Environmental problems mari el presentation. Possible natural hazards



about the environmental situation

in the Republic of Mari El

in 2010

Yoshkar - Ola


The report on the environmental situation in the Republic of Mari El in 2010 was prepared by the Department of Environmental Safety, Environmental Management and Protection of the Population of the Republic of Mari El in pursuance of the order of the President of the Russian Federation set out in the message to the Federal Assembly on November 30, 2010.

This report presents analytical information characterizing the state of the environment, the degree of impact on it of negative factors as a result of the production and economic activities of natural resource users, and the state of reserves
and the scale of use of natural resources, as well as the characteristics of the impact of economic sectors on the environment and public health; information is provided on the influence of environmental factors on the preservation of historical and cultural heritage and on emergency situations of man-made and natural nature in 2010, as well as on measures taken to reduce the negative impact on the environment.

The ecological situation on the territory of the Republic of Maroi El continues to be assessed as quite stable, determined by the specifics of local natural conditions
and resource potential. This is confirmed by state environmental monitoring data.

The main criterion for the well-being of the environment is the quality of atmospheric air. Analytical data from state monitoring of atmospheric air, carried out in 2010 at route posts in the three most industrialized cities of the republic: Yoshkar-Ola, Volzhsk, Kozmodemyansk, confirm the level of atmospheric air pollution as “low”. The Republic, according to the data of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation based on the results of 2009, is one of those 11 constituent entities of the Russian Federation where the level of high air pollution is not registered.

State monitoring of water bodies in 2010 showed that, compared
Since 2009, the number of rivers with the quality category “moderately polluted” has increased
(from 25% to 58.7%), the percentage of “dirty” rivers decreased from 21.9% to 9.5%, and only the percentage of “very dirty” rivers remained at the level of last year. All surveyed water bodies have a “weak” level of contamination of bottom sediments.

A positive trend has emerged in the field of industrial waste management
and consumption in the territories of municipalities of the republic.. In 2010, a lot of work was carried out to bring solid waste landfills into compliance with the requirements of sanitary-epidemiological and environmental legislation, obtaining licenses for business entities operating landfills,
for waste management activities; for the reclamation of decommissioned solid waste landfills.

Despite the fires in the summer of 2010, large tracts of forest resources have been preserved in the republic, which have a beneficial effect on the environmental situation in the republic.

The stability of the environmental situation was also facilitated by the effectiveness of state control and supervision in the Republic of Mari El, which carries out inspections of business entities for compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation.

The category of land in settlements as of 01/01/2011 is
82.5 thousand hectares. This category includes lands of cities, urban-type settlements, and rural settlements within their boundaries. Compared to 2009, there was an increase in the land of settlements by 0.2 thousand hectares, due to the inclusion of agricultural land within the boundaries of settlements.

Lands for industry, energy, transport, communications, radio broadcasting, television, energy, defense and other purposes occupy 77.9 thousand hectares. Land plots of this category are provided to enterprises, organizations, and institutions to perform the tasks assigned to them.

Land area of ​​specially protected natural areas at the beginning of the year
have not changed and amount to 58.6 thousand hectares. This category includes the state nature reserve “Bolshaya Kokshaga” on an area of ​​21.5 thousand hectares, the state institution of the Mari Chodra National Park - 36.6 thousand hectares, recreational lands - recreation centers, sanatoriums, etc. . – 0.5 thousand hectares. In addition, nature reserves of republican significance with a total area of ​​38 thousand hectares have been organized as part of the forest fund and agricultural land categories.

As of January 1, 2011, forest and water fund lands occupy 1266.1 and 67.6 thousand hectares, respectively. Compared to the previous year, the area of ​​forest land increased by 9.5 thousand hectares, due to the transfer of land plots from the category of agricultural land for the purposes of use, protection, protection
and forest reproduction. The area of ​​water fund lands remained unchanged.

Reserve lands in the republic occupy 5 thousand hectares. Area of ​​reserve land by state
as of 01/01/2011 remained unchanged.


1.2.1. Condition and use of the mineral resource base
Republic of Mari El

(based on materials from the branch in the Republic of Mari El of the Federal State Institution "TFI for the Volga Federal District", Department of Environmental Safety and Natural Resources
and protection of the population of the Republic of Mari El)

On the territory of the Republic of Mari El, as of January 1, 2011, more than 900 deposits and occurrences of solid minerals were registered for 16 types of mineral raw materials: gypsum and anhydrite, carbonate rocks for the production of building stone, lime, cement and soil liming; construction sand, glass
and molding; expanded clay and brick-tile clays; peat and sapropel; healing mud; fresh and mineral waters. The balance of reserves takes into account 86 deposits of solid minerals for 11 types of raw materials, used mainly for construction work, 138 peat deposits with an area of ​​more than 10 hectares and 22 deposits of sapropel with an area of ​​more than 3 hectares. 40 deposits are being developed, 8 are being prepared for development, the rest are considered reserve deposits. With the exception of gypsum stone, glass sand, limestone for the production of cement and lime, sapropel, other types of mineral raw materials are under development.

The stock of sapropel deposits has not been used since 2006, and 5 of the peat deposits are under development.

In 2010, there was an increase in reserves of cement raw materials and construction sands,
including sand for the production of concrete and silicate products and ballast raw materials.
One deposit of glass sands, 5 – ballast raw materials, 1 – brick raw materials, 1 deposit of sands for concrete and silicate products are being prepared for development.

Use of solid mineral deposits, excluding peat
and sapropel and information on the condition and use of solid mineral reserves
in 2010 are shown in Fig. 1 table no. 1.

Rice. 1.

Table 1

State and use of mineral reserves of the Republic of Mari El (as of 01/01/2011)

Type of raw material

Number of deposits, incl.

Distribution volume inventory category

in 2010 reserves

Production volume

in the distributed subsoil fund

being developed

Gypsum, thousand tons

Cement raw materials, thousand tons.



Glass raw materials, thousand tons.

Construction stone, thousand m3

Sands for concrete and silicate products, thousand m3

Ballast raw materials, thousand m3

Expanded clay raw materials, thousand m3

Brick raw materials, thousand m3

For soil liming, thousand m3

Limestones for lime, thousand m3

Therapeutic mud, thousand m3

Peat (more than 10 hectares), thousand tons.

Sapropel (more than 3 hectares) thousand tons.

Construction raw materials

Gypsum and anhydrite. The reserve for geological exploration includes the Chukshinskoye-2 deposit of gypsum-anhydrite raw materials, for which, at the request of the city of Dzerzhinsk, exploration work for gypsum was carried out in order to study the possibility of creating a raw material base in the republic for the production of gypsum binders. Due to the complexity of the geological structure of the field, geological exploration work was carried out
not in full, stopped at the assessment stage of studying the deposit, which allows calculating gypsum reserves only in categories C1 + C2, and the lack of a feasibility study of the industrial significance of the deposit does not allow us to draw a conclusion about the balance sheet attribution of the estimated gypsum reserves. Based on the results of exploration work, the deposit is recommended for the integrated development of gypsum and anhydrite after preliminary thickening of the well network, studying it to depth and drawing up a technical and economic assessment of the deposit. Gypsum reserves of category C1 are 15,319 thousand tons, C2 are 35,208 thousand tons. The total forecast resources of category P1 of gypsum and anhydrite are 175,562 thousand tons.

Carbonate rocks for cement production. The balance of reserves of cement raw materials takes into account 2 deposits of carbonate rocks - Kamennogorskoye and Chukshinskoye-1
and the Severochukshinskoye clayey rock deposit. As a clay component of cement raw materials, a loam deposit with a volume of 648.6 thousand m3 (940 thousand tons) was also explored in the northern part of the Kamennogorsk deposit. The increase in reserves of cement raw materials in 2010 amounted to 26,891 thousand tons of carbonate rocks and 6,740 thousand tons. Obtained by revaluing part of the carbonate rocks of the Chukshinsky-1 deposit of building stone and the entire Severochukshinsky deposit of clay rocks, previously explored as raw materials for the production of ceramics. bricks The total balance reserves of cement raw materials are: carbonate rocks - 20945 thousand tons of category C1 and 18660 thousand tons of category
C2; clayey rocks – 7680 thousand tons, category C1.

The reserves are approved as raw materials for the production of Portland cement clinker according to TU GIPROcement, 1970, and with the addition of pyrite cinders - for the production of Portland cement according to GOST. Additionally, the clays and loams of the Severochukshinskoye deposit are suitable for the production of ceramic bricks of grade no lower than “100” according to GOST 9169-75.

All deposits are in reserve.

Carbonate rocks for the production of building stone. The balance of reserves takes into account 10 fields with total explored reserves as of 01/01/2011 of categories A+B+C1 - 144,888 thousand m3, C2 - 40,844 thousand m3.

The distributed fund contains 6 deposits. Mining work was carried out at 4 of them - Novotoryalsky, Chukshinsky-1, Pamashyalsky and Chodrayalsky. Total production volume for 2010 gty. m3. On previously developed Korkatovsky
and the Yurdurskoye field, for the exploitation of which licenses were issued in 2007 and 2008, respectively, production was not carried out. The production schedules for building stone by the main producers of crushed stone and rubble are shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2 Construction stone extraction schedules

Carbonate rocks for lime production. The state of SMEs of carbonate rocks for lime production for the period of 2009 has not changed. To obtain lime, the following have been explored in the republic:

Shuledurskoye and Chukshinskoye fields in the Sovetsky and Morkinsky districts, respectively, taken into account by the balance of reserves and those listed in the reserve, with total approved reserves of categories A + B + Stys. m3.

A block of low-magnesium limestone at the Pamashialskoye deposit with reserves of category C1 – 305 thousand m3.

The limestones of the Chukshinskoye-1 deposit are also suitable for the production of lime, the reserves of which are approved as raw materials for the production of cement.

Sand for construction work. It remains the most popular type of mineral raw material. The balance of reserves takes into account 37 deposits of construction sands suitable for use as filler for heavy, light, fine-grained, cellular and silicate concrete, mortars, and preparation of dry mixtures
for the construction of bases and coverings of highways and airfields. Total reserves of construction sands of category A+B+C1 as of 01/01/2011 gthous. m3. Increase in reserves
in 2010 amounted to 1294 thousand m3 of category C1 and 4029 thousand m3 of category C2 due to exploration of the Lesnoye deposit of construction sands. The distributed fund contains
34 deposits, including 28 that are under development. The volume of production of construction sands in 2010 amounted to 1009 thousand m3. Sand production schedules for concrete and silicate products are shown in Fig. 3.

Rice. 3 Sand production schedules for concrete and silicate products

Glass raw materials

SMEs of glass raw materials are represented in the republic by 7 glass sand deposits (Burlatskoye, Bushkovskoye, “73 km”, Lesnoye, Kuzherskoye, Lyundinskoye, Suslongerskoye)
and 2 deposits of limestone for the glass industry. All deposits
are not being developed. The distributed subsoil fund includes the “73 km” deposit, which is part of the Bushkovsky area of ​​glass and molding sands. A service license has been issued for the development of the Bushkovsky subsoil plot.” Execution of work
under the license was considered at a meeting of the commission at the Department of Subsoil Use for the Volga Federal District on 02/01/2011, which noted the non-compliance with the terms of the license agreement and set a deadline for completion of geological exploration work
for exploration of the Bushkovsky subsoil plot and submission of a feasibility study of conditions for state examination by December 15, 2011.

Promising areas for obtaining an increase in reserves of glass quartz raw materials are areas identified in 2010 on the territory of the Medvedevsky and Zvenigovsky districts in the process of carrying out work by the State Unitary Enterprise TC "Margeomonitoring" to create a systematic geological basis for prospecting and exploration work for solid minerals, within which The forecast resources of glass sands of category P1 range from 1560.7 to 4845.8 thousand tons.

Brick raw materials

As of January 1, 2010, the balance of reserves included 16 deposits of brick raw materials
with balance reserves of categories A+B+C1-30971 thousand m3, category C2-8641 thousand m3,
including 3 being developed, 1 being prepared for development and 12 reserve. Three fields are being developed - Oshurginskoye () in Medvedevskoye, Sovetskoye
(plant-S" in Sovetsky and Mari-Turekskoye (SHPK "Rodnik")
in Mari-Turek districts. Total production for 2010 - 58 thousand m3, including 51 thousand m3
for the Oshurginskoye field.

The previously developed Shelabolkinskoye (Gornomariyskoye) field is being prepared for development, for the development of which a license was issued to Akpars. The enterprise must begin development of the deposit no later than 24 months from the date of registration of the license (05/14/2009). The production schedule for brick raw materials at the Oshurginskoye deposit is shown in Fig. 4.

Rice. 4 Brick raw material production schedule for the Oshurginskoye deposit

Expanded clay raw materials

The territorial balance of reserves takes into account 2 fields - Kuyarskoye and Kabachinskoye in the Medvedevsky district with total balance reserves of categories A+B+C1-5913 thousand m3,
C2-2732 thousand m3. At the Kabachinskoye field, which is being developed, it was produced
in 2010, 42 thousand m3 of clay (32.0 in 2009). The Kuyarskoye deposit is listed as a reserve.

Mining raw materials

Molding sands. During the period of 2010, there were no changes in the structure and degree of study of the SMEs of molding sands on the territory of the Republic of Mari El. Territorial balance of reserves of foundry sand deposits in the republic
are not taken into account. At the same time, the republic has significant prospects for the creation of SMEs for molding sands, which are associated primarily with deposits
and manifestations of sandy raw materials in the strip adjacent to the highway and the Yoshkar-Ola - Zeleny Dol railway, within which a number of manifestations were identified by previous work
and previously explored deposits (Bushkovskoye) of molding sands, and sand deposits are also being developed (Kundyshskoye), the raw materials of which, according to the results of semi-factory tests, can also be used as molding sands. In December 2007, the Bushkovskoye deposit, together with the glass sand deposit “73 km”, was transferred for use and service, which by the end of 2011 is obliged to carry out geological exploration to calculate reserves and compile a feasibility study of conditions.

Agro-industrial raw materials

Carbonate rocks for soil liming. Limestone flour production
in the republic it is possible in almost all deposits of carbonate rocks. Supply significantly exceeds demand for limestone flour, and therefore
in building stone deposits, almost all the loose component is sent
to the dump, and from 4 deposits included in the balance of carbonate rock reserves
for soil liming, mining is carried out only at the Ronginskoye deposit
() in the Sovetsky district. In 2010, production volume at the field amounted to 5.0 thousand m3.

Peat. 566 peat deposits are registered on the territory of the republic,
including 138 with an area of ​​more than 10 hectares. The distributed fund contains 5 deposits. Of these, peat extraction in 2010 was carried out at 4 deposits in Medvedevsky (Arbanskoye TP), Sovetsky (Ronginskoye TP), Paranginskoye (Paranginskoye TP) and Volzhskoye
() areas. Peat extraction was not carried out at the Shomek-Kup deposit in the Kilemarsky district (Kozmodemyansk) in 2010. The production volume by enterprise ranges from 1 to 28 thousand tons. The total production volume for 2010 thousand. t. The main volume of production falls on the Ronginsky peat briquette enterprise - 28 thousand tons. Peat production schedules for the main peat mining organizations are shown in Fig. 6.

Rice. 6 Peat extraction schedules

Sapropel. 53 lake deposits of sapropel are registered in the republic
with total resources (reserves) of 9328 thousand tons. The total geological reserve of sapropel at a conditional 60% humidity is 5312 thousand tons, including balance reserves for 22 deposits with an area of ​​more than 3 hectares - 2457 thousand tons (46.3% of the total stocks).

Since 2005, due to low demand for sapropel, its extraction has not been carried out in the republic.

Healing mud . The balance of reserves of medicinal mud of the Republic of Mari El as of 01/01/2010 takes into account 6 deposits with balance reserves of category A+B+C, 745 thousand m3, located in the territories of the Zvenigovsky and Volzhsky districts.

The extraction of medicinal mud is carried out by the sanatorium "Klenovaya Gora"
at the Big Plier field. In 2010, 100 tons, or 77 m3 of therapeutic mud were extracted. The remaining deposits are in reserve.

In Fig. 7 and 8 show summary graphs for the production of solid mineral raw materials
in the republic for 2010

Rice. 7

Rice. 8 Consolidated schedule of production of solid mineral raw materials in the republic for 2010.

Fresh groundwater

On the territory of the Republic of Mari El as of 01/01/2011. explored
20 fresh groundwater deposits. Of these, 10 fields are exploited. 4 cities and 8 of the 14 regional centers of the republic are provided with proven reserves of fresh groundwater.

The water supply of the regional centers of Kuzhener and Yurino is not ensured by proven reserves of fresh groundwater.

In 2010, the reserves of the Irnursky fresh groundwater deposit, explored to provide water to the village, were approved. Paranga. Proven reserves in quantity
2.0 thousand m3 fully satisfy the declared need of the regional center for water.

An increase in proven reserves of category B+C1 was obtained in the amount of 0.34 thousand m3/day.
for the Volzhskoye groundwater deposit through exploration work
at existing water intakes in the village. Privolzhsky, Starye Paraty and the territory of Dol im.
V. Kotika. Groundwater reserves have been explored and approved in the amount of 0.00794 thousand m3/day
at the water intake of JSC "Verkhnevolzhsk-nefteprovod" in the village. Dubniki, Sernur district.

The Republic of Mari El is one of the most dynamically developing regions of the Volga Federal District. In order to improve the quality of life of the population of the republic, conditions are created for the economic and social development of the territory.

The Republic of Mari El has a developed transport network, which is represented by highways, railways on the territory of the republic, as well as air communications.

The Republic of Mari El is located in the east of the East European Plain in the middle part of the river basin. Volga. The Kirov region borders it in the north and northeast, and the lands of the Republic of Tatarstan are located in the southeast. In the south there is a border with the Chuvash Republic, and in the west with the Nizhny Novgorod region. Along the line of its borders, the territory of the republic is an irregular polygon, stretching from west to east for 280 km. From south to north it extends for 150 km, and at its narrowest point for 60 km. The length of its borders exceeds 1200 km, and the total area of ​​the republic is 23.4 thousand km (57 percent - forest land, 34 percent - agricultural land, 1 percent - swamps, 3 percent - water, 5 percent - other lands), which is 0 .13 percent of the entire territory of the Russian Federation. The territory of the republic is located at the junction of forest and forest-steppe zones and is distinguished by noticeable landscape diversity.

With regard to the provision of transport infrastructure, it should be noted that in the immediate vicinity of the republic there are important transport routes of federal and international importance: the Moscow - Kazan - Yekaterinburg (Trans-Siberian) railway, the Moscow - Cheboksary - Kazan - Yekaterinburg highway.

The main transport highways of the republic are: highways "Vyatka", Yoshkar-Ola - Zelenodolsk, Yoshkar-Ola - Urzhum, Yoshkar-Ola - Kozmodemyansk, Yoshkar-Ola - Sanchursk, Eleevo - Mari-Turek - Lopovo, Zvenigovo - Shelanger - Morki, as well as roads along which interregional and interdistrict communications are carried out, the railway branch of the Gorky Railway (Green Dol - Yoshkar-Ola - Yaransk).

The transport infrastructure of the Republic of Mari El is represented by the following objects: railway station in Yoshkar-Ola, 17 railway stations and 8 stopping points, 2 bus stations (in Yoshkar-Ola and Kozmodemyansk) and 14 bus stations (in all municipalities), civil airport "Yoshkar-Ola". Sending (receiving) cargo by rail occurs from 9 stations.

The goal of the republic's long-term economic policy is to create an effective, competitive economy. The Republic of Mari El has enormous potential for the development of the transport system.

The length of communication routes in 2012 was:

162 km of public railway tracks;

3078.5 km of public roads of republican significance and 230.3 km of federal significance;

234 km of trolleybus contact lines.

The transport complex of the Republic of Mari El meets the republic's needs for the transportation of passengers and goods, and includes numerous economic entities of automobile, railway, and urban ground electric transport.

In order to regulate the organization of transport services for passengers and the transportation of luggage by passenger taxi on the territory of the Republic of Mari El, in order to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, to create conditions for safe transportation by passenger taxi, the Law of the Republic of Mari El dated August 2, 2011 N 47-З is in force. On the organization of transport services for passengers and luggage transportation by passenger taxi on the territory of the Republic of Mari El."

The basic principles of transport services for passengers and luggage transportation by passenger taxi are:

1) safety during the transportation of passengers and luggage;

2) quality of passenger service;

3) guaranteed provision of services for the transportation of passengers and luggage by passenger taxis;

4) monitoring compliance by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs with the requirements established by law in the field of transport services for passengers and transportation of luggage by passenger taxi.

The development and modernization of the transport sector and improving road safety are factors stimulating the socio-economic development of the republic. To solve these problems, it is necessary to take urgent measures to overcome the negative trends that have developed in the development of the transport industry.

Technical re-equipment of transport in the current conditions is a key task. Without it, it is impossible to achieve a significant improvement in the use of the republic’s transport potential and efficient service to the economy and population, as well as to fully ensure the safety of transportation and environmental protection.

When updating and replenishing vehicle fleets, carriers must be supplied with new promising types of vehicles that have a higher efficiency, consume less energy, and fully meet the requirements for transportation safety and environmental protection.

The State Program of the Republic of Mari El "Development of the transport system of the Republic of Mari El and improving road safety for the period until 2020" (hereinafter referred to as the State Program) provides for:

development and modernization of highways;

improving road safety;

development of airport infrastructure;

development of the service sector of railway, road and urban ground electric transport.

Road maintenance

Due to the lack of railway communications and waterways in most areas of the Republic of Mari El, the main cargo transportation is carried out by road.

The state of the road network of the Republic of Mari El affects the cost of transporting goods and passengers by increasing traffic speed, reducing fuel consumption, and maintaining the quality of road transport. Improving road conditions can reduce the number of deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents.

The most significant social consequences include the following:

raising the level and improving the social living conditions of the population;

an increase in the number of settlements connected by roads;

transport effect, which characterizes the direct benefit of road users from improving road conditions in the form of reducing transportation costs, increasing the operating period of transport, increasing traffic speed;

reduction of mortality in roadless areas due to timely provision of medical care;

assistance in servicing new transport links, development of new territories and resources;

reducing the negative consequences of emergencies and natural disasters;

socio-economic effect due to increased travel convenience and safety, reduced travel time for passengers;

increasing the level of investment attractiveness of the territory and obtaining additional profit from the sale of products that are in high market demand;

reducing the negative impact of vehicles on the environment;

improving traffic safety on highways;

increase in the road works market, growth in production capacity in the road industry;

the emergence of conditions for the organization of additional jobs in the road and related industries.

The share of roads with an improved type of surface is 2,739.7 km (89 percent of the total length of roads), of which 2,673.7 km (87 percent) have asphalt concrete and 66.0 km (2.14 percent) cement concrete surface. Highways with transitional (crushed stone, gravel) and lower (dirt) types of coverage amount to 286.3 km (9.3 percent) and 33.8 km (1.1 percent of the total length), respectively. There are no roads to 697 settlements with a total length of 1227 km.

V category and non-category - 293.5 km (9.53 percent). The highway network of the Republic of Mari El was formed in the 60s - 80s of the last century on the basis of the regulatory documents in force at that time. The technical level of existing roads (permissible axle loads of vehicles is 6 tons per axle) does not meet modern requirements (actual axle loads of modern vehicles are 10 tons per axle), and even more so the future requirements (11.5 tons per axle).

The actual loads significantly exceed the bearing capacity of the existing road network, which leads to intensive destruction of road pavement structures.

The main problem of public roads of republican significance in the Republic of Mari El is the high proportion of roads that do not meet regulatory requirements for transport and operational indicators.

In 2009, a diagnostic of the core network of highways was carried out in order to assess the transport and operational condition of highways along which the movement of motor vehicles carrying out intermunicipal and interregional transportation is carried out: 48.6 percent of the surveyed roads have an acceptable condition, 39.7 percent - unacceptable and 11 .7 percent is the normative state.

1,117.491 km, or 88.13 percent of the entire length of the diagnosed section of the main road network on the territory of the Republic of Mari El, require repair and overhaul.

Intermunicipal roads are in the worst condition: more than 1,800 km of roads require repair or major overhaul.

According to the survey of artificial road structures and elements of the situation, carried out during the certification of highways, a large number of structures were identified that were in unsatisfactory or emergency condition:

bridges - 41 objects (20.1 percent of the total), of which 16 objects (7.8 percent) are in disrepair;

culverts - 651 objects (13.7 percent), of which 21 objects (0.44 percent) are in disrepair;

bus stops - 257 objects (29.5 percent);

on dangerous sections of highways, the installation of metal barrier fences with a length of 21.6 km is required;

it is necessary to replace cable barriers, as non-compliant with regulatory requirements, with metal barriers with a length of 50.6 km;

To bring highways into compliance with traffic management projects, it is necessary to install or replace more than 20 thousand road signs.

Due to non-compliance with standard turnaround times as a result of insufficient funding from the republican budget of the Republic of Mari El for repair and overhaul of highways, an avalanche-like increase in the number of defects in road elements occurs.

The annual increase in the volume of road surface defects (potholes, cracks, continuous pitting) ranges from 25 to 75 percent.

An analysis of the impact of road financing on the future state of highways showed that with the amount of financing for road repairs less than 100 million rubles annually (excluding the costs of maintaining highways), degradation of roads will occur in the coming years, with financing in the amount of 100 - 300 million. rubles - the rate of degradation will only slow down, funding of 500 million rubles will also lead to the degradation of roads in five years, and only with a volume of 700 million rubles will the condition of the network improve slightly. The allocation of funds in the amount of more than 1,300 million rubles annually for the repair of highways will gradually lead to an improvement in the condition of the road network.

From the history of statehood of the Mari region The problem of historical law: the development of the ancient Mari in the force field of the Slavic and Turkic worlds - the Tatar-Mongol conquest and Russian rule (Kievan Rus) After the collapse of the Golden Horde in the 15th century - the Kazan Khanate; 1552 - capture of Kazan, foundation of Tsarev Grad National liberation movement of the Mari people (“Cheremis Wars”) Mari region as part of the Russian Empire (provinces, zemstvos, etc., Christianization, Russification) Soviet period: November 4, 1920 – MAO ; December 5, 1936 - MASSR October 22, 1990 - Declaration of State Sovereignty July 8, 1992 - Republic of Mari El

Mari population according to census data 1795 – 158 thousand people 1897 – 375.5 thousand people 1926 – 428.2 thousand people 1959 – 504.2 thousand people 1970 – 598.6 thousand people 1989 – 670.8 thousand people 2002 – 604, 3 thousand people

Ethnic composition of the population of the Republic of Mari El Russian people 47.5% Mari people 42.9% Tatars people 6% Chuvash 7,418 people 1% Udmurts 2,166 people 0.3% Other nationalities 2.3%

Distribution of representatives of the titular nations of Mari El, Tatarstan and Chuvashia in the national republics and the Russian Federation Population * Number of the titular nation Number of nationalities ** Total number in the Russian Federation Republic of Tatarstan, 9% 100 Tatars * ** Republic of Mari El, 9% 92 Mari Republic of Chuvashia % 115 Chuvash *According to the 2002 census **In total there are 142 nationalities in the Russian Federation ***Incl. Astrakhan, Siberian, Crimean Tatars, Kryashchens

International instruments governing national policies Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (1950) Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious or Linguistic Minorities, adopted by the UN General Assembly ( 1992) Convention on Guaranteeing the Rights of Persons Belonging to National Minorities (1994)

Legal basis of the national policy of the Russian Federation The Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted on December 12, 1993 Federal Law of May 19, 1995 N 82-FZ "On Public Associations Federal Law of October 25, 1995 On the Languages ​​of the Peoples of the Russian Federation Federal Law of June 17, 1996 N 74-FZ "On National-Cultural Autonomy" Concept of State National Policy of the Russian Federation, June 15, 1996

Legal basis of the national policy of the RME The Constitution of the Republic of Mari El was adopted on June 24, 1995 Law of the Republic of Mari El dated May 31, 1994 85-3 On culture Law of the Republic of Mari El dated October 26, 1996 On languages ​​in the Republic of Mari El Concept of state national policy of the Republic of Mari El , December 13, 1997 Republican target program Cultural heritage of the Republic of Mari El for years Republican target program Development of ethnocultural and interethnic relations in the Republic of Mari El (2004 - 2008) Republican target program "Ethnocultural development of the Republic of Mari El (2009 - 2013)

Coordination and monitoring of intercultural connections and interethnic relations in the RME Ministry of Culture, Press and National Affairs of the RME (Department of Interethnic and Interfaith Relations) Government Commission for the Implementation of the Concept of State National Policy of the Republic of Mari El Council for Interaction with Religious Associations under the President of the Republic of Mari El Council for Affairs of Nationalities under the Ministry of Culture, Press and National Affairs of the RME MarNIYALI named after V.M. Vasilyeva

Public association A public association is understood as a voluntary, self-governing, non-profit formation created on the initiative of citizens united on the basis of common interests to realize common goals specified in the charter of the public association. The right of citizens to create public associations is exercised both directly through the association of individuals and through legal entities - public associations (Article 5 of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 82-FZ “On Public Associations”).

National-cultural autonomy National-cultural autonomy in the Russian Federation is a form of national-cultural self-determination, which is an association of citizens of the Russian Federation who identify themselves as belonging to a certain ethnic community that is in the situation of a national minority in the relevant territory, on the basis of their voluntary self-organization for the purpose of independent addressing issues of preserving identity, developing language, education, and national culture. National-cultural autonomy is a type of public association. The organizational and legal form of national-cultural autonomy is a public organization (Article 1, Chapter 1 of the Federal Law of June 17, 1996 N 74-FZ On National-Cultural Autonomy).

The problem of terminology National-cultural autonomy (in the 19th century - Austrian social democrats O. Bauer and K. Renner) - spiritual cultural community + psychophysical type of people connected by a common language and territory Marxist approach - V. Lenin (“abomination”), I . Stalin, N. Bukharin (“Marxism and the national question”). After the Second World War - ethno-parliaments as the practical embodiment of the NCA (Austria, Hungary, Norway) The theoretical concepts of “national minority”, “nationalism”, “diaspora”, “nation”, “people”, “ethnic group”, etc. have not been developed.

Mari national public associations RME Congress of the Mari People All-Mari Council Mer Kanash Mari National Congress Mari regional public organization "Union of Mari Youth "U Viy" Interregional public organization "Mari Ushem" Public organization "Mari Tunyktysho" of the Republic of Mari El Republican public movement Mari National Congress Union women Mari Saskaviy Regional public organization "Eastern Mari Community "Osh Viche" SDPO Er Viy

National-cultural autonomies of the RME 1. Public organization of Yoshkar-Ola “Local national-cultural autonomy of Ukrainians” 2. Public organization “Regional national-cultural autonomy of the Tatars of the Republic of Mari El” 3. Local (village) national-cultural autonomy of the Tatars p. Medvedevo 4. Public organization "Local national-cultural autonomy of the Tatars of the municipal formation "Morkinsky district" 5. Public organization "Regional Jewish national-cultural autonomy of the Republic of Mari El" 6. Public organization "Jewish national-cultural autonomy of the city of Volzhsk" 7. Public organization "Jewish National-Cultural Autonomy of Yoshkar-Ola"

National public associations RME 1 Public organization "Society of Tatar Muslims "Ralina", Yoshkar-Ola 2 Public charitable organization of the Republic of Mari El "Jewish Community Center HEСED-MAKOR" 3 Public organization "Kurultai Bashkir", Yoshkar-Ola 4 Public organization " Society of Tatars "Duslyk" ("Friendship") of the Republic of Mari El" 5 Regional Public Organization "Dagestan Diaspora" of the Republic of Mari El 6 Regional public organization "Asia" of the Republic of Mari El 7 Public organization "Union of Armenians in the Republic of Mari El 8 Azerbaijani National-Cultural public organization of the Republic of Mari El "Azerbaijan" 9 Public organization "National Uzbek Cultural Center "Sarbon" of the Republic of Mari El

Stages of creating public associations 1. Public associations are created on the initiative of their founders - at least three individuals. The founders, along with individuals, may include legal entities - public associations. 2. The decision to create a public association, to approve its charter and to form governing and control and audit bodies are made at a congress (conference) or general meeting (documented in the form of minutes). From the moment these decisions are made, the public association is considered created: it carries out its statutory activities, acquires rights, with the exception of the rights of a legal entity. 3. The legal capacity of a public association as a legal entity arises from the moment of state registration of this association.




Environmental pollution– entry into the environment of substances and (or) energy, the properties, location or quantity of which have a negative impact on the environment;

Pollutant– a substance or mixture of substances, the quantity and (or) concentration of which exceeds the standards established for chemical substances, including radioactive substances, other substances and microorganisms and has a negative impact on the environment;

Harmful substance- a chemical compound that, upon contact with the human body, causes deviations in the state of health, diseases during work and in the long term. GOST 12.1.007-76

AKHOV and SDYAV- a toxic chemical compound that is used in large quantities in production and, when released into the atmosphere during an accident, causes contamination of the environment and mass casualties of people.

Toxic substance- a chemical compound that causes disturbances in metabolic processes.

Harm to the environment– a negative change in the environment as a result of its pollution, resulting in the degradation of natural ecological systems and the depletion of natural resources.

Environmental Safety– the state of protection of the natural environment and vital human interests from the possible negative impact of economic and other activities, natural and man-made emergencies, and their consequences.

Environmental risk– the likelihood of an event occurring that has adverse consequences for the natural environment and is caused by the negative impact of economic and other activities, natural and man-made emergencies (Article 1 of the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” No. 7-FZ of January 10, 2002).

Environmental risk– deterioration in the quality of environmental components, degradation of flora and fauna, decrease in species diversity, disruption of biogeochemical cycles, biotic self-regulation, ecological balance, decrease in the adaptive capabilities of ecosystems, exhaustion of ecological capacity (Military ecology, p. 573).

Environmental risk– the likelihood of adverse consequences for environmental resources of any (intentional, accidental, gradual, catastrophic) anthropogenic changes in natural objects and factors (N.F. Reimers, Nature Management, reference dictionary, p. 462).

Environmental risk should be determined taking into account:

1). Sources of anthropogenic impacts

2). Hazardous exposure factors emanating from exposure sources

3). Critical (limit) values ​​of hazardous factors leading to varying degrees of changes in the state of environmental components and human health.

Health risk is the likelihood of developing a threat to human life or health or a threat to the life or health of future generations, caused by exposure to environmental factors.

Environmental Safety(EB) a set of actions, states, processes that do not directly or indirectly lead to vital damage (or threats of such damage) caused to the natural environment, individuals, humanity (N.F. Reimers, Nature Management, dictionary-reference book, p. 42)

Environmental regulations(hereinafter also referred to as environmental standards) – established standards for environmental quality and standards for permissible impact on it, the observance of which ensures the sustainable functioning of natural ecological systems and preserves biological diversity; (Federal Law No. 7).

Environmental quality standards– standards that are established in accordance with physical, chemical, biological and other indicators for assessing the state of the environment and, if observed, ensure a favorable environment; (Federal Law No. 7).

Environmental standards:

Medical (sanitary and hygienic), which characterize the level of threats to human health (MPC, MPL, LC, LD, size of the sanitary protection zone)

Technological (PDS, PDV, VSV, VSS), which set limits on the impact on the environment and must ensure life safety during the normal operation of techno-objects

Scientific and technical, which characterize the ability of control means to detect the actual level of physical and chemical contamination of biological objects and environmental conditions,

The consequences of an accident or fire are understood as the number of victims living or working in the territory adjacent to the facility where activities are carried out using fire-explosive and emergency chemically hazardous substances or transportation of these substances by pipeline transport.

Injured, dead. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 21, 2007 No. 2640, the number of dead and injured refers to the number of people who died or suffered health damage as a result of an emergency.

Deadweight loss area– an area in which, as a result of an emergency, all people who find themselves must die.

Area of ​​sanitary losses– an area in which, as a result of an emergency, damage to human health will be caused to all affected people.

1. Introduction. Goals and objectives.

The impact of economic activities on the environment is a consequence of the design, construction and normal operation of engineering structures, facilities, accidents, and fires.

Current assessment, forecasting, planning of anthropogenic activities in the environmental sphere is a condition for increasing the efficiency of administrative and economic methods for managing routine and emergency situations.

Carrying out such an assessment contributes to ensuring a safe life (LS) of the population, preserving the quality of the environment (ES) of settlements, territories, resolving contradictions of an environmental and economic nature when carrying out economic activities,

Purpose of the discipline“Ecology of territories” consists of mastering scientifically based principles, methods, means of practically achieving the possible and desired level of environmental safety of territories, rational use of natural resources when carrying out anthropogenic activities, taking into account the risk of fires, accidents, catastrophes and the implementation of a course for sustainable development.

The task of the discipline consists of studying the laws of human interaction with the environment (EN) and the natural development of natural ecosystems, ways to protect the socio-natural environment from the environmental consequences of regular economic activities, fires, man-made and natural disasters.

The test, being the final stage of training, solves the following problems:

1) consolidation of the theoretical foundations of the completed course;

2) acquiring the skills to independently solve management and engineering problems of protecting the population and territories, based on calculation methods for assessing the environmental risk to life, human health, the state of ecosystems and environmental and economic damage from routine and emergency emissions.

Objectives of the test consists of carrying out a current assessment and/or forecast of the environmental situation in the territory of a populated area in normal and emergency situations to determine measures to mitigate threats and ensure the safety of its population.

2. World environmental problem

In recent years, the word “ecology” has gained exceptional popularity.

Scientific achievements of the 20th century created the illusion of almost complete controllability, however, the economic activity of human society, the extensive use of natural resources, the huge scale of waste - all this is in conflict with the capabilities of the planet (its resource potential, fresh water reserves, the ability to self-purify the atmosphere, waters, rivers, seas, oceans).

There are two aspects of the environmental problem:

Environmental crises arising as a consequence of natural processes

Crises caused by anthropogenic impact and irrational environmental management.

The advance of glaciers, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, floods, etc. are natural factors. They are natural on our planet. The solution to these types of problems lies in the ability to predict them.

But other environmental crises also arose. For centuries, man has uncontrollably taken everything that nature gives him and she “takes revenge” on him for every wrong step (the Aral Sea, Chernobyl, BAM, Lake Baikal).

The main problem is the inability of the planet to cope with the waste of human activity, with the function of self-cleaning and repair. The biosphere is being destroyed. Therefore, there is a great risk of self-destruction of humanity as a result of its own life activity.

Nature is influenced by society in the following areas:

Using environmental components as a resource base for production.

Impact of human production activities on the environment

Demographic pressure is not due to nature (agricultural use of land, population growth, growth of large cities).

Many global problems of humanity are intertwined here - resource, food, demographic - they all have access to environmental issues. But it also has a great influence on these problems of humanity.

The current situation on the planet is characterized by a sharp deterioration in the quality of the environment - pollution of air, rivers, lakes, seas, the unification and even complete disappearance of many species of flora and fauna, soil degradation, desertification, etc. The adverse effects of human activity have spread to the biosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere , lithosphere. This conflict creates the threat of irreversible changes in natural systems, undermining the natural conditions and resources of existence of generations of the planet's inhabitants. The growth of the productive forces of society, population growth, urbanization, scientific and technological progress are catalysts for these processes.

Even the global warming trend is associated with air pollution.

Carbon dioxide allows the radiant energy of the Sun to pass through, but traps the Earth's thermal radiation and thereby creates a “greenhouse effect.” The content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing (as a result of deforestation, burning of forests, due to its pollution by industrial waste and exhaust gases. Emissions of chlorofluorocarbons also contribute to climate warming. The influence of human civilization on the Earth’s climate is a sad reality. The greenhouse effect disrupts the planet’s climate, changing such important quantities such as precipitation, wind directions, cloud layers, ocean currents and the size of the polar ice caps. The level of the world's oceans may rise, causing problems for island countries.

There are forecasts about the impact of global climate warming on certain areas of the Earth. But no one knows for sure what the consequences might be on a global scale.

An assessment of the scientific evidence and possible course of action for the global community on this issue is needed.

The most important component of the atmosphere, influencing the climate, protecting all life on Earth from the radiation of the Sun, is the ozone layer. Ozone in the atmosphere absorbs hard ultraviolet radiation. Oxides of nitrogen, heavy metals, fluorine, chlorine, and bromine play an active role in the processes of formation and destruction of ozone.

Observations from artificial satellites have shown a decrease in ozone levels. Scientists associate an increase in the intensity of ultraviolet radiation with an increase in eye diseases and cancer, and the occurrence of mutations. People, the world's oceans, climate, flora and fauna were under attack.

It is impossible not to note the impact on the ecology of radioactive pollution of the environment (nuclear energy, nuclear weapons testing). After the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, directly opposite opinions are expressed: some are in favor of further development, others are in favor of eliminating all nuclear power plants and stopping the construction of new ones. But their existence in the coming years is an objective reality. Thermonuclear fusion, according to the IAEA, is a method of producing energy that is potentially acceptable from the point of view of ecology, safety and economics and can in the future provide the entire world with the necessary amount of energy.

The severity of the socio-ecological situation in developing countries has led to the emergence of the “third world” phenomenon. It is characterized by:

· natural uniqueness of the tropical zone

· traditional orientation of development, which objectively leads to increased pressure on the biosphere (rapid population growth, traditional agriculture, etc.);

· interconnection and interdependence of different regions of the world (transfer of pollution);

· underdevelopment of these countries, dependence on former metropolises.

If for industrialized countries environmental problems are of an “industrial nature,” then for developing countries they involve the reuse of natural resources (forests, soils, and other natural resources). In other words, if developed countries suffer from their “wealth,” then developing countries suffer from “poverty.”

Developing countries accuse the developed world of unwillingness to admit responsibility for environmental pollution, the expansion of the ozone hole, the greenhouse effect, etc. They believe that economically developed countries must take the lead in global action to prevent environmental disaster. Most likely, the world community will make a compromise decision. But will they be implemented?

Trees and soils are critical to the global oxygen and carbon cycle. This is especially important in connection with the possibility of climate change due to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

The expanding needs of society accelerated, beginning in the 16th century, deforestation in Western Europe. However, at present, the area of ​​forests in temperate latitudes is not decreasing, but is even increasing as a result of reforestation work.

In third world countries the picture is different. Tropical rainforests are being destroyed at an unprecedented rate, and these forests are often called the “lungs of the Planet.” Among the main reasons for deforestation in developing countries are the following: the traditional slash-and-burn farming system, the use of wood as fuel, and cutting for export. Tropical rainforests are being cut down ten times faster than their natural regeneration rate. The catastrophic decline in forests in Southeast Asia could lead to their complete destruction in 15-20 years.

Due to the very important importance of tropical rainforests, their destruction is a major economic disaster for the entire planet. It will be expressed in a reduction in oxygen supply and an increase in carbon dioxide content, the destruction of many species of plants and animals.

In terms of the speed of destruction processes and territorial distribution, deforestation in mountainous areas has very serious consequences. This leads to high-mountain desertification.

Now the process of desertification, originating locally, has assumed a global scale.

According to climate data, deserts and semi-deserts occupy more than a third of the land surface and over 15% of the world's population live in this territory. Only as a result of human economic activity over the past 25 years, more than 9 million square kilometers of deserts have appeared.

The main causes of desertification include the destruction of sparse vegetation due to excessive grazing, plowing of pastures, cutting down trees and shrubs for fuel, industrial and road construction, etc. Added to these processes are wind erosion, drying out of the upper soil horizons, and droughts.

All this leads to a decrease in productive land in the “third world” countries, and it is in these countries that the largest population growth is observed, i.e. the need for food increases.

Soon, not ideological, but environmental problems will be in the foreground throughout the world; not relations between nations, but relations between nations and nature will dominate. There is an urgent need for a person to change his attitude towards the environment and his ideas about safety. Global military spending is about one trillion a year. At the same time, there are no means to monitor global climate change, survey the ecosystems of disappearing tropical rainforests and expanding deserts. Governments continue to view security only from a military perspective. And although there is still the possibility of unleashing a nuclear war, the concept of security must also include concern for the environment.

The natural way of survival is to maximize the strategy of frugality in relation to the outside world. All members of the world community must participate in this process.

The ecological revolution will win when people are able to reassess values, look at themselves as not an integral part of nature, on which their future and the future of their descendants depends.

3. Republic of Mari El

3.1.1 Administrative-territorial division of the republic

Mari El

The Mari El Republic is located in the middle reaches of the Volga River, bordering on the Nizhny Novgorod region in the west, the Kirov region in the northeast, Tatarstan in the southeast and the Chuvash Republic in the south.

The territory of the republic is 23.3 thousand square meters. km. Length of territory
from west to east - 320 km and from north to south - 150 km.

a) Relief - undulating plain, elevated in the northeastern and southwestern parts, intersected by river valleys, many streams and ravines, and swampy in places. Elevation marks of the plain above sea level: in the northeast - +50 - +270 m, in the southwest - +70 - +200 m, in the rest
parts - +70 - +110 m.

The soils in the southern part are sandy, sandy loam, in the northern
parts are clayey and loamy, and the lower parts are peaty.

b) The climate is temperate continental. The long-term average annual temperature is +2.6°C, the average long-term winter temperature is -9.5°C. The average annual norm of sunny days is 257. The predominant wind direction is southern, southwestern.

The average annual precipitation is 540 mm. The start of freezing is at the end of November. The opening time of the rivers is in mid-April. The duration of snow cover is 145-155 days.

The Republic of Mari El is located at the junction of the Volga Upland and the East European Plain in a temperate continental climate zone.

c) Vegetation - in the northwest, south and central part
(50.6% of the territory) - mixed forest, with a predominance of coniferous trees. Pine forests form large continuous tracts. The rest of the area is mixed grass meadows with copses.

The share of forest species is:

Coniferous forest 558.9 thousand hectares 51.8%;

Deciduous forest 427.4 thousand hectares 46.8%.

Forests are classified according to the degree of fire danger:

High fire 51%;

Above average 9%;

Average 14%;

Below average 25%;

Low 1%.

The average fire danger class of the republic's forests is “above average.”

d) Hydrography - a developed river network with a predominantly southern flow direction. The main rivers are the Volga and Vetluga. Interdune, floodplain and karst lakes throughout the republic.
In the south - the Kuibyshev and Cheboksary reservoirs (in the floodplain of the Volga River).

Administrative-territorial division republics: 14 districts, 3 cities of republican subordination (Yoshkar-Ola, Volzhsk and Kozmodemyansk), 1 city of regional subordination (Zvenigovo), 19 urban-type settlements, 180 rural administrations and 1,640 rural settlements. The capital of the republic is the city of Yoshkar-Ola with a population of 278 thousand people.

Number of cities assigned to civil defense groups

Civil defense groups in the Republic of Mari El include: Yoshkar-Ola - 2nd group, Volzhsk - 3rd group.

There are 54 potentially dangerous objects located on the territory of the Republic of Mari El.

Possible natural hazards

The following natural disasters are possible for the Republic of Mari El:


Karst subsidence of the earth's surface;

Soil erosion;



Increase (decrease) in groundwater levels;

Storms (9-11 points);

Hurricanes (12-15 points);

Large hail;

Heavy rain or snowfall;

Ice, snow drifts;

Flood, flooding;

Forest fires, peat fires,

Epidemics, epizootics, epiphytoties.

The Republic of Mari El was founded on November 4, 1920. The history of statehood of Mari El dates back to the signing of the decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, in accordance with which the Mari Autonomous Region was formed. On December 5, 1936, in accordance with the Constitution of the USSR, the autonomous region was transformed into the Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. On July 8, 1992, the republic officially became known as the Republic of Mari El. The Republic has its own symbols of statehood: the State Flag, the Coat of Arms, and the Anthem. The official languages ​​are Mari and Russian. In 1991, the republic introduced the position of president, who is the head of the Civil Defense of the Republic of Mari El. In 2001, Leonid Igorevich Markelov was elected to the post of President of the Republic of Mari El.

Brief description and historical background of the capital

Republic of Mari El.

The capital of the Republic of Mari El is the city of Yoshkar-Ola, (423 years old), which translated from the Mari language means Red City, founded in 1584 as a military fortress under Fyodor Ivanovich, the son of Ivan the Terrible, in the wilderness on the river. Malaya Kokshaga and stretches along the river from north to south. In those days it was called Tsarevokokshaisk. Having emerged as a guard town, it then became a county town (almost 300 years ago), and in 1781, by government decree, the city began to have its own coat of arms, which depicted a silver elk on a blue field. In 1919 it was renamed Krasnokokshaysk, and in 1928 it received a new name - Yoshkar-Ola. In 1936, the city of Yoshkar-Ola became the capital of the Mari Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now the Republic of Mari El).

Administrative-territorial division of the republic

3.1.2 General information

The territory of the republic is located at the junction of various natural zones (forest and forest-steppe). One part of it is located on the left, low bank of the river. Volga, and the other - on the right, high, on the northern spurs of the Volga Upland.

The territory of the republic stretches from north to south for 150 km, from west to east - 275 km.

According to the nature of the relief, the eastern left bank is a hilly plain, passing to the west into the Mari swampy lowland, the right bank is the outskirts of the Volga Upland.

Distribution of land fund by land (thousand hectares): agricultural land, total - 786.8; lands under surface water - 84.8; swamps - 34.7; land under forests and trees and shrubs - 1346.9; other lands - 84.3.

In the republic, agricultural lands are dominated by soddy-podzolic low-humus soils, which occupy 71% of the area.

Agricultural products obtained from the fields of the republic's farms do not always meet sanitary and hygienic conditions.

The Republic has the following minerals: carbonate rocks for the production of building and facing stones, crushed stone, limestone flour and building lime, glass, silicate and construction sands, brick and expanded clay, gypsum and anhydrite, peat, sapropel, fresh and mineral groundwater, therapeutic mud.

In 1996, the government of the republic adopted a resolution “On the protection and rational use of peat swamps in the Republic of Mari El”, in which 13 deposits with a total area of ​​16.7 thousand hectares are classified as specially protected areas (natural monuments). In addition, 12 deposits with a total area of ​​26.8 thousand hectares have been identified as promising protected areas of republican significance. The share of peat deposits taken under protection is 1.9% of the territory of the republic.

Main rivers - Volga and Vetluga. The main rivers are Ilet, Yushut, Bolshoi Kundysh, Bolshaya Kokshaga.

Among the pollutants discharged into water bodies, easily oxidizable substances according to BOD5, ammonium nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, metal compounds, phosphates and petroleum products predominated. Of the lakes, the cleanest are Lake. Crucian carp and Thorn.

Most of the water bodies are classified as class 3 moderately polluted waters.

More than 30% of the pollution of water bodies comes from pulp and paper industry enterprises, as well as treatment facilities of the housing and communal services of Yoshkar-Ola.

The territory of the Republic is located within the Eastern European artesian region. The Republic has significant resources of drinking quality groundwater, the reserves of which are estimated at 3.2 million m 3 /day.

Medicinal mineral water are represented by 2 types: nitrogen mineral waters that do not contain specific components (chloride-sulfate, sodium-calcium, magnesium-calcium, calcium), which are used as medicinal drinking water in local sanatoriums, and mineral waters with specific components (ferruginous, iodide , bromine, with a high boron content, hydrogen sulfide).

Trees and shrubs of the republic occupies an area of ​​1343 thousand hectares, which is 57% of the land fund of the republic. The forest cover of the republic is 50.3%. In the age structure of forests, the majority are represented by young stands (46.4%) and middle-aged plantations (31.8%). About 60% of the area of ​​mature and overmature forest stands is suitable for exploitation. Forest-covered lands - 1067.7 thousand hectares, including forest crops occupy 216.3 thousand hectares. Of the 466.9 thousand hectares of forests of the first group (415.2 thousand hectares are covered with forest), 248.2 thousand hectares are possible for exploitation. Of the 724.1 thousand hectares of forests of the second 2 groups (652.5 thousand hectares covered with forest), 522.3 thousand hectares are possible for exploitation.

Flora The republic is represented by more than 600 plant species. Among them are rare species listed in the Red Book of Russia: common slipper, multifidus, leafless mullet, long-leaved sundew, squat cloudberry, few-flowered sedge, common ram, and flooded clubmoss.

Animals . The most acute problem regarding the number of hunting and commercial species is the decrease in the number of wild ungulates. In recent years, there has been a trend towards a decrease in the number of elk and wild boar not only in the republic, but also in other nearby regions of Russia.

Forest lakes Yalchik, Kichier, Karas are the pearls of the Mari region, on the banks of which there are health resorts of Russian significance.

Geological natural monuments:

o Krasnogorsk springs (hydrogeological type of federal rank) - a group of springs on the banks of the river. Fly. The composition of the spring water is sulfate-bicarbonate calcium-magnesium, the total flow rate is 500 l/s. There are also many oxbow lakes, at the bottom of which medicinal hydrogen sulfide mud accumulates; its properties are not inferior to the mud of the Odessa estuaries.

o Pocket-Kuryk (geological type of federal rank) - deposits in the low-mountain part of the Vyatka-Mari swell. On the slopes of the mountain, a layer of interlayered limestone and dolomite containing a fauna of corals, bryozoans, mollusks, crinoids, etc. was exposed.

On the territory of the republic there is the Mari Nature Reserve - "Bolshaya Kokshaga".

3.1.3 Industry and agriculture

Leading industries industry- mechanical engineering and metalworking. Refrigeration equipment, semiconductor devices, machines for forestry, road construction machines, components and assemblies for excavators, etc. are produced here. The largest factories for the production of artificial leather in the Russian Federation are located in the Mari Republic. There are enterprises in the knitting, clothing, glass and food industries.

Under agricultural grounds 35% of the republic's territory is occupied. Rye, buckwheat, peas, oats, wheat, flax and potatoes are grown here, and cattle, pigs, sheep and goats are raised.

3.1.4 Environmental situation

Atmospheric air. The industries that contribute the largest share to air pollution include public pipeline transport (33% of total emissions, excluding vehicle emissions), woodworking and pulp and paper industries (22%), mechanical engineering and metalworking (18%) .

One of the main air pollutants in the Republic is road transport. The largest amount of emissions here comes from carbon monoxide (75% of the total), hydrocarbons (13%), and nitrogen oxides (10%).

Waste. One of the serious problems in the republic is the disposal and processing of industrial and household waste. There are more than 120 different household waste dumps in the republic, most of which do not meet sanitary standards. 45% of landfills do not have minimum engineering equipment. Toxic industrial waste is removed and buried at an industrial waste site.

For thousands of years, man lived, worked, developed, but he did not even suspect that perhaps the day would come when it would become difficult, and perhaps impossible, to breathe clean air, drink clean water, grow anything on the ground, since the air is ¾ polluted, the water is ¾ poisoned, the soil ¾ is contaminated with radiation or other chemicals. But a lot has changed since then. And in our century this is a very real threat, and not many people realize it. Such people, the owners of large factories, the oil and gas industry, think only about themselves, about their wallet. They neglect safety rules, ignore the requirements of the environmental police, GREANPEACE, and are too lazy to buy new filters for industrial wastewater and gases that pollute the atmosphere. What could be the conclusion? ¾ Another Chernobyl, if not worse. So maybe we should think about this?

Every person must realize that Humanity is on the verge of death, and whether we survive or not is the merit of each of us.


1. S.N.Bobylev, Khodzhaev A.Sh. , Economics of Environmental Management, “Teis”, 1997, 272

2. Golub A.A. Economy of environmental management: Textbook for university students / Golub A.A., Strukova E.B. -B.M.: Aspect Press, 1995.

3. Novoselov A.L. Environmental economics. M.: Finstatinform, 2000.

4. Economics of environmental management: Textbook / Demakova V.D., Freidkina E.M. - Syktyvkar, 1995.

5. Bronshtein A.M., Litvin V.A., Rusin I.N. Greening the economy: methods of regional management. - M.: Nauka, 1990.- 120 p.

6. Temporary methodology for determining prevented environmental damage. 03/09/99

7. Yearbook of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere of cities and regions of the Russian Federation. S.-P.: Research Institute for Atmospheric Air Protection, 2000

8. State report on the state of the environment in the Russian Federation in 2000. M., 2001.

9. Collection of analytical and normative-methodological materials on the economics of environmental management. Parts I and II. - M.: Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, 1993.

Yoshkar-Ola, September 17. In Mari El, we continue to restore order in the most socially sensitive areas of our lives.

The Republic is moving from the past... to the future. You ask: “What else? “Yes, this can be said about any region. But it is in relation to Mari El that this phrase will be very accurate. Problems that have not been resolved in the region for decades are becoming a thing of the past. Let me emphasize: we have lived with this for decades!

Here is a vivid... no, more like a wet example. The notorious “Annikov Sea” in Yoshkar-Ola. A huge puddle on the street of the same name has long become a byword for the media, and on the Internet, pictures of cars drowning in this “sea” have provided the capital of Mari El with dubious fame.


And so it was from year to year: the people living here were flooded every summer, the residents suffered, cursing officials and the rains, journalists wrote, talked, and filmed about this shameful phenomenon, but... nothing changed. For decades. And now it’s done.

In the spring, the Head of the Republic instructed to put an end to the “sea” in the middle of the city. Alexander Evstifeev set the task of building on the street. Annikovo storm drainage system, and this had to be done before September 1st.

Assigned - done. At the same time, the Head of the region himself constantly, at all stages, monitored the construction of the storm drain, and repeatedly went to the site to see the progress of the work. And last week, the head of the region accepted the long-awaited object.

The total cost of work on equipping Annikova Street with storm sewerage amounted to 23 million rubles. Moreover, at a cost of 4 million, drainage was also completed at the nearby school No. 19, which also suffered from flooding.

The question is - what prevented us from doing this before and why did it take so many years to “drown” people? - apparently it will be rhetorical...

And such work is going on in many other directions. So, last week, and in the same way, on the instructions of Evstifeev, the reconstruction of the autodrome in Yoshkar-Ola was completed. The facility is just as socially important—beginner drivers learn to drive here.

Why is it a social issue? Yes, because the standard of living in the region is growing, and many families can already afford to have a car; a used “iron horse” can be bought for 50 thousand rubles. It’s very convenient: taking your child to kindergarten, picking up potatoes from the garden...

But. The problem was that the cadets learned how to behave safely on the road at a race track, which... itself was already dangerous! Ruined asphalt, an area overgrown with forests, no amenities... The head of the region ordered: to correct the situation!

And here is a radically updated race track in the capital of Mari El, located on the street. The builders were received by Evstifeev himself this week. The object differs from its former self, like the sky from the earth. High-quality asphalt, clear markings, the perimeter is fenced and the area here is finally illuminated.

The city budget invested 8.5 million rubles in the reconstruction of the facility. And again the money is not great. What, they couldn't find them earlier? Yes, of course they could. Some officials apparently lacked willpower and political will. Centuries pass, the political system changes, but we in Rus' historically cannot live without a kick...

...And certainly socially significant facilities were put into operation in the region on Friday. On one day, two kindergartens were opened in the republic at once - it’s hard to imagine a more significant topic! The question is a pressing one.

In the republic, again, for decades, starting from the 90s, kindergarten buildings were thoughtlessly given away, or rather sold left and right. And you didn’t have to be born a seer to predict what this would lead to! But for some reason we lived by the principle “After us, even a flood...”

Moreover. When there was a construction boom in Mari El in the 2000s, and businesses had money to build residential buildings in batches, for some reason, even in these favorable conditions, the authorities did not oblige investors to build kindergartens next to new houses. Didn’t you imagine that people could have children?!

But in the end, in Szombathely, for example, several blocks were built up at once, an entire city within a city, where there are no kindergartens, no new schools, and not even roads! And only now Mari El is solving this problem.

— Now we are eliminating the shortcomings of the previous urban planning policy, when a lot of housing was built in the republic and no kindergartens were built at all and very few schools were built. Now we are actively making up for this omission,” said Alexander Evstifeev.

And here is confirmation of these words: on Friday, two kindergartens were opened at once in Yoshkar-Ola and in the village. Medvedevo. From now on, the queue for places in the preschool education system has been reduced by 305 people. Now in the Mari capital alone, three more kindergartens with a total of 900 places are being built simultaneously.

According to Alexander Evstifeev, activities in this direction in the region will continue, and all options are being taken into account. And the republic will try to return the buildings of former kindergartens given for non-target needs, and use extensions to residential buildings, and, of course, build new buildings.

...At the same time, by solving long-standing problems that we inherited from the past, the republic manages to look forward to the future. It is impossible otherwise, so as not to mark time. Thus, Mari El is looking for reliable and promising partners with whom it would be beneficial for both parties to interact.

In Mari El on Wednesday, a meeting between the head of Mari El Alexander Evstifeev and the Ambassador of Belarus to the Russian Federation Oleg Isaev took place. The parties discussed issues of cooperation and increasing trade turnover, which reached $47 million in the first half of 2018. It is expected that a new cooperation agreement with Mari El will be signed in October as part of the Russia-Belarus forum.

And, of course, it is better to move forward by relying not only on worthy partners, but also on your own mind and fresh ideas. It is ideas that will bubble up in the new space of collective work “Boiling Point” - a discussion club with that name is being created in the capital of Mari El on the basis of MarSU.


The platform will begin its work on September 20 with the support of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, the Government of Mari El and the business community. Guests from the capital will come to us for the opening - representatives of ASI, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology, and federal-level entrepreneurs.

At the site, ways of socio-economic development of the region, increasing investment attractiveness and developing high-tech production in Mari El will be discussed.

...This is how, solving the problems of yesterday, we look to tomorrow. We move from the past to the future. It seems to me that the road is the right one)

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