Gianni Rodari Cipollino main characters. Essay about a fairy-tale hero

Name: Cipollino

A country: Lemon kingdom


Activity: onion boy

Family status: not married

Cipollino: character story

A cheerful and brave bulb from sunny Italy named Cipollino in the 1950s became a symbol of the victory of the oppressed people over the powers that be. With a children's book that is distinguished by its bright artistic originality, the Italian raised absolutely non-childish questions. Life values, justice, friendship - there was a place for everything on the pages of the work about the adventures of revived vegetables and fruits.

History of creation

The Italian writer Gianni Rodari was a supporter of communism. A defender of the poor and a supporter of social justice, in 1950 he took over the post of editor of the children's magazine Pioneer and personally began to create for children. To begin with, he published a collection of funny poems, and a year after he became head of the publication, he gave the kids a fairy tale story, “The Adventures of Cipollino.”

The book glorified the Italian communist, especially in the Soviet Union, which is quite understandable - the author put in an allegorical form the large landowners and Sicilian barons, whom he contrasted with the poor people.

The work came to Russia in 1953 on the initiative of Rodari, who sympathized with him and patronized him in every way. The Russian poet-storyteller himself took on the task of editing the Italian story translated by Zlata Potapova. The heroes immediately won the hearts of children after appearing on the shelves of Soviet bookstores. Since then, the book with colorful pictures has been published in millions of copies and has even been included in the school curriculum.

The story, which has not lost its relevance to this day, is far from magical works, devoid of fairies, miraculous transformations and phenomena, therefore it is classified as everyday social fairy tales. The characters rely only on their intelligence, ingenuity, courage and correct calculation. The main idea is to show the injustice of oppression of vulnerable sections of society. However, in the fairy tale there was a whole scattering of problems. The story turned out to be fascinating and kind; it consists of 29 chapters, which are crowned by a collection of songs of the heroes.

Biography and plot

The restless boy Cipollino lives in the Lemon Kingdom on the very outskirts of the city. A large onion family lives in squalor in a wooden shack the size of a seedling box. One day, the head of the family, Papa Cipollone, accidentally stepped on the foot with a callus of Prince Lemon, who decided to visit this part of the state. The angry ruler of the country ordered the clumsy onion father to be imprisoned for many years. Thus began the exciting adventures of Cipollino and his comrades.

After a meeting with an imprisoned relative, the boy realized that only innocent people were in prison, and also received instructions from his father to “walk around the world,” gain experience, and see how people live. During the trip, Cipollone told his son to pay special attention to the scammers in power.

Lukovka went on a hike across the endless country, seeing along the way the poverty and lawlessness of his compatriots. Poor godfather Pumpkin

onit Senor Tomato from a small house, which occupied a piece of the master's land, godfather Blueberry makes ends meet, having only halves of scissors, thread and a needle from everything he has acquired, the peasants are starving, sending carts of food to the palace of the countesses of Vishen, and they also pay for air and are trying to learn to breathe less. Cherries are going to establish another tax - on precipitation.

But Cipollino, having enlisted the support of friends, including Besolinka, Professor Grusha, Master Vinogradinka and others, decides to help the people. A struggle against injustice ensues, which ends in complete victory: the flag of Freedom proudly flutters on the castle tower, and the building itself has turned into a palace for children, equipped with a cinema hall, rooms for games and drawing, and a puppet theater.

The tale of class struggle has a dynamic plot and a whole range of wonderful images. Positive and negative characters from the world of plants show the relationships between people of different classes. Rodari managed to convey complex things in simple language, giving the work a unique artistic style.

Screen adaptations and productions

In Russia, Cipollino managed to go beyond the paper publication. Lukovka (the meaning of the name translated from Italian) went to television - in 1961, based on the work, a cartoon was released under the direction of Boris Dezhkin, where the main character was voiced by.

The book's gallery of characters is richer than the cast of a Soviet cartoon. Thus, in the story of the Italian communist there live heroes who do not belong to the plant world, for example, Mole, Bear, Spider. The animators kept only characters from the wild, and even then not all of them. I had to say goodbye to Orange, Parsley, and Peas to shorten the film's time.

After another 12 years, Tamara Lisitsian delighted young viewers with the fairy tale film “Cipollino”. In the musical comedy, the character was embodied by Alexander Elistratov. The film starred such Soviet cinema stars as (Countess Cherry), (Prince Lemon), (lawyer Goroshek).

Even Gianni Rodari himself was included in the cast - the writer was given the role of storyteller. Tamara Lisitsian was the wife of one of the leaders of the Italian Communist Party, so she was personally acquainted with Rodari. That's why the author suddenly appeared in her picture.

In 2014, connoisseurs of literature and theater were outraged by the production of a children's play based on the work of Rodari, directed by Ekaterina Koroleva. The plot where the heroes organize a revolution has disappeared from the script of the musical fairy tale. Prince Lemon simply listens to the people, inspiration descends on him, thanks to which the ruler repeals unjust laws and remains in power. The author of the play explained the decision to reshape the idea of ​​the Italian writer:

“We left a social edge in the play, but since I am terribly afraid of any revolutions, a revolution will take place in the minds of the heroes.”

Ban in Russia

Five years ago, Russian society was vigorously discussing the topic of restrictions that the government had imposed on some books, films and cartoons. The fairy tale “The Adventures of Cipollino” by Gianni Rodari is included in the list of harmful literature that is not recommended in Russia for reading by children under 12 years of age.

The ban is imposed in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development,” which came into force on Knowledge Day in 2012. In the story of the adventures of the Italian onion, legislators saw episodic depictions of violence.

  • Since the late 50s, the hero of the Italian story joined the ranks of the “Merry Men Club”, which lived on the pages of the magazine “Funny Pictures”. The children were entertained by a company from Chipollino, Dunno, Buratino, and later they were joined by Karandash and Samodelkin.

  • The talented musician Karen Khachaturyan was invited to write music for the cartoon about the brave Cipollino. Then no one even suspected that the work would result in another new work. The composer admitted: the fairy tale captivated him so much that he couldn’t get it out of his head. Karen Khachaturyan recalled:
“For some reason, every hero now appeared to me in a dance.”
  • 12 years later, amazing, sincere music for the ballet in three acts “Cipollino” was born. And so began the brilliant fate of Genrikh Mayorov’s production, which has successfully traveled across the theater stage since 1974. The composer became famous throughout the world, and the ballet became one of the best in contemporary art aimed at children.
  • Gianni Rodari first found success in Russia and only then, in 1967, in his homeland. For his “fairytale” works, the writer received a prestigious award - the Hans Christian Andersen Medal.


“In this world it is quite possible to live in peace. There is a place on earth for everyone – both bears and onions.”
“Don’t be angry, don’t be angry, Signor Tomato! They say vitamins disappear from anger!”
“And, in my opinion, today is a very good day. We have a new friend, and that’s already a lot!”
“Here you go, you can lick this piece of paper. It’s sweet, a year ago it was wrapped in caramel with rum.”

This fairy tale is familiar to everyone since childhood. The bright cartoon left no one indifferent to the characters. And the characters in the fairy tale “Cipollino” are vegetables that are familiar to all kids. But the mischievous tale, written by an Italian, also had political overtones. After all, the common people were personified by simple vegetables that were present on the menu of the poor: pumpkin, onions, radishes, grapes, peas, pears. They are contrasted with aristocracy, that is, products that were only on the tables of the upper strata of the population. These are lemon, artichoke, tomato, cherries, cherries.

Vegetable tale

The Adventures of Cipollino" is an Italian communist writer. It shows the struggle of the lower classes of society with the higher ones and the triumph of justice. It’s not for nothing that it was so popularized during the Soviet Union. By the way, it was in our country that the fairy tale was first published after its publication in its native Italy (in the Apennines it was published by the magazine “Pioniere” in 1951). In 1953, “The Adventures of Chipollino” was translated into Russian by Z. Potapov, and S. Ya. Marshak edited the work. This book instantly became a bestseller and began to be translated into other languages. And in 1961, the same cartoon, created according to the script by Mstislav Pashchenko, was released on the screens.

For whom is the fairy tale written?

Boy Onion, Uncle Pumpkin, Prince Lemon, the Count from the fairy tale “Cipollino” - this is only a small part of the characters invented by Gianni Rodari. This tale, although it describes the struggle of the common population with the aristocrats who torture people, teaches many everyday truths. For example, he glorifies the virtues of work, teaches not to give up in difficult situations, to look for a way out, to be brave and to truly be friends. And using the example of vegetables, you can learn to unite, help each other in trouble, and sympathize.

Rodari's fairy tale "Cipollino" was written for children six to seven years old. It is at this age that you can already read the full text of the work. But you can also find a lightweight version for children over four years old. It contains bright beautiful illustrations. It should be admitted that adults will also enjoy reading a work that can remind us of a cloudless and happy childhood.

The plot of the work

So, what happened to Onion, Pumpkin, Radish, Cherry, Lemon and other characters, and what role did the Count play from the fairy tale “Cipollino”? It is worth noting that the plot is very dynamic. The work begins with a description of the amazing Land of Vegetables and Fruits. It has its own laws and has its own ruler - the cruel Prince Lemon. This tyrant has a special fragrant skin, which he carefully cares for. But ordinary “people” also live here. For example, Onion and its family, the sight and smell of which brings tears to tears. Another significant character is poor Uncle Pumpkin, who dreams of having his own house. And although he works from early morning until dusk, he cannot build a home for himself. But Signor Tomato, Countess Cherry, like other aristocrats, live in the palace, and they can take away the shacks of the poor, for example, for the needs of their dogs.

The boy Cipollino, mischievous and fair, could not remain indifferent, looking at the suffering of his uncle Pumpkin. He stands up for the unfortunate old man and provokes the beginning of the class struggle. They are supported by other poor people, some of whom end up in prison. Lemon, meanwhile, introduces new taxes on literally everything in the country and orders a detective with a dog to find the rebel.

First of all, Cipollino rescues his father and other prisoners from prison, using music to “deceive” the narrow-minded guards. And then he leaves his pursuers and hides Pumpkin’s house in the forest. Thanks to his intelligence, ingenuity and the support of his friends, the boy deals with the tyrants and wins. Cipollino is a key character, but not only he and his friends defeated their enemies. The presumptuous lords were destroyed by popular anger, as well as the justified fear that they felt before the rebels. Brave commoners, not afraid of the gun aimed at them, decisively put the insolent people in their place. Justice has triumphed!

Characters of "Cipollino"

As mentioned earlier, all the heroes of the fairy tale are fruits and vegetables. Here is a short list of them:

  • Cipollino is the main character and ringleader;
  • Cipollo - Cipollino's father;
  • Cipollino brothers;
  • Uncle Pumpkin;
  • shoemaker Grape;
  • girl Radish;
  • Cherry is a count from the fairy tale “Cipollino” who sympathizes with the poor;
  • lawyer Pea;
  • detective Carrot;
  • evil Signor Tomato;
  • Countess Cherry;
  • Prince Lemon;
  • Baron Orange;
  • Duke Mandarin.

In addition to the main characters, the fairy tale includes the maid Strawberry, the music teacher Pear, the gardener Leek, Bean, Blueberry, Artichoke, Parsley, Chestnut, Fly Agaric and even some animals. But their roles are episodic.

Little orphan

There is one character in the fairy tale about whom I would like to tell you a little more. This is Count Cherry, nephew of Countesses Cherry. He was an orphan and lived with his rich relatives. It is worth noting that the gentlemen were not very fond of the boy. Cherry was forced to do homework all the time - today's and tomorrow's, then solve problems ad infinitum, learn everything by heart. At the same time, the lords got angry if he took books from the castle library and were worried that he would spoil them. The boy often got sick from mental stress. And only one person sympathized with him - the maid Strawberry. She fed the count secretly from the countesses.

The boy suffered from a lack of attention, love and affection. At the same time, he was annoyed by the constant reproaches of the signoras, as well as the stupid prohibitions that rained down on his head. For example, he was not allowed to talk to the fish, dip his hands in the pool, or crush the grass in the garden. Cherry dreamed of going to a regular school, because the kids would run out of it after class with a cheerful laugh. He was frankly bored, so he happily talked to Cipollino and Radish, and then helped them.

A little about the cartoon

As already mentioned, the Soyuzmultfilm studio released an animation that immediately fell in love with both children and adults. Initially, the author of the script planned to accurately transfer the entire plot of Rodari's fairy tale to the screen. There was also a voice-over monologue that explained and commented on everything that was happening to the viewer. However, the director decided differently: he created a picture that was simpler, easier to understand, but no less interesting.

For example, the scene where the Count falls ill was significantly shortened. From the fairy tale “Cipollino” they cut out Cherry’s long and serious illness (in the cartoon he recovers that same evening), two whole days from the life of imprisoned vegetables, and the gluttony of the rich. All this greatly distracted from the main storyline - the struggle of the common people against the oppressors. Nevertheless, the cartoon turned out to be a success: an interesting plot was complemented by colorful characters drawn by talented artists, wonderful music by Karen Khachaturyan, and witty phrases that immediately became catchphrases.

Instead of an afterword

You can watch your favorite cartoon every day, because you never get tired of it. In addition to this unique classic of Soviet animation art, I want to reread endlessly the work of Gianni Rodari, a good old fairy tale. Who doesn’t dream that our children would experience the same delight that we felt in those distant years? Therefore, give your children “Cipollino” in the form of a book or cartoon, they will truly appreciate such a gift! And then together draw a hero who has become almost family to many generations.

  • Organizational moment. (The bell rang - we begin our lesson)
  • Motivation for learning activities
  • .

    During our literary reading lessons we traveled a lot. And today we will go to a magical place. And you’ll find out where by reading the word in the direction of the arrow (in groups)

    Do you have a desire to visit the library?

    Why did I call it a magical place?

    I invite you to go for miracles.

    Close your eyes.

    Who meets you at the library? Brownie is our assistant and also loves to show miracles.

    3. Updating and recording individual difficulties.

    A) Or maybe someone doesn’t want to visit the library?

    Why are books needed? The brownie has prepared a fabulous test for you.

    Make up a proverb. (In groups).

    I read a good book and became friends with a friend.

    3 frame

    Dear good fairy tale
    Let's go safely.
    And heroes will meet us
    Beauties and trolls,
    Winnie the Pooh and Pinocchio,
    Cheerful Cipollino.

    In what works did they appear?

    Connect with arrows (individual work)

    4 frame.

    Test yourself. Give your ratings.

    Why are these particular works taken for repetition?

    (we read them in the section “Magic Men”)

    C) We know fairy tales by heart.

    After all, we have been reading them since childhood.

    But something new, my friend,

    Now we will find out about them.

    What types of work do we use when working on a piece?

    What's the hardest thing? What knowledge am I missing?

    2. Retell

    3 Analyze

    4. Write a story about a hero

    (it's difficult to write a story about a hero)

    D) Our lesson goal is learn to write a story about a hero.

    4. Identifying the location and causes of the difficulty

    A) What book will we take from our library? What work are we familiar with?

    J. Rodari “The Adventures of Cipollino”

    Before talking about the heroes, let's remember the author?

    B) - To get out of the difficulty, let’s remember the heroes of the fairy tale: (p. 21 in the “Workbook”)

    What words are related to each other?

    Self-test: 7th frame

    C) We cannot complete this task because we do not know the plan for the story about the hero.

    5. Construction of a project for getting out of a difficulty

    A) What can help?

    How do you imagine a hero? character traits?

    (work in groups)

    P. 21 (“Workbook”) Choose what you need.

    1 group: How do you see Cipollino?

    (cheerful, humorous, fair, kind, evil, mocking)

    Frame 9

    2nd group. - Godfather Pumpkin?

    (Kind, zealous, angry, persistent, brave, sympathetic, attentive, hardworking)

    The meaning of which word is unclear? What could it mean?

    3rd group. - Dog Mastino? (kind, courageous, rude, stupid, determined, angry, helpful)

    4th group. - Signor Tomato? (kind, decisive, brave, rude, ill-mannered, heartless, treacherous)

    Frame 13 What word do you not know the meaning of?

    Check: a representative of each group voices the selected character traits of his hero.

    B) Actions of heroes:

    At home you have prepared role-playing reading:

    P.153 – actions characterize Tomato and Mastino

    P. 156 – (Cipollino and Mastino)

    Reading assessment:

    1.Whose reading was more successful?

    2. Did you like it? Why?

    Let's find out from fragments of M\film (2 fragments of 1 min each) 13th frame

    Fizminutka: Which hero do you like best? (cheerful, energetic, with a sense of humor)

    Exercises to the song Cipollino.

    6. Implementation of the constructed project: (independent work)

    Each group collectively makes up

    Plan for a story about a hero:

  • What is the name of the hero? (I thought it was interesting...
  • Description of appearance (face, clothes, appearance)
  • Character and actions.
  • Speech.
  • Positive, Negative, Helper Hero or Neutral Hero
  • Who is he friends with (not friends with)?
  • How does the author relate to the hero?
  • How do you feel about the hero? Why?
  • Group 1: Cipollino

    2 gr. : godfather Pumpkin

    3 gr.: Signor Tomato

    4gr.: dog Mastino

    7. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

    A) Introduce the characterization plan for the hero.

    B) Compare with a sample (on the screen)

    C) Give a description of your hero.

    Assessment: Whose story is the most complete?

    Whose did you like?

    D) Make a syncwine for your hero.

    3.What does it do?

    4. A phrase characterizing the hero.

    5. Generalization word

    1.Cipollino Pumpkin

    2. cheerful, fair, kind, unhappy

    3.saves, works, collects, builds, suffers

    4. defender of the poor, defenseless sufferer

    5.fairytale hero literary hero

    1 . Tomato Mastino

    2. insidious, heartless, evil, stupid

    3. kicked out, ordered, barked, ran, guarded

    4. angry servant

    5. villain minion

    8) Inclusion in the knowledge system:

    Where can this characteristic be used?

    Where will this knowledge be useful?

    9.Reflection on learning activities

    A) - Our trip to the library has ended.

    Meeting with a book, what with a friend,
    It’s like a holiday for everyone.
    Fairy tales teach children
    All the wisdom of life

    What does this fairy tale teach?

    And how truth differs from lies
    Everyone must distinguish from lies
    How to fight the enemy
    And how to defeat evil.

    B) - Which stage of the educational activity did you like most?

    In any work, what are the heroes? (positive, negative, neutral)

    Fill your cart:

    If you liked the lesson, then good heroes

    If you don’t like it, then negative heroes

    If neither good nor bad - then neutral

    8. Grades. D\z

    A) Evaluation of group work

    B) d\z. Compose a story about your favorite fairy tale hero.

The characters in “The Adventures of Cipollino” are anthropomorphic vegetables and fruits: the shoemaker Grape, the godfather Pumpkin, the girl Radish, the boy Cherry, etc. The main character is the onion boy Cipollino, who fights against the oppression of the poor by the rich - Signor Tomato, Prince Lemon. There are no human characters in the story, since the world of people is completely replaced by the world of fruits and vegetables.

Character Description
Main characters
Cipollino The onion boy and the main character of the fairy tale. Can bring tears to anyone who pulls his hair.
Cipollone Father Cipollino. Arrested for the “attempt” on Prince Lemon, as he stepped on the latter’s callus.
Prince Lemon The ruler of the country where the events took place.
Signor Tomato Manager and housekeeper of countesses Vishen. Cipollino's main enemy and the main antagonist of the story.
Strawberry A maid in the castle of Countesses Vishen. Girlfriend of Cherry and Cipollino.
Cherry The young count (in the original - viscount), nephew of the countesses Vishen and friend of Cipollino.
Radish A village girl, Cipollino's friend.
residents of a village that belonged to the Countesses of Cherries
Kum Pumpkin Cipollino's friend. An old man who built himself a house so small that he could barely fit in it.
Master Grape Shoemaker and friend of Cipollino.
Polka dots Village lawyer and henchman of the gentleman Tomato.
Professor Grusha Violinist and friend of Cipollino.
Leek Gardener and friend of Cipollino. He had a mustache so long that his wife used it as a clothesline.
Kuma Pumpkin A relative of godfather Pumpkin.
Beans Rag picker. I was forced to roll Baron Orange's belly in my wheelbarrow.
Bean The son of the rag picker Fasoli and friend of Cipollino.
Potato Country girl.
Tomatik Country boy.
inhabitants of the castle of countesses Vishen
Countesses Cherries the Elder and the Younger Rich landowners who own the village where Cipollino's friends live.
Mastino Countess Cherry's watchdog.
Baron Orange Cousin of the late husband of Signora Countess the Elder. A terrible glutton.
Duke Mandarin Cousin of the late husband of Signora Countess the Younger, blackmailer and extortionist.
Parsley Count Cherry's home teacher.
Mr. Carrot Foreign detective.
Hold-Grab Mr. Carrot's sniffer dog.
doctors who treated Count Cherry
fly agaric
Bird cherry
Chestnut “He was called the poor man’s doctor because he prescribed very little medicine to his patients and paid for the medicine out of his own pocket.”
other characters
Lemons, Lemonishki, Lemonchiki Accordingly, the retinue, generals and soldiers of Prince Lemon.
cucumbers In the country of Cipollino they replaced horses.
Kum Blueberry Cipollino's friend. He lived in the forest, where he guarded the house of his godfather Pumpkin.
General Longtail Mouse (later Tailless) The commander-in-chief of the army of mice that lived in the prison.
Mole Cipollino's friend. Helped the boy free prisoners.
Cat He was arrested by mistake and ate too much mice in his cell.
Bear Cipollino's friend, whom the boy helped free his parents from the zoo.
Elephant Zookeeper and "old Indian philosopher". Helped Cipollino free the bears.
Parrot Zoo inhabitant. He repeated everything he heard in a distorted version.
Monkey An inhabitant of the zoo, in whose cage Cipollino was forced to sit for two days.
Seal Zoo inhabitant. An extremely harmful creature, because of which Cipollino ended up in a cage.
Lamefoot The Spider and the Prison Postman. He limps due to radiculitis, which developed as a result of being in damp conditions for a long time.
Seven and a half A spider and relative of the Lamefoot spider. He lost half of his eighth leg in a collision with a brush.
Sparrow Insect policeman.
Forest thieves They rang the bell of Chernika's godfather to make sure with their own eyes that there was nothing to steal from him, and yet they did not leave empty-handed.
Palace servants
Prison mice Army of General Longtail.
Wolves The fingers of godfather Pumpkin were attacked.
Zoo animals
Railway workers

(Illustrations published by "Detgiz", 1960, artist E. Galeya)

History of creation

The Adventures of Cipollino was created by Gianni Rodari in 1951. The fairy tale became very popular among Soviet readers, who became acquainted with it in 1953, when the Russian translation of the work was published. They say that the work of the Italian communist writer gained fame in the USSR thanks to the efforts of Samuil Marshak, who patronized Gianni Rodari in every possible way. After all, it is he who owns the translations of Rodari’s poems. So in this case: “The Adventures of Cipollino” was published in Russian under the editorship of the same Marshak.

In the 50s of the 20th century in the USSR, the magazine “Funny Pictures” was popular among children and adults. Its main characters were Dunno, Pinocchio and other heroes of Soviet fairy tales known at that time. Soon Cipollino successfully “joined” their ranks. And five years later, a cartoon of the same name was released, which has not lost its relevance today. The images of the characters were successfully played out by director Boris Dezhkin.

In 1973, a screen version of the film “The Adventures of Cipollino” appeared. Gianni Rodari also found a role here: himself, a writer and storyteller. By the way, for many decades the fairy tale was included in the compulsory study program for schoolchildren.

Description of the work. Main characters

The direction of the work is a social fairy tale, which raises a number of problems. Consists of 29 chapters, an epilogue and “Songs” of the heroes.

Main plot

Cipollino, the key character of the work, angered the formidable Senor Tomato. The boy's father accidentally steps on Mr. Lemon's foot. And then he goes to prison. Cipollino faces a task: to help out his father. Friends come to his aid.

At the same time, new problems are brewing in the town: Senor Tomato decides to destroy Pumpkin’s house, which, as it turns out, was built on the master’s territory. Cipollino and his friends help the residents overcome the arrogant Countesses Cherries, the evil Mr. Lemon and the nasty Senor Tomato.

Psychological characteristics of the main characters, personality, character, their place in the work

The following characters are featured in “The Adventures of Cipollino”:

  • Cipollino— onion boy. Brave, kind, charismatic.
  • Cipollone- Father Cipollino. Arrested: he made an “attempt” on the ruler of the country, Prince Lemon, by stepping on his toes.
  • Prince Lemon- the evil ruler of the “fruit and vegetable” country.
  • Countesses Cherries- nasty aunties, mistresses of the village where Cipollino’s friends live.
  • Senor Tomato- Cipollino's enemy. In the fairy tale, this is the countess's house manager, Cherry.
  • Count Cherry- nephew of the Countess Cherry, who supports Cipollino.
  • Strawberry- a servant in the house of countesses Vishenok, a friend of Cipollino.
  • Pumpkin- an old man living in a tiny house. Cipollino's friend.

There are also many other heroes in the fairy tale: girlfriend Radish, lawyer Pea, violinist Professor Pear, gardener Onion Leek, rag picker Bean, glutton Baron Orange, blackmailer Duke Mandarin, zoo inhabitants and villagers.

Analysis of the work

“The Adventures of Cipollino” is an allegory tale in which the author tried to show social injustice. In the images of Countess Cherry, Senor Tomato, and Prince Lemon, the Italian large landowners are ridiculed, and under the images of Cipollino and his friends the common people are shown.

Cipollino himself is the embodiment of a leader whom others can follow. With the support of friends and like-minded people, it becomes possible to change the existing order, which does not suit the population. Even among the opposite camp, you can find friends who support the self-respect and interests of ordinary people. In the work, Cherry is depicted as such a hero - a representative of the rich who supports the common people.

“The Adventures of Cipollino” is a fairy tale not only for children. Most likely even for teenagers and adults. She teaches: you cannot tolerate injustice and believe fabulous promises. Even in modern society there is a division into social strata. But humanity, mutual assistance, justice, goodness, the ability to get out of any situation with dignity - exists outside of time.

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