"proud name" "Do good!" For an extracurricular reading lesson based on A. Likhanov’s story “The Boy Who Doesn’t Hurt”

“Do good!” Presentation for an extracurricular reading lesson based on the story Alberta Likhanova "The Boy Who Doesn't Hurt"

The presentation was prepared by a teacher of Russian language and literature of the MKOU Spitsynskaya Secondary School, Leninskaya Iskra village, Kotelnichsky district, Kirov region

Zykova Lyubov Alexandrovna.

  • Writer, journalist, chairman of the Russian Children's Fund, president of the International Association of Children's Funds, director of the Childhood Research Institute, academician of several academies, honorary citizen of Kirov and the Kirov region. Recognized as Person of the Year 2010 for achievements in the field of literature and humanism and in the category “Child Protection”.

  • The writer was born on September 13, 1935 in the city of Kirov. His father was a mechanic, his mother worked as a nurse. laboratory assistant in a hospital.
  • In 1953 he entered the Ural State University in Sverdlovsk at the journalism department.
  • In 1958, after graduating from the university, Albert Likhanov returned to Kirov, where he worked as a literary employee of the Kirovskaya Pravda newspaper, and since 1961 he headed the editorial office of the Komsomolskoe Plyamya newspaper.

Since 1975, he has been the editor-in-chief of the Smena magazine (he worked in this magazine for 20 years, 13 of them as editor-in-chief).

Having once turned to the theme of childhood, Likhanov remains faithful to it to this day.

His books solve an important problem: how a person can remain human in difficult life situations, how to preserve the light of childhood and faith in goodness in the soul.

In 1987, Albert Likhanov organized the Children's Fund with branches in all republics, territories and regions, and all of them are currently operating. Here are just some of the projects: “Warm Home”, “Children’s Library”, “Gift of Life”, “Childhood Diabetes”, “Cerebral Palsy”, “Deaf Children”. He also came up with the idea of ​​​​creating family orphanages.

He takes an active civic position as a defender of the moral values ​​and traditions of his Fatherland, therefore he fights with the word of the writer and the deeds of the Children's Fund to preserve happiness in the life of every child, for adults to understand the problems of the younger generation.

“Not a fairy tale for non-adults” is the subtitle of the book.

In addition to an incurable illness, the boy faces severe, truly adult trials.

Russian literature has never known such a poignant story about the strength of the spirit addressed to children.

Swans Brothers

Dad believes that his son will walk

Dad believes that his son will walk

"Everything will be OK"

"Philosophical" Grandmother:

"Everyone needs to fight"

Life collapses in an instant

I cried. Tears flowed and flowed... It turns out that my mother swept me away too

The end of everything. I found myself in darkness... It is impossible to live. Dying is impossible.

Mother! Where are you? What have you done?

Will I get better? Tell!

This happens?

Believe and be patient!

Young fellow:

Fight, boy!

To be better,

what not to be!

You are not weak.

You are strong.

We can't do anything else.


Unbearable pain in the legs becomes a miracle.

It hurts me!

Remember my words, grown children, Do not spare affection for the old and sick. You will become wiser over the years, Kindness will be your dear happiness.

A. Ilyina

Thank you for your attention. Educational resources on the Internet were used to create the presentation.

“Writer Hemingway” - Foreign literature of the 20th century. Examples. Outstanding American writer. The principle of humanism. E. Hemingway is a Nobel Prize laureate in literature for 1954. In 1952, the writer created the novella-parable “The Old Man and the Sea.” E. Hemingway. Ernest Miller Hemingway. The leading artistic principle is psychologism.

“Nosov’s stories for 2nd grade” - What is the name of the fish. Which story can be correlated with the proverb “Fear has big eyes.” The hero of one of the stories. Was mom happy when Kotka brought cucumbers home? What was given as a reward to the best gardener. What the guys said to Bobka. "Dreamers" What did Volodya throw at his hat? Story by N. Nosov. Which story can be correlated with the proverb “Patience gives skill.”

“Nikolai Rubtsov” - “I love the autumn forest so much...”. The relationship between Rubtsov’s poetry and his life looks mysterious. On June 26, 1942, Alexandra Mikhailovna Rubtsova suddenly died. Rubtsov did not choose his fate, he only foresaw it. Rubtsov entered the Literary Institute when he was 26 and a half years old. In 1962, the poem "An Alcoholic's Complaint" was written.

““Peter the Great” by Alexei Tolstoy” - Image of Vasily Golitsyn. Peter's activities. Image of Peter. The image of Peter in the novel. Pathetic wrinkle. Meeting of the Boyar Duma. Golitsyn's behavior. An idea of ​​the writer's method. Boyars. Transformations of Peter. Formation of personality in the era. Academician. Peter during his military campaigns. Artistic detail. Self-activity.

“Poetry of Mandelstam” - II version: What is the composition of the poem? The main poetic idea is that life is impossible without freedom. What unites dissimilar elements into a single harmonic structure? Is it possible to combine stanzas - couplets? Goal: To study the features of O. Mandelstam’s poetry. Poem “Notre Dame” 1912. Independent work on options.

“Alexander Vampilov” - The first monument to Alexander Vampilov was unveiled. Soviet youth. About the lives of wonderful people. Coincidence. Vampilov died tragically. Dedicated to Alexander Vampilov. Motor ship "Alexander Vampilov". Works by Vampilov. Monument to Alexander Vampilov. Date. Cutulik. Irkutsk State University.

Date of ……………………………..

Teacher MBOU secondary school No. 8 in the village of Aur: Mukhamadeeva L.N.

Lesson type: Learning a new topic.

Topic: A. Keshokov “It hurts me, boys.”

Goal: formation of moral beliefs.

Teach to explain the behavior of a character, determine his internal state, the character of the hero; Develop the ability to express one’s personal attitude and position on what is read, based on the text, draw conclusions; Expand children’s vocabulary, develop competent oral speech; Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people, cooperate with comrades - listen and express opinions in work. Equipment: textbook “literary reading” by E.E. Kats 3rd grade, workbook No. 3, multimedia equipment, Ozhegov’s dictionary, explanatory dictionary, cards for group and individual work.

During the classes.

Organizing time.

The bell has already rung, it's time for us to start the lesson.

Working with proverbs:

Good for two centuries: this and this.

The main idea of ​​the proverb?

Where friendship is strong, things go well.

Explain the meaning of this proverb.

The main idea of ​​the proverb?

“A saber wounds the head, but a word wounds the soul.”

Explain the meaning of this proverb.

The main idea of ​​the proverb?

Group work.

with a cut word)

What do these words have in common?

Using your life experience, explain the meaning of this word. Discuss how you will respond

collect a word that will help you combine these words.


Working with dictionaries

Read how the dictionary explains the meaning of this word.

Group work.

Do you think these proverbs are related to the new work?

Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Work according to textbook.16

Determine the topic of our lesson.


"It hurts, boys"

What will be the objectives of the lesson?

understand what kind of relationships should exist between people;

Let's practice pronouncing I.O.F.,

Call, as you would call your teacher.

Name him, observing the norm of pronunciation, as a respected poet.

Alim Pshemakhovich

Alim Psh[y]makh[a]vich


Microphone game

Read the poet's biography.

Alim Pshemakhovich Keshokov was born on July 22, 1914 in the village of Shalushka. The father dreamed that his son would grow into a real “alim,” which means “scientist.” Alim was sent to a boarding school near Shalushka for 5 years. Here he met a man who determined his literary destiny. This person was a teacher of the Kabardian language. Everyone read Alim Keshokov’s first poem on his seventeenth birthday. The first collection of poems, “At the Foot of the Mountains,” was published at the very beginning of the war. The author managed to take two copies of this book with him to the front. From the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, A. Keshokov took part in protecting the coast from German landings in the city of Khosta. In one of the battles, Keshokov was wounded. For his participation in the defense of Stalingrad, he was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad". Alim Pshemakhovich is the author of many dozens of poetry collections, plays, poems, poems for children and adults. Alim Pshemakhovich Keshokov died on January 29, 2001 in Moscow.

Tell us what you learned from the text you read.

Working on new material.


Without reading the work, can we say that the words written on the board are related to the topic of our lesson? Prove it.

In the picture for the poem we see offended boys

Read the title of the work again. What does it look like? When complaining, will it be a relationship?

The title sounds like a complaint.

Is it possible to determine what the work will be like?

Working on a poem. 1st reading


Read the poem in a whisper, just for yourself.

Use a pencil to mark words whose meaning you do not understand.

Reading to yourself

Work in notebook p. 8 No. 2

What genre does the work belong to? Prove it.

Write down the rhyming words of the last part in your notebook.

1у. reads: Collided and smiled; once - from the eyes; friend - suddenly; once upon a time - guys.

2nd reading

1 student reads

Work on questions to the text.

Who is this work about?

How did you guess?

About the boy: drawn, climbed trees, worked in the workshop with a saw.

Why is the word “remember” on a separate line?

He seemed to be thinking, remembering what happened to him before.

He has already grown up.

Who does the boy remember?

The boy remembers himself, his brother, his friend.

What is the main idea of ​​the work?

Words can offend people

Work in notebook p. 8 No. 3

Can we agree with the poet that it is with words that the most severe wound is inflicted?

Explain what wound the poet is talking about in his poems.

Prove it using words from the text.

1. Write down the answers in your notebook.

But an offensive word friend

Once upon a time he gave me a wound.

It suddenly became very painful!

It still hurts, guys.

Work on questions to the text.


Why wasn't the boy offended by his brother?

What kind of relationships can we call them?

We often hit ourselves, heal the wound and forget about it.

Express the main idea of ​​the poem using one of the proverbs and explain your choice.

“If you break an arm or a leg, it will heal; but if you break your soul, you won’t get along.”

“A saber wounds the head, but a word wounds the soul”

Have there ever been situations in your life when you were offended by words? How did you feel?

Children's answers.

Who is this boy who has such a deep wound in his soul?

Explain your opinion.

What kind of person do you think Alim Pshemakhovich was?

Kind, with a vulnerable heart, touchy...

Why did this wound remain for life?

This wound remained for life, because he was a friend, they played together, shared secrets... and he betrayed him, offended him with a word.

Male friendship should be forever, strong, but he was betrayed.

Tell me, does friendship exist only among boys?

Between people, animals, nature...

What should be the relationship between people in order for friendship to remain forever?

Reflection on learning activities

Why do you think Alim Przemakhovich told us this story?

What tasks were set at the beginning of the lesson?

What conclusions did you draw for yourself?

Is it right not to forgive?

What should the relationship between people be like so that it doesn’t hurt so much?

So that we think and not offend each other.

The good that we do to others is good that comes back to us.

Imagine that you are a friend of Alim Przemakhovich.

What proverb would you use to soothe his wounded soul? Explain your answer.

“Remember friendship, but forget evil.”

“Be friends with a friend, but do not harm an enemy.”

9 points and above - 5.

7-8 points – 4.

Children name their rating.

Do you think K. Paustovsky’s work “Warm Bread” will also teach us the right relationships?

Listen to an excerpt from A. Fet's poem

We have convinced ourselves of this more than once,

Or maybe it’s not words – it’s deeds that are important?

Deeds are deeds, and words are words.

They live with each of us,

At the bottom of the soul are stored until time,

To pronounce them at that very hour,

When others need them.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final assessment.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. determination of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. I read the poem expressively.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final assessment.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. determination of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. I read the poem expressively.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final assessment.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. determination of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. I read the poem expressively.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final assessment.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. determination of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. I read the poem expressively.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final assessment.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. determination of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. I read the poem expressively.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final assessment.

Evaluation paper.

Name ……………………………………………...

Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 20"

Literary reading lesson

in 3 "B" class

using technology

"Developing critical thinking through reading and writing"

On the topic

"Andrey Platonov

"Colorful Butterfly"

Developed and conducted by: I. N. Mugrycheva -

Primary school teacher


Literary reading lesson using technology "Development of critical thinking through reading and writing"

Technologies used:

Problem-based learning technology;

Information and communication technologies;

Gaming technologies;

Health-saving technologies.

Lesson type:

Target: Engage intellectual and emotional forces to think intensively about the relationship between mother and child.



Improve reading skills.

Form correct, conscious reading without errors.

Actively develop students’ speech skills.


To develop in children the ability to fully perceive a work of art and to respond emotionally to what they read

Develop the skills to predict, analyze, generalize, draw conclusions, express your thoughts and feelings.


Cultivate respect and love for mother

To cultivate moral qualities: kindness, responsiveness, sensitivity, attention to others

To develop students’ communication skills (work in pairs)

Create emotionally favorable conditions in the classroom.

Types of reading activities:monologue, dialogue, text analysis, expressive reading, conversation

Types of speech activity:reading, speaking, listening, writing

During the classes

1. Organizational moment

The bell has already rung, it's time for us to start the lesson.

2. Gymnastics for the speech apparatus

3. Working with tongue twisters

1. We say slowly “From under the hooves of the hooves, dust flies across the field”

2. Speak at an average pace

3. Speak quickly

5. Row 2 - the word “dust”

6. Row 3 – the word “totyta”

4. Checking homework

Please open the flyleaf of the new textbook and look at the route we will take. Our first big topic is called... “About conscience and duty.” We started reading works on this topic in Part 2 of the textbook, and for the lesson you had to complete a written assignment in your notebook based on the story “The Striped Stick” by Yuri Yakovlev. Please pass the notebooks with homework to desk 1.

(1 slide)

We see a portrait of Andrei Platonovich Platonov. He is the author of surprisingly wise children's stories and fairy tales, which are distinguished by their original plot and unusual language. They make you think about very serious questions: why did man come to earth? What is its purpose? Does a person need a dream? Love? His works contain a lot of thoughts about man, his happiness, dreams, reality. Reality and fabulousness are so intertwined in his works that sometimes fairy-tale fiction is mistaken for reality.

Russian writer, journalist and screenwriter Yuri Nagibin, with whose stepfather Andrei Platonov closely communicated, testifies: “It was always hypnotically interesting with him. He knew perfectly well everything that was happening in the world of literature, in the world of art, in the world of exact sciences... He knew everything in the world! And all this, like most real people, were the golden fruits of self-education.”

Andrei Platonovich Klementov - this is his real name, was the eldest of eleven children. His father, a locomotive driver, was a fairly well-known person in the city; local newspapers wrote about him more than once as a talented, self-taught inventor. Andrey began working at the age of 14 to help his father feed his family. He showed literary inclinations quite early - from the age of 12 he wrote poetry.

He published articles, poems, and stories in newspapers under various pseudonyms. And then he decided that he was Plato’s son, Plato’s son, and left himself a pseudonym after the name of his father, whom he loved and respected. When Andrei Platonov had a son, he named him in honor of his father - Plato. As a child, the boy suffered from all childhood illnesses; his health was poor, but he was an intelligent and well-read child. Andrei loved him very much. The authorities did not like the writer and, in order to teach him a lesson, they came up with the idea that his son Plato would reveal military secrets and put him in prison for 10 years. Plato was 15 years old! He served 3 years in prison, the writer’s friends helped to acquit his son, but Plato left prison exhausted, without teeth, sick with tuberculosis, lived only 2 years and died. Until the end of his days, Andrei considered himself to blame for the death of his son.

(2 slide)

Here is a photograph of Andrei Platonov’s family, in it we see an exhausted son who was recently released from prison

(3 slide)

The year 1944 brought changes to the life of Andrei Platonov, his daughter Maria was born. She was 6 years old when her father Andrei Platonovich Platonov passed away. He was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow next to his son. One of the most significant writers of the 20th century, never saw his main works published.

6. Subject message

- The title of Andrei Platonov's work is the phrase the main word, which will be a noun. You will recognize him by guessing the riddle:

(4 slide)

"On a fragrant flower

The flying flower sat down"


(5 slide)

Please look at the photographs of butterflies. You can admire them for a long time. So, Andrei Platonov’s work is called “Multi-colored Butterfly”.

Can you guess what the writer wants to tell us?

In order for us to better understand the text, we will give an explanation of some of the expressions that you will find in the notebooks on p. 3.

(6 slide)

A respectable man... (an elderly man who is respected)

It is futile to expect - it is useless to hope

Living empty is meaningless living

7. Working with text

(1 part)

Well, let's open the textbooks on p. 4. We will ask students with good reading technique to read part 1 of this work by role, and this is Lisa - the author, Andrey - grandfather Ulyan, Alina Bushukina - grandmother Anisya.

  1. Name the main characters of this part (grandmother Anisya and grandfather Ulyan)
  2. Where did Anisya live? (on the Black Sea coast in a stone hut)
  3. Where did she work and does she work now? Find in the text and read.
  4. What did Anisya think about her life? Why does she live? Find the answer in part 1.
  5. How would you title this part? (grandmother Anisya) Please write down the title of this part in your notebook p. 5 No. 5.

(Part 2)

- We are designed to perceive some information by ear! Therefore, we will listen to part 2 performed by a person whose profession is related to the ability to read expressively.

(listen to the audio recording of part 2)

(7 slide)

  1. Why did Timosha run away from home? (Play, talk to stones, catch butterflies)
  2. How did he behave after his walks? (I was sad that the butterfly couldn’t fly.)
  3. What did your mother say and advise to this? Read it. (- She won’t die and won’t live, - said the mother. - She needs to fly in order to live, but you caught her and took her in your hands, wiped her wings, and she became sick... Don’t catch them!)
  4. What attracted Timosha to the butterfly that landed on a blade of grass? What was unusual about her?
  5. What desire was stronger than the desire to return home to your mother’s voice? (Catch only one butterfly, the best one, the last one)
  6. How does this characterize the hero? (Stubborn, disobedient, determined)
  7. What did Timosha see at the end of the path? (The whole sky, and close to it a big kind squinting star was shining)
  8. Where did Timosha end up? (At the bottom of the abyss)
  9. Why was the boy crying?
  10. What should we title part 2? (Timosha and butterflies) Write it down, please.

(8 slide)

8. Physical exercise.

In the morning the butterfly woke up
She smiled and stretched.
Once she washed herself with dew,
Two - she spun gracefully,
Three - quietly sat down,
At four, it flew away.

9. Working with text

(part 3)

Let's open the textbook on p. 12. We will get acquainted with part 3 by silent reading with stops during which you will answer my questions. Purse your lips and teeth, place your fingers at the beginning and end of the line, read as quickly as possible.

(p. 12)

1. Where did Timosha end up? (At the bottom of a stone abyss)

2. Why didn’t he catch butterflies anymore?

3. What did Timosha do to return to his mother? (He scratched the wall with his nails; he beat and crushed the mountain, making his way)

4. Why did the boy cry? Read it. (More and less often he heard his mother’s voice sounding in his heart: “Timosha, you forgot about me! Why did you leave and not come back?..”)
(p. 13)

1. How did the mother live all this time? (Waiting for her son, she counted the time, looked into the starry sky, it seemed to her that she saw her son running in the Milky Way, she asked to return, saying: “No need, let everything be, then you will be too”)
(p. 14)

1. How did the meeting happen? (I heard a bucket rattling from inside the stone mountain. By the sound I recognized that it was his mother’s bucket and screamed).
2. Why didn’t the mother recognize her son’s voice? (It's been a long time)
3. Did the son recognize his mother’s voice? (yes, you can’t forget your mother’s voice)

4. What did Timosha say? Read it. (Mom, I forgot who I am.)
5. Why didn’t he see his mother? (Blinded)

(p. 15)
6. What did the mother do when she saw her son? Read it. (The mother pressed him to her breast; she wanted all the breath of her life to pass to her son and for her love to become his strength and life)
7. What words speak of a mother’s eternal love? (The life of the mother with her love passed on to her son)

10. Conclusion:

Let's check our first assumptions. What was confirmed and what was not?

(9 slide)

What do you think the writer wanted to tell us:

  1. About the separation of mother and son?
  2. About a ghostly dream that takes a son away from his mother?
  3. About mother's eternal love?
  4. About the epiphany of a son who appreciated the power of his mother’s love?

In life, each of you will have a dream, like that multi-colored butterfly that captivated Timosha, or like a star in the high sky, but whatever your dream is, do not forget that there is nothing on earth stronger and more devoted than maternal love. Only she gives strength to each of us.

11. Homework

Make a plan for one of the parts and retell it according to the plan. (issue 3 p. 15, no. 6 p. 5 in volume)

Municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 20"

Literary reading lesson

in 3 "B" class

using technology

"Developing critical thinking through reading and writing"

On the topic

"Andrey Platonov

"Colorful Butterfly"

Developed and conducted by: I. N. Mugrycheva -

Primary school teacher


Lesson type: lesson in mastering skills and abilities



  • To teach how to explain a character’s behavior, determine his internal state, the character of the hero;
  • Develop the ability to express your personal attitude and position on what you read, based on the text, and draw conclusions;
  • Expand children's vocabulary, develop competent oral speech;
  • Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people, cooperate with comrades - listen and express opinions in work.

Equipment: textbook “literary reading” by E.E. Kats 3rd grade, workbook No. 3, multimedia equipment, Ozhegov’s dictionary, explanatory dictionary, cards for group and individual work.

During the classes.

  1. Organizing time.

The bell has already rung, it's time for us to start the lesson.

  1. Working with proverbs:

Good for two centuries: this and this.

The main idea of ​​the proverb?


Where friendship is strong, things go well.

Explain the meaning of this proverb.

The main idea of ​​the proverb?


“A saber wounds the head, but a word wounds the soul.”

Explain the meaning of this proverb.

The main idea of ​​the proverb?


  1. Group work.


with a cut word)

What do these words have in common?

Using your lifeexperience, explain the meaning of this word.Discuss how you will respond

collect a word that will help you combine these words.


  1. Working with dictionaries

Read how the dictionary explains the meaning of this word.

What value should we choose?

  1. 2 points

Group work.

Do you think these proverbs are related to the new work?

  1. Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.
  1. Work according to textbook.16

Determine the topic of our lesson.




"It hurts, boys"

What will be the objectives of the lesson?

figure out which onesrelationshipsmust be between people;

  1. Vocabulary warm-up

Let's practice pronouncing I.O.F.,

  1. Call the author, as his mother would call him.
  2. Call, as you would call your teacher.
  3. Name him, observing the norm of pronunciation, as a respected poet.


Alim Pshemakhovich

Alim Psh[y]makh[a]vich


  1. Microphone game

Read the poet's biography.

he was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad". Alim Pshemakhovich is the author of many dozens of poetry collections, plays, poems, poems for children and adults.
Alim Pshemakhovich Keshokov died
29.01 . year in Moscow.

Tell us what you learned from the text you read.

  1. Evaluate the performance of this stage of the lesson. 3 points
  1. Working on new material.
  1. Inducement.

Without reading the work, can we say that the words written on the board are related to the topic of our lesson? Prove it.

In the picture for the poem we see offended boys

Read the title of the work again. What does it look like? When complaining, will it be a relationship?

The title sounds like a complaint.

Is it possible to determine what the work will be like?

  1. Working on a poem.1st reading


Read the poem in a whisper, just for yourself.

Use a pencil to mark words whose meaning you do not understand.

Reading "to yourself"

  1. Work in notebook p. 8 No. 2

What genre does the work belong to? Prove it.

Write down the rhyming words of the last part in your notebook.

1у. is reading : Collided and smiled; once - from the eyes; friend - suddenly; once upon a time - guys.

2nd reading

1 student reads

  1. Work on questions to the text.

Who is this work about?

How did you guess?

About the boy: drawn, climb l tree climbing, work l in the workshop with a saw.

Why is the word “remember” on a separate line?

He seemed to be thinking, remembering what happened to him before.

He has already grown up.

Who does the boy remember?

The boy remembers himself, his brother, his friend.

What is the main idea of ​​the work?

Words can offend people

  1. Work in notebook p. 8 No. 3

Can we agree with the poet that it is with words that the most severe wound is inflicted?

  1. Explain what wound the poet is talking about in his poems.
  2. Prove it using words from the text.

1. Write down the answers in your notebook.

But an offensive word friend

Once upon a time he gave me a wound.

It suddenly became very painful!

It still hurts, guys.

  1. Work on questions to the text.


Why wasn't the boy offended by his brother?

What kind of relationships can we call them?

We often hit ourselves, heal the wound and forget about it.

IN express the main idea of ​​the poemone of the proverbsexplain your choice.

“If you break an arm or a leg, it will heal; but if you break your soul, you won’t get along.”

“A saber wounds the head, but a word wounds the soul”

Have there ever been situations in your life when you were offended by words? How did you feel?

Children's answers.

Who is this boywho has such a deep wound in his soul?

Explain your opinion.

What kind of person do you think Alim Pshemakhovich was?

Kind, with a vulnerable heart, touchy...

Why did this wound remain for life?

This wound remained for life, because he was a friend, they played together, shared secrets... and he betrayed him, offended him with a word.

Male friendship should be forever, strong, but he was betrayed.

Tell me, does friendship exist only among boys?

Between people, animals, nature...

What should be the relationship between people in order for friendship to remain forever?

  1. Evaluate the performance of this stage of the lesson. 3 points
  1. Reflection on learning activities
  • Why do you think Alim Przemakhovich told us this story?
  • What tasks were set at the beginning of the lesson?
  • What conclusions did you draw for yourself?
  • Is it right not to forgive?
  • What should the relationship between people be like so that it doesn’t hurt so much?

So that we think and not offend each other.

The good that we do to others is good that comes back to us.

Imagine thatyou are a friend of Alim Pshemakhovich.

What proverb would you use to soothe his wounded soul? Explain your answer.

“Remember friendship, but forget evil.”

“Be friends with a friend, but do not harm an enemy.”

  1. Bottom line.

9 points and above - 5.

7-8 points – 4.

Below -3.

Children name their rating.

Do you think K. Paustovsky’s work “Warm Bread” will also teach us the right relationships?

Listen to an excerpt from A. Fet's poem

They live with each of us,

When others need them.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final assessment.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. determination of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. I read the poem expressively.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final assessment.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. determination of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. I read the poem expressively.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final assessment.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. determination of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. I read the poem expressively.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final assessment.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. determination of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. I read the poem expressively.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final assessment.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. determination of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. I read the poem expressively.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final assessment.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. determination of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. I read the poem expressively.

7. identified the main idea.

8. final assessment.

Evaluation paper.

Name …………………………………………….

1. work with proverbs.

2. Working with a dictionary.

3. work in a group.

4. determination of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

6. I read the poem expressively.

7. identified the main idea.

Microphone game

Alim Pshemakhovich Keshokov was born on July 22, 1914 in the village of Shalushka. The father dreamed that his son would grow into a real “alim,” which means “scientist.”
Alim was sent to a boarding school near Shalushka for 5 years. Here he met a man who determined his literary destiny. This person was a teacher of the Kabardian language.
Everyone read Alim Keshokov’s first poem on his seventeenth birthday. The first collection of poems, “At the Foot of the Mountains,” was published at the very beginning of the war. The author managed to take two copies of this book with him to the front.
From the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, A. Keshokov took part in protecting the coast from German landings in the city of Khosta. In one of the battles, Keshokov was wounded.For participation in the defense of Stalingrad

Alim Pshemakhovich Keshokov died 29.01 . year in Moscow.

Microphone game

Alim Pshemakhovich Keshokov was born on July 22, 1914 in the village of Shalushka. The father dreamed that his son would grow into a real “alim,” which means “scientist.”
Alim was sent to a boarding school near Shalushka for 5 years. Here he met a man who determined his literary destiny. This person was a teacher of the Kabardian language.
Everyone read Alim Keshokov’s first poem on his seventeenth birthday. The first collection of poems, “At the Foot of the Mountains,” was published at the very beginning of the war. The author managed to take two copies of this book with him to the front.
From the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, A. Keshokov took part in protecting the coast from German landings in the city of Khosta. In one of the battles, Keshokov was wounded.For participation in the defense of Stalingradhe was awarded the medal "For the Defense of Stalingrad".

Alim Pshemakhovich Keshokov died 29.01 . year in Moscow.

And how we need kind words!

We have convinced ourselves of this more than once,

Or maybe it’s not words – it’s deeds that are important?

Deeds are deeds, and words are words.

They live with each of us,

At the bottom of the soul are stored until time,

To pronounce them at that very hour,

When others need them.

Bor - pine forest on sandy and rocky soils; sometimes with an admixture of birch, almost without undergrowth.

Subject: "Colorful Butterfly" A.P. Platonov


Educational:introduce children to a new work; introduce the life of A. Platonov; reveal the content of the story; achieve mastery of the topic; give concepts to new words.

Educational: continue to work on the techniques of expressive reading, creative imagination, thinking, memory and attention.

Educational: cultivate interest and respect for the book; cultivate a sense of compassion for people.

Equipment: portrait of the author, pictures for each part of the work.

During the classes.

Organizing time

2. Literary warm-up “Say it in one word.”

A Tale of Collective Labor (“Turnip”);
- free taxi in fairy tales (Wolf);
- chief fairy-tale veterinarian (Aibolit);
- Rikki-Tikki-Tavi - who is this? (mongoose);
- in what fairy tale did a vegetable become a vehicle, and then a vegetable again? ("Cinderella"

Introductory conversation.

Guys, let's look at the board. Here we see a portrait of Andrei Platonovich Platonov. He is the author of surprisingly wise children's stories and fairy tales, which are distinguished by their original plot and unusual language. They make you think about very serious questions: why did man come to earth? What is its purpose? Does a person need a dream? Love? In his works there are a lot of thoughts about a person about his happiness, dreams, reality. Reality and fabulousness are so intertwined in his works that sometimes fairy-tale fiction is mistaken for reality.

Platonov was born in 1899 near the city of Voronizh in Yamskaya Sloboda. Since childhood, I fell in love with simple village life “with bells ringing and quiet evenings.”

The writer had a difficult and difficult childhood; he had to work in many places: he was a laborer, a mechanic, and an assistant driver in order to feed a family of ten people. But life did not harden him because a kind soul and a clear heart were brought up in him by his teacher Appolinaria Nikolaevna, who taught him the most important thing - to love a person.

The writer's main love was books. He never parted with them, read and wrote about everything himself. But no matter what Platonov wrote about, his heart always remained kind and sensitive to every person. And each book gave and gives joy and happiness to new discoveries. Platonov’s works sometimes seem too peculiar, original, and complex, because they do not contain direct answers to the questions posed. The answers can be very varied, just as the life around us is varied.

Setting to read

- So unusual, full of philosophical reflections about life, is the story “The Multi-Colored Butterfly,” which we will get to know you today.

Vocabulary work

For example, the word “blade of grass” means grass that grows at the edge of the path.

Primary reading by the teacher.

Guys, now let’s open our textbooks on the page…. I will read you a story, and you listen to me carefully and follow the book. (reading)

Reproductive conversation

Guys, I read you A.P. Platonov’s work “The Multi-Colored Butterfly.” Now answer the questions:

1. Did you like the story?

2. What is the story about?

3. Who are the main characters?

Reading the first part with accompanying analysis

Well done! You listened carefully, now answer my questions:

1. What was the old lady’s name?

2. Where did she live? Search by text.

3. How long ago did her son run away?

4. Where did he run away and why?

5. What did Anisya call her son?

6. What did her son answer?

7. Why was he grieving at home?

8. What did he ask his mother? Find these words in the text.

9. What did his mother answer?

10. Who can describe where this path led?

11. Who paved this path?

12. Has anyone walked along this path?

Well done! Guys, let's think a little and title this part. (examples of children). And I would title it like this: “Butterfly Lover.” Now imagine, if you were artists, what would you draw for this part?.. And I ended up with a drawing like this. Do you think he fits this part? (children's answers)

Reading the second part with accompanying analysis.

And now we will read the second part and start reading... Well done!

1. Describe the blade of grass.

2. Who sat on it?

3. Describe this butterfly. Search by text.

4. What did Timosha offer the butterfly?

5. Did she answer him?

6. Why did the boy decide that the butterfly was not kind?

7. Why did he still run after her?

8. Describe the flight of a butterfly. Find it in the text.

10. What did his mother tell him?

11. What did Timosha answer?

12. Where did the butterfly go?

13. What did Timosha see at the edge of the path?

14. What did he think about?

15. What happened to him?

16. Why was the butterfly able to take Timosha to the mountains?

17. What desire of Timosha turned out to be stronger than the desire to return home to his mother’s voice?

18. How does this characterize the hero?

Well done! How would you title this part? Good examples, but I came up with the title: “Chasing a Butterfly.” What kind of drawing would you draw? And I prepared one like this.

Reading the third part with accompanying analysis.

And now we will read the third part and start reading... Very good!

1. Where did Timosha end up? Search by text.

2. Why couldn’t he leave there?

3. Were there butterflies here?

4. Did he have a desire to catch them?

5. Who did he call?

6. What did he start doing?

7. What did he want to achieve with this?

8. How many years have passed?

9. How much did Timosha gouge out in grief?

10. Did he catch at least one butterfly during this time?

11. Did mom count the time?

12. Where does she think Timosha went?

13. What did she see in the night sky?

14. What did she tell her son?

15. What do her quiet words addressed to her son say? How do you understand them?

16. What was her son doing at that time?

Well done boys! What should we call this part? Let's call it "The Road to Mother". What would you draw for this part?

Reading the fourth part with accompanying analysis.

Guys, now let’s read the last fourth part...

1. Where did Timosha hear the sound?

2. What was that sound?

3. What did he learn?

4. Is it true that the bucket was his mother’s?

5. Why did she only take a quarter of the bucket?

7. What did he do?

8. Did he see his mother?

9. Who did mom see in front of her?

10. What did she tell him?

11. What did he answer her?

12. What did the mother want at that moment?

13. How did she feel when she hugged her son?

14. What did she see?

15. Did Timosha understand the true price of mother's love?

16. What feeling became the main one for the boy?

Great, what should we call this part? I would call it “Mother’s Love” or “The Power of Mother’s Love.” And now I will present to you the drawing that I drew for this part.

Summary conversation

Guys, today we got acquainted with a new work. Why is it called "Colorful Butterfly"? What role did the butterfly play in this work?

Do you think this is a fairy tale or a story? What is fiction here? What is real? What do you think the writer wanted to tell us? What is the main idea of ​​the work?

Bottom line.

Guys, your homework will be to read and retell this work.


SUBJECT: Andrey Andreevich Platonov “Multi-colored butterfly”

TARGET: Introduce students to the author Andrei Andreevich Platonov and his work “The Multi-Colored Butterfly”


Educational:introduce the main idea of ​​A.P.’s work Platonov “Multi-colored butterfly”;

Developmental : develop the ability to express your thoughts and feelings, attention;

Educational: cultivate a sense of duty to family and friends.

Cognitive UUD

1. Convert information from one form to another: retell short texts.
2. Draw conclusions as a result of joint work between the class and the teacher.
3. Find answers to questions in the text and illustrations.

Communicative UUD

1. We develop the ability to listen and understand the speech of others.
2. Read and retell the text expressively.
3. Express your thoughts orally and in writing.
4. Ability to work in groups.

Regulatory UUD

1. Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher.
2. Talk through the sequence of actions in the lesson.
3. Learn to express your assumption (version) based on working with textbook illustrations.
4. Learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher.

Personal results
1. We develop the ability to show our attitude towards the characters and express emotions.
2. Evaluate actions in accordance with a specific situation.
3. We form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.

TYPE OF LESSON: Learning new knowledge.

TYPE OF LESSON: New approaches to learning new knowledge: social interaction of students in the classroom


According to the source of acquired knowledge: verbal, visual.

According to the method of organizing cognitive activity:

Partially search, explanatory and illustrative.

FORM OF TRAINING: individual, group.


Lesson stages, time

Teacher activities

Student activities

Org. Moment

Creating a comfortable atmosphere

Psychological attitude


Hello palms - clap, clap.

Hello legs - top, top.

Hello my nose - beep, beep.

Hello everyone.

We sit down quietly.


Creating a problem situation

Solving a problem situation

Formulation of the lesson topic

Work with text

Work in groups on the text read


House. Exercise


Lesson summary

Today, we continue to work with the section “He who honors his parents never perishes.” WE WILL WORK IN GROUPS.

Can anyone remind me of the rules for working in a group?

Work together and actively;

– be able to listen to each other;

- respect each other;

- Listen to the answers of the other group.

Today's lesson motto:

It's not difficult together
not too crowded together
together it's easy
and always interesting!

Today we will work with a new piece. But who wrote it, try to decipher it yourself in groups.

The syllables are in front of you(WHITE COLOR), you need to arrange them in such an order that you get the author's last name.


Well done!

A story about Andrei Platonovich Platonov.
A.P. Platonov (Klimentov) was born in 1899 in the settlement (village, suburb) Yamskaya near Voronezh.

He studied at a parish school, then at a city school. Upon completion, I began work.
Life, like creative destiny, was difficult. But it strengthened his character. He loved books very much. I read and wrote about everything.

- Today we will get acquainted with one of the works.

And you will find out what it is called if you guess the riddle.

It flutters and dances over the flower,
He waves a patterned fan.

Try to formulate the topic of the lesson

Let's open the textbook on page 117 and look at this work.


What goals do you think we should achieve today?

That's right, and also you and me

What do you think a legend is?

Let's check our assumption with the textbook

And what do you think


Place the text in front of you and carefully monitor which words you do not understand, underline with a simple pencil.



What words were unclear?


Let's see what they mean.


1.Where did Anisya live?

2.Where did she work?

3.Is it working now?

4. What kind of grief happened to Anisya?

Anisya, MOTHER, she had a son, but one day he left home and did not return. But she was still waiting for him. Mom hopes and waits for her son to return to her.


We continue to work with the text.



Conversation, selective reading

1. Why did Timoshka run away from home?(Play, talk to stones, catch butterflies)
2.How did he behave after the walks?(I was sad that the butterfly couldn’t fly.)
3. What did your mother say and advise? Read it.
(- She won’t die and won’t live, - said the mother. - She needs to fly in order to live, but you caught her and took her in your hands, wiped her wings, and she became sick... Don’t catch them!)
4. Who paved the path up the mountain? Read it.
(- Paved by an unknown man who went along it to heaven through the highest mountain - he left and never returned; he was childless, did not love anyone in the world, the earth was not dear to him, and everyone forgot about him;).

This is a warning for Timosha, but neither he nor his mother understood this.



I'll start, and who will continue. We're watching.

1. Who did Timosha meet in the mountains?(With a butterfly).
3. What was unusual about her? Read it.
(She was big, like a bird, and her wings were in colors that Timosha had never seen. From the trembling of her wings, it seemed to the boy that the light was leaving her and sounded like a quiet voice calling him.)
4.How did events develop further?(I wanted to catch a butterfly, but it didn’t work out.)
5. Which desire turned out to be stronger than desire?return home to your mother's voice?(Catch only one butterfly, the best one, the last one)
6. How does this characterize the hero?(Stubborn, disobedient, determined)
7. What did Timosha see at the end of the path?(The whole sky, and close to it a big kind squinting star was shining)

8. What happened to TIMOSHIA? ( fell into the abyss)


We have read 3 parts of the work, let's now work with them in a group.

Take yellow leaves.

Each group has its own task (YELLOW). Read it carefully.

And do it.

And we'll check it later.

  1. Sinkwine on the theme MOM
  2. Sinkwine on the theme of TIMOSH
  3. Sinkwine based on the theme BUTTERFLY
  4. Passport of the hero of the work
  5. Passport of the hero of the work

Well done!


Take a green leaf.

Now let's think about what will happen next. Each group has its own piece of paper with a number(GREEN COLOR). We need to fill outleaf,answering the question.

1.What will happen to TIMOSHIA next?

2. Will the mother wait for her son?

One person from the group reads it and hangs it on a tree.

And what actually happened next, we will find out in the next lesson. At home, you will need to read the work to the end, and then you and I will find out whether you and I correctly predicted the fate of the boy and mother.

Guys, there are butterflies in front of you, let us, together with you, distribute them to the stars that we have on the board.


1 – It was difficult, I couldn’t complete and understand everything.

2 – I managed almost everything myself, but there is still something to work on!

3 – I’m great! Everything worked out for me, I understood everything and it worked perfectly!

Well done. I really liked the way you worked. Did you like the lesson, if yes, clap your hands, if not, stomp your feet, if you don’t know yet, just sit down nicely.

Lesson topic:Andrey Platonovich Platonov."Colorful Butterfly"

Purpose of the lesson: Getting to know the workPlatonov"Colorful Butterfly"

Lesson objectives:

1. Develop the skill of expressive reading of text.

2. To cultivate a sense of beauty and other moral and ethical qualities of students’ personalities.

3. Develop memory, attention, thinking.

Lesson type:lesson in mastering skills and abilities;

Teaching methods: informative; explanatory; instructive; stimulating; motivating; ___________________________

Teaching methods: performing; reproductive; practical; partially search; search; ___________________________________________________

Equipment, visibility, TSO: a textbook on literature, a notebook, an exhibition of books for children by A. Platonov, a portrait of the writer, posters with the text of tongue twisters, tongue twisters, poems; cards for dynamic reading, cards for expanding the field of view.

Stages and structure of the lesson.


Organizing time. Emotional mood.


Exercises to develop reading technique and develop expressive reading skills

1. Work with cards to expand the field of vision.

























Students, looking in the center at the syllable, should read the syllables of the first line, last, upper left corner, lower right corner, etc.

2. Work on dynamic reading (read five words of each column).

traffic light


hair dryer

3. Reading pure sayings (to yourself, out loud)

Chu-chu-chu, I'm grumbling, I don't want to stand.
Ach-ach-ach, we baked a kalach.
Ooh, ooh, ooh, night has come.

4. Reading a tongue twister (to yourself, out loud, gradually speeding up the pace)

Wash your hands cleaner and more often.

5. Work on expressive reading (to yourself, out loud)

Was there a shoemaker? Was!
Did you sew boots? Shiel.
Who are the boots for?
For your beloved cat.


Reading by teacher

Teacher's word.

Today we will meet a legend.Legendit is a poetic story about some event.
The author of the legend is a Russian writer, determine his last name. On the board there is a note: G. H. Andersen, A. P. Platonov, C. Perrault.

Platonov is a pseudonym, the real name of Klimentov. The pseudonym became the name of his father - Plato. Apparently, his father meant a lot in his life. Andrei Platonovich is the eldest son in a family of ten children. From the age of 13, I had to share my father’s concerns about the family. The boy started working early to help his father feed his family.
During the war, he was the military commissar of the Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper. Platonov wrote for both children and adults. What works do you already know? Fairy tales: “The Unknown Flower”, “Bezruchka”, the story “Nikita”.

Demonstration of Platonov's books and collections.

The name of the legend is the phrase the main word, which will be, you will recognize its noun by guessing the riddle:

The flower is fragrant
A flying flower sat down.

What kind of butterfly is there?(Beautiful, colorful, colorful.)


Reading by students.

Preparing to Read

1. Exercises for the tongue: (“Roll the ball in your mouth”, “How does the ball release air?”, “Reproduce the clatter of hooves”).

2. Read syllable by syllable, in whole words:

not-pro-glo-chen-na-ya– unswallowed,
from-zy-va-yu-shi-sya- responding.

3. Lexical work using the dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov.

  • Hut- a small rural house, hut.
  • Roof tiles- roofing material used to cover the roof in the form of clay or cement grooved plates.
  • Venerable- inspiring respect, deserving of it.
  • Dilapidated- decrepit.

Physical education minute

In the morning the butterfly woke up
Smiled and stretched
Once - she washed herself with dew
Two - gracefully twirled
Three - sat down quietly
At four, it flew away.


Work with text

a) Expressive reading by pre-prepared students.

What is this legend about?(Spiritual and moral rebirth.)

What is most memorable about the legend?

How do you understand Anisya’s words: “Let there be butterflies and mountains and stars, and you will be with me! Otherwise you catch butterflies, and they die from you, you catch a star, and it darkens. No need, let everything be, then you will too!”

A. Platonov is trying to find an answer to the question: what is most important for a person, what is the basis of life, its meaning. Formulate the main idea of ​​the legend.(Any creature, be it a person, a plant or an animal, struggles for life; life on earth is sometimes difficult, joyless, but still dear to any living creature.)

Lesson 2


Work on intonation and expressive reading.


Work with text

What does the story make you think about?

About how complex, varied and difficult life is if there is no love in it. The fairy-tale story about the boy Timosha, who ran into the mountains after a colorful butterfly, has a deep philosophical meaning about the power of maternal love, about the difficult path of a son who came to understand true love, without which life on earth is impossible.

The ending of the story is deep and emotional. Perhaps this is where the analysis of the story should begin.

What is the ending of the story?

Tragic or happy?

Students read the final part of the story, when the mother, old Anisya, waited for her blind son, who had become an old man, and pressed him to her chest, “so that all her breath of life would pass to her son and so that her love would become his strength and life.” Love-life-death - these are the basic concepts of the ideological and philosophical meaning of the story, among which the main one, of course, is love. She and only she gives life-giving force to a person, makes the incredible probable, the impossible possible. Love is the beginning of life, the rebirth of the human soul.

In answering a problematic question, students may evaluate the ending of the story differently. This is a tragedy, since the mother lost her son, and he returned as a blind old man. This is joy because the mother waited for her son, she breathed life into him.

She was happy to meet her son. "With all the answers to this question, the teacher needs to approve the optimistic sound of the ending of the story
words: "
Her life was passed on by love to her son" This is the main idea.

Continuing the analysis of the story, the teacher draws the children’s attention to its title: why is the story called “a multi-colored butterfly”?

What role does the image of a butterfly play in the development of the plot? (The butterfly was the reason for the son’s departure from his mother. Timosha left for her, as for his dream). Tell us how it happened that Timosha did not return to his mother.

Describe the appearance of the butterfly: how did Timosha see it?

What wings?

Why did the boy decide that the butterfly was unkind?

Why did he still run after her? (“To look at her again, because he hasn’t seen enough.”)

Imagine that the butterfly is the cherished dream that the boy wants to achieve. The desire to catch up with his dream, as beautiful as a butterfly, is so strong that the boy is unable to return to his mother’s call. He runs higher and higher into the mountains after her, after his dream.

Why to the mountains? Maybe because it’s not easy to achieve a dream?

Find and read how Timosha runs after the butterfly, how the butterfly glows with its wings, how he stretches out his hands to it... He’s about to get it! But the mountains are getting higher, and the path goes into the sky.

What did Timosha see when he reached the end of the path?

Why did he forget about the butterfly?

What desire did he have?

And how was Timosha punished, forgetting about the land, forgetting about his first dream?

Can we say that Timosha is also punished for more and more new desires? Wanting to grab a star, he wished for the impossible and fell into the abyss. It was inevitable, fate!

Only when he found himself at the bottom of the abyss did Timosha remember his mother. He had to go through all the trials in order to comprehend the power of his mother's love.

He strove for a star, but fell deep underground. Because there is a limit to human desires on earth.

The hero, separated from his mother, experiences fear, loneliness, and despair. But the power of maternal love helps him overcome mountains, abysses and meet his mother.

What did Timosha finally understand?

Why did you cry?

To whom did his heart go?

What became the most important thing in his life for his son?

What feeling gives him the strength to “wipe the stone and go through the mountain to his mother”?

Read how difficult it was for the son to reach his mother through the years, through the mountains.

What words speak about the strength of his love for his mother, about his desire to be near her?

What words make you feel compassion and want to help Timosha?

Here is Timosha’s mother sitting near the hut and looking at the sky. What is she thinking about?

What is heaven asking for? (“Let there be butterflies, and mountains, and stars, and you will be with me... No need, let everything be, then you will be too”...).

Here it is, the power of maternal love - love for all living things - let everything be! It is love for everything that is on earth that helps a person. She helps Timosha escape from the stone abyss where he ended up in pursuit of illusory happiness.

As a result of analyzing the story, the teacher leads students to the main conclusion about the power of maternal love:“In life, each of you will have a dream, like that colorful butterfly that captivated Timosha, or like a star in the high sky, but whatever your dream is, don’t forget that there is nothing stronger and more devoted on earth than mother’s love . Only she gives strength to each of us».

Work on literary concepts.The question of the genre of A. Platonov’s story “The Multi-Colored Butterfly” will cause certain difficulties. This story resembles, on the one hand, a parable, on the other hand, it is close to a literary fairy tale. All the events of the characters in the story are perceived as real: he went to the mountains, returned after many years to his mother. The very path of the boy who made his way from the abyss to the bottom of the well to his mother, as well as the temporal extent of events in the fairy tale, are unrealistic and fabulous.

Students are asked to think about the question: Do you think the text you read is a fairy tale or a story?

Find real and unreal events in the text.

How does the story begin?

Yes, this is a story about a boy Timosha, who was carried away by the beauty of a butterfly and, struck by the beauty of a star, renounced what was dear to him. Rushing towards the stars, he forgot about his mother, but after passing through the stone mountain, he returned to her, to her love. These events define the basis of the story genre.


Lesson summary.



  1. retell the story “The Multi-Colored Butterfly” close to the text;
  2. read additional works by A. Platonov (optional) from the “Anthology”;

orally compose an essay about the power of maternal love (in the genre of a fairy tale or short story).




  • I was attracted by...
  • seemed interesting...
  • excited...
  • got me thinking...
  • got me thinking...

Reading and speech development lessons play an important role in the overall systemstudent learning. They should be remembered by students for a long time and leave in their souls a feeling of joy from meeting the book. Not everyone likes to read. For many it becomes mechanical work. How to instill a love of reading? The teacher must instill in the students that any book is a meeting with life itself, situations that we encounter every day, but perhaps do not think about them. It is important that the student understands that the book teaches: it teaches you to think, speak, argue, and teaches life lessons. And for this it is necessary to teach how to see and read.”between the lines",those. guess the hidden meaning of what is written. This, of course, is very difficult and painstaking work, but it is completely justified. When choosing a text, you should pay attention to its communicative, content, and aesthetic aspects. The systematic nature of such lessons will certainly affect the quality of teaching, and many will soon share with the teacher their impressions of the books they read on their own.

Conducting such lessons allows you to cover a fairly large layer of information, use a variety of forms and methods of organizing work in the lesson, and give each student the opportunity to show their individuality. Students are involved in active mental activity, show speech activity, interest in the work they read, the information received, and share their own life experiences. And most importantly, they talk! They speak a foreign language, sometimes expressing complex thoughts, using quite complex phrases and speech structures, because in the process of reading they constantly learn new words, i.e. Students develop communication skills. By participating in situations of emotional experience, children get rid of the passivity that is characteristic of their isolation. Analytical work with the text showed that children know and evaluate such moral categories as goodness, conscience, honesty, and hard work. I will show an example of such work using the material from A. Platonov’s story “The Multi-Colored Butterfly.” The lesson was held in 8th grade. The developed and proposed questions encourage conversation, expression, and teach one to see the meanings hidden “between the lines.”

  • Read the legend story by A. Platonov “colorful butterfly ”.
  • Work according to the text:
  1. Reading the 1st paragraph of the work. Simple questions about it (to engage in reading, it is necessary to concentrate the student’s attention from the very first lines):
  • What is the name of the house where Anisya lived?
  • What did grandfather Ulyan do? (from what word “beekeeper”?)
  • How did grandfather Ulyan help Anisya?
  1. Can the story be called a philosophical work?

A philosophical work is one in which we see hidden meanings that are not noticeable during superficial reading. It's like we're reading between the lines. There are several of them here. One of the main themes of A. Platonov’s children’s stories is the theme of the relationship between the child and the mother, which reveals the place and significance of the mother in the world of the child. The child exists in the big world, but does not exist in it outside of connection with the mother. This is a very important idea in Platonov’s work. The significance of this special, internal connection between mother and child is revealed by Platonov in the legend “The Multi-Colored Butterfly”, the hero of which, Timosha, in an effort to obtain and appropriate for himself the beauty of this world, embodied for him in the image of a butterfly, forgets about his mother, dooming himself to an existence similar to to the butterflies he caught: “neither dies nor lives.” After all, it is still unknown what happened to him, although so many years have passed that everyone has forgotten about him, only Anisya goes out every day and looks in the direction where her son ran away and never returned.

  1. The text talks about a man who paved roads and seemed to be doing a good deed, but for some reason no one loved him and everyone forgot about him. Why?

This is again a continuation of the same thought: the most important thing in a person’s life is the preservation of this family connection. Timosha follows in the footsteps of an “unknown man” who “was childless, loved no one on earth, the earth was not dear to him, and everyone forgot him,” who had nothing to hold him in this world. Forgetting about his mother, expelling her image from his heart, separating it from his essence, Timosha becomes a cruel person, capable of going over his head to achieve his goal: “He ran after a butterfly along a path in the mountains, and the night was already darkening over him. ... A dead sparrow was pounding in Timosha’s bosom; he took it out and threw it without sparing it. ... he was afraid that the butterfly would fly away from him.”

  1. And grandfather Ulyan? He leaves this life because, according to Anisya, “he lives in vain.” This is Platonov’s author’s position.
  1. What in the story surprised you or seemed unusual? What were you especially excited about?

Sample answers:

  • What surprised me in the story was that Timosha was chiseling a mighty rock with a stone. It was exciting that Timosha reached his mother, and she gave her life to Timosha, and he became a child, and she died.

Galstyan Edgar

  • What the text taught me is that if a person really wants to do something, he can do it. All people have a goal, and if they want to achieve more and for this they do everything they can, sometimes forgetting their dear people. The second thing that surprised me was that a person can give his life for a loved one, and that mother’s love is above all. In this text, Anisya gave her life for her son.

Teluntz Eric

  • What struck me in this story is that the mother waits for her son as long as necessary, that at the end of the story the mother, giving her life to her son, breathes her last happy breath.

Vatyan Levon

  • I was amazed that my mother waited and believed for so long, because many in her place would have stopped waiting long ago. I am amazed by this faith of hers.

Yeprikyan Shushan

  • I was amazed that Timosha was blind, but still continued to sharpen the stone in order to reach the mother whom he had once lost.

Mirzoyan Mikael

Indeed, it happens that a simple story that you heard seemingly by chance does not dissolve in your memory, as usually happens with thousands of similar stories, but, on the contrary, begins to grow, acquiring new content. You return to it more and more often, trying to rethink it, and the day comes when you finally understand that there is nothing accidental in life.

  1. Continue the reasoning I started:

The boy wants to catch a star: “He forgot about the earth, reached out with his hands to the sky and fell into the abyss.” Do these lines mean that a person should not be torn away from his land, even if he strives for something distant, sublime? After all, your systematic work in the schoolyard is also evidence that glory is to the one who loves his land, works on it, and does not have his head in the clouds.

  1. Why was Anisya able to live for a century and a half? Why does she live so long?

Timosha’s old mother, grandmother Anisya, lives on this earth waiting for her son: “... I have business here, I’m waiting for my son.” And truly, from the moment Timosha left, this became the work of her life, what did not allow her to die. She has this business, unlike the old man Ulyan, who, according to Anisya, “lives in vain.” “Or maybe you’re waiting in vain for your son... Nobody remembers him,” objects Ulyan Anisye. But Anisya remembers and feels her son, feels her need for him: “My son is far away, but my heart feels him and cannot die while he is alive. He will come back to me himself, and I will wait for him,” says the mother. And old “Ulyan went home and died of old age,” and Anisya “remained to live and wait for her son.”

  1. How did Timosha become small again?

She finds peace only by waiting for him, but for her this peace turns out to be eternal: “The mother pressed him to her chest... Her life lovingly passed on to her son, and he became a child again. The old mother breathed her last happy breath, left her son and died.”

  1. What do you think a person needs to live? How does Andrei Platonov answer this question in his fairy tale?
  • I really liked this story. Grandmother Anisya was very old, but she never lost hope that her son would return. Even a century and a half later. Her friend Grandfather Ulyan said that she was waiting so long in vain; if her son wanted to return, he would have already returned. But grandmother Anisya did not agree; she was sure that she was helping her son return when she was waiting for him. And finally, one fine day, her son hollowed out all the mountains, made a tunnel and returned. But he was very old and blind. The mother not only waited for her son, but gave her life to him.

The story teaches us that we should never lose hope, even the most incredible. I realized what a mother's love is capable of.

Asatryan Siranush


No matter how far a child goes, the connection with his mother gives him a soul, and without a soul a person is an animal; that is, a person who has lost his soul dies, only his physical shell remains to live and walk the earth. Therefore, the complete loss of this internal spiritual connection between the child and the mother is possible only if both parties lose their human identities, that is, according to Platonov, it is completely impossible.

  1. Subsequent work on the text (next stage of work):
  • Write down the main events and facts that happened in the story.
  • Select a fragment of text when it was especially scary and you wanted to change the author’s intention.
  • Mother says to Timosha regarding the caught butterflies and stars: “No need, let everything be, then you will too!” What, what is the meaning behind these words? (approach the question from the position of a biologist)
  • Write down the words of love that the mother addresses to her son.
  • Write a short story about the further fate of little Timosha.

Summary of what we read:

-What was the main feeling for Timosha?

-What was the most important thing in his life for his son?

-What feeling gives him the strength to “wipe the stone and go through the mountain to his mother?”

- What did you take that was useful for yourself?

Now you can move on to practical grammar based on this text and to text construction tasks.

Exercise 1.

Complete the text, recalling the content of the story:

On the shores of the Black Sea, where the Caucasus Mountains rise from the shore to the sky, there lived an old woman named Anisya. The hut stood among a field of flowers in which _________ grew. In the old days, there was also a flower field here, and then Anisya worked in __________, but now she has not worked for a long time and lives on ___________ and eats the bread that is brought to her from the collective farm, like an old respectable person. Not far from the flower field there was a beekeeper, and _____________grandfather Ulyan also lived there for a long time. However, grandfather Ulyan said that when he was still young and came to the Caucasian side, Anisya was already __________grandmother and no one then knew how old Anisya was and since when she had been living on ____________.

Task 2.

Continue the sentences:

Mine cannot die until ____________.

Ulyan left and soon __________, but Anisya remained to live and __________.

Anisya heard that the path was paved by _____________.

Task 3.

Complete the dialogue with a response:

- Timosha, Timosha!.. You got busy playing and running around again, and you forgot about me.

And her son responded to her from afar:

– ………………………………………………………….

Task 4.

Complete with words and phrases from brackets in the correct form.

The butterfly crawled onto a small pebble, and the wind blew, the pebble moved and fell into the abyss along with (the butterfly). Then Timosha caught (a butterfly); he held (he) and let go, but the butterfly also did not (be able) to fly and crawled like a worm. A sparrow flew up to the butterfly and pecked it. Timosha saw what the sparrow was doing and became angry with him; he grabbed a stone, chased after (the sparrow) and threw the stone at (him). The stone hit the (head) of the sparrow, the sparrow fell onto (path) and stopped breathing.

Task 5.

Insert the correct endings:

Evening... time, small... pebble, on colorful... wings, through a high... mountain, scary... peak, next... year, quiet... voice, trembling... butterfly, evening... dawn.

Task 6.

Fill in the blanks with the necessary prepositions:

The butterfly rose ... from a stone and flew ... along a path ... up a mountain. Timosha ran... her to look again... her, because he hadn’t seen enough.

He ran... like a butterfly... along a path... in the mountains, and the night had already darkened.... him. He didn't take his eyes off... a butterfly flying….. him, and only from memory did he not get lost…. paths and did not fall... an abyss. A dead sparrow was beating on Timosha... sinus; he took it out and threw it away, not sparing it.

Task 7.

Create audio or video material based on any passage from the story:

We read Platonov:

Andrei Platonov was a taciturn and sad person. One day, a writer whose name has been forgotten so fiercely convinced him that he himself wrote no worse, if not better, that Platonov’s angelic patience snapped: “Let’s agree once and for all,” he exclaimed: “you write better.” Better. But only in ink. And I write in blood."

Andrei Platonov, who began as a writer in 1919, returned to the Russian reader in two stages: during Khrushchev’s “thaw” and during the period of perestroika. In both cases, his figure was illuminated by political Jupiters distorting his appearance. In our memory, enthusiasts of perestroika, in the name of Platonov, beat the Soviet regime and made him almost a dissident, which is absolutely contrary to the state of affairs.

Platonov’s prose is the Word of “roots that have sprouted into the universe.” Due to his mental structure, he could not possibly be a dissident. Belonging by birth to the very “revolutionary class” - the proletariat, he himself experienced revolutionary ecstasy. “The fact that the bourgeoisie is our enemy has been known for many years. But that she is the most terrible, most powerful enemy, possessing an insane tenacity in resistance, that she is the actual ruler of the social universe, and the proletariat is only a possible ruler... - this became known to us from our own experience,” Platonov wrote in 1921 (“All-Russian Rumble”).

As an artist, he was able to show the revolutionary element from the depths, this boiling human magma, from which something new was being boiled, and as a thinker he was able to give it a philosophical parable. “Flesh of the flesh,” he was nevertheless a European educated man. Yuri Nagibin (Platonov had close contact with his stepfather, the writer Rykachev) testifies: “It was always hypnotically interesting with him. He knew perfectly well everything that was happening in the world of literature, in the world of art, in the world of exact sciences. It is not surprising that he knew everything about steam locomotives and about technology in general, but he was “at home” when it came to Freudianism, various cosmogonic theories, or Spengler’s sensational book “The Decline of Europe.” I remember his argument with my stepfather about the famous and unfortunate Weininger, who came to suicide through theoretical means. I listened to him with my mouth open... In the field of literature, he also had no blind spots. He felt equally at ease in the world of Lucius Annaeus Seneca and Fyodor Dostoevsky, in the world of Voltaire and Pushkin, in the world of La Rochefoucauld and Stendhal, Virgil and Laurence Stern, Greene and Hemingway. He could not be discouraged by any name or theory, new teaching or fashionable trend in painting. He knew everything in the world! And all this, like most real people, were the golden fruits of self-education.”

In his great novel “Chevengur” (1929), Platonov showed a world that had been shaken and turned upside down after the seventeenth year, where everything broke loose and rushed, where everyone wanted to take someone else’s, more significant role - “Who was nothing will become everything!”: village the cook calls herself “the head of communal catering”, the groom calls himself “the head of live draft”... Platonov also has a “supervisor of dead stock”, and Ivan Moshonkov, who renamed himself Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Stepan Kopenkin, who, instead of an icon of the Mother of God, sews a portrait of Rosa Luxemburg into his cap ... All the bosses, all in positions, changed gods and abandoned their usual activities. And what? The bourgeoisie were shot, there are no more bad people, only good ones remain - everyone is waiting for immediate communism... “What kind of nit are you,” Kopenkin is indignant, “the provincial executive committee told you to finish socialism by the summer!”

“The transition to socialism and, therefore, to complete atheism was accomplished so easily among the peasants, among the soldiers, as if “they went to the bathhouse and doused themselves with new water.” This is absolutely certain, this is reality, and not a wild nightmare,” wrote Vasily Rozanov in November 1917 (“Apocalypse of Our Time”).

Andrei Platonov could not possibly have been a dissident; he was a chronicler of modern history - the time of “the construction of communism in one particular country.” Having subordinated himself to the language of the era, he artistically consolidated the linguistic element of the new reality: the vocabulary of slogans, rallies, decrees, offices - avant-garde vocabulary. When the avant-garde (and the avant-garde is something that happens for the first time) penetrates all spheres of life and becomes the norm - this is hell. And Platonov convincingly showed us this doomsday.

Andrei Platonovich Platonov (real name Klimentov) was born in Yamskaya Sloboda on the outskirts of Voronezh on August 20 (September 1), 1899. His father, a locomotive driver, was a fairly well-known person in the city; local newspapers wrote about him more than once as a talented self-taught inventor. The mother, a simple, deeply religious woman, managed to convey a Christian worldview to her son. Andrey was the eldest of eleven children. He studied at a parochial school and a city school. At the age of 14 he began working as a delivery boy, as a foundry worker at a pipe factory, and as an assistant driver. He showed literary inclinations quite early - from the age of 12 he wrote poetry. After the revolution, in 1918, he entered the railway polytechnic in the electrical engineering department. Inspired by the new ideas of the time, he participated in discussions of the Communist Union of Journalists, published articles, stories, and poems in Voronezh newspapers and magazines (“Voronezh Commune”, “Red Village”, “Iron Path”, etc.).

In 1919, as an ordinary rifleman in a railway detachment, and also as a “journalist of the Soviet press and writer,” he participated in the Civil War, receiving a baptism of fire in skirmishes with the white units of Mamontov and Shkuro.

In 1920, the First All-Russian Congress of Proletarian Writers took place in Moscow, where Platonov represented the Voronezh Writers' Organization. A survey was conducted at the congress. Platonov’s answers give an idea of ​​him as an honest (not inventing a “revolutionary past” for himself, like others) and quite confident in his abilities as a young writer: “Did you participate in the revolutionary movement, where and when?” - "No"; “Were you subjected to repression before the October Revolution?..” - “No”; “What obstacles have hindered or are hindering your literary development?” - “Low education, lack of free time”; “Which writers have influenced you the most?” - “None”; “What literary movements do you sympathize with or belong to?” - “No, I have my own.”

Andrei Platonov was a candidate member of the RCP(b) for a short time, but for criticizing “official revolutionaries” in the feuilleton “The Human Soul is an Indecent Animal” in 1921, he was expelled as “a shaky and unstable element.” In the same year, his first book (brochure) “Electrification” was published, and the following year a collection of poems “Blue Depth” was published in Krasnodar.

For some time, Platonov abandoned literary work and completely devoted himself to practical work in his specialty (a proletarian writer, in his opinion, was obliged to have a profession and create “in his free weekend hours”). In 1921–1922, he was the chairman of the Extraordinary Commission for Combating Drought in the Voronezh Province, and from 1923 to 1926, he worked in the Voronezh Provincial Land Administration as a provincial land reclamation specialist, in charge of work on the electrification of agriculture. From the surviving certificate issued to Platonov, it is known that “under his direct administrative and technical supervision... 763 ponds were built... 315 mine wells... 16 tube wells, 7,600 dessiatines were drained... 3 rural electric power plants were built.” These were not violent labor feats, but a consistent materialization of Platonov’s views, which he outlined in “Russian Rattlesnake”: “The fight against hunger, the fight for the life of the revolution comes down to the fight against drought. There is a way to defeat it. And this is the only means: hydrofication, that is, the construction of artificial irrigation systems for fields with cultivated plants. The revolution turns into a fight against nature.” Later, as a technically educated and gifted person (having dozens of patents for his inventions), he will see the environmental danger of such a “struggle.”

In 1926, Andrei Platonov was elected to the Central Committee of the Union of Agriculture and Forestry at the All-Russian Congress of Land Reclamation Workers and moved with his family to Moscow. By that time he was married to Masha Kashintseva. He met her in 1920 at the Voronezh branch of literary writers, where she served. “Eternal Mary”, she became the writer’s muse, the “Epiphanian Locks” and many poems that Platonov composed throughout his life are dedicated to her.

Work in the Central Committee of the Union of Agriculture did not go well. “Part of this is to blame for the passion for thinking and writing,” Platonov admitted in a letter. For about three months he worked in Tambov as head of the land reclamation department. During this time, a series of stories on Russian historical themes was written, the fantastic story “Ethereal Tract” (1927), the story “Epiphanian Gateways” (about Peter’s reforms in Russia) and the first edition of “The City of Gradov” (a satirical interpretation of the new state philosophy).

Since 1927, Platonov finally settled in Moscow, and the next two years, perhaps, can be called the most prosperous in his life as a writer, which was greatly facilitated by Grigory Zakharovich Litvin-Molotov. A member of the Voronezh provincial committee and the editorial board of the Voronezh Izvestia (he attracted the young Platonov to work in local newspapers), Litvin-Molotov then headed the Burevestnik publishing house in Krasnodar (where Plato’s collection of poems was published), and from the mid-1920s he became the chief editor of the publishing house "Young Guard" in Moscow. It was there that the first two collections of Platonov's stories and stories were published. Several letters have survived in which Litvin-Molotov examines Platonov’s works (in manuscript) and reveals good literary taste, although he tries to keep the writer within the shores of common sense (taking into account censorship).

At this time, Andrei Platonov created a new edition of “The City of Gradov”, a cycle of stories: “The Hidden Man” (an attempt to comprehend the Civil War and new social relations through the eyes of the “natural fool” Foma Pukhov), “Yamskaya Sloboda”, “Builders of the Country” (from which the novel “Chevengur” will grow). Collaborates in the magazines “Krasnaya Nov”, “New World”, “October”, “Young Guard”, publishes collections: “Epiphanian Locks” (1927), “Meadow Masters” (1928), “The Hidden Man” (1928), “ The Origin of the Master" (1929).

Moscow literary life inspired Platonov’s satirical pen to create several parodies: “Factory of Literature” (written for the magazine “October”, but published there only in 1991), “Moscow Society of Consumers of Literature. MOPL", "Antisexus" (dialogue with LEF, Mayakovsky, Shklovsky, etc.).

The year 1929 was called “the year of the great turning point” - the dispossession of the village was underway. A turning point also occurred in the literary fate of the writer - critics of RAPP crushed his stories “Che-Che-O”, “State Resident”, “Doubting Makar” (articles by V. Strelnikova “Revelers of Socialism” and L. Averbakh “On Holistic Scales and Particular Makars” "). “The Doubting Makar” was also read by Stalin himself, who, unlike the following leaders, read everything more or less noticeable - he did not approve of the ideological ambiguity and anarchic nature of the story. In the eyes of literary functionaries, this was equivalent to a sentence. The copy of the completed novel “Chevengur” was immediately scattered.

Platonov sought Gorky's intercession. Alexey Maksimovich, who highly valued him as an artist, but understood the situational “irrelevance” of the visionary “Chevengur”, carefully wrote to him after reading the manuscript: “You are a talented person, this is indisputable... But, given the undeniable merits of your work, I don’t think that it will print, publish. This will be prevented by your anarchic mentality, apparently inherent in the nature of your “spirit.” Whether you wanted it or not, you gave the coverage of reality a lyrical-satirical character, which, of course, is unacceptable for our censorship.”

In the autumn of the same year, Andrei Platonov, on instructions from the People's Commissariat of Agriculture, traveled a lot to state and collective farms in Central Russia. The impressions from what he saw form the plot of the story “The Pit,” on which he begins to work. “The plot is not new, the suffering is repeated” - the epigraph preserved in the drafts of the story confirms that the writer did not retreat from his first impression, talking about the “apocalypse of collectivization” in “apocalyptic” language. “The Pit” and the play “Hurdy Organ,” completed in 1930, were not published during Platonov’s lifetime. The chronicle story “For Future Use,” published in 1931 in the magazine “Krasnaya Nov”, only added heat to the critical furnace, which “melted” many writers and tried to do the same with Platonov. The story was called slander against the “new man” and the “general line” of the party.

Andrei Platonovich was forced to send letters to central newspapers admitting his mistakes, but received no answers, just as he did not receive an answer to his letter to Gorky, in which he wrote: “I am writing this letter to you not to complain, but to complain to me.” no matter what... I want to tell you that I am not a class enemy, and no matter how much I suffer as a result of my mistakes, like “For the Future,” I cannot become a class enemy and it is impossible to bring me to this state, because the working class is this is my homeland, and my future is connected with the proletariat... to be rejected by my class and still be internally with it is much more painful than to recognize myself as an alien... and step aside.”

The ensuing isolation did not force Andrei Platonov to give up his pen. He writes the folk tragedy “14 Red Huts” - about the famine in the Russian province, which led to the “great turning point”. Business trips from the People's Commissariat of Agriculture to collective and state farms in the Volga region and the North Caucasus provided the writer with material for the story “The Juvenile Sea” (1932).

From 1931 to 1935, Platonov worked as a senior design engineer at the Republican Trust for the Production of Weights and Measures. In 1934, together with a group of writers, he visited Turkmenistan. Following this trip, the story “Dzhan”, the story “Takyr”, articles “On the First Socialist Tragedy”, etc. were written. During the writer’s lifetime, only “Takyr” was published.

The next book of stories (after 1929) was published in the troubled year of 1937 - “The Potudan River”, which included such classic works as “Fro”, “The July Storm”, “In a Beautiful and Furious World”. Paradoxically, it was precisely this time of careful tracking of the unreliable that provoked the appearance of the first and only monographic study of his work during the writer’s lifetime. It was a large accusatory article by A. Gurvich “Andrei Platonov” in the magazine “Krasnaya Nov” (1937, No. 10). Tracing the creative evolution of the writer, Gurvich determined that the basis of Platonov’s artistic system is the “religious structure of the soul.” Essentially true, but against the background of the “godless five-year plan” it was a political denunciation. Platonov responded to Gurvich in Literaturnaya Gazeta on December 20, 1937 with the article “Objection without self-defense.”

The book conceived by Platonov, following Radishchev, “Journey from Leningrad to Moscow in 1937” was included in the plans of the publishing house “Soviet Writer” for 1938. The writer traveled along the routes of Radishchev and Pushkin, collected material, but the book was not published. In 1938, his fifteen-year-old son Tosha (Platon), following a slander, was arrested and convicted under Article 58/10 - “for anti-Soviet agitation.” He was released only in 1941 thanks to the efforts of Mikhail Sholokhov (at that time a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR), who was friends with the Platonovs. Tosha returned from prison with severe consumption and died two years later. Platonov did not overcome this grief until the end of his days.

Before the start of the Great Patriotic War, Andrei Platonov collaborated with the magazines “Literary Critic” and “Literary Review”, wrote the books “Reflections of a Reader” and “Nikolai Ostrovsky”. The set of “Reflections” was scattered under the blows of criticism, and the manuscript of “Ostrovsky” was requested by the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, where it disappeared. Platonov was forced to earn a living by writing books for children. The children's literature publishing house published the book “The July Storm,” but the plays written for the Central Children's Theater - “Granny's Hut,” “Good Titus,” “Step-Daughter” - were never seen on stage during the writer's lifetime.

The war found Platonov in Moscow. Yuri Nagibin recalls: “... Andrei Platonovich came to see us. He was completely calm. The frightened mother rushed to him with the words: “Andrei Platonovich, what will happen?” He looked so surprised: “What?.. Russia will win.” - "But how?? - Mom exclaimed. “The Germans are already on the outskirts of Moscow!” Platonov shrugged: “How? I don’t know how. Belly!”

From 1942 until the end of the war, Andrei Platonov was a front-line correspondent for the newspaper "Red Star", published four books of military prose: "Inspired People" (1942), "Stories about the Motherland", "Armor" (both 1943), "In towards the sunset" (1945). Having returned to civilian life, he again found himself in the position of a literary outcast: censorship cut down the book “All Life”, the published story “The Ivanov Family” (“Return”) - that war cripples a person not only physically, but also morally - criticism declared slandering a heroic soldier, the Central Children's Theater did not accept the play about Pushkin “Lyceum Student”...

In the last years of his life, seriously ill (progressive tuberculosis), Platonov earned his living by transcribing folk tales. He was supported financially by Sholokhov and Fadeev, who once “ex officio” attacked “Doubting Makar.” Sholokhov also helped with the publication of books of fairy tales “Finist - Yasny Falcon”, “Bashkir Folk Tales” (both 1947), “The Magic Ring” (1949). Platonov lived in a wing of the A. M. Gorky Literary Institute. One of the writers, seeing him sweeping the yard under his windows, started a legend that he worked as a janitor.

Andrei Platonov passed away unrecognized. One of the most significant writers of the 20th century, he did not see his main works - the novel “Chevengur”, the stories “The Pit”, “The Juvenile Sea”, “Dzhan” - published. When in the Khrushchev sixties the first Platonov books (not yet the main ones) timidly began to appear, in every intelligentsia's house the red corner was occupied by a portrait of Hemingway, who in his Nobel speech named Platonov among his teachers.

On January 5, 1951, Andrei Platonov passed away. He was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery next to his son.

In the poem “The boy told me: “How painful it is,” Anna Akhmatova once again raises the topic of first love against the backdrop of a cooling relationship with her husband, Nikolai Gumilyov.

Line history

Only three years have passed since the wedding of Anna and Nikolai, but there is no former euphoria. Gumilyov wants Akhmatova to be first and foremost a wife; Anna Andreevna cannot divide herself between creativity and family. Moreover, the poetess wants to write more than sit at the window waiting for her husband. This situation prompts the author to write lines. Perhaps they partially relate to Gumilyov, although the main theme of the lines is the story of the lyrical heroine about the boy’s love for her.

Analysis of the poem

At the beginning of the poem, the poetess in the form of a lyrical heroine writes that the boy complains of pain from his love for her, which makes the heroine very sorry for him, since on her part there was either no love and there never was, or it has gone out. Not long ago, the boy believed in reciprocity and was happy, but now he is sad because he does not see the answer of love in the girl’s eyes.

And I only heard about sadness.

Against the background of unrequited love, the boy gains wisdom, but his eyes dim due to the lack of reciprocity and the boy in love gradually turns into a man.

The heroine feels sorry for the boy, she understands how much he hurts, but cannot offer herself for his sake. The boy strokes her hands, the heroine doesn’t mind, but her hands are cold, which only causes unnecessary suffering to the lover.

My cold hands.

Appeal to Gumilyov?

The last paragraph can be perceived as a partial appeal to Gumilyov. It is well known that it was Nikolai who sought Anna’s love for a long time and continued to love her even when they broke up. Akhmatova “with cold hands” shows that the fire of passion is dying out in her heart, and the phrase “greedily and hotly strokes” says that Gumilyov still loves her. This is the version of what the poetess really thought when writing the last lines of the question.

Another simple but beautiful poem by the great Russian poetess. It cannot go unnoticed by those who experienced the first separation and remember the taste of its pain.

The boy told me: “How painful it is!”
And I'm very sorry for the boy...
Just recently he was happy
And I only heard about sadness.

And now he knows everything just as well
Wise and old you.
They have faded and seem to have become narrower
The pupils of dazzling eyes.

I know: he won’t cope with his pain,
With the bitter pain of first love.
How helplessly, greedily and hotly he strokes
My cold hands.

October 1913

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