Why does a person need knowledge? So what is knowledge needed for? Knowledge and information

The history of mankind goes back more than one thousand years. During this time, people went through many stages of development, learned to use the environment, and learned the secrets of nature. Technical progress has reached great heights: science does not stand still. What caused such growth of man, what helped him move from the Stone Age to the age of high technology? I think it's knowledge.

In the early period of development, people were very vulnerable, and in order to survive it was necessary to learn as much as possible about the world around them in order to understand how to avoid danger. People came up with new ways to get food, learned to build houses, and domesticated animals. Observing nature, man compiled a calendar, which was very helpful in farming. New tools, inventions, technologies... All this appeared thanks to knowledge.

Knowledge plays a big role in the development of humanity. Where do we get them from? There are many ways to find out something. We gain knowledge from observations, our own experience, books, the Internet and television, and from other people. They may be necessary or useless, but they are necessary at least for the overall development of man and society as a whole. What does knowledge give? First of all, the development of science and technology. Scientists in laboratories study objects and phenomena, thereby pushing forward scientific progress. Our lives have undoubtedly improved with the invention of electricity, cars and new means of communication, so gaining new knowledge has also had a positive impact on people's standard of living and their comfort.

Knowledge also gives freedom. The more a person is aware of surrounding objects, phenomena and events, the more oriented he is in the world around him, and the more difficult it is for anyone to impose his will on him. People whose knowledge is very extensive tend to rise above others and are able to control those whose stock of knowledge is small.

If a person knows and is able to do a lot in some area, or even better, if there are several areas, then he becomes a master of his craft and due to this he becomes freer, because he now depends on fewer people and is able to provide himself with a decent life.

But knowledge itself is not enough; it is also important to be able to apply it in life, which is written in the paragraph above. If you know a lot, but cannot use it, then how much use will it be? Knowledge should be useful not only theoretically, but also practically. As the famous Italian poet Francesco Petrarca said: “What is the use of knowing a lot if you did not know how to apply your knowledge to your needs?” Therefore, it is not enough to study only theory, you must also be able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

As we see, knowledge is of great importance in people's lives. Without them, there would not be the progress we have now. Maybe we would have remained living at the level of the Stone Age if we had not strived for knowledge. Everything we know makes us stronger and better, giving us the ability to influence the course of life.

Knowledge is power! And the more we know, the more we develop and move forward. I hope that in the future people will learn a lot of new things and use this knowledge wisely to improve the world in which we live.

Why do I need knowledge?

“Knowledge is more valuable than wealth,” says popular wisdom. Now many have forgotten about this. You can buy a certificate and diploma, but what to do when you need this very “bought” knowledge? How will a lawyer with a fake diploma draft important contracts? How will an economist calculate the potential profit of an enterprise? Maybe he will lead this enterprise to collapse? When we receive such specialists on a national scale, we are talking about the ruin of not just one company, but the entire state. So, acquiring knowledge, acquiring “information processing” skills and the ability to quickly retrain in accordance with new requirements is a problem at the state level.

For my part, I try to study to the best of my strength and intellectual capabilities, to learn as much as possible. I want the institute I have chosen not to become a stumbling block for me on the path to my favorite job. I want to enjoy studying, from the fact that every day I learn something new, every day I become a little smarter and more “skillful”. I want to be a truly high-quality specialist and command the respect of my colleagues. I hope that my wishes will come true, at least I will do my best for this.

I'm in 4th grade

Educated person cannot have broad knowledge and not know the most basic things. Without the foundation that school provides, it is impossible to obtain a higher education. And higher education implies a very wide range of knowledge: in both humanities and technical universities, in addition to the main subjects, many others are studied: history and philosophy, logic and economics, native languages ​​and foreign languages. All sciences are closely related to each other, and you cannot be an excellent specialist without knowing the basics and what is somehow related to the area of ​​​​knowledge in which you are well versed. Nowadays there are a lot of technical schools and universities that graduate a wide variety of specialists; there is even an overabundance of some professions on the labor market. Finding a job is not always easy and you never know what you will have to do in life. Therefore, I believe that I should have a wide variety of knowledge and skills - from sewing and knitting to complex chemical experiments, from basic housework to scientific research.

Do not carry knowledge on your shoulders

Probably there is no student who during his stay at school would not ask himself the question: why do you need to study? And the answers to this question, of course, like the students themselves, are different: from “there’s no need at all” to “of course, it’s necessary.” The answers depend on the mood and on the successes or failures of the guys at the time this question was asked. From birth to the last days, a person solves many problems that life puts before him. By solving them one way or another, he tries to fulfill his dream: to learn to manage his life. In our time, for this we need to arm ourselves and master the system of the most modern knowledge in the areas of physical and intellectual development. And the foundation of this human development is laid precisely at school. After all, daily schooling, in addition to mastering knowledge in mathematics, physics, and languages, teaches diligence, hard work, and patience. But it is impossible to study without work and patience, everyone knows this.


Childhood and youth

In how to find yourself

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“Why do I need knowledge mini essays grade 4”

Why do I need knowledge?

“Knowledge is more valuable than wealth,” says popular wisdom. Now many people have forgotten about this. You can buy a certificate and diploma, but what to do when you need this very “bought” knowledge? How will a lawyer with a fake diploma draft important contracts? How will an economist calculate the potential profit of a business? Maybe he will lead this enterprise to collapse? When we get such specialists on a national scale, we are talking about the ruin of not just one company, but the entire state. So acquiring knowledge, acquiring “information processing” skills and the ability to quickly retrain in accordance with new requirements is a problem at the state level.

For my part, I try to study to the best of my strength and intellectual capabilities, to learn as much as possible. I want the institute I have chosen not to become a stumbling block for me on the path to my favorite job. I want to enjoy studying, from the fact that every day I learn something new, every day I become a little smarter and more “skillful”. I want to be a truly high-quality specialist and command the respect of my colleagues. I hope that my wishes will come true, at least I will do my best for this.

I'm in 4th grade, and, of course, I really want to finish high school. You can’t do without secondary education, that’s clear. At school we learn the basics of all the necessary knowledge: native language and literature, algebra and geometry, biology, physics and chemistry, astronomy, history and law, many practical skills in labor lessons, different for boys and girls. But recently, my friends and I were arguing: do we need to study all school subjects and is it necessary to get a higher education? After all, now many people work with a very narrow specialization or in a completely different specialty that is indicated on their diploma, my classmates told me. Why does a mathematician need the subtleties of the Russian language, and a historian need the basics of chemistry? I don't agree with my friends.

Educated person cannot have broad knowledge and not know the most basic things. Without the foundation that school provides, it is impossible to obtain a higher education. And higher education implies a very wide range of knowledge: in both humanities and technical universities, in addition to the main subjects, many others are studied: history and philosophy, logic and economics, native languages ​​and foreign languages. All sciences are closely related to each other, and you cannot be an excellent specialist without knowing the basics and what is somehow related to the area of ​​​​knowledge in which you are well versed. Nowadays there are a lot of technical schools and universities that graduate a wide variety of specialists; there is even an overabundance of some professions on the labor market. Finding a job is not always easy and you never know what you will have to do in life. Therefore I believe that Human must have a wide variety of knowledge and skills - from sewing and knitting to complex chemical experiments, from basic housework to scientific research.

Do not carry knowledge on your shoulders, they will always, sooner or later, be needed. At home there should always be encyclopedias and reference books, dictionaries and textbooks, you should always be interested in new things... Every person, in my opinion, should be able to do any work, without dividing it into women's and men's. And therefore, we need to carefully study all school and university subjects, because without some nuances there cannot be a complete and holistic perception of any issue, something can be missed. I don’t agree with the words of the humorous children’s song “The more you know, the more you forget.” On the contrary, the more you know, the more information you can remember, the wider the range of knowledge you possess, and the easier you can find the necessary information in the depths of your subconscious. Knowledge is not hard, you can’t carry it on your back, but you can and should use it in your life - both when you study and when you work, you cannot do without it.

Probably there is no student who during his stay at school would not ask himself the question: why do you need to study? And the answers to this question, of course, like the students themselves, are different: from “there’s no need at all” to “of course, it’s necessary.” The answers depend on the mood and on the successes or failures of the guys at the time this question was asked. From birth to the last days, a person solves many problems that life puts before him. By solving them one way or another, he tries to fulfill his dream: to learn to manage his life. In our time, for this we need to arm ourselves and master the system of the most modern knowledge in the areas of physical and intellectual development. And the foundation of this human development is laid precisely at school. After all, daily schooling, in addition to acquiring knowledge in mathematics, physics, languages, literature, teaches diligence, hard work, and patience. But it is impossible to study without work and patience, everyone knows this.

Examples we can find this by looking around. Is it a secret to anyone that those who do more do more and better? And he does it because he has more interests - for example, studying at school, dancing, sports, various clubs. Work in general and the work of a schoolchild are phenomena of the same order. If a person is accustomed to writing off an unsolved problem, one that he failed at home, on the windowsill at school, then one can hardly expect that he will complete any task that he did not succeed in immediately. And work is one of the first stages of any activity, as well as any success.

Childhood and youth- the age when a person discovers himself, and acquaintance with the first areas of application of his abilities - school subjects - helps him in this. There is a huge meaning in these searches: each person can reveal their real, but not yet identified, capabilities. For example, if you have a penchant for studying the exact sciences (mathematics, physics or chemistry), then perhaps this will be decisive when choosing a future profession - economist, accountant, scientist. And this will allow you to determine your life for many years to come. Students at school not only acquire knowledge, as they most often think about themselves, but also try themselves in one or another field of activity.

In how to find yourself, teachers will always help schoolchildren - they are interlocutors you can trust, experienced, knowledgeable people. Their main task is to discuss with you the vast range of issues contained in the problem, to help you find yourself, to become a good person and a highly qualified specialist in your chosen profession in the future. There is no person in the world who could be angry with nature for depriving him; every person has a wide, basically identical, set of inclinations and abilities, you just need to learn to find and develop them. Therefore, every person can master any business, any profession, but only by determining his inclinations for a particular activity, studying a subject at school, can he achieve real success in life.

For many centuries, humanity has accumulated and systematized knowledge. It is no coincidence that the cases of their loss can literally be counted on one hand. Knowledge and experience was passed on from generation to generation, first orally and then in the form of books. Having certain practical knowledge, a person no longer wastes time acquiring it on his own, but uses it with gratitude. Anyone who strives to achieve something must make the most of not only his abilities and internal resources, but also the resources of the surrounding world that are provided to him in the form of a knowledge system. He needs clear and reliable knowledge about the structure of the world and the mechanisms by which it exists. Possessing knowledge about the laws of the existence of the world allows him to avoid unnecessary and useless actions and use his resources with maximum effect. No matter how much he wants it, he will not be able to act contrary to the laws of physics or psychology. A competent and pragmatic person is distinguished from an empty dreamer and a fool by knowledge of the laws of nature, understanding of their role and willingness to use them in their activities. To people who do not have knowledge, the world seems hostile and incomprehensible. Their destiny is obscurantism and faith in the spontaneous will of higher powers. But even imperfect knowledge brings benefit to people, and this benefit is a measure of its value, significance for human activity. The value of the same knowledge for different people may be different; it is determined by their individual characteristics and needs. Technical knowledge will not be of value to people in creative professions, and humanitarian knowledge will not be of value to people. But for a harmoniously developed person, all the knowledge that forms his ideas about the world around him, the forms and laws of its development, is beneficial.

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Biology is a science that provides knowledge about the natural essence of life. They can not only provide an understanding of the laws of nature and its interrelations, but also help humanity survive.

Biology is a collection of data about living nature, about life. Based on the objects of study, they distinguish between zoology, which studies the animal world; botany - the science of; microbiology, which studies the life of bacteria. Particular emphasis is placed on virology, which studies the behavior of various viruses, as well as other narrower specialties. Biology is represented by such serious areas as molecular biology and biochemistry, embryology of development, anatomy and physiology, as well as evolution.

Modern biology is in constant development, as is all life on the planet. Under the influence of many natural and anthropogenic processes, knowledge of biology changes, is replenished, and takes on new forms. This science allows us to correctly understand nature and its fundamental principles.

Unfortunately, many politicians, scientists and philosophers often prefer completely unfounded dogmas and concepts, sometimes without realizing the matter. At the same time, real scientific knowledge and discoveries of biology remain unknown and unclaimed. The general natural science of people is an urgent task of modern society and education in terms of the formation and awareness of the correct natural worldview.

Knowledge of biology is extremely necessary for solving another important task - the formation of ecological thinking in modern man. Its essence lies in the awareness of one’s being as a part of nature and the unconditional understanding of the need for protection, reproduction and rational use of natural resources. According to some disappointing forecasts, existing technologies and the pace of industrial development of the Earth can lead to irreversible consequences, the extinction of humanity and wildlife.

Therefore, understanding the basics of biology and ecology is vital for everyone on the planet. “You can’t chop a branch that’s on it!” - says a very ancient and wise saying. Conscious and effective measures can ensure the preservation and sustainable natural restoration and development of the planet's biosphere.

The practical significance of biology is difficult to measure. This is both the scientific basis of all technologies for food production in modern conditions, and the theoretical fundamental principles of all medicine.

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  • Subject and tasks of biology

Knowledge is a system of results of the research and educational activities of the whole humanity, accumulated since its inception. If we look more broadly, knowledge is a subjective reflection of existing reality. The completeness and objectivity of this subjective image depends entirely on the volume and that people have.

For many centuries, humanity has accumulated and systematized knowledge. It is not surprising that the cases of their loss can be counted on one hand. Knowledge As a precious experience, they were passed on first orally from generation to generation, and also in writing, in the form of books. And this undoubtedly benefited the followers, because having certain practical knowledge, a person no longer lost time on their independent knowledge, but used it with gratitude. Therefore, anyone who wants anything in

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful!

There is another goal in our life - raising the level of consciousness,
and not just an increase in the general body of knowledge.

Inayat Khan

Knowledge is one of the greatest blessings, but sometimes its improper use can cause the death of the one who strives to possess it. It can serve for good and development, or it can be used for destruction and deception. In any case, knowledge, as one of the highest values, requires an appropriate frame - reasonable use.

Knowledge should not be used as a reason for arrogance

In Surah Az-Zumar (The Crowds), the Almighty says: “Say: “Are those who know and those who do not know equal?” Knowledge opens for its owner those doors that are closed to the ignorant. Knowledge fills the heart of the knower with light, which is inaccessible to the ignorant. Knowledge elevates its owner above those who do not know. However! This high position should not be taken as a sign of one’s own exclusivity and superiority. Why? Because knowledge is not given for self-aggrandizement. Knowledge acquired for show off is evil and leads to misfortune. What happened to one of the most knowledgeable - Iblis.

Knowledge is not needed for arguments

“O son of Adam! There are so many scientists who have been spoiled by their knowledge.” Hadith Qudsi

There are people who have gained knowledge, but have not grown at all personally. On the contrary, the knowledge that comes from their mouths only emphasizes the ignorance of their hearts. What is their ignorance? The fact is that they use knowledge not for useful and good purposes, but as a means of satisfying their vanity, trying to convince others of their knowledge and importance. One of the hadiths says: “Do not acquire knowledge in order to boast about it, use it in an argument with ignorant people or to attract someone's attention to yourself. And whoever does this will be in hell.” Also, another hadith says: “Whoever acquires knowledge in order to be neighbors with scholars, argue with fools and thereby strives to impress people, Allah will lead him into the Fire.”

So what is knowledge needed for?

Knowledge is not just a set of information, it is the ability to make the right choice in any situation. A wealth of knowledge is evidenced not by successfully passing an exam and a good mark from a teacher, but by prudence in everyday life and the ability to remain human even in the most difficult situations. Knowledge is needed for spiritual growth and wisdom. So that with every drop of information our understanding of the world, ourselves and people expands, so that we become better, more prudent. The Koran tells the story of the prophet Musa, peace be upon him, and Khadir, may Allah be pleased with him. When Khadir expressed a desire to follow Musa and not ask questions when he did not understand certain actions, Musa, peace be upon him, asked him: “How can you be patient with what you do not comprehend with knowledge?” Good knowledge increases a person’s patience, trains his ability to avoid superficial conclusions, to look into the essence, into the depth of certain phenomena. Consequently, their understanding is improved.

Knowledge brings you closer to the Almighty. The Almighty says in the Koran:

“We give these parables to people, but only those who know understand them.”
“Of slaves, only those who know fear Allah.”
“Allah, as well as the angels and those endowed with knowledge, testify that there is no God but Him, the Almighty, the Wise.”

True knowledge gives deep conviction in the unity of the Creator, inspires fear of God, strengthens faith and enriches in worship. True knowledge is the sister of truth, for the sake of which, as stated in the Koran, both the heavens and the earth were created.

For complete success, it is not enough just to acquire knowledge; it is also necessary to use it in the right direction, for its intended purpose. If the knowledge that a person possesses does not have a beneficial effect on him, does not correct his character for the better, does not help him distinguish truth from lies, but only aggravates his ignorance and delusion, then it is worth considering what goal he pursued in striving for knowledge , and how does he use it now - as a guide to Hell or as an invitation to Heaven? Because knowledge is like an instrument that can equally successfully serve both to achieve good and to cause harm.

Asya Gagieva

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