Cities of the Moscow region: population statistics. Moscow region Closed administrative-territorial entity

    In the Central Economic Region there are 139 cities with a population of more than 20 thousand people, among them: Moscow 11.5 million inhabitants 66 cities in the Moscow region Main article: List of cities in the Moscow region 72 cities in other regions of the Central ... ... Wikipedia

    List of cities of the Russian Empire according to the 1897 census (without Poland, Finland, the Emirate of Bukhara and the Khanate of Khiva). Cities that have lost this status to date are highlighted in yellow. Contents 1 Akmola ... ... Wikipedia

    List of cities of the Russian Empire according to data for 1840 (without Poland and Finland). Cities that have lost this status to date are highlighted in yellow. Contents 1 Arkhangelsk province 2 Astrakhan province ... Wikipedia

    List of cities in the USSR according to 1926 data. Cities that have lost this status to date are highlighted in yellow. Contents 1 Byelorussian SSR 2 TSFSR 2.1 Azerbaijan ... Wikipedia

    The list includes only those settlements of the Russian Federation that, based on data from the Federal State Statistics Service, have the status of cities. The area of ​​a city is understood as the territory within its city limits... ... Wikipedia

    The List of Russian Cities includes all cities of the Russian Federation, indicating the population according to the preliminary results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census, as well as the dates of their foundation or first mention in historical... ... Wikipedia

    Serpukhov district Coat of arms Flag (description) ... Wikipedia

    Contents 1 Population 2 Ethnic composition 3 Settlements ... Wikipedia

    Main article: Moscow region This term has other meanings, see Flags of the Moscow region (villages) ... Wikipedia

    The regional bandy tournament, held since 1933 (except 1941 - 1945), is one of the oldest regional tournaments in Russia. Since 2004, teams from Moscow have also taken part in the Moscow Region Championship. Contents 1... ...Wikipedia


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You can admire this view from one of the surrounding hills for a very long time without stopping.
The Lavra is a real museum of the history of Russian church architecture; here you can find most of the famous styles, and their most striking examples.

There are also picturesque places outside the Lavra, although I must admit that I haven’t explored the surrounding area very well yet:

Second place is Kolomna, a large historical city about 100 km away. from Moscow, which is unofficially called the “capital of the Moscow region”. In the 16th century, it was the main outpost against the regular invasions of the Crimean Tatars, so a huge brick Kremlin, only slightly smaller in size than the Moscow one, was built here even before Ivan the Terrible. During raids, tens of thousands of residents from the surrounding volosts took refuge in it.
Now only a few towers and small fragments of walls remain from the Kolomna Kremlin, but they also make an indelible impression:

Inside the former Kremlin, the magnificent ensemble of the old city has been preserved, which has been given the status of a nature reserve. You rarely see this here in Russia - everything is licked, cleaned, painted, people continue to live in small old houses. But there is also the opposite effect - a feeling of some kind of sterility, emptiness and unnaturalness of the situation. What is missing is what makes up the soul of a museumized historical center in any country in the world - crowded streets with thousands of cafes, restaurants, shops, workshops, street musicians, artists, etc.
But still great, beautiful:

The other day I came to Kolomna for the third time since 2005 and I hope to return.

Third place - Dmitrov, 65 km. north of Moscow. I have been visiting this city since childhood and have seen how dramatically it has changed over the past 20 years. It seems that there is a real economic boom there and new infrastructure is growing right before our eyes - shopping and sports centers, vast residential areas, central streets are being improved. I don’t remember that anywhere else in Russia the historical center was completely reconstructed over the course of several years, the main street was blocked off and turned into a pedestrian zone, decorative shopping arcades were built, and many street sculptures were installed. More precisely, there is only one example - the above-mentioned Kolomna.
As well-maintained and cultured as in Kolomna, the historical center of Dmitrov is still very different in itself. Its core consists of the high earthen ramparts of the former wooden Kremlin, within which is enclosed the impressive Assumption Cathedral of the 16th century:

Outside the ramparts, a private building area has been preserved, and behind it is another attraction in the ensemble of the historical center, the Boris and Gleb Monastery:

This monastery amazes with its fantastic well-groomed, not to say varnished appearance. The temples and walls shine with whiteness, the entire territory is buried in flowers and is a monument to modern landscape and park art, there are even peacocks. In general, the visit evokes a feeling of complete delight and respect for the Dmitrov residents.

Fourth place is Zaraysk, the region’s furthest city from Moscow. It is almost undeveloped by tourists and gives the impression of some kind of reserve, a real Russian province with chickens on the streets and massive wooden buildings in the center, which are not threatened with demolition in the coming years, despite its dilapidation.
The main attraction is a fully preserved stone Kremlin of the 16th century with a regular rectangular shape:

The surviving churches in the city are gradually being restored.
I would say that in all spirit Zaraysk is the antipode to the museumized historical center of Kolomna.

Fifth place - Serpukhov.
I visited there only once in 2007 and was captivated by the atmosphere. There was an impression that this rather large city was located not a hundred, but a thousand kilometers from Moscow, and it was still the 90s there. A huge contrast with Kolomna and Dmitrov, although perhaps my impressions in this case are very subjective.
There is no compact historical center in Serpukhov. The ancient Kremlin hill stands somewhere on the outskirts. A rather modest-looking cathedral rises on it and quiet village life flows around it:

A very tragic story happened to the stone Serpukhov Kremlin. In the 1930s local authorities, either on their own idiotic initiative, or at the request of the center, decided to dismantle the ancient walls to their foundations and send the resulting stone for decoration of the Moscow metro under construction.
Only a small fragment was left as a keepsake for descendants:

Well, where else in Russia these days can you see horses grazing near the Kremlin wall?

Sixth place - Podolsk. This large city is worth a visit if only to see one of the wonders of Russia - the Church of the Sign - on its outskirts, in the Dubrovitsy estate:

In terms of its architecture, this temple has no analogues in Russia. It was built during the reign of Peter I by craftsmen invited from Switzerland, so the decoration corresponds more to the Catholic tradition:

Seventh place - Zvenigorod. A small town with a sonorous name is located 30 km away. west of Moscow. The main attractions are outside its modern centre. On the old settlement (Gorodok) there is one of the oldest temples in the Moscow land - the white-stone Assumption Cathedral built in 1399.

2 km. from Zvenigorod there is the famous Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery with the Nativity Cathedral of the 15th century.

The eighth place is the town of Vereya, 95 km southwest of Moscow, once the capital of the independent Vereya principality.
Vereya captivated me with its picturesqueness; if you go down from the high hill, where city life is in full swing, and cross the pedestrian bridge, you immediately find yourself in some kind of fairy-tale world of rural childhood:

Right on the banks of the river, housewives milk cows; there are almost no souls on the surrounding streets.
View of the district from the city Kremlin hill:

The city has several quite interesting churches, including the Nativity Cathedral from the mid-16th century (heavily rebuilt), but the main thing worth coming here for is the picturesque landscape.

The top ten most interesting cities in the Moscow region, of course, includes Mozhaisk, 110 km west of the capital. Once it was an outpost of Moscow against invasions from the west, a border fortress (hence the expression “Drive beyond Mozhai”). The Mozhaisk Kremlin has existed since the 12th century; at the beginning of the 17th century it received stone walls, which, unfortunately, were dismantled long before the revolution.
Now the historical center, the Kremlin hill, is the very outskirts of Mozhaisk. When entering the city from the west, the entire area is dominated by the new St. Nicholas Cathedral of the early 19th century in the style of Gothic romanticism:

To the left of it you can see the old St. Nicholas Cathedral, of much more modest size.
Within the city there is an interesting Luzhetsky Ferapontov Monastery with a cathedral from the times of Ivan the Terrible.

Finally, in the top ten I would include the city of Bogorodsk (better known under the Soviet name Noginsk), which traces its origins to the village of Rogozhi since 1389:

Although this city does not shine with architectural masterpieces and such a rich history as the previous ones, and has not retained much of the environment of the old center, it has many interesting and picturesque corners. Also worthy of attention are the efforts of local authorities to improve the most attractive places and create local areas where citizens would be pleased to come for recreation.

Of course, there are many more interesting and beautiful historical cities in the Moscow region, I hope that over time I will tell you about them.

According to sociological survey data, Muscovites perceive their city as a place where they can realize themselves spiritually, financially, business and culturally. It is difficult to argue with the fact that Moscow is very rich in museums, churches, historical places and attractions, but in the crazy rhythm of life in the metropolis, sometimes it is not so easy to find time to visit one or another object. On weekends, holidays or during vacation, most of the capital's residents prefer to leave the city, which is literally woven from traffic jams, congestion and human bustle. Mostly residents of other countries or regions of Russia like to come on excursions within the Moscow Ring Road, but even very close to Moscow you can find many quiet and cozy places where you can have a great time, relax, gain strength and get to know the history of the Russian land better. The Moscow region is perfect for this, and many suburbs amaze with their pleasant leisurely pace, classic landscapes and amazing atmosphere. A trip here can be a real discovery for a lot of people, while you will save time and money. We present to you the top 10 most beautiful cities in the Moscow region, and it’s up to you to decide which one to go to first.

Located in the center of the European part of Russia, the city of Voronezh is quite a remarkable Russian city, attracting travelers with monuments...

Sergiev Posad

The city was founded by St. Sergius of Radonezh in 1337. The area of ​​Sergiev Posad is about 50 thousand km2, the population is 103 thousand people. The city is located just an hour's drive from the capital and is considered the spiritual center of the country. The history of Sergiev Posad goes back almost seven hundred years, and it is even more surprising that these places have preserved many buildings and temples in their original, almost untouched form. In the very heart of the city is the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, famous throughout Russia, where the Patriarch is elected in our time. Not far from the center there is a monastery, within the walls of which future church ministers are trained. Most of the churches were built in Sergiev Posad between the 16th and 18th centuries, and the historical heritage, ancient household items, chronicles and other valuable artifacts are stored in the Historical and Art Museum, which is part of the local reserve.


The city has an area of ​​only 7 km2, and the population is about 34 thousand people, the founding date of Istra is 1589, until 1930 the city had a different name - Voskresensk. Tourists who come here cannot take their eyes off the magnificent churches, especially the amazingly beautiful New Jerusalem Monastery with the Resurrection Cathedral. Since the architects planned to build a monastery by analogy with the Jerusalem Temple, the name was given to it accordingly. However, the completed complex became even more majestic and transformed. Excursions to the Siloam spring, located half an hour from the city, are popular. For lovers of Old Russian architecture, it will be a pleasant surprise to discover the temple of St. Seraphim of Sorov, installed in the small cozy village of Snegiri.


Dmitrov is located 50 km from the Moscow Ring Road and is a port city on the Moscow River. Area - 26 km2, population - just over 68 thousand people, founding date - 1154. Dmitrov is a unique place where ancient architectural monuments and modern entertainment complexes are perfectly combined, so you can go here on a romantic trip or relax with your family, not forgetting to take your children with you. The historical center of the city is represented by such a monumental structure as the Dmitrov Kremlin, the construction of which dates back to the 16th-17th centuries. Initially, the fortress was a 15-meter rampart with towers; today on its territory it will be interesting to look at various sculptures of people, for example A. Pushkin with his lady love, a merchant, a merchant’s wife or a girl with a cat. You can take a walk in the Kremlin park, well-groomed and beautifully landscaped.


The city is located 145 km from Moscow, has an area of ​​20 km2, and a population of 23 thousand people. The first written mention of the settlement dates back to 1146. Residents of the Moscow region call Zaraysk a museum city, and this is no coincidence, since such a small area houses many different attractions. It is better to start your visit with the local Kremlin, which displays not only masterpieces of art and painting, but also unique pieces of furniture, antique dishes, and traditional embroidery. The complex includes a building belonging to the sculptor A.S. Golubkina and the estate of the writer Fyodor Dostoevsky. On the streets of Zaraysk there are many monuments to famous people of Russia - Meretsky, Pozharsky, Dostoevsky. The most ancient temple on these lands is considered to be the current Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which houses a wonderful icon of the Saint.


The city is located 65 km from the Moscow Ring Road, the area of ​​Klin is 37 km2, the population is almost 80 thousand people. The first mention of the city dates back to 1317; Klin received official city status only in 1781. The local streets are rich in history - Blok, Mendeleev, Tchaikovsky and Gaidar once walked here. The most interesting sights include the Tchaikovsky House-Museum, the Klin Kremlin, the Museum of Christmas Tree Decorations, the Postal Yard, the Mayor's House and the Trading Rows, preserved from the end of the 19th century.


Serpukhov is located 100 km from the center of the capital, 73 km from the Moscow Ring Road. The area of ​​the city is 37 km2, the population is 124 thousand people, the date of foundation is 1339. Serpukhov is so pretty that a better place for a walk cannot be found in the entire Moscow region. The origin of the name of the settlement still causes a lot of controversy among historians. According to one version, the toponym came from the name of the Serpeika River, according to another - from the serpukha plant, according to the third - from the name Serapion. The coat of arms of Serpukhov invariably features a peacock; its image is associated with a historical fact - once upon a time these strange birds were bred in one of the monasteries of the city. Today in the city you can see a number of interesting sights - the Gorodskoy Bor forest park, the Nursery park. River boat trips, which depart directly from the city port, are popular. For those who prefer to explore ancient estates and estates, you can go to the estates of Voronin or Sollogubov.


It is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the Moscow region, so a trip here is a must. The area of ​​the city is 65 km2, the population is 142 thousand people, the first mention is in 1177. Connoisseurs of the Moscow suburbs have the first association with Kolomna - a huge number of churches, monuments, monasteries and local history museums. The best place to start exploring the city is from the Kolomna Kremlin, the grandeur and monumentality of which will win the heart of even an experienced traveler. The foundation date of the structure is the 16th century, construction lasted six years, and was started by order of Tsar Vasily III. On the territory of the Kremlin there is a monastery and the Assumption Cathedral. A modern attraction is the Peace Park, which is intended for family recreation, and the skating center, where you can skate to your heart's content for a fairly modest fee.


The city is located on the river of the same name and is only 80 km from the Moscow Ring Road. The area of ​​the settlement is 17 km2, the population is 13 thousand people. The date of foundation of Ruza is 1328, the toponym comes from the name of the river, which translates as “calm, quiet, safe.” Main attractions: Resurrection Cathedral of the 18th century, the Intercession and Dmitrovskaya churches of the 18th century, Borisoglebskaya of the 19th century, the local history museum, the Volynshchina estate, the monument to Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, created according to the design of Zurab Tsereteli.


The city of military glory covers an area of ​​30 km2, with a population of just under 20 thousand people. Volokolamsk is located 98 km from Moscow, the first mention of the settlement dates back to 1135, previous names were Volok-on-Lama, Volok Lamsky (meaning the river flowing through the city). The most striking landmark of Volokolamsk is the Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which was built in the 19th century in honor of the soldiers who laid down their lives in the Crimean War. The temple consists of two parts, and on the territory there is a museum with a rich exhibition. Nearby is the neat and discreet Church of the Nativity. There is a folk theater in the city; since 2004, a film festival has been held here under the direction of Sergei Bondarchuk.


Zvenigorod is an attractive and very picturesque town, located just 30 km from the capital. The city stands on the Moscow River, has an area of ​​48 km2, and a population of 22 thousand people. It is believed that the city was founded by Grand Duke Yuri Dolgoruky in 1152 and therefore can easily lay claim to the title of one of the oldest in the Moscow region. Zvenigorod is called “Russian Switzerland” for the beauty of the surrounding nature, cleanliness and unpretentious architecture. In the west there is a building - the local Kremlin, which has long been called the Town. Not far from it is the most ancient temple near Moscow - the famous Assumption Church, which was decorated by Andrei Rublev. Excursions to the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which has survived to this day in its original form, are in demand. Here you can buy sbiten, real “live” kvass, delicious bread and gingerbread. Local artisans are famous for their products - most often tourists buy Zvenigorod bells, dolls made of the finest porcelain, samovars and folk toys.

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  • 14 city-regional centers;
  • 43 cities of regional subordination;
  • 1 closed city - Krasnoznamensk;
  • 12 cities of regional subordination, which are under the administrative subordination of districts;
  • 3 cities that are administratively subordinate to cities of regional subordination.

List of cities in the Moscow region by distance from Moscow

The cities of Lyubertsy, Kotelniki and Reutov top the list; they are located 2 km from the capital, Dzerzhinsky and Khimki - 3 km, Krasnogorsk - 4, Vidnoye and Odintsovo - 5 km, Dolgoprudny - 6, Balashikha and Shcherbinka - 8 km, Mytishchi - 9 km , Yubileiny - 10, Moskovsky - 11 km, Zheleznodorozhny, Lytkarino and Korolev - 12 km, Lobnya - 14 km, Domodedovo - 15 km, Podolsk - 16 km, Troitsk - 18 km, Ivanteevka, Pushkino and Shchelkovo - 19 km, Dedovsk - 20 km, Zhukovsky, Staraya Kupavna and Elektrougli - 23 km, Klimovsk - 24 km, Aprelevka - 25 km, Fryazino - 27 km, Golitsino and Ramenskoye - 28 km, Krasnoznamensk and Losino, Petrovsky - 29 km, Istra - 36 km, Noginsk - 37 km, Krasnoarmeysk - 39 km, Bronitsy and Zvenigorod - 41 km, Elektrostal - 42 km, Chernogolovka - 43 km, Solnechnogorsk - 44 km, Dmitrov, Yakhroma and Kubinka - 48 km, Chekhov - 50 km, Khotkovo - 53 km, Sergiev Posad - 55 km, Naro-Fominsk - 57 km, Pavlovsky Posad - 59 km, Elektrogorsk - 64 km, Klin - 66 km, Peresvet - 71 km, Drezna - 72 km, Serpukhov - 73 km, Krasnozavodsk - 74 km, Voskresensk - 76 km, Vysokovsk and Orekhovo-Zuevo - 78 km, Kurovskoye - 79 km, Likino-Dulevo - 86 km, Ruza - 87 km, Stupino - 88 km, Mozhaisk - 89 km, Kolomna - 91 km, Volokamsk - 94 km, Pushchino - 96 km, Dubna - 98 km, Vereya, Protvino, Kashira - 99 km, Yegoryevsk - 100 km, Ozherelye - 105 km, Taldom - 107 km, Lukhovitsy - 112 km, Ozery - 119 km, Zaraysk - 137 km, Shatura - 138 km. The most remote city of Roshal closes the list of cities in the Moscow region, its distance to Moscow is 147 km.

This includes the territory and cities of Moscow located from the Moscow Ring Road at a distance of 40 km towards the region. What cities are in the nearest Moscow region? The list is small: Mytishchi, Kotelniki, Lyubertsy, Lobnya, Zhukovsky, Podolsk, Odintsovo, Domodedovo, Khimki, Krasnogorsk, Dzerzhinsky, Balashikha, Reutov, Korolev, Pushkino and others. All these cities are known to almost every resident of our country.

The largest cities in the Moscow region: list of cities by population

The list of the 20 largest cities in the Moscow region by population living in them includes:

  • Balashikha - 215,350 people;
  • Khimki - 208,560 people;
  • Podolsk - 187,960 people;
  • Korolev - 183,400 people;
  • Mytishchi - 173,340 people;
  • Lyubertsy - 171,980 people;
  • Elektrostal - 155,370 people;
  • Kolomna - 144,790 people;
  • Odintsovo - 139,020 people;
  • Zheleznodorozhny - 132,230 people;
  • Serpukhov - 126,500 people;
  • Orekhovo-Zuevo - 121,110 people;
  • Krasnogorsk - 116,740 people;
  • Shchelkovo - 108,060 people;
  • Sergiev Posad - 105,840 people;
  • Pushkino - 102,820 people;
  • Zhukovsky - 102,790 people;
  • Noginsk - 102,080 people;
  • Ramenskoye - 101,200 people;
  • Klin - 93,420.

The most ancient cities

In the era of ancient Rus' (the period before the Tatar-Mongol invasion), about 17 ancient Russian cities were located on the territory of the modern capital region. But only 9 of them are mentioned in ancient written sources, and only they retained their names and did not turn into dead cities. List of ancient cities of the Moscow region: Moscow, Zaraysk (Osetr), Mozhaisk, Dmitrov, Volokolamsk, Dubna, Zvenigorod, Lobynsk, Kolomna.

Most of the cities of the ancient Moscow region are mentioned in chronicles starting from the 12th century. The very first mention of the city of Dubna is in 1134, the second mention of Volokolamsk is in 1135. List of ancient cities of the Moscow region and the year of their first mention in the chronicle:

  • Dubna - 1134;
  • Volokolamsk - 1135;
  • Moscow, Lobynsk - 1147;
  • Dmitrov - 1154;
  • Kolomna - 1177;
  • Zaraysk (Sturgeon) - 1225;
  • Mozhaisk -1231

Touristically attractive cities of the Moscow region

1. Sergiev Posad. One of the main attractions and decoration of the city is the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. Also famous are the Ascension Church, Pyatnitskaya, Uspenskaya, Vvedenskaya, ancient shopping arcades and the monastery hotel.

2. Wedge. Of tourist interest are the ancient church on the territory of the former Assumption Monastery, the Resurrection Church, shopping arcades, and the Demyanovo estate. In the village of Boblovo there is a museum of D.I. Mendeleev.

3. The city of Kubinka. Invites guests to the famous military-historical armored tank museum.

4. Old Kupavna. The Holy Trinity Church attracts many pilgrims.

5. Mozhaisk. The majestic earthen Kremlin, Yakimansky and St. Nicholas Cathedrals are all attractions of the small town.

The most favorable cities for living in the Moscow region

An analysis of cities located at a distance of 30 km from the Moscow Ring Road was carried out. 21 criteria were taken into account when compiling the rating: infrastructure development, affordability of housing, availability of jobs, quality of services provided to the population, quality of medical care, social protection of the population, ecology and cleanliness of the city, and many others. etc. The first place in the list of the most favorable cities for the population of the Moscow region was taken by Klimovsk, the top five included Ivanteevka, Vidnoye, Dolgoprudny, Lobnya.

In terms of transport accessibility, among the cities near Moscow we can distinguish such cities as Khimki, Lobnya, Reutov, Lyubertsy, Mytishchi, Kotelniki, Krasnogorsk, Dolgoprudny and Vidnoye.

List of cities in the Moscow region with the highest level of atmospheric pollution: Elektrostal, Zheleznodorozhny, Orekhovo-Zuevo, Klin, Serpukhov, Mytishchi, Noginsk, Balashikha, Kolomna, Yegoryevsk, Podolsk, Lyubertsy.

Cities with high levels of radioactive contamination: Troitsk, Dubna, Khimki, Sergiev Posad.

Of the most built-up cities in the Moscow region, Reutov is in first place, Yubileiny is in second, then Zheleznodorozhny, Podolsk, Krasnoznamensk, Fryazino, Lyubertsy, Dolgoprudny, Ivanteevka.

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