Individual speech card for a preschooler. Speech card for examination of a non-speaking child

Speech card


1. Last name, first name

2. Age


1. Which pregnancy is the baby from?

2. Nature of pregnancy (toxicosis, falls, chronic diseases, infectious diseases...)

3. Childbirth (early, urgent, rapid, dehydrated...)

4. Stimulation (mechanical, chemical, electrical stimulation...)

5. When I screamed

6. Asphyxia (white, blue)

7. Rh factor (compatibility)

8. Birth weight

9. Feeding:

a) when they brought it to feed

b) how he took the breast

c) how he sucked

d) were regurgitation or choking observed?

10. On what day was he discharged from the maternity hospital, if delayed, why?


1. Holds his head with/1.5 months/

2. Sitting since /6 months/

3. Costs from /10 months/

4.Walks from /11-12 months/

5. First teeth/6-8 months/

6. Past diseases:

Up to a year...

After a year...


Bruises, head injuries...

Convulsions at high temperatures...

7. speech history:

Humming……../2 months/

Babbling…../6 months/

First words…/by 12 months/

First phrases…./by 1.5-2 years/

Was speech development interrupted?...

Speech environment………

Has your child worked with a speech therapist before......

Attitude to your speech.....

Speech therapy examination

1. Observation of behavior during the examination...

2. State of auditory attention:

*show what toy sounded like

*following 2-3 step instructions (open your mouth and close your eyes,.....)

3. Visual perception

* primary colors (quantity)

* tint colors

* selection of pictures to match the background color...

4. Orientation in space:

a) in one’s own body – right, left side

b) in space – right left side

c) above, below, in front, behind

5. Time orientation:

*Morning afternoon Evening Night

*Yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow

*First, then, now

6. Distinguishing geometric shapes:

a) in the asset

b) in the passive

7. Counting: straight


counting operations

8. Logical thinking

A) highlighting the 4th extra:

cat, dog, duck, mouse

cat, wolf, dog, cow.

b) classification of objects: state it in one word:

Sweater, dress, shorts, skirt, sundress.

Boots, shoes, slippers, felt boots.

Saucer, frying pan, spoon, plate.

Wardrobe, table, chair, bedside table.

Tit, crow, duck, sparrow.

Bus, train, tram, plane.

9. Gross motor skills:

Clever, clumsy...

Jumping on one or two legs, alternately, with support...


1. Lips:

Thin, thick, short, cleft.

Lip mobility (smile, tube, tightness of closure, symmetry).

2. Teeth:

Rare, small, outside the jaw row, large incisors, no incisors.

3. Hard palate:

Tall, narrow, flat, short, gothic.

4. Soft palate:

Shortened, forked, deviates to the side, does not contract enough, does not contract.


Prognathia, progenia, direct bite, anterior open bite, lateral open bite, oblique.

6. Language:

a) size: massive, small, short hypoglossal ligament.

b) mobility: stick out forward, pull into the oral cavity, lick your lips...

c) switchability: tube smile, pendulum, horse...

d) maintaining a pose, symmetry.

e) the presence of synkinesis.

e) tremor.

g) salivation.

7. State of facial muscles:

* close one eye in isolation (presence of synkinesis)

*raise eyebrows evenly

* frown eyebrows

* smoothness of nasolabial folds.

8. General sound of speech:

* expressiveness (inexpressive, inexpressive..)

* breathing (upper thoracic, diaphragmatic, short exhalation...)

* tempo and rhythm (slow, fast, uneven...)

*diction (fuzzy, blurry...)


1. Conversational and descriptive conversation:

What is your last name?

How old are you?

Where do you live?

How is your mother's name?

What name of your father?

Do you have a brother, sister?

Who is older, younger?

What does mom and dad do?

Do you have any friends?

2. Compiling a story based on the picture: ....

3. Compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures...

4. Retelling...

5. Story based on presentation...


1. Dictionary status:

A) Name various objects, professions, transport, generalizing words, baby animals...

b) explanation of word meanings:


vacuum cleaner…


V) name of parts of objects:







Clock face








d) Verb dictionary:

What is he doing:





Cat _______, dog ________, duck _________, frog __________,

Pig _______, cow ________, crow ________, sparrow __________.

e) dictionary of signs:

--selection of adjectives for nouns:

Lemon (which one?)

Dress (what kind?)

Fox (which one?)

-- selection of antonyms:

wide - …

straight - …

dry - …

high - …

long - …

sick - …

funny - …

light - …

cold - …


A ). Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes:

Table -

House -

Carpet -

Axe -

Mushroom -

Book -

Hand -

Notebook -

Cat -

Bucket -

Nest -

Window -

Cloud -

Sparrow -

Bread -

Feather -

B) Formation of verbs in a prefixed way:

Walked (came, left, approached, reached...)

Walks (leaves, approaches, enters, crosses...)

Pours (waters, pours, pours, tops up...)

C) Formation of adjectives from nouns (relative):

Wooden bench (what kind?)

Leather bag

Plastic handle

Glass glass

Juice from cherries, apples, pears, plums, tomatoes

Iron nail

D) Formation of possessive adjectives:

A hare has a hare's tail, but a wolf?

Whose head?

Whose house?

Whose bag is it?


1. Survey of understanding of grammatical structures:

A) execution of instructions, like: show the notebook with a pen; Show me your notebook and pen.

b) number understanding:

show where the pencil is and where the pencils are;

Do children draw with pencil or crayons?

show me where the car is and where the cars are?

V) understanding of gender:

Where did Sasha fall? Where did Sasha fall?

Where did Zhenya cry? Where did Zhenya cry?

G) case understanding:

show me where the mother dresses the girl? Where does the girl dress her mother?

d) understanding prepositions:

on, in, with, from under, from, for, because of, under, to.

2. Presence of agrammatisms:

Word change:

A) changing nouns by case:

I have a pencil.

I have no…

I'm drawing …

I have a Grandmother.

Not home …

I'll give you a flower...

I'll go for a walk with...

I remember...

B) prepositional case forms:

(according to the picture - the ball is on the closet, under the closet, behind the closet, in front of..., I’ll get the ball from under..., from behind...,)

C) transformation of nouns from units. numbers in plurals:

Table – tables

Window - …

Eye - …

Tree - …

Stump -…

Chair - …

Mouth - …

Sleeve -…

Sparrow - …

Ear - …

D) agreement of numerals 2 and 5 with nouns:

One cow – two... - five...

One house – two... - five...

One chair – two... - five...

D) formation of forms of nouns Gender. and TV. and Sent. plural case numbers:

Tables - tables - tables - about tables,

Window - …

Chairs - …

Buckets - ...

Fishes -...

Dolls -…

Ears - …

E) agreement of adjectives with nouns:

Blue ball - blue ball - blue ball - about the blue ball.

Blue car -...

Blue dress -…

Red flag -...

Red sun - ...

A red star - …

G) agreement of adjectives with nouns in number:

Blue ball – blue balls (see above).


1. Vowels:

2. Voiced and voiceless consonants:





3. soft and hard consonants:







4. Whistling:




5. Sizzling:



6. Sonorous:




7. Differentiation of sounds in spontaneous speech:

S-SH, S-W, S-S, S-C.

Sh-S, Sh-Zh, Sh-Shch.

Ch-Ts, Ch-Sch, Ch-T.

L-R, L-R, L-Y, L-Y...


1. Repetition of 3 and 4 vowel sounds:

Aoe, uio, ieu.

Aeow, uioe, uaeu.

2. Repetition of syllables with oppositional sounds:

Pa-ba, go-ko, ha-ka, te-de.

Ta-ta-da, pa-ba-pa, ha-ga-ka, cha-cha-cha.

Cat-cat-year, Tom-House-Tom.

3. Isolating by ear the first stressed vowel sound in a word:

Alik, echo, windows, duck, Ira, aster, Olya, Anna, ears.

4. Isolating by ear the last sound in a word:

Pooh, cat, catfish, soup, window, cat, balls.


1. Reproduction of the syllabic structure of a word:

Name from the picture - frying pan, aquarium, tablecloth, policeman, bicycle, medicine, motorcycle, literature, excavator.

2. Reflected speaking:

Construction, serpentine, rehearsal, watchmaker.

3. Playing sentences (2-3 times in a row)

Children made a snowman out of snow.

A plumber fixes a water pipe.

A watchmaker repairs a watch.

The watchmaker, squinting his eye, is fixing the watch for us.

A policeman rides a motorcycle.

The traffic controller controls the traffic.

Speech therapy conclusion:_______________________________________________

Speech examination card

non-speaking child

1.Last name, first name of the child_____________________________

2. Date of birth, age ___________________________________________________________________

3. Nationality (bilingualism) ____________________________________________________________ _

4. Home address ________________________________________________________________________

5. Where did it come from ________________________________________________________________________________

6. Date of admission to the speech therapy group _______________

7. Conclusion of the PMPC dated ______________

8. Psychoneurological status ________________________________________________________________

9. Hearing condition __________________________________________________________________________

10. State of vision ________________________________________________________________________________

11. Date of filling out the speech card ____________________________________________________________

Speech therapist ___________________________________

I . Study of nonverbal components of communication

Establishing contact with the child (productive, unproductive) __________________________________

Manifestation of motor and speech negativism _____________________________________________

Demonstration of the ability to imitate:

- “Do as I do” (pointer, negative gesture, etc.) _________________________________________________________

- “Fly like a bird”, “Jump like a bunny”, “Stomp like a bear” ___________________________

Manifestation of the child’s gaze fixation (speaker’s eyes, articulation organs, picture) ______________________


II . Study of auditory perception

Defred e Decrease in the number of non-speech sounds ___________________________________________________

Discrimination and auditory reproduction of a 2-syllable rhythm _______________________________________

Determining the direction of non-speech sound ___________________________________________________

Distinguishing onomatopoeia by ear ____________________________________________________________

III . Study of motor development

1. State of general motor skills:

(gait - confident, uncertain, with a sway; walking on toes in a straight line; jumping on one or two legs)

coordination ______________________________________________________________________________

2. State of fine motor skills:

(tests: repeat sequentially the poses “fist”, “roof”, “boat”, “goat”, “circle”, “glasses”; alternating two poses: “fist/palm”, “fist/goat”, “palms/ boat", "glasses/fist; lacing)

accuracy of movements ________________________________________________________________________________

switching ___________________________________________________________________________

tempo ___________________________________________________________________________________

3. State of facial muscles:

Face (meaningful, presence of facial expressions, indifferent, asymmetrical, nasolabial fold) ___________


The ability to perform facial movements by imitation (tests: raise eyebrows upward (“surprised”),

frown (“get angry”), squint your eyes, puff out your cheeks (“fat boy”)) _____________________________________


(shows negativism; visually perceives, tries to repeat, but unsuccessfully; tries to repeat, but the pose

does not hold; performs movements independently)

IV . Examination of the articulatory apparatus

1. Structure of the articulatory apparatus:

lips ____________________________ muscle tone of the lips ________________________________

teeth ____________________________________________________________________________________

bite _________________________________________________________________________________

tongue (shape; position, muscle tone at rest, condition of the hypoglossal ligament) _________________



solid sky ___________________________________________________________________________

2. State of motor skills of the articulatory apparatus:

lips ______________________________________________________________________________

lower jaw __________________________________________________________________________

language ____________________________________________________________________________________

soft sky _____________________________________________________________________________

V . Studying impressive speech:

1. State of the nominative vocabulary

Correlating one's own name with personality

(knows his name, responds to it)


Matching objects with their names

Show where the doll, ball, clock, book, table are


Show body parts (hand, nose, knee, elbow, forehead, fingers, neck)


Show parts of objects (house, car, plane, doll, watch)


Show animals (cat, dog, hare, wolf, fox, horse, goat)


Correlating objects with their purpose (objects, pictures)

Show us: what you play with, what you brush your teeth with, what you eat, etc.


Understanding general words

Show (take, give) the dishes (clothes, etc.)


2. State of the predicative dictionary

(scene pictures in which one object performs various actions)

Show where the girl goes (stands, runs, eats, sleeps, plays, washes herself)


(scene pictures in which different objects perform different actions)

Show who is washing (standing, running, etc.)


3. State of the attribute dictionary

Understanding the names of features of objects

Show me where the big table is? where is the little one? (thick/thin stick, long/short ribbon, high/low house) _____________________________________________________________________

Show me which cube is bigger? Which cube is smaller? (pencil longer/shorter, pyramid higher/lower) _______________________________________________________________________________

Show me where the red (yellow, blue) ball is?________________________________________________


4. The state of the grammatical structure of speech:

Understanding the singular and plural forms of a noun

Where is the doll? where are the dolls? (pyramid/pyramids, machine/machines, book/books)


Understanding the meanings of prepositions reflecting spatial relationships

Place the toy in the box (on the box, behind the box, under the box, in front of the box)


Understanding nouns with diminutive suffixes

Show me where the table is? where is the table? (book/little book, doll/doll, box/box) _________________________________________________________________________________________

Understanding prepositional case construction (2-syllable instruction)

Take the bear and put it on a chair; go to the table and take a pencil; take the cubes from the table and take them to the box


Understanding the content of a text told through a series of plot pictures


VI . Learning Expressive Language

1. General sound of speech

Breath (volume, duration of exhalation, smoothness) _____________________________________



Pace (bradylalia, tachylalia, moderate) ___________________________________________________

Legibility (specify reason) __________________________________________________________

2. State of speech activity

Sound unconditioned reflex reactions ( grunting, smacking, squealing, whimpering,

cheers, laughter, crying, screaming) _______________________________________________


Spoken Word Capabilities (babble, onomatopoeia, amorphous words, individual words, preservation of syllabic structure)__________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

Possibilities for pronouncing phrases (character of pronunciation: conjugated, reflected, arbitrary; phrase structure, presence of agrammatisms) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Possibilities for pronouncing and differentiating individual sounds

(sound pronunciation)

(differentiation of sounds)

VII . Study of non-speech mental functions

1. Thinking:

Mastery of the Seguin board __________________________________________________________________

Folding a pyramid _________________________________________________________________

Classification _________________________________________________________________________

Highlighting 4-odd ____________________________________________________________________

2. Account:

Direct mechanical counting: ______________________________________________________________

Correlating the number with the number of objects (“give me 2 pencils, 3 cubes, 5 pictures”)_________

_______________________________________________________________________________________ _

Naming numbers ____________________________________________________________

3. Optical-spatial gnosis:

Distinguishing the concepts of top/bottom, right/left, front/behind ___________________________________


4. Optical-spatial praxis:

Folding cut pictures from 2 - 3 - 4 parts _______________________________________


Folding stick figures according to a pattern (3-6 sticks) ______________________________________


Speech therapy conclusion: _______________________________________







A speech therapist is a specialist in correcting speech disorders. In addition to work plans, examination logs and other documents, the speech therapist must keep a speech card for each child registered with him.

A preschooler who is a pupil of a speech therapy kindergarten, who attends a speech therapy center or is observed by a speech therapy specialist, must have such a card.

A speech card for examining a child is a special form that is filled out by a speech therapist.

However, there is no unified system of these documents. Each specialist maintains his own speech card, which is compiled individually, based on the requirements of the speech therapist and the characteristics of his work. A speech card is a reporting document for the examination of children with various speech disorders.

Why do you need a speech card?

Such a document is very important for the work of a teacher and for tracking the dynamics of a child’s speech development.

This allows you to see causes of speech disorders, determine the mechanism of defects, identify the preschooler’s abilities and identify ways of correctional work.

There are two types of speech maps: general and expanded.

A general card (sometimes called a speech therapy characteristic) is one or two forms with general information. This includes brief information about the child and a brief description of speech.

An expanded map is a much more convenient document. In addition to the medical history, it includes specific examinations of sound pronunciation, the state of coherent speech, studies of the child’s vocabulary and much more. In addition, the cards are divided by the age of the child. At different ages, starting from the 1st year of life, tasks differ from each other.

Some speech therapists prefer to conduct extensive maps until the child reaches school age. Such documents are very convenient because the teacher does not need to create a new card each time, but only needs to enter the information in an existing column corresponding to the child’s age.

What is included in the examination?

1.General information.

This information about the child, parents, brief description of a preschooler.


Information from the mother’s words about the birth, condition and first days of the child’s life is recorded here. This also includes serious illnesses suffered by the child and the child’s early speech development. This data is important for overall health picture preschooler, identifying deviations.

3. Study of non-speech functions.

This data is made up of the results visual observation for the child. Data on general and manual motor skills, auditory attention, visual perception, and rhythm perception are recorded here. The preschooler is offered several tasks, based on the results of which conclusions are drawn and recorded.

The child may be asked to: assemble a cut-out picture, mold a certain figure from plasticine, draw a suggested geometric figure, show right and left, play with lacing or mosaics. All tasks are aimed at a specific age of the child; they become somewhat more complicated as age increases.

4. Investigation of violations.

During these tasks, the child is asked to repeat after the speech therapist some sounds (in a playful way) or pronounce them yourself.

During these examinations, the state of sound pronunciation, the state of the articulatory apparatus, the reproduction of sounds, and speech motor skills are revealed.

After the child reaches 3 years of age, respiratory and vocal functions (type, frequency and duration of breathing, voice characteristics) are also assessed.

The preschooler is asked to repeat the words after the speech therapist and perform imitation exercises (stretch his lips, yawn, move his tongue). At this stage of the examination, the teacher writes down anomalies of the anatomical structure (bad bite, crooked rare teeth, soft or hard palate, etc.).

5. Study of the phonemic aspect of speech (starting from the age of three).

To kid proposed to show In the picture there are objects that the speech therapist names.

6. The state of phonemic speech perception.

This includes repetition of syllables, and from 5-6 years: highlighting first and last letters in the given words.

7. Study of speech understanding.

At this stage of the examination, the speech therapist evaluates child's passive vocabulary, understanding words and actions, understanding phrases and interrogative sentences.

From 3 years: understanding prepositions.

From the age of 5: formation of diminutive forms.

The speech therapist will ask the preschooler to show certain objects in pictures, answer questions, and form words.

8. Study of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech.

The speech therapist evaluates: child's active vocabulary(nouns, adjectives, verbs), correct use of cases, agreement of adjectives with nouns, generalizing concepts, selection of antonyms, names of professions, body parts, groups of objects.

The tasks are carried out based on pictures with a request to name the proposed word.

9. The state of coherent speech (if any).

These tasks are given to children over 4 years old. Coherent speech is checked by retelling the proposed passage. Four-year-old children are offered an excerpt of 4 interconnected sentences. For five-year-old children - repeat a story of 5 sentences.

Six-year-old children will already be asked to compose a story based on a series of plot pictures.

Sometimes a retelling of a familiar fairy tale may be offered (“Turnip”, “Ryaba Hen”, etc.)

After all examinations carried out it is written speech therapy report indicating the diagnosis and the necessary corrective work plan. Also, for a complete speech map, the opinions of the following doctors are necessary: ​​a neurologist, an ENT specialist, a neuropsychiatrist, a surgeon or other specialists.

Here are sample examinations; each specialist can add or, conversely, remove something, based on the child’s age and capabilities. Such speech therapy examinations with filling out a speech card are usually done in the first two weeks of September. The speech card is kept directly by the speech therapist during the entire period of observation of the preschooler.

Speech therapy card No.______


Last name, first name of the child_______

Information about parents:

General history:

Nature of pregnancy:

_^ How did the birth proceed?


Costs ___________

First teeth________________

^ Speech history:

^ Speech therapist examination

(contact, negativity, interest in the environment, in toys, stability of interest and attention, instability, distractibility)

2.State of hearing, auditory differentiation and attention:

a) differentiation of sounding toys________________________________________________

3. The child’s visual attention, observation:

a) selection of paired pictures or objects________________________________

b) selection of objects for the image__________________________________________

c) selection of paired circles or pictures of the same color________________________________________________________________

d) color recognition by name_______________________________________________

4. State of intelligence and level of understanding of the environment:

a) account and counting operations within 5-10______________________________

b) differentiation of objects by form:


geometric lotto________________________________________________________________

c) differentiation of objects by size (ability to assemble a pyramid, nesting dolls)___________________________________________________________

d) orientation in time:

a series of plot pictures (2-4) to establish cause-and-effect relationships_______________________________________________________________

recognizing and naming the seasons_____________________________________________

e) orientation in space:

ability to make stick figures by imitation_____________________

ability to compose a whole picture from 3-4 parts___________________________

knowledge of prepositions: in, on, under, over (about, with, from, with, from..)_____________________

f) ability to generalize:

choose pictures according to the general concept: mushrooms, berries, flowers, toys, dishes, furniture._____________________________________________

“extra” (the ability to highlight a picture that does not correspond to a given general concept)_______________________________________

6. State of speech motor skills

7.State of general motor skills ________________________________________

8.Speech understanding:

A) performing simple tasks _____________________________________________

B) understanding common sentences___________________________

C) understanding the relationships between the members of a sentence ____________

D) understanding a short story________________________________________________

9. Independent speech:

A) sound pronunciation


b) reproduction of the syllabic structure of words


C) repetition of sentences that include polysyllabic words with a complex syllable structure_________________________________________________

d) making proposals for simple and complex plot pictures__________________________________________________________

10.State of grammatical structure

Inflection (gender, number, case):__________________________________________

Word formation:__________________________________________________________

11.Dictionary status ________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________12. Phonemic perception and discrimination of sounds, state of phonemic hearing:

a) differentiation of sounds mixed in pronunciation________________________________________________________________

b) determining the presence of a sound in a word__________________________________________

13.State of general speech skills __________________________________

____________________________________________________________________14. Doctors’ conclusion:

15. Speech therapy report ________________________________________

Child's full name_______________________________________________________________


Number of classes per week_________________________________________________

Duration of the lesson_________________________________________

Areas of work

Contents of classes

Areas of work

Contents of classes

Speech therapy card No.______

Date of Birth_______________________________________________________
Home address_____________________________________________________
Parental complaints__________________________________________________________


^ Information about parents:



General history:

Child from _____pregnancy.

Nature of pregnancy:

____________________________________________________________________^ How did the birth proceed? (early, urgent, asphyxia, stimulation, rapid, prolonged, caesarean section)

Child's weight and height at birth________________

Feeding (breastfeeding, artificial, mixed, how and how many sucked)_______________________________________________________________

^ Early psychomotor development:

Holds head with _____________ sitting __________

Costs ___________

First teeth________________

Past illnesses before and after one year _____________________________________________________________________

^ Speech history:

Humming_______ babbling__________

First words_______________ first phrase_______________

How did the development of speech proceed (intermittently, gradually)______________________

Was speech development interrupted (time, reason)_______________________

At what age do speech disorders ________________

Speech environment________________________________________________________________

Have you worked with a speech therapist__________________________________________________________

^ Speech therapist examination
Date of examination___________
1.Personal characteristics of the child: calm, balanced, excitable, touchy, whiny, pugnacious, friendly, cowardly or brave, friendly with children in a team, kind or greedy, desire for leadership . __________________________________________________________


2. Stability of attention, concentration, memory.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______

3. Speech activity (silent, talkative, speaks willingly)____________________________________________________________

4.Structure of the organs of the speech apparatus:




Bite (normal, prognathia, progenia, open anterior, open lateral)____________________________________________________________
5. State of speech motor skills _______________________________________

6.State of general motor skills ________________________________________

7. Rate of speech (slow, fast)___________________________ _______

8. In what types of speech is stuttering expressed:

Whisper speech:

A) conjugated_______________________________________________________________

B) reflected_______________________________________________________________

C) answers to questions________________________________________________

D) reading_________________________________________________________________

e) retelling__________________________________________________________

E) poetic speech________________________________________________________________

g) spontaneous speech_________________________________________________________

9. Breathing outside of phonation and speech; during phonation and speech_____________________

10. Localization and type of seizures (clonic, tonic, mixed)

a) convulsions of the respiratory apparatus_____________________________________________

c) articulatory spasms of the tongue, lips_________________________________

11.Difficult sounds, syllables___ ____________________________________________


12. Associated movements (arms, legs, head, torso)_______________


_________________________________________________ __________________
13. Presence of embolophrasia______________________________ ______________
14. Voice condition (dull, shrill, quiet, fading, intermittent, normal)_____________________________________________

15. Doctors’ conclusion: _______________________________________________

16. Speech therapy report ________________________________________

17.Recommendations ____________________________________________________

Teacher speech therapist


Last name, first name of the child_______________________________________________

Date of Birth_______________________________________________________
Home address_____________________________________________________
Parental complaints__________________________________________________________


^ Information about parents:



General history:

Child from _____pregnancy.

Nature of pregnancy:

____________________________________________________________________^ How did the birth proceed? (early, urgent, asphyxia, stimulation, rapid, prolonged, caesarean section)

Child's weight and height at birth________________

Feeding (breastfeeding, artificial, mixed, how and how many sucked)_______________________________________________________________

^ Early psychomotor development:

Holds head with _____________ sitting __________

Costs ___________

First teeth________________

Past illnesses before and after one year _____________________________________________________________________

^ Speech history:

Humming_______ babbling__________

First words_______________ first phrase_______________

How did the development of speech proceed (intermittently, gradually)______________________

Was speech development interrupted (time, reason)_______________________

At what age do speech disorders ________________

Speech environment________________________________________________________________

Have you worked with a speech therapist__________________________________________________________
^ Speech therapist examination
Date of examination___________
1. Observation of behavior and play (contact, negativity, interest in the environment, in toys, stability of interest and attention, instability, distractibility)

2. Research of auditory perception:

Recognition and discrimination of contrasting sounds of 2 toys____________
3.Visual perception research:

A) recognition and distinction between big and small___________________________

B) perception and discrimination of primary colors_______________________________________

C) perception and discrimination of geometric shapes___________________________
4. Study of the perception of spatial representations:

A) folding object pictures from 2 parts________________________

B) laying out 3 counting sticks according to the pattern _______________________

C) buildings made of three cubes___________________________________________

D) orientation in space (top-bottom)________________________________
5.Structure of the organs of the speech apparatus:

Lips thin, thick, partial or complete, unilateral or bilateral cleft lip_________________________________

Teeth rare, small, large, crooked, outside the jaw arch, missing teeth, double row of teeth___________________________________________

Bite normal, prognathia, progenia, open anterior, open lateral, cross_____________________________________________

Solid sky high, gothic, flat, shortened, through cleft one-sided or two-sided, not through complete, incomplete, submucosal_______________________________________________________

Soft sky absence, shortened, lack of small tongue______

Presence of postoperative clefts, nasal polyps, adenoids, deviated nasal septum_________________________________________________
Language massive, small, short, long, “geographical”, hypertrophy of the tongue root___________________________________________

Hyoid ligament short, shortened, the presence of adhesions with the tissues of the sublingual region________________________________________________
6.State of general motor skills:

A) walk, run between the lines__________________________________________

B) transfer a soft toy from one hand to the other____________________

B) clap your hands and stomp at the same time__________________________
The volume of movements performed is full/incomplete, tempo is normal/fast/slow, activity is normal/inhibition/disinhibition, manifestation of motor clumsiness_____________________
7.State of manual motor skills:

A) place your thumb in a ring with each finger on your right hand, then on your left________________________________________________

B) take turns bending and straightening the fingers, first on the right hand, then on the left____________________________________________________________

C) the ability to hold a pencil and draw horizontal and vertical lines. mugs)__________________________________________________________

D) putting toys in a bucket and taking them out one by one ____________

D) the ability to sculpt balls, cakes, sticks___________________________
The volume of movements performed is full/incomplete, the pace of execution is normal/slow/fast, the ability to switch __________
8. Condition of facial muscles:

A) puff out your cheeks “fat boy”___________________________________________

B) show how to eat lemon “sour”_____________________________________________

C) show how you eat ice cream “sweetly”________________________
The volume of movements performed is full/incomplete, accuracy of execution is accurate/inaccurate, muscle tone is normal/increased/decreased, smoothness of the nasolabial folds, slowness of movements of the eyeballs.

9. State of articulatory motor skills:

A) “Smile”______________________________________________________________

B) “Proboscis”______________________________________________________________

B) “Shovel”______________________________________________________________

D) “Sting”_________________________________________________________________

D) “Swing”__________________________________________________________

E) “Pendulum”______________________________________________________________

G) “Horse”________________________________________________________________
The volume of movements performed is full/incomplete, the accuracy of execution is accurate/inaccurate, muscle tone is normal/increased/decreased, the pace of execution is normal/fast/slow, the presence of synkinesis, the duration of holding organs in a given position, the ability to switch from one exercise to another, hyperkinesis, salivation.

10. Study of impressive speech:

A) understanding nouns_______________________________________________

B) understanding of generalizing words_____________________________________________

C) understanding of actions________________________________________________

D) passive vocabulary (carrying out instructions according to verbal instructions)


D) understanding grammatical forms of inflection______________________

E) understanding the text of a familiar fairy tale__________________________________________
11.Expressive speech research:

The nature of speech is one-word, phrasal, connected.

State of vocabulary________________________________________________________________

The grammatical structure of expressive speech:

A) use of noun. in the nominative case singular. and many more numbers_______________

B) use of noun. in the accusative case singular. numbers without preposition_________

C) agreement of adjectives with nouns. units husband's numbers and .kind___________

D) the use of prepositional-case constructions_______________________

D) use of noun. with diminutive suffixes_________

E) the use of singular verbs. and many more numbers in the indicative mood


G) the use of reflexive and non-reflexive verbs when making sentences based on pictures.
12. Study of the phonetic side of speech:

State of imitation abilities_________________________________

Sound-syllable structure of words________________________________________________

Sound pronunciation_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Type of physiological breathing: upper clavicular/diaphragmatic/mixed, breathing volume sufficient/insufficient; duration of speech exhalation______________________________________________________________
Voice strength normal/excessively loud/excessively quiet/muffled voice
Voice modulation__________________________________________________________
Speech rate is normal/accelerated/slow;
Speech rhythm is normal/dysrhythmia; pause_________________________________

Ability to use basic types of intonation: narrative/interrogative/exclamatory.

13. Study of phonemic functions

Differentiation of sounds by ear_____________________________________________

Phonemic analysis_______________________________________________
14. Doctors’ conclusion: _______________________________________________

15. Speech therapy report ________________________________________


16.Recommendations ____________________________________________________

Teacher speech therapist

Speech therapy center of secondary school No.______________________________

Teacher speech therapist_______________________________________________________________

Speech card

(sample form for a child with special needs)

1 . Last name, first name, age: ________________________________________________

  1. School ____________________________, Class ____________________
  2. Home address ___________________________________ telephone __________
  3. Date of enrollment in speech therapy center _______________
  4. Academic performance in native language(at the time of examination) Start of school of the year
  5. Complaints from teachers or parents(legal representatives): According to the teacher : inactive in class, shy to speak. According to the mother : speaks indistinctly, distorts words, does not remember poetry.
  6. Psychiatrist's report(filled in as needed): from the medical record indicating the date of examination and the name of the doctor.
  7. Hearing condition checked if necessary.
  8. Data on the progress of speech development: According to the mother: words appeared by 2-2.5 years, phrases by 4-5 years. Speech is incomprehensible to others.
  9. State of the articulatory apparatus(structure, mobility): Building – N. Mobility – has difficulty maintaining a given pause and has difficulty switching from one articulatory position to another.
  10. General characteristics of speech(recording of the conversation, independence of coherent statements): In a conversation about the family, the child’s answers can be the following: !Vanya”, “Mom’s name is Zoya”, “I don’t know” (patronymic), “Dad’s name is Petya”, “I don’t know” (patronymic) , “Sister’s name is Lyuda”, “At work” (about mom), “Cashier” (to the question - who does he work for?), “I don’t know” (about dad).

A) lexicon: (quantitative and qualitative characteristics). Quantitative characteristics: the total volume of the dictionary. qualitative characteristic: errors in the use of words (replacement in meaning and acoustic similarity). Give examples.

The dictionary is limited by the realities of everyday life: an insufficient number of generalized words and words related to adjectives, verbs, etc. qualitative characteristics (answers to the presented tasks): lampshade (lamp), hose (water), decanter (bottle), driver (instead of the driver), watchmaker, crane operator (does not know), postman (instead of the postman), glazier (glazier), car (instead of the dictionary transport), boots (instead of footwear), etc.; brave - weak, lies - does not lie, crow - gate, etc.

b) grammatical structure:types of sentences used, presence of agrammatisms.

Give examples (see recording of the conversation and coherent statement):

The pencil pulled out from behind the book. The boy jumped into a puddle.

Mn. h., Im. etc. – trees, eyes, wings...

Mn. h., gen. n. – tetradov, vorotknov, donkey... apple jam; orange water; stuffed bear.

c) pronunciation and discrimination of sounds:

  1. pronunciation of sounds: absence, distortion, replacement and confusion of individual sounds;P – uvular; in the flow of speech L = R (ralek - stall); W=F (lower); W=S; F=W;
  2. distinguishing oppositional soundstisovchik (watchmaker), goloshina (pea), yaselka (lizard), pa-ba-ba (N), ta-da-da (N), ga-ka-ka (N), za-za-za (zha- zha-za),

cha-cha-cha (cha-cha-cha), cha-cha-cha (cha-cha-cha), ra-ra-ra (ra-la-ra), for-for-for (for-zha-za ), cha-cha-cha (cha-cha-cha), sha-ashch-cha (sha-cha-cha), la-la-la (la-ra-ra);

  1. reproduction of words with different sound-syllable composition (give examples):

ligulivat (regulates); tlansp, stampat (transport); green-green... (railroad), philistine (policeman), pisiny (orange).

d) rate and intelligibility of speech: Speech is slurred and slow.

  1. Level of development of analysis and synthesis skillssound composition of the word cloak:How many sounds are there in total? - “2”. 1st sound? - "P". 2nd sound? - "A". 3rd sound? - "A". Name the last sound. - "A". Name the 1st sound. - "T". Name the 3rd sound. - "A".
  2. Letter: the presence and nature of specific errors (mixing and replacing consonants, agrammatisms, etc.) in students’ written works - dictations, presentations, essays, performed by them during the initial examination and in the process of remedial training (written works are attached to the speech card). Options:1) reproduces individual printed letters: A, P, M; 2) prints individual words like MAC, MAMA.
  3. Reading:

A) reading proficiency level(letter by letter, syllabic, words). Options:

  1. knows individual letters: A, P, M, T;
  2. knows all the letters, but does not read;
  3. reads syllables and monosyllabic words;
  4. reads syllable by syllable, slowly, monotonously; skips vowels and unfinished words; distorts the syllabic structure of a word; confuses some letters;

b) reading errors: the leaf (leaves) on the trees (trees) have turned yellow and purple (turned brown). an angry wind whirled (circled) them... (through) the air.

V) reading comprehension. Options:

  1. has difficulty understanding what the speech therapist read, retells it only with the help of questions;
  2. understands the main content of the story, but has difficulty understanding the hidden meaning;
  3. is experiencing some difficulties.
  1. Manifestation of stuttering: doesn't stutter.

A) probable cause; severity of stuttering; situations in which it manifests itself (answers at the board, etc.);

b) the formation of linguistic means;

c) features of general and speech development (organization, sociability, isolation, impulsiveness)

d) adaptation to communication conditions.

  1. Brief description of the child based on pedagogical observations

(organization, independence, stability of attention, efficiency, observation, attitude towards one’s defect):unstable attention, decreased performance, difficulty switching from one type of activity to another; low level of self-control and independence.

17. Conclusion of a speech therapist. Options: 1 ) NVONR; 2) OHP II – III level. (these conclusions reflect the level of development of oral speech).

Speech correction results(marked on the card by the time students leave the speech therapy center).

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