Geography as a science. The place of geography in the system of sciences. Platonova G.N. - presentation

The meaning of geography. In the modern world, geographical knowledge is becoming daily necessary for people in their work and everyday activities - from choosing a place of residence and food products (produced in different regions of the globe) to the election of country leaders.

Geography is one of the oldest sciences on Earth! Physical geography is a natural science that comprehensively studies the natural component of the geographic envelope as a whole and the nature of its components. How science developed in the 20th century. Geography Economic and social geography of the world is a social science that studies the territorial organization of human society.

Scientists: Eratosthenes of Cyrene (BC) is an ancient Greek scientist who first coined the term “geography” and first determined the size of the Earth. Alexander Friedrich Wilhelm Humboldt () - German naturalist and traveler, scientist - encyclopedist. Came to understand physical geography as an independent science. Alexander Friedrich Wilhelm Humboldt () - German naturalist and traveler, scientist - encyclopedist. Came to understand physical geography as an independent science. Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov () - Russian scientific encyclopedist. He introduced the term “economic geography” into science. Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov () - Russian scientific encyclopedist. He introduced the term “economic geography” into science. Nikolai Nikolaevich Baransky () is a classic of Russian geography. Founder of the school of economic geography. Nikolai Nikolaevich Baransky () is a classic of Russian geography. Founder of the school of economic geography.

Geographers and their work Specialty Examples of types of employment Physical geography, world geography Forecaster, geologist, oceanologist, soil scientist, diplomat, travel agency worker, agricultural development specialist. Economic Geography Enterprise location expert, market researcher, transport manager, logistics specialist, real estate agent, consulting firm employee. Regional GeographyRegional specialist in a government agency, business representative, guidebook author. Cartography and Geographic Information System Cartographer, surveyor, geographic information system specialist, land surveyor, map publisher. Geography of culture and populationDiplomat, consulting firm specialist, peacemaker. Environmental ManagementEnvironmental Manager. Prosecutor's office. Geographical educationSchool teacher, university teacher, textbook author. Editor of educational literature.

Methods of geographical science HistoricalEcologicalModelingmathematicalHistoricalEcologicalModelingmathematicalGeophysicalGeochemicalSociologicaleconomicGeophysicalGeochemicalSociologicaleconomicDescriptive - the oldest and most important. ExpeditionaryLiterary-cartographic Descriptive - the oldest and most important. Expeditionary Literary and cartographic general scientific Specific scientific specific

Geographers are involved in solving the following questions: How to protect the atmosphere and the oceans from pollution? To what extent is humanity provided with resources and is it in danger of “resource famine”? Is overpopulation a threat to the world? What are the land resources of our planet and the best ways to explore them. Is overpopulation a threat to the world? What are the land resources of our planet and the best ways to explore them?

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