Essay on the topic of knowledge in my life. WEB resource for scientific and practical conferences

Wise is not the one who knows, but the one whose knowledge is useful.


1. “Knowledge is power” (F. Bacon).

2. What does it mean to be educated?

a) human need for education;

b) Titans of the Renaissance.

3. Be eager to learn more!

Each of us dreams of becoming an educated person. We want to graduate from higher education, get a good job, and put the acquired knowledge into practice. In our age of computerization, the age of scientific and technological progress, knowledge is necessary for each of us. The human mind works wonders. Back in the seventeenth century, the English philosopher F. Bacon argued: “Knowledge is power.”

Why does a person need knowledge? Of course, to get a profession and do what you love. But knowledge must necessarily find an area of ​​application, otherwise it will not bring any benefit. It is necessary to know not just to know, but in order to learn how to do something. He who acquires knowledge but does not use it is like one who plows but does not sow. Knowledge must necessarily be associated with skills. After all, it often happens that a person has certain knowledge, but he has not applied this knowledge anywhere, because he has not learned to apply it. We can say about such a person that he knows something, but can’t do anything. We, for example, can learn spelling rules, but be illiterate people because we do not know how to apply these rules.

Who can be considered educated? It happens that a person graduated from a university, but cannot be called educated. Such a young man received superficial, “satisfactory” knowledge, and he only needed a higher educational institution to obtain a diploma. And sometimes you meet people who, for some reason, have not received a higher education, but are much more erudite and smarter than a specialist with a diploma. Those who believe that real education is achieved through self-education are right. If a person wants, he will be able to master many things on his own; he will be able to learn in a short time what would take someone else years to learn. A person can be comprehensively developed, or he can be a good specialist only in one area. Being well-read is one of the signs of an educated person. It's interesting to communicate with people who read a lot. If a person does not like to read, he cannot reach the heights of spiritual perfection. After all, reading is not only about learning about some facts and information. Reading is to develop your taste, to comprehend the beautiful.

In the history of mankind there were people who showed us what heights can be achieved thanks to knowledge. Remember the Renaissance, which gave the world titans of thought, the encyclopedic knowledge of which no one has yet surpassed. Who has not heard of the scientist, artist, musician, sculptor, architect Michelangelo Buonarroti, who also went down in history as a poet who highly valued Dante? And the greatest painter, sculptor, poet Leonardo da Vinci was also a brilliant engineer and scientist who anticipated many inventions of our time. More than one generation of people will bow to the talent of such geniuses.

Life does not stand still. We are confident that tomorrow even greater prospects will open up in the field of science and technology. The main thing is that the great scientific achievements of the 21st century serve the benefit of people. And if human life is not eternal, then science and knowledge cross the threshold of centuries. No one can know everything. But a person is designed in such a way that all his life he strives to learn something, to expand his knowledge. The most favorable time for learning is youth. Let's not waste time! K. Stanislavsky argued that “every day on which you do not supplement your education with at least a small, but new piece of knowledge for you... consider it fruitless and irrevocably lost for you.” You can never stop there. And we are confident that our knowledge will benefit the country, because, as M.V. Lomonosov believed, “Russian land can give birth to its own Platos and quick minds of Newtons.”

Why does a person need knowledge, what is its role in a person’s life? They seem like simple questions, but sometimes you need to answer such simple questions in order to better understand some things.

Knowledge plays a huge role in our lives! Without them, it is impossible to build a house, cure a person, drive a car, play the harpsichord - nothing can be done without a certain amount of knowledge in your head! One can only exist as the most backward and undeveloped animal.

Even for the simplest rational actions you need to have at least some knowledge: in order to learn to eat like a civilized person, a child must learn what a spoon, cup and fork are for.

What can we say about more serious things! For example, without knowledge of technology it is impossible to drive even a meter by car. And without knowledge of anatomy, you can only stab a person, but not operate in any way to remove a malignant tumor.

You can give many examples illustrating the huge role of knowledge in human life, but the people said it best: “Learning is light, but ignorance is darkness.”

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Today the role of knowledge in life modern man and society play a significant role. Now knowledge is valued more than ever before; the main jobs today are related specifically to knowledge and mental work. Physical labor has faded into the background, since it is not particularly important today. Therefore, the role of knowledge in human life and society really plays a great importance.

In the article you will find out what the role of knowledge in human life and society, where and how to obtain the knowledge necessary for life. After all, school today teaches us to live in a world that has long been gone, and we live in a completely different world, and no, there is no point in wasting time on learning something that will not be useful in life. We need a new education system, new information, knowledge and a system that helps and does not harm the development of children and adults. Knowledge shapes thoughts, and thoughts shape our actions and destiny.

Of course, for a person the role of knowledge is very important, since without knowledge, most people will not be able to get a well-paid job, will not be able to earn a living, create a family and normal conditions for a happy and successful life. But we don’t have to know everything; we can get information from people who have experience in a particular area. For example, if your goal is to become rich, then you need to communicate and take advice from rich people, not from poor people

Seek knowledge within yourself

Internet, television and radio

The most important and basic sources of any information and knowledge are the Internet, television and radio, so if you care the role of knowledge in life person, you can get the necessary information from these sources, but keep in mind that 99.9% of the information you receive from these sources can infect your mind with wrong thoughts and beliefs. Therefore, it is better to carefully monitor the information you receive.

There are also roles of knowledge in the life of society, since people mainly exchange received information with each other. These rumors are spread all over the world and become people's reality. Just as fashion, standards and other values ​​are produced in society, and if one person can be persuaded to buy a product that he does not need, then other people can also do this. Therefore, do not find yourself in a society that pulls you down, even if the majority is against your words and beliefs, there will be 2-3 people who will support you.

Read books by successful people

Watch movies based on real events

Also role of knowledge in the life of a person and society play a very important role in order to achieve success, happiness, create a career, family, children and so on. Therefore, in order not to poison your life with incorrect information, which is 95% in total, you need to start looking for the right films based on real events about success. Then you will develop and become better than you were yesterday and today.

In a person’s life, knowledge plays a huge role in the development of personality, because thanks to it, the brain is replenished with the necessary information, which can later help in difficult situations.

Knowledge is luggage that constantly accumulates important information. By collecting knowledge, we gain some experience, which can provide invaluable service in the future.

Books, which are our true friends, allow us to replenish information. They will always understand and console you with their thoughts and reasoning. In addition to the fact that we replenish our vocabulary by reading certain works, we also delve into the problems of the heroes, look for some information, which we comprehend and accept as a fact.

I think it’s clear that no one wants to be illiterate, like Mitrofan from Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor.” The hero only pretended to understand the world, but in fact he was only pretending. Of course, a person needs to choose: progress or stand still.

It is easy to realize that books are a source of knowledge. Not everyone understands this, but it is true. Take any novel, for example Fahrenheit 451, written by Bradbury. Opening the work, you plunge into an initially unknown world, filled with indifferent people who are indifferent to the lives of those around them. There is chaos in their society: books are burned so that people cannot think, form their opinions, or reflect. It is truly scary when a person is deprived of the opportunity to develop. And this book is just about that. The author constantly tells us that books must be protected and taken care of! It is important to accumulate knowledge and then pass it on to the next generation. It is worth developing, not degrading!

Therefore, in order not only to be able to freely express your thoughts, to have a voluminous vocabulary, but also an extensive stock of knowledge, it is worth turning to literature. She is not man's enemy. Writers tried to ensure that readers, discovering their work, cultivate a sense of beauty in their hearts. The only problem is that many people simply don’t need it. This is the tragedy!

Option 2

When they are born, people begin to absorb knowledge of a different nature. They are individual for everyone. For some they are simple and easy to remember, but for other people it takes a lot of time to realize and accept something new. At a conscious age, we can no longer remember that we needed basic knowledge of literally everything.

The first discoverers are, of course, parents or those who are forced to replace them. Relatives give us the opportunity to gain knowledge, first of all, in everyday life. How to properly hold a spoon, eat soup, behave at the table. In the future, this knowledge is very important because you will impress future employers, allies, spouses. Knowledge in good behavior, communication, culture of speech, manners needs to be known, even though it seems, at first glance, to be the simplest and most insignificant.

A person begins to acquire scientific knowledge during his school years, then in higher educational institutions. It happens that a person does not receive an education, but has a lot of knowledge and is considered very wise. Due to forces beyond our control, it happens that school knowledge may be limited or imperfect. Then self-education comes to the rescue. After all, now there are unlimited opportunities to obtain the necessary knowledge. You can use World Wide Web sources. Therefore, you need to be very careful, because this knowledge is very important when choosing a profession; we will use it always and everywhere in our existing work, in life, in society.

Nowadays, it is also possible to share knowledge and experience thanks to online broadcasts and video calls. This way you can gain more knowledge even from other countries, other people, cultures, mentality.

Only self-development will help you acquire vital and desired knowledge. This way you will be an interesting conversationalist, a valuable advisor and an irreplaceable person who makes important, correct decisions that will help other people. After all, it is very important to be a role model and pride for your family. Even if there is no such desire as to be an idol for others, it is still nice to know that you have a lot of knowledge and have a desire to replenish its stock. The most important thing is to be attentive, reasonable, honest, observant, and then knowledge itself will reach you. Then all that remains is to keep them with you and update them in a timely manner.

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Today the role of knowledge in life modern man and society play a significant role. Now knowledge is valued more than ever before; the main jobs today are related specifically to knowledge and mental work. Physical labor has faded into the background, since it is not particularly important today. Therefore, the role of knowledge in human life and society really plays a great importance.

In the article you will find out what the role of knowledge in human life and society, where and how to obtain the knowledge necessary for life. After all, school today teaches us to live in a world that has long been gone, and we live in a completely different world, and no, there is no point in wasting time on learning something that will not be useful in life. We need a new education system, new information, knowledge and a system that helps and does not harm the development of children and adults. Knowledge shapes thoughts, and thoughts shape our actions and destiny.

Of course, for a person the role of knowledge is very important, since without knowledge, most people will not be able to get a well-paid job, will not be able to earn a living, create a family and normal conditions for a happy and successful life. But we don’t have to know everything; we can get information from people who have experience in a particular area. For example, if your goal is to become rich, then you need to communicate and take advice from rich people, not from poor people

Seek knowledge within yourself

Internet, television and radio

The most important and basic sources of any information and knowledge are the Internet, television and radio, so if you care the role of knowledge in life person, you can get the necessary information from these sources, but keep in mind that 99.9% of the information you receive from these sources can infect your mind with wrong thoughts and beliefs. Therefore, it is better to carefully monitor the information you receive.

There are also roles of knowledge in the life of society, since people mainly exchange received information with each other. These rumors are spread all over the world and become people's reality. Just as fashion, standards and other values ​​are produced in society, and if one person can be persuaded to buy a product that he does not need, then other people can also do this. Therefore, do not find yourself in a society that pulls you down, even if the majority is against your words and beliefs, there will be 2-3 people who will support you.

Read books by successful people

Watch movies based on real events

Also role of knowledge in the life of a person and society play a very important role in order to achieve success, happiness, create a career, family, children and so on. Therefore, in order not to poison your life with incorrect information, which is 95% in total, you need to start looking for the right films based on real events about success. Then you will develop and become better than you were yesterday and today.

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