The era of consumption is life in the modern world. The era of consumption

“If you want to live, know how to spin.” Life in the modern world akin to an endless race. The time we live in is a time of accelerated pace of life. Quickly take a shower, quickly eat a sausage, and run to work. Everyone runs at work too. Time must be saved, time is money.

Time, money and everything that money can buy are the most important values ​​in modern society.

Until recently, almost yesterday, our parents lived completely differently. Their life was predictable and planned. The value was respect in society, a board of honor. Could they imagine how quickly and dramatically life would change?

So what has changed?

Humanity is constantly evolving. We have entered the skin phase of development, the values ​​of which are complementary to the values ​​of a person with a skin vector. Life in the modern world is completely different than 50 years ago.

A skinny person is rational and pragmatic, fast and dexterous, the best earner, a born entrepreneur, an ambitious careerist. He is flexible in every sense of the word. He feels the rhythm and intuitively determines the time. A watch is his traditional accessory. They symbolize his value - time. Of people, mental properties and innate desires are determined as a skin vector, about 24%.

It was the rational skinned man, always cutting corners, not wanting to waste time avoiding ponds and cliffs, who built the bridges. It is the skinned person who has always introduced innovations into people’s lives that make their lives more convenient and save time. This is one of the specific roles of the skinner.

Life in the modern world is comfortable for humans. Just yesterday, some 100 years ago, this was not the case. It was the transition to the skin phase of development that led to the rapid flourishing of industry, producing everything that allows us to spend less time and consume more.

Procuring food and hunting is another specific role of a person with a skin vector. This was how it was in the society of primitive people, where each member of the tribe fulfilled his specific role - otherwise there was no way to survive.

Saving time, rationality, pragmatism, and production, production, production for the sake of consumption - all these are the values ​​of the skin person, and the collective values ​​of humanity in the skin phase of development.

Life in the modern world - what is success?

Success in the modern world is considered financial well-being and high social status. It is the person with the skin vector who strives for high social status and material advantage. This is his value. The one who can consume the most is now considered successful.

If you ask the average person about his goals, desires and plans, they will turn out to be material and related to consumption. Buy a house, apartment or car, visit a country or make repairs. Goals are considered to be what is associated with production and consumption.

Open any book about success - the word “success” means money. The word “goals” means material values ​​that can be purchased with money.

Any success training says the same thing: “Set yourself goals,” as if achieving these goals is success. Have you ever wondered why these trainings don’t work? Why do most people never do what they are taught in training? Why do some of them turn out to be completely unadapted to life in the modern world?

The answer is simple - the values ​​of the skin phase of development correspond to the values ​​and desires of the skin person. Such a person does not need success training - guided by his innate desires and aspirations, he achieves success himself, thanks to his mental properties.

And it will really bring him, a person with a skin vector, satisfaction, joy and happiness, material and social advantage. This is his value. He will feel that he has been fulfilled in this life. But this is not the value of other people who do not have a skin vector.

And a person, for example, with an anal vector, no matter how many success trainings he goes through, will never strive for the same thing. And even if it does, it will not bring him happiness and joy, since his innate, true desires will not be satisfied.

The era of consumption. Consumption as the meaning of life

“If you have achieved one goal, set the next one – higher and bigger,” say success coaches. “And you will be happy,” they mean. And for many, material goals are borrowed desires.

Life in the modern world, the world of consumers, provides many opportunities for a comfortable, interesting life. These possibilities are endless, but they require money. There is no way to live for free. For all the delights of modernity - the Internet, telephone, transport, comfort - you have to pay for everything. And if you want more, you need more money.

This is why the lives of many people have turned into a race for consumption.

Consumption in the modern world has become the meaning of life.

In the race for benefits, a person does not pay attention to his inner feelings - is he happy or not? Does he enjoy life or not? Is he satisfied with his life, or is something missing?

And this is perhaps the biggest trap of our time. If a person does not realize his mental properties, if he does not satisfy his innate desires, if, in other words, he does not fulfill his calling, his species role, then he will inevitably experience frustrations - unconscious internal shortcomings. This results in internal tension, which accumulates over the years and turns into hostility towards everyone and everything.

A person with deficiencies does not feel joy and satisfaction from life in the modern world, no matter how attractive it may be and no matter how much he consumes. He doesn’t understand what’s wrong – it’s unconscious dissatisfaction.

This is similar to dissatisfaction in sex. By the way, about sex. In the modern world, it has also turned into a consumer one.

“I feel good with you, give me your phone number” – sex consumers

We won’t talk about sexy users and pick-up artists, although there are a dime a dozen who want to become such.

We'll talk about the general trend. About the fact that meeting someone in a bar and immediately going to bed is now normal. One-time or several-time sex is a reality. Meeting (maintaining a relationship) with a girl (guy) in order to have sex is also a natural part of our life in the modern world.

We use each other to consume sex. Even single women are looking for partners not to create relationships, but for sex, “for health,” as they say.

Nobody considers a girl who often changes sexual partners to be a whore, as it was before. Frequent changes of partners have entered the range of sexual acceptability in the modern world.

The roots of this phenomenon are the values ​​of the skin vector. Having a balanced, not too strong libido, a person with a skin vector chases the factor of novelty. He is no longer excited by the partner to whom he is already accustomed. He seeks new sensations by changing sexual partners.

The sex consumer does not need commitment, relationships, love. He doesn’t care about the person next to him, he “consumes” him. He needs sex, new experiences, pleasure, fulfillment of his own desires. And there is a big catch in this too.

By consuming sex, a person loses that feeling of intimacy of what is happening, closeness, excitement, satisfaction that full intimacy can give. Life in the modern world is different in that feelings, sensuality and sensitivity are dulled, the desire for sex ceases to be huge and exciting the imagination. Easily accessible sex ceases to be something so passionately desired and bringing intense pleasure.

Surprisingly, such consumer sex eventually ceases to bring sexual satisfaction. As a result, private and collective sexual frustration is growing in society. And we have more and more homosexuals, pedophiles, etc.

Life in the modern world - is happiness possible?

We live in amazing times. It is really very interesting, it really gives us a lot of opportunities for enjoyment and fulfillment, for creating successful relationships and happiness in every sense of the word. Life in the modern world is an adventure for each of us.

In order for this adventure to be joyful, and not difficult and stressful, you need to fulfill your own, innate (healthy) desires, realize your own mental properties (vectors).

Innate mental properties and desires are hidden in the unconscious. The modern world, full of new discoveries, research and achievements, presents us with System-Vector Psychology. Thanks to this knowledge, you don’t need to spend many years searching for yourself, understanding your purpose, trying to understand your true desires. This can be done in the shortest possible time.

... Our ancestors could not even imagine what constitutes our reality. Likewise, the future of our descendants is hidden from us - no one knows what will happen next. One thing is clear - the development of humanity will continue...

People and animals, in Jaipur, India, a truck hit a motorcycle on which a family was riding: a husband, wife and two children. The mother died on the spot. Trying to save the 8-month-old girl, the father and her older brother cried for help for almost an hour. CCTV cameras captured cars passing by and people walking. Nobody stopped. The girl died.

This indifference has become a new reality and not only an Indian one. In Russia, journalists checked who and how quickly would come to the aid of a fallen pregnant woman. The shooting was staged. For 20 minutes, a hidden camera watched a crying, helpless man pass by.

This Wednesday, in the small town of Oktyabrsky, a “nine” was driving through the streets with a man spread out on the hood. Inside is a reckless driver without a license, outside is a downed traffic police lieutenant, Konstantin Kleschunov.

A crowd of teenagers watches this unusual situation with delight. And the next day, the hero of the Internet becomes not Lieutenant Kleshchunov, who drove 2 kilometers on the hood and detained the offender, but someone Albert Abdulov, who shouts off-screen: “Handsome!”

“Maybe people have some kind of delusions of grandeur, they think that this will show how cool they say they are,” says Alexander Nemenov, a photographer at the French Press agency.

Photographer Alexander Nemenov began his career back in the 90s. But at the end of the 2000s, competitors appeared. Amateur photographers get there before professionals. Almost any incident goes online within minutes: be it a fire or a plane crash, when eyewitnesses take out their mobile phones at the same time, as if they were rehearsing. A child is caught hanging from a Ferris wheel; sincere regret is usually caused by a dead battery or insufficient screen resolution.

Some amateur footage sometimes amazes even professionals who seem to have strong nerves with cynicism.

When the Tu-204 plane rolled out onto the highway near Vnukovo airport, Evgeny Zembitsky truly acted heroically. He was not afraid that the engine would explode and was the first to look for the wounded. He was one step away from a real feat. But as soon as firefighters and other volunteers arrived, Zhenya suddenly took out his phone and turned on the camera.

“This adrenaline is so rushing: there are firefighters, there is water on you. And at that moment I take out my phone and just like that: “from the scene,” says Evgeniy Zembitsky.

A mobile phone records how other people pull the wounded out of the rubble.

Evgeny never saved anyone. But he still became a hero. The video was watched by hundreds of thousands and appeared on television. And most importantly, Evgeniy does not regret anything today.

“Yes, maybe it’s cynical. I know that everything you film is misfortune. But, unfortunately, this is how our society is now. To make it more terrible... Maybe it’s somehow transmitted?” - says Evgeny Zembitsky.

The person who became an eyewitness usually has a choice. Try to help or watch from the side. Become a real hero (even if anonymous) or capture the moment on camera.

“This is a new culture. This new psychosis, photopsychosis. It leaves no time to think. Life is not even spent taking photographs, waiting for “likes”, waiting to be noticed,” says journalist Viktor Martinovich.

Journalist and blogger Viktor Martinovich writes an article with the headline “Stop taking pictures!” He believes it's not the cruelty of society. The only thing is that people live on the Internet and for the Internet. They are indifferent not only to trouble, but also to joyful moments. After all, they also go to a concert of their favorite artist with a camera.

Kylie Minogue once asked me to draw hearts with my hands.

But it didn't work out. Instead of hearts, people again raised their hands with cameras.

For many today, constantly taking pictures of everything around them is not so much a hobby, but as if it is a necessity. Here it is in the morning, the first cup of coffee, click and immediately go to Facebook. A view of your desk, a lunch break with colleagues, a self-portrait in the mirror of an elevator or in a hairdresser, or just in the hallway or on a table. New sneakers are a favorite genre, cat - what would we do without it. And of course Friday is a hit on social networks.

Searching, filming and surprising the public is already such a habit that even when seeing someone else’s tragedy, the hand automatically reaches not to the person, but to the phone with the camera.

This was the case this week in the American town of West Texas. When the fertilizer plant caught fire, onlookers with cameras gathered around. Some came to admire the fire with their children.

The camera falls out of his hands and the father and daughter who arrived at the scene of the tragedy themselves become participants in the events. A powerful explosion destroyed half the city and injured hundreds of people. Including the authors of the video. True, they no longer wanted to make a sequel. It’s difficult to imagine yourself in the victim’s place. But there is nothing easier than being on the other side of the frame.

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It is customary to scold each new generation, because it must necessarily be worse than the previous one, drag the world to the bottom and have simply a minimum number of bright minds - you know, this is already a centuries-old tradition of the older generation. But today's youth, who were first born with a smartphone in their hands and the Internet in their minds, are so strikingly different from all their predecessors that they cannot even scold them. It's just wildly incomprehensible!

We are in website decided to study what makes young people connected with the World Wide Web from birth stand out so much.

Hype rules their world

“They come into an environment and arrange it for themselves. My favorite is that they will soon collide with government institutions. Oh, I wouldn’t want to be in the shoes of these very institutions. They're *finished."

Nikita Shirobokov

They don't care about school

It's hard for them to hang their hats on their ears

Previously, people believed in authorities. They believed their parents, they believed their teachers. Today, it is sometimes difficult for the average teacher to compete, so to speak, with a student. After all, he can check any information in a tenth of a second and prove exactly the opposite. In general, checking the information received is the motto of young people. You will be able to deceive them only if you get a particularly tough representative of the generation.

They have clip thinking

What technology has affected most is thinking. If the older generation taught, the modern generation Googles. Yes, perhaps because of this, the knowledge of the majority is superficial, and their thinking is clipped, but they always have the most up-to-date information. And it’s worth noting that they work very well with it, which helps them cope with their tasks much more efficiently. And given the speed at which the modern world is moving, the winner in the end will still be far from the “old generation” with its “But we remembered!” The very meaning of subcultures in the modern world has simply disappeared, and there are two main reasons for this :

What do we end up with? A crowd of open-minded, stereotype-free, multitasking, pragmatic, rapidly developing hype young people with a creative mindset. And you say that they are dragging the world down?

Barry Schwartz, a psychologist specializing in the psychology of choice, gave a very interesting mini-lecture () on the topic of the complexity of choice and hypothesized that the complexity of choice is one of the main reasons why depression is so common now and why people feel unhappy. The topic is so important and interesting that Very I advise you to read it in its entirety. Well, for those who don’t have time, I’ll give here the key points and conclusions.

It is traditionally believed that the more options a person has to choose from, the better, the freer and happier the person will be. But the second part of the statement, about happiness, turns out to be completely wrong. In practice, it really works out better for a person when he has many options, but the more options, the less satisfaction he ultimately experiences from his choice, and the less happy he is. And if there are too many options, then the so-called choice paralysis, in which the choice will be endlessly postponed until tomorrow, this will create tension, then feelings of anxiety, guilt and, ultimately, depression.

Moreover, this applies to all situations of choice in life: from choosing a morning outfit and buying a new phone to choosing a profession, spouse, pension fund, treatment options for a serious illness.

The abundance of options causes 3 negative effects, forming a vicious vicious circle:
1. Raising expectations. With an abundance of options to choose from, it seems that we can certainly choose an option that will satisfy us completely and completely. And the more options, the easier the problem seems to be solved, and the higher our expectations from the chosen option.
2. Frustration and guilt. The existence of an ideal option is, of course, an illusion. Any option has disadvantages, even if they are not visible at the time of choice. But when it turns out that the chosen option is not ideal, then another illusion arises - that the wrong choice was made! Some other, unselected option now seems better. This results in disappointment and a feeling of guilt due to the wrong choice.
3. Expectation of disappointment. When the situation described in paragraphs 1 and 2 is repeated many times, a person gets used to the fact that any choice he makes brings disappointment. Here the third illusion arises - that he does not know how to make the right decisions, that he is stupid and unlucky. The result is low self-esteem, procrastination in decision-making, avoidance of decisions, loss of joy in life, anxiety, and depression.

Barry Schwartz believes that this vicious circle is one of the main causes of depression in the modern world. It is perhaps difficult to disagree with him.

And finally, the main secret of happiness from Barry Schwartz: LEARN TO FINALLY LOWER YOUR UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS!

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With the development of humanity and under the influence of new technologies, new problems arise that people had not even thought about before.

They accumulate and over time begin to destroy modern society spiritually and physically. Every person has heard about the world problems of modern society, such as the depletion of mineral resources, the greenhouse effect, overpopulation and the deterioration of the ecological state of our planet. In addition to global difficulties, any citizen can be affected, or is already affected, by social, moral, economic and political problems. One of them includes various types of addictions. Deteriorating living standards, job loss and lack of money lead to stress and depression for many. People want to forget and try to relieve nervous tension with alcohol or drugs. However, this is not only about bad habits, alcohol abuse or drug use. Modern society, like a virus, has been struck by dependence on loans, computers and the Internet, as well as drugs imposed by advertising. At the same time, it is better to get rid of some modern problems or not have them at all, while others can only be adapted to. After all, some of them are ordinary difficulties that can be overcome and gain invaluable life experience.

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The most common problems in society

Social inequality. There have always been rich and poor citizens. However, now there is a huge gap between these segments of the population: some people have bank accounts with fabulous sums, others do not even have enough money to buy meat. According to income level, society can be divided into three groups:

  • Rich people (presidents, kings, politicians, cultural and artistic figures, big businessmen)
  • Middle class (employees, doctors, teachers, lawyers)
  • Poor people (unskilled workers, beggars, unemployed)

Market instability in the modern world has led to a significant portion of citizens living below the poverty line. As a result, society becomes criminalized: robbery, robbery, fraud. However, in the absence of strong social inequality, the number of crimes is much lower.

Credit bondage. Intrusive advertising slogans calling for take now and pay later are firmly entrenched in people's minds. Some people sign a loan agreement without looking, so they don’t know the dangers of quick loans. Financial illiteracy does not allow one to assess one’s own solvency. Such citizens have several loans that they cannot repay on time. Penalties are added to the interest rate, which can become even greater than the debt.

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Alcoholism and drug addiction. These diseases are a dangerous social problem. The main reasons why people drink: general instability, unemployment and poverty. Drugs are usually used out of curiosity or for company with friends. Taking these substances leads to moral degradation of the individual, destroys the body and causes fatal diseases. Alcoholics and drug addicts often give birth to sick children. Antisocial behavior becomes the norm for such citizens. Under the influence of alcohol and drugs, they commit various crimes, which negatively affects the life of society.

A departure from traditional family values. The family provides each person with the necessary psychological support. However, in modern society there is a departure from the traditional family, which is associated with the promotion of homosexual relationships, so popular in Western countries. And the legalization of same-sex marriage in some states is destroying historically established gender roles. After all, back in the Stone Age, a man was the main breadwinner, and a woman was the keeper of the hearth.

Forced illnesses and medications. Drug manufacturers need unhealthy people, because the more sick people, the better the product sells. In order for the pharmaceutical business to generate stable income, illnesses are imposed on citizens and a stir is created. For example, the recent mass hysteria around bird and swine flu was accompanied by daily media reports about new victims of the disease. The world began to panic. People began to buy all kinds of medicines, vitamins, and gauze bandages, which increased in price five to six times. This is how the pharmaceutical industry constantly makes huge profits. At the same time, some medications do not cure, but only eliminate symptoms, while others are addictive and only help if taken regularly. If a person stops taking them, the symptoms return. Therefore, citizens are unlikely to ever be offered truly effective medicines.

Virtual world. Most children have free access to a computer from an early age. They spend a lot of time in the virtual world and move away from reality: they don’t want to go out, communicate with peers, and have difficulty doing homework. Even during the holidays, schoolchildren are rarely seen on the streets. Sitting at computers, children can no longer do without a world of illusions in which they feel safe and comfortable. Computer addiction is an emerging problem in the modern world.

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Terrorist attacks. Terrorist attacks in different parts of the world are a serious public problem. Hostage-taking, shootings, explosions in subways and airports, and bombings of planes and trains claim millions of lives. Terrorism can be global, such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda. These groups want to acquire weapons of mass destruction, so they use global means to achieve their goal. Operating all over the world, they organize terrorist attacks in different countries with numerous victims. Terrorists can also be individuals who are dissatisfied with the policies of their state, for example, the Norwegian nationalist Breivik. Both types are heinous crimes that result in the death of innocent people. It is impossible to predict a terrorist attack, and absolutely anyone can become its random victim.

Military conflicts and interference in the affairs of other states. In Ukraine, Western countries staged a coup d'état, which they paid for in advance and provided information and political support. After which the United States and the EU ordered to go to war against the residents of Donbass who did not want to submit to the Ukrainian authorities. At the same time, Western countries, which love to shout about human rights, remained silent in this situation. And the United States financially helped Kyiv and supplied military equipment. When Russia provided assistance to Donbass with weapons and food, it was instantly criticized by the West and accused of interfering in the affairs of Ukraine. At the same time, there was an opportunity to agree on a truce, but Kyiv, at the suggestion of the United States and the EU, chose war. Residents of Donbass became victims of political games. Thousands of people lived happily and suddenly lost everything, left without a roof over their heads. This is not an isolated case; the United States has repeatedly intervened in the affairs of the Middle East and other countries.

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