If a person has no money. rules on how to choose vitamins - which ones are best for women

Hi all! Yesterday I watched an interesting program where different people talked about their financial situation. They asked rich and poor people how they ended up in this situation. Many poor people presented themselves as victims, others blamed themselves, but believed that nothing could be changed. The rich admitted that their parents helped them a lot at the beginning of their lives, but the majority cited work, work, and more work as the reason for their wealth. But the poor also worked. Moreover, many poor people received a lot of help from their parents early in life. I was completely confused and decided today to understand all the causes of poverty in order to understand why people live poorly in a world where everyone is allowed to live well.

Esoteric reasons for lack of money

More than half of the poor believe in magic. In their opinion, the reasons for success and failure lie in something independent of a person. It is impossible to influence your destiny, they assure. Well, let's try to find the root of the problems in this area.

For me, this is all pure deception, but there are some statements that are quite similar to reality. After all, on our planet one law works best - the law of attraction. If it weren’t for him, we would have to hold on to the ground, otherwise we would simply be blown out of the planet or we would fly in the clouds. A person is drawn to the earth by the force of gravity, which also attracts success, wealth and misfortune into life. The main version of a person’s lack of money, if one adheres to this theory, is bad energy or karma.

You can correct your money karma with a little effort. It is necessary to change emotions and attitudes. The first should be exclusively positive, the second should also not contain negativity. This applies not only to money, but also to people, the world around you, and yourself. Stop being angry, insulting, wishing evil. You shouldn't speak badly about anything. If you ask poor people what they think about rich people and money, you will hear a lot of negative things. A person thus tries to avoid encountering what he considers bad. The universe won't give him money because he doesn't need it.

In esotericism, among other reasons, there is corruption and envy of other people. If it were possible to jinx a person so easily, there would be no rich people in the world. The oligarchs are envied by 95% of the population, and those capable of causing damage, according to the advertisements, are five people on every corner. Therefore, I'm sorry, but this is complete nonsense. If you believe in this, then you will soon be scammed for a session to remove the damage, you will pay your last money, then you will not have enough for the loan, there will be a delay, problems with collectors, fines and your life will definitely go downhill. You will decide whether you are going towards money or away from it.

Capital formation stage

There is a wonderful saying - if parents work and children rest, then the grandchildren will beg. This explains the essence of wealth. If we take an entire generation, there have always been those who created capital and those who ultimately lost it. Families in which, from generation to generation, devote time to creating capital, live very richly. Also, using the example of a specific person, if he did not devote time to creating sources of passive income, was unable to obtain income-generating tools, in other words, assets, then he will never have money.

Many people in the film I watched yesterday talked about how hard they work. They talked, showed, neighbors and friends confirmed it. No word on how the money earned was invested. If a person works very hard, it means that his income exceeds the subsistence level. But at this stage, smart people try to buy assets, the rest are spent on entertainment and acquiring liabilities.

Whether you want it or not, you will have to live for some time denying yourself many things. In buying a car or replacing it with a more prestigious one. Expansion of living space. Expensive gadgets, clothes. This is called the formation stage. A period in life when a person earns a lot but spends minimally. Typically, such a period ends at the moment when the income from the purchased assets equals the income from one’s own efforts at work.

Poor people do not have such a stage at all. I know a man who got a job as a loader in a supermarket and worked seven days a week for two and a half months. I put all the money in a box with previous savings and as soon as I had the required amount, I immediately bought myself a new iPhone for 95,000 rubles. After which he quit because he was very tired. I was unemployed for some time, then got a job for 15,000. A penniless owner of an iPhone.

No one to ask

Wisdom says: if you want to be a janitor, learn from a janitor; if you want to be a millionaire, learn from a millionaire. When people think about how to become rich, they begin to look at the wealthy people around them. On their lifestyle, habits, reasoning. But the concept of a rich person is quite vague. I have many friends who drive an expensive foreign car, but they are constantly faced with the problem of paying the loan and refueling. The example above explains how a person can have an iPhone and a beha. Looking at how wasteful these people are, many conclude that this is how you need to live in order to be rich.

Many families have 5 children and they all work in the same profession. I don’t believe in such a transfer of talent; all children cannot be like a photocopy of one of their parents. It’s just that in such families they don’t know any other way to success. Dad is a lawyer, mom is a lawyer, it’s unclear how else to make money, so five children go to law school. The same principle applies to advice on how to become rich.

When I asked my parents about this, they said that I needed to get a higher education and work. How do they know this? Well, out of nowhere, my parents are not rich, they just looked at some of their friends who, in their opinion, lived in prosperity, and saw that he had a higher education and worked a lot. This is how my parents built a path to wealth in their heads.

When I asked one of my friends about this, he said that without connections there is no way. If no one can push you, then nothing will happen. It’s just that at that moment his parents tried to get him to work in the police, where, in their opinion, the salaries were simply huge, but they didn’t succeed. In his head, the path to wealth looked exactly like this.

We ask how to get out of poverty from people who don’t know how to do it themselves. They have either never been there, or are in a slightly better position than ours. In addition, we are trying to ask where to get money, and not how to create capital. The difference is huge. When asked where I can get money, they will offer you work, scams, criminal schemes, etc. When asked how I can create my own capital, they will tell you about the principles of accumulation, preservation and increase. It was these principles that I managed to collect after reading a dozen books. Here they are.

Secrets of accumulation and increase of capital

It doesn’t matter how much you earn, what goals you set for yourself, whether you come from a rich family or a poor one. In any case, you must adhere to the rules of wealth. Otherwise, you will lose what you have and will never get what you dream of.

Rule one - save part of your income. At the formation stage, while there is no family and children, it is recommended to save the maximum amount of money earned. Anything that exceeds the necessary expenses must be invested. If you have knowledge and skills, then it is better to invest in creating your own business. Even if you work for someone else, it is worth starting to create your own business. If you live in the last century and completely reject any methods of investing, then start at least with a bank deposit, or better yet, with a card that accrues interest on the balance. I recommend open a brokerage account and perform all operations through it, it is more convenient because you can buy all assets in one place from one account.

Rule two: trust your money only to professionals. At one time I ignored this rule. I only learned about the existence of a brokerage account several years later. And at that moment I didn’t know how to buy assets and easily fell for the advertisement of the teletrade broker in my city. Believing that people in expensive jackets understand the issues of investing money, I entrusted them with 100,000 rubles. They turned out to be ordinary sales managers, they simply sold people dreams of a wonderful future, and after I invested money, it turned out that they knew absolutely nothing about investments. They simply convinced people to make speculative trades with maximum leverage, which led to the loss of their entire deposit. I managed to save my money, but at some point I was close to complete collapse. I still lost a decent amount there, but not all. Others were not so lucky.

Therefore, I do not advise you to trust your money to investment funds and companies. There are 10 of them opened in each city every year. All of them end up disappearing along with the investors' money. According to statistics, not everyone is able to get their money back. Now you understand why I recommend opening a brokerage account. You decide for yourself which securities to invest in and can always track the results of your investments. Investment companies simply take your money, every month they tell you that everything is fine, but most often your hard-earned money has already been spent and no one will return it to you. Monthly interest payments come from the money of new investors, as soon as the new suckers run out, the payments will stop.

Rule three - attend courses, lectures, seminars, webinars. Do you think this has anything to do with capital accumulation? Directly. A rich person is distinguished not by the amount of money in his account, but by the amount of knowledge and its relevance. Robert Kiosaki wrote a story in one of his books about how he attended a lecture on real estate transactions and, thanks to this knowledge, later earned hundreds of thousands of dollars. You never know where you will get that very idea that can make you a millionaire. Money is not paper. Money is your perseverance and knowledge.

Rule four - be patient. These are not just words, they are the reason why most people fail. Nobody wants to save, save, reinvest, deny themselves something, or study. Everyone wants to get rich quickly. This is how bookmakers, casinos, hype projects on the Internet, and lotteries appear in a person’s life. One of the great people said - I notice that the more I work, the luckier I am. Accumulating capital is work. Save, buy assets, use income from assets to buy new ones, keep abreast of news, trends, know, be able to. I watched a program about people who won large sums in the lottery, all of them at the time of filming returned to their former poor life. They very quickly spent all the money, did not fulfill any of the rules I listed, and poverty overtook them very quickly.

Rule five - don't work for money. Almost all people on the planet work for money. Received, spent, went to earn new ones. Those 5% of people who own all the wealth do not work for money, they make money work for themselves. Any person can do the same, one should strive to live on the money received from assets. One of my friends had a million rubles and wanted to buy a car with them. After some time, I found out that he bought a passenger and cargo gazelle with this million. For the first, he hired a driver and started him on the route; for the second, the driver and loaders he hired also worked, carrying out cargo transportation throughout the city and regions. Then I took out a loan to buy a new car for myself. The loan was paid for by the gazelles he bought. Brilliant!

Rule six - live within your means. This means do not buy anything on credit. If it seems to you that this rule contradicts the previous one, then you are mistaken. There, the loan is paid by assets, not by the person himself. If you receive income only from your own efforts, then paying off the loan literally comes from your health. You will have to work harder and harder to pay off the debt and the interest on it. If you take out loans for trinkets, then you will not have any health. Learn to live on 90% of your income, and invest 10%, no matter how good or bad your business goes. In any case, at least 10% should be spent on the purchase of assets.

This is not the opinion of any specific person, these are rules collected based on the biography of people who have achieved success on their own. People who got rich from scratch followed these six rules. The path to wealth is open to everyone, but there are smart people who decide that they know a shorter path. Unfortunately, this is a misconception.

Poverty is not a vice. This is the school of life. If you pass it, then you are “infected”.

Habits imposed by poverty remain with a person forever. Even if he improved his financial situation. They are like leeches, sucking nerves and money.

This article will help you eradicate the poor man's thinking in yourself and, thereby, improve yours. After all, as you know, thought determines actions, and actions determine success.

Not long ago I was poor. For the first 18 years of my life I was a child and could not change anything. For the next 17 years I continued to live “as a child” and no longer wanted to change anything. I don't complain or grumble. I chose my own path.

These are the words of John Cheese. He lived in poverty for 35 years. I went with the flow. Until one day, by chance, I got a good job.

This changed his life. The refrigerator is full, the bills are paid. But John was never able to get rid of the poor man's habits and habits. The “infection” had penetrated too deeply into his brain.

John, based on personal experience, described the habits of poor people.

1. Cheap food

People living on the minimum wage have two criteria when choosing food:

  • and expiration date.

The first should be as low as possible, and the second should be as long as possible.

Quality? Taste? Manufacturer? Leave it to the gourmets who shop at the store of the same name.

Groceries are purchased once a week or less. 90% of them are canned. Fresh fruits and vegetables are too expensive. Meat? Maximum offal.

But a person gets used to everything. So much so that when you have the opportunity to buy normal products, you will have to relearn their taste.

Fresh, not canned, tomatoes and apples will seem “wrong” to you. Even if you train yourself to have Danablu cheese tartlets for breakfast, from time to time you will still miss a sandwich with Druzhba and paper-soy boiled sausage.

2. “Extra” money

Large cash in a poor person's wallet is nonsense. A bonus, a gift, a dowry - if you have money, you need to spend it urgently. This is a reflex caused by the “infection” of poverty.

It is impossible to save for a “rainy day” - it is always “black”. Poor thinking forces you to live one day at a time.

A person reflexively goes to the store to the market and, without thinking about how he will pay the utility bills next month.

The habit of immediately spending “extra” money is so strong that the press constantly exaggerates “curious” cases - the mechanic Ivanov won a million and spent it in a week.

Paradox: a person who needs money does not save it, but a wealthy person, on the contrary, knows how to save.

When a person has a consistently high income, he has to learn to manage money rationally. He must understand: there is no such thing as “extra” money; you must always have a financial buffer in case of unforeseen expenses (your car breaks down, a seal falls out...).

3. Gifts

If a person has no money, he... The maximum he can afford for all these Birthdays and March Eighths is “souvenirs” from Fix Price. Adults understand this and do not focus their attention.

But children...

Here are some new sneakers for you, but these are for your birthday.

If you grew up in a low-income family, you're familiar with this phrase. And it’s unlikely that any of you would be upset that in six months you’ll be left without a gift, most importantly – new sneakers!

As a rule, children understand the family’s financial problems and do not whine – “Paaap, just buy it” – even if they really want to. But adults still have a feeling of guilt. Forever.

Therefore, when a family gets out of a financial hole, parents begin to shower their children with gifts. Not a single trip to the store without a new toy: “For so long I couldn’t afford to spoil my baby.”

The habit of compensating for forced savings with gifts also manifests itself when a child was born in abundance, but his parents grew up in poverty.

I didn’t have it, so at least let the children have everything.

4. Accounting

You know exactly how much money you have on your card and how much is in your wallet (down to kopecks). You automatically add up in your mind the cost of the products in your cart and always check the receipt. You know all housing and communal services tariffs and the formulas for calculating them.

This habit will remain with you, even when the need to constantly “steal” money disappears.

Fear – “Will I have enough money to pay the bill?” – will haunt those who grew up in poverty for a long time.

5. Essentials

If a person can barely make ends meet, then he buys only what he needs at a given time. Only must have.

Example. Summer, sale of winter jackets. The price is almost nothing. The model is cute. A person with a poverty mindset will not buy it, even if he has “extra” money (see point 2). After all, you still have to live until winter - why wear a winter jacket in the summer?

Those who have worn out clothes for older brothers and sisters know that they buy new jeans when the old ones are worn out, and not when they want them.

And this habit remains for a long time. “Why do I need new shoes? These can still be repaired!”
Paradox again: a man with the habits of a poor man. There is money, but it’s a shame to spend it. Especially on yourself.

Being poor is bad simply because it takes up all your time.

Willem de Kooning

Poverty shapes thinking. But to change it, it is enough to change your habits. By getting rid of the habits described, you may soon notice that you have become a more successful and confident person. Because you will develop immunity against the “infection” of poverty.

Why don't you have money and how to attract it?

Most people are accustomed to looking for the reasons for their poverty in the outside world (the government is to blame, the economy, poor education and short work experience, etc.). But in fact, the true causes of both poverty and wealth of a person are in himself! They are much easier to influence than the government or the global economy. So why don't you have money and how to attract it?

So, if you condemn the rich, then your subconscious will most likely not let you into their world and will prevent you from attracting them. Why do you need to join the world of scammers/greedy people, etc.?

If you are jealous, then it’s as if you are giving your subconscious a command: “They have it, but I don’t have it, I have nothing, I have nothing, no, no!” Naturally, the subconscious mind perceives this as a guide to action, so you continue to live in a world where you “have nothing.”

To attract money, try to reevaluate your attitude. First, replace envy with enthusiasm (they managed to get rich, why are you worse?). Read biographies of today's millionaires. Many of them are from poor families (perhaps you will realize that today you have much more than millionaires at the beginning of your journey).

And stop judging the rich. Remember, criticism, negativity and condemnation take up a lot of precious energy. This energy could go towards your enrichment. Instead, you spend it on “washing the bones of others.” So channel your energy into a peaceful direction. Formulate a goal according to the scheme that WomanJournal.ru described in the article about the goal - and act!

To attract money, you can also make affirmations - they will help you quickly get rid of negative attitudes, fears and other obstacles on the path to wealth. The main thing is to remember: those who are lucky are lucky!

E This is a question many people ask. And those whose standard of living seems to be above average, and those who sometimes save every hundred rubles. But you hear complaints about the constant lack of money from people of different financial levels.

Many of the reasons why a person does not have enough money are in his head, in his thoughts, beliefs, feelings, rules, principles by which he lives. Let's take a look at the main groups of reasons that cause a situation of constant lack of money.

About the dangers of the mantra “there is always no money”

Let's start with words. After all, this is what you constantly say in conversations with friends, on the Internet, with family and friends. Although you are not telling the truth, you have money. At least a hundred rubles are in your wallet. And sometimes a lot more.

But you are used to saying this - “no money,” although this means “not enough money for a specific task, purchase, lifestyle” or “for a specific sense of self.” But there is money. And it’s better to stop telling yourself the opposite.

What happens if you repeat the mantra “there is no money all the time”? Man is fundamentally a whole being. And if he says something at the level of thought, words, he unconsciously begins to feel as if he has no money at all. And then he begins to act and behave like a person who has no money at all. That is, unknowingly choose precisely those options of action that lead to loss of money.

This is not mystical at all. Our psyche is structured in such a way that as soon as we form a certain scenario, a stable opinion, a belief, we immediately begin to “not notice” everything that does not belong to the scenario we understand.

So imagine, you have formed the scenario “I always have no money.” Accordingly, your psyche will filter those opportunities that could bring you money. They were and are around you, but you just don’t see them. Because you have created a program within yourself “I constantly have no money” and reinforce it with a constant daily mantra of negative content.

I assure you, if you start saying it as it really is: “I have money, but I would like to have more in order to...” - the situation will already begin to change. No need to believe - check.

Exploring your true needs

Very often, the “always no money” mode turns on in a person’s life when he does not spend on what he really needs. Who creates your needs?

Some of the majority of things are rather symbols of some kind of status, at least for a given social group, objects that are designed to earn respect for you, but in reality you do not need. And they don’t inspire real respect - you’re just participating in the rat race that marketers have come up with for you.

How many real worries have I seen regarding the fact that “I only have one autumn jacket” (why exactly do you need two?) or “my phone model is already outdated” (but it still works?).

Add to this a bunch of goods, the need for which is artificially formed: for example, who actually checked whether a washing machine would break without Calgon? And what will happen if you don’t protect a person from germs with special soap? Or use “regular powder” and “regular toothpaste”?

We can write a separate article about how modern marketing has disrupted our own ability to regulate needs. But at this stage, just think about it and try to review your usual shopping list. You will see that a lot of money simply goes to waste.

There is a level deeper. Desires to go on vacation, build a house, buy an apartment, raise a child can be real. And you don't have money for all this. But is the trip necessary right now?

It happens that at some point the body needs passive rest without flights and adventures. Or your decision to buy an apartment will soon be reconsidered. For example, because you will come to the decision to live outside the city, and this will change your financial balance and open up new opportunities.

Listen to yourself carefully. No one devalues ​​your plans. But everything has its time. Is it worth it to be torn trying to be on time everywhere, and creating an unnecessary feeling of inferiority if at the moment you still won’t be able to do everything to the highest standard?

As a rule, trying to fulfill all the supposedly urgent needs leads to the fact that you really feel trapped and you really do not have money all the time.

Try to hear the most important thing within yourself, what you need to concentrate on right now. As a rule, the same property of our psyche is at work here - the desire for integrity, unity.

If you isolate what is important, find what you really want to embody now - your “I” unites, since both the mind, the body, and the feelings want this. And the united “I” can get you money for a specific purpose much faster than a mind divorced from the body and feelings, which “knows how to do it,” but cannot “figure out” how to get enough money.

Lack of self-confidence and the right to have enough

Do you think you really deserve to earn enough?

Try to hear yourself. When you ask yourself this question – how do you really feel? You can lie to someone, show off, and even demonstrably demand respect for yourself. But practice shows that if you constantly don’t have money, it means, alas, you don’t respect yourself enough to have enough.

Perhaps part of this feeling is due to the beliefs that your own family of origin taught you. For example, “it’s better to be poor, but decent,” “it’s impossible to earn a lot by honest work,” “all the rich steal,” etc. In our Soviet culture, in which many grew up, it was customary to contrast honesty and wealth. Is this opposition rooted within you?

It also happens that a person considers himself so worthless that he cannot imagine that anyone will pay enough for his talents, abilities, skills and knowledge. There is only one way for this - working with self-esteem and finding out for what reasons you, in fact, dislike yourself so much.

All of the above can be corrected by working with a psychologist, and if there is no money, then at least start reading relevant books, articles, asking questions on free forums and taking action.

I noticed that the most severe forms of lack of money occur in combination with a low level of people’s self-respect and what will be discussed below.

Lack of decisive and creative actions, fears

I am often told the following phrases: “there is unemployment in our field”, “in our market segment, only ....” or “well, where will I go with such and such an education, but it’s too late to learn new things,” etc. Supposedly objective reasons are presented for why there is always no money.

But along with this, I meet wealthy people who earn enough with the same education, in the same market segment, in the same area in which, according to others, there is unemployment and crisis. How are they so different?

The ability to try and act. The ability not to use only familiar schemes, but to approach questions creatively. Don't be afraid to come up with something new, don't be afraid to innovate, or just don't be afraid to put yourself out there and take action.

Yes, these people make mistakes, sometimes they lose something, get into some kind of conflicts, sometimes change jobs more often than others, etc. But in the end, they quite often remain “on horseback”. Because they do not operate only within the existing system.

Most people think like this: “I have such and such education, such and such experience, such and such skills,” now you need to find a vacancy with approximately the same list, and wait until they take it. And this is not the most difficult thing, there is a more stringent restriction: “a good job can only be found through an acquaintance.” Therefore, those who believe in this are moving practically nowhere.

The reason for this is fear. Fear of making a mistake, looking stupid, creating a bad impression, “missing a chance,” or “end up being useless.” Sometimes a person is afraid to change his job even to one offered through an acquaintance - “what if everything doesn’t go the way I want?” And it remains.

Sometimes people, even in stalemate situations, continue to remain hypnotized by the system. Example – a woman is left alone, without a husband, with a small child. You have to stand in line to go to kindergarten. And you can only “go to work”, from 9 to 6. Working on the Internet is “unreliable”, a student nanny is “scary”, working shifts is “not human”, work is not in your specialty, even if they hire you - “what if I can’t cope”, etc.

The result is vegetating on a tiny allowance until it’s time to go to kindergarten, a lack of personal life and a feeling of being of no use to anyone.

At the same time, there are other examples - people who coped in even worse situations, and at the same time found job options without having any such special education, got along with student nannies, unraveled this tangle of life and even ended up winning.

I know of an example where a woman, left with two children without a husband or the support of relatives, created her own business in a year. Without investing a penny there. She simply studied the information and was not afraid to try.

If you constantly don’t have money, you should think about how you limit yourself. Whether through words, lack of self-confidence, those beliefs that limit your choice, narrow your possibilities, consumption of what you don’t really need, inability to hear your true desires, fear of trying and acting.

But those who look for the reasons for lack of money in themselves, take responsibility for the situation, and do not try to shift it to the “market”, “crisis”, “objective situation”, as a rule, find their way to prosperity. And those who continue to believe that their wealth may depend on some external factors are constantly waiting for something.

Sometimes they wait, although, as a rule, it’s too late. And more often than not, they don’t wait. And if you don’t want to join their ranks, start looking for the reason within yourself and working on it. And prosperity will definitely come. Don't believe me - check it in practice.

Today I want to address those people who cannot make ends meet and only dream of prosperity and wealth. Have you ever asked yourself why this happens? Why is there no money? Why can’t you start earning decent money or get out of the debt hole?

Today I will try to answer these questions for you. I hope that you will not be offended, but will take note of this article and try to start living differently.

Why there is no money and why you will never be rich

1. Laziness was born before you.

No, of course you are working. You work your 8 hours honestly, and when you come home, you feel like you have every right to do nothing. This, for the most part, only applies to men. Many people believe that the wife should do all the housework, since it is not a man’s job. There is also a downside - women who do not work, believing that their husband is obliged to provide for them. When a wife does only women's work around the house, and the husband only works, something good rarely comes out, since, in fact, both are lazy. It turns out to be a kind of swamp, Groundhog Day, routine and dense walls of a small world. Of course, a woman should not work long and hard, but she also cannot do nothing at all. It is not necessary to bring a mammoth into the house; you can at least provide yourself with all the necessary feminine things, from cosmetics to clothes. Agree, if a husband and wife worked together and shared housework, it would be much better and easier to live.

Isn't this about you? Look for yourself, realize yourself in life and don’t put on others what you can and should do yourself!

2. Your life is full of dreams or complaints.

But not actions. You would rather dream and fly in the clouds or complain about life than actually do anything. Why talk endlessly about how you can't do anything? Do you think this is interesting to anyone? If you're not happy with the job, change it! Find one where you like the team and will pay you more. You just need to be able to move from words to action. As they say, less words - more action!

3. Studying remained in distant childhood.

You have become adults and “smart” and now you think that you don’t have to study. You don’t want to learn something new, you don’t want to strain your brain, delve into something and think. It is much easier, having “worked” your allotted 8 hours, to collapse on the sofa in front of the TV or mindlessly hang out on the Internet from page to page. In general, do everything so as not to think and stress. But successful and prosperous people study and strain their brains all their lives, forcing them to work. Learn something new every day, learn something. Try, for example, installing some necessary programs on your computer by watching a training video on YouTube, rather than asking a friend or neighbor about it. In general, the Internet provides many opportunities to earn money; useful information on this topic can be found in the article. But first you need to learn and master something new. And don’t sit and brush it off, saying that you don’t need it and you don’t understand anything about it.

4. Losers and whiners - this is your social circle.

Look at the people who surround you. Are you surrounded by losers? For example, friends who borrow money for a bottle or girlfriends who are constantly beaten by their husband. Or maybe even a husband who has grown a belly and is snoring on a sagging sofa, or a wife who has lost all her femininity, is unkempt and has gained a lot of extra pounds. Take a sober look at the people who surround you. If you are surrounded by losers, then I can assure you that even if you suddenly want to change something in life and make it better, you will be immediately ridiculed and “asked” to sit down and not show off. Firstly, they will lose extra ears for their complaints and an interlocutor to discuss their difficult lot. And secondly, what if you manage to break out of this vicious circle of poverty, you will be able to earn more and successfully implement your ideas. After all, you will become a living reproach for them, a living example that they are just losers. Their self-esteem will suffer, so they'd rather have you be just like them.

5. You don’t know how to appreciate and take care of what you have.

There are people who can turn even the most high-quality and good thing into “nothing” in a very short time. There are people who absolutely do not know how to value and take care of things. For example, having bought a new phone, they spare money on a case, and a week later they drop and break this phone and then walk around with a broken phone. There are also more global things. For example, I have a friend who has been living in an apartment that belongs to her husband’s father for 20 years (!) and does nothing there, explaining that the apartment is not hers. When she gets her own apartment, then it will unfold, according to her. And you can simply “kill” this apartment on the sly, without making repairs there and without investing effort and money into it. But even this apartment might not exist; is it really difficult to appreciate what you have, take care of it and be happy about it? Appreciate and take care of what you have now.

6. Inability to plan.

7. Save wisely.

Saving means not buying any “crap”, from chips to cheap shoes. And if you think you're saving money by buying shoes for one season or expired products at a discount, you're wrong. It’s better to buy fewer things, but of high quality, while not forgetting to care for these things (this will be much more economical). Low-quality products are also not an option for saving, since they are harmful to health, and lost health cannot be returned at any cost. So this is also not a saving option. And besides, by buying everything cheap and low-quality, you give a signal to the Universe that you are ready to be content with little, and in the end you get the minimum. I described this entire system in the article

Do you recognize yourself in at least one of these cases? Do you understand why there is no money? Why are you not thriving, but surviving? If yes, then get rid of it urgently and change your life. Unless, of course, you want to live better. Or maybe everything suits you and you like being poor? Live the way you are used to, in your comfort zone? And you don't want to stress? After all, any change and moving forward requires effort, and even the unknown lies ahead. Therefore, maybe it’s easier for you to remain poor than to change at least something in your life? Then continue to live like this, just don’t complain about life. You are the author of your life and you choose how you want to live! The choice is yours!

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