Individual speech therapy session on setting the sound of l. “Summary of individual lesson sound production

Natalia Ponikaeva
Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Producing sound [L]”

Sound [L]

Sound setting [L]№1

Target. Sound setting [L].

1. Correctional and educational:

- put the sound [L] using the gradual method creating an articulatory structure;


3. Educational:

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards others, politeness, and a culture of behavior.

Equipment. Mirror, pictures for articulation gymnastics, toys: mouse, steamboat.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Today you and I will learn to pronounce one very beautiful, magical sound, this will happen a little later, but now answer, do you like fairy tales? Do you want me to tell you a story about a funny tongue? Then watch and listen.

2. Preparation for sound production [L]

Once upon a time there lived a tongue. Meet him. He lived in his own house. Do you know what the house near the tongue is called? (Mouth) He was very curious and often looked out the window. I opened the window, closed it, opened it again, looked out, looked to the right, then looked to the left to see if anyone was coming? Looked up, is the sun shining? I looked down - were there any puddles?

Tongue ran to the kitchen, and there mom was kneading the dough. "Let me help you"- said Tongue. Exercise "Kneading the dough".

We kneaded the dough and baked pancakes. Exercise "Pancake"

Tongue thanked his mother for the delicious breakfast and ran for a walk. There is a high fence in the yard near the house. Exercise "Fence"

I wanted the tongue on the swing swing: up down! Exercise "Swing". Have fun swinging with Tongue on the swing!

Tongue got off the swing and suddenly saw a menacing, angry turkey. The turkey stood in the middle of the yard and cursed terribly. Let's show how Turkey swore. Exercise "Turkey"

Tongue got scared and ran home. Suddenly someone knocked. Who's there? It's me, your friend, little mouse. Let `s play. Catch up with me. Exercise "Catch the Mouse".

We played catch-up, now let's play another game "Repeat after me".

Speech therapist asks to reproduce a rhythmic pattern.

The mouse ran away to his hole. And the tongue got bored and went to the clearing.

Then he took his favorite toy steamer and began to play with it.

3. Development of breathing.

Exercise "Steamboats". (Development of smooth long exhalation.)- And now we will turn into steamships. We hit the road. Let's give a farewell whistle. Smile, take a deep breath through your nose, and blow on the wide tip of your tongue - fff, don’t puff out your cheeks.

4. Sound setting [L]

Lips in a smile, teeth in a fence, the wide tip of the tongue rests on the upper teeth, say it loudly sound [s]. Got a new one sound, say it again and listen to yourself. Today you learned to pronounce new sound. Say it again.

5. Physical exercise

One - squat, two - jump.

This is a rabbit exercise.

How can the little foxes wake up? (Rub your eyes with your fists)

They like to stretch for a long time (stretch)

Be sure to yawn (yawn, covering your mouth with your palm)

Well, wag your tail. (movement of hips to the sides)

6. Logic task Game "The Fourth Wheel" (work from pictures).

Steamboat, boat, plane, sailboat.

Car, tram, trolleybus, metro.

Airplane, helicopter, bicycle, hot air balloon (as a mode of transport).

7. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers

Exercise: Trace the dots and color.

What did you get? Steamboat.

How does the ship sound? (L-L-L). Repetition of articulation.

8. Summary classes

Our fairy tale has come to an end.

Do you like her?

What do you remember?

Which sound did you learn to pronounce today?

Sound production [L] No. 2

Target. Sound setting [L].

1. Correctional and educational:

Clarify articulation sound [L], put this sound and consolidate articulation in isolated pronunciation;

Learn to answer questions accurately and completely;

2. Correctional and developmental:

Development of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception;

Development of logical thinking, attention, memory;

Development of speech motor skills, fine motor skills of fingers;

3. Educational:

Cultivate interest in occupation through the use of entertaining exercises; activity, perseverance, desire to overcome the defect.

Equipment. Mirror, photographs with articulation exercises, an image of Luntik, pictures in verse about the cheerful Tongue, signal cards, the letter L, a reminder of the articulatory structure sound [L].

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Visit us today class a cartoon character came.

So, our guest is Luntik (speech therapist hangs the picture on the board). Show me the letter with which the name Luntik begins (selects the letter L from the proposed letters (speech therapist hangs a letter next to Luntik’s picture).

That's right, this is the letter L. The letter L stands for sound [L], which resembles the roar of a flying airplane L-L-L.

2. Subject message

Today we will learn to pronounce sound [L]. At the same time, we’ll teach Luntik to pronounce this sound. To do this, it is necessary that the lips and tongue work well. For each correctly completed task, Luntik will give you different figures, which you will have to place in order on this cardboard.

3. Articulation gymnastics

And now you and I will remember the fairy tale about the Cheerful Tongue and show it to Luntik in front of the mirror (for each exercise speech therapist shows a picture and a photograph with an articulation exercise).

1. Open the mouth-house.

Who is the boss in that house?

The owner of it is Tongue.

He lay down comfortably in the house.

2. Lip doors are flexible.

They can become a smile.

They can gather into a tube,

Then smile again.

3. I found myself on a swing.

He flew up and went down.

4. Tired of transformations:

Licking the tongue of the jam.

5. And now our Tongue

Cleans the sky-ceiling.

Well done, you did a great job. For this work, Luntik gives you a figurine.

And now Yazychok will fly the plane, who will he be? Machinist? Driver? A pilot? Yes.

Let's go on a plane together?

A game "The plane is flying". Repetition of articulation.

Now let's look in the mirror again and remember how lips and tongue work with correct pronunciation sound [L]. As a keepsake, Luntik gives you a memo.

The lips are smiling;

The tip of the tongue rises up and presses against the tubercles;

The middle part of the back of the tongue drops;

The sides of the tongue drop;

The air stream passes along the sides of the tongue.

Luntik really liked the fairy tale about the Merry Tongue, let's complete the next task.

4. Development of fine motor skills

Let's put the letter L out of pistachios on plasticine cardboard.

For this work, Luntik again hands you a figurine.

5. Physical exercise

The moon is floating in the sky. (Smooth swaying)

She entered the clouds. (Clap.)

Can we reach the moon? (Hands up.) – (Clap overhead.)

And weigh it lower. (Hands down.) – (Walk in place.)

So that the moon shines on the children.

(For a physical minute, the child receives a figurine).

6. Development of phonemic awareness

And now Luntik will show you different pictures, and you must clap if the name of the picture says sound [L].

Images: bow - cotton, butterfly, hat, moon - cotton, table - cotton, squirrel - cotton, doll - cotton, wardrobe, chair - cotton, pen.

Well done, you also get a figurine for this work.

Pictures that a child slammed the speech therapist puts it in front of him.

7. Development of language analysis and synthesis

Now Luntik will give you signal cards, you will need to raise the corresponding roller if sound [L], stands at the beginning, middle, and end of a word.

(Bow, moon - the sound comes at the beginning of the word.

Squirrel, doll - sound stands in the middle of a word.

Table chair - sound comes at the end of a word).

You completed this task correctly, so you receive a figurine from Luntik. Let's see what kind of picture we got? This is a photo of Luntik. Tell me what letter does his name start with? Where is it? sound [L]?

8. Summary classes

Is our the lesson has come to an end. Which sound have we learned to pronounce?

And now Luntik wants to say goodbye to you. This is our class is over, Goodbye!

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

general developmental kindergarten No. 27 “Vasilyok”, Tuapse municipality Tuapse district

Summary of an open speech therapy lesson in the senior group

using health-saving technologies

on the topic: “Sound production [L]"

2014 academic year

Summary of an open speech therapy lesson in a senior group using health-saving technologies

on the topic: “Sound production [L]"


Correctional and educational:

Place the sound [L] by gradually creating an articulatory structure;

Learn to answer questions accurately and completely;

Corrective and developmental:

Development of logical thinking, attention, memory;

Development of speech motor skills, fine motor skills of fingers;

3. Educational:

Cultivate a friendly attitude towards others, politeness, and a culture of behavior.

Equipment. Mirror, pictures for articulation gymnastics, toys: mouse, steamer.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Today you and I will learn to pronounce one very beautiful, magical sound, this will happen a little later, but now answer, do you like fairy tales? Do you want me to tell you a story about a funny tongue? Then watch and listen.

2. Preparation for sound production [L]

Once upon a time there lived a tongue. Meet him. He lived in his own house. Do you know what the house near the tongue is called? (Mouth) He was very curious and often looked out the window. He opened the window, closed it, opened it again, looked out, looked to the right, then looked to the left to see if anyone was coming? Looked up, is the sun shining? I looked down - were there any puddles?

Tongue ran to the kitchen, and there mom was kneading the dough. “Let me help you,” said Tongue. Exercise “Kneading the dough.”

We kneaded the dough and baked pancakes. Exercise “Pancake”

Tongue thanked his mother for the delicious breakfast and ran for a walk. There is a high fence in the yard near the house. Exercise “Fence”

Tongue wanted to swing on the swing: up and down! Exercise “Swing”. Have fun swinging with Tongue on the swing!

Tongue got off the swing and suddenly saw a menacing, angry turkey. The turkey stood in the middle of the yard and cursed terribly. Let's show how Turkey swore. Exercise “Turkey”

Tongue got scared and ran home. Suddenly someone knocked. Who's there? It's me, your friend, little mouse. Let `s play. Catch up with me. Exercise “Catch the mouse”.

We played catch-up, and now let’s play another game, “Repeat after me.”

The speech therapist asks to reproduce a rhythmic pattern.

The mouse ran away to his hole. And the tongue got bored and went to the clearing.

Then he took his favorite toy steamer and began to play with it.

3.Development of breathing.

Exercise “Steamboats”. (Development of a smooth long exhalation.) - And now we will turn into steamers. We hit the road. Let's give a farewell whistle. Smile, take a deep breath through your nose, and blow on the wide tip of your tongue - fff, don’t puff out your cheeks.

4. Sound setting [L]

Lips in a smile, teeth in a fence, the wide tip of the tongue rests on the upper teeth, pronounce the sound [Y] loudly. You get a new sound, say it again and listen to yourself. Today you learned to pronounce a new sound. Say it again.

5. Physical exercise

One - squat, two - jump.

This is a rabbit exercise.

How do fox cubs wake up? (Rub your eyes with your fists)

They like to stretch for a long time (stretch)

Be sure to yawn (yawn while covering your mouth with your palm)

Well, wag your tail. (movement of hips to the sides)

6. Logic task Game “Fourth wheel” (work from pictures).

Steamboat, boat, plane, sailboat.

Car, tram, trolleybus, metro.

Airplane, helicopter, bicycle, hot air balloon (as a mode of transport).

7. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers

Assignment: circle the dots and color.

What did you get? Steamboat.

How does the ship sound? (L-L-L). Repetition of articulation.

8. Summary of the lesson

Our fairy tale has come to an end.

Do you like her?

What do you remember?

What sound did you learn to pronounce today?

Competent, clear, clean and rhythmic speech of a child is not a gift; it is acquired through the joint efforts of parents, teachers and many other people around whom the child grows and develops.First of all, such speech is characterized by the correct pronunciation of sounds, which, in turn, is ensured by good mobility and differentiated functioning of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Articulatory gymnastics helps to develop clear and coordinated movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Parents are offered a set of exercises that can help their child pronounce the sound [l] correctly.

k[L]assnaya con[L]asnaya

At an early age, a child’s imitative abilities are extremely great; he easily and naturally learns a huge number of new words, enjoys learning to pronounce the words he likes, and strives to use them more often in speech. However, his articulatory capabilities are not yet perfect; phonemic hearing develops gradually, so the correct pronunciation of complex sounds will remain inaccessible to the child for a long time.

A child can master some exercises in one or two lessons, while others are not given to him right away. Perhaps developing a certain articulation pattern will require many repetitions. Sometimes failure causes a child to refuse further work. In this case, do not fix your attention on what is not working. Encourage him, return to simpler, already worked out material, reminding him that once this exercise also did not work out.

Rules and nuances

To make it more interesting for the child, invite him to become a teacher, educator: take the child’s favorite toy (doll, teddy bear) and let them do articulation exercises, pronounce sounds and syllables, repeat words and phrases.

Articulation gymnastics must be carried out daily so that the motor skills developed in children are consolidated and become stronger.

Direct work on the development of articulatory motor skills should take at least 5 minutes, and the entire lesson should take 10-12 minutes. Perform the gymnastics itself in front of a mirror.

Performing articulation exercises is difficult work for a child. Praise and encouragement will give the child confidence in his abilities and will help him quickly master this or that movement, and therefore quickly master the correct pronunciation of speech sounds.

Sound [l]

To correctly pronounce a sound, you need to develop: lifting the tip of the tongue up, lifting the back of the back of the tongue up.

We call the sound. Bare your teeth in a “smile” and bite your tongue wide, without sticking it out too much or straining. Do not make your tongue narrow, otherwise the sound will soften. While biting the tongue, we simultaneously pronounce the sound [a], getting - la-la-la, then we slow it down and just start humming: “l-l-l” (without the vowel “a”). Make sure that the corners of your mouth are stretched in a “smile”: warm air comes out through them.

Sometimes, experiencing tension, a child cannot engage the vocal folds when pronouncing the open syllable “la-la-la.” In this case, you can start with the vowel “A” - “a-la-la”, “a-la-la”. The wide tongue rests constantly on the lower teeth without tension. If a child can hold out the sound [l] for a long time, then it means he has mastered it and can reinforce it.

We fix the sound. To reinforce the sound [l], [l "] in speech, you can use the game “Wonderful Bag” or a version of the game “What is hiding under the tablecloth?”. The child must determine by touch what object is in the bag or under the tablecloth. Objects to feel are selected such that the desired sound in the name words is in different positions: at the beginning of the word, in the middle, at the end.

To reinforce sounds, use the ability of four-year-old children to easily memorize poetry. Read poems by Marshak, Barto, Zakhoder and other children's authors to children, ask the child to complete the last word in a line, the last line in a poem, then a quatrain, then the entire poem.


Find pictures in the names of which the sound [l] is at the beginning of the word: paw, lamp, shovel, lotto, bow, moon; in the middle: saw, blanket, doll, clown; and at the end: table, floor, woodpecker. Then come up with sentences with these words, for example: Mila put the lamp on the table.

Sound [l"]

After automating the [l] hard sound, the soft sound is easy to imitate. In front of the mirror, pronounce the syllables: “li-li-li”, while your lips are in a smile, the upper and lower teeth are visible, and the tip of the tongue knocks on the tubercles behind the upper teeth.

Disadvantages in the pronunciation of the sounds [l], [l "] are called lambdacisms. Lambdacisms include the absence of the sound [l] and its distortion (interdental, nasal or bilabial sound, etc.).

Since the articulation of the hard sound [l] is more difficult than the articulation of the soft sound, it is most often violated.

Replacing the sounds [l], [l"] with other sounds is called paralambdacism.

Reasons leading to incorrect pronunciation of the sound [l]: shortened hyoid ligament, limiting upward movements of the tip of the tongue; weakness of the tongue muscles; phonemic hearing disorders.

Distortion of sounds [l], [l"]

The sound is pronounced interdentally. The tip of the tongue, instead of rising behind the upper incisors, extends out between the teeth.

Nasal pronunciation of sound. The back of the tongue touches the soft palate, and not the tip of the upper incisors, as happens when pronouncing the sound [l] correctly. In this case, the air stream partially or completely passes through the nose. The child’s speech will sound like this: “Mouse vesengo zhinga, on the fluff in unggu spanga.”

Replacement with sound [th]. In this disorder, the tip of the tongue remains down instead of rising behind the upper incisors, and the middle part of the back arches upward instead of down. The child says this: “The mouse is more cheerful than alive, sleeping on the fluff.”

Replacement with sound [y]. With this disorder, the lips, rather than the tongue, take an active part in the formation of sound. With this replacement, the child’s speech sounds like this: “Mouse veseuo jiua, on the fluff in uguu spaua.”

Replacement with sound [s]. With this disorder, the back of the back of the tongue is raised and the tip is lowered. Children do not notice that they are replacing the sound, and adults often believe that the sound [l] is skipped. The child says: “The mouse is happy and alive, on the fluff of the bed.”

Replacement with sound [e]. With such a replacement, the tongue does not take part; the lower lip moves towards the upper incisors. Children and adults often believe that this is not a speech impediment, but only a lack of clarity in pronunciation. With this replacement we hear: “The mouse is cheerfully alive, in peace in ugvu spava.”

Replacement with sound [g]. In this case, the tip of the tongue does not rise to the upper incisors, but falls and is pulled away from the lower incisors, the back of the back of the tongue rises and rests against the soft palate, instead of just rising. The child’s speech sounds like this: “The mouse has a lot of fun, the fluff in the ugg is spaga.”

Games to prepare for the pronunciation of the sound [l]


Goal: to develop the ability to hold the tongue in a calm, relaxed position.

Smile, open your mouth slightly and place your wide tongue on your lower lip (do not pull your lip over your lower teeth). Hold in this position for a count from 1 to 5-10.

Delicious jam

Goal: to develop an upward movement of the wide front part of the tongue.

Using the wide tip of the tongue, lick the upper lip, moving the tongue from top to bottom, but not from side to side. Don't help with your lower lip.

The steamboat is humming

Goal: to develop lifting of the back and root of the tongue, to strengthen the muscles of the tongue.

With your mouth open, pronounce the sound [s] for a long time. Make sure that the tip of your tongue is at the bottom, in the back of your mouth.


Goal: to develop the elevation of the tongue, to develop flexibility and mobility of its front part.

With your mouth open, move the wide tip of your tongue back and forth across your upper lip, try not to lift your tongue from your lip, as if stroking it, gradually speed up your movements until you get the sound [blbl] (like a turkey babbling).


Goal: to develop the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue, develop flexibility and accuracy of movements of the tip of the tongue.

With your mouth open (lips in a smile), place the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth and hold in this position for a count of 1 to 5, then lift the wide tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth and hold in this position for a count of 1 to 5. So change the position one by one tongue 6 times. Make sure your mouth remains open.

Let's click!

Goal: strengthen the tip of the tongue, develop tongue elevation.

With your mouth open, click the tip of your tongue, first slowly, then faster. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move, only the tongue works. Click the tip of your tongue silently. Make sure that the tip of your tongue rests against the roof of your mouth, behind your upper teeth, and does not stick out of your mouth.

Pronouncing syllables with movements

Words in motion


Lam - Rotational movement of the hands (“flashlight”).

pa - Press your fists to your chest.


The light bulb has burned out. - We make “flashlights”.

She probably got sick. - We tilt our head to the shoulder and bring our folded palms to our cheeks.

Pure speech

La-la-la, la-la-la!

The swallow made a nest.

Lo-lo-lo, lo-lo-lo!

The swallow is warm in the nest.


The husky and lapdog barked loudly.

The Oriole sang for a long time over the Volga.

Silly baby

Silly baby

I sucked on an ice cube

I didn't want to listen to my mother

That's why I got sick.

Svetlana Ulyanovich-Volkova, Svetlana Murdza, speech therapists.


Perform articulation exercises to produce sound;

Form a directed air stream;

Learn to correctly pronounce the sound [l], relying on auditory and visual control;

Learn to isolate a sound in a word from a stream of other sounds;

Develop phonemic awareness and phonemic awareness;

Will consolidate the ability to select words with a diminutive meaning;

Develop fine motor skills, attention and memory;

Cultivate interest in activities through gaming techniques.

Equipment: mirror; leaf shape for breathing exercise; picture of Dunno; pictures - Lamp, varnish, paw, elbow, floor, chair, table, stake;

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: We had a guest come to our class today. But you will find out about this later.

But first you need to warm up well and do some gymnastics. Let's do the exercise “Delicious jam”, “Shovel”, exercise “Turkey”, “Barrels”.

breathing exercises:

Let's blow on a leaf?

2. Now look who came to us?


Let's show him how we love and know how to do things.

Now I will name the words, and you must say what sound these words begin with.

Paw, shovel, bow, skis.

Correct sound [L]

3. Let's try to hear this sound among other sounds together with Dunno?

I name the sounds, and if you hear the sound L, pick up this flower: N, L, P, L, R, K, L, L, N. ma, mu, lu, ny, la. Weasel, cat, saw, table, tower, shelf.

4. Physical education minute

We all raised our hands up

And then they were lowered.

They stomped their feet,

Hands patted.

One two three four five-

Let's start all over again.

5. Game "Fourth wheel"

Shovel, bow, floor, forehead

Chair, table, pilot, floor;

6. Now let's call the words affectionately: chair - chair; table - table; shovel - spatula;

7. Try to repeat after me the words:

Lily of the valley, bow, paw, elbow

Floor, chair, table, stake;

8. Lesson summary:

Did you enjoy working with Dunno?

What sound did you learn to speak today?

What words with difficult sounds have you already learned to say?

9. Homework:

Articulation gymnastics.

Recalling words with sound [L]

Incorrect pronunciation of the sounds “l” and “r” hurts the ears of both adults and children. Timely speech therapy correction - correction of pronunciation in a light playful form, before the child’s self-esteem decreases due to the ridicule of children. Establishing the sound “l” occurs easily and quickly, provided that the problem is identified in a timely manner and parents understand how important the correct articulation of the sound “l” is both for the formation of speech and for the baby’s confidence.

Options for incorrect sound pronunciation

There are several versions of how the letter “l” is distorted when spoken:

  • instead of the consonant letter “l”, a vowel is pronounced: “yozhka” - “spoon”, “ypsha” - “noodles”;
  • replace “l” with “uva”: “hoteuva” - “wanted”, “euva” - “ate”;
  • change to “r”: “rapsha” - “noodles”, “rumble” - “elbow”;
  • instead of “l”, when you quickly exhale with puffed out cheeks, you hear “f”, with “n” coming out through the nose.

The child does not pronounce this sound for various reasons. And by the manner of pronunciation, you can understand the reason why it is difficult for him to say “l”, he cannot pronounce the letter.

Causes of impaired pronunciation of the sound l

There are several reasons when the pronunciation of “l” is not formed or is broken:

  • the baby has not yet learned to say this sound and he simply skips it: for example, “even” instead of “rain.” At the age of 4-5 years, children have already mastered it, and by the age of 6, the child can no longer just talk, but can already differentiate a hard sound from a soft one;
  • interdental pronunciation is characterized by incorrect positioning of the tongue, although acoustically it appears clearly;
  • bilabial pronunciation: the tongue lies on the “bottom”, which is characteristic of the sound of the English language. This happens when a child has to communicate in several languages ​​in the family;
  • a mobile lower lip and a relaxed tongue - it turns out “v” instead of “l”: “development” - “fork”;

In these cases, articulation disorders are explained by an incorrect pronunciation algorithm, namely, the position of the tongue is not formed. There are also violations when differentiation is impaired due to improper breathing, incorrect position of the tip of the tongue, its middle:

  • sound formation occurs through the lips, not the tongue;
  • the tip of the tongue goes down instead of resting on the incisors;
  • the middle of the tongue is raised, and the tip of the tongue is lowered, but the opposite is necessary.

The described disorders are due to the characteristics of the articulatory apparatus. In these cases, automating the correct sound l will take literally a couple of sessions with a speech therapist. You can also quickly deal with this at home. If the production of sounds occurs when associated with organic, functional disorders of the central nervous system, a phased systemic production and automation of the sound of l is necessary.

Setting the sound l

Before starting classes, the child must be explained in detail and shown how to pronounce the sound correctly. In this case, a speech therapist or parent must show the child how the articulatory apparatus should work correctly; visual materials can also be used.

Articulation of the sound l

Correct articulation of the sound l: the sharp tongue is raised by the upper teeth, resting on the alvioles (tubercles on the palate located behind the upper teeth). The shape of the tongue in this case resembles a saddle, the air comes out along the edges of the tongue.

Articulation gymnastics for the sound l

There are several ways to produce the sound l, among which the first place is occupied by the formation of the sound l. The child will like it due to the fun articular exercises:

  • blow soap bubbles, blow on candles, boats on the water;
  • “boat”: a relaxed wide tongue should be placed on the lower lip and try to form a boat out of it without lifting it;
  • “snake”: stretch your lips, as if in a smile, and extend your sharp, hard tongue forward;
  • “the longest tongue”: stick it out as far as possible and try to reach either the chin, the tip of the nose, or the cheeks;
  • “horse”: open your mouth, touch your tongue between the upper incisors and tap there so that you get the clatter of horse hooves;
  • “turkey”: open your mouth, relax your lips and use your tongue to stroke your upper lip with your tongue moving from top to bottom, saying “bl.”

There are many videos on how to do these exercises to prepare for the sound L. Classes for preschoolers are held in a relaxed atmosphere 1-2 times a day.

Automation of sound L

Before you start teaching your child to pronounce the letter L, it is necessary to warm up with articulatory gymnastics. This will prepare the speech apparatus for work, tones the tongue, lips and cheeks. In essence, gymnastics are speech therapy exercises for producing isolated sound.

We offer a summary of classes on automating the sound L in syllables and sentences, which will help mothers organize this process at home. Also, riddles about the letter L stimulate isolated sound pronunciation, since the answer is L itself. As soon as the child has learned to pronounce L in isolation, move on to automating the sound L in straight syllables.

If the child does not yet read on his own, first pronounce it yourself, and then offer the child:

And after mastering, in reverse syllables:

The next stage is the automation of L in words. The following sequence must be followed:

  • sound at the end of a word: floor, hall, corner, channel, knocked, pinched;

  • sound in the middle of a word: wolf, push, pity, jackdaw, violet, volcano, hairpin, mower;

  • the sound is paired with consonants: flag, club, flame, block, flag, globe, planet, notepad;

  • one word contains 2 sounds: swam, weeded, climbed, broke, swallowed, cried, threshed, bell.

In order to put a sound in words and phrases, you must first master hard pronunciation, because when softening it is harder to pronounce the sound.

After mastering L in words, they master sound in phrases and sentences:

ripe strawberries, a tin soldier, a broken saw;

conjugate sentences by first speaking phrases in the first person, then in the plural person and in the third person: “I broke the bike - We broke the bike - She broke the bike.”

Then we read and learn poems starting with the letter L. In special poems, sound occurs in almost every word.

When reading and repeating rhymes, you should pronounce the words measuredly, slowly, so that the child pronounces the sound clearly. It is necessary to speed up speech in tongue twisters and riddles. For example, “Here is a cheerful bun rolling like a ball.” Or “Polkan pushed the stick with his paw.”

Games to strengthen pronunciation

The playful form of speech therapy classes allows you to awaken the child’s interest and get carried away by the process. Here are examples of games to reinforce the pronunciation of L:

  • “Tracks”: a large letter L is written on a piece of paper and wavy paths from it to objects that begin with this sound. The child needs to place his finger on the letter and lead along a line from it, pronouncing the sound all the time, and at the end name the object.

  • “Koloboks”: you need to make a figurine of a fox and 10 koloboks, as well as pictures with words containing the letter L in different parts of the word. If the baby correctly names the word from the picture and clearly pronounces the sound L, then the bun runs away from the fox; if not, she eats it.

  • “Object pictures”: prepare pictures with words from l and ask the child to name the image and then find the required object. For example: show me the chair, show me the apple.

Structure of an individual speech therapy session

A methodically correct sequence and duration of each exercise is the key to quickly mastering the sound L. An important condition is that the child does not get tired. To do this, adhere to the following time frame:

  1. Gymnastics for the articulatory apparatus - no more than 7 minutes.
  2. Sound production and automation - 10-15 minutes. Of these, the first 5 minutes are repeated from previous lessons, and the rest of the time is devoted to new syllables, words, and sentences.
  3. Phonemic work on consolidation - 10 minutes.

Children 4-5 years old should be trained for up to 20 minutes daily. With older children - half an hour.

The time frame should not be strict, since on some days the baby may get tired faster, and on others he may want to study longer. If your child has difficulty maintaining attention, offer to do the exercises in parallel with other activities. For example, a special coloring book with the letter L, in which the baby will paint it over and repeat the syllables after his mother.

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