Characteristics of a student undergoing internship as a social worker. What information is indicated in the characteristics

This is a document that contains an assessment of the student’s professional knowledge and training, his business and personal qualities during his industrial or pre-graduate internship.

The student’s profile is compiled by an employee of the human resources department or the head of the department of the organization in which the student completed his internship and is provided to the educational institution.

How to write a reference for a student

The student’s description from the place of practice is written in the third person past tense (for example, worked, performed, showed, etc.).

The characteristics form for a student intern contains the following information:

  • Date of preparation
  • Title of the document
  • Full name of the student intern, place and time of internship
  • description of the work performed
  • assessment of professional training and knowledge, business and personal qualities of a student undergoing internship
  • signatures of authorized persons of the organization that issues the characteristics, seal.

    This description is given to a student of the Russian State Technological University. K.E. Tsiolkovsky Kovaleva Svetlana Vladimirovna, who completed pre-graduation internship at Segment LLC from May 10, 2012 to May 29, 2012.

    During the internship Kovaleva S.V. performed the following duties: got acquainted with the mission and goals of the company, the structure of the enterprise, took part in filling out supply contracts, drawing up reports, studied the rules of a sales visit, the basics of merchandising (the concept of displaying goods on shelves).

    During her internship at Segment LLC Kovaleva S.V. showed a good level of theoretical preparation. She approached all tasks conscientiously and responsibly. She showed her desire to gain new knowledge.

    In general, the work of Kovaleva S.V. deserves an excellent rating.

    Ltd. "Segment

    Characteristics of the student from the place of practice

    Characteristics of a student from the place of practice is a document attached to the report on pre-diploma or industrial practice. It is compiled by the responsible person of the organization or the student’s supervisor. But, as a rule, the supervisor trusts the student to write a testimonial for himself. Let's consider its content and basic design requirements.

    What is written in a student's characteristics?

    Heading indicating the place of passage, information about the organization and its details

    This information must be legally reliable.

    Information about internship dates

    Can be located at any location in the characteristic (see below).

    Student Job Description

    Example: The duties of intern V.D. Petrova included drawing up employment contracts, checking the personal data of the organization’s employees, working with accounting documents and preparing archival documentation.

    Characteristics of the student’s theoretical knowledge and acquired practical skills

    Example: Trainee Ivanov A.B. successfully applied the theoretical knowledge acquired at the University to perform tasks in production. Besides,

    During the internship, the student studied the structure of the enterprise and the coordination of departments, mastered the basic principles of document management, reporting and contracts.

    Evaluation of the work completed by the student

    Example: The management of the organization Obrazec LLC positively evaluates the work of student P.S. Petrov. in the period from ___ to ____, all assigned tasks were completed on time in compliance with the quality requirements.

    Characteristics of the student’s professional qualities

    Shows attention to detail, especially financial documents. Efficient, efficient. Competent in the professional field.

    Assessment of the trainee’s personal qualities

    Example: Sociable, friendly, takes initiative, strives to help colleagues and work in a team.

    final grade

    Example: Results of the work of student V.G. Petrov within the framework of industrial practice they deserve an "excellent" rating.

    Stamp, date, manager’s signature

    The signature must be certified by the HR department.

    Note that there are shortcomings and shortcomings, in contrast to a review of a thesis. it is not necessary to indicate.

    Example of characteristics from the place of practice

    See more examples below.


    for student Mikhail Lvovich Kafelnikov, who completed an internship at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Electroavtomatika" from 04/11/11 to 04/28/11.

    Student Kafelnikov M.L. completed an internship in the department of development and implementation of automated systems. During industrial practice at Kafelnikov M.L. The following responsibilities were assigned:

  • Drawing up design diagrams for assembling low-power engines.
  • Systematization of reporting documentation.
  • Finalization of drawings of basic parts of production equipment.
  • Throughout the entire practice, Kafelnikov M.V. showed himself exclusively on the positive side. Personal qualities were manifested in the ability to find a common language with colleagues in solving assigned problems. Differs in sociability and initiative. Purposeful, always brings the solution of assigned tasks to the end.

    Successfully applied the theoretical knowledge acquired at the university in the field of mechanical engineering, consolidating and developing it in the process of industrial practice.

    During the work, the student mastered and consolidated the following practical skills:

  • Drawing up design drawings.
  • Installation of basic parts of industrial equipment.
  • Adjustment of operating parameters of production units.
  • The trainee also gained experience working in an engineering team (team work).

    I evaluate the work of student M.V. Kafelnikov. throughout the entire period of practice with excellent marks and I recommend him for enrollment in the production staff of the enterprise upon graduation from the university.

    Chief Engineer of FSUE "Electroavtomatika", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Beloborodov S.V.

    Sample characteristics of a student from the place of practice

    You can view and download examples of characteristics in our archive:

    Characteristics of the student from the place of practice

    Conclusion of the responsible supervisor of the internship on the student’s work (technical skills, scope of work, quality, activity, discipline)

    Examples of student characteristics from the internship site

    During her internship at the state educational institution of secondary vocational education “College of Arts”, student _________________ proved herself to be disciplined. striving to gain knowledge. skills and abilities. necessary in this area of ​​management. The main task of her practical work was to familiarize herself with the main aspects of the work of the college’s human resources department. Under the guidance of an experienced specialist. the head of the college's personnel departments studied the main legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on personnel management, labor legislation, the structure and staff of the enterprise, its profile, specialization and development prospects, personnel policy and strategy of the enterprise, the procedure for drawing up forecasts, determining the long-term and current needs for personnel, sources of supply for the enterprise personnel state of the labor market systems and methods of personnel assessment methods of analyzing the professional qualification structure of personnel the procedure for registration, maintenance and storage of documentation related to personnel and their movement the procedure for forming and maintaining a data bank about the personnel of the enterprise methods of recording the movement of personnel, the procedure for drawing up established reporting the possibility of using modern information technologies in the work of personnel services.

    Despite the short period of internship, ___________ showed herself to be an active, disciplined student and was able to cover a very large amount of necessary information. Helped prepare personal files for newly hired employees. I studied the basics of working with the Garant and Consultant information and legal systems.

    ______________ treated all the tasks of her industrial practice very responsibly, and carried out assignments with documents carefully. The practical work of ____________ deserves high praise.

    During my internship, I became familiar with the structure of the organization, the procedure for conducting personnel records, recording and storing documents. Participated in the preparation of documents.

    In terms of professional qualities, _____________ has proven herself to be a competent, efficient, careful person who takes responsibility for assigned tasks. Skillfully applies theoretical knowledge acquired during training in practical activities ______________ is attentive when working with documents, easily navigates their content. Possesses computer skills, which she used when drawing up various documents.

    In interpersonal relationships, she is polite, sociable, and easily adapts to working in a team.

    During her internship, ___________________ proved herself to be a disciplined and responsible employee. Strictly observed the company's workday schedule, followed the given instructions and tasks.

    I studied the company's personnel management process, applied theoretical and practical skills in my work. In the process, the student had the opportunity not only to study the documentation, but also took part in its preparation, which showed the highest degree of knowledge in the field of personnel document flow.

    In my opinion, ______________ showed good knowledge of theory in practice.

    Characteristics of the student from the place of practice

    A student’s description from the place of practice is like his business card for future employment. In some cases, employers pay attention to the place of internship. Sometimes, if a student is identified as having good abilities and diligence, the internship site offers a position for future employment. Therefore, your own business qualities, efforts and skills are the key to obtaining a positive characteristic.

    An employee of the HR department, the enterprise or organization where the student did the internship itself, draws up a character reference for a student from the place of internship. The manager himself has the right to draw it up, otherwise his signature is required. The description itself has a specific example of writing, for presentation to the educational institution, which provides direction for internship.

    The characteristics for the student indicate a brief description and general level of his professional knowledge and training, which he demonstrated and applied in a specific area of ​​activity of the enterprise. Depending on the course of study, a student may undergo introductory, industrial or pre-graduation practice at one time or another. In all of these cases, the form of writing a description from the place of practice is the same.

    Characteristics of a student from the place of practice, example.

    Characteristics issued to student ___________________________ indicate educational institution ___________________________ (full name)

    1. Name of practice: pre-diploma

    2. Place of internship (name of the enterprise, its address, telephone number)

    Joint-Stock Company "______________________"

    _____________________________ (Address and telephone)

    3. What work was done in the organization or enterprise, what did you learn, what did you learn?

    Studying the internal documentation of an enterprise or organization (personnel documents, job descriptions, internal procedures), studying the general experience of the enterprise “____________________________”, analyzing the activities of the enterprise or organization, familiarizing with reporting and drawing up plans.

    4. Evaluation of the internship (student’s activities) by the head of the enterprise (organization)

    ____________________________ (full name) during the diploma internship showed a good and theoretical level of knowledge and training in matters of management and business management of the enterprise. When assigned, he performed his duties efficiently and conscientiously and in full. I tried to gain new knowledge and improve my experience. In general, all the work done by _________________________ (full name) can be assessed as “__”.


    Joint Stock Company "________________" ___________________ / _______________ /

    5. Internship time

    Arrived for practice______________________

    Retired from practice_______________________

    Admission to Russian citizenship without a residence permit I am a citizen of Tajikistan, my parents are citizens of the Russian Federation. All news

    The period of work in Georgia is not taken into account When calculating the pension, my income for the periods of work in Georgia is not taken into account, but I worked there. All news

    Sample characteristics for a student

    When it was time to go to work, or you were lucky enough to take a valuable position. Here is a template that will leave time for the production of a satisfactory document. In modern conditions, characteristics are called a letter of recommendation. In Soviet times, a letter of guarantee was replaced by an issued reference. There is a difference between requesting specifications and compiling them differently. Many people have had to deal with such a term as characteristic. A characteristic was always needed. In modern realities, the capitalist concept has come into our everyday life as a recommendation in the form of a letter.

    Characteristics, sample characteristics, student characteristics, employee characteristics, employee characteristics, characteristics from the place of work


    For trainee of the Moscow City Prosecutor's Office Vladimir Ivanovich Ivanov, born on July 21, 1982.

    Ivanov V.I. completed an internship at the Moscow prosecutor's office from October 31, 2005 to December 31, 2005.

    During his internship, Ivanov V.I. got acquainted with all types of prosecutorial supervision, consideration of complaints and statements of citizens, got acquainted with protests, submissions of the prosecutor, refusal materials, suspended criminal cases, supervisory proceedings in criminal cases, got acquainted with the organization of the work of the investigator of the prosecutor's office, with the main documents included in the criminal case. Directly carried out visits as part of the investigative and operational group to the scenes of incidents.

    Ivanov V.I. He showed himself to be a disciplined and diligent trainee, as a highly intelligent, educated and competently prepared person. He was distinguished by his hard work, diligence and diligence in carrying out practical tasks, which were always completed conscientiously, in a timely manner, without requiring additional checks.

    He absorbs all the information given to him very quickly and efficiently. He strives to serve the law with great desire.

    Ivanov V.I. proved himself to be a modest and disciplined young man. Sociable, polite with friends. He enjoyed well-deserved authority and respect in the team.

    Trainee Ivanov V.I. I developed a calm and even character, a strong will and many other positive personality traits. Able to choose and set socially significant goals and achieve them.

    Senior investigator of the Moscow prosecutor's office D.V. Petrov

    Student characteristics sample writing.

    Student characteristics are an official document issued by an educational institution and containing information about the student’s academic performance and psychological qualities. This document may be required when applying for a job, when passing a commission at the military registration and enlistment office, when transferring to another educational institution or to another faculty, and in other cases.

    The document is similar to drawing up a job description. The characteristics are written on the university letterhead and supported by seals and the signature of the dean. The document can be drawn up by employees of the dean’s office, a group supervisor, the head of practical classes, or another representative of the university.

    Sample general characteristics

    The standard structure for preparing a character reference boils down to the following points: 1) indicating the address and details of the educational institution and the name of the institution at whose request the student’s character reference is being drawn up. This information is located in the header part of the document and may be part of the letterhead. 2) Indication of personal information about the student, full name, date of birth, period of study at this institution, name of the faculty, specialty, group. 3) General assessment of the student’s performance, his abilities for different types of learning, and attitude towards the learning process. This part of the document indicates the student’s average grade point. The student’s creative or scientific achievements and his activity in cultural life are also indicated in this section. 4) Assessment of the psychological and behavioral qualities of the individual: type of thinking, level of culture, nature of relationships with other participants in the educational process. 5) The final part of the document indicates the date of preparation and the dean’s signature.

    The document must contain only objective and truthful information about the student. Characteristics from the place of study can affect the perception of the student by the employer or new manager.

    Sample characteristics of a student at the military registration and enlistment office (Size: 32.0 Kb | Downloads: 6,703)

    Sample student profile (Size: 31.5 KB | Downloads: 19,793)

    Characteristics from the place of study - student portal seventh bit

    A reference from the place of study may be needed in several cases. Sometimes your employer asks for it when you get a part-time job, wanting to combine work and study. Or it may be required at the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence.

    But whatever the reason, the form of the document and its typical content remain approximately the same.

    Unlike a student’s autobiography, a character reference is compiled by a responsible person from the institute. It should reflect the following points:

    1. Full name, as well as basic information about the application plan.
    Data where the student is studying, in what course and department.
  • Characteristics of educational and professional qualities.
  • Characteristics of the student’s personal qualities, his relationships with teachers and classmates.
  • Conclusions and indication of where the characteristic is intended
  • It is also customary to evaluate the psychological and moral qualities of the student, his characteristic inclinations and abilities. Now let's look at examples.

    Sample characteristics from the place of study


    for student Anton Pavlovich Venediktov, a graduate of St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University

    Student Anton Pavlovich Venediktov is a second-year student at the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, at the department of nanotechnology and quantum mechanics. During his studies, he showed himself to be a responsible student.

    Took part in cultural events organized by the university: freshman day and open day. Member of the institute KVN team.

    He completed an internship at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Marine Physical-Technical Systems and established himself as a responsible trainee.

    He shows special abilities in physics; he completed practical training at the department’s laboratory of optics and photonics.

    In contacts with classmates, Anton Venediktov shows leadership qualities, is non-conflict, and is always ready to help friends and acquaintances.

    In 2010, he was nominated for a scholarship from the Governor of St. Petersburg based on the results of two examination sessions.

    Teachers characterize Anton Venediktov as a capable student who can later reveal his engineering talent in the professional field, subject to intensive training.

    The specification is given for presentation at the place of request. Seal. Signature.

    Form template for student characteristics from the place of study

    Full name, date of birth, studied at the evening department of _______________________ (name of the institute) from September 2005 to July 2010.

    During his studies, __________________ (full name) showed himself to be a purposeful, disciplined and capable student. Successfully mastered educational material in specialized disciplines.

    In general education subjects, semester and coursework, I received good and excellent grades. The thesis in the specialty _________________ on the topic: ____________________ is novel and reflects the high professional training of the author.

    During an introductory internship in ___________________ and a practical internship in __________________ ________________ (full name) showed good knowledge of engineering, programming skills in high-level languages ​​and the ability to apply the knowledge acquired at the university in practical work. During the internship, he successfully completed all assigned tasks, showing himself on the positive side.

    Has a penchant for rationalization activities. Good industrial and educational training is confirmed by characteristics and reviews from the places of ___________________ (full name) internship.

    ___________________ (full name) was a member of the student scientific circle, made reports at scientific and practical conferences and was nominated for a grant based on the results of a number of published works. _________________ (full name) easily finds a common language with others, is always friendly, seeks compromise in controversial situations, and is prone to creative activity.

    The qualification degree _______________________ (full name) fully corresponds to his knowledge and skills, which allows him to be recommended for enrollment in graduate school in the specialty _______________.

    The characteristics are given for presentation to graduate school __________________________.

    Student characteristics. example and sample characteristics for a student from the place of practice

    The principle of writing a reference for a student depends on the purposes of its further use (as well as references from the place of work). Most often, this document is drawn up in two cases, each of which we will consider separately.1. General characteristics of a studentAn example of writing a general characteristic for a student. Usually required for presentation at the place of request. It is written and compiled by an employee of the dean’s office, on the university’s letterhead.

    This type of characteristics can be used both within an educational institution (for example, when transferring a student to another specialty, another faculty, encouraging or imposing administrative penalties on him), and in third-party organizations or institutions (for example, when transferring a student to another university, when distribution upon completion of training or for the military registration and enlistment office). In all the above cases, the form of writing the characteristic is the same. The structure will be as follows:

  • header part - it indicates the details of the educational institution, the name of the organization (institution) where the characteristics will be provided
  • questionnaire part - the first paragraph of the document. Indicate the student's last name, first name, patronymic (in full), year of birth, year of admission to the university, current course of study, faculty
  • characteristics of academic performance - in this section it is necessary to assess the overall academic performance of the person being described ( for example: copes with the curriculum perfectly), his attitude to the learning process ( for example: is a conscientious student, does not commit violations of discipline and absences from classes) and GPA. Also in the section you can indicate the student’s most significant achievements and hobbies related to the public life of the university.
  • personal and psychological qualities - the section provides an assessment of the student’s character, the level of his general culture, relationships with classmates and teachers.
  • the final part is the date of compilation of the characteristics, signature of the dean of the faculty.
  • 2. Characteristics from the place of internship Sample characteristics for a student from the place of internship Compiled by an employee of the human resources department or the head of a department of the organization in which the student completed the internship, on letterhead for presentation to the educational institution. The characteristics provided from the internship site assesses the general level of professional knowledge and training of the student, which he has demonstrated and applied in a specific area of ​​activity of the enterprise. Depending on the course of study, the student may undergo introductory, industrial or pre-graduate internship at one time or another. In all of these cases, the form and structure of the document will be the same. The procedure for writing a description of an internship is as follows:
  • heading - the full details of the organization are indicated in the header, below is the date the document was compiled
  • introductory part - last name, first name, patronymic of the trainee (in full), type of internship completed, name of the organization, period of internship
  • the main part is a list of duties performed and skills acquired ( for example: During the internship, the student learned. , . actively participated in the work of the enterprise department, viz. and so on.)
  • conclusion - indicates the overall, final assessment of the trainee ( for example: At the end of the internship, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov was given an excellent grade).
  • DownloadSample characteristics for a student for presentation at the place of request. Example of a characteristic form for a student from the place of internship. Sample characteristics of a student from pre-diploma internship.

    Student characteristics

    Alexey Ivanov studied at the KhVNGI Institute from September 1, 2005 to May 30, 2010. As a capable student, he has a good memory, Alexey Ivanov is diligent in mastering knowledge of his profession.

    Inclined to study natural and exact sciences. During the sessions he was active and attentive, and worked systematically.

    He mastered the exact sciences with ease. The results of his studies showed a high level of knowledge. I attended classes regularly and there were no absences without good reason.

    Alexey was inclined to mutual understanding, camaraderie, respect for senior teachers, and never had problems with discipline.

    In extracurricular activities, he was an active participant in various interest groups. He took part in sports competitions in football and tennis.

    I enjoyed visiting the information technology club. Interested in technology.

    The character is easy. Easily finds a common language with peers and respects elders.

    Alexey Ivanov is a good conversationalist, well-read, and has a simple, balanced character.

    The characteristic was issued for presentation at the place of demand.

    Dean of the Institute (Last name First name Patronymic)

    Head of Faculty (Last Name First Name Patronymic)

    Group leader (Last name First name Patronymic)

    Based on the purpose of writing, the student’s characteristics are compiled by a representative of the educational institution (class teacher, group leader, head teacher, director of the university). The characteristics of the student trainee are drawn up by the mentor to whom the student was assigned.

    The student's character reference is written to the court by the class teacher or group leader, after which this character reference is signed by the director of the educational institution or the head teacher. The student's profile for the employer must contain the student's professional traits, his level of knowledge, hard work and character traits.

    In such a characterization of the student, focus on the student’s activity and independence, and not on his professional skills, since he has not yet worked much practically.

    The student characteristic differs from any other characteristic in that it contains several grades related to the direction after educational professional activity. The student profile should contain maximum reliable information about the student; this can help in the future to avoid various troubles and misunderstandings.

    There have been many cases in life when, thanks to a characterization, a person was acquitted in court. If a student’s profile is compiled by law enforcement agencies, then its content and the entire emphasis is placed on the student’s personality, and in the background his academic performance in an educational institution (school, institute, college, college, etc.)

    The text of the characteristics consists of four parts:

    1. Personal details of the person for whom the reference is being made (placed in the center of the sheet or in a column on the right).

    2. Information about activities or studies (from what year he has been working or studying, where, attitude to work, study, level of professionalism, educational achievements and mastery of skills, or knowledge of educational material).

    3. Assessment of business and moral qualities: information about encouragement (discipline): relationships in the team.

    4. Conclusions: an indication of where the characteristic is submitted.

    For example, below we provide sample characteristics.

    Characteristics (sample)

    Sample teacher characteristics

    Example of a document for a student

    Sample characteristics of a bad employee

    Example of a document for a doctor

    Example of a document for a programmer

    Sample characteristics of a company employee

    Example of a document for a primary school teacher

    Example of a document for a primary school teacher (2)

    Example of a document for a teacher of foreign literature

    Example of a document for a teacher's work

    Example of a document for a school graduate

    Example of a document for a school graduate (2)

    Example of a document for a school graduate

    Example of a document for a student

    Example of a document for a graduate

    Example of a document for a graduate 2

    Example of a document for a graduate 3

    Example of a document for a graduate 4

    Example of a document for a graduate 5

    Example of a document for a graduate 6

    Example of a document for a graduate 7

    Example of a graduate's profile

    Characteristics (study) for 10th grade

    Characteristics of a graduate

    Butt characteristics for 5th grade students

    Psychological and pedagogical characteristics for 6th grade

    Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a school capable of committing crimes

    Psychological and pedagogical characteristics

    Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of school

    Characteristics of a teacher of cob classes

    Characteristics of a student from the place of study: content, structure, samples.

    Student characteristics - document, which shows in detail the general working qualities of a person: activity, academic performance, enterprise, ability to work in a team, etc.

    All data is with absolute objectivity, so that the person hiring the student for work or at a university forms a complete picture of the person.

    Need characteristics:

    • to the military registration and enlistment office to confirm the fact of being in an educational institution
    • for official employment;
    • for placement in practical training;
    • in other cases provided for by law.

    The document is compiled by the curator of the group where the student is studying. To summarize the information, the headman, other students and teachers who are in contact with the student are involved in writing the characteristics. After registration by the curator, the reference is sent to the dean’s office for approval.

    Design rules:

    1. Printed on A4 sheet;
    2. With a clear logical structure: introductory part, main part and conclusion.

    The volume is maintained on one or two A4 pages (font size 14 with single line spacing, standard indents). Larger text volume affects readability.

    There are no strict boundaries in writing, but the style must be observed, and the existing samples are taken as a basis for constant use.

    1. The title of the characteristics indicates name of the document, student's initials, information about the course, faculty and specialization.

    2. Questionnaire dedicated to information about a person’s birth and admission.

    3. Academic progress is general information about how a person studies, grades, academic debt, and time spent on academic leave. This part provides examples of personal awards in the humanities or technical sciences. This includes certificates, gratitude, reviews, etc.

    4. Personal qualities: main positive or negative qualities and character traits. Separate emphasis is placed on those advantages of the student that favorably characterize him as an individual.

    5. The final part contains recommendations from management in further improving the student’s performance. It is also necessary to indicate where the document will be sent.

    This feature is convenient for dean’s office employees who record all outgoing documentation.

    Characteristics from the student’s place of study sample

    Sidorova Evgenia Petrovna

    2nd year full-time students,

    veterinary technology department, specialty 5.11010101

    "Veterinary Medicine", academic group 20-B

    Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College

    Evgenia Petrovna Sidorova, 2nd year student of Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College. Studied at the veterinary technology department from 09/01/2012 to the present. During her studies she showed good qualities and abilities to study, she studies with an average score of 4.4.

    Disciplined, does not allow absences from classes without good reason. He holds the position of headman. He treats his duties conscientiously, fulfills all instructions and requests responsibly, and takes initiative in preparing and conducting classes and other events. A developed sense of integrity. The main character trait is always doing everything on time. Has authority among his comrades and college teachers.

    He leads a healthy lifestyle, does not smoke, dances, and takes an active part in the life of the college.

    She was awarded a certificate for participation in the competition “College Beauty 2013”, “Vice Miss”.

    Director ______________________

    Head veterinary technology department ______________________

    Positive reference for a student

    Belousova Anastasia Olegovna

    4th year full-time students, veterinary technology department,

    specialty 02/36/01. “Veterinary Medicine”, academic group 40-B

    EP NUBIP "Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College" born in 1994Basic secondary education

    Belousova Anastasia Olegovna, entered the first year at the EP NUBiP "Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College" on 09/01/2009 (order No. 158 of 08/13/2009) graduated on 06/27/2014 (order No. 126-C of 07/01/2014)

    During the period of study she showed sufficient abilities and cognitive activity. She established herself as a disciplined, responsible student, sometimes missing classes without good reason. I mastered the educational material mainly at a sufficient level. I studied to the best of my ability, but could have achieved better results.

    State exams: comprehensive qualification exam on infectious invasive diseases of agriculture. animals passed with a “good” rating; comprehensive qualifying exam on non-infectious agricultural diseases. animals were passed with a “satisfactory” rating.

    She took an active part in the public life of the academic group, department and college. She performed the duties of the cultural sector of the group, and had smooth, friendly relations with all her classmates.

    She carried out her duties responsibly and carried out one-time assignments promptly and conscientiously.

    A developed sense of mutual assistance, truthfulness, and integrity. She enjoyed authority among college students and teachers.

    The parents paid proper attention to raising their daughter.

    College director __________________________

    Head department __________________________

    Curator academic. groups __________________________

    Lobzin Andrey Viktorovich

    3rd year full-time student of the veterinary technology department

    specialty 02/36/01. Veterinary of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "KFU named after. V.I. Vernadsky"

    Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College (branch) born in 1996

    basic secondary education

    Lobzin Andrey Viktorovich was enrolled in the 31-B group of the college from academic leave (order No. 146-C dated August 25, 2014). During his time at college, he showed himself to be a positive person; he is a disciplined student, studies to the best of his ability, and does not miss classes. Actively participates in all events held in the college and group. Relations with classmates are friendly, he carries out the instructions of the curator with great responsibility.

    Character – calm, even, non-conflict, goes in for sports, reads fiction, has no bad habits.

    Head department _________________________

    Curator _________________________

    Characteristics for a college student sample No. 2

    Andreeva Svetlana Igorevna

    4th year full-time students, group 43 of the veterinary technology department,

    specialty 36.02.02 Zootechnics Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College (branch)

    Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "KFU named after. V.I. Vernadsky" born on March 20, 1990

    Complete secondary education

    Andreeva Svetlana Igorevna entered the 2nd year of the EP NUBiP of Ukraine “Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College” veterinary-technological department in August 2013 (order No. 118 of 08/10/2013) was transferred to the Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College (branch) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “KFU named after. V.I. Vernadsky" in December 2014 (order No. 63-0B dated December 29, 2014).

    During the period of study, she showed excellent educational qualities such as: hard work, endurance, resistance to stress, diligence, perseverance, thirst for knowledge.

    The average score for the first and second semester of the 2014–2015 academic year was 5.0.

    High scores were also observed in knowledge of individual subjects. Svetlana can be described as a person who is interested in the work she does. He devotes himself fully to his studies.

    The attitude in the team is friendly. Without pretensions and willingly helps those who are unsuccessful, and also fulfills all the instructions and requirements of teachers. He holds the position of Academic Sector in the group, and also helps other officials with the performance of their duties.

    Human qualities are at a high level. Characterized by kindness, responsiveness, responsibility, and does not miss classes without good reason. Has the habit of always completing things he starts and treats everything with high precision and dedication. She is demanding of others, but fair.

    Sveta is an active participant in college-wide events: she draws wall newspapers, posters, and comes up with slogans. Actively takes part in various fairs, exhibitions, special weeks. Disciplines in college.

    She was awarded a certificate for participating in an event during the week of veterinary technology disciplines, in the “Own Game” quiz called “Love and know your world in which you live.”

    Leads a healthy lifestyle.

    College director ________________________

    Head department ____________________________

    Curator of the academic group ____________________________

    Characteristics for a college student sample No. 3

    Pshonko Marina Anatolyevna

    3rd year full-time students of the veterinary technical department,

    specialty 36.02.01 Veterinary study group 3

    Pribrezhnensky Agrarian College (branch) of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "KFU named after. V.I. Vernadsky"

    Born June 15, 1995 Education basic secondary

    Pshonko Marina Anatolyevna entered the 2nd year of the veterinary technology department in August 2013. Order No. 121-C dated 08/13/13. And he is still studying.

    During the training period she showed good abilities. I did well. The average score for the semester was ____. Pshonko Marina Anatolyevna does not have absences from classes without a good reason.

    The attitude towards social work in the group is very responsible, takes one-time assignments seriously, and does not need external control. The relationship with students in the group is friendly, good, even, and friendly.

    Personal qualities: lively character, balanced, sociable, independent, non-conflict, has leadership qualities, persistent, well-developed sense of humor.

    Director _________________________

    Head Department _________________________

    Student characteristics - form

    Characteristics of a student____ full-time course, department of agricultural mechanization, specialty 5.091902 "Agricultural Mechanization" of the Pribrezhnensky Technical School of the Crimean State Agrarian University

    The year of birth. Complete secondary education.

    Enrolled in the _____ course of the department of "Agricultural Mechanization." in August________ (order No.____). During the training period showed_________________

    abilities_______________________________, was on time for __________________________

    The average score for the semester was __________________________

    Absent classes without good reason. Participated in the public life of the technical school:________________________________

    Attitude to social work in the group_____________________________________________

    Relationship with students in the group________________________________________________



    Personal qualities_________________________________________________________________


    Head department

    Characteristics of a student from the place of study, samples - 4.5 out of 5 based on 2 votes

    A student of group TV-31 VSP "Berdyansk College of the Tavria State Agrotechnological University, underwent technological practice at the State Enterprise winery named after. P. Osipenko from May 25, 2010 to 07/26/2010

    During his internship, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov studied the technology of grape processing, mastered the operation of grape processing equipment (crusher, press, stackers, conveyor), became familiar with the work of a chemical laboratory, and mastered grape sampling. During his technological practice, he showed himself to be a hardworking, efficient employee, interested in the quality of work and its results.

    Excellent grade for practical training. Head of Practice.

    Characteristics of a student intern for industrial practice, example.

    Characteristics of the 5th year student intern of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance Ivanova Ivana Ivanovna.

    The student-intern, Ivanova Ivanna Ivanovna, showed herself to be a good performer during her internship at the Livadia State Enterprise. She conscientiously carried out all the tasks assigned to her, studied a large amount of documentary materials available at the enterprise. I studied the organization of the accounting system, enterprise reporting, as well as the degree of automation of the accounting process. She showed a high level of training as a specialist. She always showed interest in new work.

    Modest, responsible, hardworking.

    Chief accountant (head of practice from the enterprise).

    Characteristics of a trainee during internship - examples

    Characteristics of a student intern of the Faculty of Technical and Technical Development and PPR of the specialty “Land Management and Cadastre”

    Taranenko Ekaterina Valerievna underwent practical training at the State Enterprise "KNIiPIZ" from September 1, 2008 to October 3, 2008.

    During the internship, there were no violations of labor discipline or internal work regulations.

    Ekaterina got acquainted with the work and tasks that are being solved in the departments: the state land cadastre, the TGO, the department of land management and land assessment works.

    She took an active part in the work of the organization and showed interest in the production tasks assigned to it. I participated in design and geodetic work, became familiar with the intricacies of work in various positions, and became familiar with various regulatory documents in force in the field of land legislation.

    She completed the work given to her quickly and efficiently. Showed initiative in solving assigned tasks. She independently dealt with the questions that arose, which indicates that the student had basic knowledge.

    In the process of completing the work, she successfully used computer technology.

    I practically strengthened the knowledge acquired at the university.

    Characteristics of a trainee undergoing technological practice

    Nadezhda Anatolyevna Vyazovikova, student of the Faculty of Technology, Southern Branch of the National University of Bioresources and Environmental Management of Ukraine “KATU”

    Vyazovikova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna, a 5th year student of the Faculty of Technology, specialty “technology of fermentation and winemaking” at NAU BiP UV KATU, completed an internship at ZAO Oktyabrsky Wine and Brandy Plant (primary winemaking workshop) from September 14 to October 31, 2009.

    During the internship, I successfully mastered the knowledge acquired during the curriculum. On the territory of the enterprise I got acquainted with all production workshops and technological processes.

    During her internship, she proved herself to be a conscientious and diligent trainee. She persistently mastered all operations carried out on the territory of the plant. She worked well with the team and earned the respect of the employees for her ability to work.


    Characteristics of a veterinary practice intern

    Intern Adjigaziev D.D. 6th year student of SFNU and PU (KATU) arrived at JSC Shirokoe on August 10, 2009. and finished work on November 27, 2009.

    During his internship, he established himself positively as a responsible, executive, punctual and active person. He completed all the tasks entrusted to him on time and showed himself to be a good student. He showed good theoretical knowledge in treating animals. He took part in the treatment of internal non-communicable diseases, surgery, obstetrics and preventive anti-epizootic treatment and diagnostic measures.

    We express our gratitude to the student for the work done.

    Characteristics for an accounting trainee

    A 5th year student of the accounting and financial faculty of the Law Firm "KATU" of NAU was sent to practice at the small private enterprise "Veresk".

    She handled all assignments with responsibility.

    She proved herself to be a disciplined, hardworking worker.

    Characteristics of the student from the place of practicedescribes his professional training, theoretical knowledge, practical skills and business qualities that he demonstrated during educational, industrial or pre-graduate internship.

    On conducting practical training and preparing a student’s characteristics from the place of its completion

    The conduct of practical training for students is regulated by the Regulations on the practice of students mastering basic professional educational programs of higher education (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 27, 2015 No. 1383. The purpose of the practice is to develop basic skills in professional activities, and if it comes about pre-graduation internship, then obtaining additional factual material for writing a thesis.

    The practice must be supervised by two supervisors at once: one of the teachers of the educational institution and an employee of the organization that accepted the student for the internship. Together they create a practice schedule.

    The functions of a representative of an educational institution are listed in clause 12 of the Regulations:

    • drawing up a practice plan;
    • development of individual practical tasks;
    • distribution of students among workplaces;
    • monitoring compliance with practice deadlines;
    • control of practice content;
    • methodological assistance to students;
    • evaluation of practice results.

    Clause 13 of the Regulations describes the functions of the practice manager on the part of the enterprise. Organization employee:

    • coordinates individual practical tasks of students, content and results of practice;
    • provides students with jobs at the enterprise;
    • introduces trainees to labor protection requirements and fire safety rules;
    • explains to students the rules of labor activity;
    • provides safe working conditions from the point of view of sanitation and labor safety.

    The law requires students to complete assignments in the internship program, comply with internal labor regulations, as well as labor protection and fire safety requirements.

    The procedure for assessing results is not established by the Regulations and is regulated by local regulations of the educational organization. Moreover, in most cases, the practice manager on the part of the enterprise is required to write a detailed description of the trainee.

    Characteristics of the student’s work by location internship: sample, form

    A sample character reference for a student is not established by law, so the document is written in any form. The practice manager should only remember that the document must be written in an official style, and the following information must be indicated in the description:

    • the name of the organization in which the student completed his internship;
    • organization address;
    • the name of the educational institution where the trainee is studying;
    • surname and initials of the student;
    • terms of internship;
    • type of practice;
    • responsibilities of the student during the internship period;
    • professional qualities of the student;
    • characteristics of the student manifested when communicating with the workforce;
    • practical skills mastered by the trainee;
    • the grade given to the student based on the results of the internship;

    Hello dear readers of our site, today we will get acquainted with the how to write a profile for a student from an internship (sample). Once you've read the article, you can compose it in minutes. The student’s internship report consists of two sheets of A4 format, which characterizes the student as an employee of the organization. The document is signed by the boss and his seal is affixed.

    Sample characteristics from the place of practice

    The head of the department of the organization draws up a description of the student from the practical training:

    1. At the beginning, the full name of the enterprise and its full legal name are indicated. address and contact numbers. Next comes the title of the document - characteristics. Next is the full name of the person to whom it is issued, the faculty, the student’s course, and the time period for the internship.

    2. Responsibilities and requirements that the student fulfilled during the internship. This includes accurate and complete information about what job responsibilities the student performed. This could be participation in court-type meetings, drawing up contracts, working with archives and personal files of employees, compiling a database, working with accounting reports. It all depends on what specialty the student is studying and in what organization he practiced. You can also write down what duties the student performed, what tasks he was faced with, and how conscientiously he coped with them.

    3. Characteristics of the knowledge that the student received at the university and what skills he acquired during practice in the organization. For example, Grishina N.V. timely and competently applied her theoretical knowledge when performing production tasks set by the manager. Grishina N.V. studied the structure of the enterprise, internal regulations and the basics of document management. In this paragraph, the characteristics of the student from the place of practice, you can also indicate what heights the student has achieved (for example, received gratitude or participated in organizing a corporate party). This will be a good bonus to the overall performance. You should not describe any shortcomings of the student, of course, unless the boss requires it.

    4. In the description from the place of practice, you need to list all the qualities of the trainee’s character. Grishina N.V. fulfilled all the manager’s requirements well, was attentive to the organization’s documentation and was proactive. All tasks were completed on time; in addition, the trainee used her knowledge of foreign languages ​​when communicating with persons from other countries. Grishina N.V. She worked well in a team, was punctual, friendly, easily communicated with the team, took part in holidays, and helped the trade union.

    5. Evaluation of the trainee's work. Student Grishina N.V. completed pre-graduate internship and deserves an “excellent” rating. Date, signature, seal. The student’s characteristics from the place of practice (sample) are certified by the HR department.

    Sample characteristics from the place of practice:

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