Name day on August 9 according to the church calendar.

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Name day August 9


Origin of the name. The name Anfisa comes from the ancient Greek Antus, which in turn was derived from the word “anthos” and means “flower”.

Short form of the name. Anfiska, Fisa.


Origin of the name. There are several versions about its origin and meaning. According to the first, it was formed from the Latin word “germanus”, which is translated as “native”, “half-blooded”, “close”, “brotherly”, “real”, “true”, “genuine”. The second option speaks of its origin from a common noun and means the place where the person came from, that is, “German”.

Short form of the name. Germa, Gesha, Gema, Germusya, Musya, Gera, Gerunya, Gerusya, Gerukha, Gerusha, Gemulya, Hermon.


Origin of the name. The name Ivan (John, Yohanan) is of biblical origin and Hebrew roots. Translated from Hebrew it means “God’s favor”, “God’s mercy”. In Russia, until 1917, among peasants, almost every fourth man bore the name Ivan. It has also become widespread among other peoples of the world.

Short form of the name. Vanya, Vanyukha, Vanyusha, Vanyushka, Ivanko, Vanyura, Vanyusya, Vanyuta, Vanyutka, Vanyata, Vanyatka, Ivanya, Ivanyukha, Ivanyusha, Ivasya, Ivasik, Ivakha, Ivasha, Isha, Ishu.


Origin of the name. The male name Cyril, widespread in all European countries, has ancient Greek roots. Derived from the name Kyrillos, which comes from the word kyrios, which means “lord”, “lord”, “lord”.

Short form of the name. Kirilka, Kirya, Kira, Kiryukha, Kirukha, Kiryusha, Kiryunya, Kirunya, Kirusya, Kiryakha, Kiryasha, Kirka.


Origin of the name. The male name Konstantin is of Latin origin. It is derived from the word constans, which translated into Russian means “persistent”, “constant”. Christians associate it with the name of Emperor Constantine the Great, the founder of the capital of the Roman Empire, Constantinople.

Short form of the name. Kostya, Kosta, Konstantinka, Kosya, Kotya, Kostyukha, Kostyusha, Kostyunya, Kostyakha, Kostyasha, Kotasha, Koka, Kostyanya.


Origin of the name. Nikolai is a good name, reliable and a little stern. It is derived from the ancient Greek name Nikolaos and translated means “lord of nations” (“nika” - victory and “laos” - people). It was widespread in the last century, but gradually became rare. Currently, it is beginning to gain popularity again.

Short form of the name. Kolya, Nikolasha, Nikola, Kolyunya, Kolyusya, Kolyukha, Kolyusha, Kolyanya, Kolyan, Kolyakha, Kolyasha, Koka, Nikolayka, Nikolakha, Nika, Nikusya, Nikusha, Nikolka, Klaus, Klas.

Signs for August 9

  • Dung beetles fly low above the ground in the evening - to ensure good weather.
  • In the direction where the end of the rainbow falls towards the water, there will be rain.
  • Ducks splash in the water and scream - this means bad weather.
  • An oriole or hoopoe screams - it means rain.
  • If there is more red in the rainbow, there will be wind.
  • Chickens and turkeys climb into haylofts and haystacks and rummage through them - signifies good weather.
  • The loach fish bites well - in anticipation of rain.
  • The pheasant perches on tree branches in the evening - towards a clear day and dry, warm autumn.
  • Anyone born on Panteleimon will have abilities in medicine and healing. Such a person will grow up to be a hard worker and will be given the ability to heal diseases with the help of herbs.
  • There is a strict ban on any work. There are still legends among the people about how any, even the most good, deed started on Panteleimon ended pitifully.
  • Working in the field for Panteleimon means a fire.
  • Carrying grain and hay on August 9 is a sin.
  • Cabbage pies baked on this day were a ritual dish.
  • If a sick person attends a prayer service in honor of St. Panteleimon in church, and prays at his icon at home, he will soon recover.
  • If a child eats at least one cabbage leaf on this day, school will be easy.
  • A sunflower flower, picked from your own garden and placed in a vase, will bring you happiness.
  • Going on a trip on this day is a good omen.

Orthodox holidays August 9

  • memory of the great martyr and healer Panteleimon (305);
  • memory of St. Herman of Alaska (1837);
  • memory of blessed Nikolai Kochanov, Christ for the Fool's sake, Novgorod (1392);
  • memory of Saint Joasaph, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia (1555);
  • memory of the Venerable Anfisa of Mantinea, abbess, and her 90 sisters (VIII century);
  • memory of Equal-to-the-Apostles Clement, Archbishop of Ohrid (916), Naum, Savva, Gorazd, Bishop, and Angelar (IX-X centuries);
  • memory of the holy martyrs Ambrose (Gudko), Bishop of Sarapul, Platon of the Mountains and Panteleimon of the Epiphany, presbyters (1918);
  • memory of the Hieromartyr John Solovyov, presbyter (1941).

Russian Military Glory Day

The first naval victory of the Russian fleet in history occurred at the battle of Cape Gangut in 1714 in a battle with the Swedes. After a shootout with cannons and handguns, the boarding began. Peter 1 himself commanded the troops, the battle lasted only 2 hours, the Russians captured the Swedish galleys, and at the end of the battle the main Swedish ship "Elephant" was forced to lower the flag. The losses of the Swedish army amounted to 361 people, 127 Russian people died in the battle. All of them are buried near the sites of battles on the shore.

World Indigenous Peoples Day

By resolution of the UN General Assembly in 1992, a holiday was established to draw special attention to the problems of development and preservation of the culture of indigenous peoples. Small nations face enormous difficulties, but are full members of the family of nations of the world. The day has been celebrated for almost 2 decades, during which time the situation of indigenous peoples has improved significantly. Today, efforts are aimed at supporting the land, language, and developing the sources of cultural livelihood.

Forest Fire Protection Day in the USA

The unusual name - Smokey Day - was given to this day in honor of the cute bear cub - a kind of symbol of firefighters. He is depicted on posters in jeans and a T-shirt, and says the phrase - “Only you can prevent forest fires.” The Forest Service has been operating in America for more than a century, but the bear cub became a symbol much later - after large-scale fires in 1950. Everyone who was in the fire zone participated in extinguishing the fire. A real live bear cub was found in a fire in the hollow of a large tree, with burnt paws. He was treated and sent to the National Zoo.

Edinburgh International Arts Festival

The world's largest festival is considered very unusual. In the capital of Scotland, you can simultaneously see performances from various theaters, hear music and attend concerts by artists of different genres. During almost a month of the festival, more than 1,000 performances of theater, opera, dance and music can be seen at the city's venues. Leading creative groups from around the world participate in the formal and informal parts of it. In terms of the scale of the spectacle, the festival is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest in the world. It was established in 1947. More than 2 million people annually become guests of the holiday. Some troupes perform directly on the city streets.

August 9 in the folk calendar

Memorial Day of Panteleimon the Healer, (Panteleimon Kochanny)

Saint Panteleimon was numbered among the great martyrs who died for the faith. Born into the family of a noble pagan, he became a doctor. Saint Hermolai introduced him to the Christian faith. He talked about faith, then baptized Panteleimon. The reason for this was the healing through prayers of a sick child bitten by a snake. After that, Panteleimon treated everyone free of charge. Having learned about this, Emperor Maximilian bet that the doctor would not be able to cure the seriously ill patient. When Panteleimon won the argument, many pagans converted to the Christian faith.

Panteleimon was executed by cutting off his head near an olive tree. At that moment, the olive tree was covered with fruits, and it was a real miracle. Panteleimon is considered the patron saint of warriors and is revered as a healer. He received the nickname Headed Cabbage due to the fact that at this time the heads of cabbage began to set, so they took out the remains of last year's cabbage from the cellars and added it - they cooked cabbage soup, baked pies and made salads. On this day they go for herbs and mushrooms. The day is considered unlucky for work.

August 9th in history

No one could even imagine that in a matter of minutes the hands on the clock of an entire city would stop. The sky over Nagasaki lit up with a gigantic flash, a huge mushroom shot into the sky and destroyed buildings, singed clothes, and melted glass. At 11:02 am the city falls silent for a minute in memory of the victims of the atomic bomb. This sad date is celebrated by city residents and government officials. Also present is a delegation from another affected city - Hiroshima, which experienced the horror of the atomic bombing three days earlier - on August 6, 1945.

The reason for such events was rumors: Tsar Peter 1 was going to issue a Decree that Russian girls would be prohibited from marrying Russian guys. Marriages were ordered only with Germans sent from Kazan. During the weddings, the youth began a real massacre of foreigners, which developed into an uprising.

In addition, residents were unhappy with the order to wear foreign dresses and shave their beards, and this should have been controlled by the authorities. The local governor Timofey Rzhevsky was especially distinguished. The uprising grew, at first the residents sent a petition to the king with a complaint, then they began to kill the military, governors, and nobles. It was suppressed with the help of the Cossacks, who not only did not support the uprising, but also helped government troops with their troops.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, Russia sent its troops to the war with Japan in order to eliminate aggression and the economic base on the Asian continent. The operation was carried out in different directions, strikes were carried out by naval artillery and aviation, and the enemy was defeated on the Trans-Baikal Front, freeing the approaches to Manchuria. Massive airborne assaults were also launched. As a result, Japanese troops began to surrender en masse. As a result of the defeat of the Kwantung Army, Japan capitulated, and the Second World War was over.

Born on August 9

Jean Piaget(1896 - 1980) - Swiss biologist, psychologist, author of more than 60 books on biology and child psychology

Piaget began his scientific career as a biologist, but over time, while teaching in children's schools, he became interested in the theory of the stages of child development. He noted that people at different stages of development have different capabilities and exhibit different approaches to the expression of cognitive abilities. Since 1921, Piaget has served as director of the Rousseau Institute in Geneva.

Tove Jansson(1914 - 2001) - Swedish writer and artist

She is the author of the story “Moomintroll and the Comet”, the autobiographical story “The Sculptor’s Daughter” and many short stories. Her books are published in 20 languages, mainly in northern and central Europe. The image of heroes from Swedish fairy tales has been reworked and expanded - the life of the inhabitants of the land of Moomin is similar to the life of Janson as a child sees it. The basis of the artistic image is the image of a home, with many close people, light and warmth.

Whitney Houston(1963 – 2012) – American singer and actress

Whitney Elizabeth began her creative career as a model for the famous manager D. Harvey; after a couple of years, having established contacts in the music world, she began her solo career. For the first time in 1985, she entered into an agreement with Arista Records, and received three top singles at once. A record number of sales and enormous popularity allowed her to begin performing in show programs that previously did not allow black artists into the program. Whitney has won many awards, including a Grammy.

Name day August 9

Anfisa, German, Ivan, Kirill, Clement, Konstantin, Naum, Nikolai, Panteleimon, Plato, Savva

The traditional calendar notes that on August 9, name days are celebrated for those who received such female and male names at baptism as Anfisa, German, Nikolai and Panteley.

Additionally, the church calendar for 2019 notes that on this day the birthday people are also those who were baptized in honor of the holy martyrs Ivan (Soloviev) and Platon (Gornykh), who were canonized only at the beginning of the 21st century.

And in order to name the boys and girls born today, observing all the traditions and canons of naming, among all the male and female names you should choose only these. Named after their Guardian Angel, children will grow up healthier and happier.

At the same time, we must remember that on August 9, the Orthodox Church especially honors the memory of the Great Martyr Panteleimon the Healer, therefore those with the same name have especially significant name days on this day.

It is also worth naming boys who are born today, so that the name protects them from various evils and helps them inherit all the best traits from the Guardian Angel.

We can say in advance that Panteleimon, who celebrates his name day on this day, is a man of action, he is one of those who harness for a long time, but then drives quickly, everything he undertakes, he does perfectly. At the same time, he is stingy with emotions and uncompromising.

Panteleimon was born in the second half of the 4th century and lived on the territory of the modern Turkish state. His father was a noble pagan nobleman, and his mother, who secretly professed Christianity, died very early.

The boy was sent to a school for pagans, and then studied medicine with a noble doctor. He was distinguished by his beauty, prudence and eloquence, which helped him become a doctor at the imperial court.

But his life was changed by a meeting with three Christians who had gone through a difficult path of persecution and hardship - Hermippos, Hermocrates and Ermolai. The latter then baptized Panteleimon and became his spiritual mentor.

Before being baptized, Panteleimon experienced the power of sincere prayer, with the help of which he was able to resurrect a boy who had been bitten by an echidna. He sincerely believed in God and with his help repeatedly showed miracles of healing.

Envious people denounced Panteleimon before the emperor, and he subjected him to terrible torture. But when even wild beasts could not harm the tirelessly praying martyr, many pagans believed in God, and they were all executed along with Panteleimon.

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