Coats of arms of fictional countries. This African country is called a geological miracle

This African country is called a geological miracle. It occupies one of the first places in the world in the production of diamonds, gold, uranium and iron ores. Name this country: Egypt. South Africa. Mali.

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Geography 10th grade

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What is a symbol? Translated from Greek, this word means a sign, a sign inherent in something specific. But not everything that surrounds a person has symbolic meaning. Falling snow is a sign of winter, and dripping from roofs means spring is approaching. But these phenomena are not symbols. The latter carry a deeper, philosophical meaning.

We all know very well that a dove is a symbol of peace, and a pair of white swans symbolizes love and fidelity. Different countries also have their own signs and signs. They are official and unofficial. Official symbols include state symbols: coat of arms, flag and anthem. When did they first appear? What do they mean?

What plants are symbols of the countries of the world? What were the first flags made of and what was depicted on the first Russian coat of arms? Next, we will consider the most interesting and unusual symbols of countries and cities of the world. But first, a short excursion into history.

Distant past

One of the important symbols emphasizing the uniqueness of the country is the coat of arms. It appeared as the very first of the other official signs. Slavs who lived in the VI-VIII centuries. AD, with the help of various ornaments, individual territories were distinguished. The prototype of the oldest coat of arms can be considered a seal with the image of a falcon. These belonged to the great Russian princes. Any documents were certified with a seal so that any person, even an uneducated one, could appreciate the importance of such paper.

The first Russian coat of arms was a coin with the image of St. George the Victorious. In the middle of the 15th century, the double-headed eagle appeared. His image was present on the royal seal and on the coin.

Pole, banners, banners, flags

At all times, people communicated with the help of symbols; thanks to them, membership in a certain clan or tribe was indicated. Roman legionaries, going on campaigns, carried with them a pole with a pennant. Images of gods and various symbols could be applied to them. With their help, warriors during a battle could determine where the enemy army was located.

The first flags appeared in China and Egypt, their history thus goes back about 3000 years. They became identification marks of troops, territories, and then states. They were called differently: standard, banner, manipulus, banner. Performance of troops, military battles, military parade, oath - all these events cannot be imagined without the use of such symbols. Banners could be decorated with fringe, ribbons, and tassels. They could contain various inscriptions and mottos. Carrying the banner in battle was considered very honorable, and losing it meant saying goodbye to honor and your life.

Types of Russian flags

In Rus', the first banners appeared in the 10th century. The Savior Not Made by Hands was most often depicted on the panel.

The national flag appeared at the end of the 17th century, during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. On a huge panel of fabric there were three stripes of white, red and blue, and in the middle there was an image of a double-headed eagle. Subsequently, commercial ships begin to sail under this flag, and trade with foreign countries is conducted.

St. Andrew's flag. There is a blue cross on the white fabric. Ships sailed under this banner. It appeared at the end of the 17th century and began to be considered the flag of the Russian fleet. Later, panels of three colors appeared. White belonged to the admiral's ships, blue belonged to the vice admiral, and red belonged to the rear admiral. In 1992, the St. Andrew's flag was restored to its status, and now the white cloth with a blue cross represents the strength and power of the Russian fleet.

In 1858, the royal standard appeared. A black eagle was depicted on a yellow background. It was raised in the places where the king was located.

After the October Revolution, the Red Banner of the RSFSR appeared. It depicted a sickle, a hammer, and a red star.

Since 1993, the Russian flag has become the way we all know it. Three identical stripes of different colors: white, blue, red.

Flags of the world

There are about 250 of them in total. Each of them is unique. Having information about the color symbolism of the flag can tell you a lot about the country. In ancient times, the most popular colors were white, black and red. What do some flag colors say?

  • White - purity of thoughts, innocence, truthfulness.
  • Black - sadness, wisdom, modesty.
  • Red - courage, strength, revolutionism.
  • Blue - sea, calm, greatness.
  • Green - in Muslim countries is considered the color of Islam.

Symbols from different countries around the world may have different meanings.

National symbols of countries around the world are sometimes very unusual. Let's take flags for example. All of them have the shape of a rectangle on which symbols of different countries of the world are depicted. But there are exceptions. We bring to your attention the most interesting of them in form and content.

  • The shape of the flag of the state of Nepal is pentagonal. But many people call it a “half-tree”. At the top of the flag there is a drawing of the sun, and at the bottom - the moon. The combination of these symbols suggests that the country will live and prosper forever, just as these heavenly bodies are eternal.
  • The flag of Switzerland is shaped like a square. There is a large white cross painted on the red fabric. The flag of the International Committee of the Red Cross is its descendant, only in this case the cross is red and the fabric is white.
  • The Vatican flag is also square. The base is two identical stripes of yellow and white, the last one depicts the country’s coat of arms - two keys to Paradise and Rome, and above them -
  • The flag of Portugal features an astronomical instrument. It is a symbol of the country's geographical discoveries.
  • The Angkor Wat temple is depicted on This is also a kind of sign of uniqueness, because usually the symbols of the countries of the world do not contain images of religious buildings.
  • Russia's modern weapon, the Kalashnikov assault rifle, adorns the flag of Mozambique. There are no such paintings anywhere else.
  • The coat of arms with the image of a chessboard distinguishes Croatia. On the red, white and blue stripes of the flag we can see the favorite symbol of chess players from all over the world.
  • The outlines of Cyprus can be seen not only on geographical maps, but also on the white flag of the state of the same name.
  • A beautiful spectacle of the starry sky appears before our eyes on the flag of Brazil. All of it, of course, did not fit, only a part: 27 stars, according to the number of states in the country.
  • At first glance, there is nothing unusual about the Norwegian flag. But this is a misleading impression. Part of this flag was painted by... a child.
  • does not use any signs on its cloth. The green flag represents the state religion of the country - Islam.

History of the creation of the coat of arms

The symbols of the countries of the world have a rich history, dating back to ancient times. The tradition of creating a coat of arms begins with totems. This word means "kind". The Indians were the first to use totems. Each tribe chose an animal or plant, the image of which was applied to fabric, personal items, and sometimes even to the human body. By these signs it was possible to determine belonging to a particular tribe.

The Crusades and jousts in Western Europe contributed to the widespread use of coats of arms. They acted primarily as one of the poems of Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak contains the following lines:

This was the ancient custom -
So that from state emblems
The animal face threatened the neighbors
Bare all your teeth.

The first coat of arms of Russia also depicted a bird of prey - a double-headed eagle. This image is still present on it.

Animals on the coats of arms of the world

Since ancient times, people have treated them with great respect. Animals were idolized and worshiped. The images were present on dishes, clothes, and weapons. They were believed to bring good luck and prosperity.

Animal symbols of the countries of the world are quite diverse:

  • Lion is one of the oldest and most popular images. Represents strength, fearlessness, agility. The symbol can be found on the coats of arms of Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Spain, Bulgaria, India and others.
  • Kangaroo - lives in Australia, therefore it occupies an honorable place on the coat of arms of this country. Symbolizes forward movement, since these animals do not jump back.
  • The image of a cow is on the coat of arms of Andorra.
  • The leopard symbolizes perseverance, courage, courage. Can be seen on the coat of arms. Here you can read the motto of this country: "Brotherhood. Justice. Labor."
  • The antelope is present on the coat of arms of the state of Zimbabwe.

Symbols of countries around the world can be expressed not only with the help of animals. Some coats of arms contain images of plants, objects, natural phenomena, and fruits.

Flowers-symbols of countries of the world

The world of plants is amazing and wonderful. Each country, as a rule, has its own flower. His image is even present on some coats of arms:

  • Great Britain - rose, clover and thistle.
  • Mexico, Malta - cactus.
  • Guyana - water lily.
  • Antigua and Barbuda - red hibiscus.

Similar symbols of countries around the world (plants and trees) can also be found on coats of arms.

  • Peru - laurel branch.
  • The Bahamas, Haiti, Cuba, Dominican Republic and many other countries are palm trees.
  • Australia - eucalyptus.
  • Jamaica, Antigua, Barbuda - pineapple.
  • Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Turkmenistan - grapes.

The most exotic coat of arms of the world

The state of Dominica is located on an island in the Caribbean Sea. The coat of arms of this country is called the most exotic. Judge for yourself. The blue and yellow shield is held by two sisseru parrots. Above them is an image of a roaring lion. The shield is divided into four parts.

Each of them contains a specific symbol.

  • Boat with a sail - indicates a position in the Caribbean Sea.
  • Banana is one of the main agricultural crops of the country.
  • The coconut palm on the island symbolizes the highest point - the extinct Diabloten volcano, 1447 m).
  • The Dominican mountain frog is an endemic animal found only on the islands of Dominica and Montserrat.

At the bottom of the coat of arms is a ribbon with the country’s motto: “After God (the main thing) is the earth.”

  1. The main solemn song of the Russian Empire is “God Save the Tsar!” and "God Save the Queen!" Britain were very similar. The fact is that the words of the Russian anthem were set to British music. Only more than ten years later another version was written. This time the music was by a Russian composer.
  2. The longest anthem in the world is Greek. Officially it only consists of two verses, but when it was written there were over a hundred verses. A short version is played at the opening and closing of the Olympic Games.
  3. The Armenian anthem is based on the poem "Song of an Italian Girl".
  4. At one of the international tournaments, an athlete from Kazakhstan took first place. During the award ceremony, instead of the anthem, a song from the film was played, since it was the song that appeared in the search engine next to the real anthem of Kazakhstan.
  5. During the Great Patriotic War in Norway, the Nazis broke into the Philharmonic Hall. They were going to seize one of the violinists, who was of Jewish origin. The musicians began to play the Norwegian anthem, and this gave him the opportunity to escape.

Unofficial symbols representing different countries

In addition to official symbols, each state has its own distinctive signs and signs. Among them are artistic symbols of countries around the world. Let's remember the most famous:

  • In Russia - samovar, birch, Red Square, Kremlin.
  • In the United States of America - the Statue of Liberty.
  • In Great Britain - Big Ben.
  • In France - the Eiffel Tower.
  • In Japan - sakura.
  • In Egypt there are pyramids.

In addition, there are animal symbols of the countries of the world. Some of them:

  • Australia - kangaroo.
  • Great Britain is a lion.
  • Russia is a brown bear.
  • Holland is a cow.
  • India is a tiger.
  • China - panda.
  • Canada - beaver.
  • Mongolia is a horse.
  • Thailand - elephant.
  • New Zealand - kiwi bird.
  • Germany is an eagle.

State symbols of the countries of the world and other signs emphasize the uniqueness of each state. While respecting the traditions and customs of other peoples, it is necessary to know their symbolism.

Incredible facts

Our planet is the greatest and most beautiful creation, where there are such amazing places that it simply takes your breath away.

Some of these stunning landscapes are admired as true wonders of the world and people come from all over the world to see them.

Many of them were formed naturally, such as during a volcanic eruption or the fall of meteorites.

1. Great Blue Hole

Outside of Belize, a country in South America, there is an almost perfect circular hole with a diameter of 0.4 km. The water depth in this hole is -145 m, which gives it a deep blue color. Tourists from all over the world immerse themselves in Big Blue Hole Belize to admire the amazing fish species in its clear waters. This fascinating geological feature is believed to have been formed billions of years ago when water rose above the caves.

2. Eye of the Sahara

The Sahara Desert in Mauritania is home to one of the most amazing geological wonders, Eye of the Sahara, which is also called Richat structure. In the middle of this barren desert land you can see a bull's eye-like formation that is 50 km in diameter. Spaceship crews even use Eye of the Sahara as a guide. It was initially assumed that Eye of the Sahara was caused by a meteorite falling to Earth. But scientists now believe that this geological creation was formed by the uplift and erosion of the earth.

3. Gates of Hell

Darvaza is a city in Turkmenistan that is home to an impressive geological formation called Hell Gate. This hole in the ground has inexhaustible reserves of flammable gas. It is believed that about 35 years ago, geologists who were drilling into the ground to find gas dug too deep and the ground caved in. The geologists did not dare climb into the hole to retrieve their equipment. Fearing that poisonous gas might come out of the ground, they set fire to the gas in the hole and since then the fire has been burning here constantly.

4. Ice towers of Erebus

Antarctica is located on the coldest continent Erebus, a volcanic mountain covered with hundreds of ice towers. The towers are located at a height of 20 meters and constantly emit steam. When the steam freezes in the cold, the inner walls of the towers grow and expand. These earthly geological creations are similar to the towers on the planet Mars, on the moons of Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune. This constantly active volcano is another natural wonder where ice and fire meet. Erebus last erupted in 1978.

5. Devil's boulders

The Australian Aborigines who live here are called Devil's boulders Karlu Karlu(Karlu Karlu). These huge round boulders of red granite are located against the backdrop of a beautiful landscape. The diameter of these boulders can range from 50 cm to 60 m in cross section. Some are arranged in a very bizarre way, balancing on top of each other. Devil's boulders formed millions of years ago when molten magma found its way under sandstone and cooled to form granite.

Years and environmental factors have caused erosion, allowing us to witness these amazing natural phenomena today. For Australian Aboriginals Devil's boulders have special spiritual meaning.

6. Reed Flute Cave

Reed Flute Cave in the autonomous region Guangxi in China is a famous landmark, also called Palace of Natural Art. Natural limestone caves are filled with amazing and bizarre icicle-like formations and rock formations with the added effect of colored lighting.

This geological feature was named after the reeds found outside the cave, which are used to make musical flutes. Its length is about 240 m and it is a huge area with a beautiful landscape. The site is ancient as there are inscriptions on its walls from the Tang Dynasty dating back to 792 AD.

7. Salar de Uyuni

Salar de Uyuni is located in the southwestern part of Bolivia. This geological wonder is the largest dry salt lake, located more than 3000 m above the Andes, covering an area of ​​more than 10,000 km².

This unique landscape was formed by numerous layers of salt and water. In the middle of the salt marsh the thickness of the salt reaches 10 m. When it rains, Salar de Uyuni sinks and looks like a huge mirror. It is believed that it was formed by the confluence of geothermal springs and salt lakes. Several species of pink flamingos gather here to breed.

8. Antelope Canyon

The most photographed canyon in the southwestern United States is Antelope Canyon. It is located on Navajo Nation land in Arizona. Navajo people call him Tsé bighanílíní, which means "a place where water flows through rocks." Antelope Canyon divided into two separate canyons, Upper and Lower Antelope Canyon.

As rainwater flows through this area, it smoothes the rocks, giving them a curving shape. Antelope Canyon formed during severe floods that caused erosion of rocks that opened up passages where deep corridors with interesting rock shapes are exposed. In 2006, authorities closed Antelope Canyon for 5 months due to floods.

9. Chocolate Hills

More than 50 km² of Bohol province in the Philippines is a geological creation called Chocolate Hills. There is actually no chocolate on these hills, but all the hills, estimated to be between 1,268 and 1,776, appear chocolate brown in the dry season. Chocolate Hills are the third National Geological Monument in the Philippines and are featured on the flag of the province of Bohol. Chocolate Hills They have a perfectly uniform shape, and their height is about 30-50 m. According to one version, they were formed during the self-destruction of an active volcano. According to legend, they were formed from the tears of a giant who lost his love.

10. Stone forest

Tsinghi-Du-Bemaraha Nature Reserve in Madagascar is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a place where you can see Stone forest. Stone forest consists of high and extensive eroded limestone, covering an area of ​​666 km², resembling limestone towers. Locals warn that this is a place where you cannot walk barefoot as the terrain is quite steep. IN Stone forest It is home to unique species of animals, such as the white lemur.

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