Functional speech styles are a general characteristic concept. Speech styles

Lesson type: lesson on the integrated application of students' knowledge, skills and abilities.

Lesson objectives:

  1. To update students' knowledge about the types of speech styles based on identifying the common features of each style.
  2. Repeat material about the variety of functions of language and speech, about the means of speech expressiveness.
  3. Develop the ability to find characteristics characteristic of each style.
  4. Fostering a culture of mental work based on such mental operations as: analysis, synthesis, grouping, generalization.
  5. To cultivate a value-based attitude towards the Russian language.

During the classes

1. Introductory and motivational stage.

Greetings. Checking the class's readiness for the lesson. Lesson topic message. Relevance of this topic:

Teacher: At the end of the year you will take exams in the GIA format, where there will be a task to determine the style of the text. And also the knowledge gained in the lesson will be useful when analyzing the text, which you will do in 2 lessons.

Today we will remember what style is, what styles of speech there are in the Russian language, and we will learn to distinguish between them. We only have one lesson on this topic.

We will work according to the following plan (on the board). Pay attention to the s.r., and if we have time, we will play the role of editors.

2. Frontal survey.

– What is style? Read the meaning of this word in the explanatory dictionary...

Which of the following values ​​suits us? Read it.

(Style is a set of techniques for using linguistic means to express certain ideas and thoughts in various conditions of speech practice)

– What styles do you know? (students list)

– Check if you have named all the styles? Turn around and look at the diagram.

3. Checking the data:

(Messages have been prepared on the features of each style.)

Teacher: You have tables on your tables: purpose, scope of application, style features. There are 2 empty columns. During messages you will fill out this column.

– To determine the style, you need to answer 3 questions:

The speakers will answer these questions and fill out the diagrams that we will use to determine the style. Table:





Target Exchange of thoughts, impressions, communication Message, transmission of scientific information Accurate business transfer


Message, impact on listeners or readers Impact on thoughts and feelings
Scope of application Conversation in an informal setting; friendly letters and messages Official setting; lessons, lectures; popular science books Official setting;

business papers

Official setting; media, in speeches Fiction
Peculiarities Predominance of colloquial and colloquial vocabulary; intonation, facial expressions, gestures Single meaning words; terms; lack of figurative means Terms, speech cliches, clericalisms; specificity, formality Solemn vocabulary, emotionality; combination of standardized words and means of expression Wide use of visual and expressive means; use of other styles

Student reports:

Conversational style

The main function of the conversational style is communication. The conversational style is used in informal settings, both oral and written: among friends, acquaintances, in friendly messages, etc.

Conversational speech is spontaneous speech, without preliminary selection of linguistic means. The speech situation is of great importance in the use of certain means of language. Speakers can use not only words, but also gestures and facial expressions.

The linguistic features of colloquial speech include variations in intonation, stress, pauses...

The requirements for colloquial speech are less strict than in other styles: emotional, expressive vocabulary is used. In explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language, vocabulary characteristic of the colloquial style is marked “colloquial.” In the colloquial style, non-literary, incorrect speech-colloquial speech may appear. For example, instead of a neutral word so many vernacular can be used little table, instead of the word dining room - canteen. Phraseologisms are also used that give greater expressiveness to speech (for example, “to kick the bucket” - do nothing) and words with suffixes of subjective assessment: house, legs, huge, tiny...

Scientific style

Scientific style is a variety of book styles of literary language. It is used in oral and written speech. Main function scientific style – evidence-based presentation of scientific information. Scientific speech is a monologue speech.

The scientific style is used in formal settings, as well as when writing dictionaries, textbooks, and popular science books.

The scientific style is characterized by neutral vocabulary: earth, water, life; book: demonstrate, prevail, and special (terms): atom, structure, syntax, etc. In the scientific style, phraseological type phrases are also used: voiced consonant, isolated parts of the sentence, right angle and etc.

The scientific style also has its own characteristics in grammar. Thus, participles, gerunds, and verbal nouns are widespread in scientific texts. Singular nouns are often used to mean plural: Lily of the valleyblooms in early May. Real and abstract nouns can be used in the plural form: noises in the heart, sea depths. The scientific style is characterized by accuracy, strict logic, and clarity of presentation.

Business style

The main function of business style is the accurate transmission of business information. Business style is used in an official setting and for writing various official documents and business papers; statements, memos, protocols, etc.

Business style is characterized by accuracy, conciseness of presentation, and the use of cliches: according to order, based on the above, in accordance with the resolution...

In business speech there is no vocabulary of limited use (dialectisms, colloquial words) and emotionally charged vocabulary.

Business texts use strict word order in a sentence.

Journalistic style

The journalistic style is used in newspapers, magazines (that is, in the media), and speeches to the public for propaganda purposes. The main function of style is the function of influence (agitation and propaganda). A journalistic text not only contains a message about something, but also expresses the author’s attitude towards the statement.

The journalistic style is characterized by strict logic of presentation, accuracy of facts (in this the journalistic style is similar to the scientific one), as well as emotionality, which brings it closer to the style of fiction.

In journalism, vocabulary of different layers is used: book: accomplishment, industry;

colloquial: good fellow, hype;

terms: atmosphere, delicate...

Foreign words are often used: show performance, consensus agreement; phraseological units: work tirelessly, rake in the heat with someone else's hands; various figurative and expressive means of language.

Fiction style

Fiction style (or literary style) used in works of art: stories, tales, novels, plays, etc.

The main function of artistic style is to influence the reader and also to inform him about something.

The artistic style is distinguished by imagery, expressiveness, and emotionality. Using figurative and expressive means of language, writers and poets introduce readers to the way of life and spiritual life of the peoples of different countries, not only today, but also in the distant past. In the artistic style, to give the text a sublime, solemn coloring, to create the flavor of the era, outdated words are used: Rise up prophet, and see and listen, Be fulfilled by my will, And, bypassing the seas and lands, Verb burn people's hearts. (A.S. Pushkin)

The style of fiction is characterized by a combination of features of different styles. The most commonly used elements are conversational style.

Teacher: Check that the table is filled out correctly. Self-test

Frontal survey:

Teacher: So, how many styles are there in total? Let's check how carefully you listened to the speakers.

Name the style based on its characteristics. Use the table.

– Exchange of thoughts, colloquial vocabulary (colloquial)

– Transmission of scientific information, terms (scientific)

– Transfer of business information, business papers (official business)

– Media, emotionality (journalistic)

– Fiction (fiction)

4. Lexical game

Teacher: Now look at column 3 of the table, which lists the features of the styles. How are they different? Of course, vocabulary. Different styles use different vocabulary. There is colloquial and book vocabulary, but all styles use neutral or common vocabulary. Now we will learn to distinguish vocabulary. 3 people at the board will fill out 3 columns (distribute words among the columns of the table), the rest will work in notebooks, and the editor will work with the dictionary and check the correctness of the work.

Commonly used


Top Vertex crown
Let Block interference
Afraid Fear be a coward
drive away Banish expose
worry worry freak out
face face muzzle (colloquial)

– So, are the fields (to the editor) filled out correctly?

– We check everything (self-test)

We evaluate (evaluation criteria: 1-2 errors-4,3-4– “3”)

5. Independent work (in groups)

Briefing before s/r.: 7

Teacher: So, we remembered the features of different styles. We filled out the table and diagrams that you can use when doing s/r. in groups. You need to determine the style of the text given to you and prove its belonging to the style.

– What will you pay attention to? (point to the diagram): where and why is it used this text. Firstly, define a goal then scope of application, features.

Then 1 person from the team (you choose him) will read the text and answer the question, and the rest listen carefully and check.

Job completion time 5 min.

Task for group No. 1:

“Well, Lyoshka, should I tell you about our city? There are many architectural monuments, and not so long ago the Ice Palace was built. The boys and I go there to skate, it’s so cool! You can also relax in the Peace Park or roller skate at the Eternal Flame. In general, it’s great in our city, come and see.”

Task for group No. 2:

Kolomna is territorially and legally qualified as part of the Moscow region.

A little more than 143 thousand people live in the city and region. In recent years, housing construction has been rapidly developing, infant mortality has decreased, and positive dynamics have been observed in terms of childbearing. The administration of the city of Kolomna is doing everything possible for the dynamic development of the city and improving the well-being of citizens.

Task for group No. 3:

Kolomna is an ancient city founded in the 12th century. According to chronicles, it appeared only 30 years later than Moscow.

The word “Kolomna” itself refers to the Finno-Ugric tribes that lived here before the arrival of the Slavs. In their dialect this word meant “a place near the cemetery.”

Other data indicate that the word Kolomna has a “geographical” origin - after all, there is both the Kolomenka River and the village of Kolomenskoye. There is also a beautiful legend about the founding of our city by the Italian Count Karl Colonna, who was fleeing the persecution of Pope Boniface 8.

Be that as it may, today Kolomna is the cultural and industrial center of the Moscow region, a city of which we, Kolomna residents, are proud.

Task for group No. 4:

Kolomna is a city founded in 1177. Chronicle information indicates the determination of the Finno-Ugric group of languages ​​in the name of this city.

Linguistic analysis carried out by researchers and linguists confirms this hypothesis.

Developing its historical traditions, the city is rightfully one of the five most dynamically developing regions of the Moscow region.

An analysis of the city’s geographic location suggests that loamy soils predominate in the city and region, and the terrain and climate are suitable for stable vegetable growing.

Task for group No. 5:

It is difficult to find a city as beautiful as Kolomna in the Moscow region. Picturesque river mouths and unique landscapes allow you to fully enjoy the beauty of this repository of ancient traditions.

Like invisible guards of the city, at the entrance to it, guests are greeted by monumental steles, and when you drive past the Marinka Tower, it seems that a little more, and Dmitry Donskoy will appear.

Like a big bird, the newly built Ice Sports Palace opened its arms.

Check: students read the text and name the style.

Question for another group:

- Do you agree?

6. Summing up.

Let's Let's generalize that what we talked about in class.

How many styles are there in Russian? Write down the names from memory.

Self-test (a board with words opens).

7. Homework.

You did a good job today Houses you will secure

this material by completing ex. 181(define text style) or edit text

(exercise 180, part 2); ind.rear :continue the story from this beginning, adhering to the same style. You can use the table and diagram that we compiled in class at home and in subsequent lessons when preparing for the exam.

8. Editing text.

Teacher: And now you will feel yourself in a new role - as editors. Here is a text that contains stylistic errors. Check, find words that do not match the style, correct the text.

Edit the text.

Text No. 1:

What style does this text belong to?

What violations of lexical norms did you find in text. Correct it.

Kyiv... was founded in the 6th-7th centuries as the center of the Polyan tribe. It has been known in Russian chronicles since 860. At 9 a.m. 12 centuries capital of Kievan Rus. Destroyed in 1240 harmful Mongol-Tatars. In 1362 straightaway captured by Lithuania, and in 1569 by Poland. Since 1654, part of Russia. Well now it is the capital of Ukraine.

(From a history notebook for a 6th grade student).

Text No. 2. Find and correct errors in the design of business paper.

Head of Communications Department

Sokolov A.P., living at the address:
st. Volgina, 5, apt. 44,


Dear Maria Ivanovna!

Since I and my family are leaving for a whole month rest to Crimea and my apartment will be closed from July 15 to August 15, then Very I ask you, in my absence, to leave all correspondence received in my name at the post office. Thank you very much in advance

Among the variety of varieties of language use, two main ones stand out: spoken language And literary language (book).

Colloquial language (colloquial style of speech) is usually used orally. Literary (book) language includes scientific, official business, and journalistic speech, hence their functioning in certain areas of activity. Depending on this, they distinguish between scientific, official business, journalistic and especially artistic style, or the language of fiction.

Word style began to mean the quality of what was written. That's the point stylistics– the ability to express one’s thoughts in different ways, using different linguistic means, which distinguishes one style of speech from another.

Functional speech styles
- these are varieties of language due to differences in the areas of communication and the basic functions of language.

The spheres of communication are usually understood as broad areas of human social activity, which correspond to certain forms of social consciousness: science, politics, law, art. Each of the identified spheres of communication is served by a certain functional style: scientific, journalistic, official business, artistic.

Sphere of communication a person with a small circle of people in various, usually everyday, situations allows us to highlight a conversational style.

Thus, based on differences in areas of communication, five main functional styles are distinguished.

To characterize functional styles, the second basis for their identification is also essential - taking into account the social function of language.

The most important function of language is communication function. Another function of language is connected with it and is its derivative - thought-formative, or message function. Due to the close connection of these two functions, many researchers assign the corresponding meaning to both of them to the term “communicative function”.

Language serves not only to express thoughts, but also to express feelings and will. Of course, manifestations of feelings are possible outside of language. Therefore, the functions of emotional and volitional influence are considered as additional functions of language.

Thus, language functions, defining the goals and objectives of communication, are as follows:

- communicative(communication, message),

- emotive,


Or: communication, message, impact(emotional and volitional).

Different styles of speech implement the functions of language in different ways. These differences are related to the nature of the style, to the fact that the tasks of communication are not the same in different spheres of communication. The functions of a language implemented by a style are its important characteristics.

Functional styles are stable varieties of speech, determined by sphere of communication and typical for this area communication task(function of language). The sphere of communication and the task of communication are extra-linguistic factors on which the linguistic uniqueness of the style and, partly, the features of the content of speech within a particular style depend.

What is the linguistic structure of the functional style? What is the basis for that sense of stylistic integrity, unity, which allows us to intuitively distinguish scientific speech from artistic or colloquial speech?

Until recently, these issues were controversial. However, the application of the statistical method in stylistics has convincingly shown that one style differs from another not so much in linguistic matter as in the different frequency of linguistic units.

It is impossible to talk about the attachment of a linguistic device to a particular style, but it is necessary and possible to talk about a high probability of the appearance of a particular device in a certain style. Let's take, for example, terminological vocabulary. Words-terms can be used in any style - colloquial, official business, journalistic, artistic, but, of course, most often we use them in a scientific style. The likelihood (or frequency) of scientific style terms will be highest. The “face” of a style is determined by the frequency of both marked and neutral units. Consequently, the so-called neutral means of language also participate in the formation of style; in the latter case, stylistic information is contained in the frequency of the linguistic unit.

Our statements depend on Where We are speaking, with whom And For what, i.e. from the speech situation.

Signs of a speech situation can be presented in the form of a diagram:

Speech situation - who are we talking to?, where?, for what purpose?

In different speech situations we speak or write differently, that is, we use different speech styles.

Colloquial speech used in casual conversations with familiar people, usually in a home (informal) setting (1 - 1, informal setting).

Book speech addressed to many people, to everyone who wants to know. It is used in books, newspapers, radio and television, in official speeches and conversations (1 - a lot, formal setting).

Plan for stylistic text analysis

I. Extralinguistic text analysis

1. Author, title; addressee of speech; subject of speech; the author's goal.
2. Type of speech (monologue, dialogue, polylogue).
3. Form of speech (oral or written).
4. Functional and semantic types of speech (description, narration, reasoning).
5. The sphere of social activity served by the proposed style.

II. Linguistic text analysis

1.Language features that determine the style of the text:
a) lexical;
b) morphological;
c) syntactic.
2. Means of creating imagery and expressiveness of the text.

III. Conclusion: functional style (substyle, genre).

When analyzing a text, remember that it is impossible and not necessary to consider all linguistic means based on the material of a specific text. The scope of analysis is determined by the nature of the text itself and its features.
Your text analysis should present a coherent text!

As already noted, the literary language can be used in any communication situation: in official and informal settings, in the field of science, office work, in the media, in fiction, in everyday life. Naturally, such a variety of functions performed cannot but lead to the fact that several variants are gradually formed in the literary language, each of which is intended for communication in a certain field of human activity.

In modern Russian literary language there are usually five styles:

  • official business (business),

    newspaper-journalistic (journalistic),



Each style has a number of specific speech characteristics, which are formed depending on the area in which communication takes place and what functions the language performs.

Main function Sphere of communication Basic form of speech Typical type of speech Main way of communication
Scientific style
Informative (message) The science Written Monologue Mass, non-contact
Business style
Informative (message) Right Written Monologue Mass, non-contact and contact
Journalistic style
Informative and impact function Ideology, politics Written and oral Monologue
Art style
Aesthetic* and impact function Word arts Written Monologue, dialogue, polylogue ** Mass, non-contact and indirect-contact
Conversational style
Exchange of thoughts and feelings (actual communication) Household Oral Dialogue, polylogue Personal, contact

Scientific, official business and journalistic styles are similar in that they are intended to convey rather complex content and function in the sphere of official communication, mainly in written form. That's why they are called book styles.

In particular, this is manifested in the stylistic stratification of Russian vocabulary. So, along with commonly used words, that is, words that are used by everyone and in all cases (for example: mother, earth, water, run), used in book styles book vocabulary, that is, one that looks alien in casual conversation.

For example, in a friendly letter it is hardly appropriate to use terms, clerical words, etc.: On green spaces the first leaves appeared; We were walking in the forest and sunbathed by the pond.

All book styles are contrasted with the conversational style, which is used in informal, everyday, everyday communication, usually in oral speech that has not been prepared in advance. And here, along with commonly used words, there is frequent use of colloquial vocabulary, that is, one that is inappropriate in book styles, but is inherent in informal everyday speech.

For example, in everyday life we ​​use the word potatoes, liver, and in a textbook on botany and biology they are inappropriate precisely because they are colloquial. Therefore, the terms will be used there potatoes, liver.

Stratification of vocabulary by use in certain styles ( common vocabulary - book And colloquial vocabulary) should not be confused with the stratification of vocabulary according to the presence or absence of evaluation and emotional-expressive coloring of a word (although in some cases these characteristics overlap each other). Emotional means based on feeling, caused by emotions, feelings. Expressive - expressive, containing the expression of feelings, experiences (from the Latin expressio - “expression”). From this point of view, neutral vocabulary is contrasted with evaluative, emotional-expressive vocabulary.

Neutral vocabulary is words devoid of stylistic coloring. They can indicate emotions, express an assessment of phenomena ( joy, love, good, bad), but in this case the expression of emotions or assessment constitutes the very meaning of the word, and is not layered on it.

A feature of emotional-evaluative and emotionally-expressive vocabulary is that evaluation and emotional-expressive coloring are “overlaid” on the lexical meaning of the word, but are not reduced to it. Such a word not only names this or that phenomenon, but also expresses an assessment, the speaker’s attitude towards this object, phenomenon, feature, etc. This is easy to demonstrate by comparing neutral and emotionally expressive synonyms, that is, words that are close or identical in meaning:

eyes - eyes, balls; face - muzzle, face; son - son; stupid is a fool.

Emotionally expressive vocabulary is usually divided into high and low. High vocabulary is used in pathetic texts and in solemn acts of communication. Reduced- combines words of low social significance and, as a rule, containing elements of harsh assessment. In addition to this general characteristic, expressively colored words can acquire various stylistic shades, as indicated by marks in dictionaries.

For example: ironically - democrat(“rubber baton” in colloquial speech); disapprovingly - rally; contemptuously - sycophant; playfully - newly minted; familiarly - not bad; vulgar - grabber.

Emotionally expressive vocabulary requires careful attention. Its inappropriate use can give a comic sound to the speech. This often manifests itself in student essays.

A special place in the style system is occupied by language of fiction. Since literature reflects all spheres of life, it can use for aesthetic purposes, to create artistic images, the means of any styles of literary language, and, if necessary, not only them, but also dialects, jargons, and vernacular. The main function of artistic style is aesthetic. And here everything is determined by specific tasks, a sense of proportion and the artistic taste of the writer.

Of course, the specifics of each style are manifested not only in vocabulary, but also in grammar, in the peculiarities of text construction, etc. But all these linguistic features are determined precisely by the functions that each style performs, and by the areas of communication in which this style is used. This leads to the fact that each style has a certain dominant, that is, an organizing feature of this style.

Exercises for the topic “5.1. General characteristics of styles. Stylistic stratification of vocabulary. Emotionally expressive coloring of the word"

Text style is the design and purpose of speech.

There are 5 text styles in Russian:

  1. scientific
  2. business
  3. journalistic
  4. art
  5. colloquial

Each style has its own canons and features and, accordingly, scope of use.

Scientific text style

You can become familiar with the scientific style by reading articles that describe phenomena, identify patterns, and make discoveries. This is the style of scientific conferences and seminars, monographs and dissertations. It is characterized by the use of precise terminology, a logical presentation of facts and conclusions that follow from research results, and the use of impersonal pronouns. Scientific style is also used in textbooks.

Business text style

Business style is used to inform. Most often used in the field of legislation, administrative and legal activities. This is the style of official documents: laws, orders, regulations, protocols. Each of the listed documents is compiled according to a specific and generally accepted cliche. The common man in his life also uses this style more than once when drawing up statements, characteristics, and submitting certificates. This style is characterized by direct word order and strict adherence to established clichés.

These two styles are not emotionally charged. Characterized by precision and dryness.

Journalistic text style

Journalistic style is the language of the media. It is used when creating a report or interview. This style is characterized by logic, emotionality and appeal. Its goal is to convey information, arouse interest in an existing problem, and influence people’s attitudes towards pressing problems of society. Indirectly, the journalistic style participates in the formation of the worldview of a large number of people.

Conversational text style

The purpose of the conversational style is direct communication. They use it to discuss pressing needs, share their feelings and thoughts in an informal setting. He is characterized by emotionality. It often contains colloquial and vernacular vocabulary. Moreover, each region has its own typical folk speech, called dialects.

Artistic style of text

Artistic style influences us through literature. This is a style of works of art. It is characterized by richness of vocabulary, its emotionality, and the use of various artistic techniques to enhance the perception and imagination of readers (allegorical images, metaphors, hyperboles, etc.). This style is easy to understand, there are often deviations from speech norms, and foreign, outdated words are used. When reading texts of artistic style, one gets the impression of the constant presence of the author, his worries about the fate of the heroes of the work.

Speech is a necessary means of human communication. The scope of its application determines the division into varieties, which are called functional styles. There are five of them in total: scientific, official business, journalistic, conversational and artistic. Each style is implemented both in oral and written forms and has its own lexical, syntactic, and morphological features.

Types of speech are also distinguished separately. The table presented in this article will help you understand this issue.

Reasoning is a type of speech in which cause-and-effect relationships are presented, which determines the following structure: thesis - argument - conclusion. Reasoning is characterized by the use of introductory words,

Basic data describing the types of speech will be presented in the table below.




beginning - development - climax - resolution

predominant use of verbs and adverbs


general idea of ​​the subject - individual features of the subject - conclusions, author's judgments

use of imperfective verbs, simple, incomplete, nominative sentences


thesis - argument - conclusion

use of introductory words and complex syntactic structures


The styles and types of speech we have considered in Russian are not static. People choose their own form of communication. Often borderline styles of presenting information are mixed. This is due to the social function of speech.

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