Individual plan of speech therapy work for each child. Homework for children with general speech underdevelopment (GSD)

Prepared by teacher - speech therapist Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Deryabina

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 32"-KV Sterlitamak

Individual work plan (I year of study)

b) prepare the articulatory apparatus for producing sounds _____________________________________________

c) clarify the articulation of sounds________________________________________________________________________________

c) learn to distinguish vowels and consonants by ear

d) learn to distinguish consonants by hardness and softness;

f) teach analysis and synthesis of 1-2 syllable words.

4. Overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of words _____________________________________________________

6. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech: learn to use _________________________________ correctly

7. Development of coherent speech:

a) teach dialogical speech;

Diary _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Individual work plan (II year of study)

from _____________________________________________ to 20___ - 20___

1. Development of non-speech processes:

a) develop all types of perception, attention, memory, thinking;

b) develop general, fine motor skills.

c) work on speech breathing, tempo, rhythm, intonation expressiveness of speech.

2. Corrective work on sound pronunciation:

a) through massage and articulatory gymnastics, achieve completeness, clarity, and switchability of movements of the organs of the speech apparatus.

b) prepare the articulatory apparatus for producing sounds ________________________________________________

c) clarify the articulation of sounds________________________________________________________________________________

d) automate the delivered sounds in all speech structures.

e) differentiate oppositional sounds.

3. Development of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception, teaching the basics of literacy:

a) learn to isolate sounds from a number of sounds, from the composition of a word;

b) learn to select pictures for a given sound;

c) learn to distinguish vowels and consonants by ear;

d) learn to distinguish consonants by hardness and softness,sonority - deafness;

e) learn to find the place of sound in a word;

f) teach analysis and synthesis of 1-2-3 complex words;

g) teach typing letters, syllables, words and sentences.

4. Overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of words ____________________________________________________________

5. Expansion and activation of the dictionary.

6. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech: learn to use ___________________________________ correctly

7. Development of coherent speech:

a) teach dialogical speech;

b) teach detailed retelling.

c) teach how to compose a descriptive story, a story based on a series of plot paintings, a painting, a story based on a topic.

d) teach storytelling with elements of creativity.

Diary ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Abstract: Methodological development - Individual program of correctional classes on production, automation and differentiation of sound [l].


-Regarding the teacher:

  • Correction of sound pronunciation through the interaction of fine motor skills and speech in a 6-year-old child with pronounced visual-figurative thinking and motor activity, using the example of a system of individual correction exercises: achieving the correct pronunciation of the sound [l], activating it in speech, differentiation.

-Regarding the child:

  • Consciously approach your speech defect, learn to correctly pronounce the sound [l], and consolidate this pronunciation in independent speech.

-Joint goal:

  • Achieve the correct pronunciation of the sound [l] through the mutual activity of the teacher and the child, developing communication skills, determining the need for self-control for further successful activities.


  • development of mobility of the articulatory apparatus.
  • development of fine motor skills.
  • production of sound [l] based on visual and auditory control.
  • automation and differentiation of the sound [l] in independent speech.
  • development of attention and memory.
  • development of self-control skills.

Topic, Purpose of the lesson


Expected outcome of each lesson

Types and methods of activity

Result evaluation criteria

Organization of reflection

1. “Development of mobility of the articulatory apparatus”

Target: develop the necessary articulatory movements and postures

To develop the accuracy of articulatory movements, the ability to fix the correct position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus

Ex. for lips: “Frog - proboscis” (alternating), “Hippopotamus” (open your mouth wide)

Ex. for the tongue “Spatula”, “Brush”, “Swing”, “Sail”, “Painter”, “Needle”, “Snake”

Ex. for fine motor skills (finger gymnastics using nursery rhymes, with frequent changes of figures)


Holds/does not hold a pose, with/without assistance, accuracy of movements.

Celebrate your child's success at work

2. “Acquaintance with the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sound [l]”

Target: introduce the correct position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus

The child’s correct understanding of the position of the organs of articulation when pronouncing the sound [l]

Showing articulation in front of a mirror

Show the profile of a given sound

Showing tongue position with hand

Articulation gymnastics

Ex. for the development of fine motor skills, making animal figures from fingers, accompanied by rhymes “Crocodile”, “Cat”, etc.

Physical exercise 1-2 times

Successful completion of the proposed exercises

Analyze with your child, did everything work out right away, what did you like best?

3. “Sound production”

Target: Set sound [l]

Correct pronunciation of isolated sound [l]

1 way to set sound:

Inducing interdental [l]: “Smile”, biting the tongue in the middle and blowing on it (tongue wide); the same way, with subsequent articulation of vowels without the participation of the voice.

Setting the sound [l] from auxiliary sounds [a] or [s]: “Swing” (for labial [l]); “Swing” - while simultaneously pronouncing “A - A - AAA” or “y-y-yyy”

Mechanical assistance in sound production: pressing a wide tongue against the upper gums with a spatula.

Game techniques for sound production – “Snail”, “Pyramid”, “Buttons”

Physical exercise 2 – 3 times

Correct reproduction of the given sound, compliance with the recommendations of the speech therapist.

Praise for achieved results, encouragement

(small and large stars for the work done)

4. “Sound correction [l]”

Target: achieve accurate, correct sound reproduction [l]

Isolated Sound Reproduction Fidelity

Games for the development of physiological speech voice and breathing.

Exercises according to A.N. are used. Strelnikova “Palms”, “Belt”, “Bow”, etc.

Ex. “Musical toy” (using a metallophone musical instrument, the speech therapist, using the force of hitting the instrument with a hammer, regulates the strength of the child’s voice, who needs to adapt to the instrument. Singing - la-la-la.)

Ex. for the development of fine motor skills “Wonderful bag” (in the bag there are objects in the names of which the sound [l] occurs - horse, frog, spoon..)

Physical exercise 2-3 times

Accuracy, smoothness, purity of sound pronunciation

Ask the child if he liked singing, if he is good at it, what game he especially liked.

5. “Automation of the delivered sound in syllables”

Target: automate the delivered sound in syllables, develop a sense of rhythm and rhyme, develop phonemic perception

Achieve clear pronunciation of sounds in syllables, distinguishing the sound [l] in a stream of sounds, syllables

Consolidating the pronunciation of the sound [l] in syllables.

Pure sayings, buzzers, rhymes, repetition of syllable rows after the speech therapist.

Playing techniques with fingers “Magic rope”, “Labyrinth”, “Fence”

Ex. on phonemic perception “Raise your hand to a predetermined sound, syllable”

Physical exercise 2-3 times

How clearly does the sound pronounce in syllables?

Note the positive aspects of the child’s work, focus on his successes, find out what interested him most and what he liked. The child’s awareness of achieving the main result - correct sound reproduction.

Game "Give yourself a rating"

Game “Choose a picture” (pictures with emotions)

6. “Automation of the delivered sound in words”

Target: automate the sound in words, develop auditory attention and memory, development of phonemic perception

Achieve clear pronunciation of sounds in words, distinguishing the sound [l] in a stream of words.

Repeat three words after the speech therapist (bench - paw - lamp, forehead - crowbar - elk), name 4-5 words from memory;

According to the called syllable, select the corresponding picture “Match the picture”

“Big - small” (list from the picture all the animals depicted, from largest to smallest and vice versa)

Finger game “Imagine an animal”

Ex. for phonemic perception “remember from hearing and repeat a series of words in a certain sequence”

- “Clap the rhythmic structure of the word”

- “Choose a word for a given sound, syllable”

Physical exercise 2-3 times

How clearly you pronounce the sound in words, keep track of in which exercises difficulties arise.

7. “Automation of delivered sound in sentences, text”

Target: automate the sound in sentences, text, develop phonemic perception, develop thinking, attention, memory, imagination

Achieve clear pronunciation of sound in sentences and texts, development of mental processes, discrimination of the sound [l] in sentences

By the way, pick up a picture, clearly highlighting the sound [l], say a couple of words

Make sentences with many sounds [l]

Game “If you think, you’ll come up with a story” (compiling a story using key words)

Game “Confusion” (the words are mixed up in the sentences, correct the mistakes and pronounce the sentences emphasizing the sound [l])

Pronunciation of the sound [l] in proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, poems

Games for the development of fine motor skills with natural materials “Decorate the picture”

Ex. on phonemic perception “Retelling small texts”

Physical exercise 2-3 times

How does a child cope with tasks where difficulties arise?

8. “Automation and differentiation of sound in independent speech”

Target: fixing the sound [l] in speech

Purity and ease of pronunciation of the sound [l] in independent speech

Compiling a story based on a series of plot pictures

Fairy tale dramatization

Coming up with a story at the beginning

Ex. for the development of fine motor skills “Journey” (the child rolls the car along the route map with his hand, and on the go comes up with a story based on a series of questions from the speech therapist)

Guessing riddles

Telling poems

Physical exercise 2-3 times

How actively does a child use the given sound [l] in independent speech?

Game “Me and the Fairy-tale Hero” Invite the child to identify himself with the fairy-tale character

Option 1.

1. Improving fine motor skills

  • Remember the names of your fingers
  • Learn different finger movements
  • Accompany finger exercises with poetic texts (T. Tkachenko, I. Lopukhina, etc.)
2. Development of auditory attention, auditory perception and auditory memory
  • Carrying out various verbal instructions (2-, 3-, 4-step)
  • Guessing an object using a riddle-description
  • Games with rules (perform an action only under a certain condition): “Request”, “Show”, “It happens, it doesn’t happen”
  • “Pick up a word” (completing a verse in rhyme), “riddles - deceptions” (you need to choose the correct option from the picture, the wrong option rhymes). The child looks at the plot pictures and determines whether each sentence he hears relates to its content.
3. Formation and improvement of phonemic hearing (according to Tkachenko T.A., Lopatina L.V., etc.)
  • Development of phonemic perception based on the material of correctly pronounced sounds
  • Repetition of a combination of vowel sounds, with their clear articulation
  • Repeating a chain of syllables with easy to pronounce consonants
  • Repetition of a chain of syllables with contrasting loudness-voicelessness and easily pronounced consonant sounds
  • Repeating a chain of syllables with a combination of easily pronounced consonants
  • Rhymes are unfinished, rhymes are mixed up, rhymes are difficult to speak
  • Select from a number of words one that differs in sound
  • Repetition of 3-4 similar-sounding words, their clear pronunciation
4. Mastering sound analysis and word synthesis
5. Enrichment of vocabulary
  • Clarification of lexical topics proposed by Vasilyeva’s “Education and Training in Kindergarten” program, T.B. Filicheva’s program.
  • Generalizing words, synonyms, antonyms, parts and wholes, etc.
6. Clarification of the components of grammatical structure
  • Development of word formation, inflection, use of prepositions
7. Improving coherent speech
  • Description of the picture
  • Compiling a story based on a series of plot paintings
  • Retelling the text
8. Improving the functioning of the speech apparatus through mastering articulatory gymnastics
  • Mastering basic exercises
  • Performing a set of exercises that help produce this sound
9. Staging disturbed sounds
  • Explanation of sound articulation
  • Showing articulation of sound
  • Imitation performance
  • Staging using probes
10. Automation of delivered sounds
  • Isolated
  • In syllables (direct, reverse, confluences)
  • In words
  • In phrases
  • In sentences, tongue twisters
  • In poetic texts
  • In spontaneous speech
11. Differentiation with sounds similar in acoustic or articulatory characteristics
Option 2

Child's full name

1. Phonetic side of speech.

  • work on sound pronunciation - clarifying the pronunciation of simple consonants and vowels, staging, automation of vibrants. Differentiation of sonorous sounds.
  • Articulation gymnastics
  • Formation of a targeted and strong air stream.
  • Working on your voice power.
2. Lexica.
  • Clarification and expansion of the dictionary according to thematic plan.
  • Clarification of the names of geometric shapes.
  • Clarification of the names of colors and shades.
  • Expansion of the predicative dictionary.
  • Expanding the feature dictionary. Studying antonyms.
3. The grammatical structure of speech.
  • Formation of verbs - antonyms.
  • Formation of possessive adjectives.
  • Work on understanding and using simple prepositions.
  • Work on agreeing nouns with adjectives.
  • Work on the correct agreement of nouns with pronouns.
  • Work on correct agreement of nouns with verbs.
  • Work on the correct agreement of nouns with numerals.
  • Work on the formation of the plural of nouns in the nominative and genitive cases.
  • Formation of relative adjectives.
  • Formation of singular and plural nouns in the dative and prepositional cases.
  • Studying exception words in plural formation.
  • Formation of diminutive and augmentative forms of nouns.
  • Formation of diminutive forms of adjectives.
  • Work on understanding and using complex prepositions.
4. Phonemic side of speech.
  • differentiation of sounds by deafness and voicedness
  • development of auditory attention based on non-speech sounds.
  • Isolating vowel sounds among a number of vowels.
  • Isolating consonants among a number of consonants
  • Isolating the first stressed vowel in a word.
  • Emphasis on the first consonant in a strong position.
  • Phonemic analysis of two- and three-syllable constructions.
5. Coherent speech.
  • Compiling a story - a description based on a visual example.
  • Compiling a story based on a plot picture.
  • Compose a story based on your own experience.
  • Compiling stories based on simple and complex series of plot pictures.
  • Retelling fairy tales and simple texts
  • Learning poems, tongue twisters, riddles
6. Development of HMF and motor skills.
  • development of voluntary memorization
  • increasing the volume of auditory-verbal memory
  • development of all types of perception
  • development of auditory attention
  • development of fine and facial motor skills
  • development of kinesthetic perception
  • development of spatial concepts
  • development of imagination
  • development of visual and constructive activities
  • development of logical thinking

Option 3 (a + sign is placed opposite the required item)
individual speech therapy work
c ________________________________

1. Formation of correct sound pronunciation.

  • Speech therapy massage;
  • develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus;
  • production and correction of sounds:
  • group of whistlers - S, Sь, Z, ZH, Ts
  • group of hissing ones – Ш, Ж, Ш, Ш
  • sonorous group – L, L, R, Rb
  • labio-labial – P, B, M + soft.
  • labiodental – T, D, N + soft.
  • posterior lingual – K, G, X + soft.
  • Other __________________________
  • automate sounds in syllables, words, sentences, connected text.
2. Formation of phonemic perception:
  • identify sounds (vowels, consonants, hard-soft, voiceless-voiced);
  • determine the presence and absence of a sound, the place of a sound in a word.
3. Formation of phonemic hearing
4. Work on the syllable structure of the word.
5. Development of grammatical structure of speech
  • word formation;
  • inflection.
6. Development of the lexical side of speech
  • expand subject vocabulary;
  • expand the dictionary of features;
  • expand your verb vocabulary.
7. Formation of coherent speech
  • develop the ability to write a story based on a picture;
  • develop the ability to compose a story based on a series of paintings;
  • develop the ability to compose a retelling;
  • develop the ability to compose a story - description.
8. Development of mental processes, motor skills, intellectual activity:
  • develop visual attention, memory, perception, thinking;
  • develop fine and articulatory motor skills.

Komarova Valentina Viktorovna
Individual work program for producing the sound [p] in speech therapy classes

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Basic secondary school No. 17"

Individual work program for speech therapy classes

teacher- speech therapist: Komarova V. V

Abakan 2017

Explanatory note

This the program has been developed based on the following documents:

1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation”.

2. Charter of MBSCOU "School No. 17".

3. Adapted educational programs primary education".

Speech therapy work in the VIII type school, it occupies an important place in the process of correcting developmental disorders of a child with intellectual disabilities.

The organization of educational activities is closely related to the problem of child speech development. The formation of full-fledged educational activity is possible only with a sufficiently good level of speech development, which presupposes a certain degree of formation of language means (pronunciation, grammatical structure, vocabulary, as well as skills and abilities to freely and adequately use these means for the purpose of communication.

Based on this, speech therapy the impact is aimed at the speech system as a whole, and not just at one isolated defect.

Features of child speech development

State of articulation apparatus: There are no deviations in the structure of the articulatory apparatus. Sufficient mobility

Pronunciation: Impaired pronunciation sound r.

Phonemic hearing: not formed.

Vocabulary: poor, does not go beyond the limits of everyday speech.

Grammatical structure speeches: not formed.

Goals and objectives programs:

Goals programs:

1. Correction sound pronunciations through the interaction of fine motor skills and speech in the child, achieving correct pronunciation sound [r].

Tasks programs:

Consciously approach your speech defect, learn to pronounce correctly sound [r].

Achieve correct pronunciation sound[p] through the mutual activity of the teacher and the child, the disclosure of communication skills, the determination of the need for self-control for further successful activities.

Development of fine motor skills

Sound production[p] based on visual and auditory control.

Automation and differentiation sound[r] in independent speech.

Development of attention and memory.

Development of self-control skills.

Mode classes:

From October 1 to May 15, correctional Speech therapy work in individual lessons 2 times a week. Classes are carried out in accordance with the schedule, dates classes are recorded in a journal and may vary depending on the speech defect and the degree of assimilation of the material by the children.

Job for the correction of speech disorders is built taking into account the age characteristics of the child and the characteristics of their speech defect. Efficiency speech therapy sessions and the transfer of acquired skills into the learning environment is significantly enhanced, the use of didactic material in accordance with the topic programs.

Troubleshooting sound pronunciations(does not have a timing; it is planned in parallel with the formation of phonemic processes, taking into account the dynamics of the student’s correction).

Preliminary stage

At this stage, an articulatory base is created for production of sounds. Much attention is paid to the development of general, manual, speech motor skills, auditory perception, attention, gnosis, mnesis. Conducted Job over correct speech breathing, over the formation of a long, smooth exhalation.

Stage production of sounds

Development of speech perception;

Formation of phonemic analysis;

Development of articulatory motor skills;

Job directly sound production.

Automation stage sounds. At this stage it is carried out Job

By imitation syllables with practiced sounds(syllables without a consonant cluster, with a consonant cluster, syllables with stress transfer;

Automation sound in words;

Automation sound in phrases, pure talk, in sentences, coherent speech.

Differentiation stage sounds. Sound differentiation work carried out in the following directions: development of auditory differentiation, consolidation of pronunciation differentiation, formation of phonemic analysis and synthesis.

Particular attention is paid to the differentiation of phonetically similar sounds: hard and soft, voiced and deaf, whistling and hissing, affricates and sounds, included in their composition. Sequence of differentiation sounds next: b - p, d - t, g - j, h - s, g - w, s - w, h - g, c - s, h - t, h - sch.

The program is built according to a cyclical principle and involves repetition of lexical topics at a higher level (speech material becomes more complex, forms sound analysis and synthesis).

To the structure speech therapy sessions include:

Exercises for the development of articulatory motor skills;

Exercises to develop general coordination of movements and fine motor skills of the fingers;

Breathing exercises;

Pronunciation correction, automation and differentiation sounds;

Formation of phonemic processes;

Section Number of hours

Development of mobility of the articulatory apparatus.

Articulation gymnastics, breathing exercises. During the year

Psychomotor General, manual, finger, facial. During the year

pronunciation correction, automation and differentiation sounds; During the year

formation of phonemic processes; During the year

working with words, sound-syllable analysis of words;

During the year

-working on a proposal;

Enrichment and activation of vocabulary;

Development of coherent speech throughout the year

Calendar and thematic planning

Topic, Purpose classes Expected result of each classes Types and methods of activity Date on fact Date adjustment

1. “Development of mobility of the articulatory apparatus”

Target: work out necessary articulatory movements and postures Develop the accuracy of articulatory movements, the ability to fix the correct position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus Ex. For lips: "Frog - proboscis"(with alternation, "Hippo" (open mouth wide)

Ex. for language "Spatula", "Sweep brush", "Swing", "Drum", "Painter", "Machine", "Snake"

Ex. for fine motor skills (finger gymnastics using nursery rhymes, with frequent changes of figures)


2. “Acquaintance with the position of the organs of articulation during pronunciation sound [r]»

Target: to introduce the correct position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. The child’s correct understanding of the position of the organs of articulation during pronunciation. sound[r] - showing articulation in front of a mirror

Show this profile sound

Showing tongue position with hand

Articulation gymnastics

Ex. for the development of fine motor skills, making animal figures from fingers, accompanied by rhymes "Crocodile", "Cat" etc.

Exercise to develop proper air flow "Focus".

3. « Sound production»

Target: Play sound[l] Correct pronunciation of isolated sound [p] 1 way to set sound:

Summoning sound [p] from exercise"drummer" pronounce quickly "d-d-d", exhaling air forcefully one last time.

2 way:

- sound production [r] - pronounce"zhzhzh" with your mouth open and rotate your hands in front of your chest, causing sound r

3 way:

Mechanical assistance for sound production: cause artificial trembling of the tip of the tongue using a probe (probe substitute, while pronouncing sound d-d-d

Physical exercise 2 – 3 times

4. "Automation delivered sound in syllables»

Target: automate delivered sound in syllables, develop a sense of rhythm and rhyme, develop phonemic awareness Achieve clear pronunciation sounds in syllables, discrimination sound [p] in a stream of sounds, syllables Consolidating pronunciation sound [r] in syllables.

Pure sayings, buzzers, rhymes, repetition speech therapist of syllable rows.

Gaming techniques with fingers "Magic Rope", "Labyrinth", "Three steps"

“Raise your hand to a predetermined sound, syllable"

Physical exercise 2-3 times

5. "Automation delivered sound in words»

Target: automate delivered sound in words, develop auditory attention and memory, develop phonemic awareness Achieve clear pronunciation sound in words, discrimination sound [r] in a stream of words. Repetition for three words speech therapist(rak-trap-horn; rim-tram-crane; arch-harp-mark., name 4-5 words from memory;

Based on the syllable called, select the corresponding picture “Match the picture”

"Big - small"(list from the picture all the animals depicted, from largest to smallest and vice versa)

Finger game "Draw an animal"

Ex. for phonemic perception “remember from hearing and repeat a series of words in a certain sequence”

- “Clap the rhythmic structure of the word”

- “Choose a word for a given sound, syllable"

Physical exercise 2-3 times

6. "Automation" delivered sound in sentences, text"

Target: automate delivered sound in sentences, text, development of phonemic perception, develop thinking, attention, memory, imagination Achieve clear pronunciation sound in a sentence and text, development of mental processes, discrimination sound[p] in sentences - by the word - attribute, select a picture, clearly highlighting sound [r], say a few words

Make up sentences that contain a lot sounds [p]

Game “If you think, you will come up with a story” (composing a story using key words)

Game "Confusion"(the words are mixed up in the sentences, correct the mistakes and talk it out highlighting proposals sound [r])

Pronunciation sound [r] in proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, poems

Games for developing fine motor skills with natural materials “Let’s decorate the picture”

Ex. on phonemic awareness "Retelling small texts"

Physical exercise 2-3 times

7. “Automation and differentiation sound in independent speech"

Target: fastening sound[p] in speech Purity and ease of pronunciation sound[p] in independent speech - composing a story based on a series of plot pictures, staging fairy tales

Coming up with a story at the beginning

Ex. for the development of fine motor skills "Journey"(the child rolls the car along the route map with his hand, and as he goes he comes up with a story based on a series of questions speech therapist)

Guessing riddles

Telling poems

Physical exercise 2-3 times

Dates for the primary and final diagnostics:

Taking into account the fact that the correction Job lasts for one academic year, we carry out primary diagnostics at the beginning of the academic year, using a diagnostic card, final diagnostics are carried out at the end of the academic year, using a diagnostic card.

Logistics support

1. Speech therapy / edited by. L. S. Volkova

2. T. G. Filicheva, N. A. Cheveleva, T. V. Chirkina. Basics speech therapy.

3. R. I. Lalaeva. Speech therapy work in correctional classes.

6. L. N. Efimenkova. Correction of oral and written speech of primary school students.

7. M. F. Fomicheva. Teaching children correct pronunciation.

8. Speech therapy gymnastics.

9. E. Kosinova. Finger gymnastics.

11. M. M. Bezrukikh, S. P. Efimova. Exercises for activities with children who have difficulties learning to write.

12. N. And Sokolenko didactic material on correcting pronunciation deficiencies in children.

13. Story pictures for speech development, grade 1

A plan for speech correction work is drawn up by a speech therapist for the school year based on an analysis of the child’s speech card.

The individual plan presents areas of correctional work that make it possible to eliminate speech disorders and gaps in the child’s knowledge, skills and abilities identified during a speech therapy examination.

Such a plan will allow us to systematize classes, increase their effectiveness and strengthen the correctional focus, as well as implement a person-centered approach to training and education.

Plan of individual logocorrection work for 200_/00__ academic year. Year

Last name, first name of the child - Ivanov S. Speech therapy conclusion: FFF, minimal manifestations of dysarthria.

Main directions of logocorrection work

Types of activities


Development of articulatory motor skills:

Articulation exercises;

Speech therapy massage;

Self-massage of tongue, lips


Formation of correct sound pronunciation:

Development of phonemic processes

Individual, group

Clarification and enrichment of the dictionary on topics: mushrooms;

Baby animals; food;



Working on the syllable structure of unfamiliar and difficult to pronounce words


Improving the grammatical structure of speech:

The use of nouns in the genitive plural;

Agreement of numerals with nouns;

Use of indeclinable nouns in speech

Individual, group

Improving the psychological basis of speech:

expansion of the volume of visual and auditory memory;

Development of verbal thinking

The knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by the child in individual speech therapy sessions are reinforced by educators, specialized specialists and parents.

Plans for individual lessons with your child

The main task of individual speech therapy classes is the formation of the sound side of speech: normalization of articulatory motor skills, production of missing sounds, correction of distorted pronunciation and differentiation of mixed sounds. If necessary, in individual lessons, work is carried out on the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, coherent statements, as well as on the development of the psychological basis of speech and fine motor skills.

The speech therapist draws up plans for individual lessons based on an individual plan for speech correction work. When planning individual lessons, the structure of the speech defect, the age of the child, and his individual personality characteristics are taken into account.

An approximate record of a plan for individual speech therapy sessions

Last name, first name of the child - Ivanov S.

Speech therapy conclusion: FFN, minimal manifestations of dysarthria.


Performing articulation exercises to produce whistling sounds: “Fence”, “Bosom”, “Let’s brush the bottom teeth”.

Self-massage of tongue, lips:

- “Let’s punish the naughty tongue”;

- “Let’s bite the upper and lower lips”;

Articulation exercise “Comb”.

Setting the sound [e] (mixed method).

Game "What has changed?" (Theme "Mushrooms")

Performing articulation exercises to make whistling sounds: “Fence”, “Spatula”, “Let’s brush the bottom teeth”, “Pussy is angry”.

Massage of the tongue and lips by a speech therapist.

Sound production [s] (mixed method).

Classification of painting material (Theme “Mushrooms”) based on: edible, inedible

In the “Results” column, the speech therapist evaluates the child’s activity after completing each type of task using symbols (“+”, “--”) or a short phrase (it doesn’t work, it’s difficult).

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