EGE English grammar in tests. We analyze the Unified State Examination in English: section “Grammar”

Preparation for the OGE and the Unified State Exam

Secondary general education

English language

We analyze the Unified State Exam in English: section “Grammar” We analyze the tasks of the “Grammar” part together with English teachers, build reasoning and analyze the answers.

Jalolova Svetlana Anatolyevna, English teacher of the Highest qualification category. Winner of the competitive selection for the Moscow Grant in the field of education in 2010. Senior expert of the State Examination Agency Unified State Exam in English. Winner of the All-Russian Olympiad of English Language Teachers “Profi-Kray” 2015. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2014, Certificate of winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2007, Diploma of the winner of the competition for the Moscow Grant 2010. Work experience - 23 years.

Nedashkovskaya Natalya Mikhailovna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Winner of the PNPO 2007. Winner of the competitive selection for the Moscow Grant in the field of education 2010. GIA OGE expert in English. Conducted a pedagogical examination of educational publications at the Russian Academy of Education 2015-2016. Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2013, Certificate of the winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2007, Diploma of the winner of the competition for the Moscow Grant 2010. Work experience - 35 years.
Podvigina Marina Mikhailovna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Winner of PNPO 2008. Winner of the competitive selection for the Moscow Grant in the field of education 2010. Senior expert of the State Examination Agency Unified State Exam in English. Conducted a pedagogical examination of educational publications at the Russian Academy of Education 2015-2016. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation 2015, Certificate of winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation 2008, Diploma of the winner of the competition for the Moscow Grant 2010. Work experience - 23 years.

Trofimova Elena Anatolyevna, English teacher of the highest qualification category. Senior expert of the State Examination Agency Unified State Exam in English. Certificate of honor from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in 2013. Work experience - 15 years.

Task 1

Methodical hint

This task tests your knowledge of English grammar. Let's pay attention to those parts of speech that need to be transformed. It is important that when changing the form of a word, the part of speech does not change! To the right of the text any of the six parts of speech can be given. These are a noun, an adverb, a cardinal number, a personal pronoun and a verb. When completing this task, it is necessary to take into account what grammatical forms these parts of speech have. A singular noun takes a plural form (here it is necessary, in addition to the general rule for forming the plural of nouns, to remember all the exceptions and spelling features of the plural forms of nouns). A cardinal number becomes an ordinal number (note the complex formation and spelling of some numerals). Adjectives and adverbs have comparative or superlative degrees (there are also some cases to remember here). A personal pronoun can become possessive (short or long form), objective or reflexive. As for the verb, remember that it can be in finite or impersonal form (for example, Present Participle or Past Participle). If the verb must be used in the personal form, then it is necessary to determine in what voice the verb should be (active or passive) and in what grammatical tense. To correctly determine grammatical tense, it is necessary, firstly, to determine in what existential (life) tense the sentence or situation is presented. To do this, we look at the verbs around the gap and other tense indicators to determine whether the story refers to the present, past or future. Having determined the time, we must determine the temporal form. To do this, we look for clue words or indicators of grammatical tenses in the sentence (for example, every day, usually - indicators of the Present Simple, since, for, yet - indicators of the Present Perfect. Also, a time line often helps, which clearly shows what sequence exists between actions and events.

In addition, a verb can be part of a conditional sentence (there are four, starting with zero, types of conditional sentences, in each of which the verbs appear in certain forms) or a sentence starting with I wish or If only.

Do not forget to also pay attention to those words that come immediately before the gap - do not forget that there are a number of verbs, adjectives, phrases and constructions after which it is necessary to use an infinitive with or without a particle to or a gerund (for example, fancy going, want to go, make symbol do smith, There"s" no point in doing smith...).

Let's get started with the test task.

19. Around 1350, art, learning, and science started to flourish in some parts of Europe. To many people, this was the beginning

of a new golden age. This period was not the _________ golden age in Europe.

20. Greece ________ one 1,900 years before. About 500 years later, Roman civilization had been at its height.

21. Because this new golden age was something like _________ Greek and Roman periods, it is called the Renaissance. The

word "renaissance" means "rebirth." Many Greek and Roman values ​​were reborn in the Renaissance.

22. Windsor is a small town not far from London which is about a thousand years old. It became the setting for The Merry ___________ of Windsor,

24. What the town is famous for today is Windsor Castle, the Royal residence. From a plane Windsor Castle with its big round tower looks

like a child's dream of a sand castle. Sadly, in 1992 fire ___________ a large part of the castle buildings.

25. Since then the Castle ________________. It required a lot of money. To pay for it, it was decided to open Buckingham

Palace to the public at selected times of the year and to charge visitors a fee.


We read the presented texts (this can be one text) in order to have a general idea of ​​what we are talking about. Next we fill in the blanks.

Number 19. The cardinal number one is written, therefore, the only possible form is the ordinal number first. Number 20. The verb is presented. We conduct a blitz analysis: liability or asset? - asset. This is a personal form, since the subject Greece does not have a predicate, which means the full form of the verb is needed. This is not a conditional sentence, since there are no corresponding words if, unless, etc. We define the existential time - past (Past), since there are words 1900 years before, had been. Now we define grammatical tense(tense) - look at the time in the previous sentence - was not, in the sentence with a gap there is the phrase 1900 years before - draw a time line, set the point was not in the past, determine where the point 1900 years before will be on the left or right. It's on the right. Actions go one after another in the past, which means the verb will be in the Past Perfect tense, showing that the action has already happened and ended before the verb was not. The next sentence confirms the correctness of our choice - had been at its height also before the verb was not. Therefore, we put the verb have in the form (Past Perfect - had had).
Number 21. The adjective early is here (this is precisely an adjective, since it is a definition for the words Greek and Roman periods), and this adjective must be put in the comparative degree, since the period is compared only with the Greek and Roman periods, and not with all periods of history .
Number 22. The noun wife is written in the singular. The only possible transformation is the plural form wives (a noun ending in -f; -fe in the plural changes f to ves).
Number 23. The personal pronoun he is given. This pronoun is not a subject in the text, but is an object; accordingly, it is necessary to use the object pronoun him.
Number 24. A verb is given. We use a familiar algorithm for completing the task: asset or liability? - An asset, because the subject fire can destroy the building. This is not a conditional. The subject does not have a predicate, which means it is a verb in its personal form. The existential time is past, the year indicated here is 1992. And this year also indicates that it is Past Simple (an action performed at a certain point in time in the past). The correct form is destroyed.
Number 25. The verb repair is given. Active or passive? - Passive, the lock cannot be repaired by anyone, but it can be repaired. Not a conditional mood, a personal form, because it is a predicate. In the previous and subsequent sentences, the verbs are in the past tense, but in the gap sentence itself there is since then, which is an indicator of perfect tenses. To decide whether to use Present Perfect or Past Perfect, we draw a time line. We put an end to the past destroyed. The verb repair in correct form will it appear to the right or left of the verb destroyed? - On the right. This means we put the verb in the Present Perfect - has been repaired.

Thus, the answers to tasks 19 to 25 look like this: 19 - first, 20 - had had, 21 - earlier, 22 - wives, 23 - him, 24 - destroyed, 25 - has been repaired.

Task 2. Read the text below. Form words with the same root from the words printed in capital letters at the end of the lines marked with numbers 26–31, so that they grammatically and lexically correspond to the content of the text. Fill in the blanks with the given words. Each gap corresponds to a separate task from group 26–31.

Methodical hint

This part tests word formation skills. The task in the specification is formulated as “tasks for filling in gaps in a connected text by forming a related word from the proposed reference word” using suffixes and prefixes. The key to success in completing this task is two factors - the correct identification of the part of speech that needs to be inserted instead of the gap, and knowledge of word-forming suffixes and prefixes. We read the text, paying attention to the words before the gaps and following it. We determine the missing part of speech, as well as whether the missing word has a negative or affirmative connotation.


26. In 1770, James Cook landed on the east coast of Australia and claimed the land for Great Britain. For many years after that,

only a few people came to Australia___________. It was too far from Europe to attract many outsiders.

27. The first settlers were ______________. They were not asked if they wanted to come.

28. Moving to Australia was part of their ___________________. In time they were joined by more willing settlers who wanted

to find adventure and a better life.

29. Like the settlement of the United States, much of Australia’s history deals with the push west. There was, however, one big

In their drive westward, the Australians found no rich river valleys or fertile plains. Instead, they found only

dry empty land they called the outback.

30. The outback was _________________ any place the earlyrs settled had ever seen. For months there would be no rain at all.

Then suddenly the skies would open up. Within hours, rivers overflowed their banks. Yet only a few days later the land

would be as dry as ever.

31. Few settlers were willing to risk their life in such a harsh land. Then gold was ___________ there in 1852. Thousands flocked

to the outback of Australia to make their fortunes.


Number 26. Only a few people came to Australia how? - an adverb that modifies the verb came. The following sentence contains an explanation of why this happened this way.
Number 27. The first settlers were ........... In this situation, the verb were can be followed by either an adjective specifying what they were, or a noun indicating who these settlers were (if this choice is correct, then the noun will be plural based on the word settlers in the plural and the word were. The following sentence does not exclude either of these options, so we leave both of these options for now.
Number 28. Moving to Australia was part of their....... We see the missing part of the phrase with the preposition of, in which there must be nouns before and after the preposition, and the gap is preceded by the short possessive pronoun their, which modifies the noun. Therefore, the missing part of speech is a noun.
Number 29. There was, however, one big...... After designs There was must be a noun, which is confirmed by the presence of a numeral and an adjective before the omission, defining the same part of speech. Therefore, the missing word is a singular noun (the number indicator is the word one).
Number 30. The outback was ............any place the early settlers had ever seen. After was there can be either a participle or an adjective or a noun. Since the noun is already there (place), therefore, the missing part of speech is the adjective.
Number 31. Then gold was.........there in 1852. The situation is similar to number 30. Based on the meaning of the entire sentence, we assume that most likely this will be a past participle, determining what happened to gold in 1852.

Having noted in the margins of the KIM, next to each gap, the parts of speech we have identified, we open the words themselves on the right.

Number 26 is an adverb, which means you need to substitute the suffix -ly, we get the word willingly. We re-read the paragraph with the inserted word - the meaning is preserved.
Number 27 - the word prison suggests that we need a noun that specifies who the first settlers were. The next sentence confirms this. Let's form the noun prisoners in the plural.
Number 28 - we form from the word punish the collective noun punishment, which completes the sentence, making it a logical complement to the idea expressed in the two previous sentences.
Number 29 - we form the noun difference from the word differ. We re-read the paragraph, the formed noun fits perfectly into it, since the paragraph talks about the difference in the development of the West in the United States and Australia.
Number 30 - we are asked to replace the word like, which in itself is already an adjective. Consequently, the part of speech is already defined by itself; we must only, preserving this part of speech, add a negative prefix in order to form a new word suitable in meaning - unlike.
Number 31 - we are given the word covered, which is already a participle. Therefore, as in the previous case, we need a negative prefix. In the case of covered there can be two of them: dis- and un- . Uncovered - slightly opened, removed the cover.... Discovered - discovered, discovered something new. In this context, the second meaning is appropriate. Therefore, the correct word is discovered.

Answers: 26 - willingly, 27 - prisoners, 28 - punishment, 29 - difference, 30 - unlike, 31 - discovered.

3. Task numbers 32-38, for which the maximum number of points is given - 7 (1 point for each correct answer), is formulated as follows:

Methodical hint

The third task (32-38) of the section offers a connected text with gaps and 4 options for filling them in (1-4), of which only one is correct. This task tests the ability to use vocabulary in a communicative context, taking into account the specifics:

  • forms of one word and words that are similar in spelling and sound;
  • meanings of one word and its synonyms, antonyms, homonyms;
  • norms of lexical compatibility adopted in the English language, etc.

To effectively complete this task you should:
1. Look through the entire text with gaps, try to understand its content
2. Read the entire passage carefully, but pay special attention to the sentence with the missing word
3. Try to predict the missing word based on the context surrounding the missing word.
4. Study all the proposed answer options, choose the most appropriate one, taking into account the meaning and norms of lexical compatibility of the missing word. Particular attention should be paid to synonyms (they may have different shades of meaning, they may have differences in control and compatibility with other words), as well as with consonant words or words with similar spelling (they may have different meanings).
5. Read the sentence with the gap again, make sure that the chosen word is the most correct one to fill in the gap. Determine why the other words are not appropriate.
6. If you cannot consciously choose any of the proposed options, choose the answer intuitively, and do not leave the task unanswered.

For example, given text with gaps:

Growing up with Joey

I enjoy thinking of my childhood. But when I think of my home town where I grew up, all that I 32 __________ to remember is dust. I remember the brown, crumbly dust of late summer that gets into the eyes and makes them water. It is the kind of dust that gets into the throat and between the 33 _________ of bare brown feet. I don"t know why I should remember only the dust. There must have been green laws and paved streets under leafy shady trees somewhere in town. One day returns to me clearly for some reason. I was resting under the great oak tree in the yard. I was deep in thought which I have now forgotten except that it involved some secret. Joey and a bunch of kids were bored now with the old tire hanging from an oak limb. It had 34 _______ them busy for a while. “Hey, Lizabeth,” Joey yelled. He never talked when he could yell. “He, Lizabeth, let’s go somewhere.” I came back from the thoughts of my private world. “Where at, Joey?” The truth was that we were becoming tired 35 ____ the empty summer days. “Let's go over to Miss Lottie's,” said Joey. The idea caught on at once. Annoying Miss Lottie was always fun. I was still child 3 6 ___________ to run along with the group. We went over old fences and through bushes that tore our 3 7 ________ ripped clothes, back to where Miss Lottie lived. I think now that we must have looked partly funny and partly sad. There were six of us, all different ages, dressed in only one thing 38 ________. The girls wore faded dresses that were too long or too short. The boys wore patched pants. A little cloud of dust followed our thin legs and bare feet as we tramped over the dusty ground.

32. 1) seem, 2) think, 3) look, 4) believe

Answer: 1, since the other options do not make sense.

33. 1) fingers, 2) thumbs, 3) toys, 4) pinkies

Answer: 3, because we're talking about about the foot, toes - toes.

34. 1) got, 2) preserved, 3) held, 4) kept

Answer: 4, combinability of words - keep busy.

35. 1) from, 2) for, 3) of, 4) by

Answer: 3, the verb to be tired is used in pairs with the preposition of

36. 1) yet, 2) enough, 3) so far, 4) after all

Answer: 2, option 1 is used in questions or negative sentences, option 4 usually takes place at the end of the sentence, option 3 is combined with perfect tenses.

37. 1) before, 2) already, 3) earlier, 4) sooner

Answer: 2, since already is used with something that happened earlier and has meaning at the time of speech.

38. 1) everyone, 2) anyone, 3) all, 4) each

Answer: 4, according to the meaning of the sentence, the meaning “each” is suitable - each.

What should be taken into account when completing tasks B11 - B16 (Word formation)?

When completing this task, word formation skills are tested - knowledge of the composition of the word and the main method of word formation - affixation, i.e. forming words using prefixes and suffixes.

  • After reading the sentence, translate it into Russian and determine which part of speech is missing. This can be a noun, verb, verbal forms (, participle), adjective, adverb, pronoun, numeral. For example, if it is a noun, then the gap may be preceded by an article or an article or an adjective, if it is an adverb, then it usually comes after the verb, etc.
  • Determine whether the word has a negative or positive value. In case negative value you need to choose a negative prefix or suffix corresponding to this word.
  • Next, you need to change the word on the right and corresponding to the gap, in the required form. For example, in the sentence “It was a large-scale, program-controlled machine which could make a very complex _____. CALCULATE » the missing word is a noun, since the gap is preceded by an adjective with an article. The indefinite article indicates that the missing word is a singular noun – “calculation”.
  • After completing the tasks, read the entire text again to make sure it is correct. educated forms. Transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet.

Take note!!!

To prepare for tasks B11-B16, repeat the prefixes and suffixes that are used to form various parts speech. You can use the following resources:

Be sure to complete the exercises on word formation rules in your school textbook. You can also use online resources:

What is the strategy for completing tasks A22–A28 (advanced level)?

Tasks A22-A28 are classified as advanced level tasks. When performing them, knowledge of English vocabulary is tested, with an emphasis on word compatibility. You are offered a text with gaps; For each missing word, a multiple choice of four is presented lexical units.

  • Read the entire text to understand its general content. Look at the possible fill-in-the-blank words.

For example, for a sentence « She was too excited to do any _______ that morning » The following words are suggested to you: A) homework ; B) household ; IN) housework ; G) housewife. We immediately exclude options B) and D): household - household, house, household; housewife – household. To choose the correct option from the remaining two, you need to know the meaning of the words: A) homework And IN) housework . Homework– homework, lessons, homework. Housework- housework, housework. Therefore, the correct option is housework: She was too excited to do any housework .

  • After completing the tasks, transfer your answers to the Answer Form.

Take note!!!

Of course, to complete tasks of increased complexity you need to have a good vocabulary. You need to know the lexical combinability of words.

To successfully complete tasks of increased complexity, you should repeat sections school textbook, which presents thematic vocabulary, phrasal verbs, set phrases, prepositional phrases. You need to practice doing multiple choice exercises. To do this, you can also refer to online resources:

You should also have good spelling skills. Remember that if a spelling error is made, the answer option will not be counted. How to learn to write without spelling errors? The best way is to write dictations. For example, you can memorize a fragment of text from an English textbook, and then reproduce it in written form, speaking it out loud. Check the written text with the original.

I haven’t written anything on the blog for a long time! Or rather, I’m writing at home, and several articles are already in progress, but I can’t completely finish them. Still, I don’t have enough 24 hours a day!!! Well, no way!

A little news or why haven’t I written for so long?

In general, I didn’t think that I would work so much during maternity leave. I mean tutoring. I thought I would be like everyone else! Stay on maternity leave, walk with the baby, take care of everyday life, and a couple of classes a week so as not to completely forget your skills. Which one is it!

My baby is growing, and the bigger she gets, the more attention she requires. All I have time to do is watch before I crawl somewhere or fall. All my drawers have already started to open. It's time to be safe!

Time to close all my drawers!!! Aliska is interested in everything!

Well, I have so many things to do that I don’t even have to work at my main job! I immediately foreshadow questions: who sits with my Aliska while I have classes? Of course my mom!

In the next room they play or sleep while her mother works. I often leave the room to make sure everything is in order and if anything is needed. In general, so far everyone is happy with this situation.

Let's move on to the main thing or why is there so much attention to the “Vocabulary and Grammar” section?

When a student comes to you who needs to take the Unified State Exam, we always test the waters. Now we will talk specifically about the grammar section. Completely different students come to me and, accordingly, everyone has a different level of preparedness.

With Elvira in class. We study the Vocabulary and Grammar section separately.

Some of the students say that they have a good command of the topics and just need some coaching, while others admit that it is better to go through the entire course from the beginning. So it’s the last students that interest us the most!

Download that file with grammar topics and calculate approximately how many hours or lessons it will take you to complete this express grammar course. I usually get no more than six months regular classes once a week for 1.5 hours. The more often a student studies, it means you will pass faster.

We arrange topics in notebooks!

And so, little by little, we take topic by topic (not necessarily strictly according to the list, sometimes we swap topics), I usually write in a notebook with my own hand, often using two colors of pens (red and blue), and colored markers.

I often copy material from New Round-Up, especially when I don’t have time to write a lot or when I want the material to fit compactly in a notebook (usually tables).

My quick stationery kit for designing topics in student notebooks

That's why I always have a glue stick and scissors in my arsenal. I quickly print out the material through the printer, cut it out, and the students help me paste the material into their notebooks.

They especially enjoy gluing with colored glues (blue, pink, green). They do it with pleasure and lighten the atmosphere a little by talking while they peck.

When they have the material in their notebooks, we carefully analyze it, sign a translation somewhere, clarifications somewhere. And then we start doing exercises. Anyone who reads my blog regularly is already aware of the books and resources I usually use.

I often take exercises from these books. Despite the fact that it says grades 7-8, the tasks there are not easy

During my work, I used so many manuals, went through all sorts of grammar exercises, but, unfortunately, I am not satisfied with any book in its entirety. I’ll take something from one book, something from another.

I love everything that Muzlanova does. On the left is one of her new manuals, including, by the way, a section on the oral part!

Sometimes you want more exercises to compare the construction of to be going to and Future Simple, but often they are presented only on Future Simple, Future Continuous or Present Simple and Future Simple.

A few words about my grammar collection exercise!

In general, as I planned, it is easier to compose my own collection and write only those exercises that I use from year to year and like to give to my students.

This process has already begun and soon you will see the first part of my collection. The first part will include Present Simple topics, Present Continuous and they are in comparison (about 65 exercises turned out). The collection has been compiled and is currently being revised.

In the future, I want to collect all the topics, or rather exercises, so that later I can simply print them out like a book and not copy the same thing hundreds of times. I think I'll give you a gift for the New Year. At least I'll try my best!

P.S. As promised, the collection is ready! And you can download it by reading and finding it in!

Tasks B4-B10 (memo to students)

What advice can you give for these tasks? What I usually tell my students and give them as a reminder.

  • Before completing tasks B4-B10, filling in the blanks, you must read the entire story or the entire text in order to understand the content.
  • The hint for choosing the correct grammatical form of a word is not necessarily found in the sentence itself, but may be, for example, in the previous sentence.
  • If you need to put a verb into the required form, first of all, determine in what voice (active or passive) the predicate is. (this point is very important, since children often do not see this, so I constantly focus on this!)
  • When determining the tense form of a verb, pay attention to key words (or as I call them, “clue words”). Look in the sentence for those words that will help you determine the right time. If there are none, then read the previous sentence and see what tense the verb is in. Usually in a text all sentences are interconnected.
  • Often the task requires you to form a participle (the third form of the verb) or a gerund (the ending -ing is added to the verb) from a verb. Determine whether this participle is active (gerund) or passive (third form of the verb).
  • If the task contains a numeral, for example, two, then most likely you need to form an ordinal number, for example, second. Remember the rules for writing them!
  • If you need to transform a pronoun, determine what form is required, for example the pronoun We. Think about what could be here: our (immediately followed by a noun), us, ourselves or ours (without a noun). If we are talking about a demonstrative pronoun, then look at what the number of units can be. or more
  • If you need to transform a noun, then you need to remember the rules for forming the plural of nouns. There are often exceptions. Repeat them!
  • If you need to transform an adjective, then we are talking about degrees of comparison. It is either comparative or superior. Remember the rules for forming degrees of comparison of adjectives!

This is the advice I usually give to my kids. It is precisely tasks of this type that I bring to automaticity and students complete them with ease. The recommended time for this type of task is 10 minutes. But trained students can do it in 5 minutes!

We train the grammar section using these books

Tasks B11-B16 (Word formation) Tasks A22-A28 (Advanced level)

These are advanced level tasks and are aimed at recognizing and using the studied lexical units with an emphasis on their lexical compatibility. They are designed as a multiple choice test.

Many students find this type of task impossible to complete. Basically, what they don’t know, they do at random, maybe they’ll get caught.

Of course, here you need to have a rich vocabulary, because this is where phrasal verbs, prepositions, set phrases, as well as words that are similar in form or meaning that are easy to confuse (for example, make and do) are checked.

Very good guide! Excellent for training on phrasal verbs, words similar in form or meaning, prepositions, etc.

L. I. Romanova - English language. Vocabulary in tests - buy in the Labyrinth online store

  • Read the entire text, ignoring the gaps, to understand its main content, and think about what word might be suitable. Even if you can't remember the right word, it will start "twirling on the tip of your tongue" and you will immediately recognize it when you read the suggested answers.
  • When choosing an answer, pay attention to the words adjacent to the blank, since very often they determine the correct answer. Often the choice of the correct answer may depend on the preposition that appears immediately after the blank.
  • If you don't know which answer to choose, try first eliminating the options that definitely don't apply.
  • If you still cannot determine the correct answer, rely on your intuition and try to guess, but under no circumstances leave an empty cell on the form.

Why am I paying such close attention to this section?

And all because very much in this section depends on the student. If the Listening or Reading sections are unpredictable, that is, we cannot know in advance what text we will come across or what pronunciation the speaker will have, then from the Vocabulary and Grammar section we expect what we have been learning all along.

And here we need to try to do everything possible that depends on us. After all, grammar is not infinite, you can study it and become very good at it. The only thing that can scare us is vocabulary. Here's to working and working with her!!!

P.S. You can also increase your vocabulary and practice grammar not only using textbooks and manuals. It's always fun to do it interactively. And students simply love doing assignments on the computer!

I myself actively use in my work both at school and at individual lessons. I wrote in more detail about these courses in my reviews and.

Don't miss this opportunity - buy two discs for the price of one! The promotion is valid until December 7!!!

I’m finishing writing, I hope I’ll see you again before the New Year, I won’t be missing too much. Also check out my






























  • I need some ____ to light the fire.
  • 2.The bay has got two new _____.

    3.Alex saw some _____ running across the floor.

    4.If a houseplant is given too much water, its lower____turn yellow.

    5.New scientific ____ are made every day

    In ______.

    6.In the mountains we saw some_____, _______ ______ and wild ______.

    7. I can see trees and _____ outside the window.










  • The ___ hat is red.
  • The ____hats are red.
  • The _______toys are all over the floor.
  • I fixed the ______bike.
  • This is a _____purse.
  • That store sells _____clothes.
  • Do you know my ____husband?
  • BOYS






  • Jims last name is Smith.
  • Jim's last name is Smith.
  • Bobs cat likes to sleep on the sofa
  • My teachers names are MS. Rice and M.R. Molina.
  • My mothers first name is Maria.













  • Jill's a ________ (intelligent) person than my brother.
  • Kate was the_________ (practical) of the family.
  • Greg felt __________ (bad) yesterday than the day before.
  • This cake is the ____________ (good) I’ve ever tasted.
  • Jack was the________ (tall) of the two.
  • Jack is the__________ (clever) of the three brothers.
  • If you need any ___________ (far) information, please contact our head office.
  • The sinking of Titanic is one of _____________ (famous) shipwreck stories of all time.
  • Please, send the books back without_________ (far) delay.
  • The deposits of oil in Russia are the __________ (rich) in the world.
  • Could you come a bit _______ (early) tomorrow?
  • I like this song _________ (well) than the previous one.
  • Which of these two performances did you enjoy ________ (much)?

    1. Fill in the gap with the correct object pronoun.

  • Who is that lady? - Why are you looking at __________?
  • Do you know that young handsome man? -Yes, I study with __________.
  • Please listen to _______. I want to express my point of view.
  • These puppies are so nice! Do you want to look at ______.
  • We like this house. We're going to buy _________.
  • He can't see _______ because we are sitting in the last row.
  • Where are the keys to our flat? I can't find _______.
  • Where is Ann? I want to talk to _________.
  • This snake is poisonous. I"m very afraid of _______.
  • Don"t wait for _______ for dinner. I"ll return very late at night.
  • He left Polotsk long ago. I haven't seen _______ since.
  • You can fully rely on _______. We won't let you down.
  • I am angry with __________.
  • He fell down and hurt __________.
  • Tell me more about __________.
  • She believes in __________.
  • We are sure of __________.
  • They did everything __________.
  • Did you translate the text __________.
  • I saw everything __________.
  • The knife was sharp, and she cut __________.
  • They introduced __________.
  • Can you do many things _________?
  • Does your friend Nick often talk to you about _________?
  • Did your mother buy anything for _________ last week?
  • Are you always sure of _________?
  • Do you believe in _________?
  • Did the pupils answer all the questions _________?
  • Did you make the dress ______________ .
  • This is my mum. _________ name "Jess.
  • These are my sisters. ________ names are Mary and Dina.
  • These are my parents. _________ names are Tanya and Bob
  • This is my cousin. _________ name"s Helen.
  • This is my cousin. ______ name "s Fred
  • This is my aunt. _______ name"s Pam.
  • Jason: Whose sunglasses are these?

    Kate They"re Amy"s, I think. Yes, they"re (1) _______.

    Paul: Whose baseball cap is this?

    Amy: That"s (2) ______ too! Thanks.

    Kate: Ugh! Whose dirty towel is this?

    Jason: Ask Paul. I think it's (3) __________.

    Paul: Yes, it is. Thanks. You"ve got a great T-shirt, Amy!

    Kate: Thanks. I borrowed it from my big sister. So it"s (4) __________ really.

    Jason: What about this umbrella?

    Paul: Don't be silly, Jason! You brought it, so it must be (5) __________.

    Kate: Does this beach ball belong to us?

    Jason: No, it isn't (6) __________. Those kids over there were looking for a ball, so it"s (7) _________ probably.


  • smile
  • sleep
  • stop
  • write
  • plan
  • study
  • come
  • 1. Simple Past , Simple Present , Present Continuous or Past Continuous, Present Perfect.

  • I ________ (listen) to the radio while Mary __________ (cook) dinner.
  • You __________ (buy) this book yesterday?
  • Last Friday Jill __________ (go) home early because she __________ (want) to see a film.
  • When your brother usually __________ (get) home in the evening?
  • Jane always __________ (bring) us a nice present.
  • What those people __________ (do) in the middle of the road?
  • You __________ (read) this book?
  • While Fred __________ (sleep), Judy __________ (watch) TV.
  • When I __________ (be) young, I __________ (think) Mary __________ (be) nice - but now I __________ (think) she’s fantastic.
  • Jill __________ (walk) home when she __________ (see) her husband’s car outside the cinema
  • Look there! Sue and Tim __________ (run) to school.
  • Jack’s father __________ (not work) in London - he __________ (not speak) English.
  • Joe __________ (buy) a car yesterday.
  • Their father often __________ (go) to rock concerts.
  • While you __________ (sleep), mother __________ (arrive).
  • Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Present Perfect, Past
  • Simple, Present Perfect Continuous.

  • Today is Thursday, and John ________ (be) late twice this week; he________ (be) late yesterday and on Monday.
  • I first________ (meet) George a month ago, and I ________ (meet) him several times since then.
  • It is October now, and we ________ (do) a lot of work this year; we ________ (do) a lot last year too.
  • She ________ (buy) a coat last winter, but she________ (not / buy) a new dress since 2008.
  • It’s only the middle of the month, and he________ (spend) (already) most of his salary; he ________ (spend) $60 yesterday,
  • I ________ (break) my leg in 1991, but I ________ (break) (never) my arm.
  • He’s over sixty, and he’s still working. He ________ (work) hard all his life. When he ________ (be) a young man, he sometimes ________ (work) all night.
  • The postman ________ (come) at eight yesterday, but it’s now half past eight and he ________ (not / come) yet.
  • Today is May 25th. Ted ________ (not / be) absent this month.
  • He ________ (feel) extremely ill when he went to hospital, but he ________ (feel) much better since he came out of hospital a month ago.
  • 1. It's a big factory. Five hundred people are employed (employ) there.

    2. Water ___________ (cover) most of the Earth's surface.

    3. Most of the Earth's surface ___________ (cover) by water.

    4. The park gates ___________ (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening.

    5. The letter __________ (post) a week ago and it ____________ (arrive) yesterday.

    6. The boat ________ (sink) quickly but fortunately everyone ________________ (rescue).

    7. Jacob's parents _____________ (die) when he was very young. He and his sister _________ (bring) up by their grandparents.

    8. I was born in London but I __________ (grow) up in the north of England.

    9. While I was on holiday, my camera ________ (steal) from my hotel room.

    10. While I was on holiday, my camera _________ (disappear) from my hotel room.

    11. The company is not independent. It ________________ (own) by a much larger company.

    12. I saw an accident last night. Somebody __________ (call) an ambulance but nobody ___________ (injure) so the ambulance _____________ (not / need).

  • Use passive or active voice.
  • 1. Nobody (to see) him yesterday. 2. The telegram (to receive) tomorrow. 3. He (to give) me this book next week. 4. The answer to this question can (to find) in the encyclopedia. 5. We (to show) the historical monuments of the capital to the delegation. 6. You can (to find) interesting information about the life in the USA in this book. 7. Budapest (to divide) into two parts: Buda and Pest. 8. Yuri Dolgoruki (to found) Moscow in 1147. 9. Moscow University (to found) by Lomonosov. 10. We (to call) Zhukovski the father of Russian aviation.


    1.Choose the right participle

    1. interesting/interested

    This exercise is ________.

    2. exciting/excited

    On Christmas Eve, many children are so ______ that they stay up all night.

    3. annoying/annoyed

    My friend has a very ______ habit.

    4. tiring/tired

    I had such a ______ day I went straight to bed.

    5. relaxing/relaxed

    We were_________ after our holidays.

    6. disgusting/disgusted

    Their hamburgers are ________.

    7. satisfying/satisfied

    I"m not __________ with my job.

    8. boring/bored

    George always talks about the same things, he is so __________.

    9. disappointing/disappointed

    I like this actor but the film was _________.


    English grammar can be________.

    1.The people I work with are _____ with their work.


    2.John was ______ by the news report.


    3.We thought that the instructions were _____


    4.It’s an ______little story. You should read it.


    5.Working late every day is_____.


    6.I’m not really _____ in sport.


    7.Do you feel ____about them?


    8.All this information is making me ____.


    9.I had a ____weekend because of the rain.


    10.Young children are often ____of the dark.




  • write the plurals
  • brother



























































  • Write the correct form of the nouns
  • 1.matches











  • Complete the sentences with the possessive form of the nouns
  • 1.boy's







  • Add apostrophes to the possessive nouns
  • Jims last name is Smith.
  • Jim's last name is Smith.
  • Bob's cat likes to sleep on the sofa
  • My teachers' names are MS. Rice and M.R. Molina.
  • My mother's first name is Maria.

    1. Write the comparative and the superlative forms of the following adjectives.

    happy – happier – the happiest

    young – younger - the youngest

    shallow - shallower/more shallow - shallowest/the most shallow

    difficult - more difficult - the most difficult

    dirty – dirtier - the dirtiest

    patient - more patient - the most patient

    hot – hotter - the hottest

    comfortable - more comfortable - the most comfortable

    brave – braver - the bravest

    friendly – ​​more friendly - the most friendly

    ridiculous - more ridiculous – the most ridiculous

    late - later – the latest

    little – less - the least

    2.Complete the sentences using the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.

  • more intelligent
  • most practical
  • worse
  • best
  • tallest
  • cleverest/the most clever
  • further
  • most famous
  • further
  • richest
  • earlier
  • better
  • more

  • Fill in the gap with the correct object pronoun.
  • them
  • them
  • Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns.
  • Myself
  • Himself
  • Youself
  • Herself
  • Ourselves
  • Themselves
  • Yourself
  • Myself
  • Herself
  • Themselves
  • Yourself
  • Himself
  • Herself
  • Yourself
  • Yourself
  • Themselves
  • yourself
  • Complete the sentences using possessive pronouns.
  • Their
  • Their
  • Insert absolute possessive pronouns.
  • Hers
  • Mine
  • Hers
  • Yours
  • Mine
  • Theirs

    1.Write four forms of the following verbs

  • Smile – smile – smiled - smiling
  • Run – ran – run - running
  • Sleep – slept – slept – sleeping
  • stop – stopped – stopped - stopping
  • write – wrote - -written - writing
  • cut – cut – cut - cutting
  • plan – planned – planned - planning
  • say – said – said - saying
  • cry – cried – cried - crying
  • study – studied – studied - studying
  • lie – lay – lie - lying
  • get – got – got - getting
  • hit – hit – hit - hitting

    2. Put the following sentences into the correct tense: Present Perfect, Past Simple, Present Perfect Continuous.

    1. has been / was, 2. met / have met, 3. have done / did, 4. bought / hasn't bought, 5. has already spent / spent, 6. broke / have never broken, 7. has been working hard / was / worked, 8. came / hasn't come, 9. hasn't been, 10. felt / has felt

    3.Put the verb into the correct form, present simple or past simple, active or passive.

    2.covers covered

    4.are locked

    5.was posted/ arrived

    6.sank/ was rescued

    7.died/were brought up


    9.was stolen

    10. disappeared owned

    12.called/was injured/wasn’t needed

  • Use passive or active voice.
  • 1.saw

    2.will be received

    3.will give found

    5. showed

    6.find divided


    9.was founded


  • Choose the right participle
  • This exercise is interesting.
  • On Christmas Eve, many children are so excited that they stay up all night.
  • My friend has a very annoying habit.
  • I had such a tiring day I went straight to bed.
  • We were relaxed after our holidays.
  • Their hamburgers are disgusting.
  • I"m not satisfied with my job.
  • George always talks about the same things, he is so boring.
  • I like this actor but the film was disappointing.
  • English grammar can be confusing.
  • 2.Write the right form of the participles.

  • satisfied
  • disgusted
  • confusing
  • amusing
  • tiring
  • interested
  • worried
  • confused
  • boring
  • scared

  • Unified State Exam. English language. Grammar and vocabulary. Romanova L.I.

    M.: 2010. - 224 s.

    This manual contains practice test tasks to prepare for the third section of the Unified State Exam in English “Grammar and Vocabulary”. The purpose of the examination test in this section is to test the skills of using grammatical and lexical material in texts with a communicative orientation. The tests are designed in accordance with the specifications developed by the Federal Institute for Educational Measurements and include three types of tasks: a basic level task testing grammatical skills, an advanced level task testing word formation skills, and a high level, which tests vocabulary skills.

    The book is addressed to teachers who can use both individual tasks from tests and entire tests in class lessons so that students get an idea of ​​the form conducting the Unified State Exam and the necessary work experience for its successful completion. Students can use this guide whether they are in their senior year or want to start preparing for the exam earlier.

    A clear structure and simple design will allow both the student and the teacher to use the manual in accordance with their individual needs. Having keys will be convenient for students to work independently.

    Format: pdf

    Size: 6.5 MB


    Preface 3
    Part one. Demo version of the Unified State Exam in English 9
    Section 1. Listening 9
    Section 2. Reading 13
    Section 3. Grammar and vocabulary 19
    Section 4. Letter 22
    Appendix 1. Texts for listening 24
    Appendix 2. Answers 30
    Part two. Grammar and vocabulary (Tasks B4-B10). 32
    Part three. Grammar and vocabulary (Tasks B11-B16) 69
    Part four. Grammar and vocabulary (Tasks A22-A28) 108
    Appendix 1. Word formation. Prefixes 151
    Appendix 2. Word formation. Spelling 154
    Appendix 3. Word formation. Suffixes 159
    Noun suffixes 159
    Adjective suffixes 173
    Adverb suffix 184
    Verb suffixes 188
    Appendix 4. Phrasal verbs 191
    Part five. Keys 206

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