An effective means of developing speech for preschool children. Speech development tools for preschool children

The most important means of speech development is communication. Communication is the interaction of two (or more) people, aimed at coordinating and uniting their efforts in order to establish relationships and achieve a common result (M.I. Lisina).

Communication is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon of human life, which simultaneously acts as: a process of interaction between people; information process (exchange of information, activities, results, experience); a means and condition for the transfer and assimilation of social experience; the attitude of people towards each other; the process of mutual influence of people on each other; empathy and mutual understanding of people (B.F. Parygin, V.N. Panferov, B.F. Bodalev, A.A. Leontyev, etc.).

In Russian psychology, communication is considered as a side of some other activity and as an independent communicative activity. The works of domestic psychologists convincingly show the role of communication with adults in the general mental development and development of the child’s verbal function.

Speech, being a means of communication, appears at a certain stage in the development of communication. The formation of speech activity is a complex process of interaction between a child and people around him, carried out using material and linguistic means. Speech does not arise from the very nature of the child, but is formed in the process of his existence in the social environment. Its emergence and development are caused by the needs of communication, the needs of the child’s life. Contradictions that arise in communication lead to the emergence and development of the child’s linguistic ability, to his mastery of ever new means of communication and forms of speech. This happens thanks to the cooperation of the child with the adult, which is built taking into account the age characteristics and capabilities of the baby. Analysis of children's behavior shows that the presence of an adult stimulates the use of speech; they begin to speak only in a communication situation and only at the request of an adult. Therefore, the technique recommends talking to children as much and as often as possible.

Emerging in communication, speech first appears as an activity divided between an adult and a child. Later, as a result of the child’s mental development, it becomes a form of his behavior. The development of speech is associated with the qualitative side of communication.

In the methodology, it is customary to highlight the following means of children’s speech development:

communication between adults and children;

cultural language environment, teacher’s speech;

teaching native speech and language in the classroom;


Various types of art (fine, music, theater).

Let's briefly consider the role of each tool.

The most important means of speech development is communication. Communication is the interaction of two (or more) people aimed at coordinating and uniting their efforts in order to establish relationships and achieve a common result (M. I. Lisina). Communication is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon of human life, which simultaneously acts as: a process of interaction between people; information process (exchange of information, activities, results, experience); a means and condition for the transfer and assimilation of social experience; the attitude of people towards each other; the process of mutual influence of people on each other; empathy and mutual understanding of people (B.F. Parygin, V.N. Panferov, B.F. Bodalev, A.A. Leontyev, etc.).

In Russian psychology, communication is considered as a side of some other activity and as an independent communicative activity. The works of domestic psychologists convincingly show the role of communication with adults in the general mental development and development of a child’s verbal function.

Speech, being a means of communication, appears at a certain stage in the development of communication. The formation of speech activity is a complex process of interaction between a child and people around him, carried out with the help of material and linguistic means. Speech does not arise from the very nature of the child, but is formed in the process of his existence in the social environment. Its emergence and development are caused by the needs of communication, the needs of the child’s life. Contradictions that arise in communication lead to the emergence and development of the child’s linguistic ability, to his mastery of ever new means of communication and forms of speech. This happens thanks to the cooperation of the child with the adult, which is built taking into account the age characteristics and capabilities of the child.

Isolation of an adult from the environment and attempts to cooperate with him begin very early in the child. The German psychologist, an authoritative researcher of children's speech, W. Stern, wrote back in the last century that “the beginning of speech is usually considered the moment when the child first utters sounds associated with the awareness of their meaning and the intention of the message. But this moment has a preliminary history that essentially begins from day one.” This hypothesis has been confirmed by research and experience in raising children. It turns out that a child can distinguish a human voice immediately after birth. He separates the adult's speech from the ticking of the clock and other sounds and reacts with movements in unison with it. This interest and attention to the adult is the initial component of the prehistory of communication.

Analysis of children's behavior shows that the presence of an adult stimulates the use of speech; they begin to speak only in a communication situation and only at the request of an adult. Therefore, the technique recommends talking to children as much and as often as possible.

In preschool childhood, several forms of communication between children and adults consistently appear and change: situational-personal (direct-emotional), situational-business (subject-based), extra-situational-cognitive and extra-situational-personal (M. I. Lisina).

First, direct emotional communication, and then business cooperation, determine the child’s need for communication. Emerging in communication, speech first appears as an activity divided between an adult and a child. Later, as a result of the child’s mental development, it becomes a form of his behavior. The development of speech is associated with the qualitative side of communication.

In studies conducted under the leadership of M. I. Lisina, it was established that the nature of communication determines the content and level of speech development of children.

The characteristics of children's speech are associated with the form of communication they have achieved. The transition to more complex forms of communication is associated with: a) an increase in the proportion of extra-situational utterances; b) with an increase in general speech activity; c) with an increase in the share of social statements. A study by A.E. Reinstein revealed that with a situational-business form of communication, 16.4% of all communicative acts are carried out using non-verbal means, and with a non-situational-cognitive form - only 3.8%. With the transition to non-situational forms of communication, the vocabulary of speech and its grammatical structure are enriched, and the “attachment” of speech to a specific situation decreases. The speech of children of different ages, but at the same level of communication, is approximately the same in complexity, grammatical form and development of sentences. This indicates a connection between the development of speech and the development of communicative activity. It is important to conclude that for speech development it is not enough to offer the child a variety of speech material - it is necessary to set new communication tasks for him, requiring new means of communication. It is necessary that interaction with others enriches the content of the child’s need for communication1. Therefore, the organization of meaningful, productive communication between teachers and children is of paramount importance.

Speech communication in preschool age is carried out in different types of activities: in play, work, household, educational activities and acts as one of the sides of each type. Therefore, it is very important to be able to use any activity to develop speech. First of all, speech development occurs in the context of leading activity. In relation to young children, the leading activity is objective activity. Consequently, the focus of teachers should be on organizing communication with children during activities with objects.

In preschool age, play is of great importance in the speech development of children. Its character determines speech functions, content and means of communication. All types of play activities are used for speech development.

In a creative role-playing game, communicative in nature, differentiation occurs between the functions and forms of speech. Dialogue speech is improved in it, and the need for coherent monologue speech arises. Role-playing contributes to the formation and development of the regulating and planning functions of speech. New needs for communication and leading gaming activities inevitably lead to intensive mastery of the language, its vocabulary and grammatical structure, as a result of which speech becomes more coherent (D.

B. Elkonin).

But not every game has a positive effect on children's speech. First of all, it must be a meaningful game. However, although role-playing game activates speech, it does not always contribute to mastering the meaning of a word and improving the grammatical form of speech. And in cases of relearning, it reinforces incorrect word usage and creates conditions for a return to old incorrect forms. This happens because the game reflects life situations that are familiar to children, in which incorrect speech stereotypes were previously formed. The behavior of children in play and the analysis of their statements allow us to draw important methodological conclusions: children’s speech improves only under the influence of an adult; in cases where “relearning” occurs, you must first develop a strong skill in using the correct designation and only then create conditions for including the word in children’s independent play.

The teacher’s participation in children’s games, discussion of the concept and course of the game, drawing their attention to the word, a sample of concise and precise speech, conversations about past and future games have a positive effect on children’s speech.

Outdoor games influence the enrichment of vocabulary and the development of sound culture. Dramatization games contribute to the development of speech activity, taste and interest in artistic expression, expressiveness of speech, artistic speech activity.

Didactic and printed board games are used to solve all speech development problems. They consolidate and clarify vocabulary, the skills of quickly choosing the most suitable word, changing and forming words, practice composing coherent statements, and develop explanatory speech.

Communication in everyday life helps children learn the everyday vocabulary necessary for their life, develops dialogical speech, and fosters a culture of speech behavior.

Communication in the process of labor (everyday, in nature, manual) helps to enrich the content of children's ideas and speech, replenishes the dictionary with the names of tools and objects of labor, labor actions, qualities, and results of labor.

Communication with peers has a great influence on children’s speech, especially from 4-5 years of age. When communicating with peers, children more actively use speech skills. The greater variety of communicative tasks that arise in children’s business contacts creates the need for more diverse speech means. In joint activities, children talk about their plan of action, offer and ask for help, involve each other in interaction, and then coordinate it.

Useful communication between children of different ages. Association with older children puts children in favorable conditions for the perception of speech and its activation: they actively imitate actions and speech, learn new words, master role-playing speech in games, the simplest types of stories based on pictures, and about toys. The participation of older children in games with younger children, telling fairy tales to children, showing dramatizations, telling stories from their experiences, inventing stories, acting out scenes with the help of toys contribute to the development of content, coherence, expressiveness of their speech, and creative speech abilities. It should, however, be emphasized that the positive impact of such a union of children of different ages on speech development is achieved only under the guidance of an adult. As the observations of L.A. Penevskaya showed, if you leave it to chance, elders sometimes become too active, suppress the kids, begin to speak hastily, carelessly, and imitate their imperfect speech.

Thus, communication is the leading means of speech development. Its content and forms determine the content and level of children's speech.

However, an analysis of practice shows that not all educators know how to organize and use communication in the interests of children’s speech development. An authoritarian style of communication is widespread, in which instructions and orders from the teacher predominate. Such communication is formal in nature and devoid of personal meaning. More than 50% of the teacher’s statements do not evoke a response from the children; there are not enough situations conducive to the development of explanatory speech, evidence-based speech, and reasoning. Mastering culture, a democratic style of communication, and the ability to provide so-called subject-subject communication, in which interlocutors interact as equal partners, is the professional responsibility of a kindergarten teacher.

The means of speech development in a broad sense is the cultural language environment. Imitating the speech of adults is one of the mechanisms for mastering the native language. Internal mechanisms of speech are formed in a child only under the influence of systematically organized speech of adults (N. I. Zhinkin). It should be borne in mind that by imitating those around them, children adopt not only all the subtleties of pronunciation, word usage, and phrase construction, but also those imperfections and errors that occur in their speech. Therefore, high demands are placed on the teacher’s speech: content and at the same time accuracy, logic; appropriate for the age of the children; lexical, phonetic, grammatical, orthoepic correctness; imagery; expressiveness, emotional richness, richness of intonation, leisurelyness, sufficient volume; knowledge and compliance with the rules of speech etiquette; correspondence between the teacher’s words and his deeds.

In the process of verbal communication with children, the teacher also uses non-verbal means (gestures, facial expressions, pantomimic movements). They perform important functions:

They help to emotionally explain and remember the meaning of words. An appropriate, well-aimed gesture helps to learn the meanings of words (round, big...) associated with specific visual representations. Facial expressions and phonation help clarify the meaning of words (cheerful, sad, angry, affectionate...) associated with emotional perception;

contribute to deepening emotional experiences, memorizing material (audible and visible);

help bring the learning environment in the classroom closer to that of natural communication;

They are role models for children;

Along with linguistic means, they perform an important social, educational role (I. N. Gorelov).

Every mother dreams of her baby speaking as quickly as possible, immediately and clearly and in sentences. In real life, this rarely happens, because learning to speak is a long and labor-intensive process. In order to achieve quick and good results in the development of the speech of her beloved child, the mother has to put in a lot of work and use different means for children's speech development. Children learn words and language through constant interaction with them, and the most effective method is learning through play.

It should start almost from birth. Many parents mistakenly believe that if the baby does not speak yet, then they should not bother communicating with him. But the child will only recognize words and try to repeat them if he constantly hears them.

The most important speech development tools for children games for speech development, rhymes, fairy tales, proverbs and songs. You can stock up on such necessary tools using the same Internet, where you can find entire sites dedicated to the early development of children, as well as by purchasing audio CDs or books with poems, fairy tales and tongue twisters.

Communicate with your baby, constantly commenting on your actions, describe the objects you pick up and what you do with them. Practice dialogue with your child, ask simple questions and ask to show and name objects and their properties. The technique of finishing a word is very effective; when you read a poem or nursery rhyme, give your child the opportunity to use the right word. If he finds it difficult to do this, tell him the beginning of the word.

Use as books for children's speech development with colorful illustrations. For little ones, special books with hard covers are suitable. While reading a fairy tale or rhyme, be sure to show in the pictures who you are talking about, explain the characteristics of this or that character, and read out the dialogue using different intonations.

Finger exercises are very useful, as they not only help improve speech, but also the coordination of finger movements. Play hide and seek with your child - hide a toy or several toys and ask him to find them, while giving clues in the form of a description of the place where they are hidden, but do not name it.

For a child's first acquaintance with animals and objects, poems and nursery rhymes about them are suitable. Learn such rhymes together with your child, asking him to recite whole phrases or individual words himself.

At a certain period of his life, namely in early preschool age, the child begins to strive to discuss with the people around him various objects and phenomena that interest him. The ability to talk and express his thoughts allows the baby to go beyond the limits of a specific situation and his own experiences associated with it. In this article we will talk in some detail about the means of developing the speech of preschoolers from different aspects. If you take some time to read our material, you may learn a lot of useful information on this issue.

Speech development in children

Usually, Until 2 years of age, a child actively communicates only with adults. It’s good if there are older brothers/sisters in the family, then the baby will definitely copy the speech, looking at them, and perhaps speak before his peers. But if the child is the first-born in the house, then most likely he communicates only with people “incomprehensible” to him. It may seem to you that at the age of two your child communicates only with gestures, facial expressions or with the help of emotional expression of sounds, but everything is much more “serious”. At this age, the baby is already actively accumulating vocabulary in his head and subconsciously remembers a huge number of different words, including information about objects that represent certain words. A child’s understanding of the meaning of what someone says goes through several stages. So, he can associate an object with his own experience, with a certain place, perhaps with a visual picture of it. He cannot yet imagine sizes and materials and does not pay attention to them, so the sensual side at this age is the main guide.

It is believed that at two years old a child can already form a certain vocabulary consisting of 200 or more words. Although most of them are distorted, pronounced incorrectly and may be completely incomprehensible to an adult, the baby knows them, remembers them and applies them in relation to specific objects and phenomena. For example, “yat” can mean the word “ball”, “abuska” - “grandmother”, etc. If you have ever seen how children of the same age communicate, then you may have probably noticed that they speak a language that is incoherent for an adult, communicate in separate sounds, but at the same time understand each other perfectly.

In order to quickly develop a child’s speech, it is necessary to regularly organize special classes, engage in playful and mobile activities, communicate with him “as equals” and, of course, pay great attention to the development of the baby’s fine motor skills.

Advice: Never communicate with children in words that you deliberately pronounce distortedly, as if in a childish way. Don’t babysit with your child, but speak to him clearly and distinctly, pronouncing every letter of the word. Instead of “artosque,” ​​say “It’s a potato!” It’s tasty and healthy!” Teaching the incorrect pronunciation of words from a very early age in the future will require you to have individual lessons with a speech therapist and learn to “re-pronounce” the same words, only now in the correct form.

Speech of a 3-year-old child and delay in the development of the speech apparatus

At the age of 3 years stockThe child's words range from 1000 words or more. The baby no longer just pronounces words, but can also do it correctly from a phonetic point of view and even form them into sentences. According to statistics, girls begin to speak earlier than boys, but all children are individual and there are no specific standards in this area.

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If a child does not know or pronounce any words until the age of 3, or his vocabulary is too small, then a neurologist may diagnose a “lag in the development of the speech apparatus.” At this age of a child, this diagnosis should not frighten his parents, since with the right approach, speech can improve in just a few months. If there are no reasons for such a diagnosis from a health point of view, that is, the baby does not suffer from a disorder of the central nervous system, does not have developmental disabilities or other serious diseases, then you will be shown exercises to strengthen the mouth muscles.

To strengthen your mouth muscles, you must do the following:

  • Eat solid foods more often, which must be chewed thoroughly.
  • Invite the baby to blow and whistle. Buy him soap bubbles, a pipe, a whistle, or make a raft out of a cork or piece of foam plastic, which you need to blow on, lowering it into the water (playing a boat).
  • Let your baby drink juice through a straw, asking him to suck in his cheeks as much as possible.
  • Imitate the sounds of animals and objects around you. For example, you can “start the engine” by saying “trrrrrrrrr” or play “train” with the sound “chukhchukhchukh”.
  • Regularly practice fine motor skills. Remember that the quality of your baby's speech is at the tip of his fingers. Therefore, there is never too much modeling from plasticine, playing with kinetic or regular sand, and painting with finger paints!
  • Perform simple articulation gymnastics with your baby. A speech therapist or the Internet can tell you exercises for gymnastics. You can find, for example, a video on this topic and watch it with your baby. And then repeat the exercises you watched in front of the mirror.

If your baby has certain diseases or disorders of the central nervous system, then you will have to develop the speech apparatus together with your doctor. You may need to take certain medications, as well as use methods to stimulate the cerebral cortex.

Methods of speech development for preschool children

Five-year-old preschool children They can already express their own thoughts quite well, formulate complex phrases, and communicate in sentences. The child freely shares his impressions using speech, classifies information, can remember and transmit it. Interestingly, the brain of a preschooler can absorb an amazing amount of different information. Kids “greedily” absorb what is new to them and especially interesting. By the way, most of all they like stories and fairy tales in which the characters are very similar to them, have the same age and even similar names. Children love such stories and are ready to listen to them several times in a row every day. And as soon as the storyteller makes a mistake and makes a mistake in the next narration, the child will immediately draw the adult’s attention to this and indicate “how to tell it correctly.”

But it’s not just the narrative that makes up the methodology for developing speech in preschoolers. This includes several important aspects:

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  1. Education of sound speech culture. What does it mean? Many linguists, psychologists and teachers involved in research in this area are convinced that it is the sound side of the language that becomes the subject of special attention of the child quite early. We have already mentioned this above, saying that the baby is initially attracted to the external structure of speech, i.e. sound, and only then everything else. That is why in preschool institutions they always read a lot of fairy tales to children, and put on puppet shows for them with characters performing in different voices. In this case, the intonational coloring of the story plays an important role, namely exclamation, question, puzzlement, etc. In addition to fairy tales, games and exercises for linear speech are practiced. This helps the baby understand the sound coloring of a word and begin to move from naming an object or phenomenon to a figurative description of it. It is necessary to teach the child to correctly use intonation and pacing of the story to convey to them the emotional component of the story.
  2. Education of correct sound pronunciation. Teachers in preschool educational institutions pay great attention to the issues of correct sound pronunciation of children. Painstaking work is carried out to form clear articulation and prepare the organs of the articulatory apparatus for the pronunciation of certain sounds. At the same time, according to statistics, most often preschool children have a problem with the pronunciation of hissing sounds. By the way, if children attend a specialized speech therapy group in a kindergarten, then the speech therapist will select for each of them a set of individual articulation exercises for those sounds that he sees problems with the pronunciation of for each specific child.
  3. The approach to children in the middle group of kindergarten is approximately the same as to toddlers. That is, the teacher actively develops articulatory organs together with the child, performing a series of exercises to strengthen and develop the muscles of the face, tongue, and lips. However, by the age of 5 years, speech itself already takes on a new coloring. Here, demonstrative pronouns and new definitions are more common, and the child begins to speak in monologues.
  4. Mastering the concept of the “sound line” of speech by demonstrating the sequence of pronunciation of sounds.
  5. Development of awareness of the pronunciation side of speech. Ideally, a child of senior preschool age, when asked: “Are you speaking correctly, are you pronouncing all the sounds?” must answer specifically mentioning his speech problems. Explain to your child that there is nothing wrong with him not pronouncing a certain sound. Explain that he should strive for correct pronunciation and such and such exercises and activities will help with this. Do not encourage your child when he speaks correctly, otherwise he may feel “not like everyone else”, and the norm of pronunciation is something special. But be sure to pay his attention if the sound was pronounced incorrectly.

Development of coherent speech in preschool children

We have already partially mentioned methods for developing coherent speech in preschoolers. This is communication in whole sentences and logically constructed phrases. When you walk with your child, pay attention to the phenomena of the surrounding world. If the baby is still very small, then tell us yourself. For example, “What a big house is ahead!”, “Look, what a bright flower!” It smells nice!”, “This is a road, cars and buses drive along it,” etc. You can ask an older child to make up such small stories himself. If he is lost, then help him by directing his thoughts with a question. For example, “What color is this flower? You like him?". Don’t let your child answer in monosyllables; ask them to give detailed answers: “This flower is yellow! It’s bright and that’s why I really like it.”

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Games on the ability to use speech help this development:

  • "Dialogue". Have some small talk over a cup of tea.
  • "Interview". Let your child be the journalist who asks you questions, then switch roles.
  • "Professions". Ask your child to talk about a profession.
  • “Name the action.” Ask a question such as “what does snow do?” and ask the baby to answer with verbs: “falls, spins, melts.”
  • “What happened next?” The adult begins the narration of the story, and the child will need to listen carefully and come up with a continuation.

Speech development in preschoolers

If your child has problems pronouncing words or individual sounds, then do not be lazy to work with him. Remember that the role of parents in this matter is great and no less significant than the role of a professional speech therapist. Imagine that the speech therapist and you are two separate palms that can only clap together together.

What is required from parents:

  • Correctly and clearly pronounce words not only addressed to the child, but also spoken in his presence.
  • As early as possible, start talking to him in separate, logically connected sentences.
  • Follow all the speech therapist’s recommendations that he may give you to do outside of class.
  • Don’t be lazy and do at least some gentle articulation gymnastics with your child several times a week.
  • Correct your child when he pronounces a word incorrectly.
  • Motivate the child to pronounce words. For example, pretending that you do not understand what his request is, when he is too lazy to say in words, but demands something from you with gestures.
  • Regularly memorize simple rhymes, as well as tongue twisters and sayings with your children.
  • Sing songs with your child.
  • Try with all your might to teach your child the correct pronunciation of words and the correct construction of sentences during preschool age.

The last point, namely the grammar of speech of preschoolers, needs to be given great attention, otherwise the child will subsequently have certain difficulties at school.

The grammatical structure of speech in preschoolers

The formation of correct grammatical structure as early as possible is a very important aspect in the development of a child’s speech. If a child pronounces words incorrectly and does not know how to choose endings, then at school he will have big problems with grammar. Remember that kids write as they hear and, accordingly, hear as they speak! There are many tasks to develop the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives and verbs, as well as to combine tenses, numbers and cases. For example, you can ask the child to name the same object in different forms (one apple, two apples, five apples). You can ask them to answer the questions “Which one?” about the subject. Which? Which?" (apple is green, crispy, dense, juicy). At the same time, pay attention to the endings and ask the child to correct himself if he pronounces them incorrectly.

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A good exercise to develop the grammatical aspect of speech is “Make a story.” You can show your child a picture and ask him to make up a narrative story based on it, clearly pronouncing the endings. If difficulties arise, you can start with statements. That is, give the child a picture, read him a story based on it, asking him to remember, and only then write down the story in his words. It is considered normal if a child of 6-7 years old can come up with a story based on a picture without disturbing the subsequent presentation of the events in it. The use of additional ways of organizing beginnings, as well as different types of narration, can indicate high rates of development of the grammatical structure and creative thinking of a preschooler.

You can develop knowledge about the word-formation nest in almost any aspect of everyday life. For example, a child decides to look at the snow outside the window, ask him to name the snowflake in the plural and make a sentence with this word. Always remember this and try to talk to your children correctly as much as possible.

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The most important condition for full mental development is the child’s timely and correct mastery of speech.

In a preschool institution, the development of children's speech is carried out by teachers in different types of activities: in direct educational activities, and also exercises are carried out, the purpose of which is to develop the sound side of speech and enrich the children's vocabulary; Games and exercises are conducted to develop the grammatical structure of speech and coherent speech.

Educators use the opportunity to correctly and clearly name an object, parts of an object, characterize its features and qualities in different types of activities (on a walk, in a group, during various routine processes, in a game). At the same time, teachers clearly formulate the task and accurately pose questions. This allows you to maintain the relationship between the understanding and use of words, which in turn improves children’s ability to accurately and completely express thoughts and increases the effectiveness of verbal communication.

In order to maximize children's speech, teachers conduct games, the purpose of which is to involve children in a conversation on a certain topic and allow them to express their thoughts on a number of questions posed by an adult. In games, children take on certain roles, but do not play them, but pronounce them. Teachers strive to realize such qualities of speech as accuracy, correctness, coherence, and expressiveness. They pay special attention to the development of children’s understanding of speech by practicing following verbal instructions. Children show great interest in the way they speak: “... the child is not alien to curiosity in relation to the physiology of pronunciation. He wonders which organs are involved in pronunciation, and is even ready to experiment in this direction” (Gvozdev A.N.).

Teachers are active participants and organizers of verbal communication between older children. They invite the child to tell other children about his news, attract children’s attention to the questions and statements of other children, encouraging them to answer them and speak out.

In a conversation with a child, educators pay attention to the content and form of the message and delicately correct grammatical errors. In their free time from classes, teachers work individually with the child, developing that aspect of speech development that causes difficulties for the child. Educators provide children with the opportunity to talk about what they saw during a walk, on the way to kindergarten, using questions of motivation, observation, and actively respond to the manifestation of word creation, the child’s play with words, because this allows you to develop figurative speech.

Teachers try to give children examples of correct literary speech, they try to ensure that the speech is clear, clear, colorful, complete, grammatically correct, expressive, and concise. Include various examples of speech etiquette in speech. “Speak to children slowly, in an accessible, understandable language, avoiding difficult, incomprehensible expressions, but in an impeccably correct and literary language, without at all imitating the sweet, but always incorrect manner of children’s speech” (E.I. Tikheyeva).

Using proverbs and sayings in their speech, with the help of adults, children of senior preschool age learn to express their thoughts and feelings clearly, concisely, expressively, coloring their speech intonationally, developing the ability to creatively use words, the ability to figuratively describe an object, and give it a vivid description.

Guessing and inventing riddles also has an impact on the diversified development of the speech of an older preschooler. The use of various means of expressiveness to create a metaphorical image in a riddle (the device of personification, the use of polysemy of words, definitions, epithets, comparisons, special rhythmic organization) contributes to the formation of figurative speech of an older preschooler.

Riddles enrich children's vocabulary due to the polysemy of words, help them see the secondary meanings of words, and form ideas about the figurative meaning of a word. They help to master the sound and grammatical structure of Russian speech, forcing one to focus on the linguistic form and analyze it, which is confirmed in the research of F.A. Sokhina.

A riddle is one of the small forms of oral folk art, in which the most vivid, characteristic signs of objects or phenomena are given in an extremely concise, figurative form. Solving riddles develops the ability to analyze, generalize, forms the ability to independently draw conclusions, inferences, the ability to clearly highlight the most characteristic, expressive features of an object or phenomenon, the ability to clearly and succinctly convey images of objects, and develops a poetic view of reality in children.

The use of riddles in working with children contributes to the development of their speech skills - evidence and speech - description. To be able to prove is not only to be able to think correctly, logically, but also to correctly express one’s thought, putting it into precise verbal form. Speech - proof requires special speech patterns, grammatical structures, and special composition that are different from description and narration. Typically, preschoolers do not use this in their speech, but it is necessary to create conditions for their understanding and mastery.

In order for preschoolers to quickly master the descriptive form of speech, it is recommended to draw their attention to the linguistic features of the riddle, teach them to notice the beauty and originality of an artistic image, understand what speech means it is created by, and develop a taste for precise and figurative words.

So, through riddles, preschoolers develop sensitivity to language, they learn to use various means, select the right words and gradually master the figurative system of language.

Lullabies also develop the speech of older preschoolers and enrich their speech due to the fact that they contain a wide range of information about the world around them, primarily about those objects that are close to people’s experience and attract with their appearance. The grammatical variety of lullabies contributes to the development of the grammatical structure of speech and forms phonetic perception. Lullabies allow you to memorize words and forms of words, phrases, and master the lexical side of speech.

Folk songs, nursery rhymes, and nursery rhymes are also excellent speech material that can be used in speech development classes. With their help, you can develop phonemic hearing.

In a preschool institution, an urgent task of speech development in older preschool age is the development of diction. It is known that children’s speech and motor organs do not yet function sufficiently coordinated and clearly. Some children are characterized by excessive haste, unclear pronunciation of words, and “swallowing of endings.” There is also another extreme: an excessively slow, drawn-out manner of pronunciation of words. Special exercises help children overcome such difficulties by improving their diction.

For diction exercises, proverbs, sayings, songs, riddles, and tongue twisters are indispensable materials. Small forms of folklore are laconic and clear in form, deep and rhythmic. With their help, children in preschool institutions learn clear and sonorous pronunciation and undergo artistic phonetics school. According to the apt definition of K.D. Ushinsky, proverbs and sayings help “break the child’s language into the Russian way.”

The purpose of diction exercises is varied. They can be used to develop the flexibility and mobility of the child’s speech apparatus, to form the correct pronunciation of speech sounds, to master the pronunciation of sounds and words that are difficult to combine, and to help the child master intonation richness and different tempos of speech. All this can be found in folk pedagogy. For example, with the help of small forms of folklore, children learn to express one or another intonation: grief, tenderness and affection, surprise, warning.

It is important that when performing diction exercises, there is reality behind every spoken word. Only in this case will the child’s speech sound natural and expressive.

Nursery rhymes, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings are the richest material for the development of sound culture of speech. By developing a sense of rhythm and rhyme, we prepare the child for further perception of poetic speech and form the intonational expressiveness of his speech.

According to A.P. Usova “verbal Russian folk art contains poetic values.” Its influence on the development of children's speech is undeniable. With the help of small forms of folklore, it is possible to solve almost all problems in the methodology of speech development, and along with the basic methods and techniques of speech development of older preschoolers, this rich material of verbal creativity of the people can and should be used. Therefore, preschool institutions in the system of work on the development of speech of older preschoolers pay special attention to the forms of small folklore.

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