French cultural center. Learning French

It's no secret that learning foreign languages ​​in the modern world of developed international relations is extremely necessary. Nowadays there is active cooperation and interaction between different countries and cultures. It is believed that the most popular languages ​​in the world are English, German and French.

English is an international language, it is used for communication when traveling abroad, and annotations for medical products and various types of devices are written in it. German is a difficult language to learn and not everyone can master it successfully. French, perhaps, ranks first among the most euphonious and melodic languages ​​in the world.

He is extremely charming and romantic. Of course, not every resident of Russia has the opportunity to visit France to learn this language. But don’t be upset - the French Institute was created in our country several years ago. This is a great chance to learn a lot of useful information not only about the language, but also about customs, history, and without leaving Russia.

General information about the institution

In Russia, it is an institution created with the support of the French Embassy in the Russian Federation, which also finances it. This organization is managed by the head of the Embassy for cooperation between Russia and France, a diplomat for cultural cooperation and the study of foreign languages, as well as an assistant to the head of the institute located in the capital of our country.

It was founded in Moscow in 1992. It is an institution for teaching French. Every year, more than 3,000 students enter the institution and more than 2,000 applicants pass entrance examinations. The question of where the institute’s building would be located remained unresolved for some time, but then the rear ones on Vorontsov Pole, not far from the Kursk metro, were chosen for the institution. In order to create the establishment, the old building from the late 19th century was restored within three years. Now the French Institute in Moscow is located at the address: st. Vorontsovo Pole, 16. The institution has 17 classrooms equipped with all the necessary technical teaching aids. The institute has a dining room where you can try French cuisine.

Goals and objectives of the French Institute in Moscow

This educational institution was formed to maintain interaction between Russia and France on issues of development, values ​​and learning.

The main goals of the institute include:

  1. Introduction of the French language and traditions in the Russian Federation with the help of units of the union of France and Russia.
  2. Stimulating further interaction between countries in the field of traditions, art and language learning.
  3. Most of the organization’s cultural events are carried out in Russian cities, but in the future it is planned to develop and hold festivals of Russian customs in the French Republic, in order to familiarize the French with the characteristics of our people.

Objectives of the institution:

  1. To promote the development of international relations and interaction between Russia and France.
  2. To support and encourage the familiarization of the residents of our country with the cultural novelties of France.
  3. Develop and implement cooperation programs between countries.
  4. To contribute to the improvement of educational institutions where French is taught.
  5. Provide complete information about the prospects and options for studying at French universities, as well as opportunities for foreign students to obtain education in our country.

How to go to college?

At first glance, it may seem that it is quite difficult to pass the competition for training at this institution. Actually this is not true. Moreover, every resident of our country who is already 15 years old can prepare to enter the French language institute in Moscow.

The institution offers preparatory French language lessons. After attending a certain number of such classes, you take an entrance test, based on the results of which you can pass a competitive selection and begin training. But first of all, you need to send certain documentation and apply for a visa and application online.

Maybe you think that to get in you need to have experience learning French. But this is optional. The educational institution accepts not only people with a high level of linguistic knowledge, but also those who want to improve their skills, and those who have never studied the language. You can take courses for education, work, travel or just as a hobby.

What are the prospects for education?

Teachers who teach classes are present on the commission for assessing the results of the DELF/DALF international tests. Among the teachers there are French.

The classrooms are provided with the necessary technical equipment.

By attending classes, you will be provided with the following bonuses: access to audio materials and foreign literature, free participation in cultural events of the institution, a choice of various forms and training programs.

If you are a talented and diligent student, you have a great chance to take courses in the capital of France, as well as enroll in the one you choose. But you must remember that you can take advantage of this opportunity only if you have a good level of knowledge of the language.

But in some cases, students can go abroad with an accompanying person. To receive this privilege, you must not miss classes, you must perform well on tests and study at the institution for 3 years.

Language classes

The training program at the institute involves attending French language classes.

Such classes help improve communication skills, oral comprehension and reading skills. Teachers provide courses to develop students' ability to communicate effectively in French.

Activities with the participation of guests from France allow students to improve these skills, as well as learn a lot of new and interesting information about the country and its traditions. Such events are available to students with different abilities.

The groups in which lessons are taught are divided depending on the level of knowledge of the students, as well as their age (children, youth and adults). You can study in the morning, afternoon or evening, on any day of the week convenient for you.

At the French Language Institute in Moscow, classes are conducted using authentic teaching materials and manuals (if you wish, you can find everything you need in the institution’s library).

You can also study one-on-one with a teacher.

The French Institute was created in Moscow in 1992. It is an official center for foreign language learning. This cultural department of the embassy receives more than 3,000 students annually. The goal of the educational institution is to help everyone who wants to learn the French language. The article describes in detail what French language courses are available in Moscow at the embassy and how to sign up for them.

What are the advantages of studying at an embassy?

French language courses in Moscow at the embassy have many advantages:

  1. The French Institute is the main expert in language learning. It teaches only French, which is presented in the form of various programs and courses. The level of knowledge acquired here meets world standards.
  2. Teachers regularly take part in international conferences and research that are aimed at studying new teaching methods and technologies.
  3. The institute at the embassy is the representation of the republic around the world. Therefore, there is no doubt about the quality of the knowledge provided.
  4. This is a non-profit organization. Training is provided on a paid basis, but the prices are reasonable. They are available to many students. The money received from tuition fees goes towards organizing classes and cultural events.

Gift: 2100 rubles for housing!

When you register using the link in AirBnB, you will receive 2100 rubles to your account.

For this money you can rent a good apartment for 1 day abroad or in Russia. The bonus only works for new accounts.

How to sign up for French language training

Registration for classes takes place in several stages. If you have not taken the training before, you will be invited to an interview with the teacher before enrolling. This is done in order to determine the program that is right for you. Those who completed training more than four months ago or those who want to take an international exam undergo the same interview.


An interview with teachers will help:

  • Set a goal for your language learning.
  • The teacher will assess your level of knowledge.
  • A technique will be selected for you that will allow you to achieve the best results.
  • The student will become familiar with the methods and lesson plan.

The interview lasts from 40 minutes to one hour. The cost of an interview for the general course is 300 rubles, for preparation for passing international exams - 1000 rubles.

Meetings with teachers take place three times a week:

  1. On Tuesday from 17:00 to 19:00 hours.
  2. On Wednesday from 16:30 to 18:30.
  3. On Saturday from 14:30 to 17:00.

During periods of peak student flow, meeting times may be changed.

On the day of the interview, you need to contact the administrator, register, and pay for testing. After passing the practice test, you go to a conversation with the teacher. Once you pass the interview, you can complete your enrollment in the course and program of study you want. The recording will be considered completed only after payment has been made. If you do not pay on time, your application will be automatically canceled and you will have to re-apply for an interview.

What types of courses are there at the French embassy?

There are several types of courses for students to choose from:

  • Slow.
  • Average.
  • Semi-intensive
  • Intensive
  • Master programs.


Training takes place once a week. This technique is suitable for those who find it difficult to immediately perceive a large amount of information. During the course, you need to do homework to reinforce the material you have covered. Groups are small - 6-11 students.

The entire course consists of 11 lessons of 3 study hours. The cost of training is 15,125 rubles.


The most popular among students is the average rhythm of study. It allows you to complete the program in 3 sessions. The technique includes learning everyday French for adults. The course lasts 10.5 weeks.

You can choose to visit 2 times or 3 times a week. The cost of training is 28,000 rubles.

Semi-intensive and intensive

For several years now, the institute in Moscow has had a semi-intensive program. It allows you to master the language in 32 hours. Classes will be divided into 4 weekends. Cost – 14,650 rubles.

The intensive course can be completed in 60 hours per month. It includes 20 lessons of 3 astronomical hours. The cost of training is 26,500 rubles. The technique is suitable for those who have enough free time to completely devote a month to learning the language and doing homework.

For people who, due to work pressure, cannot allocate enough time for classes, a weekly program is offered. It includes 30 hours over 1 week. Suitable for those who can take a week off to refresh their knowledge. Cost – 13,700 rubles.

Workshop programs

For those who have an average level of knowledge, but want to improve it, master programs are offered. They are divided into:

  • Grammatical.
  • Pronunciation courses.
  • Lexical.

The cost of study is 4600 rubles. The program includes 5 lessons of 2 astronomical hours.


In Moscow you can take exams to obtain international diplomas. These include:

  1. DELF-DALF is the official diploma of education in France for citizens who have not completed general education in the country.
  2. Diplômes de français professionnel is a certificate confirming knowledge of French at a professional level. Such a diploma opens the door to the business world.
  3. The embassy has the opportunity to take exams for admission to five higher schools of management. The exams are organized by the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Teaching in these schools is in French.
  4. Pass-World is an international competition for admission to six higher economic schools in France. Students who have a master's or bachelor's degree obtained from a non-French educational institution can take part in the competition. Participation in the competition is paid. It is 3500 rubles.
  5. The Graduate School of Translation ITIRI invites students to take testing for admission to the master's program. World specialists in interpretation and translation are trained here.
  6. In Moscow you can take the exam at the ESIT Higher School of Translators. The cost of taking the exam is 2000 rubles. It is held once a year at the French Institute.
  7. The French Institute in Russia is the only educational institution where you can take the DAEFLE exam. It caters to students who want to teach French to non-French speaking students. The cost of taking the entrance test is 5,500 rubles. The cost of the exam is 20,000 rubles.
  8. The Institute at the Embassy in Moscow administers entrance exams to the National Institute of Oriental Civilizations and Languages.
  9. Here you can have an interview before entering the Sciences Po Institute of Political Sciences.
  10. The institute has the opportunity to take an international test for knowledge of the French language. It consists of 80 questions. The level of language proficiency is confirmed by a certificate that students receive after passing the test.

The Center of French Culture in Moscow is a magical place!

The team working here for you seems to be an excellent and well-functioning mechanism for the transmission of living cultural values. I can imagine how many people, destinies and knowledge employees have to track in their work daily and monthly, from year to year, learning about the interests and preferences of everyone who comes here. It must be as interesting as working in some patent office, where every day you examine new applications for amazing and incredible inventions and innovations, marveling at the power of human thought.

I was lucky enough to participate in some of the center's events. Here they regularly conduct, supervise and inform you not only about seminars and round tables, French dance schools, conversations about science and education, days of France in Russia, film festivals (35 mm, Central House of Artists, Illusion and other bases), introduce you to French culture and cooking (there is a real French cafe in the building), but they also conduct entertaining language classes and games with children and their parents on Saturdays (after a break for the summer holidays, they will resume in September 2012), on a modern playground located right in the center hall.

Right wing of the VGBIL building.

Employees from Russia and France will take you to the “peaks” on an exciting journey to country “X” for knowledge and self-knowledge. On this path, people make real breakthroughs - fortunately, some need it for work, some are passing a diploma, some want their children to know French, and some get married, get married, or move, some already returned to Russia and does not want to forget the language, everyone here desperately needs knowledge.

Entrance here is open to a wide age group and audience: for children, for adults, for teachers of schools and universities. Of course, advanced courses, which issue diplomas and international certificates, are on a paid basis, located separately, in the right wing of the VGBIL building. The atmosphere in the corridors there is no less lively than at the New York Stock Exchange in the last minutes before the close of trading. Just like in Vysotsky’s song: “... those who have thousands, spend thousands. Here, without knowing how, you will find everything...” Classes are going on in the halls: concentration and immersion in what is happening with every fiber of the soul, like a mass with trumpet music , and the rays of stained glass light playing with a rainbow. The listeners burst into singing in the full choir of magical voices coming from the depths of the consciousness of the “I,” so the French Word flows melodiously and captures everyone here.

I am extremely pleased to be in this temple of the culture of international communication, fortunately the path to France began in my life at the age of six with French classes for preschoolers at Alliance Frances in Sofia, on the street. Rakovska with Madame Minkova - during the cultural renaissance of Bulgaria with the initiatives of philanthropist and Prime Minister Lyudmila Zhivkova (international annual Children's Assembly "Banner of Peace", in the name of culture and art). Then I continued my education in Moscow, on Begovaya, in the language “special school” 1244, with Madame Rumyantseva, in the group of school translation and the study of French journalism, discourse and structural linguistics. Then I was lucky enough to attend scientific seminars among the Francophones in Quebec and Switzerland, Belgium and Morocco.

In the center- everything is located very thoughtfully, conveniently and handily: right along the way - something like an exhibition of new products and current topics. To the left of the entrance are materials and courses on linguistics, textbooks and CDs, and then there is an openwork spiral staircase leading to the second tier of the hall. On the right is a magnificent collection of fresh periodicals, in the center are thematic novelties, in the depths of the hall there is a labyrinth of shelves of the main collections of the reading room, with excellent signs and inscriptions.

Among the many publications that I looked through and selectively read, I was interested in one book about the Cannes Film Festival. It revealed a lot to me about the club that unites filmmakers from all over the globe. I was momentarily immersed in the chronicle of the creative life and communication of a whole galaxy of stars of film production, film distribution and acting, in which the life of the rest of the society, including the audience, acts as an invaluable decor. This is Claude Lellouche's yacht, purchased during the economic crisis with funds from the film "A Man and a Woman", and even Tarkovsky - a modest and deeply philosophical prophet of the millennium! All this gorgeous diamond glaze of the most complex web of friendship, competition and brotherhood, human destinies in the film industry.

My children (Emily, 3 years old, and Miri, 5 years old) found and previewed on huge monitors films about “Papa Barba” and “Kirikou and the Animals of Africa,” savannah safari,” sagas about the Moomin Trolls and other children’s joys. A player, like the BBK we have at home, that reads any discs without discrimination based on the country of the manufacturer. Ecological motive (saving beaver lodges and forests from deforestation by people), studying and protecting the diversity and integrity of the world of living and inanimate nature, friendship and overcoming circumstances in a circle of close friends. , the beauty and dangerous violence of the forces of the earthly elements, all this fascinated, enchanted, and made us think... Then we began to sketch what we saw on paper and we got a harmonious symphony of color and emotions, new life experience.

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