The political system of Thailand. Visa regime with Russia

Based Official language Thai Capital Bangkok The largest city Bangkok Form of government A constitutional monarchy King
Prime Minister
Bhumibol Adulyadej
Aphisit Vetchachiva
State religion Buddhism Territory
% water surface 49th in the world
514,000 km²
0,4% Population
Total ()
Density 19th in the world
65,444,371 people
126 people/km² Currency ฿ Baht (THB) Internet domain Telephone code +66 Timezone UTC +7


Relief of Thailand

The Kingdom of Thailand is a state located in Southeast Asia, on the Indochina and Malacca peninsulas, washed by the Andaman Sea from the west, and the South China Sea from the east by the Gulf of Thailand. The territory of Thailand stretches from north to south (the distance from the northernmost point to the southernmost point is 1860 km). Due to its central position in Southeast Asia and the greatest extent among the countries in the region from north to south, Thailand has the most diverse climate in Southeast Asia, so major crops are harvested several times a year, and the tourist season “flows” from some climatic zones to others, making Thailand one of the world's few year-round tourist destinations. Forests occupy 10% of the country's territory: tropical deciduous in the north, tropical evergreen in the more humid southern regions.


Geographically, climatically, in terms of natural resources, diversity of landforms and even the ethnic composition of the population, Thailand is divided into five main regions: Central, Eastern, Northern, Northeastern and Southern Thailand.


Koh Mak Island

The climate of Thailand is humid tropical and subtropical. This is due to the location of most of the country in the tropical and subtropical zones and the influence of the southwest and northeast monsoons. The distance between the extreme northern and extreme southern points of Thailand is 1860 km, and the difference in latitude is about 15. This north-south extent makes Thailand one of the most diverse climates in Southeast Asia. The southwest monsoon brings rain and relative coolness from late May to mid-July. By November the rains stop and the "cool dry" season begins, lasting until mid-February. At this time, the influence of the northeast monsoon is also felt, which does not affect Northern, Northeastern and Central Thailand directly, but brings coolness. After the weakening of the monsoons, in February - May, intense heat sets in, and air humidity gradually increases until the beginning of the new monsoon season, and then the cycle repeats again.

The duration of the rainy season is very difficult to determine. It usually starts in May - June and can last until November. In the center of the country and on the east coast, heavy rains occur in August - September. October is usually the last month of the wet season, when significant volumes of water have already accumulated in irrigation systems and urban drainage, resulting in quite severe flooding with infrequent and not very heavy rains. In particular, when the Chao Phraya River overflows its banks, some areas of Bangkok are flooded, because about a third of the city is below sea level. The rainy season in Thailand is incomparable to the same time of year in other countries in Southeast Asia. Of course, dirt roads become impassable, and clouds hang over tropical beaches for part of the day, however, they transmit enough ultraviolet rays to warm the air, sea and sand of the beaches.

It is also necessary to say about the air temperature - the closer you are to the equator, the smaller the temperature difference. So in the coolest months (from December to February, when the average temperature ranges from +20 to +27), nighttime air temperatures can drop to zero in the mountains in the north, while during the day it reaches +25. In the mornings in Chiang Mai (the capital of Northern Thailand) at this time it is about +10 degrees Celsius, and in other areas above +20. The hottest months are April and May, when temperatures above +35 are the daily norm, and +40 in the shade is not uncommon

Population and socio-cultural resources

Thailand's population mainly consists of ethnic Thais (~80%) and Laotians. There is also a large community of ethnic Chinese (~10%), which includes former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Other ethnic groups include the Malays, Mongs, Khmers, and Vietnamese, who have settled in eastern Thailand since the Vietnam War.

94.6% of Thai residents profess Buddhism. 4.6% are Muslim - mostly Malays living in the south of the country.

According to the CIA, approximately 10% of the population (the elite) speaks English.


Traditional architecture

In Thailand, the king is not only the head of state, but also the patron and protector of all religions. In times of crisis, he acts as a conciliatory mediator without taking sides. The King of Thailand is a leader and national symbol above politics, and therefore only intervenes in political affairs when necessary to prevent bloodshed. Love and respect for the royal family is almost religious in nature in Thailand. This love is a response to that interested participation in the well-being of his people that characterizes King Bhumibol.

In addition to believing in their king, Thais profess Buddhist teachings. In the 13th century. In Thailand, Hinayana Buddhism was officially recognized, meaning “small vehicle” (the second major branch of Buddhism is called “Mahayana” - “great vehicle”). Currently, the term “Hinayana” is considered obsolete and is falling out of use, having been replaced by the self-name of this branch of Buddhism - “Theravada” - “teaching of the elders”. Theravada is the most ancient version of Buddhism, which received the earliest written record (the so-called “Pali Canon”) and, formally, is closest to the original teachings of Gautama Buddha. This teaching has its own strict rules, in relation to which a disparaging tone is unacceptable (especially by tourists) - this is respect for the image of Buddha, temples, monks, as well as some restrictions on freedom of behavior for women, however, the rites and rituals in general are much simpler than in Indian Mahayana Buddhism.

Christianity is also represented in Thailand, which became famous from the 16th-17th centuries AD. e., thanks to Catholic missionaries. Currently, there are Catholic and Protestant communities in the country, as well as a parish of the Russian Orthodox Church. In total, according to various estimates, from 0.7% to 1.7% of the country's population profess Christianity - these are mainly the inhabitants of the mountain tribes of the North.


Thai house

Thai architecture, represented mainly by monasteries, intricately combines Indian and Chinese elements. They, like sculpture, differ in style in accordance with the period of construction and local traditions. The most striking example of the original architectural creativity of the Thais is the complex of temples and the Grand Royal Palace in Bangkok. The buildings located on the territory of temples have different shapes and meanings - these are usually sanctuaries, halls for religious ceremonies, libraries and schools. The walls can be decorated with scenes from the Hindu epic (Ramakyan) and images of mythological animals. The sacred Bodhi tree is often found in the courtyards of monasteries. There are also numerous sculptures of mythical creatures possessing supernatural powers who guard the monastery.


Music has always occupied an important place in the ceremonial, court and religious life of the Thais. A traditional orchestra consists of gongs, bells, strings, and xylophones. For Europeans, Thai music sounds quite unusual. It still accompanies important public ceremonies and classical theater performances today.

Arts and Crafts

Thailand is famous for its folk arts and crafts. They are found everywhere - the largest fishing centers are in Bangkok and Chiang Mai. Thailand is one of Asia's largest producers of silk and cotton products, furniture and carved wood products. Numerous shops offer ceramics, boxes, painted fans and umbrellas, bronze and brass items, Thai dolls, etc. In Thailand you can find a lot of inexpensive jewelry made of silver and traditional Asian “yellow” gold with precious stones (rubies, emeralds , sapphires).


Main article: Agriculture in Thailand

Thailand is one of the world's largest producers and exporters of rice: annually the country supplies up to 9 million tons of rice of various varieties to the world market. Including the famous “jasmine” rice, so named because of its delicate natural aroma. The share of agricultural products in Thailand's GDP is currently around 10%, with an increasing trend. Other popular crops are cassava, corn, sweet potatoes, pineapples, coconuts (mainly in the southern region), bananas. The country receives large incomes from the export of the “king of fruits” - durian, which was first learned to be cultivated here.

Cats on the street of Bangkok


Periods of Thai history

Primitive Thailand
Early history of Thailand
First states of Thailand (3000–1238)
  • Suvarnnabhumi
  • Haripunjaya
  • Singhanavati
  • Raktamaritika
  • Langkasuka
  • Tambralinga
Sukhothai (1238–1448)

In parallel there were:

  • Lanna (1296-1558)
  • Nakhon Si Thammarat (1283-1468)
Ayutthaya (1351–1767)
Thonburi (1768–1782)
Rattanakosin (1782–1932)
Kingdom of Thailand
  • Military dictatorship (1932–1973)
  • Democracy (1973–present)

The history of the country dates back to the kingdom of Sukhothai, formed in 1238. Its successor was the kingdom of Ayutthaya (Ayutthaya), founded in 1350. Thai culture has been heavily influenced by China and India. In the 18th century, Siam suffered from predatory raids by the Burmese, which were stopped by Thaksin and Phra Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke. The latter, after Thaksin's death in 1782, ascended the throne as King Rama I, founding the Chakri dynasty. Thanks to his successors Kings Rama IV and Rama V, Thailand is the only country in Southeast Asia that has never been colonized. True, Thailand was forced to leave its 3 southern provinces, which later became the three northern states of Malaysia. This was caused by the interests of Great Britain, which was trying to conquer Thailand.

The Thai people are proud that their country has never been a colony. There are two reasons for this: they wanted to leave Thailand as a buffer between parts of Asia that had already been colonized by Great Britain and France. The second reason is that Thailand had very strong rulers at that time. A largely peaceful revolution in 1932 resulted in Thailand becoming a constitutional monarchy. Formerly known as Siam, Thailand first received its current name in 1939, and a second time, definitively, in 1949, after World War II. During this war, Thailand was an ally of Japan and after its defeat fell into the US zone of influence.

One of the most famous representatives of Thai culture from this period was Prince Damrong Ratchanubab. He became the founder of the country's modern education system and provincial government system. He was also a historian and one of Thailand's most influential intellectuals of his time. Damrong Ratchanubab became the first Thai to be included in UNESCO's list of most distinguished people.

2006 Thai coup

On September 19, 2006, at 7 pm Moscow time (23:00 local time), world news agencies broadcast information about a military coup in Thailand, while local television channels were captured and stopped broadcasting.

Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, while at a session of the UN General Assembly in New York, declared a state of emergency in the country and called on the military to stop illegal maneuvers. Having captured the main government facilities, the putschists declared their loyalty to the king. In January 2008, the military transferred power to a new government led by Prime Minister Samak Sundaraway. At the end of August - beginning of September 2008, demonstrations and clashes took place in the capital of Thailand between supporters and opponents of the Sundaravey government. After the removal of Samak Sundaravey by court decision in early September 2008 and his refusal to be re-elected to the post, the King of Thailand appointed Somchai Wongsawat as Prime Minister of Thailand.

Current events


Advantages: successes in export production, which can even offset imports. Rapid economic growth. Natural gas. Tourism. One of the world's main exporters of rice and rubber.

Weak sides: The economy is concentrated mainly around Bangkok. Insufficient fresh water supplies. Rapidly growing external debt. 60% of the population work in small peasant farms.

Political structure

Phra Nang beach in Thailand

The King has lost absolute power, but still remains the protector of Buddhism, the symbol of unity and the Supreme Commander. The current king enjoys the full respect of the nation, which is sometimes used during political crises. The prime minister is de jure appointed by the king, but de facto he becomes the leader of the majority in parliament. The bicameral Thai parliament - the National Assembly (รัฐสภา, rathasapha) - is divided into the House of Representatives (สภาผู้แทนราษฎร, sapha phuthen ratsadon) with 480 seats and the Senate (วุฒ ิสภาผู้แทนราษฎร, vuthisapha phuthen ratsadon) for 150 seats. Members of both houses are elected by the people of Thailand, with the exception of 50% of the Upper House (Senate), they are appointed by the monarch. The lower house (House of Representatives) is elected for 4 years, the Senate for 6 years.

Thailand is an active member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Administrative division

Foreign policy

Visa regime with Russia

On December 13, 2005, Russia and Thailand signed an agreement on visa-free travel, providing for the possibility of visa-free stay for Russians in Thailand and Thais in Russia for up to 30 days.

Set phrases and terms

  • Farang is a foreigner.


Wiktionary has an article "thailand"
  • Russian community in Thailand since 2004 - Life and holidays in Thailand
  • Farang. Ru Real estate in Thailand. News, analytics, forum.

see also

  • List of Russian-speaking researchers in Thailand (contains basic bibliography)

Bangkok is a city of contrasts that has absorbed all the most interesting and contradictory things that Thailand has. The city will make an indelible impression on anyone who visits here at least once.

Bangkok is the capital of Thailand, its air and sea gateway. The total area of ​​the city is 1569 square meters. km.

Bangkok on the map of Thailand

The capital of Thailand is located in the central part of the country, on a flat area in the delta of the Chao Phraya River, which flows through the entire city and serves as a transport route. The river route was at one time supplemented by a canal system, due to which the city earned the name of Eastern Venice. Now some of the channels are concreted.

According to official data, the population is 9.2 million people, unofficially more than 10 million. More than 90% of the residents are followers of Theravada Buddhism, but all religions are tolerated here. The name of the capital consists of two words and is translated as “olive village” (Bang and Kok).

Short story

The history of Bangkok begins in the mid-14th century with the founding of a small trading port on the west bank of the river. In the Ayutthaya era, there was a village here, the population of which literally lived on the water, and olive trees grew along the banks.

In 1767, ruler Taksin built the capital Thonburi here. In 1782, under the reign of King Rama I, the city was moved to the eastern bank of the Chao Phraya River in Thonburi. Since then, Bangkok has acquired its name. The official name is Krung Thep, which means “City of Angels...”, foreigners know it by its old name - Bangkok. The old name of which is evidenced only by the canals of the same name Bangkok Noi and Bangkok Yai.

In 1932, the new Pra Puta Yodfa Bridge linked the two banks, greatly influencing the development of the city of Bangkok. During the Vietnam War, the United States invested huge amounts of money in improving the infrastructure of its ally. The population is multiplying at a rapid pace, which entails a number of urban planning problems that have not yet been resolved.

Today, Bangkok is a significant industrial and business center in Asia, ranking alongside Hong Kong and Singapore. Noisy and crowded, Bangkok remains the center of Thailand.

The main problem of Bangkok is that the city is located in a swamp. The top layer of the soil and aquifers is marine clay. This led to ground subsidence, the rate of which has doubled in recent years. Some areas of the city are already below sea level.

According to some versions, Bangkok will go under water in 15 years.


The weather in Bangkok is quite brutal most of the year. Average daily temperatures are 30-32 degrees, and do not differ much between months. Night – 25-28. The optimal time for the trip is the dry, cool season: from mid-November to April. From the end of May to November, Bangkok is covered with rain, which pours onto the ground 3-4 times a week and pours for several hours.

Some tourists choose this particular time to travel because prices drop noticeably, and there are still dry pauses between rains that can be devoted to excursions. In April and May, the weather in Bangkok becomes unbearable. The capital of Thailand is turning into a “hot frying pan”. The sun heats the humid air to 35 degrees, while precipitation is very rare.


The capital of Thailand has many faces and offers tourists a huge variety of leisure, entertainment, and knowledge. Hundreds of temples, monuments, zoos, traditional markets, malls and restaurants will allow you to create a dense excursion program for 4-7 days. Tourists usually don’t stay here longer, heading away from the polluted, noisy streets to the paradise islands.

If you are limited in time, it is better to visit the most significant places. You can familiarize yourself with them in our article about the attractions marked on it, which will help you optimize your route and not miss all the most interesting things.

The list of the most popular attractions:

  • National Museum with a large collection of exhibits from the history, culture and traditions of Thailand.
  • - the main national treasure that appears on all videos and photos of Bangkok avenues. The palace complex includes the Temple of the Emerald Buddha with the most valuable statue of the deity in Thailand.
  • – a 12th-century temple, a center for the development of science and a university of traditional medicine. The main attraction is the 46 m long Buddha statue.
  • The Temple of the Rising Sun is an 18th-century Buddhist temple with an 80-meter tall Prang Tower, richly decorated with ceramic and porcelain mosaics.
  • , home to more than 30,000 underwater inhabitants, including sharks.
  • Safari World Safari Park with exotic animals in their natural habitat.
  • Huge with extreme, water and children's entertainment.

Bangkok attracts shoppers with a large number of shopping centers with low prices.

It attracts gourmets who want to taste Southeast Asia.

The city is also famous for its noisy nightlife. With sunset, numerous bars, discos, karaoke, and dance shows open here. And the famous Nana Plaza and Pat Pong Street invite those looking for strawberries.

Accommodation: hotels, inns, hostels

Bangkok is said to offer the cheapest metropolitan housing in the world. A clean room with air conditioning in a guesthouse costs about 500 baht ($15). A room with air conditioning in the hotel will start from 800 baht ($24).

A room for two in five-star conditions will cost no less than 3,000 baht ($88).

Popular hotels include:

  • Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Center at CentralWorld 5*;
  • AETAS Bangkok 5*;
  • Hua Chang Heritage Hotel 5*;
  • Best Western Plus At 20 Sukhumvit 4*;
  • Mercure Bangkok Siam 4*;
  • Grand Mercure Fortune Bangkok 4*;
  • Citichic by iCheck Inn 3*;
  • Novotel Bangkok;

  • New World City 3*;
  • Learn Praya Suvarnabhumi 2*;
  • Link Corner Hostel 2*;
  • Happio 2*.

But the most famous hotel in the capital is considered to have panoramic platforms that you can climb to to take videos and photos of Bangkok from a bird's eye view.

The most economical accommodation option is the Khao San area. The largest number of cheap guesthouses are concentrated here. In business and shopping areas such as Silom and Siam, housing prices are much higher. Sukhumvit is the most popular among tourists.

There are many hotels and entertainment, but there are no attractions as such. If you want to stay within walking distance of most of Bangkok's attractions, it's worth booking accommodation in colorful Chinatown. The Ratchadapishek area has been chosen by the local population as a center of club life.

How to get there

You can fly to Bangkok by direct flight or with a transfer from many major cities of the CIS countries. Planes are accepted by two airports - international and, which serves mainly for communications within the country. There are trains, buses and taxis from both airports to the center of the capital.

The capital, in addition, can be taken as a starting point for traveling around Thailand. The most famous resorts can be reached by flight, by rail from Hua Lamphong Central Station or by government buses from Ekkamai, Mor Chit and Sai Tai Mai bus stations.

Urban transport

Urban transport is also well developed. You can get around by above-ground and underground metro, buses, tuk-tuks and taxis. The most convenient way to view the city panorama is from the window of the above-ground metro, which runs at an altitude of 4-6 floors. The trip costs 15-40 baht depending on the distance.

The metro covers all central areas of the city. It is more convenient to get to remote areas by a regular underground metro with air conditioning and broadcast video, or by bus.

There are buses with air conditioning (about 17 baht per trip) and without air conditioning (about 7 baht).

You can get to the opposite bank of the river by water taxi. It’s worth taking a ride along the canals of Bangkok on a sightseeing ferry at least once. Despite the fact that the city looks like an anthill, a map of Bangkok will help you easily navigate the space.

Thailand (Thailand) or the Kingdom of Thailand is a state in Southeast Asia, located in the southwestern part of the Indochina Peninsula and in the northern part of the Malacca Peninsula. Old name: Kingdom of Siam (until 1939). It is washed by the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand. Thailand borders Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar (Burma) and Malaysia. The total area of ​​Thailand is about 513 thousand square meters. km. The population is about 70 million people. The capital of Thailand is . Largest cities:

  • - about 9 million people;
  • Nonthaburi - 270,609;
  • - 174,332;
  • - 174,235;
  • Hat Yai - 157,467.

Thailand is the most developed tourism country in Asia. Millions of foreigners visit it every year to see the magnificent sights, ancient temples, relax on the most beautiful tropical beaches and do shopping, which is one of the cheapest here. Not least of all is sex tourism. Many come to Thailand specifically for this purpose, because the prices here for these services are among the lowest in the world.

Thailand on the world map

about country

The name of the country

"Thai" means "freedom" in the local language. Indeed, the country has never been anyone's colony. The name “Thailand” was given to the state by Europeans and translated it means “country of the Thais.”

Political structure and administrative division

Thailand is a constitutional monarchy led by... The country's parliament is a bicameral National Assembly (Senate and House of Representatives). The king's power is greatly limited; to a greater extent, he is a symbol of the country and cannot single-handedly establish laws.

In Thailand, the remains of Lampang man (Homo erectus), who lived here about a million years ago, were found. Cave paintings dating back 10,000 years have also been discovered. The first states were formed 3,000 BC.

In the 13th-18th centuries. There were three main kingdoms in this territory - Sukhothai, Ayutthaya and Lanna. They were later united into Siamese, with its capital in Bangkok.

In World War II, Thailand was on the side of Japan, and in the Vietnam War, it was on the side of the United States.

The first tourists were military personnel who vacationed in the resort of Pattaya during and after the Vietnam War.

Read also:

  • History of northern Thailand


Thailand is a country with a rich, centuries-old history, culture and established traditions. The latter should definitely be taken into account when visiting, otherwise there may be problems. And in some cases, you can even go to jail (for example, you will talk badly about). There was a case when a foreigner was imprisoned for burning one banknote on which the king was depicted.

It will be interesting to know:

Attention! Disrespect for religious feelings is punishable by law. You cannot behave unworthily towards Buddha statues, touch the heads of Thais, or touch monks. Take off your shoes when visiting temples (pay attention to signs). Avoid showdowns with Thais in a raised voice.

But it’s worth knowing the traditions of Thailand not only for safety reasons, but also simply to enrich your general horizons. And knowledge of traditions different from ours makes a person more tolerant and calm regarding many issues.

For example, the Thai smile is an integral part of the culture. Why do they smile often? What's behind smiles? What types of smiles are there? And maybe we should also adopt this tradition? There is something for all this.

Cellular communications and Internet

Cellular communications in Thailand are very well developed. The signal is excellent. can be bought at any mini-market and, as well as in stores that sell mobile phones, for example, in Pattaya -, Phuket - or. In these same places you can top up your balance.

There are only 3 mobile operators in Thailand, the tariffs of which are approximately the same: , .

In popular resorts (Pattaya, Phuket, Krabi, Samui, etc.), the Internet is available almost everywhere, in all hotels and guesthouses, and is absolutely free. But, for example, in Pattaya, Jomtien and Pratamnak, it may not be available in inexpensive guesthouses and condos. Internet is also available in many bars, restaurants and massage parlors.

You can also use tourist SIM cards while traveling; this is especially convenient if you have planned a trip to several countries. Popular companies selling tourist SIM cards: Dreamsim, Goodline ( byvaliru- promo code for 10% discount).

Currency of Thailand

It is best to travel to the country with euros or dollars. It should only be in banknotes in denominations of 50 and 100, since the rest are exchanged at a not very favorable rate. Russian rubles are exchanged only in Pattaya and some places in Phuket. There are no branches of Russian banks in the country.

It is better to exchange currency at exchange offices, since the banks themselves will require you to have a passport and fill out some documents. There are also places everywhere where you can withdraw money from a Russian plastic card. The maximum amount at one time is usually 20,000 baht, the Thai bank commission is 220 baht. can be withdrawn at bank branches.



Thailand is not one of the countries where health insurance is required. Nevertheless, we recommend doing it, since a holiday in a foreign country may not be predictable, and treatment abroad is very expensive. Please note that most insurance policies have limitations and do not cover the presence of alcohol in the blood. Also, if you plan to take vehicles such as a scooter or ATV, you need to add an item - active recreation.

The cost of basic health insurance in Thailand starts from 500 rubles per person per week.

How to get to Thailand

It is easier to get to Thailand from Russia than to any other Asian country. There are many direct flights (non-stop) operated by Aeroflot, S7, Thai Airlines and charter airlines. To save money, some fly connecting flights, which are offered by dozens of our and foreign ones. You can read about all the methods and nuances of how to buy air tickets to Thailand and get there as cheaply as possible in the corresponding section about.

Best deals on flights to Thailand

You can buy air tickets to Thailand as profitably as possible using special search engines that collect data from all airlines.

If you are in neighboring Asian countries or even Thailand itself, then you can not only fly, but also travel by land or sail by sea. Ground public intercity transport in Asia is very developed, comfortable and affordable.

In most cases, you do not need to purchase tickets in advance, but if you need to plan your route, then use ours.

Transport in Thailand

You can travel between settlements by: planes, trains and minivans (minibuses). Prices are inexpensive and depend on distance. You can roughly calculate the cost of a bus trip using the following formula: 100 km = 100 baht. You can in advance.

Almost every tourist destination has public transport. Basically, these are small songthaews (tuk-tuks) - pickup trucks with two parallel benches. Traveling there costs 10-30 baht. Popular resorts have air-conditioned taxis and their fares are negotiable.

Bangkok has the most developed transport in Thailand. There are underground and overground metro, air-conditioned and non-air-conditioned buses, river transport, and metered taxis.

If you know how to drive a car or motorcycle, you can rent them everywhere. , a motorcycle, which everyone here calls a motorbike - 150-250. See current price.

Cities and resorts of Thailand

Resorts in Thailand offer excellent value for little money. They can give you everything and even more. The infrastructure is very well developed - there are hotels of different price ranges, restaurants, bars, massage parlors, travel agencies, shops and other establishments. But this is for those who like a comfortable stay. If you want to be alone with nature and without crowds of tourists, then this is also possible on little-known and secluded beaches, which are available on almost any.

  • Pattaya,
  • Phuket,
  • Samui,
  • Krabi,
  • Phi Phi,
  • Koh Chang,
  • Phangan,
  • Koh Tao,
  • Hua Hin,
  • Khao Lak,
  • Lanta.

You can relax there all year round, but most tourists prefer December-March. Indeed, at this time the rest is the best.

  • Bangkok,
  • Chiang Mai,
  • Chiang Rai,
  • Ayutthaya.

There is no sea or beach holidays, but there are many interesting and ancient sights.

How to go to Thailand: on a tour or on your own?

Most tourists to Thailand go on a tour, but an independent trip often has more advantages. We talk about this in the following articles:

  • Entertainment in Thailand

    If you like to cook, then we offer you.

    Attention! Don't drink tap water, buy bottled water in stores. It is not recommended to drink drinks with ice in unverified places, or buy peeled and cut fruits. It is advisable to wash fruits with soap or at least rinse with clean water before eating.

    Shopping and shops

    Below, see the example table with the weather in Pattaya.

    Weather in Pattaya by month

    Temperature at night (degrees)

    Daytime temperature (degrees)

    Precipitation (mm)

    Number of rainy days

    January 22.6 30.4 19.1 1
    February 24.5 30.6 13.5 3
    March 25.4 31.5 52.3 4
    April 26.4 32.7 67.3 6
    May 26.4 32.1 176.6 12
    June 26.5 31.3 79.4 11
    July 26.0 31.1 76.8 11
    August 26.1 31.0 90.5 12
    September 25.1 30.9 201.8 17
    October 24.3 30.7 249.4 18
    November 23.4 30.4 133.6 10
    December 21.6 29.7 4.1 1

    *weather data provided by Thai Meteorological Department.

The land part of the mainland where Thailand is located is like the head of an elephant with an elongated trunk.

A country where there are never snowy winters or cold weather, and local residents always warmly welcome tourists.

In contact with

What is the geographical location

The state of Thailand is located on the territory of two peninsulas: the northern part of Malacca and southwestern Indochina. It is a south-eastern part of Asia. Thanks to such a large area and elongated shape, the state has 1875 km of coastline on the Gulf of Thailand and 740 km of the Andaman Sea - one of the longest in the entire surrounding region.

It is therefore not surprising that the Kingdom of Thailand is famous for the variety of its luxurious resorts.

Thailand is a Southeast Asian country located in the southwestern part of the Indochina Peninsula and in the northern part of the Malacca Peninsula. It borders on the east with Cambodia and Laos, on the west with Myanmar, and on the south with Malaysia.

Where is it located on the world map The best helpers in finding Thailand on the world map are imagination and attentiveness. Having found India on the map, it is simply impossible not to notice to the east of it a part of the continent in the form of an elephant’s head with a trunk - the main symbol of the kingdom. Or you can move your hand to the southeast of China, taking the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans as reference points.

You need to move as close to the equator line as possible.

Thailand on the world map It is important to know:

The Kingdom of Thailand is rightfully considered the heart of year-round tourism. The tropical climate, monsoons and many forests beckon with mystery. And there is not a day of the year when tourists would not want to come here for a resort or excursion.

In which country

This is not the name of the city, but the country. This is one of the few Asian countries that, throughout its centuries-old history, managed to maintain independence when all neighboring states were colonized by France or Great Britain.

The kingdom has tense relations with Myanmar, the reason for this being political differences and disputed areas of the country's territories. Today, the main form of regulation of power is a constitutional monarchy. The name Thailand for the country was invented by the British back in 1939, which translated means “country of the Thais.”

On what continent

The kingdom is located in the largest part of the world - Asia. Connecting with Europe, they form the continent of Eurasia. Asia occupies the northern and eastern hemispheres. It is the undoubted world leader in terms of total land area, local population, and infrastructure development. The mainland is washed by all four oceans and the Black, Marmara, Azov, Mediterranean and Aegean seas.

Thailand - the pearl of southern Asia

Note: In order to clearly understand where Asia begins and Europe ends, it is necessary to draw a line along the eastern side of Mugozhar and the Ural Mountains. Then continue the line along the Embe River. Descend to the northern shores of the Caspian Sea and head towards the Kerch Strait. At the same time, the Sea of ​​Azov should remain on the European side.

Is Thailand China or not?

Thailand, known as Siam until 1993, is a separate independent state and an integral part of the Indochina Peninsula.

On the southern side it is surrounded by the waters of the Indian Ocean. At one time, Siam was the largest Thai country on the entire peninsula, which included Lanna, Pegu, Cambodia, individual islands and Laos.

Thailand is rightfully considered a real “diamond” among the resorts of the Asian region, successfully competing for the attention of tourists with other paradise corners of our planet. The warm tropical climate, exotic fruits, gentle waters of the Indian Ocean and the indescribable flavor of this kingdom in Southeast Asia annually attract many tourists from all over the world. Do you know that:

The harbor of Malacca, which lay next to the Siamese kingdom, was important in the world trade market. Tea, copper products, porcelain and silk were brought here from China. India supplied handmade clothes. And rice, dried fish and various types of alcoholic beverages were exported from Siam.

Which countries does it border with?

On the southeastern mountainous side, the country shares borders with Cambodia, which are 803 km long. The border with Laos, 1,754 km long, lies on the northeastern side of the Mekong River. The state's western neighbor is Myanmar, the total length of the border with which is 1800 km. And in the south, Thailand is surrounded by a 506 km border with Malaysia.

Geographical location of Thailand

The bulk of the borders were documented at the end of the 19th century under the influence of Great Britain and France. Today, there are disputed sections of the kingdom’s maritime borders with Cambodia, which do not officially belong to either state.

Capital what city

Political, economic, etc. Wikipedia tells us that the total area of ​​this city exceeds 1500 square meters. km. The capital is located on the eastern side of the Chao Phraya River. The city's rapidly developing infrastructure and the introduction of the latest technologies in its development make it a worthy competitor to Singapore. The population is about 5.5 million people. The capital, together with five neighboring provinces, form the Greater Bangkok conglomeration.

Bangkok is the capital of Thailand

Take note: The first name of the city was very long, thanks to which it was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

How long does it take to fly from Moscow?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to calculate down to the minute the duration of a flight from Moscow to Bangkok, since this process is influenced by many factors. The key one is weather conditions. It is also possible to fly not only on a direct flight, but also with transfers. In the second case, the cost of the ticket will be significantly reduced, but you will have to pay for such savings by waiting for hours at the airport.

The straight line distance between Moscow and Bangkok is just over 7000 km. With an average flight speed of 850 km/h, and landing and takeoff time of 20 minutes, we get an average one-way flight time of 9 hours. But the figures obtained are only approximate. This does not mean that a plane flying from Moscow to Bangkok will fly exactly along a straight path, because... Special air routes are laid for all flights. Speed ​​may vary and depend on weather factors

The average duration of a direct flight from Moscow to Bangkok is about 9.5 hours; when using flights with transfers, the journey will take from 11 to 16 hours.

What is the approximate cost of the trip?

The price range of the tour is between $750-1500. For example, a trip for two people to Phuket from August to October will cost from 50 to 70 thousand rubles. Those wishing to leave in late autumn or winter should count on 85-100 thousand rubles. But in order to be absolutely sure of your financial capabilities, it is better to have an amount of no less than 100 thousand rubles. This cash equivalent will allow you not only to pay for various excursions, but also to buy souvenirs for your family and visit more than one good restaurant.

Koh Samui beach

Note: Wealthy gourmets and exotic lovers will definitely be interested in Koh Samui. This chic luxury resort can be an excellent solution for a honeymoon.

When going on holiday to this country, it is important to know that:

  • It is better to exchange currencies within the country within the walls of banking institutions; other attempts may be regarded as robbery;
  • the cheapest calls to Russia will be obtained by using the services of street call machines;
  • When speaking, try not to suddenly change your tone of voice - this will be regarded as ignorance;
  • if you have any questions regarding your stay in the country, you can contact the tourist police;
  • To avoid problems with documents, it is worth making several copies in advance.

The islands of Thailand, located in the open sea, attract with their cleanliness, lack of metropolitan bustle and dust. There is an abundance of relatively wild, untouched corners of nature, because many of them began to be populated only at the turn of the century with the development of the tourism industry

Thailand on the world map try to touch the locals as little as possible. For them, touching by strangers for any reason is regarded as an insult.

Regardless of the time of year, Thailand will always surprise with its bright colors and will happily satisfy the curiosity of many new tourists who decide to visit its sunny expanses.

Watch the video in which a specialist talks about the geographical position of Thailand on the world map:

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Thailand- a state in Southeast Asia, on the Indochina and Malacca peninsulas. It borders Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia. It is washed by the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand in the South China Sea. The north is covered with green mountain slopes and hills, while the south has luxurious beaches and picturesque islands. The highest point is Mount Doi Inthanon in Chiang Mai province (2596m).

Thailand airports and flight times: Bangkok

Thailand hotels 1 - 5 stars

Weather in Thailand

The climate in Thailand is tropical. There is 1000–1100 mm of precipitation per year, of which more than 90% falls during the wet season, which lasts from May to October.

Monsoon rains begin in April-May. In July, irrigation canals fill with water following the rivers, which flood widely in the Central Plain. To protect against the elements of water, the local population builds houses on stilts.

Average air temperature Bangkok

In July +29, in August +28, in September +28, in October +28, in November +27, in December +26

Average air temperature Phuket

In July +28, in August +28, in September +28, in October +27, in November +27, in December +27

Visa to Thailand

Since March 24, 2007, citizens of the Russian Federation do not require a visa to travel to Thailand if they are staying in the country for tourism purposes and for a period not exceeding 30 days. In all other cases, a visa is required, which can be obtained from the visa department of the Royal Thai Embassy in Moscow.

To obtain a visa upon arrival at the airport in Thailand, you must have 2 photographs. You can also take photos upon arrival (about $10). The passport must be valid for at least 6 months from the end of the tour.

Customs restrictions

The import of drugs and pornography is prohibited. To import weapons, permission from the Police Department is required.

Without duty, you can enter 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars or 250 g of tobacco, 1 liter of wine or spirits, and a reasonable number of personal items. It is allowed to import any amount of foreign currency necessary for personal use, but large amounts must be indicated in the declaration. Duty-free import of one photo or video camera is allowed, as well as 5 films for a camera and 3 cassettes for an 8 mm or 16 mm video camera. Certain types of fruits, vegetables and plants are prohibited from import. You cannot import more than 500 baht.

The export of gold bars, ancient Buddha statues (except for neck medallions and small figurines that are taken out in hand luggage), precious stones, platinum jewelry, ivory and any products made from the skin and bone of protected animals, stamps, and antiques is prohibited.

Import of animals

When importing pets, you must present a veterinary certificate with a note on vaccination against rabies.

Mains voltage


As a rule, tips are given to porters, taxi drivers and those hotel workers who serve you well. In those restaurants where services are not usually included in the bill, tips are usually 10 - 15%.


It is customary to bargain in markets and tourist shops. This also applies to private, non-metered taxis.

VAT is set at 7%, which is charged in hotels, restaurants and high-end stores. It is not possible to claim a VAT refund.


Antiques - sculptures and carved wood or bone images of Buddhist temples, wooden ornaments and various decorations used in the decoration of palaces, puppets, masks, silver bowls, vases, etc.

Cotton products - clothes, tablecloths, bed linen, pillows, carpets, blankets, towels.

Thailand has been one of the leaders in the production of precious stones and jewelry since the early 80s.

Ceramic products are produced by several factories called "Celadon". This is a wide selection of lamps, vases, tableware sets and various souvenirs.

Wood carvings are divided into four categories - furniture, household items (lights, dishes), decorative items (picture frames) and souvenirs.

National characteristics and traditions of Thailand

When entering a temple with an image of Buddha, near which believers, sitting on the floor, offer prayers, they are required to take off their shoes. Women are not allowed to enter the monks' quarters or hand them anything directly. Women should avoid appearing in public wearing shorts (especially in temples) or wearing overly revealing dresses.

Pointing your toe at someone is the height of rudeness, so to avoid doing this inadvertently, it is better not to sit with your legs crossed.

If a man and a woman hold hands in front of everyone, thus flaunting their relationship, this is considered a violation of moral standards (but it is considered quite common if two men hold hands - this is just a sign of friendship, nothing more).


There are a lot of swindlers and pickpockets in the country. In transport and public places, not only money, but also things can be stolen. They can put drugs in food or drink and then rob you.

As a country with developed sex tourism, Thailand is dangerous for people who practice complete freedom of intimate relationships, as the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases is high.

Code of the country: +66

Geographic first level domain


Officially, no vaccination certificates are required. But it is recommended to get vaccinated against polio, tetanus, typhoid and hepatitis A. For those who are traveling for more than 2-3 weeks or are going to visit remote areas of the country, it is also recommended to get vaccinated against tuberculosis, hepatitis B, rabies, diphtheria and encephalitis. It is also better to stock up on anti-malaria medications.

Sights of Thailand

Bangkok- the modern capital of Thailand. In 1782, Rama I, the first king of the new and now ruling Chakri dynasty, founded a new capital on the banks of the Chao Phraya River in the village of Bangkok - translated as “Wild Plum Village”. The city is located on the Central Plain of Thailand. Bangkok is not just the capital of Thailand, it is the main gateway to the country. The city amazes tourists with its contrasts. Despite the fact that the city has been changing rapidly recently, it manages to maintain its uniqueness. Magnificent temples, blooming gardens, museums, numerous canals - all this will amaze your imagination. Now Bangkok is a metropolis with a population of 7 million, where every tenth resident of Thailand lives.

Pattaya- the most famous resort in Thailand, located 147 km from Bangkok. Pattaya is a 4-kilometer strip of beaches located in a quiet bay of the Gulf of Thailand. From the north, the beach is limited by Cape Ban Lamung, from the south - by Cape Pattaya. Golden sand and the alluring crystal-clear blue of the ocean, the magnificent arched sandy coast and the warm gentle wind from the sea, bringing fresh air with the aroma of salt water, make Pattaya very attractive to tourists from all over the world. For those who love the sun and water sports, Pattaya offers ideal conditions for swimming in the sea, as well as any kind of water activities.

Phuket is located in the southeast of Thailand and looks like an irregularly shaped pearl. The island is known for its secluded sandy beaches, picturesque coral reefs, cliffs and clear seas. More than half of Phuket's territory is covered with tropical forests, which, combined with waterfalls, parks, and coconut plantations, makes Phuket an ideal holiday destination. In addition to the wonderful nature in Phuket, you will find sincere, hospitable people, excellent seafood cuisine, beautiful waterfalls among the picturesque mountains, unique architecture that has absorbed the influences of India, Portugal and China. All this creates an extraordinary feeling of harmony and peace.

Samui- the quietest island in Thailand. It offers idyllic simplicity on the lost edge of the world in the tropics. Koh Samui rivals Phuket as Thailand's most popular seaside resort. Koh Samui is a fabulous island, a dream come true. Lush lush vegetation, magnificent white beaches washed by the warm waters of the Gulf of Thailand, azure skies - truly a tropical paradise! The charm of Koh Samui lies in its silence and romantic seclusion. There are uncrowded fine sand beaches and small deserted bays. Only the rustle of coconut palms and the splash of waves break the silence. Here is a place where you can throw off the burden of problems and relax under the sun.

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