Pride and arrogance: what is the difference? Pride: the cardinal sin or overwhelming sense of selfishness.

Pride in Christianity is the most serious of the seven deadly sins, which entails all the others.

Pride underlies or intersects with such vices as greed, envy and anger. For example, the desire for enrichment (Greed) is caused by the fact that a person wants to become not just rich, but richer than other people, he envies (Envy) because he does not allow the thought that someone lives better than him, he gets irritated and angry (Anger ), when another person does not recognize his superiority, etc.

What is pride?

What is pride? And pride, and pride, and vanity, we can add here - arrogance, arrogance, conceit - all these are different types of one basic phenomenon - “focus on oneself.” Pride is extreme self-confidence, with the rejection of everything that is not one’s own, a source of anger, cruelty and malice, a refusal of God’s help, a “demonic stronghold.” In any case, if it is difficult for a person to ask for forgiveness, if he is touchy and suspicious, if he remembers evil and condemns others, then these are all undoubtedly signs of pride.

We, people raised in Soviet times, were taught from childhood that pride is almost the main virtue of a Soviet person. Remember: “Man sounds proud”; “The Soviets have their own pride: they look down on the bourgeoisie.” And indeed, the basis of any rebellion is pride. Pride is the sin of Satan, the first passion that appeared in the world even before the creation of people. And the first revolutionary was Satan.

How does God punish the sin of pride?

Brother : I ask you, Reverend Father, tell me how God punishes the sin of pride?

Elder : Listen, brother John! To imagine how vile pride is before God and how He punishes it, it is enough to remember that only because of this sin Satan fell and was cast out of heaven with all his angels (see: Rev. 12: 8-9). And in order to understand how deep the abyss into which one possessed by disgusting pride falls, let us imagine from what glory and light Satan and the angels like-minded with him fell, into what disgrace they fell and to what torment they became guilty.

And so that you can imagine this even better, know, your brotherhood, that Satan, before his fall from the highest light and glory, was not some insignificant creation of God, but was one of the most beautiful, most radiant, most adorned and chosen creatures, the most close to God. As the Holy Scripture says, he was a shining star among the heavenly intelligent ranks. He was the son of the dawn of the evening and the heavenly Cherub, most beautiful, luminous and adorning his Creator, God.

Scripture writes about this symbolically, through the mouth of the prophet Ezekiel, who says to the king of Tyre: You were an anointed cherub to overshadow, and I appointed you to do so; you were on the holy mountain of God, you walked among the fiery stones(Ezek. 28:13-14). Likewise, the prophet Isaiah calls Satan a shining star and the son of the dawn (see: Is. 14: 12). Do you see, brother John, what glory the devil had, what beauty and splendor before he fell into a great fall?

So, Brother John, from these few testimonies of Divine Scripture, I think you understand how God punishes pride and what harm it causes to those who have it.

Brother : Indeed, Reverend Father, I understood this quite clearly, but I think that God appointed this punishment only for Satan and his angels, because they, like angels, could not sin as easily as we do. But I would ask you to tell me how God punishes pride in the human race?

Elder : Know, your brotherhood, that much should be said to answer this question. But to be brief and so that we can imagine how severely God punishes the pride of people, I will first cite the words of the Divine Scriptures, from which we see how God punished our ancestors Adam and Eve for the pride.

Brother : But what kind of pride could our ancestors Adam and Eve have had, Reverend Father? I know that they were punished by God not for pride, but for disobedience, because they transgressed the commandment of God and ate from the forbidden tree!

Elder : Know, your brotherhood, brother John, that our first parents Adam and Eve also suffered from pride and were seduced before disobedience and transgression of the commandment, because the first sign of pride is neglect of obedience

This was also evident in our ancestors, when they disdained obedience to God and transgressed His sacred commandment. To test their obedience, God commanded them: You may eat from all the trees of paradise, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat from it you will surely die.(cf. Gen. 2: 16-17). The devil inspired them to eat from this tree, saying that not only would they not die, but they would also become like gods, knowing good and evil (see: Gen. 3:5). And they, having listened to the serpent, dared to transgress the commandment of God and eat from the forbidden tree, imagining that they themselves would become gods! That is why the divine father Maximus the Confessor says: “Just as the devil fell because of dreams, he did the same thing so that Adam and Eve would dream in their minds that they would become exactly like God, and so that because of this dream they would fall »

You see, therefore, Brother John, that only after our forefathers fell and imagined in their minds that they would become like God, only then did they disdain obedience to their Creator and transgress His commandment. So let's be clear about this.

And about how God punished their pride and transgression of the commandments, listen, brother John. First of all, they inherited a double death: the death of the body and the death of the soul, that is, the entry of their souls into hell. Secondly, they were expelled from God's paradise. Thirdly, the earth was cursed because of their sin. And fourthly, they were punished by God and their Creator so that they, through labor and the sweat of their brow, would obtain food for themselves on earth all the days of their lives. So that the earth would bear thorns for them, and in the end they should return to the earth from which they were created (see: Gen. 3: 18-19). He then gave Eve a double punishment: so that she would give birth to her children in pain and so that she would be attracted to her husband, that is, so that she would be subordinate to him at all times.

But the greatest punishment and penance for them was spiritual death, that is, to remain in hell and torment for 5508 years, that is, until the Coming of the Redeemer and the Resurrection of the New Adam from the dead, Christ.

Behold, brother John, how severe was God’s punishment for the human race for the sin of pride. Through the mistake of our forefathers Adam and Eve, the entire human race remained under penance until the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who, with His immeasurable humility and His obedience to the death of the Cross, healed their pride and disobedience and removed the condemnation of death from the entire human race.

Let this be said only about the punishment for the sin of pride of our ancestors Adam and Eve, but if you want to know about the punishment for other people for this sin, then read the Holy Scriptures. There you will see how God punished the children of Israel (see: Deut. 1: 43-44), how He punished the pride of those who began to build the Tower of Babel (see: Gen. 11: 4-8), how He punished the pride of Nebuchadnezzar, the king Babylonian (see: Dan. 4: 22; 5: 20-23), and you will also learn about the punishment of King Manasseh (see: 2 Chron. 33: 11). And from many other places of the Holy Scriptures, Old and New, you will learn how much God hates proud people.

Prayer for pride

“FATHER, forgive my sins and my most important sin - my pride. She is the cause of my pain and the pain of other people, and therefore YOURS!

Its birth is hidden in time, but I am reaping its fruits now, for my pride is the cause of my judgment. Just as pride gives rise to judgment, so judgment gives rise to hatred. I understood why she was born. The reason is simple - I did not see YOU in my world.

I did not see YOU in the events of my life, in my loved ones, in the people around me, and I rose above YOU, allowing myself to judge YOU (in my mother, my father, my wife, my children, loved ones and just people around me. I judged YOU in all YOUR manifestations, the destinies of people and the destinies of nations, state laws and moral laws... etc.).

FORGIVE for dividing YOUR world, and therefore YOU, into good and evil, light and darkness. I realized now that it’s all YOU! And life itself is YOUR life. And YOU, as a caring FATHER, raise me - your child with great LOVE, and everything that happened in my life, IT WAS FROM YOU! And everything was for me!

THANK YOU, FATHER, for YOUR lessons. For all the events of my life, from small to large, are just lessons of LOVE - my daily bread, food for my thoughts. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!

I bow before my enemies, for I have no enemies! How can you be my enemy? My enemy is my friend! This is a manifestation of YOUR LOVE! It was YOU who became this way for my sake, to make me think, for I am lazy, and the swamp of false prosperity and peace can suck me in, and YOU do not allow me to perish.

And therefore I THANK my enemies, for it is YOU and IT WAS FROM YOU! And I THANK my friends and loved ones, for this is YOUR shoulder, my support in my life.

I accept life as it is, because how can I not accept YOU, YOUR lessons. Everything that is is from YOU and for my good, and therefore I THANK YOU for the very opportunity to live and accept my path, no matter how difficult it may be.

I accept all the trials that were, are and will be in my life, because IT WAS from YOU and for me!

I THANK YOU for everything that was, is and will be in my life - for joy, for pain, for hatred and LOVE, for IT WAS from YOU and for me!

In any trials I promise to be faithful to YOU. Which means LOVE!

I choose life - service, FATHER! For I know that there is only one way to serve YOU - WITH MY LOVE! And I know that it is born in the experience of life itself, in the pain and trials that you send to us. But life without LOVE has no meaning. So they calcined my life to a diamond state, and if there is not enough wood in the smelting furnace, then here is my body to YOU, LORD.

Please accept my GRATITUDE for the life you have lived! Here is YOUR LOVE in my heart, I have kept it, FATHER! This is my LOVE in my heart, I have learned to LOVE! And only you, FATHER, know the measure of my LOVE!

I am your daughter, FATHER!!!

And the measure of my LOVE is the measure of my freedom.”
Source: Konstantin Nikulin. World of positive.

How to recognize pride in yourself?

To the question: “How to recognize pride in yourself?” - Jacob, Archbishop of Nizhny Novgorod, writes the following:

“To understand and feel it, notice how you feel when those around you do something not your way, against your will.
If what is born in you first of all is not the thought of meekly correcting a mistake made by others, but displeasure and anger, then know that you are proud and deeply proud.

If even the slightest failures in your affairs sadden you and cause boredom and burden, etc. and the thought of God’s Providence participating in our affairs does not amuse you, then know that you are proud and deeply proud.

If you are hot to your own needs and cold to the needs of others, then know that you are proud and deeply proud.

If, at the sight of the misfortune of others, even your enemies, you feel happy, and at the sight of the unexpected happiness of your neighbors you feel sad, then know that you are proud and deeply proud.

If modest remarks about your shortcomings are offensive to you, and praise about your unprecedented merits is pleasant and delightful for you, then know that you are proud and deeply proud.”

What else can you add to these signs to recognize pride in yourself? Is it just that if a person is attacked by fear, then this is also a sign of pride.

Saint John Climacus writes about it this way:

“A proud soul is a slave to fear; trusting in herself, she is afraid of the faint sound of creatures, and the shadows themselves. The fearful often lose their minds, and rightfully so. For the Lord righteously leaves the proud, so as to teach others not to be arrogant.”

And he also writes: “The image of extreme pride is that a person, for the sake of glory, hypocritically shows virtues that he does not have.”

PS. In today's Russian language, the word pride has several meanings. For example, “I am proud of his action” means “I am glad or very approving of his action.” This post speaks exclusively about “pride” in its spiritual meaning, which existed mainly before 1917. In Dahl’s dictionary, there is the following definition: “Proud - Arrogant, arrogant, arrogant; pompous, arrogant; who puts himself above others." It is this “pride” that is the subject of this post.

Get rid of pride, because pride brings with it constant grievances and conflicts with loved ones; it does not allow problems to be solved productively and is a sign of egocentrism, which does not allow a person to move forward on the path of personal development.

How to get rid of pride? Start by reviewing your principles and beliefs, your “shoulds” and “musts” and try to replace them with “I want” and “it would be nice.” To discover these painful beliefs that give rise to pride, in the most ordinary life situations, look for the thought that makes you feel offended or irritated.

If you allow yourself to let go for a while of the control that prevents you from realizing this thought, if you want to be frank with yourself, you will definitely be able to find the core of your troubles. Do not condemn in your thoughts and words the people who, in your opinion, have committed immoral acts: after all, your point of view is not the only one and not the most correct one, it is simply different. Do not consider people to owe or owe something to you personally or to the world as a whole - this is not true. Try to do good secretly, hidden from people. After all, doing good for the sake of letting someone know about it is not selfish: this is also the result of pride.

And success to you on this difficult path - the path of ridding yourself of pride!

The Fall of Lucifer

Many Christian theologians have spoken about pride as a mortal sin. However, the most complete definition of it was given by St. John Climacus:

Pride is a renunciation of God, a demonic invention, the humiliation of people, the mother of alienation, the fiend of praise, a sign of sterility, the predecessor of insanity, the cause of epilepsy, the source of irritability, the door of hypocrisy, the support of demons, resistance to God, the root of blasphemy, ignorance of compassion, cruel torturer, protector sins, inhuman judge. Where the fall took place, there was already pride: Pride is an apple that has rotted inside, but shines with beauty on the outside: there is extreme poverty of the soul.

The Science of Pride

From a psychological point of view, pride is excessive pride, arrogance, arrogance, selfishness and arrogance. In its highest manifestation, pride is considered a spiritual deviation, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:

- touchiness, intolerance to criticism, unwillingness to correct one’s shortcomings;

- constantly blaming others for your life problems;

- uncontrolled irritability and disrespect for other people;

- a person is regularly visited by thoughts of his own greatness and uniqueness, he exalts himself above others and demands that they admire him;

- inability to ask for forgiveness;

- the desire to constantly argue, to prove that one is right.

Each of us has experienced one of the listed feelings at least once in our lives. This is explained by the fact that all people have pride, but for many it manifests itself within reasonable limits.

For example, being proud of winning a sports championship or getting the highest score at an Olympics is, according to psychologists, normal (this is the difference between pride and pride). Sometimes pride and self-esteem are the most important components of a happy and successful life.

Dr. Medina is confident that the manifestation of pride to one degree or another “depends on our ability to learn and accept everything new.” The CaMKII gene is responsible for the appearance of this feeling. It is he who arouses our ambitions, arrogance and arrogance.

Fragment “Pride” from the work of Hieronymus Bosch “The Seven Deadly Sins and the Four Last Things”

Methods to combat pride

In Christian teachings, pride is seen as the opposite of one of the virtues - humility. This means you need to humble yourself, “realize the greatness and infinite potential of every human soul,” “accept your insignificance before God,” thank him for everything good and bad that happens in life.

Psychologists advise:

- begin to be interested in other people, pay attention to their achievements;

- learn to respect others and listen to their opinions;

- do not take credit for all the merits and achievements;

- try to help people unselfishly, treat them with kindness and love;

- learn to adequately accept constructive criticism;

- share your positive experience, otherwise it will only increase the growth of pride;

- and most importantly: you must be able to admit your mistakes, find the courage to forgive insults.

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Pride creates an unnatural image of a person, and it overshadows the living Soul. That is why philosophers from the past and geniuses of today can create little.
Since, having only made the first stroke, they immediately lose, embraced by selfhood, what was given to them at the beginning

One of man's mortal sins is pride. Most people are susceptible to this sin.

Pride should not be confused with pride. In Ushakov’s dictionary this is the definition of pride: exorbitant pride, arrogance.

Greek synonym - hybris, hubris- arrogance, pride, arrogance, hypertrophied pride.

Pride is a mortal sin, many know this. But few understand that it is also a mortal sin for the soul, and not just for the body.

Pride manifests itself this way: a person considers himself superior to others, does not consider all people equal to each other. He begins to judge others, envy them, hate other people, harm them, subjugate them and create inconveniences in life. Even within the same family, pride can be destructively dangerous. A proud spouse always makes claims, gives commands, nags, condemns - whatever. As a result, both suffer.

In addition to the consequences for others, which are not at all positive, pride is also dangerous for the person himself. Pride can be the cause of a wide variety of diseases, including oncology.

Surprisingly, believers often have pride. They condemn other people who live differently and put themselves above them.

Spiritual selfhood is the pinnacle of the most mortal sin - pride

Pride does not allow a person to forgive and love, he thinks that his dignity and he himself have been insulted, hurt, and therefore he should at least not talk to the offender and, at maximum, be dirty and rude to him.

A person subject to pride seeks an opportunity to rise above someone else in his own eyes. Get the desired grade or self-esteem, prove to the whole world that he is right and the world is wrong. To prove your exclusivity, independence or something else that can raise a person in your own eyes. And if it also rises in the eyes of others, then there will generally be a sea of ​​“positivity”. Why in quotes? Because drug addicts also get indescribable pleasure from drugs, but can such positivity be healthy and healthy?..

I think we have all encountered (or even discovered in ourselves) people who are constantly “being clever” and criticizing. So they try to assert themselves, elevate themselves, get an assessment, and if this assessment corresponds to their opinion about themselves, here it is - the long-awaited dose. This is the happiness of feeling like the very best! This is pride!

And addiction to praise! You don’t even need to write anything down here. Surely, among your acquaintances you will find a couple or two of these who like to be highly appreciated for their beautiful eyes or for their hard efforts.

What is the “cure” for pride? That's right, love Love can cope with any negative feelings. If a person loves, he will forget about pride, forgive offense, and hatred is generally alien to a loving heart.

Poem about Pride and Pride

One day Pride and Pride came together...

Pride, looking around, looking down

said harshly: “Pride! From now on I

mistress on Earth. And while you

get out of my way. Don't bother me

manage everything. I can handle it without you."

And Pride did not argue with her. Quiet

she just smiled and walked away silently.

Pride turned up in earnest:

looked at people over their heads,

didn't stay nearby for a minute,

I didn’t waste words on talking.

Without stooping to the “lower class”,

Pride saw only itself.

And, leaving slander behind,

cultivated my own “I”

and didn’t notice anything around.

Why should she, the “Great”, care?

She deftly rejected pleas and requests:

they say, there are too many problems of your own.

Pride surrounded itself with Flattery,

Subservience, Power, Vanity.

She responded to Criticism with Vengeance,

without understanding any of the reasons.

“Bathing” in Worship and Gold,

having despised the Divine Law forever,

Pride faded, as if at sunset,

The luminary fades, hiding into the horizon.

And yet, being in captivity of illusions,

Pride abides on Earth.

And, having established itself in only a few people,

she “does things” in spiritual darkness...

Where is Pride? What happened to her?

Where did this modest woman go?

Let's see what stuck to her hands?

Or is she burning her life in vain?

Having parted with Pride, unnoticeably,

I went where there are no high words.

She lived like everyone else, and did not disdain the poor,

did not trample moral principles.

She worked with enthusiasm. And silently

She endured blasphemy, barbs, slander.

And strengthening purity in the souls of people,

She revived the Divine Covenant again.

She returned bit by bit to souls

words of Love, keeping patience.

Both Anger and Jealousy won in myself

And she tamed her own “I”.

But Pride helped Man,

when he was trampled for no reason.

And, without fear of defeat, she stood up

for his honor. And Evil retreated.

I didn’t cry and I didn’t ask for mercy,

enduring deprivation with Dignity.

She didn’t put herself on a pedestal.

She judged according to her conscience, and not for revenge...

Life brought two people together on the path again...

Pride, arms akimbo, stands again,

but not alone - in captivity of swampy dreams,

and so arrogantly says:

“I see, Pride, you have not succeeded!

You've earned some benefits!

Here I am, you see, I have become who I wanted!

I now live in Wealth, without Worries.”

But Pride answered her without fear:

“Yes, I work hard, and this is my success.

I bring love - it is the beginning of everything.

I am Honor. And you, alas, are only a mortal Sin.

Pride... Pride... They have the same root.

There are countless shades of behavior...

And if vices are overcome in Pride,

Pride is not familiar with the words Honor.

On a fine line between Pride and Arrogance

Pride and pride - is there a difference? Modern society puts forward several versions. Some consider such qualities to be diametrically opposed. Others argue that these are the same properties. If you look at the Bible, the conclusion is clear - pride and pride are words with the same root. Therefore, they carry the same meaning. Only pride is a somewhat lesser evil. It is presented as a benign tumor. While pride is a malignant formation. It harms the person himself and those around him. What is hidden under such concepts? And what is the hidden difference between these qualities?

What does religion say?

There is a lot of talk these days about pride. However, most people confuse this concept with pride. Let's consider what religions say about these qualities.

In the Orthodox world, pride is considered one of the eight deadly sins. Among Catholics, it became part of the concept of the seven vices. In Islam, pride is called kibr. Literally translated as “arrogance.” It is classified as a major sin, which in most cases becomes the source of other errors.

Thus, all religions differentiate between qualities such as pride and arrogance. The difference is as follows. A person, blinded by pride, exalts himself, boasts of his qualities before God, completely forgetting who endowed him with them. Such a person is arrogant and believes that she can achieve everything on her own, and not by God’s will. In his pride, a person does not thank the Almighty for what he has (life, hearing, sight) and receives (shelter, food, children).

Modern understanding of hubris and pride

How do the enlightened minds of our society characterize these qualities? Wikipedia gives the following interpretation. Pride is excessive pride, arrogance, arrogance and selfishness. The characteristics are simple, but quite clear.

Pride is a reflection of positive self-esteem. Having self-respect, self-worth and a sense of dignity. Ozhegov’s dictionary interprets this property in a similar way. The book, published in 2009, defines the quality of “pride” as self-respect, a sense of self-worth.

Such characteristics are given by competent sources. Now let’s look at what leads to the development of the vice.

Why does pride arise?

What are the origins of such an unpleasant quality? Psychologists say that pride arises from fear. A person becomes afraid that he will not be loved for who he is. Such fears lead to the desire to elevate oneself above other people. Self-doubt pushes him into the clutches of pride.

These individuals tend to compare themselves with others, fearing to find the best qualities in them. Therefore, proud people always emphasize their advantages to everyone. This is especially evident when comparing yourself to others. As a result, they simply crave praise. This is the only way they can prove their importance. And they prove this to themselves rather than to others. For proud people, this is a kind of way to assert themselves.

It is very important to understand that pride is a vice that invariably pushes a person into the abyss.

Negative quality

From the above, it becomes clear that pride and arrogance are far from the same thing. The difference in these concepts is colossal. It is precisely this that allows us to assert that the above-mentioned qualities are opposite. And in life they lead a person to different results.

Pride is disrespect for almost everything: people, the world around us, and the achievements of others. This quality manifests itself as groundless arrogance, a sense of one’s own superiority. Sometimes such people isolate themselves from everyone with their inflated little world. It is not surprising that this quality promises its owner dissatisfaction, loss of joy, closedness, and loneliness. It has been noticed that people who have pride in their souls are extremely suspicious and very vulnerable. They often conflict and, as a result, experience constant disappointments and failures. Such people are very touchy. Although they are deeply unhappy at heart.

If pride is an abyss that unfolds before a person, then pride is a good quality that can lead to success. Often it is this that lifts a person to unprecedented heights.

Positive quality

How is pride different from arrogance? Let's figure it out. So, pride is one's own dignity, the ability to respect both oneself and others. Such people know how to value the spiritual, their talents and the achievements of others especially. They are distinguished by such quality as fair treatment. People with pride protect and value exactly what deserves it. It doesn’t matter at all whether it’s yours or someone else’s.

Pride allows a person to clearly see his weaknesses and shortcomings, which still need to be worked on. Such people are fair and adequate to themselves. After all, pride does not force them to run away from their shortcomings. Therefore, such people understand their problems very well. And what is the result? Understanding their weaknesses much better than those around them are able to do so, they become practically invulnerable. After all, they don’t have a complex about this. Such a person is well aware that all people are endowed with shortcomings. And since he works hard on his own, any problems for him are only a temporary phenomenon.

Difference between concepts

The following conversation between father and son speaks quite eloquently about the difference in these qualities. The child asked: “Pride and pride? What are the differences? The father thought about it. And then he answered: “Pride is the understanding that you did everything you were capable of for those around you. Pride is an illusion, supposedly you are able to accomplish what little people cannot do.”

So, let's look at what pride and pride brings into a person's life. The differences are so great that they leave no doubt about the opposite concepts.

What does pride promise?

  1. Positive attitude. A person respects not only his own values, but also other people’s values. This implies fair treatment of other people based on honor.
  2. Positive, noble feelings and emotions. A person becomes proud of himself, his work, and his children. The sincerity of this feeling can make him happy.
  3. Reciprocal feelings. Great positivity in the soul does not go unnoticed by others. Therefore, in response, respect for such a person is born.
  4. Support. People who carry pride in their souls are well aware of their virtues and strengths. This gives them the opportunity to rely on them in any situation.
  5. Invulnerability. A person has inner dignity. And even if the whole world turns away from him, he will not fall low. After all, such people do not look for support in the outer husk.
  6. Worthy achievements. Pride encourages a person to set new goals and achieve them.
  7. Respectful relationships. Such people lay honor at the basis of communication. This is why they manage to build respectful, dignified relationships.

What does pride create?

  1. Negative attitude. It is caused by complete disrespect, contempt, and ignorance of other people and their values.
  2. Negative emotions that corrode the soul. Qualities such as contempt, disrespect, envy, sarcasm, disgust and rejection, anger, and resentment make a person deeply unhappy.
  3. No response. Communication with such people is quite difficult. As a rule, there is a desire to close yourself off from them and not encounter them again. Only wise and strong individuals are able to sympathize with those who are infected with pride.
  4. "Soap bubble". Man relies on illusions. Unfortunately, this is a false greatness. In most cases there is nothing behind it.
  5. Vulnerability. Such individuals are immune to any criticism. They are suspicious, touchy and aggressive. Losing external support, and therefore feeding their “I,” they “deflate” like a rubber balloon. After all, they have no real support.
  6. Self-intoxication. The owner of pride believes that he has already achieved everything. This opinion does not allow you to set new goals and strive to achieve them.
  7. Conflict. One of the common traits inherent in such individuals. Unfortunately, this often destroys trust, feelings and kindness.

How to get rid of pride?

You can fight it in several ways. Having realized how pride differs from arrogance, the most important thing is to find this vice in yourself. Some people strive to destroy an unpleasant quality with one blow. This is the path of hermits, saints who, through deprivation, try to achieve perfection.

If we talk about ordinary people who are characterized by both pride and pride, then another method will suit them. It is based on the following:

  1. Awareness of the world and oneself. The purpose of any person is to bring joy and light to the earth. The ability to give is a natural need of the soul. A person who does not do this drives himself into suffering.
  2. Self-improvement and self-knowledge. You cannot spend all your vital energy just to satisfy the needs of the body. The mind simply degrades in such circumstances. It should be remembered that each person has his own earthly purpose. In order for harmony to settle in your soul, you should analyze in what area you are able to bring benefit to humanity. It is in this direction that you need to improve yourself.
  3. Development of necessary qualities. Pride is counterbalanced by such qualities as gratitude, humility, hard work, responsibility, faith, charity, and love. By developing them, a person is able to overcome an unpleasant vice.


If a person sees poorly, he is advised to buy glasses. But if someone, reading about the signs that characterize qualities such as arrogance and pride, does not notice a single vice in himself, no magnifying glasses will help. In this case, according to competent sources, the sense of self-importance is excessively developed. Remember, you like to stand out, argue, and brag... Therefore, there is something to work on.

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