Dzhumagulov Elmurza Biymurzaevich biography. Hero of the Soviet Union, retired Colonel Dzhumagulov Elmurza Biymurzaevich

16.11.1921 - 26.09.2013
Hero of the Soviet Union

D Zhumagulov Elmurza Biymurzaevich – platoon commander of the 42nd separate tank regiment of the 48th Army of the 1st Belorussian Front, senior lieutenant.

Born on November 11, 1921 in the village of Karlanyurt, Khasavyurt region, Republic of Dagestan, in a peasant family. Kumyk. Incomplete secondary education. He worked on a collective farm. In 1940 he completed courses for veterinary paramedics.

In the Red Army since 1940. He served as a mechanic-driver of a T-26 tank in the 20th Tank Division of the 9th Mechanized Corps of the Kyiv Special Military District.

Participant of the Great Patriotic War since June 22, 1941. He was a driver and tank commander, and a tank platoon commander. He fought on the Southwestern, Leningrad, Western, Bryansk, Central, Belorussian, and 1st Belorussian fronts. In 1942 he graduated from the courses for junior lieutenants. With his crew, he took part in 50 tank attacks, knocked out 15 fascist tanks, destroyed 8 enemy self-propelled guns and dozens of guns. Member of the CPSU since 1944. In battles he was wounded four times.

- in defensive battles in Ukraine, including a tank battle near the city of Dubno, in counterattacks near the cities of Novograd-Volynsky, Malin, in a battle near the city of Shlisselburg - in 1941;
- in battles near the village of Novosil, Oryol region - in 1942;
- in the Voronezh-Kastornenskoye operation, in the battles on the Kursk Bulge, including in the defense of the city of Maloarkhangelsk and the liberation of the Zmievka station, in the Bryansk and Gomel-Rechitsa operations, including in the liberation of the villages of Suzemka, Zlynka, the city of Gomel, in the battles of the south- east of the city of Zhlobin - in 1943;
- in battles on the Dnieper River near the city of Rogachev, in the Belarusian operation, including the liberation of the city of Bobruisk - in 1944.

The platoon commander of the 42nd separate tank regiment, Senior Lieutenant Dzhumagulov, distinguished himself on June 24, 1944. At the head of a platoon, he crossed the Drut River near the city of Rogachev, Gomel Region, personally destroyed many Nazis, cut the Rogachev-Bobruisk highway, which contributed to the successful offensive of units on Bobruisk.

U of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on September 26, 1944 for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown to the senior lieutenant Dzhumagulov Elmurza Biymurzaevich awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 4497).

In 1945 he graduated from the Leningrad Higher Armored School, in 1958 - Advanced Courses for Officers. Since 1958, he headed the military commissariats of the Kizilyurt, Babayurt, Khasavyurt districts of Dagestan.

Since 1973, Colonel E.B. Dzhumagulov has been in reserve. He worked as chairman of the village Council of Workers' Deputies in his native village of Karlanyurt. Lived in the city of Khasavyurt. Died on September 26, 2013. He was buried in the cemetery of the village of Karlanyurt, Khasavyurt district.

Honorary citizen of the city of Rogachev. Schools in the village of Aksai and the city of Khasavyurt bear his name. Kumyk writers (Atkay, Gebek Konakbiev, etc.) dedicated several books to the hero’s feat. In honor of the Hero of the Soviet Union Elmurza Dzhumagulov, a monument (T-72 tank) was erected in Khasavyurt on the initiative of the city administration.

Awarded the Order of Lenin (09/26/44), 2 Orders of the Red Banner (01/14/44; 04/03/44), Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree (03/11/85), 2 Orders of the Red Star (07/15/43; 12/30/56), medals.

Elmurza Dzhumagulov was drafted into the Red Army in 1940 by the Khasavyurt district military registration and enlistment office. He ended up in the 20th Tank Division of the 9th Mechanized Corps under Major General K.K. Rokossovsky, stationed near the city of Novograd-Volynsky, Zhitomir region. He trained to be a mechanic-driver of the T-26 tank. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War found him in this position.

Already on June 23, 1941, the 9th Mechanized Corps received an order to advance towards the troops of the German 1st Panzer Group Kleist, who had broken through the positions of the 5th Army of the Southwestern Front on the western border in the Vladimir-Volyn fortified area. In the first days of the war, the first fierce tank battle of the Great Patriotic War took place in the triangle Lutsk - Rivne - Brody, in which junior sergeant Dzhumagulov took part. On June 27, 1941, his 20th Tank Division, under the command of Colonel M.E. Katukov, entered the battle in the area of ​​​​the town of Klevan. Dzhumagulov’s tank, together with other combat vehicles, was advancing on the village of Petushki, which is 20 km northeast of the village of Mlynow. Our tankers inflicted serious losses on Nazi troops, but they were unable to saddle the main road leading from the west to Zhitomir and also withdrew to Klevan with losses, but the Germans still broke through to the cities of Dubno and Ostrog. Despite the heroic efforts of the tankers, they were unable to delay the Nazis and other mechanized corps in the direction of Shepetovka and Berdichev.

On July 1, 1941, the tank of junior sergeant Dzhumagulov again took part in the offensive. On this day, tankers of the 20th Panzer Division managed to advance 12 km. At the same time, up to 1000 Nazis, 10 tanks, 2 artillery batteries from the 25th motorized division of the Germans were destroyed. But due to the general withdrawal of Soviet troops to the 1939 border, the success of the 20th Panzer Division did not develop, and the tankers again had to retreat to their original positions. But with joint efforts it was possible, if not to throw the Nazis far to the west, but at least to stop their rapid advance and inflict even greater losses.

By July 9, 1941, Hitler’s troops broke through the “Stalin Line” in the area of ​​Novograd-Volynsky, Polonny, Lyubar and occupied Zhitomir and Berdichev. These days the 20th division was retreating to the area of ​​its pre-war concentration. But on July 12, the tankers were ordered to intercept the breakthrough of the German 14th Panzer Division to Zhitomir. On this day, Dzhumagulov’s T-26, together with other crews, took part in a counterattack west of the city of Novograd-Volynsky, and, having inflicted significant losses on the enemy, tankers of the 9th Mechanized Corps captured the village of Bronniki, cutting off the Rivne-Zhitomir highway. This was another success of Katukov's division, which was also not developed by our other troops. The very next day, units of the SS division “Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler” approached the place of our breakthrough, with which the crews of Dzhumagulov and other combat vehicles had to fight for several days, holding the highway. Our tank crews, who suffered losses in heavy battles, had to retreat again to the area of ​​​​the city of Malin. On July 15, 1941, Dzhumagulov’s tank was hit. The seriously wounded driver was pulled out of the burning car and saved by tank crew member V. Karasev. Dzhumagulov was evacuated to a rear hospital.

At the end of November 1941, after leaving the hospital, Sergeant Dzhumagulov was sent to the Leningrad Front, where he was enrolled in one of the separate tank battalions. But in the very first battle in the direction of Nevskaya Dubrovka - Shlisselburg fortress, Dzhumagulov’s tank was again hit by enemy artillery, and the tanker was again cured.

After a second hospital and a short stay as part of one of the tank brigades of the Western Front, Dzhumagulov was sent to a course for junior lieutenants of armored forces. Here, over the course of several months in 1942, he mastered the specialty of commander of the T-34 medium tank.

In November 1942, junior lieutenant Dzhumagulov was assigned as a tank commander to the emerging 42nd separate tank regiment. The very next month, the regiment arrived at the Bryansk Front and became part of the 48th Army. And in January 1943, the Voronezh-Kastornensk operation of the troops of the Voronezh and Bryansk fronts began. During it, the regiment in which Dzhumagulov fought advanced on the very right flank of the general offensive. Due to the fact that the Nazi command strengthened its Oryol region due to the 9th Army withdrawn from the Rzhev salient, the advance of the Bryansk Front troops in this direction was insignificant. Dzhumagulov's tank passed with heavy fighting only about 40 kilometers along the railway between the Verkhovye and Zalegoshch stations. After the end of the operation, the easternmost point of the northern Oryol bend of the Kursk Bulge ended up here.

During the spring-summer operational pause of 1943, the 48th Army was transferred to the Central Front, and its defense line shifted slightly south of the Yelets-Orel railway. The 42nd separate tank regiment took up a defensive position in the tactical depth of our troops on the outskirts of the city of Maloarkhangelsk.

On July 5, 1943, Nazi troops began their Operation Citadel on the Kursk Bulge. At 5.30 in the morning, with the forces of the 23rd Army Corps, reinforced with tanks, they launched an auxiliary attack in the Maloarkhangelsk direction. Our 8th and 148th rifle divisions defended here. By 6 o'clock, Hitler's troops managed to break into the location of our troops in some areas. Particularly strong fighting took place in the area south of the villages of Aleksandrovka, Poglasnoye and the Maloarkhangelsk station, located 15 km from the city. A number of our artillery units and Katyushas were hastily rushed here. In addition, the 42nd separate tank regiment was thrown into the zone of the 8th Infantry Division to restore the situation towards Nazi tanks. The T-34 of junior lieutenant Dzhumagulov rushed forward. The artillerymen and guards mortars did their job - several enemy tanks were set on fire, and the rest began to retreat. But the tank attack, in which Dzhumagulov participated, was successful - the enemy troops that penetrated our defenses were partly destroyed and thrown back to their original positions. In this battle, Dzhumagulov’s crew set fire to a German medium tank and destroyed up to 20 German soldiers.

The next day, a counterattack by our troops was planned, and Dzhumagulov’s tank, as part of his regiment, together with units of the 148th Infantry Division, began fighting for Trosna, the southern outskirts of Pozhnogo and Semyonovka. The brigades of the 16th Tank Corps operated to the left. The battle with the fascist “tigers” was bloody, and the task of defeating the enemy could not be completed. The 107th tank brigade of the 16th corps in the Butyrka area came under the devastating fire of the “tigers” buried in the ground and immediately lost 46 tanks out of 50. Dzhumagulov’s regiment in the Poshlogny area also failed to break through the enemy’s defenses, but achieved a draw - 5:5 . The rifle divisions had to stop the offensive and hastily set up a defense line here, laying minefields.

Until July 12, 1943, at this point, the crew of junior lieutenant Dzhumagulov participated in repelling numerous enemy counterattacks and in these battles destroyed 3 more enemy tanks and many infantry. And on July 15, the general offensive of the Soviet troops began, and by order of the command, the 42nd separate tank regiment began its advance in the direction of Zmiyovka station. On the same day, for courage and heroism shown in defensive battles on the Oryol-Kursk Bulge, junior lieutenant Dzhumagulov was awarded the Order of the Red Star. The Zmiyovka station was liberated only on August 5, 1943, on the same day as the cities of Orel and Belgorod. In honor of this, the first fireworks were fired in Moscow, a small part of which was also in honor of junior lieutenant Elmurza Dzhumagulov. In August 1943, he received the rank of lieutenant.

In September 1943, Lieutenant Dzhumagulov, during the Chernigov-Pripyat operation, took part in the battles to liberate the southern regions of the Bryansk region - Sevsky, Suzemsky, Klimovsky. At every water barrier - the Desna, Sudost, Snov rivers - the Nazis organized stubborn defensive lines, blew up bridges and crossings, and the tankers had to fight difficult offensive battles. Very often the partisans of the Bryansk forests came to the rescue, showing the tank crews the optimal detour routes, as well as fords through numerous small rivers. So, with their help, a tank company, which included Dzhumagulov’s T-34, managed to defeat the enemy defensive line along the railway embankment south of the village of Pogar. Then Dzhumagulov, south of the village of Zlynka, was one of the first in his unit to cross the border with Belarus. By mid-October 1943, the tankers reached the Sozh River. Ahead on the enemy side was the city of Gomel.

The tankmen of the 42nd separate tank regiment managed to cross the Sozh River only in November 1943, following the rifle units. During the Gomel-Rechitsa operation, Dzhumagulov participated in direct battles for the city of Gomel, which was liberated on November 26, 1943. Subsequently, by the end of December, the tankers crossed the Dnieper River south of Rechitsa and the Berezina River north of it and entered the swampy interfluve on the immediate approaches to the city of Zhlobin. Here the front line was relatively stabilized until the summer of 1944. For his distinction in the battles for the city of Gomel and during the entire autumn offensive, Lieutenant Dzhumagulov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. Then, at the beginning of 1944, he became a senior lieutenant and was appointed commander of a tank platoon.

Tactical battles in the direction of the cities of Zhlobin and Rogachev continued throughout the spring of 1944. Despite the swampy terrain, T-34 tanks from the 42nd Separate Tank Regiment also took part in them. Of particular importance was the bridgehead of our troops on the Dnieper north of Rogachev, conquered by units of the 3rd and 48th armies of the Belarusian Front. The line railway Zhlobin - Mogilev - Orsha - Vitebsk remained in the hands of the enemy, which had to be cut in order to disrupt the supply of Nazi troops who were still holding these cities. The platoon of senior lieutenant Dzhumagulov also took part in this operation. In February 1944, tankers and riflemen on a narrow section of the front broke through the enemy’s defenses and reached the railway, which helped other units reach it from the right and left of the breakthrough. The created critical situation forced the Nazis to leave the city of Rogachev and retreat beyond the Drut River. For his distinction during this operation, Senior Lieutenant Dzhumagulov was awarded the second Order of the Red Banner.

The complete and final liberation of Belarus began in June 1944 during Operation Bagration. The tankmen of Dzhumagulov's platoon thoroughly prepared for the upcoming battles during their two-month stay in the rear of our troops. Rest and combat training helped them already in the first battles of the unfolding offensive in Belarus.

On June 24, 1944, 2 tanks from the platoon of senior lieutenant Dzhumagulov were the first to cross the Drut River in the area west of Rogachev and penetrated 8 kilometers deep into the German defensive line, destroying barbed wire along the way and thus clearing the way for our infantry. Ironing trenches and destroying enemy infantry and equipment, overcoming the enemy’s defensive lines one after another, Dzhumagulov’s “thirty-fours” quickly moved deep into the enemy’s defense and soon cut the Rogachev-Bobruisk highway. At the same time, the crews destroyed about 100 enemy soldiers and officers and 3 anti-tank defense batteries. During the battle on the highway, Dzhumagulov’s tank was hit, the platoon commander was wounded and received severe burns. Despite this, he and the crew of his tank, armed with machine guns and grenades, jumped into the enemy trench and engaged in hand-to-hand combat with German machine gunners. Having straddled the highway, the tankers held out until the approach of the rifle units and the main forces of the regiment, which contributed to the successful offensive of the units towards Bobruisk, in the area of ​​which a large Nazi group was ultimately surrounded. For the courage and heroism shown in the Belarusian operation, Senior Lieutenant Dzhumagulov was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

After being cured in the hospital, Senior Lieutenant Dzhumagulov was sent to study at the Leningrad Higher Armored School, which he graduated from in 1945 after the war. For thirteen years he served in various mechanized units of the USSR Armed Forces. And in 1958 he went to military-administrative work. For a quarter of a century, he headed the military commissariats of the Kizilyurt, Babayurt, Khasavyurt districts of Dagestan, and after retiring, he worked as chairman of the rural Council of Workers' Deputies in his native village of Karlanyurt. And wherever Elmurza Biymurzaevich Dzhumagulov found himself, he gave all his strength, knowledge and experience for the good of our Motherland...

Khasavyurt district of the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now Khasavyurt district of Dagestan) in a large Kumyk family (Dzhumagulov’s parents had 15 children). He received an incomplete secondary education and worked on a collective farm. In 1940 he completed courses for veterinary paramedics.

Pre-war biography

He was drafted into the Red Army in 1940 by the Khasavyurt district military registration and enlistment office. He served in the 20th Tank Division of the 9th Mechanized Corps, under the command of Major General Konstantin Rokossovsky. The division was stationed in the area of ​​the city of Novograd-Volynsky, Zhitomir region. During his service, Dzhumagulov trained as a mechanic-driver of the T-26 tank. Dzhumagulov found himself in this position at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

Participation in the Great Patriotic War

During the war, he worked as a driver-mechanic, then as a tank commander, and as a tank platoon commander. In 1942 he graduated from the courses for junior lieutenants. He fought on the Southwestern, Leningrad, Western, Bryansk, Central, Belorussian, and 1st Belorussian fronts. Participated:

  • in defensive battles in Ukraine, including a tank battle near the city of Dubno, in counterattacks near the cities of Novograd-Volynsky, Malin, in a battle near the city of Shlisselburg - in 1941;
  • in battles near the village of Novosil, Oryol region - in 1942;
  • in the Voronezh-Kastornenskaya operation, in the battles on the Kursk Bulge, including in the defense of the city of Maloarkhangelsk and the liberation of the Zmievka station, in the Bryansk and Gomel-Rechitsa operations, including in the liberation of the villages of Suzemka, Zlynka, the city of Gomel, in battles southeast the city of Zhlobin - in 1943;
  • in battles on the Dnieper River near the city of Rogachev, in the Belarusian operation, including the liberation of the city of Bobruisk - in 1944.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated September 26, 1944, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown, senior lieutenant Dzhumagulov Elmurza Biymurzaevich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal "(No. 4497).

Elmurza Biymurzaevich (Mikhail Borisovich on the award list) Dzhumagulov; December 11, 1921, Karlanyurt - September 26, 2013, Makhachkala) - participant in the Great Patriotic War, tank driver, Hero of the Soviet Union (1944). Born on November 11, 1921 in the village of Karlanyurt, Khasavyurt district of the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now Khasavyurt district of Dagestan) in a large Kumyk family (Dzhumagulov’s parents had 15 children). He received an incomplete secondary education and worked on a collective farm. In 1940 he completed courses for veterinary paramedics. He was drafted into the Red Army in 1940 by the Khasavyurt district military registration and enlistment office. He served in the 20th Tank Division of the 9th Mechanized Corps, under the command of Major General Konstantin Rokossovsky. The division was stationed in the area of ​​the city of Novograd-Volynsky, Zhitomir region. During his service, Dzhumagulov trained as a mechanic-driver of the T-26 tank. Dzhumagulov found himself in this position at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. During the war, he worked as a driver-mechanic, then as a tank commander, and as a tank platoon commander. In 1942 he graduated from the courses for junior lieutenants. He fought on the Southwestern, Leningrad, Western, Bryansk, Central, Belorussian, and 1st Belorussian fronts. Participated in: -defensive battles in Ukraine, including a tank battle in the area of ​​the city of Dubno, in counterattacks in the area of ​​​​the cities of Novograd-Volynsky, Malin, in a battle in the area of ​​​​the city of Shlisselburg - in 1941; -in battles near the village of Novosil, Oryol region - in 1942; -in the Voronezh-Kastornensky operation, in the battles on the Kursk Bulge, including in the defense of the city of Maloarkhangelsk and the liberation of the Zmievka station, in the Bryansk and Gomel-Rechitsa operations, including in the liberation of the villages of Suzemka, Zlynka, the city of Gomel, in the battles of the south- east of the city of Zhlobin - in 1943; -in the battles on the Dnieper River near the city of Rogachev, in the Belarusian operation, including the liberation of the city of Bobruisk - in 1944. Member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) since 1944. On June 24, 1944, two tanks from the platoon of senior lieutenant Dzhumagulov were the first to cross the Drut River in the area west of Rogachev and penetrated 8 kilometers deep into the German defensive line, destroying barbed wire along the way and clearing the way for infantry. Ironing trenches and destroying enemy infantry and equipment, overcoming the enemy’s defensive lines one after another, two T-34 tanks under the command of Dzhumagulov quickly advanced into the depths of the enemy defense. They managed to cut the Rogachev-Bobruisk highway. During the battle on the highway, the crews of two tanks destroyed about 100 enemy soldiers and officers, 3 anti-tank defense batteries, and Dzhumagulov’s tank was hit. Dzhumagulov was wounded and received severe burns, but despite this, he and the tank crew, armed with machine guns and grenades, rushed into the enemy trench and engaged in hand-to-hand combat with German machine gunners. The tankers, having blocked traffic on the highway, held out until the approach of the rifle units and the main forces of the regiment, which contributed to the successful offensive of the units towards Bobruisk, in the area of ​​which a large Nazi group was ultimately surrounded. For courage and heroism, Senior Lieutenant Dzhumagulov was nominated for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated September 26, 1944, for the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the Nazi invaders and the courage and heroism shown, senior lieutenant Dzhumagulov Elmurza Biymurzaevich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal "(No. 4497). In 1945 he graduated from the Leningrad Higher Armored School, in 1958 - Advanced Courses for Officers. In the post-war period, Dzhumagulov’s fate also turned out to be connected with military service. Since 1958, he headed the military commissariats of the Kizilyurt, Babayurt, Khasavyurt districts of the Republic of Dagestan, and after retiring in 1973, he worked as chairman of the village Council of Deputies in his native village of Karlanyurt. Lived in the city of Khasavyurt. In April 2010, in an interview with a correspondent of As-Salam magazine, talking about the war years, he said: “I had to see and experience a lot over the years. You get used to death, you stop being afraid of it. War is hard work that often takes lives. The belief that we were right helped us; we knew that we were defending our home.” He died on September 26, 2013 at the age of 92 in Makhachkala. During the Great Patriotic War, Dzhumagulov and his crew took part in 50 tank attacks, knocked out 15 tanks, destroyed 8 self-propelled guns and dozens of enemy guns. In battles he was wounded four times. In addition to the Hero's Star, he was awarded the Order of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of the Patriotic War 1st class, two Orders of the Red Star, and medals. Honorary citizen of the city of Rogachev. Schools in the village of Aksai and the city of Khasavyurt bear his name. Kumyk writers (Atkay, Gebek Konakbiev, etc.) dedicated several books to the hero’s feat. In honor of Dzhumagulov, a monument (T-72 tank) was erected in the city of Khasavyurt on the initiative of the administration.

Hero of the Soviet Union

retired colonel Dzhumagulov Elmurza Biymurzaevich

Dzhamagulov Elmurza Biymurzaevich was born on November 16, 1921 in the village of Karlanyurt, Khasavyurt district, Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, into a peasant family. Kumyk by nationality. Incomplete secondary education.

In 1940 he completed courses for veterinary assistants, then worked on a collective farm. In the Soviet Army since 1940. Participant of the Great Patriotic War since June 1941. In 1942 he graduated from the courses for junior lieutenants. Platoon commander of the 42nd section of the tank regiment (48th Army, 1st Belorussian Front), senior lieutenant, distinguished himself on June 24, 1944. At the head of a platoon, he crossed the Drut River near the city of Rogachev (Gomel region), personally destroyed many Nazis, and with a group of fighters cut the Rogachev-Bobruisk highway, which contributed to the successful offensive of military units on the city of Bobruisk.

September 26, 1944.

Since 1946, after graduating from the Leningrad Higher Armored School, he worked as the head of the II department of the Khasavyurt military registration and enlistment office.

In 1955, he was transferred to the military commissar of the Kizilyurt military registration and enlistment office, from 1958 to 1962 - to the Babayurt district military registration and enlistment office, and from 1962 to 1971 - to the Khasavyurt city district military registration and enlistment office.

For his achievements in military service and in connection with twenty-five years of work in military commissariats, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star. Since 1973, the colonel has been in the reserve. From 1986 to 1990, Elmurza Biymurzaevich worked as chairman of the village Council of Workers' Deputies of the village of Karlanyurt, Khasavyurt district.

Awards: medal "Golden Star", Order of Lenin, 2 Orders of the Red Banner, Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree, 2 Orders of the Red Star. Awarded many medals. Honorary citizen of the city of Rogachev. The pioneer squads of the secondary school in the village of Aksai, Khasavyurt district, and the boarding school in the city of Khasavyurt bear his name.

Married. He raised three sons and one daughter. Currently lives in the village of Karlanyurt, Khasavyurt district, Sanitarnaya street, house 13. Home telephone (

retired foreman Suleymanov Yakub Magomedalievich

Suleymanov Yakub Magomedalievich was born on May 15, 1921 in the village of Kumukh, Laksky district, Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, into a peasant family. Lak by nationality. Graduated from 7th grade of high school. He worked as a decorator at the Laki National Theater.

From July 1941 he was at the front. Assistant platoon commander of the 646th Infantry Regiment (52nd Infantry Division, 28th Army, 1st Belorussian Front), senior sergeant Suleymanov, in battle on January 25, 1945 north of Nordenburg (Krylovo, Kaliningrad region) with a group of fighters made his way to the rear enemy, cut the enemy telephone cable in three directions, blew up the bridge across the Mazurshier Canal, preventing the enemy from retreating.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded on April 19, 1945.

In 1946, the foreman was demobilized. In 1948 he graduated from the regional party school. He worked in a mine in the city of Krasnoarmeysk, Donetsk region, then as a mechanic at a factory in the city of Makhachkala. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 10th convocation.

Awards: medal « Golden Star", Order of Lenin, Order of the October Revolution, Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, Order of Glory, 2nd and 3rd degrees. Also has about 20 medals.

Married. Raised five children.

Currently lives in the city of Makhachkala, Lenina street, building 18, apartment 126. Home telephone

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Hero of the Russian Federation

born on November 10, 1918 in the village of Khuduts, Dakhadaevsky district, Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Before being drafted into the army, he worked as a teacher in the village of Khuduts. He was drafted into the army in 1938.

Participant of the Great Patriotic War since 1941. He worked his way up from assistant platoon commander (Western Front, 314th Air Base) to commander of a rifle battalion (2nd Belorussian Front, 354th Rifle Division, 1203rd Rifle Regiment).

In January 1945, the battalion commander of the 1203rd Infantry Regiment, Major Gamzatov, and his soldiers crossed the Narew River on the move and gained a foothold in an important bridgehead in the northern part of the city of Warsaw. Fierce battles raged in the city for three days, and the commander repeatedly encouraged the soldiers to attack by personal example. On January 17, 1945, the capital of Poland, Warsaw, was liberated.

Participant in the Battles of Stalingrad and Kursk. He finished the war with the rank of major. In 1948, he was demobilized from the army with the rank of retired colonel.

The title of Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded in 1998.

From 1949 to 1951 he worked in the Council of Ministers of the DASSR as a senior instructor on the issue of resettlement of highlanders to the plain. From 1951 to 1953 he worked as head of the social security department of the Sovetsky district of the city of Makhachkala. In 1953, he returned to work at the Council of Ministers of the DASSR, where until 1985 he worked as deputy head of the department for resettlement and recruitment of workers. From 1985 to 1996 he worked as chairman of the Council of Disabled Persons and Participants of the Great Patriotic War in the city of Makhachkala. Retired since 1996.

Awards: medal "Golden Star", Order of Alexander Nevsky, Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, Order of the Red Star, Order of the Red Banner, medal "For Military Merit". Has 22 more medals.

Currently lives in the city of Makhachkala, Daniyalova (Markova) street, house 16, apartment 5. Home telephone

Hero of the Russian Federation

Zagidov Zagid Asmalalovich

Zagid Asmalalovich Zagidov was born on May 25, 1961 in the village of Sulak, Kirov district, Makhachkala.

He served in the Airborne Forces as part of a limited contingent of troops in Afghanistan. For heroism and valor shown in battles with the “Mujahideen”, he was awarded the medal “For Military Merit”.

He began his service in the internal affairs bodies in November 1981 as a policeman of the patrol service. After graduating from the Astrakhan Secondary Special Police Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in 1985, he worked as a district inspector in the Tlyaratino district.

From 1992 to 1999 he served in the special police detachment (OMON) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan. He worked his way up from deputy company commander to riot police commander.

He took part in all the “hot” spots in Russia. He participated in special anti-terrorist operations to free hostages in 1994 in the Caucasian Mineral Waters, in 1996 to expel Sh. Basayev’s gang from the city of Kizlyar, in 1997 to free bus hostages in the city of Makhachkala.

For courage and bravery shown during special operations, he was awarded the Orders “For Personal Courage” and “For Services to the Fatherland”, II degree.

He also showed his fighting qualities in August 1999, when armed gangs from Chechnya captured a number of settlements in the Tsumadinsky region.

A combined detachment of the special battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan, riot police and special forces under the command was sent to the combat zone. Having arrived at the scene, the riot police immediately entered the battle for the village of Gigatli, Tsumadinsky district.

Combat experience and military skill made it possible to skillfully carry out a military operation to liberate the village. At the same time, a vehicle carrying militants was hit, more than 50 fortified enemy firing points were destroyed, and the enemy’s possible escape routes were blocked.

The combined detachment of the special battalion under the command took part in the destruction of bandit formations that settled in the villages of Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi in the Buinaksk region. During the fighting, an anti-aircraft gun, a mortar, ammunition depots, 12 sniper and 5 mortar points were destroyed. The skillful actions of the detachment made it possible to remove a company of policemen from encirclement and transport 19 wounded to the hospital.

For the courage and heroism shown during combat anti-terrorist operations, police colonel Zagid Asmalalovich Zagidov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with the Golden Star medal by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Over the years, the special police detachment headed by him was involved in carrying out more than 200 operations together with other services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan.

For the courage and dedication shown in the performance of official duty at the risk of life, significant personal contribution to strengthening law and order and the fight against crime, the police colonel was awarded the gold badge “Public Recognition” and an award weapon.

Married, has three children.

Lives in the city of Makhachkala, Akushinsky Avenue, building 94b, apartment 5. Home phone

Hero of the Russian Federation

born December 7, 1969, Kirov district, Mogilev region) - Hero of the Russian Federation.

He graduated from the Minsk Suvorov School in 1986, the Kharkov Guards Higher Tank Command School in 1990, and the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with a degree in military administration in 2001.

· In August 1990 - August 1992 - commander of a tank platoon of a tank company of the 127th separate tank battalion of the 126th coastal defense division of the Black Sea Fleet;

· In August 1992 - November 1993 - commander of a reconnaissance platoon (underwater swimmers) of a special purpose reconnaissance landing company of the 888th separate reconnaissance battalion of the 810th separate marine brigade of the Black Sea Fleet;

· In November 1993 - March 1996 - commander of the reconnaissance landing company of the 888th separate reconnaissance battalion of the 810th separate marine brigade of the Black Sea Fleet;

· In March 1996 - March 1998 - chief of staff - deputy commander of the 888th separate reconnaissance battalion of the 810th separate marine brigade of the Black Sea Fleet;

· In March 1998 - July 1999 - Chief of Staff - Deputy Commander of the Marine Corps Battalion of the 810th Separate Marine Regiment of the Black Sea Fleet;

· In July 1999 - June 2001 - student at the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

· In June 2001 - January 2005 - commander of the 1200th separate reconnaissance battalion of the 77th separate marine brigade of the Caspian Flotilla;

· In January-September 2005 - head of the department (operational and combat training) - deputy chief of staff of the 77th separate marine brigade of the Caspian Flotilla;

· Since September 2005 - Chief of Operations - Deputy Chief of Staff of the 77th Separate Marine Brigade of the Caspian Flotilla.

By Decree of the President of Russia No. 860 of August 8, 2006, Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Belyavsky was awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation with the Golden Star medal for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty in the North Caucasus region. Awarded for distinction during the counter-terrorist operation in the Chechen Republic during hostilities in its mountainous part. His award sheet says:

Only thanks to the heroism and courage of the lieutenant colonel, shown in battles with superior forces of gangs, the unit completed its combat mission, avoiding major losses

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Hero of the Soviet Union

retired colonel Dzhumagulov Elmurza Biymurzaevich
Dzhamagulov Elmurza Biymurzaevich was born on November 16, 1921 in the village of Karlanyurt, Khasavyurt district, Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, into a peasant family. Kumyk by nationality. Incomplete secondary education.

In 1940 he completed courses for veterinary assistants, then worked on a collective farm. In the Soviet Army since 1940. Participant of the Great Patriotic War since June 1941. In 1942 he graduated from the courses for junior lieutenants. Platoon commander of the 42nd section of the tank regiment (48th Army, 1st Belorussian Front), senior lieutenant E.B. Dzhumagulov, distinguished himself on June 24, 1944. At the head of a platoon, he crossed the Drut River near the city of Rogachev (Gomel region), personally destroyed many Nazis, and with a group of fighters cut the Rogachev-Bobruisk highway, which contributed to the successful offensive of military units on the city of Bobruisk.

Since 1946, after graduating from the Leningrad Higher Armored School, he worked as the head of the II department of the Khasavyurt military registration and enlistment office.

In 1955, E.B. Dzhumagulov was transferred to the military commissar of the Kizilyurt military registration and enlistment office, from 1958 to 1962 - to the Babayurt district military registration and enlistment office, and from 1962 to 1971 - to the Khasavyurt city district military registration and enlistment office.

For his achievements in military service and in connection with twenty-five years of work in military commissariats, E.B. Dzhumagulov was awarded the Order of the Red Star. Since 1973, Colonel E.B. Dzhumagulov has been in the reserve. From 1986 to 1990, Elmurza Biymurzaevich worked as chairman of the village Council of Workers' Deputies of the village of Karlanyurt, Khasavyurt district.

Awards: medal "Golden Star", Order of Lenin, 2 Orders of the Red Banner, Order of the Patriotic War 1st degree, 2 Orders of the Red Star. Awarded many medals. Honorary citizen of the city of Rogachev. The pioneer squads of the secondary school in the village of Aksai, Khasavyurt district, and the boarding school in the city of Khasavyurt bear his name.

Married. He raised three sons and one daughter. Currently lives in the village of Karlanyurt, Khasavyurt district, Sanitarnaya street, house 13. Home phone (231 0 25 34)

retired foreman Suleymanov Yakub Magomedalievich

Suleymanov Yakub Magomedalievich was born on May 15, 1921 in the village of Kumukh, Laksky district, Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, into a peasant family. Lak by nationality. Graduated from 7th grade of high school. He worked as a decorator at the Laki National Theater.

Since July 1941, Ya.M. Suleymanov was at the front. Assistant platoon commander of the 646th Infantry Regiment (52nd Infantry Division, 28th Army, 1st Belorussian Front), senior sergeant Suleymanov, in battle on January 25, 1945 north of Nordenburg (Krylovo, Kaliningrad region) with a group of fighters made his way to the rear enemy, cut the enemy telephone cable in three directions, blew up the bridge across the Mazurshier Canal, preventing the enemy from retreating.

In 1946, Sergeant Major Ya.M. Suleymanov was demobilized. In 1948 he graduated from the regional party school. He worked in a mine in the city of Krasnoarmeysk, Donetsk region, then as a mechanic at a factory in the city of Makhachkala. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 10th convocation.

Awards: medal « Golden Star", Order of Lenin, Order of the October Revolution, Order of the Patriotic War, 1st class, Order of Glory, 2nd and 3rd class. Also has about 20 medals.

Married. Raised five children.

Currently lives in the city of Makhachkala, Lenina street, building 18, apartment 126. Home phone 67 00 18

Hero of the Russian Federation

Gamzatov Magomed Usmanovich

Gamzatov Magomed Usmanovich was born on November 10, 1918 in the village of Khuduts, Dakhadaevsky district, Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Before being drafted into the army, he worked as a teacher in the village of Khuduts. He was drafted into the army in 1938.

Participant of the Great Patriotic War since 1941. He worked his way up from assistant platoon commander (Western Front, 314th Air Base) to commander of a rifle battalion (2nd Belorussian Front, 354th Rifle Division, 1203rd Rifle Regiment).

In January 1945, the battalion commander of the 1203rd Infantry Regiment, Major Gamzatov, and his soldiers crossed the Narew River on the move and gained a foothold in an important bridgehead in the northern part of the city of Warsaw. Fierce battles raged in the city for three days, and the commander repeatedly encouraged the soldiers to attack by personal example. On January 17, 1945, the capital of Poland, Warsaw, was liberated.

M.U. Gamzatov - participant in the Battles of Stalingrad and Kursk. He finished the war with the rank of major. In 1948, he was demobilized from the army with the rank of retired colonel.

The title of Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded in 1998.

From 1949 to 1951 he worked in the Council of Ministers of the DASSR as a senior instructor on the issue of resettlement of highlanders to the plain. From 1951 to 1953 he worked as head of the social security department of the Sovetsky district of the city of Makhachkala. In 1953, he returned to work at the Council of Ministers of the DASSR, where until 1985 he worked as deputy head of the department for resettlement and recruitment of workers. From 1985 to 1996 he worked as chairman of the Council of Disabled Persons and Participants of the Great Patriotic War in the city of Makhachkala. Retired since 1996.

Awards: medal "Golden Star", Order of Alexander Nevsky, Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, Order of the Red Star, Order of the Red Banner, medal "For Military Merit". Has 22 more medals.

Currently lives in the city of Makhachkala, Daniyalova (Markova) street, building 16, apartment 5. Home phone 67 53 51

Hero of the Russian Federation

Zagidov Zagid Asmalalovich

Zagid Asmalalovich Zagidov was born on May 25, 1961 in the village of Sulak, Kirov district, Makhachkala.

He served in the Airborne Forces as part of a limited contingent of troops in Afghanistan. For heroism and valor shown in battles with the “Mujahideen”, Z.A. Zagidov was awarded the medal “For Military Merit”.

He began his service in the internal affairs bodies in November 1981 as a policeman of the patrol service. After graduating from the Astrakhan Secondary Special Police Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in 1985, he worked as a district inspector in the Tlyaratino district.

From 1992 to 1999, Z.A. Zagidov served in the special police detachment (OMON) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan. He worked his way up from deputy company commander to riot police commander.

He took part in all the “hot” spots in Russia. He participated in special anti-terrorist operations to free hostages in 1994 in the Caucasian Mineral Waters, in 1996 to expel Sh. Basayev’s gang from the city of Kizlyar, in 1997 to free bus hostages in the city of Makhachkala.

For the courage and courage shown during special operations, Z.A. Zagidov was awarded the Orders “For Personal Courage” and “For Services to the Fatherland”, II degree.

Z.A. Zagidov also showed his fighting qualities in August 1999, when armed gangs from Chechnya captured a number of settlements in the Tsumadinsky region.

A combined detachment of the special battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan, riot police and special forces under the command of Z.A. Zagidov was sent to the combat zone. Having arrived at the scene, the riot police immediately entered the battle for the village of Gigatli, Tsumadinsky district.

Z.A. Zagidov’s combat experience and military skill allowed him to skillfully carry out a military operation to liberate the village. At the same time, a vehicle carrying militants was hit, more than 50 fortified enemy firing points were destroyed, and the enemy’s possible escape routes were blocked.

The combined detachment of the special battalion under the command of Z.A. Zagidov took part in the destruction of bandit formations that settled in the villages of Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi in the Buynaksky region. During the fighting, an anti-aircraft gun, a mortar, ammunition depots, 12 sniper and 5 mortar points were destroyed. The skillful actions of the detachment made it possible to remove a company of policemen from encirclement and transport 19 wounded to the hospital.

For the courage and heroism shown during combat anti-terrorist operations, police colonel Zagid Asmalalovich Zagidov, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation with the Golden Star medal.

During 2000-2005, a special police detachment headed by Z.A. Zagidov was involved in more than 200 operations together with other services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Dagestan.

For the courage and dedication shown in the performance of official duty at the risk of life, significant personal contribution to strengthening law and order and the fight against crime, police colonel Z.A. Zagidov was awarded the gold badge “Public Recognition” and an award weapon.

Married, has three children.

Lives in the city of Makhachkala, Akushinsky Avenue, building 94b, apartment 5. Home phone 64 65 19

Hero of the Russian Federation

Belyavsky Vladimir Anatolievich

Belyavsky Vladimir Anatolyevich was born on December 7, 1969, Kirovs ky district, Mogilev region) - Hero of the Russian Federation.

He graduated from the Minsk Suvorov School in 1986, the Kharkov Guards Higher Tank Command School in 1990, and the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with a degree in military administration in 2001.

  • In August 1990 - August 1992 - commander of a tank platoon of a tank company of the 127th separate tank battalion of the 126th coastal defense division Black Sea Fleet;

  • In August 1992 - November 1993 - commander of a reconnaissance platoon (underwater swimmers) of a special purpose reconnaissance landing company of the 888th separate reconnaissance battalion of the 810th separate marine brigade of the Black Sea Fleet;

  • In November 1993 - March 1996 - commander of the reconnaissance landing company of the 888th separate reconnaissance battalion of the 810th separate marine brigade of the Black Sea Fleet;

  • In March 1996 - March 1998 - Chief of Staff - Deputy Commander of the 888th Separate Reconnaissance Battalion of the 810th Separate Marine Brigade of the Black Sea Fleet;

  • In March 1998 - July 1999 - Chief of Staff - Deputy Commander of the Marine Corps Battalion of the 810th Separate Marine Regiment of the Black Sea Fleet;

  • In July 1999 - June 2001 - student at the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

  • Since July 1, 2001 - lieutenant colonel.

  • In June 2001 - January 2005 - commander of the 1200th separate reconnaissance battalion of the 77th separate marine brigade of the Caspian Flotilla;

  • In January-September 2005 - head of the department (operational and combat training) - deputy chief of staff of the 77th separate marine brigade of the Caspian Flotilla;

  • Since September 2005 - head of the operational department - deputy chief of staff of the 77th separate marine brigade of the Caspian flotilla.
By Decree of the President of Russia No. 860 of August 8, 2006, Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Belyavsky was awarded the title Hero of the Russian Federation with the Golden Star medal for courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty in the North Caucasus region. Awarded for distinction during the counter-terrorism operation in Chechen Republic during the fighting in its mountainous part. His award sheet says:

Only thanks to the heroism and courage of Lieutenant Colonel V.A. Belyavsky, shown in battles with superior forces of gangs, the unit completed its combat mission, avoiding major losses

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