Children about those who fight terrorists. What is terrorism? For children in case of emergency: dangerous situations in a child’s life

Conversation: What is “terrorism”?

It is recommended to conduct the conversation with children 6-7 years old, in a preschool institution, club, section or primary school. When working in the area of ​​anti-terrorism security, teachers introduce students to the simplest manifestations of terrorism and develop rules of behavior for them in possible situations, and conduct conversations on anti-terrorism. Teachers can introduce students to terrorist acts and the rules of safe behavior in the form of conversations, play out and discuss various situations, carry out explanatory work with parents (before long holidays) in the form of individual conversations, distributing reminders and leaflets, etc.


1) Define the concept of “terrorism”, “terrorist”.

2) Determine the rules of conduct in the event of a threat of terrorist attacks.

Progress of the lesson

1. Org. stage.

2. Main part.

In recent years, the word “terrorism” has begun to appear more and more often in newspapers, magazines, on television and in real life. Terrorism has swept our country.

What is “terrorism” Terrorism is the commission of an explosion, arson or other actions that create a danger of death or other dangerous consequences. People who are called terrorists commit explosions, take hostages, sparing neither women nor children.

Guys, let's get acquainted with some anti-terrorist security rules

It is impossible to prepare for a terrorist attack in advance, so you should always be vigilant. The main rule: avoid unnecessary visits to regions, cities, places and events that may attract the attention of terrorists. Typically this is:

    crowded places;

    crowded events with thousands of participants;

    popular entertainment venues;

    pay attention to suspicious people, objects, and any suspicious little things. Report anything suspicious to law enforcement officials;

    never accept packages and bags from strangers, do not leave your luggage unattended;

    the family must have an emergency plan, all family members must have telephone numbers, email addresses.

    You must set up a meeting place where you can meet your family members in an emergency;

    in case of evacuation, take with you a set of essential items and documents;

    always find out where the backup exits from the premises are;

    in the house it is necessary to strengthen and seal entrances to basements and attics, install an intercom, clear staircases and corridors from cluttering objects;

    organize a watch for the residents of your building, who will regularly walk around the building, observing whether everything is in order, paying special attention to the appearance of unfamiliar faces and cars, unloading bags and boxes;

    try not to panic, no matter what happens.

Now we will play with you the game “If…”. I will describe the situation, and you will offer me a way out of it.

1. If they called the school and warned that the school building was mined. Your actions.

2. If you walked into the entrance and saw a suspicious object (a package, a box, a toy lying unattended). Your actions.

3. If you were returning from school and met a stranger standing at the entrance. Your actions.

Let's define the rules of conduct in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack.

1. Remember - your goal is to stay alive. 2. Do not touch, open, or move detected suspicious objects, as this may lead to an explosion. 3. Inform adults or the police by phone 02. 4. If you do find yourself a hostage, do not allow actions that could provoke terrorists to use violence or weapons.

I suggest everyone draw a picture on the theme “No to terrorism,” but first let’s look at a few illustrations on this topic.

Physical education minute
Once again we have a physical education session,
Let's bend over, come on, come on!
Straightened up, stretched,
And now they’ve bent over backwards.
We stretch our arms, shoulders,
To make it easier for us to sit,
To draw beautifully
And don’t get tired at all.
My head is tired too.
So let's help her!
Right and left, one and two.
Think, think, head.
Even though the charge is short,
We rested a little.

3. Practical work

4. Exhibition of drawings on the theme “No to terrorism”

5. Summary of the lesson. You cannot be afraid of terrorism, because life under fear is very difficult and this is exactly what terrorists achieve, but you need to be vigilant and careful in any situation. The entire civilian population of the planet hopes that someday this will end and the word “terrorism” will disappear from the dictionary forever.

Safety of your own life. Over the past ten years we have lost this feeling. Almost every week brings with it the anniversary of a terrorist attack, which the media chronicles over and over again in frightening detail. The sad calendar continues to grow: information about new explosions or hostage-takings reaches every home where the TV is turned on, the radio is on, or a computer is connected to the Internet. It is impossible to completely protect children from it, and it is hardly necessary: ​​by depriving them of the right to know what is happening around them, we risk not only giving them a distorted picture of the world, but also putting their lives at potential risk.

Psychologies: Children have to grow up in an unsafe world. How do the troubling realities of our day affect them?

Elena Morozova: It is difficult for a child, like an adult, to live in a turbulent world: frightening information makes us acutely aware of our own vulnerability, some begin to fear reality and hide from it. However, for children and adolescents the issue is even more acute: they experience a vital need for impulses for development, the source of which is the world around them. If the world begins to be perceived only as a focus of threat, then all the child’s cognitive powers will be spent not on knowing and comprehending reality, but on protecting himself from it. Fear of reality can become an obstacle to their growth and development.

What information are children most sensitive to?

EAT.: Television news can cause the greatest harm. It is difficult for a child to abstract himself from the video sequence and realize the boundary between what he sees on the screen and his everyday life. Therefore, in particularly sensitive moments, you should not watch informational television programs with your children. Soon after Nord-Ost, many parents complained that their children’s sleep and appetite were disturbed, and night terrors appeared. These children were not witnesses or victims of the terrorist attack - they only watched the development of events on television and became their secondary victims.

Reason vs Fear

It is important to make it clear to the child that there are few terrorists - incomparably fewer than ordinary people, Alexander Wenger is sure. And their actions are not aimed at him.

“It is important to explain to the child: in order to intimidate us, terrorists choose special places and dates, but in fact the number of people who suffer as a result of explosions or hostage-takings is not comparable to the number of those who die, for example, in car accidents. But no one is afraid to travel in a car or on a bus. If we are reasonable people, we buckle up and don’t get into a car with a drunk driver. In other words, it is good if the child realizes as early as possible that for his own safety it is necessary to follow certain rules, and in most cases this principle also works in relation to terrorists.”


What if the terrorist attack occurred not in Russia, but, say, in the USA?

Alexander Wenger: There is a direct relationship between the geography of terrorist attacks and the number of secondary victims. The closer to our home an event occurs, the stronger the psychological effect it produces: for example, after Nord-Ost, the number of secondary victims in Moscow was much greater than after the Beslan events. However, this rule only applies to adults: if we are talking about children, then it is not so important for them where exactly the terrorist attack took place - this information is always perceived painfully.

The likelihood of becoming an eyewitness to a terrorist attack is still relatively low. Is it necessary to prepare a child for this possibility?

EAT.: The child must know the algorithm of behavior in any dangerous situation - be it a fire or a terrorist attack. Practical skills will help you feel more confident if you encounter danger. In addition, it is important that the child understands that there is a way out of almost any difficult situation: this knowledge is very mobilizing. Another important point is to set the child up to help, including emotional help, to those who are nearby. This distracts you from your own worries, fear and creates an atmosphere of community.

At what point should you start such a conversation?

EAT.: There is no point in loading it with redundant information, getting ahead of the event. But if a child comes into contact with it (for example, he saw a story on the news about a terrorist attack), a conversation about it is necessary. It is better to answer specific questions - the child himself will tell you what is important for him to know now.

A.V.: It’s good if the event becomes the subject of family discussion. The child will understand that he is not the only one who is worried and that adults, sharing his feelings, nevertheless treat this situation calmly and in a business-like manner. It is also worth taking into account the characteristics of age: under the age of five, children are hardly able to understand what terror is. Therefore, it is possible not to separate such concepts as “terrorism” and “war” in conversation. You can say, for example: “Bad people started a war.” For children six to nine years old, detailed explanations may also be redundant, so it is better to discuss in a game which actions in a critical situation will be correct and which will not, focusing specifically on the practical side of the matter.

EAT.: Teenagers are a different matter: they already have a sense of responsibility for themselves and for those around them, and therefore they need to understand the essence of what is happening. It is worth talking with a child aged 11-15 years about the causes and goals of terrorism, about various forms of terrorist attacks. A teenager is capable of making independent decisions, which is why it is so important to discuss different strategies of behavior in the event of a direct confrontation with terrorists.

What advice would you give to parents who are trying to keep their children positive about the world?

EAT.: In my opinion, adults should first of all pay attention to themselves. After all, we unknowingly infect our children with our own fears. Figure out what worries you and analyze your attitude towards what is happening. If you manage to cope with your worries, it may very well be that no other efforts will be required from you: the child will literally absorb a positive outlook on the world out of thin air and learn to enjoy life - no matter what.

Where explosions sound every day

In Israel, despite the constant terrorist threat, children grow up in an atmosphere of calm and emotional comfort, say Elena Morozova and Alexander Wenger. This circumstance is the merit of the parents, who were able to form a reasonable attitude towards terrorism. Another important point is trust in people in uniform: their commands are carried out unquestioningly, and their very presence inspires confidence. In addition, a terrorist attack is perceived as a common grief that unites and mobilizes the entire population of the country - each person knows that under no circumstances will he be faced with danger alone. Finally, the entire Israeli population has been instructed on what to do in the event of a terrorist attack. Thus, every Israeli child knows how to behave in the event of even a minimal threat.

  • Try to immediately get as far away from the source of danger as possible.
  • Seek help from a trusted adult.
  • Do what the adult who happens to be nearby says, even if it is a terrorist.

What should we say to the children who saw the news with us? We heard that many people died...

First, keep your children away from televisions. This is the main advice: children should not watch the news.

But you can’t completely isolate children from real life?

And this is not life. Think about how many real deaths the average person faces in life, if he is not on the battlefield or in some other extreme circumstances? Well, five or six at most. Our psyche, relatively speaking, is not designed for more. Moreover, the psyche of children. They don't need to see the concentration of death and grief around the world every day. So again: get them away from the TV, children don’t need to watch news about a terrorist attack.

If this did happen, the child watched the news. What should I tell him?

We simply calm small children - preschoolers, primary schoolchildren. We say it’s scary, but it’s very far away, and mom and dad are with you, nothing will happen near us. Under no circumstances should you indulge in detailed explanations that bad people came and killed good people. This triggers very serious fears. Does the child know about himself that he is good, and what does this mean - that bad guys can come to him and kill him just like that? In my practice I encounter such neurosis all the time. Therefore, we simply reassure small children. For older children, it will be enough to say that yes, there are bad people who attack with weapons, and we will defend ourselves from them, we know how to do it. But again, you need to talk to children about terrorism as calmly as possible, without details.

What to tell teenagers?

But teenagers will already demand a more serious conversation, and here it is important not to fall into propaganda. It is very important for teenagers that everything that happens around them corresponds to their sense of justice and legality. Convey the message that everything will be adjusted, everything will come into balance, terrorism will be stopped and punished. Do not talk to children about terrorism and extremism using words from TV, speak as neutrally and calmly as possible. Do not insult anyone under any circumstances, because the child goes to school after your conversation, and in this school he has classmates of other nationalities, other cultures, this conversation should not provoke hatred between children. Of course, what you say will depend on your family position on this issue. But - be careful.

What do children fear most? What news?

The same as all of us - to die, to lose loved ones. A terrorist attack is staged precisely in order to intimidate us, to instill horror; in one second we begin to feel that everything in the world is unsteady, that death is walking nearby.

How should we react - and what kind of mood should a child read? Should we teach him empathy?

In any case, all our conversations should convey this thought: next to me, an adult, you are safe, I will never hurt you, and we can handle everything. This may not be an objective truth, but this is what a child should grow up with, it helps him live, and this ultimately turns into a useful function in his head, teaching him to react calmly and constructively to difficult situations in life.

How can we, adults, not be afraid?

You can't help but be afraid when there is a threat of a terrorist attack. We must be afraid. It is stupid to deny fear and, for example, still fly to those countries or through those countries in which hostilities are taking place. It’s stupid to show off and not listen to your instincts at all. Fear, when justified, is a useful function. It’s another matter what to do with him later - go smash in response or go help someone who is feeling bad, and think about what to do next, how to correct the situation.

Form: Classroom hour

Target: 1) Define the concept of “terrorism”, “terrorist”.

2) Cover the problem of terrorism in Russia.

3) Determine the rules of conduct in the event of a threat of terrorist attacks.

During the classes

I.Org. stage.

II.Main part.

In recent years, the word “terrorism” has begun to appear more and more often in newspapers, magazines, on television and in real life. Terrorism has swept our country.

What is “terrorism”? (Terrorism is the commission of an explosion, arson or other actions that create a danger of death of people, property or other dangerous consequences.)

Guys, what do you think is the purpose of these actions? (These actions are committed for the purpose of violating public safety, intimidating the population, or influencing the authorities).

People who are called terrorists commit explosions, take hostages, sparing neither women nor children. There are various terrorist groups operating in our country, consisting mainly of residents of the Chechen Republic. The interests of their activities are in putting pressure on the authorities of the Russian Federation with the aim of separating the Chechen Republic from the Russian Federation. These terrorist groups are financed by the international terrorist organization Al-Qaeda.

Terrorists are trained in camps on the territory of the Chechen Republic and in the countries of the Middle East. Terrorists are mainly Muslim (religion). They are not afraid to go to death, since according to religion, after death they will find a “second life” and ascend to God. Often there are women among terrorists.

The history of the emergence of terrorism in Russia dates back to the war in the Chechen Republic (since 1994), which began due to an attempt by the republic’s authorities to declare independence from the Russian Federation. Since that time, a number of terrorist attacks have occurred in Russia: explosions in the Moscow metro, residential buildings in Moscow and Volgodonsk, the seizure of a hospital in Budenovsk, and passenger planes. Let's take a closer look at recent events.

On October 22, 2003, in Moscow on Dubrovka, terrorists seized the theater building where the musical “Nord-Ost” was being performed. They held hostage several hundred people who came to the performance for several days. To free the hostages, special units had to storm the theater building; as a result of the assault, a large number of victims, including women and children.

On September 1, 2004, there was a monstrous attack on a school in the Republic of Dagestan, Beslan. Children went to the Day of Knowledge holiday with their parents, brothers and sisters. It was a happy day for many - the first day of school. However, terrorists captured defenseless, unarmed people, and held them in a school building for 3 days without food, water, and subjected them to violence. More than 300 people died as a result of this tragedy. The entire population of the country was outraged by this seizure of the school. The whole country tried to provide all possible assistance to the victims of this tragedy, as well as other countries. But even after this terrible tragedy, terrorism cannot be stopped.

Let's look at a few situations. Now we will play with you the game “If…”. I will describe the situation, and you will offer me a way out of it.

1. If they called the school and warned that the school building was mined. Your actions.

2. If you walked into the entrance and saw a suspicious object (a package, a box, a toy lying unattended). Your actions.

3. If you were returning from school and met a stranger standing at the entrance. Your actions.

Let's define rules of conduct in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack.

1. Remember - your goal is to stay alive.

2. Do not touch, open, or move detected suspicious objects, as this may lead to an explosion.

3. Notify adults or the police by calling 02.

4. If you do find yourself a hostage, do not allow actions that could provoke terrorists to use violence or weapons.

III. Bottom line.

You cannot be afraid of terrorism, because life under fear is very difficult and this is exactly what terrorists achieve, but you need to be vigilant and careful in any situation.

The entire civilian population of the planet hopes that someday this will end and the word “terrorism” will disappear from the dictionary forever.

I suggest everyone draw a picture on the theme “No to terrorism.”

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