Jiri. Meaning of the name

Flexible, kind, somewhat spineless and trusting. A man of action. He thinks about his every action for a long time. Outwardly he looks like his mother, his character is his father’s: stubborn. Well versed in art, he can become a circus performer, opera or pop singer. Reaches high results In sports.
“Summer” Jiri is a completely spineless, soft, compliant person. Possesses excellent organizational skills, maybe good leader. A wonderful family man, he spends a lot of time at home with his family. He is very caring and enjoys raising his child. Both boys and girls are born to him. He likes to walk with them and solve crossword puzzles. He drives a car perfectly, but does not do repairs. He has difficulty getting up in the morning and loves to lie in bed. Slow, he constantly has to be urged on, especially when it comes to housework. Loves obligatory people. He himself is not late and does not like it when others are late.
“Winter” Jiri is a complex person. He doesn’t take anyone’s opinion into account; he always does things his own way, even contrary to logic. Capable of science, has a good memory. Loves history and special literature associated with his professional activity. He is hospitable and has many friends whom he chooses from among like-minded people.
"Spring" Jiri is cunning and selfish. Careerist in in a good way words. Doesn't like work that involves travel. Free time spends playing preference, chess, billiards, etc.
"Autumn" Jiri is calculating and stubborn. He always thinks what he says, does not rush to conclusions, and does not make hasty decisions. Calm in communication, patiently listens to the opinions of others. When leaving for work, he doesn’t forget to look in the mirror - he’s so excited appearance. Dresses modestly but tastefully. Has success among friends. His career depends on the efficiency and financial capabilities of his parents. Loves animals and keeps them at home. “Oktyabrsky” Jiri is enterprising, bold in decisions, and capable of taking risks. Has a subtle sense of humor. Diplomatic, inquisitive. Instantly perceives what is happening, instantly mobilizes. He devotes his free time to chess and loves to play backgammon. He is successful with girls and spends a lot of time with them. Likes to go to clubs and casinos. "December" Jiri does not like to be in the spotlight, prefers to remain in the shadows. Always ready to help friends. IN difficult situations weighs all the pros and cons for a long time, acts for sure, without relying on chance. He arranges his home so that everyone who stops by for a cup of tea will be delighted. He was brought up in an intelligent family and is an intellectual at heart. Possesses organizational skills based on common sense, Expressed materialist. Dedicates a lot of time to thinking. Loves adventure novels. Constantly engaged in self-education, always aware of all events.

1. Personality. Possessing the gift of words.

2. Character. 90%.

3. Radiation. 86%.

4. Vibration. 114,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Yellow.

6. Main features. Intuition - intelligence - excitability - sexuality.

7. Totem plant. Olive Tree.

8. Totem animal. Buffalo.

9. Sign. Aries.

10. Type. These men barely have enough energy to overcome life's obstacles. Like their totem, the bison, which has a huge head and small body, has the fighting spirit and body of a jellyfish.

11. Psyche. Maintain a constant internal struggle between peace (olive tree) and war (buffalo). After such “battles” they feel as empty as if they had just returned from the boxing ring.

12. Will. Their will conflicts with excessive excitability; people like them feel a discord between reality and imagination, desires and possibilities.

13. Excitability. Very excitable and sensitive, even nervous, these are people who are always dissatisfied with life.

14. Reaction speed. They have a slow reaction time, which does not mean that they are slow. On the contrary, these men are capable of showing rapid resistance and even being aggressive.

15. Field of activity. They don’t feel the need to study and get a diploma. They choose a profession under the influence of relatives and circumstances, and not as a result of an independent and deliberate decision. If they manage to overcome some inertia, they become good psychologists, lawyers and even astronauts. Among them there are journalists and teachers. They know how to express their thoughts easily and eloquently, so they need to choose a profession that corresponds to this ability.

16. Intuition. Jiri has enormous intuition, bordering on clairvoyance.

17. Intelligence. They have both a synthetic and analytical way of thinking, allowing them to see both particulars and the problem as a whole. Possessing the ability to quickly assess a situation, they look down on people lacking such a gift, as if they were defective or mentally retarded.

18. Receptivity. They need courage not to be afraid of life. They need love and understanding.

19. Morality. They have a certain skepticism, reasoning something like this: “Morality is a necessary thing, but stop fooling me.” in beautiful words and start putting it into practice.”

20. Health. Prone to mild depression. They are very sensitive vocal cords. Needs long sleep and Fresh air. Do not abuse medications!

21. Sexuality. Shyness restrains their sensuality in youth, and in mature age they bitterly regret it. Their sex life All kinds of taboos also complicate things, and this can give rise to another complex in them.

22. Activity. It is often impossible to tell whether they are acting out of conviction, necessity, obligation, or simply because they lack the courage to refuse.

23. Sociability. These men cannot stand loneliness, but at the same time even North Pole may seem too crowded to them.

24. Conclusion. Jiri can be assertive and energetic, but then suddenly lose heart; infect the audience with extraordinary enthusiasm, and then hide behind the scenes, like an actor who has finished his monologue.

Jiri is flexible, kind, somewhat spineless and trusting. A man of action. He thinks about his every action for a long time. Outwardly he looks like his mother, his character is his father’s: stubborn. Well versed in art, he can become a circus performer, opera or pop singer. Achieves high results in sports.
“Summer” Jiri is a completely spineless, soft, compliant person. He has excellent organizational skills and can be a good leader. A wonderful family man, he spends a lot of time at home with his family. He is very caring and enjoys raising his child. Both boys and girls are born to him. He likes to walk with them and solve crossword puzzles. He drives a car perfectly, but does not do repairs. He has difficulty getting up in the morning and loves to lie in bed. Slow, he constantly has to be urged on, especially when it comes to housework. Loves obligatory people. He himself is not late and does not like it when others are late.
“Winter” Jiri is a complex person. He doesn’t take anyone’s opinion into account; he always does things his own way, even contrary to logic. Capable of science, has a good memory. He loves historical and specialized literature related to his professional activities. He is hospitable and has many friends whom he chooses from among like-minded people.
"Spring" Jiri is cunning and selfish. A careerist in the good sense of the word. Doesn't like work that involves travel. He spends his free time playing preference, chess, billiards, etc.
"Autumn" Jiri is calculating and stubborn. He always thinks what he says, does not rush to conclusions, and does not make hasty decisions. Calm in communication, patiently listens to the opinions of others. When leaving for work, he does not forget to look in the mirror - he is so concerned about his appearance. Dresses modestly but tastefully. Has success among friends. His career depends on the efficiency and financial capabilities of his parents. Loves animals and keeps them at home. “Oktyabrsky” Jiri is enterprising, bold in decisions, and capable of taking risks. Has a subtle sense of humor. Diplomatic, inquisitive. Instantly perceives what is happening, instantly mobilizes. He devotes his free time to chess and loves to play backgammon. He is successful with girls and spends a lot of time with them. Likes to go to clubs and casinos. "December" Jiri does not like to be in the spotlight, prefers to remain in the shadows. Always ready to help friends. In difficult situations, he weighs the pros and cons for a long time, acts with confidence, without relying on chance. He arranges his home so that everyone who stops by for a cup of tea will be delighted. He was brought up in an intelligent family and is an intellectual at heart. Possesses organizational abilities based on common sense, a pronounced materialist. Dedicates a lot of time to thinking. Loves adventure novels. Constantly engaged in self-education, always aware of all events.

Czech name - "farmer".

Flexible, kind, somewhat spineless and trusting. A man of action. He thinks about his every action for a long time. Outwardly she resembles her mother, her character is fatherly, stubborn. Well versed in art, he can become a circus performer, opera or pop singer. Achieves high results in sports.

“Summer” Jiri is a completely spineless, soft, compliant person. He has excellent organizational skills and can be a good leader. A wonderful family man, he spends a lot of time at home with his family. He is very caring and enjoys raising his child. Both boys and girls are born to him. He likes to walk with them and solve crossword puzzles. He drives a car perfectly, but does not do repairs. Loves to be pampered in bed. Slow, he constantly has to be urged on, especially when it comes to housework. Loves obligatory people. He himself is not late and does not like it when others allow themselves to be late.

“Winter” Jiri is a complex person. He doesn’t take anyone’s opinion into account; he always does things his own way, even contrary to logic. Capable of science, has a good memory. He loves historical and specialized literature related to his professional activities. He is hospitable and has many friends whom he chooses from among like-minded people.

“Spring” Jiri is cunning and selfish. A careerist in the good sense of the word. Doesn't like work that involves travel. He spends his free time playing preference, chess, billiards, and so on.

“Autumn” Jiri is calculating and stubborn. He always thinks what he says, does not rush to conclusions, and does not make hasty decisions. Calm in communication, patiently listens to the opinions of others. When leaving for work, he does not forget to look in the mirror - he is so concerned about his appearance. Dresses modestly but tastefully. Has success among friends. His career depends on the efficiency and financial capabilities of his parents. Loves animals and keeps them at home.

“Oktyabrsky” Jiri is enterprising, bold in decisions, and capable of taking risks. Has a subtle sense of humor. Diplomatic, inquisitive. Instantly perceives what is happening, instantly mobilizes. He devotes his free time to chess and loves to play backgammon. He is successful with girls and spends a lot of time with them. Likes to go to clubs and casinos.

“December” Jiri does not like to be in the spotlight, prefers to remain in the shadows. Always ready to help friends. In difficult situations, he weighs the pros and cons for a long time, acts with confidence, without relying on chance. He arranges his home so that everyone who stops by for a cup of tea will be delighted. He was brought up in an intelligent family and is an intellectual at heart. Has organizational skills based on common sense. A pronounced materialist. Dedicates a lot of time to thinking. Loves adventure novels. Constantly engaged in self-education, always up to date with events.

The totem animal is the bison, the totem plant is the olive tree.

Description: farmer

Origin: Czech

Flexible, kind, somewhat spineless and trusting. A man of action. He thinks about his every action for a long time. Outwardly he looks like his mother, his character is his father’s: stubborn. Well versed in art, he can become a circus performer, opera or pop singer. Achieves high results in sports.

“Summer” Jiri is a completely spineless, soft, compliant person. He has excellent organizational skills and can be a good leader. A wonderful family man, he spends a lot of time at home with his family.

He is very caring and enjoys raising his child. Both boys and girls are born to him.

He likes to walk with them and solve crossword puzzles. He drives a car perfectly, but does not do repairs. He has difficulty getting up in the morning and loves to lie in bed.

Slow, he constantly has to be urged on, especially when it comes to housework. Loves obligatory people. He himself is not late and does not like it when others are late.

“Winter” Jiri is a complex person. He doesn’t take anyone’s opinion into account; he always does things his own way, even contrary to logic. Capable of science, has a good memory.

He loves historical and specialized literature related to his professional activities. He is hospitable and has many friends whom he chooses from among like-minded people.

"Spring" Jiri is cunning and selfish. A careerist in the good sense of the word. Doesn't like work that involves travel. He spends his free time playing preference, chess, billiards, etc.

"Autumn" Jiri is calculating and stubborn. He always thinks what he says, does not rush to conclusions, and does not make hasty decisions. Calm in communication, patiently listens to the opinions of others.

When leaving for work, he does not forget to look in the mirror - he is so concerned about his appearance. Dresses modestly but tastefully. Has success among friends. His career depends on the efficiency and financial capabilities of his parents. Loves animals and keeps them at home.

“Oktyabrsky” Jiri is enterprising, bold in decisions, and capable of taking risks. Has a subtle sense of humor. Diplomatic, inquisitive. Instantly perceives what is happening, instantly mobilizes.

He devotes his free time to chess and loves to play backgammon. He is successful with girls and spends a lot of time with them. Likes to go to clubs and casinos.

"December" Jiri does not like to be in the spotlight, prefers to remain in the shadows. Always ready to help friends. In difficult situations, he weighs the pros and cons for a long time, acts with confidence, without relying on chance.

He arranges his home so that everyone who stops by for a cup of tea will be delighted. He was brought up in an intelligent family and is an intellectual at heart. Possesses organizational abilities based on common sense, a pronounced materialist.

Dedicates a lot of time to thinking. Loves adventure novels. Constantly engaged in self-education, always aware of all events.

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