ICT teacher psychologist. The use of modern ICT tools in the work of a pre-school teacher-psychologist

Use of information and communication technologies

in the work of a teacher-psychologist with children

The 21st century is called the information age. Modern information and communication technologies are increasingly being introduced into various spheres of life and are becoming an integral part of modern culture, including in the field of education. The use of ICT opens up wide opportunities in practical activities and organically complements traditional forms of work, expanding the possibilities of interaction with children.

The Internet penetrates into all areas of teaching work. Today you can find out the most from the Internetdownload materials for work (presentations, videos, music, literature) and much more; take part in online competitions and webinars; exchange experience with their colleagues on the Internet, actively participate in online professional communities, use the electronic library, etc.

Opportunities and advantages of using ICT in the work of an educational psychologist:

    Increasing the efficiency of the educational process due to a high degree of visibility;

    Increasing motivation, which increases due to multimedia effects;

    Facilitates the process of development and correction, enriches classes with emotional coloring;

    Wide multimedia capabilities (graphics, sound, three-dimensional image);

    Virtual communication largely replicates real communication; the principle of transfer operates here, since interaction takes place in the “person-to-person” system;

    Modeling of productive activities of children (classification, design, experimentation, forecasting) necessary for mastering developmental and correctional tasks;

    Choice of individual pace, amount of information received and training time.

Information technologies are actively used in many areas of activity of a teacher-psychologist: in psychodiagnostics, in organizing psychological education and psychoprophylaxis, in psychocorrectional areas, as well as in organizational and methodological work.

Organizational and methodological work

    Development of programs, methodological development of classes, projects, processing of diagnostic results, preparation of reports.

Here I use the Microsoft Office Word program, the use of which allows you to use tables, graphs, diagrams, insert various drawings, pictures, photographs, etc.

    Recording and storing results .

Very important and often problematic for educational psychologists is recording the results of psychological work in a journal of activities. Some educational psychologists keep separate notebooks for each type of activity. Thanks to the electronic journal, a teacher-psychologist can enter data on the work done, which is automatically distributed in different directions. In addition, the information is automatically calculated and can be quickly printed if necessary. Access and Excel programs can create types of reports of varying complexity, both graphical and textual. The electronic magazine can be downloaded here: http://www.itn.ru/comunities.aspx?cat_no=1941&lib_no=2064&tmpl=lib

    Digital library .

In my work, I constantly come across an abundance of information: books, techniques, practical and methodological manuals, etc. In this case, it is convenient to have an electronic library. Thus, all information will be in electronic form and the problem of lack of space will disappear. A variety of structuring options are possible here: in the form of folders with various information on the desktop or through the creation of an internal mini-site for a psychologist with the design of an information retrieval system. The Front page program is suitable for these purposes.

Diagnostic work

    Diagnostic process using Microsoft Office Word becomes more accessible, since the computer allows you to prepare stimulus material for each child separately. These are all kinds of questionnaires, test forms, etc.

    The use of information technology helps free up a huge amount of time spent on processing the received data. So, using the Microsoft Office Excel program, I create different types of reports, both graphical and textual, make various selections, compile analytical reports, which are then simply filled out.

    In the process of such work, we gradually accumulate our own electronic library, our own bank of computer tests, which will be useful in working with all participants in the educational process. In a short period of time, you can not only examine the abilities of students, but also conduct consulting work, discuss test results, offering your recommendations and advice.

    Carrying out diagnostics on a computer stimulates students' interest in psychological research, promotes the personal development of schoolchildren, the formation of their educational and personal motivation, and the development of reflection. My collection contains tests on various topics (readiness for school, school motivation, adaptation, etc.). Many tests on the sites listed below can be automated and transferred to a computer version. It also contains information on how you can purchase this or that technique: psy-files.ru, serendip.ru, mmpi.ru, linkarchive.ru, psihologytest.narod.ru, azps.ru, vsetesti.com.

    There is another possibility - using MS Excel resources. To do this, a template is created in which the appropriate formulas are entered to calculate the required values. You can quickly obtain the necessary diagrams based on diagnostic results, and can also be used to work with data arrays.

Psychological education and counseling.

    The use of presentations created using Microsoft Office PowerPoint and OpenOffice Impress helps to increase interest in psychological and pedagogical knowledge, as well as raise the level of psychological culture of all participants in the educational process. This method allows me to make any information visually more perceptible, so in addition to a number of video slides on the topic, various diagrams and graphs with diagnostic results are used, the presentation of which in the form of presentations makes the information visual and memorable. My bank of presentations has accumulated more than 40 original developments for parent meetings, speeches at teacher councils, meetings using presentations, as well as activities with children.

    Using the Microsoft Publisher office program helps me make different types of booklets and memos with the necessary information on the problem. On the website http://www.it-n.ru/communities.aspx?cat_no=1941&tmpl=com you can find ready-made media presentations of seminars and parent meetings.

    I often have to use Internet resources to provide psychological assistance. The ability to use these resources allows me to have the latest and most up-to-date information, without which it is impossible to provide qualified assistance in resolving difficult and important issues.

    With the help of a series of video slides, listeners will be able not only to obtain the necessary information, but also to see an important story, look at interesting photographs, and get acquainted with opinions and recommendations.

    There is another significant positive point in media presentations: there is no need to print and photocopy visual material, all important points are reflected on the screen. In addition, with the help of presentations, the material can be colorfully designed.

CD films

The use of CD films in the educational work of a teacher-psychologist will make it more interesting and productive. These films can be used at parent meetings and seminars for teachers.

Page of the educational psychologist on the institution’s website on the Internet

Here I post information for teachers, parents, children: psychological characteristics of children of different ages, various recommendations, interesting computer games, tests, puzzles for children, as well as educational programs.

Personal page of a teacher-psychologist on educational websites and portals

Here I publish my methodological developments, share my work experience with colleagues, and participate in competitions.

Corrective and developmental work

Computer technologies have also been widely used in the correctional and developmental work of school psychologists.

    Such technologies include educational and developmental computer programs. Their use contributes to the development of cognitive processes in students; increasing the effectiveness of learning and educational motivation of schoolchildren, as well as developing their intellectual and creative capabilities.

    Educational computer games that are primarily aimed at developing a specific property, quality or skill have also performed well. These games are most convenient to use in the process of individual correctional and developmental work, since while the child is working at the computer, the psychologist must still observe the process, monitor the correctness of execution, and help the child if he experiences any difficulties. Moreover, the effectiveness of classes only increases from this. Most of these games exist under general names, for example, logic games, educational games, educational games, etc. In addition, a number of games can be used in the correction of basic emotional and behavioral disorders (aggression, isolation, fears, etc.). In correctional and developmental work, individual episodes of a game are most often used, simulating communication situations that need to be played out by a teacher-psychologist with a child.

Educational games can be downloaded from the following websites:

http://gameboss.ru/games/all/; line-height: 100%"> http://www.solnet.ee/games/g1.html


    Developmental psychological simulators

Psychological simulators are aimed primarily at developing a specific property, quality or skill. For example, to train attention, memory, thinking, perception. Mostly psychological simulators are found on educational game sites.

    Corrective and developmental classes

These include practical individual and group lessons that a teacher-psychologist conducts with children as part of correctional and developmental work, but using computer technology. The main idea of ​​such classes is that the main exercises are presented to children not orally or in writing, but on a monitor screen, that is, visually. The advantage of such classes is not only the brightness and colorfulness of the tasks presented, but also that the computer makes it possible to show moving objects, animation, audio and video images. Of course, the activity is not limited to working at the computer. A child can alternate written tasks with computer ones, this will only increase his interest in classes and increase their effectiveness.

To conduct such classes, a psychologist needs to purchase special developmental computer programs. Most often, the main purpose of such programs is to develop a complex of properties and qualities of the child. You can download an example of such programs and also purchase them on the following sites:


Self-development and self-education

Participation in distance Olympiads and competitions allows you to expand your professional and pedagogical horizons, present your professional experience, create conditions for self-expression of creative individuality, pedagogical culture and the realization of personal potential.

Open class –

Head teacher-info-

School psychologist http://psy.1september.ru/

Psychology of a happy life http://psycabi.net

The use of information and computer technologies is becoming an integral part of the educational process. The introduction of modern computer technologies into school psychological practice allows me to make my work more productive and efficient. At the same time, the use of ICT organically complements the traditional forms of work of a teacher-psychologist, expanding the possibilities for organizing the interaction of a psychologist with other participants in the educational process.

From all of the above, I draw the following conclusion:

1. The computer is a reliable assistant to the psychologist at all stages of the educational process.

2. The use of modern information technologies in the work of a psychologist, in addition to solving psychological problems, helps to improve the information culture of students, parents and teachers.

3. Close cooperation between theoretical psychologists, practical psychologists and programmers can help make the modern information environment more creative, developing and safe. And the development and consolidation of information and computer technologies in the activities of a teacher-psychologist will depend on our activity, competence and life position.


    Bespalova L.V., Bolsunovskaya N.A. Technologies for creating automated systems for processing diagnostic results in Microsoft Excel. - M.: Vlados. - 2006.

    Duke V.A. Computer psychodiagnostics. - St. Petersburg, - 1994.

    Eremenko N. A. Possibilities of using ICT and Internet resources in the activities of a teacher-psychologist//

    Solovyova D. Computer technologies for psychologists // School psychologist-2009.-No. 24

    Shipunova O.A. Pedagogical feasibility of using ICT in the activities of a teacher-psychologist//

    Organization of activities of a school psychologist within the framework of informatization of the education system //

Natalia Obukhova
The use of modern ICT tools in the work of a preschool educational psychologist

A world in which it develops modern child, is fundamentally different from the world in which his parents grew up. Continuous growth of psychological problems in preschool education, increasing requirements for the quality and quantity of work performed work as an educational psychologist from the certification commission, administration, parents, teachers, leads to the need to improve the psychological service system.

Currently, information and communication technologies are widely used in teacher's work-psychologist in various directions.

1. Methodological Job.

Working in Microsoft Office(Excel, Word, PowerPoint). Preparation of reporting and current documentation, creation of a database based on diagnostic results, drawing up schedules. Creating your own presentations and photo albums.

2. Preventive, correctional and developmental work with children.

When implementing preventive and correctional-developmental work With the use of ICT, it is possible to include a variety of computer games in the lesson aimed at developing memory, attention, and thinking ( “What does it look like?”, "Find the odd one out", "Remember and name", "Games for tigers", games - coloring books, etc.). Also, it is necessary use audio equipment for relaxation( "Voices of Birds and Animals" and etc.). The Paint application can be used as an art therapy technique, using along with musical accompaniment.

Therefore, information and communication technologies are effective technical means, with the help of which you can significantly enrich the correctional and developmental process, stimulate individual activity and the development of children’s cognitive processes, broaden the child’s horizons, and educate a creative personality adapted to life in modern society.

Most part of time teacher- it takes away the psychologist from conducting research. Not so much their conduct as analysis and processing of results, since it is often necessary to examine not one specific child, but a whole group of children. In this situation, ICT comes to the rescue of the psychologist. Usage computer disks with a set of tests facilitates diagnostics and frees up a huge amount of time spent on data processing, which can be distributed to other areas of activity, For example: observation of children in play activities.

Carrying out computer psychodiagnostics has the following obvious advantages:

the first, and most important, is the huge interest of children in everything related to computers;

second - wide multimedia capabilities (good graphics, high-quality sound, three-dimensional image, dynamics) allow better modeling of living reality, which leads to a more complete perception of information;

third - the opportunity to take into account the individual characteristics and capabilities of each child (for example, individual pace of activity, interests, etc.);

fourth - interactivity of computer programs, etc.

When conducting group diagnostics using ICT, the psychologist can print out the necessary stimulus material and test forms. Computer treatment testing results allows you to create databases based on diagnostic results and conduct comparative analysis.

3. Working with colleagues

It is impossible to overestimate the resources provided by ICT for professional self-development psychologist: the ability to find electronic textbooks on the Internet, articles on the necessary topics, familiarity with the news of psychological research, training in distance learning courses.

Creating your own blog, website, participating in work professional network communities, chats, on-line conferences, binaries. Usage Internet information resources.

Exchange information with colleagues via email;

4. Working as parents BEFORE

Parents are happy to attend meetings and perceive information in the form of presentations, slide films, which reflect different types of children’s activities. Stands in the office of any specialist, as well as in a children's group, require constant updating, and this is always a search for new ideas on the Internet.

On the kindergarten website, parents can ask questions about problems in the development, education and upbringing of children. There is also a page on the preschool website teacher-psychologist, where information for parents: consultations, reminders.

Thus, teacher use-psychologist of information and communication technologies in preschool education, is a factor in preserving the mental health of children due to the possibility of solving the following tasks:

development of psychophysiological functions that ensure readiness for learning (fine motor skills, optical-spatial orientation, hand-eye coordination);

enrichment of horizons;

assistance in mastering a social role;

formation of educational motivation, development of personal components of cognitive activity (cognitive activity, independence, arbitrariness);

organization favorable for the development of subject and social environment.

So, full implementation teacher-psychologist professional activity today is impossible without use of ICT. Mobility, timeliness and efficiency depend on this work psychologist in the model of interaction of all subjects of the educational space.

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No one will argue that modern society is strongly influenced by computer technologies, which have penetrated into all spheres of human activity. Technological progress has also affected schools. Now it is simply impossible to imagine the educational and educational process without computer technology, without the Internet. Information and communication technologies (ICT) also help us, educational psychologists, a lot. Firstly, we can store a lot of information in a compact form, and store it for quite a long time. Secondly, we have the opportunity to quickly search for information, work with it, process it, send it quickly and over long distances. Thirdly, if previously information was most often textual, now we can afford to work with sound and image.

ICT can be used in any area of ​​psychological service. These technologies make it possible to increase the amount of work performed by a psychologist, as they free up time and help systematize both theoretical and diagnostic material in various areas, such as psychodiagnostics, psychological education and prevention, correction and development. The use of information technology allows a school psychologist to create an electronic library that includes psychological literature, diagnostic material, correctional and developmental programs, legal documentation, and a contact information base. Many educational psychologists already use an electronic journal, thanks to which they can enter data on the work done, and they are automatically distributed in different directions.

Previously, educational psychologists spent a lot of time on reporting and creating databases of various data. Now the first assistant can be considered the Microsoft Office Excel program, which can create both graphical and text reports, make various selections, and calculate analytics.

Computer technology has provided great opportunities psychodiagnostics. Computer tests have appeared that allow individual testing, followed by interpretation of the results and printing of these results. With computer psychodiagnostics, the likelihood of errors associated with the human factor is significantly reduced. In addition, it has long been noticed that children are more interested in working on a computer than answering the same questions on forms. You can use ready-made developments posted on the following sites:



« Psychological tests online" , "Psychological laboratory ».

You just need to be careful about the numerous tests that have now appeared on the Internet. Not all of them are reliable. It is worth paying attention to companies that produce professional psychological tests. These are, first of all, the companies Imaton and Amalthea. They supply a certified psychological instrument that meets approved standards. You can also use the test designer (typing and converting professional text methods into a computer version, creating your own methods, questionnaires, questionnaires). You can find designers at the following addresses: “Teacher portal. Test Builder", "Softodrom" , "FreeSOFT".

Computer technologies are widely used in correctional and developmental work educational psychologist with students. To develop cognitive abilities, there are a variety of computer games aimed at developing sensory motor skills, memory, attention and thinking. These games are most convenient to use in the process of individual correctional and developmental work, since the psychologist is next to the child, observes the work process, monitors the correctness of the task, and helps the child if he experiences any difficulties. Educational games can be found on the websites: "GameBOSS", "Solnyshko".

When correcting aggressiveness, isolation, and fears, computer games are used instead of toys and pictures, which are used in this type of work to replace live participants in communication. In this, computer technology has an advantage over paper materials in better graphics, interactivity and character mobility. Using computer games and presentations, you can simulate communication situations that need to be played out by a psychologist with a child.

Often in class I use presentations in Microsoft Office PowerPoint. This is a convenient and effective way of presenting information using computer programs. Presentation allows you to make any information visually more perceptible, since a purely theoretical presentation of information leads to the fact that only 30% of the total volume is retained in memory. In addition, the presentation combines dynamics, sound and image, i.e. those factors that hold the child’s attention for the longest time.

Psychological education and counseling. At group consultations, parent meetings, pedagogical councils, one of the important factors is the clarity of the material presented. Presentations help to increase interest in psychological and pedagogical knowledge, as well as raise the level of psychological culture. In addition, I use the Microsoft Publisher office program, which helps me make various types of booklets and memos with the necessary information on the problem.

Information and communication technologies make it possible to provide qualified assistance in resolving such a difficult and important issue as choosing a profession. Using the Internet, you can quickly obtain and collect a large data bank on this problem: a list of secondary and higher educational institutions, ratings of specialties, and much more.

So, we can note the following advantages of using computer technology in working with children:

Children have a huge interest in everything related to computer technology;

Wide multimedia capabilities (graphics, sound, three-dimensional image);

The ability to take into account the individual capabilities of each child;

Interactivity of computer programs;

Increasing children's motivation for difficult activities;

Choice of individual pace, amount of information received and training time.

Every educational psychologist should strive for professional growth. He must be aware of all scientific innovations and best practices. This cannot currently be accomplished without the use of information resources on the Internet. A modern specialist must be able to find the necessary information materials on child psychology on websites, exchange information with colleagues via email, participate in online professional communities, chats, and on-line conferences; study at distance courses for advanced training.

What interesting things can you find on the Internet? I am attracted by the opportunity to quickly access the practice of helping children with various developmental disorders, get acquainted with psychological literature that is not always found on bookstore shelves, find materials for classes, communicate with teachers on forums, and introduce students to the possibilities of the information network.

Some useful sites:

http://www.psy.1september.ru/ newspaper “School Psychologist”

http://www.psyedu.ru/ “Psychological science and education”

http://psyinfo.ru/ “Service for practical psychology of education of the Russian Federation”

www.imaton.ru - Institute of Practical Psychology Imaton

Computer technology helps us a lot in our daily work. But time does not stand still. And I want psychologists to always keep up with technological progress, keeping up with children (who are already often better versed in technical innovations than we are), and also meet the modern requirements that society places on teachers.

1.Bespalova L.V., Bolsunovskaya N.A. Creation technologies

Automated results processing systems

Diagnostics in Microsoft Excel. - M.: Vlados. - 2006.

1.Duke V.A. Computer psychodiagnostics. - St. Petersburg, - 1994.

2.Zabara D.O. Wiki article "Use of information technologies for the development of human mental processes" http://wiki.uspi.ru/

3.Organization of activities of a school psychologist within the framework of informatization of the education system // http://www.it-n.ru

4.Solovyova D. Computer technologies for psychologists // School psychologist-2009.-No. 24

5.Shipunova O.A. Pedagogical feasibility of using ICT in the activities of a teacher-psychologist //http://www.openclass.ru

Parakhina Elena Vladimirovna

Teacher-psychologist, MBDOU No. 215

The use of ICT in the work of an educational psychologist

Communication with children, observations and reflections on the educational processes lead to the understanding that the use of a computer in a preschool institution is necessary.

Researchers note: the earlier a child’s acquaintance with a computer begins, the freer he will feel in the world of computing. Of course, a computer is nothing more than a tool in the hands of a kindergarten teacher.

Competent use of a computer in a preschool institution puts the child in a completely new, qualitatively different developmental situation. By interacting with a computer and discovering its capabilities, a child in kindergarten masters new forms of communication and expands the boundaries of the knowable world.

Activation of thinking, the desire for new knowledge inevitably lead to the formation of such valuable personal qualities as independence, curiosity, activity, initiative and at the same time perseverance, attentiveness, and concentration.

Computer games are a completely new activity for preschoolers. Their specificity lies in the fact that the child must independently find ways to solve a task. But computer games are not isolated from the pedagogical process. They are offered in combination with traditional games and learning, enriching the pedagogical process with new possibilities.

We were faced with the following tasks: - to test the mechanisms of using ICT in classes on cognitive development for older preschoolers; including finding out the possibility of using developmental tasks and didactic games in classes and using computer technologies in the absence of individual computers for each child.

To experimentally test the effectiveness of using computer games in the cognitive development of older preschoolers: to find out how the use of ICT affects the development of cognitive activity of preschoolers, the formation of knowledge and ideas, and the level of development of the child.

The use of new forms of work using ICT makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of the educational activities of a teacher-psychologist at a preschool educational institution.

Using a computer as a means of educating and developing a child’s creative abilities, shaping his personality, and enriching the intellectual sphere of a preschooler allows him to expand the capabilities of a teacher-psychologist and creates the basis for introducing children to computer educational programs. Existing programs provide enormous opportunities for developing children's thinking. One of the promising means of teaching older preschoolers visual-spatial perception, hand-eye coordination, the ability to classify and generalize, design, and conduct simple analysis is the use of information and communication technologies.

Work in this area took place in several stages:

I. Organizational and preparatory stage.

II. Main stage.

III. The final stage.

The teacher-psychologist’s classes were conducted according to the author’s program “formation of the cognitive development of children aged 6-7 years” and computer games were selected and structured with reference to thematic planning according to the above-mentioned program.

The problem of using gaming technologies in the educational process in pedagogical theory and practice is not new. L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. were engaged in the development of the theory of the game, its methodological foundations, clarification of its social nature, and its significance for the development of the student in Russian pedagogy. Leontyev, D.B. Elkonin et al. In the context of rapidly developing technological progress, the use of computer gaming technologies is more than relevant. Domestic and foreign studies on the use of computers in kindergartens convincingly prove not only the possibility and expediency of this, but also the special role of the computer in the development of intelligence and the child’s personality in general (S. Novoselova, G. Petku, I. Pashelite, S. Peipert, B . Hunter and others).

The introduction of new information technologies into the educational process, along with other means, is intended to help enrich children’s ideas about the world around them, expand experience, and increase motivation for knowledge.

At the stage of development from 3-6 years, which is characterized by intensive development of thinking, the computer acts as a special intellectual tool for solving problems of various types of activities. Thinking, in accordance with what was put forward by A.V. Zaporozhets concept of amplification (enrichment) is the intellectual basis for the development of activity, and the process of mastering generalized methods of solving the problems of activity leads to its implementation at an increasingly higher level. And the higher the intellectual level of activity, the more fully all aspects of the personality are enriched in it.

As part of the international early learning program IBM KidSmart, our kindergarten received a Kidsmart educational computer. The Kidsmart Early Learning Program is designed to educate preschool-aged children through the use of information and communication technologies and the creation of a stimulating learning environment that promotes children's social and cognitive development. Thanks to the IBM KidSmart early learning program system, teaching goal setting, planning, monitoring and evaluating the results of a child’s independent activities becomes effective through a combination of play and non-play moments. The child completes the task that is offered to him in the form of game situations, learns the rules of the game, and strives to achieve results. Thus, the IBM KidSmart early learning program helps develop not only the child’s intellectual abilities, but also cultivates strong-willed qualities such as independence, composure, concentration, and perseverance.

The KidSmart curriculum introduces children to the concepts of space and time, helps develop creativity, teaches them to think logically, helps develop mental operations of exclusion and generalization, and much more, creating a solid foundation for children's further cognitive interest.

Relying on personal experience and the experience of my colleagues on the use of computer technologies in the cognitive development of preschool children in the classes of a teacher psychologist, I will highlight the main advantages:

Firstly, the influence of a new type of activity on the development of self-esteem and self-confidence of both children and their parents, as well as the improvement of collective forms of activity and interaction between children;

Secondly, well-chosen computer exercises contribute to the approximate exploratory nature of learning, encourage discussion of choices and decision-making, and develop children’s speech ability;

Thirdly, the child’s cognitive process becomes more visual, interesting, and modern;

Fourthly, selected games contribute to the development of perception, memory, imagination and other important mental properties of the child’s personality.

To identify the results of using this method of introducing ICT elements into classes on cognitive development, children were diagnosed during the school year (in September - initial diagnostics, in May - final). Also, to determine the effectiveness of the application, classes were conducted in preparatory group A (experimental), and preparatory group B was the control. Diagnostic tools were selected taking into account the development of cognitive processes for the formation of which computer games were selected and used.

The results of the incoming diagnostics were as follows:

Experimental group: low level -26%, medium -67%, high -7%

Control group: low -17%, medium -75%, high -8%

Final diagnostic results:

Experimental group: low level - 2%, medium - 47%, high - 51%

Control group: low - 8%, medium - 75%, high - 17%

Having carried out a comparative analysis of the results of the initial and final diagnostics, we can draw the following conclusions that the proposed methodology for using a computer game as an element of inclusion in the main lesson on cognitive development:

    aimed at increasing cognitive activity

    develops creative thinking in the child and allows children to be introduced to important phenomena and concepts in an entertaining way.

    increases the child’s confidence in his own capabilities, develops independence, and encourages research activities.

    Developmental and educational games arouse children's interest and desire to achieve their goals, help them better master knowledge in various types of activities, and develop positive emotional reactions in children.

    identifies gaps in certain activities.

    ensures that children achieve a certain level of intellectual development necessary for further educational activities.

As a result of the use of computer technologies in the cognitive development of older preschoolers, the following positive results were achieved:

Firstly, expanding opportunities for the use of information and communication technologies in early learning in preschool educational institutions.

Secondly, increasing the level of readiness of pupils of preschool educational institutions to use information and communication technologies in the process of educational and leisure activities.

Thirdly, increasing the level of cognitive development of children of senior preschool age, increasing the level of development of children's logical thinking.

Fourthly, the formation of the ability to establish elementary cause-and-effect relationships between objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, various relationships between them.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn: the use of information and communication technologies in a preschool institution is an enriching and transformative factor in the developmental subject environment. The computer can be used in working with children of senior preschool age, subject to unconditional compliance with physiological, hygienic, ergonomic and psychological and pedagogical restrictions. and permissive norms and recommendations., it is necessary to introduce modern information technologies into the kindergarten didactics system, i.e. strive for an organic combination of traditional and computer means of developing the child’s personality.

The use of computer technology and the creation of a stimulating learning environment helps children develop cognitive and imaginative ideas, creative abilities and much more, helping to form a solid foundation for further development of the school course.

The child develops: perception, hand-eye coordination, imaginative thinking; cognitive motivation, voluntary memory and attention; arbitrariness, the ability to build an action plan, accept and complete a task.


      Gabdullina Z.M. Development of computer skills in children 4-7 years old. Lesson planning, recommendations, didactic material. Volgograd: Teacher, 2010. P. 139 p.

      Preschooler and computer: medical and hygienic recommendations / under. ed. L. A. Leonova, A. A. Biryukovich and others. – M.: Voronezh: NPO “MODEK”. 2004.

      Karalashvili: E. “Exercises for the health of children 6-7 years old.” //Preschool education. 2002 No. 6

      Krivich E.Ya. Computer for preschool children. M.: EKSMO. 2006.

      Leonova, L. A. How to prepare a child to communicate with a computer / L. A. Leonova, L. V. Markova. – M.: Center “Ventana_Graf”. 2004.

      Novoselova, S.L. Computers in the preparatory school group / S.L. Novoselova, L. Gabdulislamova, M. Karimov //Preschool education. – 1989. No. 10.

      Novoselova, S. L. New information technology in working with preschoolers. Is it acceptable? / S. L. Novoselova, G. P. Petku, I. Yu. Pashelite // Preschool education. 1989. No. 9.

      Federal State Educational Standard. http://standart.edu.ru/.


at work

educational psychologist

Completed by: educational psychologist

MBOU "Komsomolskaya Secondary School"

Yalovaya Yu. V.

ICT in the work of an educational psychologist

In modern life, there is nowhere without ICT. The Internet penetrates into all areas of teaching work. Today, from the Internet you can find out the most downloadable materials for work (presentations, videos, music, literature) and much more; take part in online competitions and webinars. Teachers can share their experiences with their colleagues online. And, of course, in this situation, psychologists of the educational system could not stand aside. Educational psychologists are increasingly using information and communication technologies in their work: computer programs for diagnostics and correction, actively participating in online professional communities, using an electronic library, etc. Sometimes, due to the abundance of information on the Internet, it is difficult for a teacher to navigate, to decide what is more important, what is necessary. And, naturally, the question arises of systematizing the necessary resources.

Psychology of a happy life http://psycabi.net

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