Idealizations are obvious and hidden. Positive and negative qualities of Saturn

Let's analyze the principles of manifestation that Saturn has in houses: Compression; pessimism; negativism; stingy;

concentration; focus; seriousness; saving; ban; restraint; non-adjustment; formative energy; discipline; limitation; suffering.

Position of Saturn in the houses of the horoscope

Houses of the horoscope. Interpretation

Saturn in the 1st house of the horoscope

Ambitious; restrained; stubborn; responsible; cold; unfriendly; limitation; hardships; lonely; older people; demonstrative disobedience; egoistic; serious.

Saturn in the 2nd house of the horoscope

Material; ordered; owner; stability; endurance; prohibitions; restriction of movement; tenacity; conservative; inertia; complexity.

Saturn in the 3rd house of the horoscope

Difficult siblings; zealous; thorough, thorough; difficult to adapt; shy; disciplined; practical; scientific; critical; mechanistic; clumsy; logical; serious.

Saturn in the 4th house of the horoscope

Restrained; ambitious; difficult family; Love; independent; protecting; depressed; economy; responsibility; isolation; reliable; reclusive.

Saturn in the 5th house of the horoscope

Responsible; trustworthy; loyal; informal; shy; conservative; depressed; unsportsmanlike appearance; straight; serious school; ban on sex.

Saturn in the 6th house of the horoscope

Critical; correct; responsible; methodical; pedantic; scientific; serious research (study); thorough; sedentary; prohibited; asexual; misunderstood.

Saturn in the 7th house of the horoscope

Executive; senior partner; serious relationship; alienation; impractical; loyal; prohibited; dissatisfied; hardy; hard work; responsible.

Saturn in the 8th house of the horoscope

Finances belonging to the partner, emotions; lack of capital; stubborn; transformation; strong; restrained; selfish; secretive; concentrating; rebirth.

Saturn in the 9th house of the horoscope

Aspirations; serious philosophers; department; commitment; sincere; damage; religious; stable; uncommunicative; achievement; status; moral.

Saturn in the 10th house of the horoscope

Patience; will to power; limitation; ambitious; strong will; concentration; economy; biased; egocentric; prudent; karmic connections; debts.

Saturn in the 11th house of the horoscope

Responsible; planning; reliable partner; extravagant plans; aspirations; false friends; devoted; open-minded and independent; Friendship is forbidden.

Saturn in the 12th house of the horoscope

Restrained; lonely; limited; isolated; nerves; timid; separated; fear of failure; subordinate; depressive; shy and prone to solitude; sacrificial; anxious.

Saturn in the 12th house in a child's horoscope

Let's try to figure out what Saturn in the 12th house means in a child's horoscope. It is amazing how often Saturn appears in the 12th house or in aspect to the ruler of the 12th house in the charts of children who grew up without a father at all or almost for the first months or years of their lives.

This is very similar to the manifestations of the Sun in the 12th house. In fact, there are differences. Here are a few examples: in some cases, one of the parents appears to be lacking initiative - say, due to weakness of character, and relies on the other for everything, or hides his weakness, which he does not want to admit even to himself, under the guise of severity.

This problem is passed on to the child because there is a certain psychological umbilical cord connecting him with his parents. It is possible that both parents have a problem: one of them relies on the other, drawing additional strength from him (or her), while the other plays the role of a reliable life partner, but only to hide the feeling of inferiority.

As practice shows, the gender of the parent does not matter at all: problems associated with Saturn in the 12th house in children’s horoscopes can relate to both the father and the mother.

The Sun in the 12th house indicates problems of identity, difficulties in becoming oneself, while Saturn in the 12th house or in aspect to its ruler poses the problem of inner strength, the search for a certain degree of stability in life and in that structure or form , which a person gives to his own life, and the problem of the structure within which one can be oneself.

As with the Sun in the 12th house, the parents of a child with Saturn in the 12th house may have had problems with their own parents, or at least tried to improve their relationship with their parents and this affected the child.

This also happens with the Moon in the 12th house, but much less often. Also, the position of Saturn in the 12th house or in aspect to its ruler may be accompanied by a repressed or suppressed feeling of loneliness in one of the parents (or a suppressed feeling of inferiority).

Problems of parents and child with Saturn in the 12th house in the horoscope

During conversations with mothers of children who had Saturn in the 12th house, I sometimes heard that they were absolutely dissatisfied with their lifestyle. These mothers are usually what are now called "suburban widows," living in some quiet, boring part of town, far from their husbands' places of work.

Men leave home every day before dawn and return only late in the evening. Children are at school all day, and their mothers feel out of place in the environment where they have to live and work. Some of them turn to a bottle of Cherry at lunch for solace.

Sometimes the position of Saturn in the 12th house or in aspect to its ruler finds expression in inherited characteristics. One child had a hump, and, as it turned out, his parents also had problems with the spine from an early age.

Another child had a deformed foot - and one of his grandfathers had the same problem. But physical disabilities are not as characteristic of Saturn in the 12th house or in aspect to its ruler as “cold feet” and (or) lower back pain - I heard about them every now and then. In fact, there seems to be some relationship here.

Thus, when Saturn and the 12th house are connected in a chart, as we see, a wide variety of problematic situations are possible. But there are also exceptions. I once spoke with an astrologer who had Saturn in the 12th house. She grew up in a large family where all the children were born with Saturn in the 12th house.

She could not remember a single problem associated with this position of the planet, and was quite happy with her life. While there is reason to be wary of the reason's conclusions about what is usually an unconscious process, I think this case is significant enough to warrant mention.

There is some probability that during those long years when all children were experiencing the mythical stage of their development, parents had to deal with the same problem.

It is possible that something was passed on to the children that the parents did not consider a problem, since this property was unconsciously included in their characters. So, despite the fact that often quite a complex situation does occur, this cannot be considered an immutable rule.

Positive and negative qualities of Saturn

Let's analyze what positive and negative qualities of Saturn exist.

Positive qualities of Saturn ("+")

Duty, discipline, responsibility - in relation to the environment. Stinginess, cruelty, cold calculation. Tendency to limit the actions of others. Law enforcement officer. Fear. Vulgar materialism. Simplification for the sake of expediency. Organization of society according to a functional type: - automation of production operations, conveyor production, turning a person into an appendage of a machine.

Negative qualities of Saturn ("-")

Self-organization. Internal discipline, decency, responsibility, duty. Caution, frugality, patience, perseverance, hard work, perseverance. Service is not out of fear or for profit, but out of an inner duty of honor.

These are the most general aspects of the manifestation of planets of individual orientation, depending on the degree of their strength in the horoscope. As for the planets of the transuranic group, being socially oriented, they cannot directly influence the individual, but act indirectly through the septenary planets.

Being located in the Signs, Terms, Decanates and Degrees ruled by the planets of the septener, they thereby strengthen or weaken their qualities. Studying the influence of the quality of planets depending on their location on the evolutionary curve will help more accurately identify character traits that are not entirely clear at first glance.

So, for example, a combination of negative Venus with a positive Moon can indicate a tendency towards prostitution or homosexuality, and positive Mars with negative Saturn can indicate the ability to act heroically, etc.

Saturn is the planet of Discipline, Laws, Order and Workaholism.

The icon of Saturn itself is the Plow, as a symbol of Labor.

Saturn planet in strong signs gives the energy of serious concentration on one’s work and on one’s goal, which is extremely important for an excellent result.

Signs weakening Saturn - weakens the Energy of Saturn and gives a cheerful and iridescent mood and an easy attitude to life.

You will find Material Saturn in the ephemeris, but Spiritual Saturn must be determined by yourself. Spiritual Saturn is very clearly visible in a person - it matters more than material Saturn. He gives his energy to a person’s Aura and Reputation.

The position of Spiritual Saturn is so great that you can take it as the 1st house and look at which houses the positions of other planets are in.

Saturn is the support and foundation of human life. This is what he relies on in life.

Saturn in the 1st house – Melancholic
He is a reserved, serious, diligent, patient, reliable person. Such people always strive to behave with dignity, taking responsibility and showing enviable seriousness and endurance in their work. They never speak or act without a specific purpose. If necessary, they can plunge headlong into a question that interests him. And they can become professionals in their field. True to his words and deeds. A sober and realistic approach to life. Integrity and responsibility. Humility and decency are about him. In life, strive to develop a positive self-awareness.

Saturn in the 2nd house – Ecology
Such a person is born at an unfavorable time, when food, air and water are of poor quality, and the ecology is disturbed. Low salaries. Ears, throat and teeth are weakened. Relatives have problems. This is the most popular position of Saturn in our time. Therefore, it is necessary to somehow improve the quality of Mother Nature’s Life so that She generates food, water and air of high quality.

Saturn in the 3rd house – Silent
Long life, courage and skill in practical activities have some kind of power. May be involved in employment partnerships with significant opportunities. Disagreements with relatives. There may be problems with speech. Silence, calmness. Works best where speech is not needed.

Saturn in the 4th house – City
These people are born in an unfavorable place (noisy city, railways, airlines, environmental damage, etc.). At the same time, they can feel normal there. They are detached people at heart and can lead a healthy lifestyle. They can become owners of significant property. They can move to other, better places.

Saturn in the 5th house – Technician
The 5th house is the house of Academic Education and such people get Technical Education and the ability to understand technology. But the 5th house is also the house of childbirth, and here Saturn can give difficulties with conception or childbirth, and there may be a difficult birth. You need to do Kegel exercises. The maximum is 1 girl.

Saturn in the 6th house – Victory
The 6th house is the house of struggle, labor and laws - here Saturn feels very good and gives favorable results in struggle, labor and earnings. This person will be able to overcome resistance and achieve what he needs.

Saturn in the 7th house – Youth
The 7th house is the house of marriage, partners, friends and any alliances. And here Saturn gives a partner: either a foreigner, or older than him, or a person who is “not like everyone else,” or a person from a different class of society. These people look young and are pure at heart. Therefore, these people easily communicate with the very old and very young generations.

Saturn in the 8th house – Professional
This position increases life expectancy. Gives emotional stability and fortitude. There may be an interest in Reiki, Yoga, Tantra, Tao of Love, Esotericism and spiritual practices, martial arts. This person also takes his work seriously, therefore he can gain a reputation as a Master, a professional in his work or activity.

Saturn in the 9th house – Independence
Stern, tough father, pressure from him in childhood. This strengthens the teenager and makes him able to overcome any trials and difficulties of life. Learns to be completely independent and capable of much. For them, God is harsh, strict and fair.

Saturn in the 10th house - Influence
Strong position of Saturn. This person will courageously face all the harsh and harsh laws of life. Ambition and ability to achieve what you want. He can achieve success, fame, popularity and position in society. They are humane, ambitious and persistent in their work.

Influence on people: will build a Building

Saturn in the 11th House – Influence
This is a strong position of Saturn, which suggests that despite the trials that befall a person, he will be able to overcome them, he will overcome all obstacles and achieve success, wealth and Prosperity. They can have yogic power and can influence other people.

Role in the group: the one who went through hell

Saturn in the 12th house – Quiet
This person prefers to live and work separately from people and occupies some modest, quiet position in society. Can work alone at home or in his workshop or on the Internet. Where he can fully concentrate on his work. He may be interested in the mystical side of life.

In solitude gains: firmness and concentration

Prosperous signs improve the position of Saturn and improve results.

Exaltation: Taurus, Libra

Lord: Capricorn, Aquarius

Favorable: Gemini, Virgo

Holy Signs: Leo, Sagittarius, Pisces

Serious signs - gives Saturn a serious attitude to life and business.

Signs that weaken the Energy of Saturn give a cheerful and easy attitude to life.

A natal chart is a person’s personal birth horoscope. It is built at the time of a person’s birth and place of birth. This horoscope characterizes a person’s destiny: the possibilities, inclinations and circumstances of life inherent in him. Using the birth chart, the position of the planets in the zodiac signs relative to the Earth, as well as relative to each other, is determined. According to these data, a description of the person is compiled. We present to you a service that allows you to perform an online calculation of your natal chart by date of birth with interpretation for free.

In order for the description to be as accurate as possible, it is necessary to indicate the date of birth, time of birth (preferably the exact time) and place of birth. If your city is not on the list, select the closest city, a difference of 50-100 km is acceptable, it is important that the city is in your time zone. The Placidus system is used to determine the position of houses.

Select date, time and place of birth:

Date/time of birth:
day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 months January February March April May June July August September October November December year 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 96 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1 971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 46 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1 921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1903 1902 1901 1900 hour 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 minute 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Place of Birth:

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Determine your natal birth chart

♄ SATURN. Saturn is the last of the planets visible to the naked eye, and before the discovery of Uranus at the end of the 18th century, it was considered the embodiment of fate, fate, and was viewed primarily as a malefic planet. However, in the 20th century, especially after the discovery of Pluto and the Second World War, astrologers largely revised their views on the roles of planets and aspects; in particular, their division into beneficial and maleficent is no longer practically used. Rock is now embodied by the 4th level planets - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, but the role of Saturn as the planet of karma still remains, and this must be carefully dealt with.

First of all, it should be borne in mind that karma is represented by all the planets in the chart, without exception, and any of them can be fatal in someone’s fate. Saturn is no more a planet of karma than any other; however, it makes karma tangible for a person and therefore enjoys the well-deserved dislike of humanity: no one wants to go all their life along the long and difficult road of serving people and evolution; it is much more pleasant to joyfully and thoughtlessly jump on the green meadow of one’s egoism, overgrown with dandelions of frivolity.

Saturn represents the principle opposite to the principle of expansion of Jupiter, that is, the principle of individuation, closure and internal elaboration. In itself, this is neither good nor bad; emotions when withdrawing and immersing yourself can be anything; bad, as always, happens when a person tries to ignore the planetary principle and instead of working it out (to the extent that karma requires it) tries to transfer the functions of a given planet to some other one. For some time it is possible to do this (although such distortions make themselves felt both on the external and internal planes), but then the elaboration of the now greatly underdeveloped planetary principle proceeds in an abrupt and violent manner, which outwardly looks like grief, tragedy, injustice, etc. ., but in fact, the impersonal, objective law of karma simply works, a person pays for his own ignorance and laziness, or, if he is strongly included in group karma (which is typical for highly developed types), for similar group manifestations.

A naive view of Saturn is that it limits a person and his capabilities, narrows the spheres of activity. This is fair, but it is not all and not the main thing. The main function of Saturn is that it directs a person’s attention to his inner world, more precisely, along very specific directions, roads and sides of this world, calling on them to explore, master and thereby balance a person’s knowledge of the external world and the introduction of a person into it. All heaviness, restrictions, coldness and other negative traits traditionally attributed to Saturn are caused by a person’s reluctance (and inability) to direct his thoughts and energy inside himself and engage in constructive activities there. If you don’t listen to karma, ignore its vague and unambiguous hints, or deliberately go against the flow, then at some point its hand becomes steel, but this can also be seen in the manifestations of other planets, it’s just that Saturn is the least developed and loved, at least in the West culture.

As a rule, internal work is much harder, more difficult, more important and responsible than external work. Moreover, external work can generally be considered as a symbol of previously carried out internal work, and heavy external work means poor and insufficient preliminary internal preparation. External obstacles are manifestations of internal obstacles that were not seen and not overcome in time; external enemies and destructive battles are only exteriorizations of untraceable and undestroyed internal enemies (lower subconscious programs). With the right life (regardless of the aspects of Saturn!) all external events should go safely and smoothly, obstacles should be overcome and battles won easily and naturally, but preliminary internal work and battles with oneself can be very difficult and painful; and a person around whom and with whom strong disharmonious processes and events are constantly taking place, in fact, ignoring the need for internal work, throws out his personal spiritual garbage and rubbish into the outside world: here you are, people, clear it up!

Saturn is a slow planet, substantial and endowed with great power over man. Saturn works with the subconscious and very rarely with consciousness, and therefore is in no hurry: it develops deep essential beliefs as conditioned reflexes, and this takes time, not days or months, but years or decades. A man shouts to fate: that’s it, no more, I understood everything a long time ago, honestly, I’ll never do it again! - but Saturn does not focus on consciousness, and the slow return blow of karma continues for another year, two or five. Saturn teaches obedience, humility and modesty on an essential level, and these qualities are much easier to mentally model than to honestly develop in oneself, especially since few people have enough internal honesty to distinguish socially induced and mentally modeled internal manifestations from essential ones; and Saturn does not care about your mental and social defenses and self-deceptions, he works on a deeper level, dealing with individuality and its development (even if the person himself does not believe in its existence).

What is inner work? At the lowest level of personality development, when the psyche is still almost undifferentiated and a person has not yet separated himself from the world around him, its main forms are overcoming physical pain and mental anguish associated with the suffering and death of loved ones. These sufferings always have a karmic meaning, but are constructive only when they come with inner humility, which helps to untie karmic knots, and then a person, overcoming grief, changes internally and grows evolutionarily; and attempts to ease the pain by becoming angry at the world, people and God or by shifting it onto the shoulders of others lead to an even stronger tightening of the karmic knot and make this experience meaningless; The lords of karma look with regret at the sufferer who does not want to grow wiser and, shrugging their shoulders, say: we’ll have to repeat it. Saturn is patient, he controls time and can wait as long as he wants.

At the next level of personality development, internal work consists of a certain reaction to pricks and remorse. A person begins to take care of himself, develop attention and character, then learns to isolate the lower programs of the subconscious and contrast them with the higher ones, and then such opportunities for internal work open up that greatly exceed the entire conceivable range of external work, although the latter in some form always remains necessary.

At the first level of elaboration of Saturn, a person completely ignores the hints of fate and wants exclusively to taste the fruits of external freedom, placing flowers of pleasure in a vase of prosperity. Here the level of internal discipline is zero, and a person can be forced to do something only externally, like a schoolboy who is able to learn his lessons only when chained to a desk with a thick iron chain. At this level, a person is not capable of any effort on himself: and he overcomes all Saturn’s restrictions and deprivations as purely negative influences (depending on the temperament and position of Saturn in the horoscope), either waiting, bowing his head, or trying desperately to fight fate for what he has not received. blessings and joy, but in any case, completely not understanding and not accepting the need to look inside yourself and change something in yourself and your attitude towards the world. At this level of elaboration of Saturn, the replacement of its functions with the principle of Mars is characteristic, that is, instead of voluntarily accepting limitations and self-absorption, a person begins to actively struggle with current circumstances, and in fact with fate. But Saturn, unlike the Sun, is not an imperative planet, soft, and very long-suffering. He rarely creates dead-end situations and tries to guide a person on the right path, apparently voluntarily, and at first (and for a very long time) leaves him freedom of action. Severe pain (physical and mental), a hospital bed, disability, deep depression and irreparable losses - all these are very harsh measures that Saturn resorts to in the most extreme cases. His first hints are completely different - this is a loss of interest in previously exciting activities, the appearance of mild remorse, a weak and often vague feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself in situations previously perceived as adequate, an unreasonable decrease in energy, mild boredom, sadness, sadness that quickly (or not very) go away by themselves with the emergence of new interests, hobbies and entertainment, a decrease in the previous level of joy from life in general and its specific manifestations, “in the morning I drink coffee - and without any pleasure.” Saturn means that all this should be found on a new level, going deeper into oneself, replacing some subconscious programs, expanding the essential consciousness, discovering new sources of energy in oneself and becoming wiser, but his hints so far remain unaccepted.

At the second level of elaboration of Saturn, a person begins to take an independent part in shaping his attitude towards his destiny (at the first level this is pure fatalism, religious, instinctive or socially induced, in combination with the principle of “green grapes” when Saturn’s restrictions are included). At this level (it is rarely achieved before the age of 30, when Saturn transits the natal position), a person views pangs of conscience not as annoying obstacles, but as indications of his general imperfection and feels at these moments the need for internal self-improvement. This level is characterized by a general, often vague sense of personal responsibility to the world (still external) for one’s life, which must be lived by accomplishing something significant. However, this “essential” is thought of as an impact on the outer world, because the inner one is still so small and primitive that a person cannot take his inner work seriously, and the influence of the social subconscious, which generally denies the individual inner world, is still too strong. Nevertheless, opportunities for internal development appear that correspond to the Saturn principle, but are perceived by a person as some auxiliary means that facilitate work in the outside world. It is precisely at the second level of working through Saturn that a person begins to appreciate and tries to develop internal concentration and discipline, the ability to concentrate internal forces in one direction, without wasting time on trifles; he sees that in certain (Saturn!) situations nothing will work without this. He notices that the deepest thoughts come to him when he is in an emotionally calm state, but he truly does not know how to not only evoke it, but even appreciate it, and, of course, does not notice that Saturn’s limitation of possibilities in the external in the world happens precisely when he needs to extract from himself the deepest, barely audible thought or feeling, and he is upset by this limitation almost in the same way as at the first level of Saturn’s elaboration, but more honestly, sometimes still admitting to himself that this is For some reason they don’t give me this and that, but I really want it.

At the third level of elaboration of Saturn, qualitative changes occur in a person. First of all, he develops (in one form or another, depending on the way of perceiving the world) an evolutionary consciousness, a sense of his destiny as a single whole and its direct connection with the fate of his environment (group, social stratum, country). Further, he discovers that his internal state directly affects any of his external activities and success in matters, even those that seem completely independent of it. It turns out that for any purposeful action you need to have internal permission, which differs in sensation from both desire (Moon), and from a volitional impulse (Sun) and from the feeling of an influx of strength and energy (Mars). Thus, at the third level, the existence of personal, internal ethics is revealed, which always takes into account the social one, sometimes differs greatly from it, but most importantly, it is much more accurate and detailed, that is, it often regulates behavior in cases where the social one says nothing. At this level, a person learns to hear the polyphony of internal voices and distinguish between the voices of his own and socially induced subconscious programs and partially understands which of them belong to the higher and which to the lower “I”: in other words, the structure of his internal brake is revealed to him, colloquially referred to as egoism, and now the concept of internal work takes on a completely different meaning: it is no longer a primitive suppression of one’s “lower” instincts (including necessary biological and social needs), but a meaningful study and a much more constructive and harmonious conscious restructuring of one’s subconscious and the formation of personal ethics. Now a person feels that strong arousal and emotional states completely disconnect him from internal sources of accurate information and intuition and begin to evaluate Saturn’s restrictions and depressive, or rather, low-energy states in a completely different way, in which quiet, but meaningful, and sometimes even the wise voices of the deep subconscious and superconscious. Only at this level does a person cease to be bored with himself, and he learns to distinguish between egoistic, group, social and higher impulses within himself, which makes it possible to directly work in the egregor through the channel of his connection with the personal subconscious, that is, by improving himself, a person, in fact, it directly influences the public subconscious (and, by the way, experiences corresponding resistance). At this level, obstacles are welcomed, and delays are perceived by a person as an indication of his unpreparedness and an additional opportunity (as a need) for additional internal work.

At the fourth level of elaboration of Saturn, a person sees karma so well that he understands which internal (one’s own or someone else’s) problem needs to be solved in order to solve a given external one (and sometimes vice versa). Now the main work takes place in his inner world, and events in the external world are for him only signs of the correctness and success (or vice versa) of his internal efforts, as well as indications of the direction of further internal work. This is a level of great implementation power; there are practically no accidents in his life, and constructive work goes on almost all the time, more in the inner world, less in the outer, but even this smaller part gives the impression of a miracle: a person sees your soul, problems and the essence of what is happening so deeply that his insight and wisdom seem to those who can appreciate them to exceed mental limits: its impact on the human world is always outwardly insignificant, but this small energy runs on such vibrations that it can transform the deepest structures of the subconscious and partially untie very heavy karmic knots, which sometimes does not manifest itself immediately . This is the level of a high saint, whose main work takes place in his soul, directly connected with large egregors; communication with such a person can lead to instant enlightenment or transformation, or it can give an effect that is barely perceptible by consciousness; some slight change in the perception of the surrounding world or oneself, but this will be a constantly operating factor that in a few years can completely change a person internally , and in interaction with the outside world. At this level of elaboration of Saturn, a person begins to have his own problems, which are very different from the problems of ordinary people. In particular, it is often difficult for him to establish relationships with the most crystallized parts of large social egregors; Previously, such contacts were excluded: saints lived in monasteries or monasteries, or begged and preached on the roads. Now they have to go to work every day and live in an atheistic environment, which is difficult in some respects, although it remarkably develops modesty, endurance, patience and humility - the fundamental Saturn virtues.

Saturn symbolizes the old man, solitude, any external limitation, delay, wise thought.

Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius, culminating in Libra. From Capricorn, Saturn receives purposefulness and practicality; from Aquarius, when worked through, the ability to reach the highest planes through the depth of concentration; from Libra, also when worked through, a vision of the law of karma as the law of dynamic balance and its skillful and practical use.

The situation of Saturn is symbolically depicted in A. Durer’s engraving “Melancholy,” which generally deserves careful study from an astrological point of view. The Saturn situation is characterized by self-absorption, thoughtfulness, and low energy; in public meetings the Saturn situation is atypical; it may occur for a short time if suddenly some unpleasant news is heard that personally affects each of those present and requires not active action, but, first of all, the formation of one’s personal attitude to what happened. At a low level of human development, his work on himself proceeds mainly along the path of developing conditioned reflexes, as well as such qualities as patience, steady attention, concentration, etc., which is achieved through long and often hard and varied work in the outside world , under the general background of gray boredom - Saturn always reduces the energy level. In the family, the Saturn situation is the moments when a mischievous child is sent by angry parents to the corner of the room (preferably the northern one, there is more Saturn there) so that he thinks and realizes his wrong behavior. Another example is the phase of education, when the mother’s anger has already poured out on this “scoundrel, scoundrel, hooligan - and this is already at the age of six!”, and the unfortunate woman, exhausted by her pedagogical failure, tiredly and hopelessly asks: “Well, tell me, at least mother - then you feel sorry? Do you have a conscience?" This, strictly speaking, is a blow below the belt; the child turns on the lower octave of Saturn, promising phobias, complete distrust of the world, emotional cruelty and mental isolation in adulthood.

In Saturn situations, responsibility falls on a person’s shoulders, the concept and sense of internal duty is developed, or, in the negative version, irresponsibility, fear of the world and life, distrust of oneself and others. Despair, hopelessness, melancholy horror, a feeling of extreme vulnerability and defenselessness, deep depression are characteristic of Saturn situations of the lower octave, when threatening trials have nothing to oppose on the external plane and you need to look for additional reserves within yourself, which you really don’t want, since internal work is almost always harder and more unpleasant than the external one.

The Saturn person will appear very serious, withdrawn and often downright cold. Such a card, frankly speaking, means difficult tasks for the current incarnation, at least at a low and medium level of self-awareness, when a person is largely influenced by social ideas and action programs. The fact is that, in principle, a strong and, all the more, dominant Saturn gives a karmic program of internal work, for which society (at least in our times) does not pay money and generally considers it to be secondary and even partly ephemeral. So, a person is born with the most serious plans, he must do a lot within himself, for which he needs to develop concentration, discipline, patience and the ability to work on low energies but high vibrations. Circumstances that he often perceives as unfair and undeserved restrictions, and frequent isolation from society, especially emotionally, force him to learn all of the above skills and, especially with harmonious Saturn and the chart as a whole, he succeeds in many ways, sometimes, however, only over the years. However, society requires that its efforts and skills be directed to the outside world, and karma prevents this, demanding precisely and primarily internal work. How it's done? If Saturn is completely harmonious, a person can simply work very hard and satisfy both society and karmic demands. If Saturn has significant lesions in the chart, then external load and restrictions often become unbearable for a person for reasons unknown to him; but in reality this is nothing more than Saturn’s indications of an incorrect placement of emphasis on internal and external efforts. Here, elaboration gives greater wisdom, power over oneself and the outside world, but still some stiffness, gloominess and a general feeling of a karmic judge, which a person can, however, hide so as not to embarrass more frivolous fellow citizens.

Weak Saturn by itself does not necessarily mean big fun, big freedoms and little restrictions; it is, rather, the absence of a pronounced karmic need for individuation, that is, a person has great internal integrity and is free to choose the direction of internal work, and can, for the most part, engage in external activities - of course, to the extent that his internal elaborations, past and real ones.

However, given modern social conditions and the low culture of internal life in society as a whole, the weakness of Saturn, as a rule, leads to a complete disregard for the need for internal work in general. In other words, external circumstances do not really force a person to turn his gaze inward, he gets away with a lot, and, taking advantage of this, he becomes loose, irresponsible, incapable of concentration and precise behavior, the principle of which turns out to be anarchy and slavish adherence to lower desires. This is especially difficult in harmonious charts (in an affected chart, Saturn, as the ruler of tense aspects, is never completely weak, regardless of his personal aspects and position in the sign and house), where the weakness of Saturn does not offer a person any alternative to smoothly moving downstream to the waterfall. However, even a very weak Saturn still requires its own elaboration, and its ability to wait patiently and very gradually intensify and show its displeasure can do a disservice to a person, especially an inattentive one; at the moment of insight, when disaster is already inevitable, he will exclaim: “And how come I haven’t seen the signs of fate all these years? After all, everything was so obvious, and smart people advised me...” Weak Saturn gives such freedom that the average person cannot handle: freedom of laziness, weakly expressed conscience and duty, a sense of responsibility, danger and fear; however, at a high level of Saturn’s elaboration, all the described negative aspects do not affect a person’s behavior, because his ethics are directly translated by a high egregor, and here Saturn’s weakness helps rather than hinders; As for the internal work, starting from the 3rd level of Saturn’s elaboration, it becomes the main one, regardless of its strength in the chart.

Harmonious Saturn means that internal work is easy for a person; a natural sense of personal responsibility, the ability to concentrate and solve internal problems (one's own and others), at least those lying on the surface, seriousness and hard work are given by nature; if there is a trine to Mars or the Sun, it is difficult for a person to imagine what insurmountable laziness is. However, harmonious aspects, like tense ones, require elaboration, and if harmonious Saturn is not worked through, that is, not engaged in (sufficiently intense, although subjectively not difficult) internal work, then after a while external life will begin to set its own restrictions and offer work, which will no longer be so easy to cope with; in addition, unrealized Saturn leads to a sharp increase in practical ambition as compensation for the missing internal work. The normal reaction of a person to harmonious Saturn is intense external work, and along with it, internal work is almost imperceptibly accomplished, and here the (karmic) mistake usually lies in an incorrectly large emphasis on external work; if it is slightly shifted towards the internal one, then the internal development will go much faster, and the external load will drop to a level almost imperceptible to a person, and this is how it should be (if there is no severe damage to the Sun, Moon or Mars).

When worked through, harmonious Saturn gives a person wisdom, the ability to work effectively on himself (and, of course, in the outside world), but most importantly, he spreads around himself an atmosphere of intense spiritual development, and the people around him can look inside themselves, see what usually inaccessible to them, and experience a strong desire to reconsider their views on Saturn’s restrictions and deprivations and take more serious care of themselves.

Affected Saturn means the karmic need for in-depth comprehension of oneself, which in pronounced cases, from an external social point of view, can look like deep misfortune and various acquired or congenital defects and deficiencies in physical development, blindness, deafness, absence of arms or legs, etc. In such cases, a person's inferiority invites him to seek compensation in the inner life; it seems that Saturn acts very harshly here, but in reality it is not Saturn that is harsh, but the social consciousness and subconscious with unbending stereotypes of happiness, unhappiness and a fulfilling life. In fact, any person can lead a full-fledged (in the sense of - corresponding to the karmic program) life, receiving emotional and spiritual satisfaction from his highest karmic egregor directly or through other people - as he decides, but for this sometimes, and with an affected card, especially , you need to overcome social cliches, and this is not easy.

However, afflicted Saturn still gives direct physical restrictions quite rarely. Most often, it sets a person up for (always, and in this case especially) difficult internal work in other ways, of which, alas, there are a great many, but they all have something in common - they create a person a feeling of enormous inner heaviness, which often does not correspond “objective conditions” of his life and with which it is not clear what to do. One of the most common ways is to arouse exorbitant ambition in a person, which he also mistakenly perceives as external. In any case, it is very difficult for such a person to obtain emotional satisfaction and a sense of internal protection - and to the same extent (karmic) necessary. Here you need to deal with yourself a lot, diligently and thoroughly, overcoming despondency, fear, a feeling of hopelessness and your extreme inferiority. With the right actions, a person will constantly feel the support of karma, albeit at higher vibrations than he would like, and will achieve a lot. If at some point he gives up on himself, then he goes into neuroses, phobias or hard, often unbearable, external work - or, with high energy and great power of realization, he becomes a black teacher of the gloomy Saturnian type, arranging for his enslaved students Hell is no match for Dante's. In the undeveloped version, moral qualities are very peculiar, often unsatisfactory, but there is great ability for internal work, although most often it leads somewhere in the wrong place at first, and you need to learn not to despair, but to try again and again. Here, both stupid stubbornness (permanent cross), and complete spinelessness while maintaining some carefully hidden internal idea (moving cross), and a sharp struggle with oneself under the slogan of complete rejection (cardinal cross) are possible, and all this must be gradually overcome and gain consistency , humility, discipline, accuracy and wisdom, which may sound unrealistic, but karma does not pose unsolvable tasks for a person - and this also needs to be understood by the afflicted Saturn; This person will set himself an abundance of unsolvable tasks, trying to replace internal goals with purely external ones and then becoming a careerist, ambitious or acquisitive.

♄ Saturn in the houses of the horoscope ♄ Saturn in the 1st house

He is a reserved, serious, diligent, patient and very aristocratic person. As a child, his capabilities were greatly limited, and therefore in adulthood the desire for power manifests itself. Before he was very shy, but now he wants to compensate...

♄ Saturn in the 2nd house

Such a person has to earn money only through his own labor, and therefore financial considerations are always associated with feelings of anxiety and restlessness. Rare rationalism is manifested in solving financial issues. Such a person gradually moves towards...

♄ Saturn in the 3rd house

Patient, tactful, inclined to discern facts and real arguments. There may be a serious problem with your own children. Often such a person grows up completely alone. There may be a lack of love in early childhood and a lack of quality education...

♄ Saturn in the 4th house

Such a person usually bears great responsibility for his own family. Constantly takes care of elderly relatives and is afraid of his own old age. The early loss of one of the parents, or serious problems in connection with them, is possible. Such a person is completely...

♄ Saturn in the 5th house

There is a tendency towards composure and depression. Rejection in love and serious problems with children are possible. The inability to understand other people leads to many misunderstandings. If such a person does not learn to radiate, give and take care of...

♄ Saturn in the 6th house

Such a person is accurate, attentive and effective due to his serious attitude to work. Can achieve success in government service, literature, and mathematics and science. Sometimes he seems irreplaceable to himself, and therefore he is inclined...

In astrology, Saturn in the zodiac signs in the natal chart shows our method of protection and self-preservation, what type of reliability we need in life - spiritual and emotional reliability (water), material (earth), individual (fire) or social and intellectual (air), depending What element is Saturn in? Saturn in the natal houses determines which area of ​​life will be most important for a person, where a person is afraid of something and wants to build a reliable structure. Saturn is our fears.

Saturn in Aries (Saturn in 1st house)– defense of one’s own opinion with a degree of irritation or aggression, one’s own rightness, one’s “I” as a person. It is very important for a person to prove himself and he may experience fear before this. May manifest as selfishness or insecurity. Can defend itself with aggression (depending on which Mars).

Saturn in Taurus (Saturn in 2nd house)– protection of material savings. A person will feel secure if he is financially secure. A person is afraid of being left without money, afraid of poverty, afraid of being in uncomfortable conditions.

Saturn in Gemini (Saturn in 3rd house)– intellectual reliability, knowledge in many areas will provide a feeling of reliability. Fear of being incompetent in some area. Fear of being inappropriate to one's surroundings, of being different from everyone else.

Saturn in Cancer (Saturn in 4th house)– protection of one’s feelings and, as a result, coldness in love. Fear of being rejected, unloved. Fear for your home, fear of being without a family, of losing your roots.

Saturn in Leo (Saturn in the 5th house)– you need to know that you can always express yourself however you want. A person cares about his own importance and self-realization. Fear that a person will not be able to realize himself, will not be able to show his talents. Fear that you will not be appreciated, not noticed, not recognized.

Saturn in Virgo (Saturn in the 6th house) - Material reliability is important. Reliability in the smallest details. Fear for your health. Fear of not doing your best work. Fear of taking responsibility.

Saturn in Libra (Saturn in the 7th house)– a person feels confident and reliable when there are faithful partners next to him. Fear of loneliness.

Saturn in Scorpio (Saturn in the 8th house)– sexual reliability is also important in the sphere of deep feelings. Reliability through power. Fear of being misunderstood when expressing your feelings. Unconscious deep subconscious causeless fear.

Saturn in Sagittarius (Saturn in the 9th house)– the need to choose a reliable philosophy of life. Sustainable worldview. Preference for a certain religion, faith, philosophy. Fear of being wrong.

Saturn in Capricorn (Saturn in the 10th house)– reliability in terms of highest achievements and social recognition and position is important. Material and financial reliability. The desire to fulfill oneself in one's career. Fear of being unrecognized.

Saturn in Aquarius (Saturn in the 11th house)– social significance is overly important. There are few friends, but they are reliable. A person can learn important and painful lessons in life through friends. Fear of being misunderstood in a team.

Saturn in Pisces (Saturn in the 12th house)– poorly realized fear of life, of any adversity and restrictions. Fear of appearing kind, showing compassion. Indifference to the needs of others.

Of course, you need to take into account the aspects of Saturn, for example, Saturn in the 10th house in Capricorn or in Libra, if it does not affect personal planets, it will give a person healthy ambitions and very significant achievements in his career!

Now let’s take a closer look at the example of Saturn in Virgo and Saturn in Virgo in some houses. Taken by me from various sources and supplemented from personal experience

Saturn in Virgo– manifests itself in an attentive attitude to small things, to any detail - in everyday life, at work, etc. Your best traits are expressed in the fact that, as a rule, thanks to your patience and obedience, you perfectly learn from the experience of other people, you are very good at working yourself and seeing people capable of working. But you usually attach too much importance to the little things in life, perhaps leading yourself to nervous exhaustion and deep inner dissatisfaction. Any little thing may well disable your system and even lead to a feeling of the meaninglessness of life (depending on which house Saturn is in). You are usually completely satisfied with yourself when you accurately and efficiently carry out what is expected of you. At a low level of development, there may be no sense of duty or patience. A person is constantly not satisfied with what he receives - some little things, depending on the house in which Saturn is located.

Fear– A person may feel afraid and not take on work at all if he has doubts whether he can do it. If a person is passive and weak - constant complaints about work and dissatisfaction, refusal to do work, it seems that an unbearable burden is being placed on his shoulders. The person is afraid of responsibility. He is afraid that he will not notice something, that he will miss some important detail. Or he is afraid that he will get something he wanted, but some little things will not suit him.

A method of protection, what type of reliability do we need in life?– material reliability is important. Reliability in the smallest details. Fear for your health. Fear of not doing your best work. Fear of taking responsibility.

Lesson– You need to learn humility, patience, learn to take responsibility. You must do what is expected of you carefully, but do not allow your sense of duty and attention to detail to limit your perspective.

Events. In the worst case, you are dependent on debt, some kind of dependence hangs over you, perhaps you are often dissatisfied with many things, or are in a depressed position, and, as a rule, you pay for others. You may have a painful attitude towards work; outside of work you may feel unnecessary, although there you may be oppressed and oppressed. At best, you have a very high sense of duty (see personal planets and if Saturn is not afflicted). You enjoy great detail and concentration on the little things. And over time, from little things you develop a stable, definite system of values ​​that you adhere to in your life.

Professions– You probably love and know how to learn and learn from experience. You may well be a good scientist or physician, actual or potential. If a person was a good specialist, then he can be used as an aptitude expert, because such a person can instantly, in almost a few minutes, see whether the subject is capable of working well or not. For any little thing, he immediately puts together the whole picture and sees how a person will work.

Saturn in Virgo in the 1st house – a person is afraid to show himself as he is. He controls and corrects his behavior in every detail; he wants to look significant and authoritative. Afraid to be funny. With negative development, he can become embittered with the world, become cruel and begin to weave intrigues. With positive development, a serious, responsible person with a great sense of duty. A person can pay too much attention to little things in his appearance and clothing. It is easier for such a person to limit himself in terms of bad habits. If the ascendant also falls in Virgo, then the person is a pedant, very picky about little things, both in everyday life and in communication. Pays a lot of attention to her health.

Saturn in Virgo in the 2nd house – a person is afraid of need. Greed, stinginess. A person may feel that he is constantly underpaid, that his work is not appreciated. A person may feel afraid and not take on work at all if he has doubts whether he can do it. Difficulties in realizing talents. A person hates deviations in work from the usual routine, does not strive for leadership positions, prefers to work in the background, away from the eyes of his superiors.

Saturn in Virgo in the 5th house – there are many burdensome responsibilities associated with raising children, and troubles because of them. Women have difficult births. A person is subject to a feeling of incompetence in his work, sometimes he is afraid to show his creative abilities. A woman can pay too much attention to her women’s health, every little detail, and constantly get tested, so that God forbid, something is not discovered. Unsuccessful love affairs, because of which a person may experience additional difficulties, a person may find himself in a depressed position. Men are cold and picky towards their love partners. You also need to look at what aspects Saturn has and to which houses.

Saturn in Virgo in the 6th house- everything described for Saturn in Virgo (duty, responsibilities, patience, humility) is even more pronounced. Health problems, a person pays too much attention to his health.

Saturn in Virgo in the 7th house– you need a partner with a well-developed sense of duty. A person pays great attention to little things in a relationship with a partner. He chooses his partner very pickily. If Saturn is afflicted, the partner may be burdened with some responsibilities, irresponsible, in a depressed position, lazy.

Saturn in Virgo in the 12th house- there is some kind of dependence hanging over the person, perhaps he is often dissatisfied with many things, or is in a depressed position, and, as a rule, he pays for other people. Inability to rest and relax. With additional instructions, restriction of freedom - hospital, prison, any long-term isolation.

Saturn in astrology is considered our great Teacher and tormentor! How can we work with Saturn so that it is not so cruel to us?

He will torment us until we approach his lessons with patience and humility. For a clearer understanding of Saturn in the natal chart, I would like to give you an analogy from positive thinking. In Alexander Sviyash’s interesting and fascinating book on positive thinking, there is a definition of “idealization.”

“To idealize means to attach excessive, excessive importance to some aspect of life that is important to you. And redundancy manifests itself in the fact that you experience long-term negative experiences when real life does not coincide with your expectations. For example, idealization occurs when you have in your head some ideal model of how a husband (or wife), child, acquaintance, boss, subordinate, authority figure, etc. should behave. You know how he should behave . And he behaves a little (or completely) differently. That is, it does not correspond to the ideal that exists in your imagination. His behavior or actions do not meet your expectations. So you become aggressive and try to force him to do as you see fit. Either you feel sad or despair because he is behaving incorrectly. In both cases, you do not accept this person (and through him the whole world) as he is in reality, because he does not correspond to the ideal that exists in your mind.

You can idealize not only individual people, but also the situations of the surrounding world as a whole. For example, the government behaves incorrectly and leads the country to a dead end. Politicians think only about themselves and do not care about the people. Religious extremists have gone crazy and do not spare their lives in the fight for their absurd ideas. Life is unfair, many innocent people suffer in wars or disasters, and so on. You yourself can become the object of idealization - if you have been dissatisfied with your appearance, abilities, habits or something else for a long time. And there are a huge number of such idealizations that so poison our lives. Next we will consider them in more detail.

Idealizations, explicit and hidden

But before that, we propose to distinguish two types of idealizations: manifested and hidden. Manifest idealization occurs when something in this life causes your long-term irritation (or other negative feeling). It could be anything: work, apartment, TV show, government, boss or employee at work, mother-in-law, wife or husband, child, loved one, car, yourself. If you have an object that causes constant irritation, this means that you idealize this object and attach excessive importance to it. That is, you know what it should be. But he is not like that, so you are unhappy with him.

You can openly demonstrate your experiences, or you can carefully hide them from the people around you, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that you have a long-term internal protest and you cannot do anything about it. The second form of idealization is hidden. It occurs when you do not have a constant dissatisfaction with respect to some value. Sometimes you don't even suspect that some idea about yourself or other people is very significant to you. But if this idea is somehow violated, then a flash of discontent, aggressiveness will certainly arise in your soul, or you will feel the complete meaninglessness of your existence.

For example, you may find out that you can’t imagine life without your favorite job or family. Previously, when you had this, you didn’t even think about how important this value was to you. But when you lost it, you fully felt how important they were to you. It turns out that you secretly idealized them. To identify hidden idealization, you can imagine life by sequentially removing various values ​​from it - which ones specifically, we will consider in detail a little later.

If the absence of this value does not cause any emotional reaction, then you are not idealizing it, you are not hooked on it.” If you cannot imagine life without this value (work, money, good name, family, children, sex, power, etc.), then you probably value it too highly. You may not even be aware of the presence of a hidden idealization until you find yourself in a situation where an idea that is significant to you is somehow violated (for example, you are accustomed to cleanliness, and suddenly find yourself in an environment of untidiness and dirt for a long time, which causes your prolonged irritation).

You don't let the world be different

The term “redundantly” means that you value your model of the world (for example, that people should only be honest, children should take care of their parents, people should not insult each other, etc.) too highly and believe that Life cannot exist differently, in a different version. You know how the world should be, and you can’t imagine that it could be different.

From a religious point of view, any negative emotion is the result of condemnation of reality, that is, sin. Consequently, by giving excessive importance to some of our expectations or values, we create the ground for the accumulation of sins. This means that sooner or later this value must be destroyed or taken away from you, so that you do not forget that only God gives everything and takes everything from us. And he will take this value from you because you are dissatisfied with something in this world. But God created this world. This means that you are unhappy with him, that is, you fall into sin, and he points out your mistakes. Does not punish like slaves, servants or naughty children. Namely, it suggests, educates, addressing you as a rational being who does not yet understand some obvious truths. And as soon as you understand his promptings, his influence on you will cease at that very moment.

Life teaches us not to judge

So, if a person idealizes something, then he falls under the processes of a kind of spiritual education.” This education works through the forced destruction of the earthly value he idealizes. Thus, Life seems to show him: “Look, your ideal is destroyed, but nothing terrible happened! You yourself and life around you flow as before, nothing has changed! So is it worth spending so much nerves fighting for your illusions?”

For example, if you are too passionately in love and idealize your partner, most likely he will soon leave you (or fall in love with someone else). So what, life will stop after this? Only for you and only for the time until you get rid of your worries - almost all people have already gone through this, and usually more than once. If you idealize some aspects of family life, then most likely your spouse (wife, children, parents) will not share exactly these views of yours on family life. And so on for any other issue."

A. Sviyash. From the book How to Cleanse Your Karma Vessel

From all of the above, it is obvious that in the natal chart Saturn is responsible for our idealizations, but only in b O on a larger scale than just the idealization of a particular person. For example, the influence of Saturn in the 7th house - it is very important for you to have a family, a good, reliable, faithful and caring husband, such that he would never leave you or leave you, but your family life does not work out in any way (you also need to look at the aspects of Saturn), precisely because you idealize the sphere of marriage. You attach excessive importance to this area, you are afraid that marriage will never happen in your life. And while you hold on and cling to this idea, Saturn will teach you to live alone and show you that “that’s how people live.”

The influence of Saturn in the natal house can also manifest itself in the form of fear, but in a slightly different way. Some area of ​​life is very important to you, you want to realize yourself in it, but you are so afraid of failure that you try to pretend to others that you are completely indifferent to this area of ​​life. And perhaps you are even trying to convince yourself that it is better to do without achievements in this area than to fail there. For example, again Saturn is in the 7th house. You can convince yourself and those around you that you don’t need marriage at all, although in your heart you would give everything to have a faithful partner next to you. But you have an insurmountable fear that no one will marry you, that no one will love you, or that you will find an unreliable partner, etc. In general, you decide for yourself, in order not to make mistakes, it is better to completely abandon your significant idealized dream.

So we all need to figure out what we idealize in order to work through our Saturn. Try to deeply understand that you can live without it! Then Saturn will weaken its influence and over time will certainly fulfill what we wanted, but only if we sincerely made the decision for ourselves that, in principle, we can do without marriage, children, a successful career, wealth, and the appearance of a fashion model ( each to give his own!). After all, Saturn wants us to come to terms with something and be able to endure and wait.

- the forecast for the year was developed according to the author’s methodology. This forecast will help you not only find out the likely events in the coming year (from now and for the year ahead), but most importantly, it will provide guidance in your spiritual (personal) development.

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Saturn in the 1st house makes the qualities of Saturn especially noticeable in a person’s character, in accordance with the sign of the Zodiac in which Saturn is located. In general, this position of Saturn in the horoscope is characterized by a serious, perhaps even stern and unapproachable appearance. A person usually looks older than his age, looks at the world soberly and warily, and prefers to maintain some distance in relationships with other people. He is in no hurry to take responsibility, because he feels its weight well, but if he promised something, he will not be able to live in peace until he fulfills his promise. He can be excessively slow due to the fact that he strives to plan and systematize everything.

Saturn in the first house is usually reflected in the appearance of the owner of the horoscope, but in different ways. Sometimes it can be associated with excessive thinness and stoop, sometimes with early gray hair, and sometimes with some kind of special bulkiness and heaviness. His style is noticeable in everything a person does: there will be strict order in everything, a disregard for aesthetic excesses, but on the other hand, excessive complexity and cumbersomeness. In order to fully master the opportunities offered by life, the owner of Saturn in the first house would need to learn to sometimes let go of his internal “brakes” and believe in luck.

Saturn in the 2nd house is a classic sign of frugality, often reaching the point of stinginess. Sometimes it is considered a harbinger of poverty, but this position of Saturn is also found in the horoscopes of the rich, who have accumulated their capital on a penny and do not allow themselves to spend money on anything unnecessary or on any pleasures. Such a person keeps all his property under strict control, does not like to lend it even to his closest people, and if he decides to purchase something, it is only after much thought and doubt whether he really needs this thing. He strives to ensure that everything that belongs to him is, first of all, reliable and lasts as long as possible.

The thriftiness of the owner of Saturn in the second house is quite understandable, since usually money does not come easily to him, for the sake of it he has to work long and hard, and perhaps deny himself a lot. Such a person will never be tempted by an offer to earn money quickly and a lot at once, even if this offer seems quite real. And if sometimes he still tries to take risks, Saturn’s punishment falls on him very quickly. Adventures that other people can easily get away with are simply unacceptable for this person.

Saturn in the 3rd house indicates that a person takes knowledge and learning very seriously, concentrates heavily on the perception of information, and therefore assimilates it slowly, but very thoroughly. In childhood and adolescence, such a person seems less intelligent than his peers. What others grasp on the fly causes him difficulty, and he prefers to read the explanation in a textbook - and preferably several times - than to hear it orally. In some cases, especially if Saturn forms a tense aspect with Mercury, speech disorders such as stuttering or late development of speech are likely. But the acquired knowledge turns out to be very well systematized, and as if carved in stone - after many years a person can remember and apply what he learned in his youth.

Various accelerated learning methods are hardly suitable for the owner of Saturn in the third house. If he reads a book, it is usually from the very beginning to the very end, without skipping either the introduction or the conclusion, so as not to miss anything important. He loves all kinds of instructions and detailed explanations. Usually he is silent, uncommunicative and reluctant to maintain relationships with relatives. Often in relationships with brothers, sisters or neighbors there is some kind of problem that prevents sincere communication. The older such a person becomes, the stronger his mind - senile insanity does not threaten him. He not only retains all acquired knowledge, but also systematizes it, so he can succeed in any intellectual activity or work related to information and printed publications.

Saturn in the IV house. With this position of Saturn, relationships with parents can be quite cool, and childhood is colored by rigor, discipline, and a large number of responsibilities. A person feels a strong need to become independent, to live in his own home, to build his own small fortress with high impregnable walls and hide in it from the unfavorable world around him.

Often, with the position of Saturn in the fourth house, a person strives to have real estate, a piece of land, as evidence of the solidity of his existence. He takes a very thorough approach to creating his own family, trying not to repeat the mistakes of his parents, and therefore is usually in no hurry to get married and have children, or life itself creates obstacles for him on this path: for example, starting a family may be impossible due to difficulties with housing. But when the family is finally created, it will be able to endure any adversity. Over the years, this person not only gets more and more firmly on his feet, but also creates a solid foundation for his descendants. He can become the founder of a family tradition.

Saturn in the 5th house indicates difficulties in creative self-expression. Its owner may be too serious and too oriented towards the demands of society to allow himself to do what he likes. He feels obligated to do things, and therefore does not find time to rest, and if such time does appear, then it may suddenly turn out that he simply does not know how to rest, and as a result, only an unpleasant aftertaste remains from rest.

Difficulties with children are likely, since the owner of Saturn in the fifth house is too far from their interests, and in his approach to education is very strict, requires discipline, submission, and loads them with responsibilities. Some owners of this position of Saturn may decide to do without children - for career reasons or simply out of reluctance to take responsibility for parenting.

Relationships with a loved one can also be problematic under the influence of Saturn in the fifth house. The owner of the horoscope simply cannot allow himself to open up, to allow someone else into his inner world. He himself feels responsible “for those he has tamed,” and he burdens his loved one with the same responsibility. As a result, significant disappointments are possible, especially in youth. But with age, Saturn becomes kinder, and if a person has learned all his lessons, he can reward him with deep and timeless love.

Saturn in the VI house- a sign of a hard worker. Its owner is inclined to work hard, persistently, disciplined and feels great responsibility for the results of his work. The problem is that he demands exactly the same attitude from his subordinates and employees, and never tires of monitoring how they fulfill his demands. As a result, such a person can be an excellent performer, but a difficult boss. Carefulness and thoroughness in his work lead to the fact that he usually does not have time to present the result by the appointed deadline, and is very worried about this, but extremely does not like being rushed.

In many cases, Saturn in the sixth house is a sign of poor health, especially in youth, and especially if it is in exile or debilitation and has tense aspects with other planets. Excessive workload also contributes to deterioration of health, leaving the body with little strength to withstand adverse effects. Diseases are caused by insufficient circulation of fluids in the body, salt deposition, stone formation, and hypothermia. One way or another, a person has to pay attention to health and seriously take care of his body. But with age, problems become fewer, and there is a chance to live to a very old age.

Saturn in Aquarius in the sixth house is in the horoscope of Otto von Bismarck.

Saturn in the 7th house often indicates difficulties and delays in partnerships, and especially in marriage. A person believes that formalizing a relationship places too much responsibility on him, and therefore prefers not to rush into marriage. Sometimes external circumstances contribute to this - say, parental disagreement or lack of conditions for living together. He may either view his partners as a burden or make unreasonable demands on them, which does not at all contribute to the well-being of their life together.

On the other hand, if Saturn is placed in monastery or exaltation, and harmonious aspects predominate among its aspects, this may indicate reliability and devotion of the owner of the horoscope and, as a result, a marital relationship that is not subject to the effects of time. True, in these respects

In relationships there may not be much romance; the main factor is usually the partners’ sense of responsibility for each other.

Saturn in the seventh house also says that a person likes partners who are serious, responsible, perhaps significantly older than him in age, or simply more socially mature. In general, the rule applies: the later the owner of Saturn in the seventh house gets married, the more stable and happier this marriage will be.

Saturn in the VIII house helps a person to be effective in managing other people's money. They have the organization, discipline and responsibility necessary, for example, to work as an accountant or financial director. On the other hand, a person needs to be careful with his own money and not try to get rich through dubious undertakings. He usually intuitively feels this, and therefore does not like to borrow money or lend it; in any case, he prefers to formalize monetary relations. In a marriage, such a person seeks to control the expenses of the husband or wife.

Those with Saturn in the eighth house are often characterized by restraint in intimate relationships. They seem to create a protective barrier around themselves, and it is psychologically difficult for them to allow another person to overcome this barrier. This attitude can delay the onset of sexual activity and limit the depth of sensations, but it helps preserve sexual abilities into old age.

Saturn in the 9th house speaks of the traditional and practical orientation of the worldview, orientation towards public opinion and common sense. Its owner does not understand why abstract theories are needed, and therefore may not rush to continue his education. It also happens that life circumstances interfere with studying at a university - bad luck on exams, bad relationships with teachers, or the need to travel somewhere far to find a suitable educational institution.

The owner of the horoscope is suspicious of everything foreign, alien, strives to live according to the same laws that his fathers and grandfathers lived by. If we talk about his attitude towards religion, he is a pragmatist at heart and does not believe in what cannot be touched with his hands. However, if in the society where this person lives, it is customary to go to church, he will also go there and observe all the rituals - simply because he considers it obligatory to adhere to existing traditions. He usually doesn't like to travel long distances - perhaps because something unpleasant happened to him on one of his long trips.

Relations with relatives on the part of the husband or wife with this position of Saturn can be very cool. With age, an interest in philosophy, science, and the study of religion may develop, but the approach to all this will most likely be logical, materialistic.

Saturn in the X house gives a person the desire to achieve a high position in society, despite obstacles. The basis of such aspiration may be family tradition or, conversely, the desire to achieve what was unthinkable for ancestors, to prove to parents one’s superiority. If Saturn is placed in monastery or exaltation and has favorable aspects with other planets, then the position that the person is likely to achieve over time will be strong. He will become a significant authority and even a legislator in his field of activity. Otherwise, that is, if Saturn is unfavorably located, painful falls are likely, especially at the ages of 29-30 and 59-60 years. An example of this is Hitler's horoscope with Saturn in exile, in the sign of Leo, in the tenth house. In 1945, Hitler turned 56 years old.

In general, Saturn in the tenth house gives considerable ambition and administrative ability. A person is quite strict as a boss, but as a result of the fact that he has authority, his severity is taken for granted. He knows how to set high goals for himself and his team and relentlessly strive for them. At the same time, he does not have to count on the favor of his superiors. Everything that this person achieves will be the result of his own efforts.

Saturn in the 11th house is strict towards friends, demands from them the ability to keep their word, and therefore cannot boast of a large number of friends. On the other hand, this person himself is distinguished by great responsibility, so among his few like-minded people you can see serious people who occupy a prominent position in society - perhaps they are also much older than the owner of the horoscope. Meetings With Friends are rarely associated with relaxation and entertainment; they usually serve to discuss any serious plans. There may be an interest in politics or participation in public organizations, clubs - but, again, not just any, but those involved in serious, socially useful work.

A person with Saturn in the eleventh house usually finds it difficult to reach an understanding with his children, at least until they grow up. He may develop a talent for predicting various phenomena based on a thorough analysis of their background. However, it should be borne in mind that the forecast will always have a somewhat pessimistic bias.

Saturn in the XII house gives a person a love of secrets and the ability to keep these secrets. He may find his calling in various government organizations related to secrets or restricting the freedom of other people. On his own, without the support of any powerful organization, such a person usually feels weak and not independent - perhaps as a result

those of insufficient influence of the father on his upbringing. On the other hand, it can perform well where you need to live and work in isolation - for example, at a weather station in the mountains or on a drifting ice floe. He will be stable and reliable until he needs to go out into society or take personal responsibility to other people.

Interest in the unknown patterns that govern the world can lead the owner of Saturn in the twelfth house to study astrology, numerology or other disciplines related to precise calculations, but not recognized by society. He does not like mass public events, and with age, such a person’s desire for solitude becomes more and more noticeable.

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