and positive attitude also depend on this. You cannot present a walk in the yard as a way to encourage a child. For example, you should not let him go outside only if he has completed his homework. It’s better for him to take a walk for the two hours allotted to him, and then sit down with a fresh head for his homework.

Study skills

During the holidays, children often forget the skills they learned at school. For example, after the end of the holidays, their writing and reading speed decreases, and the multiplication tables are forgotten. To prevent all this from falling on him again when he starts school, he should train these skills during the holidays. It is enough to spend 30 minutes to an hour on basic exercises during school holidays so that the child enjoys it, but does not burden his leisure time.
You should always remember that holidays are given to children primarily for proper rest. How to make it delicious

According to modern Russian laws, there is no uniform schedule for school holidays in the country: in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education, educational institutions have the right to independently establish children’s rest schedule, the number of short holidays and their duration. The only exception is Moscow, where all schoolchildren study and relax according to one of two schedules: traditional, when the school year is divided into four quarters, and modular (five weeks of study and one of rest) and for each option the same vacation dates are established.

In other regions of Russia, educational authorities usually issue recommendations in which they invite educational institutions to set start and end dates for vacations, leaving the final decision up to school administrations.

It is recommended to start the holidays on Monday (so that the weekend is “added” to them), which allows for the school weeks not to be divided into parts and to increase the duration of continuous rest for schoolchildren. The exact duration of the holidays is also not regulated - as a rule, 30-35 days are allotted for rest throughout the academic year, which allows you to fully complete the curriculum by the end of May.

Despite this freedom, most Russian schools take a conservative approach to the issue of determining the school holiday schedule - as a result, the majority of the country's schoolchildren rest on the same dates.

What will be the vacation dates in the 2016-2017 academic year in most schools in Russia?

Dates of autumn holidays in 2016

Autumn holidays are traditionally held in early November and fall during the week in which Russians celebrate National Unity Day (November 4).

In 2016 autumn holidays will begin on October 31(Monday) and will last until the end of the week, until November 6 (Sunday). The second academic quarter will begin on November 7. Thus, in schools where there is a school day, schoolchildren will rest for 8 days, and five-day students will have 9 days off.

However, National Unity Day falls on Friday this year. Therefore, in some schools, the start date of the 2016 autumn holidays may be set to November 7, which will increase the duration of the holidays by adding a holiday to them. In this case, schoolchildren will have a rest until November 13, and the duration of the rest will be 10 days.

Winter school holiday schedule 2016-2017

The winter school holidays, which fall on New Year's holidays and separate the second quarter from the third, are especially loved by schoolchildren - they are the longest of all intra-year holidays. In addition, they coincide with the nationwide holiday period for adults, which allows families to spend time together – including when traveling. Therefore, the timing of the winter holidays, as a rule, is of particular concern to parents of schoolchildren.

The winter vacation for schoolchildren begin on the last Monday of December. In 2016-2017, the “start” will be quite early - the last Monday of the month falls on 26th(that is, schoolchildren will begin to rest on Sunday, December 25th). Children will have time to properly prepare for the main winter holiday. True, the New Year's holiday will end earlier than usual - on January 8.

The third, longest academic quarter starts on January 9, Monday - it is on this day that schoolchildren will have to sit down at their desks again.

Dates of additional holidays for first-graders

The third quarter is especially difficult for first-graders - they are not yet accustomed to the traditional school schedule, and therefore in the middle of the third quarter a “special” vacation is arranged for them. To the envy of all other schoolchildren, they have a whole week off at the end of February.

In the 2016-2017 academic year additional holidays will begin on February 20 and will last until the 26th, coinciding with the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

During the same period, pupils of correctional schools will also have a rest - they are also subject to the rule on additional holidays.

Spring school holiday dates – 2017

Spring break most often falls in the last week of March. The 2016-2017 academic year will be no exception.

Schoolchildren will be dismissed for vacation on Monday, March 27– and they will rest for one week, until April 2. Taking into account Sunday, the duration of the March holiday will be 8 days with a six-day period, and 9 with a five-day training regime.

The first school day of the fourth quarter will be April 3. It will last until the end of May (depending on the school, the academic year in all grades except 9 and 11 ends between May 21 and 31), after which students will have three months of summer rest.

Vacation schedule in 2016-2017 with a modular training mode “5+1”

In those Moscow schools where parents of students chose not a classic teaching schedule dividing the school year into four quarters, but a modular scheme “five weeks of study - one week of rest,” the holidays in 2016-2017 will take place on the following dates:

  • from October 3 to October 9;

  • from November 14 to November 20;

  • from December 31 to January 8;

  • from February 20 to February 26;

  • from April 10 to April 16.

Holiday schedule for quarters in Moscow schools

Students of Moscow schools, where the educational process is organized according to the traditional “four quarters” scheme, will have a rest in the 2016-2017 academic year in the same way as the majority of schoolchildren in the country:

  • autumn vacation from October 31 to November 6;

  • the winter vacation from December 26 to January 8;

  • spring break from March 27 to April 2;

  • extra holidays for first grades - from February 20 to 26.

How to find out holiday dates at your school

As already mentioned, the exact vacation schedule in each specific school in Russia (excluding Moscow) is determined by the administration of the educational institution and may differ from the generally accepted one.

Therefore, in order to accurately plan your child’s vacation, you need to check the dates with your school. This can be done in various ways:

  • Check with the class teacher or secretary. At the beginning of the school year, the vacation schedule has already been approved, and the exact dates are known to all school employees (teachers prepare work programs for subjects for the school year, taking this information into account).

  • View on the school website. Information about the start and end dates of the academic year, as well as the vacation schedule should be in the section dedicated to the organization of the educational process.

  • If the school uses an electronic diary system– the school holiday schedule for 2016-2017 can also be found there. Even if the school administration does not inform parents about the start and end dates of school, by “flipping through” the magazine forward, you can see until what date classes are planned to be held.

It so happened that the beginning of the school year coincides with the beginning of the school week. If September 1 falls on a weekend, then the ceremony and classes are automatically moved to the next Monday in September. The same rule guides the management of each educational institution when choosing dates and periods allocated for school holidays.

Who sets the holiday dates in Russian schools?

In Russia, there are several legislative norms regulating the timing of seasonal holidays for schoolchildren (depending on the age of the child and the place of his education), but specific dates for the start and end of the holidays are not regulated anywhere. Therefore, every educational institution in the country has the right, at its own discretion, to change the school schedule, depending on the policy established in a particular school, lyceum, gymnasium or university.

However, any educational institution should be aware of the legislation, which states that students are entitled to at least a week's rest between quarters (if training is carried out this way) or during a separate season, that is, a week each in the fall, winter and spring. Summer holidays must be at least 8 weeks for students in schools and at least 6 weeks for students. In general, excluding summer holidays, students must have at least 30 days off during each school year.

Dates and schedule of school holidays 2016-2017

According to preliminary data, school holidays during the 2016–2017 academic year will be held as follows:

Autumn holidays - from the last Monday of October and the following at least 7-10 days: 26.10.2016 – 31.10-03.11.2016 .

Winter holidays - from the last Monday of December and the next 14 days: 12/26/2016 - 01/08/2017.

Spring holidays - from the last Monday of March and will last the next 7-10 days: 03/26/2017 - 04/02/05/2017.

Summer holidays - from the last Monday of May to the beginning of September: 05/28/2017 - 09/03/2017.

Vacations for first graders

For first-graders, as a rule, an additional week is allocated for rest - in February. , students from first to fourth grade have a rest from the last Monday of February to the beginning of March: 02/27/2017 – 03/04/2017.

Important! The dates and schedule of vacations in a particular school or region of the Russian Federation may differ from those indicated above!

Vacation dates can be changed not only at the initiative of the school administration, but also according to the opinions of the school parent committee. When proposals are made by parents of schoolchildren, the school director may decide to postpone, increase or decrease the days allotted for schoolchildren’s rest.

Also, the timing of school holidays is influenced by the nature of the educational institution in which the child is studying. For private schools or for special educational institutions, vacation dates are set individually and may differ radically from generally accepted norms.
If during the school year, by the opinion of the regional committee or the Ministry of Education of Russia, it was decided to carry out an unplanned quarantine declared throughout the country or in any part of it, then school holidays during this period may be postponed or canceled altogether depending on the duration of the quarantine days agreed upon by the authorities.

Regardless of what grade the child is in and how successfully the child is studying, all students are looking forward to school holidays and we propose to find out today when and how children will have a rest in the 2019-2020 academic year in Russia and how many vacation periods are provided for schoolchildren of different classes .

School holidays are a golden time with which every adult has the most vivid childhood memories. For parents, the holidays are a period for which they can freely plan family vacations and long trips, without interrupting the child from the learning process. That is why, for most people, it is very important to know what dates in the coming academic year the holidays fall on in schools operating on semester and trimester systems.

Rules and regulations governing vacation time

All parents know very well that the last word in deciding the issue of holidays always remains with the administration of the educational institution. But, periods of study and rest in schools, lyceums and gymnasiums must be distributed taking into account the structure of the academic year specified in the main order of the Ministry of Education and Science, which is signed in August (before the start of the school year).

When approving the periods allocated for school holidays and classes in the 2019-2020 academic year, administrations of all schools in the Russian Federation must take into account the following basic norms:

  1. The total number of vacation time for the academic year (excluding summer holidays) cannot be less than 30 calendar days.
  2. The duration of the vacation cannot be less than 7 days.
  3. Summer holidays cannot be less than 2 months.
  4. Any school holidays for the 2019-2020 year, as before, must begin on Monday.
  5. We do not allow holidays to be postponed for more than 2 weeks.

Vacation schedule for the semester system

The semester system is a classic version of organizing the educational process, used today not only in general education and specialized schools, but also in many out-of-school educational institutions that children attend. The main advantage emerges from this. If in the 2019-2020 academic year, school holidays are divided into quarters, they coincide with the rest periods of clubs and sections, music and art schools, which is convenient for children and parents.

As a rule, in this option, the academic year is divided into two semesters, and each semester into 2 quarters, between which there is a short rest period. Students using the quarter system in 2019-2020 can be guided by this approximate * vacation schedule.

Autumn holidays traditionally take place in the last week of October. The first holidays of 2019-2020 may be postponed to a later period in some Russian schools due to weather conditions in certain regions. But for the vast majority of schools the following dates will be relevant:

Important! Due to the fact that National Unity Day 2019 falls on a Monday, the guys will get 10 days off in a row.

The most beloved winter holidays this year will give schoolchildren 14 days of rest, filled with noisy holidays, interesting meetings and vivid impressions. The children will begin their vacation on December 26, 2019, and the new academic quarter will begin on Thursday, January 9, 2020.

Additional holidays in February 2020 will be provided only to 1st grade students. This decision has been supported for many years in many schools in Russia, because the additional week of rest occurs during the period of peak growth in the incidence of ARVI. Moreover, teachers note that a little rest has a beneficial effect on the perseverance and performance of first-graders.

In the 2019-2020 academic year, additional holidays for the youngest schoolchildren in Russia fall in the last week of winter.

The spring holiday period will largely depend on the weather in the regions of the Russian Federation and the characteristics of the heating season. Schools can go on vacation from 03/23/20 or from 03/30/20.

The summer holidays of the 2019-2020 academic year are the same for any academic year schedule and they will begin for schoolchildren in Russia officially from 05/25/20 (but in fact from 05/23/20).

Vacation schedule for the trimester system

The trimester system is relatively young, but is considered more progressive and effective in education. Its features include:

  • short study periods;
  • more frequent rest periods;
  • three significant ratings that influence the annual assessment, which ensures a more objective assessment.

For most schools in Russia operating on a trimester system, the 2019-2020 holidays will take place according to the following schedule:


Number of days

1st autumn

07.10.19 – 13.10.19

2nd autumn

18.11.19 – 24.11.19

1st winter

26.12.19 – 08.01.20

1st winter

24.02.20 – 01.03.20

1st spring

16.03.20 – 22.03.20

2nd spring

20.04.20 – 26.04.20

25.05.20 – 31.08.20

Thus, schoolchildren studying under the new trimester system will receive 6 (and the first grades even 7) vacation periods. In this case, the year will be divided into three periods:

  • 1st trimester (from 09/01/19 to 11/15/19);
  • 2nd trimester (from 11/25/19 to 03/13/20);
  • 3rd trimester (from 03/23/20 to 05/22/20).

The first autumn holidays of the 2019-2020 academic year for students of such educational institutions in Russia will begin on October 7.

Winter and additional holiday periods for the trimester system are the same as for the semester schedule. For the New Year holidays, students have a rest until January 8 inclusive, and kids get a week of rest at the end of February.

In the spring, the guys will also receive 2 rest periods instead of one.

Thus, schoolchildren studying on a trimester system will have a little more days in total for rest and recovery. According to scientists who conducted research on this system, this does not have a negative impact on the learning process. Although, some parents note that they have much more trouble with the question of who to leave their child with and what to do with them during the holidays. Also, many are not happy with the fact that often during the rest period children actually have to attend sections and clubs, because most out-of-school educational centers are focused on the semester system.

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