Information educational environment doo. Digital technologies in preschool educational institutions

Today there is no doubt that preschool childhood is a unique period, a time of rapid growth and development of children. University of Chicago professor B. Bloom constructed a curve reflecting the speed of child development and the degree of influence that the child’s living conditions have on him at different ages. In particular, B. Bloom claims that 80% of a child’s mental abilities are formed in preschool childhood: of these, according to IQ tests, a child acquires 20% of his abilities before the age of 1 year, another 30% before the age of 4, and 30% between the ages of 4 and 8. Of course, the percentage determination of abilities is very arbitrary, but the extremely rapid development of a preschooler and his special sensitivity to external influences is difficult to deny. The second pattern noted by B. Bloom concerns that very special sensitivity, the sensitivity of the age before school: if you believe the curve, it turns out that the younger the child, the greater the influence that exogenous factors have on him - external environmental conditions. Sensitivity to the formation of abilities, which is created in preschool childhood, can unusually enrich the development of the child or, on the contrary, turn out to be a wasted and, alas, short-lived gift. It is no secret that correctly selected gaming material opens up additional opportunities for the mental growth of a preschooler. Thanks to the program for modernizing Russian education, innovative equipment has become a significant part of the subject-development environment of preschool institutions: interactive whiteboards, tables, multimedia children's studios and tablets. A special learning space is already emerging around these “smart” and “beautiful” devices. And it is important for teachers to take into account the importance that working with media has in the system of general development of children. Having answered the question: how and what interactive equipment should be used to best ensure the development of the child’s abilities, preschool pedagogy will avoid spontaneous and not always appropriate enrichment of the subject-development environment. Modern children are exposed to the world of media very early. This is, so to speak, a natural process, a sign of our time. But the fact that pedagogy will try to find a way to effectively use a new teaching tool seems to be an unconditional achievement of the modern education system. In fact, the inclusion of interactive equipment in the educational environment of a kindergarten is the beginning of a long practical journey, a detailed and thorough test of what modern technological tools can provide for the development of a child. We hope that general recommendations for organizing activities and examples of teaching tasks obtained experimentally will become the “first signs”, elements of constructing a methodology accessible to any competent teacher. So, in order for the introduction of interactive equipment to truly enrich the play space of a preschooler and contribute to the expansion and deepening of his activities, we must establish and comply with the following conditions for the use of interactive tools. The first is free communication between an adult and a child or a child and other children, when a “smart” object supports the human, personal interest of the game participants in each other.
This is very significant, since a child’s undivided attention and fascination with a digital attribute is most likely the reason for the unsuccessful use of technical means in everyday life. As evidenced by the observations of American colleagues (S. Dosani, P. Cross, 2008), preschoolers immersed in the interactive world not only do not turn out to be smarter than their peers, but lag behind them. The speech development of a child who spends two to four hours a day in front of the TV is delayed by a year! - a very painful deviation from the norm. The second is an appeal to “children’s” activities. Unlike school age, where educational activities flourish, and the transmission of a certain minimum of knowledge, skills and abilities is the core of educational programs, preschool education shapes the child’s abilities, creates the preconditions for future successful work. The baby plays, draws, designs, listens to fairy tales, which means he learns to think, perceive the world around him, navigate in space and time, and master speech.
It’s good if interactive equipment can enrich the situation of developing abilities, which develop in preschool childhood. In other words, interactive equipment should be aimed at improving “children's” activities. Changing and becoming more complex each time, it will “pull up” the children’s abilities. The third condition is the child’s independence. In activity, each preschooler himself discovers the abilities hidden in him, and training only suggests the path to this discovery. Naturally, one child “finds” more than the other. But an indispensable aspect of developmental education is independent work of preschool children with this or that material.
This imposes certain requirements on the quality of interactive equipment. Thus, if the technical side of interaction with an object turns out to be overly complex, the child will not be able to take on the task, and the development of abilities will thereby be suspended. The same applies to the situation when the executive, “working” part of the process is based on qualities that have not yet been formed in preschool age, for example, a developed eye or hand motor skills. It should be remembered that the easier it is for a child to master the ways and techniques of working with interactive equipment, the more opportunities he will have for independent cognition and transformation of the surrounding reality. In the twentieth century, American professor O.H. Moore created a “talking” typewriter - the prototype of a modern “children’s” computer. The child pressed a key, the machine announced it, pronouncing the corresponding sound, and a large letter appeared on the luminous screen. So, working with this equipment turned out to be fundamentally accessible even to small children aged two to three years. Within a year to a year and a half, the preschoolers were actively typing their own compositions on a typewriter, that is, they moved from executive actions to the embodiment of a creative plan. The fourth condition is pedagogical support and organization of children’s activities. Independence is the key to a child’s development. But one should not assume that a preschooler’s acquaintance with the world around him is random. On the contrary, in the educational space it is difficult to imagine a moment when a child is forced to “touch” to find ways to comprehend reality. Here the teacher not only does not take the position of an outside observer, he supports and supervises children’s activities, setting gradually more complex tasks for its participants. From the point of view of modern pedagogy, it is necessary that an adult, regardless of what external means is used to organize the game, has the opportunity to direct children's activities, expanding and enriching them, taking into account the individual achievements and pace of development of the child. This means that interactive equipment cannot set rigid boundaries for an invariable environment: the content side of working with technology must change as the preschooler masters a new stage of activity. The fifth condition is support for children's creativity. Creativity is a natural state of childhood, which is not burdened by stereotypes, a natural gift of the period before school. Children's creativity must be protected and cherished simply because only in it, in free independent activity, are abilities laid that are of indisputable importance for a person's future life. First of all, we are talking about operating with images when searching for solutions to various scientific and artistic problems. There is every reason to believe that it is precisely on the ability to see the world like a child, without blinders and barriers, that imagination is based - an integral part of any serious discovery.
American chemists V. Platt and R. Baker conducted a study, a survey among 232 scientists. Their findings very accurately define the role of creativity in the process of discovery and creation of something new. According to scientists, a unifying, clarifying idea arises when a researcher who is deeply interested in solving a problem does not consciously work on it. In typical cases, this is going beyond the obvious conclusion, the conclusion that any other person would make based on the available information. In fact, the emergence of a new idea is nothing more than a leap of imagination or the result of thinking in creativity. What about the activities of artists? Like no other, it is based on impressions, bright and vibrant colors. Ultimately, modern science, and whatever, human labor in many areas cannot develop without creativity. And creativity begins in a child’s preschool childhood. Through supporting children's initiative, learning without “coaching” and templates, and independent activity of the child, a creative personality is nurtured. And of course, few activities require more imagination from a child than artistic creativity. We can safely say that a child’s drawing, modeling, and writing are not an empty “riot of imagination,” but a necessary basis for future brilliant achievements.
It does not seem superfluous to recall the remarkable effect that creativity, included in the activities of a preschooler, gives: by removing the barriers of uncertainty, it greatly increases the speed of mastering any educational program. The secret is that there are no memorization mechanisms in creativity. This emotional activity addresses the child's personality using both conscious and subconscious channels. And if you don’t get carried away and don’t turn interactive equipment from a means of developing abilities into an end in itself, it becomes obvious that in preschool childhood the pedagogical value is not the fact of a child’s mastery of one or another technical means (Misha can type, but Kolya can’t) and not the result of the activity as such (Misha types faster than Kolya), but an emotionally charged process, a creative action (young writers came up with and published a fairy tale). As a specialist and as a practitioner, we are confident: the operating principle of the equipment should not teach the child something unusual, but, on the contrary, expand and deepen aspects of development that are natural for preschool age.
Then a sense of interest and attractive, accessible activities will open up additional opportunities for children's mental development. Independent results of the formation of intellectual abilities of preschool children (and only in the first year of study, my students, children of senior preschool age with severe speech impairments, became winners of All-Russian and twice International quizzes eight times, won the All-Russian and International Olympiads in cognitive and speech development) make the very idea of ​​the positive impact of interactive media real. It is very likely that through new facts, recording the full development of the child, it will be possible to remove the unfair accusations addressed to most interactive media. Then, from doubt and limitation of contacts with interactive equipment, from the spontaneous introduction of multimedia technologies into the educational process, preschool pedagogy will move towards thoughtful use of 21st century resources. Material prepared by: teacher-speech therapist MBDOU CRR No. 5 “World of Childhood” Afonina N.Yu.

Information and educational environment of preschool educational institutions

All key federal documents in the field of education indicate the need to improve the quality of education through the intensive introduction and rational use of information and communication technologies in the educational process.

In accordance with Art. 16, clause 3 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, the information and educational environment includes electronic educational resources, a set of information and telecommunication technologies, appropriate technological means and ensuring that students master educational programs in full, regardless of the location of the students.

Information and communication technologies in education - this is a complex of educational and methodological materials, technical and computer tools in the educational process, forms and methods of their use to improve the activities of specialists in educational institutions (administration, educators, specialists), as well as for the education (development, diagnosis, correction) of children.

Where can ICT help a modern teacher in his work?

  1. Selection of illustrative material for joint organized activities of the teacher with children and for the design of stands, groups, classrooms (scanning, Internet; printer, presentation).

  2. Selection of additional educational material.

  3. Exchange of experience, acquaintance with periodicals, the developments of other teachers.

  4. Preparation of group documentation and reports.

  5. Creating presentations in the Power Point program to increase the effectiveness of joint organized activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent-teacher meetings.
By creating a unified database of methodological and demonstration materials, the teacher has more free time.

The use of ICT does not provide for teaching children the basics of computer science and computer technology.

When working with preschoolers, the following available areas for using ICT can be identified:

  1. creating presentations;

  2. working with Internet resources;

  3. use of ready-made training programs;

  4. development and use of our own proprietary programs.
The use of information and communication technologies in preschool education allows one to expand the creative capabilities of the teacher and has a positive impact on various aspects of the mental development of preschool children. Developmental activities using it become much brighter and more dynamic. The use of computer technology makes it possible to make the activity attractive and truly modern, to solve cognitive and creative problems based on clarity.

As a result of work on the implementation of information technologies, it can be noted advantages over traditional teaching methods:

1. ICT makes it possible to expand the use of electronic learning tools, as they transmit information faster;

  1. Movement, sound, and animation attract children's attention for a long time and help increase their interest in the material being studied. The high dynamics of the lesson contributes to the effective assimilation of the material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children;

  1. Provides clarity, which promotes perception and better memorization of material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children. In this case, three types of memory are included: visual, auditory, motor;
4. Slideshows and video clips allow you to show those moments from the surrounding world that are difficult to observe: for example, the growth of a flower, the rotation of planets around the Sun, the movement of waves, it’s raining;

5. You can also simulate such life situations that are impossible or difficult to show and see in everyday life (for example, reproducing the sounds of nature; the operation of transport, etc.);

6. The use of information technology encourages children to search for research activities, including searching the Internet independently or together with their parents;

ICT can be used at any stage of joint organized activities:

  1. At the beginning, to indicate the topic using questions on the topic being studied, creating a problematic situation;

  2. As an accompaniment to the teacher’s explanation (presentations, diagrams, drawings, video clips, etc.)

  3. As an information and training manual

  4. To monitor children's learning of material.

Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education provides for the formation of an information and educational environment in preschool educational institutions:

1. Creation of the necessary material and technical base for informatization of the educational process. Logistics support presupposes the presence in the preschool educational institution of administrative computers, laptops, multimedia systems, interactive whiteboards and other computer equipment. It is advisable that all kindergarten computers be united into a single local network.

The missing connection of all PCs to the local network can be replaced by a preschool educational institution website linked by hyperlinks to group sites and specialist sites.

2. Ensuring the rational and effective use of modern ICT in the educational space of a preschool organization. The use of ICT in the educational activities of teachers is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the educational process. The preschool educational institution should create an electronic library both for teachers (where there will be didactic and methodological materials, electronic manuals, etc.) and for children (presentations, didactic games, cartoons, etc.). Proper use of modern information technologies can significantly increase children's motivation to learn, providing the opportunity to recreate real objects or phenomena in color, movement and sound. In an accessible form, brightly, figuratively, present the material to preschoolers, which corresponds to the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children.

The undoubted advantage of using electronic educational resources and modern information technologies is the possibility of individualizing the educational process, taking into account the preferences, individual educational needs, level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

3. Information integration of preschool educational institutions with parents and the teaching community. To do this, it is necessary to develop a mechanism for interaction with parents, educational and cultural institutions, and networked pedagogical communities in the context of expanding information and educational space.
The unified information and development space of the preschool educational institution unites the efforts of the administration, teachers and parents. Families of preschool children are informed about the activities of preschool educational institutions, about advertising of educational services, information is provided about modern technologies for child development, etc.

The set of activities for parents should include:

Creation of an electronic library for parents;

Consulting parents in the selection of computer educational and educational games, software products for children of different age groups.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • the use of information and communication technologies in a preschool institution is an enriching and transformative factor in the developmental subject environment.

  • computers and interactive equipment can be used in working with children of senior preschool age, subject to unconditional compliance with physiological-hygienic, ergonomic and psychological-pedagogical restrictive and permissive norms and recommendations.

  • It is recommended to use computer game development and training programs that are adequate to the mental and psychophysiological capabilities of the child.

  • it is necessary to introduce modern information technologies into the kindergarten didactics system, i.e. strive for an organic combination of traditional and computer means of developing the child’s personality.
List of electronic educational resources:

  1. Official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation -

  2. Federal portal “Russian Education” -

  3. Unified collection of digital educational resources -

  4. Federal Center for Information and Educational Resources -

  5. Federal portal “Information and communication technologies in education” -
EER for teachers:

  1. Magazine "Preschool Education" -

  2. Website "Preschool Education" (programs, various types of planning, lesson notes) -

  3. Social network of educators -

  4. Magazine "Speech therapist" -

  5. Children's electronic manuals and clips -

  6. Website "Kindergarten" (movable folders, methodological developments, visual material, scripts, audio tales, etc.) -
EER for children and parents:

  1. Children's songs (backing tracks) -

  2. Children's development portal -

  3. "Lukoshko of Fairy Tales" - fairy tales for children (

  4. "Lel" - poems and songs for children

  5. "Fairytale Country" - a collection of fairy tales from peoples of the world

  6. "Library for Children" - electronic library

  7. "Visiting Vasilisa" - fairy tales for children

  8. "Detskiy-mir" - children's portal

  9. "" - children's entertainment portal

  10. "Teremok" - website for children

  11. "Tyrnet - Children's Internet" - children's portal

  12. "Rebziki" - children's coloring pages

  13. "Educational games for children"

  14. "Free educational online games for children 3-4-5 years old"

  15. "Children's educational online games"

  16. “Fun tutorials and development games”

  17. "IQsha - club for the harmonious development of a child"

  18. "" - Russian cartoons

  19. "Children's radio theater. Tales from old records online"

Natalya Kletsko
Creation and use of an interactive gaming environment in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

Creation and use of an interactive gaming environment in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

On January 1, 2014, Order No. 1155 of the Ministry of Education and Science “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education” came into force. (Further - GEF DO) .

Federal State Educational Standard Preschool education is a set of mandatory requirements for preschool education: to the structure of the program and its volume, conditions implementation and results of program development.

IN Federal State Educational Standard BEFORE the main thing is not the result, but conditions. Conditions- This is the social situation of the child’s development. We live in the age of new technologies, when the computer firmly enters our lives, becoming a necessary and important attribute not only of the life of adults, but also means of teaching children. Also, our country is currently implementing the Information Society Development Strategy, which is related to the availability of information for all categories of citizens and the organization of access to this information. So the question about use information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT) in the educational process within introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard DO is very relevant.

According to new requirements Federal State Educational Standard, the introduction of innovative technologies is intended, first of all, to improve the quality of education, increase children’s motivation to acquire new knowledge, and speed up the process of acquiring knowledge. The use of ICT in preschool education is becoming increasingly relevant, as it allows by means of multimedia, in the most accessible and attractive, game form to develop the logical thinking of children, strengthen the creative component of the educational process.

The issue of organizing subject development environment Preschool education is the most relevant today, since an important criterion for assessing the activities of a preschool organization is GEF DO, is created subject-spatial Wednesday, which should be variable and rich in content, i.e. equipped means training and education – technical, sports, gaming equipment. Therefore, the main task of our preschool educational institution: combine traditional games, toys with bright and visual materials and modern technologies in a single developmental space. This became the starting point for working on a whole direction - creation of an interactive educational environment.

Significant aspect interactive educational environment of preschool educational institutions is the use of ICT by teachers(computer, using the Internet, TV, video, DVD, various kinds of multimedia and audio-visual equipment, in the form of a tool for developing motivation in the educational process. Thus, in their work, our teachers rely more on the methods of search and creative activity of teachers and students. In this regard, the teacher, to a greater extent, becomes an accomplice and assistant. In its turn usage computer technology helps:

Involve passive children in active activities;

Make GCDs more visual, intense;

Activate cognitive interest;

Activate thought processes (analysis, synthesis, etc..) ;

Implement student-oriented, differentiated approaches in educational activities.

In our preschool institution, teachers actively use in its activities ICT, which allows us to ensure the education of an inquisitive, active, emotionally responsive, mastered means communication and ways of interacting with adults and the child’s peers.

Main directions use ICT in the system of activities of our preschool educational institution are:

Organization of educational process with children;

Organization of methodological work with teaching staff;

Interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents.

Main forms use ICT in our practice are:

1. When organizing the educational process with children.

The development of a child must be carried out comprehensively, therefore the educational process in a preschool educational institution has its own characteristics; it must be colorful, emotional, involving a large amount of illustrative material, using sound and video recordings. All this helps us implement the following events:

- Use of entertainment, educational, developmental, educational games. Computer selection gaming facilities plays an important role for use ICT in the educational process. However, most games are not designed to implement software tasks, so they are used mainly for the purpose of developing mental processes: attention, memory, thinking.

- Creation various multimedia presentations aimed at both gaining new knowledge and consolidating existing ones. Educators are being created a series of presentations for classes and holidays. All presentations are built taking into account the kindergarten program and the age characteristics of preschoolers, which allows you to combine a huge amount of demonstration material, freeing you from a large amount of paper visual aids, tables, reproductions, audio and video equipment.

- Using the Projector and Screen, interactive whiteboard. Interactive The board in a preschool educational institution opens up new opportunities for organizing joint activities between children and the teacher. The collective participation of children in play contributes to the development of communicative and social skills. skills: helps children overcome their egocentrism, teaches them to act according to the rules, accept the point of view of others, make their own independent decisions, and make informed choices. Interactive The board allows the child to see himself from the outside, to observe the actions of his playing partners. Children get used to assessing the situation without completely immersing themselves in the virtual world alone with the computer.

- using the Internet in pedagogical activities, for the purpose of informational and scientific-methodological support of the educational process.

2. When organizing methodological work with teaching staff

When holding teaching councils, seminars, and conferences, our teachers actively use multimedia accompaniment of your speeches in the form of presentations (text support, video materials, diagrams, charts).

3. When interacting with preschool educational institutions with parents.

One of the criteria for assessing the professional activity of a teacher, in accordance with GEF DO, is a high degree of activity and involvement of parents in the educational process and life of the kindergarten.

Also in our activities we actively we use the project method. Usage information technology in project activities allows teachers to show all the work and its significance in solving a particular problem, and to acquaint parents with the expected results of the project.

Modern technical funds are used by us also in the design of visual materials, booklets, holding parent meetings, round tables, and workshops.

Summarizing the results of our work, we can conclude that use of computer environments in preschool educational institutions is a factor in preserving the mental health of children due to the possibility of solving the following tasks: development of psychophysiological functions that ensure readiness for learning (fine motor skills, optical-spatial orientation, hand-eye coordination); enrichment of horizons; assistance in mastering a social role; formation of educational motivation, development of personal components of cognitive activity (cognitive activity, independence, arbitrariness); formation of age-appropriate general intellectual skills(seriation, classification); organization of favorable environment for the development of subject and social spheres.

Also usage ICT in working with children opens up new didactic opportunities related to the visualization of material, its "revival", the ability to visualize those phenomena and processes that cannot be demonstrated in other ways. Both the quality of visibility and its content are improved.

Thus, usage computer technologies in the activities of educators allows the introduction of innovative processes in preschool education. Information technologies significantly expand the capabilities of educators and specialists in the field of teaching preschool children. Usage ICT in preschool educational institutions fully justifies and brings great benefits in the development of all areas of a preschooler’s personality, interaction with parents of pupils, organization of teacher activities, and significantly contributes to improving the quality of the educational process.

Used Books:

1. Gorvits Yu., Pozdnyak L. Who should work with a computer in kindergarten. Preschool education, 1991, No. 5.

2. Gorvits Yu. M., Chainova L. D., Poddyakov N. N., et al. New information technologies in preschool education. M.: Linka-press, 1988.

3. Kalinina T.V. Management of preschool educational institutions. “New information technologies in preschool childhood.” M, Sfera, 2008.

4. Ksenzova G. Yu. Promising school technologies: educational and methodological manual. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2000.

5. Information and communication technologies in preschool education Komarova T. S., Komarova I. I., Tulikov A. V., Mozaika- Synthesis M. ,2011

6. Management of innovation processes in preschool educational institutions. – M., Sfera, 2008

The use of ICT in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

Author: Anufrieva Irina Viktorovna, senior teacher of the preschool educational institution “Kindergarten “Bell”, r.p. Dukhovnitskoye, Saratov region

In a dynamically changing world, the rapid growth of information flow, the development of new information technologies and their capabilities, informatization of the education sector is acquiring fundamental importance.
The currently available domestic and foreign experience in informatization of the educational environment indicates that it makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the educational process.
Thanks to the transformations, the role of information technology is becoming increasingly evident not only in the school system, but also in preschool education, which quite recently could only be observed as a limited experience. The provisions of the Concept of Education Modernization, the letter of recommendation of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated May 25, 2001 on the informatization of the preschool education system serves as the starting point for making management decisions and creating conditions for the formation of information and communication competence of teachers and students of preschool educational institutions.
Informatization of preschool education opens up new opportunities for teachers to widely introduce into pedagogical practice new methodological developments aimed at intensifying and implementing innovative ideas in the educational process. The effectiveness of computerization of education in preschool educational institutions depends both on the quality of the pedagogical software used and on the ability to rationally and skillfully use them in the educational process.
Informatization of education is a large space for the manifestation of creativity of teachers, encouraging them to look for new, non-traditional forms and methods of interaction with children; it helps to increase children's interest in learning, activates cognitive activity, and develops the child comprehensively. Mastery of new information technologies will help the teacher feel comfortable in new socio-economic conditions.
Despite the importance of informatization processes, new technologies come to preschool educational institutions with a great delay. Today, kindergarten is many years behind school.
At a time when schools are arguing about the effectiveness of one or another information retrieval system being implemented in schools, not a single special program has yet been created for kindergartens to automate the educational process of preschool educational institutions. As an analysis of the pedagogical literature shows, the complexity of the work on developing management systems for preschool educational institutions is associated with the variety of programs used in kindergartens, the poor development of approaches to diagnosis and criteria for the quality of the educational space of preschool educational institutions.
Currently, in our kindergarten, much attention is paid to expanding the material and technical base. At the moment, the kindergarten has 6 computers, a laptop (with Internet access), 3 printers, and a multimedia projector. In addition, a media library has been created.
The kindergarten has accumulated photo and video material about life in groups, holidays and entertainment for our children, and open classes. Watching video recordings allows for a modern, high-quality, comprehensive analysis of events, which helps improve the quality of the pedagogical process. This form of work is most suitable when accompanying young beginning teachers. The library of methodological literature is transformed into a media library, information is accumulated and exchanged on various modern media.

We have the opportunity to exchange business correspondence, reporting documentation with educational authorities, SarIPKiPRO teachers, editorial boards of methodological publications and journals, as well as participate in remote seminars and online teaching councils.
The use of information technology contributes to the software of the educational process and management activities. An electronic data bank has been created in the methodological office: an information base of teachers, which contains information about work experience, deadlines for certification, participation in the methodological work of preschool educational institutions, and participation in professional competitions. Electronic methodological folders are maintained in which teachers collect their accumulated material (class notes, consultations, etc.)
The database of information about parents is updated annually (single-parent families, large families, as well as families in the SOP).
The use of information technology makes it possible to organize and conduct forms of interaction with personnel in a new way.
To conduct the pedagogical council “Implementation of FGT,” a presentation was compiled “The work of preschool educational institutions in the context of the transition to FGT to the structure of OOP preschool education,” which, due to its clarity, made it easier to master difficult material.
With the help of computer technology, preschool educational institutions prepare and conduct presentations of projects developed by teachers.

In addition, information technologies are actively used in organizing interaction with parents of students. During parent meetings and meetings of the “Interlocutor” club, the use of multimedia equipment made it possible to present to parents videos and a film about the life of children in kindergarten, presentations on proper nutrition, and on preparing children for school.

In preschool educational institutions, teachers use information and communication technologies in organizing the educational process with children. Now in class they can use colorful educational presentations for children, fragments of cartoons, films, videos, and slide shows.
One of the main conditions for the introduction of information technology in preschool educational institutions is that children should be worked with by specialists who know the technical capabilities of a computer, have the skills to work with them, strictly follow sanitary standards and rules for using computers, and know the methods of introducing preschoolers to new information technologies. Taking this into account, the primary task at present is to improve the computer literacy of teachers, their mastery of working with educational software systems, the resources of the global computer network Internet, so that in the future each of them can use modern computer technologies to prepare and conduct classes with children at a high quality level. new level.
In this regard, for the new 2013–2014 academic year, practical individual lessons for educators are planned to improve the computer literacy of teachers, during which teachers will learn:
create graphic and text documents (draw up group documentation, diagnostics, etc. independently);
will be able to use electronic didactic and pedagogical software;
actively use information technology in the educational process;
have the skills to search for information on the Internet;
master the Power Point program for creating multimedia presentations;
develop booklets and postcards in the program using Microsoft Office Publisher 2007.

One of the planned seminars for the new academic year involves the presentation of teachers’ projects through the independent preparation of a “My Project” presentation.
An integral part of methodological work is monitoring the activities of preschool educational institutions, aimed at assessing the quality of education, taking into account the intended results. In this regard, methodological fish-disks for preschool educational institutions, intended to help the management and teachers of preschool educational institutions, are of no small importance.
However, despite the widespread use of information and communication technologies in the methodological work of preschool educational institutions, at the moment we are faced with the problem of how to consider the result of the educational process from the perspective of the development parameters of each pupil of the institution, evaluate the result in the context of the quality of the competencies acquired by the child, and also to achieve simplicity in collecting and entering the volume of initial information (notebook for monitoring child development indicators in a preschool institution).
The second problem is that it is necessary to expand the material and technical base of the preschool educational institution (laptop, developmental programs for preschoolers, organization of specialized courses for teachers) in order to significantly diversify the organization of the educational process in the preschool educational institution and comprehensively develop the child.
Solving these problems will help solve a number of problems in a preschool institution:
1. effective improvement of the unified information environment in order to access information of participants in the educational process;
2. improving the information culture of teachers;
3. improving the quality of management activities based on the study and implementation of information technologies;
4. automation of monitoring processes and increasing the efficiency and quality of the educational process in preschool educational institutions;
5. replenishment of information resources of preschool educational institutions: creation of an information and analytical bank, software for educational activities of teachers;
6. the use of ICT in the educational process, multimedia support of educational activities, methodological meetings, etc.


There is no side of upbringing that

the situation would have no influence,

There is no ability that is not found

in direct dependence on directly

the concrete world surrounding the child...

The one who manages to create such an environment,

Makes your work easier.

The child will live and develop among her

own self-sufficient life,

his spiritual growth will improve

from oneself, from nature...

E.I. Tikheyeva

One of the important conditions for educational work in a preschool institution is the correct organization of the subject-developmental environment. A developmental environment should be understood as a natural, comfortable, cozy environment, rationally organized, rich in a variety of sensory stimuli and play materials. In such an environment, it is possible to simultaneously involve all children in the group in active cognitive and creative activities.

The defining moment of creating an environment is the pedagogical idea, the goal. Achieving this goal is carried out through the implementation of the chosen educational program.

When creating a developmental environment, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the children attending the group: age, level of development, interests, inclinations, abilities, composition, personal characteristics. If there are more boys than girls in a group, the environment should be different than where there are more girls.

The characteristics of the environment are largely determined by the personal characteristics and pedagogical attitudes of the teacher. If the teacher is an expert on his city and loves to study it with the children, of course, this will be reflected in the setting. Another teacher prefers to pay attention to visual activities - this will also be noticeable in the created environment.

Thus, there are no strict, detailed requirements for building an environment in different educational institutions, since educational programs, composition of children, and teaching staff may differ significantly from each other. At the same time, we can highlight the most general provisions (requirements) when creating a developmental environment in preschool institutions, based on modern approaches to education.

Requirements for organizing a subject-development environment

  1. In each age group, it is necessary to create conditions for independent active purposeful activities (game, motor, visual, theatrical).
  2. The organization and placement of objects in the developmental environment must meet the age characteristics of children and their needs. A preschool child has three basic needs: movement, communication, and cognition. The environment is organized so that the child has an independent choice: with whom, where, how, what to play. The selection of equipment and materials for groups is determined by the developmental characteristics of children of a particular age and the sensitive periods characteristic of this age. For example, children in their third year of life need a free, large enough space where they can satisfy the need for active movement: riding, playing with large engines. A group of four-year-olds needs a comprehensive center for role-playing games with a large number of attributes. Children of middle preschool age clearly demonstrate the need to play with peers and create their own world in secluded corners. Therefore, children of the fifth year of life will enjoy cozy houses and other structures designed for play by 2 - 3 people. In older preschool age, children prefer to play together; equipment must be placed so that it is convenient to organize joint activities.
  3. Dynamic – static environment. The developmental environment cannot be built completely. About once every two months, parts need to be replaced and the equipment rearranged. In the group you need to have a “store of valuable things”, where in shallow boxes and drawers various multifunctional objects, materials, pieces of fabric are concentrated, which will allow children to independently change the spatial environment from the perspective of their interests.
  4. Functionality of objects of the developmental environment. The group setting should contain only those materials that are in demand by children and perform a developmental function. So, if the game, manual, or equipment will not be used in the near future, it should be taken out. The group should not be like a warehouse for storing materials and manuals.
  5. The environment should be filled with developmental content corresponding to:

Interests of boys and girls. For example, for senior preschool age, in the center of manual labor and design, samples of the manufacture of various equipment (for boys), handbags, dolls with a wardrobe of things, household items (for girls) should be placed;

- “zone of proximal development”. In addition to items intended for children of a certain age, the group setting should include approximately 15% of materials aimed at older ages.

6. All age groups should have a cozy place to relax. These can be podiums with soft pillows, light airy gazebos made of transparent fabric, upholstered furniture in a quiet area near flowers and aquariums.

The developing subject environment of the group should contribute to the implementation of the goals, objectives and content of the chosen program. Several comprehensive programs have been approved in the Russian Federation (“Program of education and training in kindergarten”, edited by M.A. Vasilyeva; “Rainbow” by T.N. Doronova; “Kindergarten - a house of joy” by N.M. Krylova; “Childhood” edited by T.I. Babaeva). The goals of education for preschoolers in these programs differ significantly from each other, and therefore the organization of children’s living space in each case has its own characteristics.

Program "Childhood"


  1. To cultivate in children emotional responsiveness, the ability to empathize, and a willingness to show a humane attitude.
  2. To develop cognitive activity, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection, mental abilities and speech.
  3. Stimulate children's creative activity, imagination, and desire to get involved in activities.

The motto of the program: “Feel – learn – create.”

Creating an environment in accordance with the content of the educational program “Childhood” requires an orientation towards the concept of the holistic development of the preschooler as a subject of children’s activity, which presupposes:

Consistent change in the subject-play environment in accordance with the age of the children;

Taking into account the gender characteristics and preferences of children;

Focus on the development of the child in accordance with universal human values, creating positive relationships between children;

Stimulating children's creative ideas and individual creative expressions. The subject-development environment should encourage fantasy and imagination.

Children's development centers


  1. Toys and attributes for role-playing games,
  2. Equipment for director's play:

Multifunctional cubes;

Layouts (volume - houses, garages, planar - maps of the playing space, screens);

Sets of small-sized shaped (volumetric and flat) toys: men, soldiers, cartoon and book characters, play equipment (furniture, dishes);

Animals (fairy-tale, realistic; in the older group - fantastic creatures);

Unformed playing material: cubes, balls, pyramid rings, bottles;

Symbols of space (rivers, sun, benches, flowers, mushrooms; in the older group - unidentified objects and objects; in the preparatory group - small flat images and several playing fields).


Literary Center

  1. Books recommended for reading to children of this age:

Works of folklore,

Russian folk tales and peoples of the world;

Works of Russian and foreign classics;

2. Books loved by children in this group.

3. Seasonal literature.

4. Exchange fund (for delivery to your home).

5. Children's magazines (senior group).

6. Children's drawings.

7. Verbal creativity (albums of riddles, stories compiled by children).

8. Children's hobby (postcards, calendars).

Speech Creativity Center

Games and equipment for developing speech and preparing a child to learn to read and write.

  1. Tactile boards, different to the touch (5\10 cm). Stick a piece of faux fur, sandpaper, a piece of soft fabric, candle wax so that frozen drops form on the surface, a piece of rope or thick lace, matches or small thick sticks, nut shells, foil or cellophane, velvet or velvety fabric, ribbed fabric , croup, scales from a cone.
  2. Collage is a sheet of cardboard on which various pictures, letters, geometric shapes, and numbers are pasted or superimposed.
  3. Board and printed games.
  4. “Magic book” (compiled from children’s stories and illustrated with their illustrations).

Theatrical activities

  1. Hats, masks for dramatization games on the themes of your favorite fairy tales.
  2. Puppet show.
  3. Theater made from homemade toys.
  4. Theater of rubber toys.
  5. Finger, glove, mitten theaters.
  6. Klubkovy theater.
  7. Puppet theater.
  8. Flat theater.
  9. Shadow theater.
  10. “Mumming Corner”: costumes, jewelry - pendants, beads, belts, bracelets, cuffs, crowns, butterflies, frills, scarves with lace, kerchiefs, scarves, hats, ribbons on headbands.
  11. Attributes for theatrical and director's games (elements of costumes).
  12. Books with Velcro pictures, sets of cut out pictures that are not related in size or color.
  13. Games, cut pictures.

Science Center

Children's experimentation and experiments

  1. Materials by section: sand and water, sound, magnets, paper, glass, rubber.
  2. Assistant devices: magnifying glass, hourglass, microscopes.
  3. Transparent and opaque vessels of different configurations and volumes.
  4. Measuring spoons (from baby food).
  5. Sieves and funnels.
  6. Rubber bulbs of different sizes.
  7. Halves of soap dishes.
  8. Ice molds.
  9. Latex gloves.
  10. Medical materials (pipettes with rounded ends, syringes without needles, flasks, wooden sticks).
  11. Flexible plastic or rubber tubes, cocktail straws.
  12. Hygienic safe baby shampoos, soluble, aromatic substances (bath salts, food additives).
  13. Beater, wooden spatulas and spatulas for stirring.
  14. Multi-colored glasses for yogurt, sour cream or flat packaging containers (for examining grains of sand, clay).
  15. Magnifiers.
  16. Oilcloth aprons.
  17. Oversleeves.
  18. Brush, dustpan, rags.
  19. Technical materials – nuts, paper clips, screws.
  20. Different types of paper.
  21. Other materials: balloons, oil, candles.
  22. Natural material.
  23. Recycled material (pieces of leather, wood, screws).
  24. Cards-schemes for conducting experiments.
  25. Individual diaries for experimentation.
  26. Symbols, permitting and prohibiting signs (according to the rules of work in the experimentation corner).
  27. Characters endowed with certain specific traits (in the younger group - inquisitive, in the middle - surprised, in the older group - asking why questions), on whose behalf problematic situations are modeled.

Corner of nature

  1. Indoor and artificial plants.
  2. Aquarium.
  3. Ornamental birds, mammals.
  4. Seasonal plant material.
  5. A place to work.
  6. Observation calendar.
  7. Boxes with plantings.
  8. Nature calendar.
  9. Layouts.
  10. Museum and collection material.
  11. Seasons model.


  1. Constructors with different methods of fastening parts.
  2. Games like "Tangram".
  3. Silhouettes, pictures, albums, constructive maps (step-by-step execution of work).
  4. The simplest drawings.
  5. Support diagrams.
  6. Materials and tools necessary for games.


  1. Family and group albums.
  2. A stand with family photographs of the group's children, accompanied by names and dates of birth.
  3. Chips, symbolic objects for modeling the spatial arrangement of participants in photographs.
  4. Height meters made in the form of silhouettes of a doll, a teddy bear (various).

For children 3 – 4 years old

  1. Game "Wonderful bag".
  2. Games for matching objects, geometric shapes by color, size and grouping them according to 1 - 2 characteristics (for example, a large basket - large balls; a red box - red cubes).
  3. Games for laying out in a row with alternating geometric shapes, objects by size, color (lay out the path to the house in a circle, a square, then a circle again).
  4. Stringing beads on a cord, alternating different sizes and shapes.
  5. Board-printed games using special aids for distinguishing and naming geometric shapes by color, size, shape (inset frames).
  6. Geometric mosaic.
  7. Two or three nesting dolls.
  8. Pyramids of 3 – 4 rings of the same and different sizes.
  9. Items of clothing of different sizes and purposes.
  10. Games for the development of sensory processes and abilities (geometric lotto, Pick the key to the lock).
  11. Games with algorithms - a given sequence of actions.

For children 4 – 5 years old

  1. Games – logic cubes, corners, “make a cube”.
  2. Series: “fold the pattern”, “chameleon cube”, “geocond”, “magic cube”, “fold the picture”.
  3. Didactic aids: Dienesh logic blocks, Cuisenaire rods.
  4. Games for understanding symbolism, schematics and conventions (“What does it look like?”, “Completion”).
  5. Models: numerical ladder, a series of quantities, spiral models for the knowledge of time relations.
  6. Games for mastering magnitude, numerical, spatial relationships (“make the same pattern”).
  7. Games with algorithms, including 3–5 elements of simple actions (“growing a tree”).
  8. Albums with samples of logic exercises.
  9. Album for children's creativity.

For children 5 – 7 years old

  1. Games “Tangram”, “Pythagorean Puzzles”, “Bricks”, “Unicube”.
  2. Stencils, rulers.
  3. Games “Petnamino”, “Funny balls”.
  4. Games for dividing a whole object into parts and composing a whole from parts (“Fractions”, “Make a circle”).
  5. Games with numbers and coins.
  6. Games for developing numerical concepts and the ability to quantify different quantities. (constructor watches, scales, etc.).
  7. Games with algorithms.
  8. Models of numerical and temporal relations (numerical ladder, days of the week).
  9. Calendar, calendar model.
  10. Games for developing logical thinking, mastering checkers and chess.


  1. Paints, brushes, pencils, crayons, markers.
  2. White and colored paper.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Plasticine, napkins.
  5. Sponges, stamps, tampons.
  6. Glasses, candles.
  7. Silhouettes, clothing, arts and crafts.
  8. Boards for drawing with chalk.
  9. Children's and adult drawing and appliqué work.
  10. Jars for water.
  11. Didactic games.


Equipment for visual arts

  1. A shelf with original works of art.
  2. Stencils, patterns, geometric shapes, silhouettes.
  3. Paint, brushes, pencils, crayons, markers.
  4. White and colored paper.
  5. Scissors
  6. Plasticine, napkins.
  7. Sponges, stamps, tampons.
  8. Glasses, candles.
  9. Silhouettes of clothing, objects of decorative and applied art.
  10. Boards for drawing with chalk.
  11. Children's and adult drawing and appliqué work.
  12. Jars for water.
  13. Natural and waste material.
  14. Didactic games.

For children 2 – 4 years old

  1. Household items: embroidered, painted clothes, painted dishes, clay toys (Dymkovo, Kargopol, Filimonovskaya, Tver), wooden (Semyonovskaya, Polokhov-Maidanskaya, nesting dolls, mushrooms, horse-carts), straw.
  2. Sculpture of small forms depicting animals (animalistic).

For children 3 – 4 years old (in addition to those indicated above)

  1. Toys made of clay (Tver, Vyatka).
  2. Made of wood (Bogorodskaya, Arkhangelsk birds made of wood chips).
  3. Items made of carved birch bark: boxes, caskets (Arkhangelsk, Vologda).
  4. Painted cutting boards (Gorodets).
  5. Trays (Zhostovo).
  6. Painted dishes (Novgorod, Pskov, Vyatka).
  7. Sculpture of different types (small plastic, decorative).

For children 5 – 7 years old

1. Works of Russian applied art and art of other peoples, toys made of clay, wood, wood chips, straw, papier-mâché, household items made of birch bark, paintings and carvings, ceramic dishes, lace, embroidery from different areas, embossing.

2. Sculpture of small forms.

3. Monumental sculpture

4. Easel sculpture: busts, portraits.

5. Architecture: residential, decorative, public and civil.


1. Sports complex.

2. Mini-gym corners.

3. Materials for games.


1. Various waste materials.

2. Fabric.

3. Tree.

4. Natural material.

5. Support diagrams.

6. Operational cards.

7. The simplest drawings.

8. Models.


1. Items and materials for teaching children how to cook, mend clothes, wash, and iron.

2. For girls – to learn embroidery and sewing on a children’s sewing machine.

3. For boys - for learning to burn, model, work with a hammer, saw.

Rainbow program


  1. Ensure the protection and promotion of child health.
  2. Promote comprehensive and timely psychological development.
  3. Develop an active and caring attitude towards the environment.
  4. Introduce to the main areas of culture.

Children's development centers

Beauty shelf

The first week is a folk toy.

The second week is a book with illustrations.

Third week – works of decorative and applied art.

Fourth week – reproductions of paintings.

  1. Shelf.
  2. Table chair.


Book corner

Junior and middle preschool age

  1. Works of small forms of Russian folk and folklore of the peoples of the world.
  2. Works of poets and writers of Russia.
  3. Literary fairy tales.
  4. Russian folk tales and fairy tales of the peoples of the world.
  5. Tales.
  6. Fables (from middle group).
  7. Series of plot pictures.

Senior preschool age (optional)

Illustrated collections of fairy tales, little books with good drawings and texts of two or three lines that precede the illustration or end the page.

Any entertaining alphabet.

Sets of postcards for famous literary works are well executed, with a fairly bright and large title of the fairy tale on the back of the postcard.

Sound library, slides, videos and slides

Works of folk and classical music.


  1. Doctor: cap with a red cross, robe, attributes.
  2. Driver, motorcyclist - seat belt, helmet, gloves, copies of various tools, gas pump, steering wheel.
  3. Cook - cap and apron, dishes, food.
  4. Pilot - cap, cap, attributes, control panel with functional buttons.
  5. Machinist - cap, tools, remote control.
  6. Hairdresser - robe, combs, scissors, basin, shampoo, perfume, soap, towel.
  7. Sailor, captain - cap, collar, cap, binoculars, anchor on a cord, mast with flag, lifebuoy, telescope.
  8. A box of wonderful things - caps, bobbins, reels, tubes, cubes, bars, cylinders, skittles, sticks, bells, switches, all kinds of plugs, plywood plates, ropes, pieces of foam rubber, colored scraps.

In older groups, play corners are created for boys and girls (for boys - open space, for girls - privacy corners).



Materials for art activities

  1. Paints (gouache and watercolor).
  2. Colored pencils, wax crayons.
  3. Sanguine, pastel, colored, gouache.
  4. Ballpoint pens.
  5. White and red clay.
  6. Plasticine.
  7. Special mastic.
  8. From the middle group - individual palettes for mixing paints.
  9. Stacks.
  10. Ballpoint pen caps.
  11. Easels.
  12. Tablets.
  13. Rollers with paper.
  14. Blackboard.
  15. Machines with a circle.

Labor Corner

  1. Samples of crafts and toys.
  2. Boxes with different types of materials.
  3. Paper of different types and sizes.
  4. Cotton wool, foam rubber, textiles, colored wire, natural material.
  5. Corks, sticks, coils.
  6. Glue.
  7. Brush, scissors, from the older group - hook, needle, ruler, compass.


  1. Construction kits and construction kits with different methods of fastening parts.
  2. Samples of buildings and crafts.
  3. Boxes of different sizes.
  4. Sticks.
  5. Modeling kits (from the senior group).



Middle group

  1. Didactic games.
  2. Letter frieze.
  3. Numerical frieze.
  4. Collective decorative works in mathematics.

Senior group

Cognitive development

  1. Equipment:

Globe, world map,




Mineral collections,


2. Visual aids:

Pictures with letters, banknotes, coins, road signs, math signs.

Pictures with flags, coats of arms.

Alphabet, Morse code; musical notation, semaphore alphabet,

Images of calendars (history, clocks, dinosaurs).

3. Shelf of smart books:

Books, pictures, illustrations on topics interesting to children.

Mathematical development

  1. Measurement instruments and instruments.
  2. Compass.
  3. Scales, steelyard.
  4. Hourglass and pointer.
  5. Graduated measuring cups.
  6. Thermometers for air, water.
  7. Slide projector and set of educational filmstrips.
  8. Board-printed math games.
  9. Books on mathematics.
  10. Magazines, comics.

Speech development

  1. Letter frieze.
  2. Pictures with animals, birds and their homes.
  3. Pictures depicting two scenes.
  4. Image of a person (body parts with numbers).
  5. Pictures of things that were not in the hands of their owners.
  6. Pictures in which you need to find people, objects hidden by the artist.
  7. Notebooks, tasks related to letters and reading.
  8. ABCs, primers.
  9. Cubes with letters.
  10. Wall magnetic alphabet.
  11. Printed board games (lotto, construction sets, reading lotto).

Preparatory group (optional)

  1. Beautiful model of a number series.
  2. Types of scales.
  3. Roulette, wooden meter.
  4. Dictionaries, reference books.
  5. Collections of humorous stories and anecdotes.
  6. Printable math workbooks.

Corner “We read ourselves”

  1. Children's books.
  2. Comics.
  3. Books with educational tasks.
  4. Children's magazines.


  1. Second junior group: “Chest - box” for each child.
  2. Middle group: children's collections, the teacher's personal collection (postcards, calendars, shells, pieces of various fabrics).



Teachers independently choose natural objects.

Program “From childhood to adolescence”


  1. To shape the health and development of children by preventing and correcting early deviations, increasing resistance to stress and providing conditions for the high-quality maturation of all functional systems of the body, taking into account biological and social risk factors.
  2. To foster national identity, language and traditional values, to teach communication with adults and peers. Develop the child’s personality, his talents, abilities and curiosity.

Children's development centers


Exhibition of fiction.

From the older group, children's magazines and children's pages of individual newspapers are introduced.

“Smart Book Shelf” - books, pictures, illustrations on topics of interest to children.



  1. Desk with drawers, large mirror.
  2. Subject and subject pictures.
  3. A set of pictures to automate sounds.
  4. Cards with descriptions and photographs, pictures of articulation exercises.
  5. Various pillowcases.
  6. Equipment for producing sounds.
  7. Materials for the development of fine motor skills.
  8. Books with speech exercises
  9. Notebooks with tongue twisters and pure tongue twisters.
  10. Notebook on sound culture.



Products of folk art masters,

Works of illustrators.

Exhibition of children's works (once a quarter).

Isomaterials: a set of visual materials, pencil cases for children, marked brushes.


Mathematical game library – printed board games,

Mathematical piggy bank.


Albums - “Skillful Hands”, “My Family”, “All Work is Good”, “Our Glorious Deeds”.

Panel – my group, forest.

Collections – treasures of children, personal collections of teachers (fabrics, paper, buttons).


It is drawn up in free form.


Design with removable parts (in the form of a sun with velcro fastened with bows in the shape of sunflowers, a tree, a starry sky on each ray.

Every day, children choose removable pieces in a color that matches their mood at the moment.

Characteristics of the color scheme

Red – activity, excitement, assertiveness.

Blue – calmness, contentment.

Green – confidence, well-being.

Gray – passivity, indifference.

Black – emotional distress.

Brown – need for help.

Violet – internal hesitation, anxiety.


Elements of the developmental environment are not defined in the program.

Development program


Develop children's mental and artistic abilities. The subject environment presupposes a harmonious relationship between three types of materials - those used in the process of specially organized training, different but similar (if red parts are used in class, then blue ones outside classes), free, i.e. allowing the child to apply the learned means and methods of cognition in other circumstances.

Children's development centers


Second junior group

Materials on sensory

  1. Turrets and pyramids are single and multi-colored.
  2. Pyramids of 6 - 10 thick rings, of 12 thin rings.
  3. Insert bowls 10 pcs.
  4. Matryoshka dolls 2 – 4 local.
  5. Sets of small wooden and plastic toys.
  6. Balls 3 – 4 sizes; sets of sand molds for playing with sand and water.

Program materials

  1. Subject pictures.
  2. Sound clock.
  3. Games “Children's World”, “Shop”, “Zoo”, “In the Forest”.

Middle group

Materials have been added from the section “Mathematics”, “Literacy”, “Development of the idea of ​​oneself and the world around us”, “Nature”, materials from the section “Sensory”, necessary for the development of ideas about the relationships of objects in size, are presented.

There is a pie chart of the seasons on the wall.

Senior group

Added material on mathematics and literacy.

  1. Board, markers, chalk.
  2. Didactic games with mathematical content, lotto, dominoes, board games, geometric mosaics.
  3. Tangram games, geometric puzzles.

Preparatory group for school

  1. Clock "Seasons and months".
  2. Cash register letters.
  3. Multi-colored chips - red, blue, green, black for sound shapes, 2 - 3 sets.
  4. Sheets of paper, multi-colored markers.


Second junior group

Construction materials must be classified by shape and size and stored in special cabinets in open boxes.

  1. Construction material:

Tabletop sets: cubes, bricks, whetstones, plates, cylinders, triangular prisms of 2 - 3 sizes;

Floor building material;

Small plastic construction and waste material.

2. Sets of various small toys: dolls, animals, Christmas trees, mushrooms, cars of various sizes.

Middle group

  1. Natural material – bark, cones, leaves, feathers. Colored paper, glue, plasticine, drawings, diagrams, stencils, pencils and colored pencils, paper.
  2. Model of a doll's room, doll furniture, flannelgraph, geometric figures - furniture substitutes.
  3. Kindergarten layout.
  4. Site plan.
  5. Plans for individual premises of the kindergarten: group room, bedroom. Kindergarten floor plan.
  6. Auxiliary material: dolls, cars, buses, various “secrets” for searches, “travels,” and games on the site.

Senior group

  1. Auxiliary material: drawings of individual parts, buildings, columns, towers, structures, stencils.
  2. Metal construction set with crafts diagrams.
  3. Plastic builders, Lego.
  4. Layouts of the kindergarten and the city.
  5. Plan of the kindergarten site, street.
  6. Maps of the city, region, republic, country.
  7. Sets of postcards or reproductions with the sights of your hometown, locality, suburbs, and other cities of Russia.

Preparatory group

  1. Detailed map of the area where the kindergarten is located.
  2. Transport scheme of the city.
  3. Combined map of the city and the nearest suburbs.
  4. Compass, slate, chalk.


  1. Special tables with lids that rise at an angle.
  2. Paints, gouache, charcoal, pencils.
  3. Brushes are thin and thick, bristle, squirrel or kolinsky.
  4. Paper of different formats.
  5. Foam sponges.
  6. Cloths for arms and hands.
  7. Jars for paint and water.
  8. Aprons.
  9. Plasticine.
  10. Free wall for children's work.
  1. Additional materials - clay, small brushes, rolled paper for free and collaborative activities (wallpaper, postal craft).
  2. Additional materials - buttons, boxes for painting, wood chips, colored scraps, beads, leaves, acorns, gold and silver foil, scraps of colored paper, costume elements, “magic chests”, “magic wands”.


Second junior and middle groups

  1. Tabletop theater, small screen and sets of puppets (finger and flat figures).
  2. Theater made by children and teachers.
  3. Material for making characters and decorations.
  4. Circles of different colors, stripes of different sizes.
  5. Shelf with books, 6 – 8 books, 1 – 2 tables with pencils.

Senior and preparatory groups

The theater is equipped with children. They make masks, attributes, costume elements for characters, and decorations.


Second junior and middle groups

  1. Attributes for role-playing games, taking into account the age characteristics of children.
  2. Sensory games – “Roll the ball”, “Hit the gate”, “Hide the mouse”, lotto “Color”, “Color and shape”, geometric mosaic, planar, game “Catch the fish”.
  3. Games from the section “Development of ideas about yourself and the world around you.”
  4. Attributes of various professions (doctor's bag, clothes of a cook, policeman, hairdresser's comb, library forms, theater tickets and programs).
  5. Dolls girls and boys.
  6. Toy discs and pets.

Senior and preparatory group

  1. Additional material from the “Mathematics” section; cards with numbers - “days” and “numbers” cards with numbers – “money” and number cards.
  2. Additional material from the section “Ecological ideas”, lotto, dominoes, electric quizzes, books with images of various animals and plants, filmstrips, slides.


Middle group

  1. Animals – fish, snails, turtles, guinea pigs, birds. Temporary inhabitants – squirrel, cat or dog.
  2. Plants – violet, begonia, fuchsia, balsam, tradescantia).
  3. Plants by season - asters, chrysanthemums, golden balls, branches of coniferous and deciduous trees, primroses, peonies, gladioli, marigolds, daisies, bells, clover.
  4. Local history materials - photographs, paintings, slides, filmstrips about the nature of the region, minerals, herbariums.
  5. Objects for experimentation: bowls of water and sand, pebbles, metal and non-metallic objects, magnet, windmills, salt, sugar, molds, microcosm, magnifying glass.
  6. The locker rooms contain equipment for caring for plants and animals, for games, and for experimenting on the site.
  7. A magic chest with natural materials (cones, seeds, nuts, pebbles, shells).

Senior and pre-school groups

  1. Indoor plants that are convenient to demonstrate the interaction of their parts (cacti, aloe, ficus, indoor grapes, climbing ivy).
  2. Special stand for climatic zones - desert, arctic; ecosystems – forest, city.



The spiritual and material state of society depends on the foundations laid in the creation of children, therefore the preschool educational institution team pays great attention to the organization and content of the subject environment surrounding the child.

The model for constructing a living space created by the preschool educational institution team is aimed at ensuring the child’s maximum comfortable state and development. This model takes into account the principles and requirements for the organization and content of the subject-development environment, as well as the recommendations of the “Communities” program implemented in the preschool educational institution.

Model for constructing living space in a preschool educational institution

Organizational conditions

Material and technical conditions

  1. Ensuring contact between adults and children depending on the communication distance

Taking into account a comfortable interaction distance:

adult - child;

child - adult.

Creating a common psychological space for communication with each child and the group as a whole.

Multi-level furniture, height adjustable.

Sets of furniture of a special technical design, allowing the teacher to observe the activities of children in all corners of the group.

Non-traditional table shapes (horseshoe-shaped, ribbon, trapezoidal, etc.).

Privacy areas with comfortable furniture, cushions, etc.

A beautiful carpet is a place for children to gather together.

  1. Ensuring the emergence and development of the child’s cognitive interests, his volitional qualities, emotions, feelings.

Creating a composition of the environment together with a designer, artist, teacher-psychologist, taking into account children's subculture.

Working with sketches, choosing colors and materials that create an atmosphere of comfort and joy.

Selecting the location of activity centers in accordance with the recommendations of the program, the age characteristics of the children, and their interests.

The arrangement of furniture and equipment meets sanitary and hygienic requirements.

The use of fountains in the decoration of preschool educational institutions.

Determining a place in the group for organizing your own exhibitions of reproductions, drawings, large-scale manuals, etc.

Modeling the group's play space in accordance with the age characteristics and interests of children.

Development of an algorithm for constructing a subject-development environment in accordance with the theme (project) of the week.

Lighting design – two-level lighting (sconces, table lamps).

Sound design - a music library with recordings of the splashing of water, the sound of the sea, birdsong, rustling leaves, etc.

The presence of balconies of various modifications (a ship, a mansion, a car, etc.), a multifunctional design (with bridges, ladders, platforms, railings, etc., made of wood) as part of a single space of a group room stimulates the child to be physically or creatively activity.

Availability of a place to relax (podiums, gazebos, upholstered modular furniture, etc.).

Equipping cognitive activity centers in accordance with the theme of the week’s project with didactic material, manuals, tools, diagrams, models, encyclopedias, maps, etc.

Equipment for a “scientific discovery” laboratory, a book publishing house, an improvised theater, a museum, a library, a toy library, an art workshop, and a culinary center.

Equipping the play environment with a certain set of functional play items (kitchen, laundry, hairdresser, store, hospital, etc.), substitute items, waste materials, etc., developing children’s imagination and creativity.

Equipment for a costume room, dressing room with a variety of clothing accessories, etc.

A variety of sets of didactic educational games, construction sets, sports and gaming equipment (trampolines, bouncing balls, dry pool, modern sports kits).

  1. Ensuring stability and dynamism of the development environment

Creating a project for possible changes to the environment.

Giving the child the right to modify the environment, to create it again and again in accordance with taste and mood.

Plan of a group with moving components (flannelograph type).

Movable furniture (on wheels).

Soft modules.

Transparent partitions, screen.

Lightweight prefabricated houses.

Plastic furniture, portable umbrellas.

  1. Ensuring the simultaneous implementation of various activities

Optimal use of functional spaces.

Connecting part of the bedroom and reception room to the group room (to create corners of privacy, conduct role-playing games, literature centers).

Providing the possibility of free orientation of the child in space (symbols, arrows).

The presence of a music, physical education hall, exercise therapy hall, cafe “Pearl”, family room, classroom, swimming pool, sauna, organically included in the structure of the general internal communication and recreational space, open for communication between children and adults.

Creation for the implementation of informal communication “Safety Island”, “Health Alley”, a gallery of children’s creativity, holding personal exhibitions, work stands “My Mood”, “I am the most, the most ...”, “Star of the Week”, “News from the Family”.

  1. Ensuring individual comfort and emotional well-being

Accessibility of everything that surrounds the child, ensuring his functional activity.

Implementation of the traditions of preschool educational institutions.

Implementation of optimal motor activity in children.

Decoration of sanitary rooms.

Interior landscaping.

Accounting for sexual differentiation.

Design of information stands for parents.

Creating a living room for children and parents (design, decoration close to home environment).

Holding family celebrations indoors (family room, hall, cafe).

European design, comfortable sanitary rooms, allowing the child to feel comfortable in intimate moments of life.

Ecological room with an aquarium, terrarium, soft corner, educational material.

Having a personal space with a shelf for personal belongings, toys, photographs, etc.

Availability of mirrors in preschool premises, play equipment for boys and girls.

Video room, audio equipment, karaoke, computer equipment.

For many years, preschool educational institutions have been working to develop the child’s ability to organically enter the world of adult things and master basic skills for safe handling of technical and household appliances (electric kettles, toasters, mixers, vegetable cutters, knives). Children form primary complex ideas about certain technologies for preparing simple dishes, develop and acquire life and special skills in available types of work. This approach makes it possible to significantly enrich children’s work activities, awaken interest and desire to work for themselves and others, and contribute to the birth of their own initiative.

The interaction of the preschool educational institution with domestic manufacturers, offering a wide selection of teaching aids, educational games, sports equipment and furniture of European design, various equipment, and technology at the level of world standards, made it possible to introduce diversity into the subject-development environment and improve the culture of life in the preschool educational institution. The high educational potential of the environment contributes to the formation of a holistic knowledge of the world, gives a new quality of life, and ennobles the child’s world.

Basic approaches to creating a developmental environment in preschool educational institutions

In the structure of the environment that influences the formation of a child’s personality, the natural social environment stands out; it has many elements. The environment as a multicomponent phenomenon is a subject of study by philosophers, educators, philosophers, ecologists, psychologists, and other specialists.

L.N. wrote about the educational possibilities of the environment for the younger generation. Tolstoy, N.I. Pirogov, K.D. Ushinsky, S.T. Shatsky, L.K. Shleger, P.P. Blonsky. As emphasized by A.S. Makarenko is brought up by an environment “organized in the most advantageous way.” An innovative phenomenon was the experience of the “School under the Blue Sky” by V.A. Sukhomlinsky, which used the educational potential of the natural environment (outdoor education).

In the 80s 20th century The interaction of the environment was actively studied (A.T. Kurakin, M.V. Novikov, V.Ya. Asvin). The term “educational environment” began to be used, and a theoretical model of the content of education was developed (V.I. Slobodchikov 1997), the core of which is the educational environment. The model is a system “person – educational environment – ​​world – subject forms – art – society). Described the main characteristics of the educational environment (N.B. Krylova, Yu.S. Manuylov, 2001).

The author of a dissertation research on the topic “An emotionally rich educational environment as a means of communicative development of older preschool children” (E.V. Rybak, 2001) considers the educational environment as a zone of interaction between educational systems, their elements, educational material and subjects of educational processes, as a special personal space of knowledge and development. The work theoretically substantiates the need to create a developmental environment in preschool childhood. It is based on conceptual provisions on the role of the socio-cultural and educational environment in human upbringing (T.S. Butorina, B.S. Vulfov, Y.S. Manuylov, A.V. Mudrik, R.V. Avcharova), on nature and cultural conformity nationalities (G.N. Volkov, Z.I. Vasilyeva, T.D. Ushinsky); system-forming environmental factors in controlling neuropsychic development (A.V. Pyatkov); development of the emotional world of the individual (V.V. Lebedyansky); on the ideas of humanization of education (L.A. Wenger, A.V. Zaporozhets).

Environment-oriented education (upbringing, training), says E.V. Rybak assumes a scientific understanding of the system of terms: subject, cultural, spiritual and spiritual-material, natural, informational, external and internal, developmental, sociocultural, emotional, comfortable.

Regarding the sphere of preschool education, the term “developmental environment” is most often used. L.V. Svirskaya proposes to classify the concept of “subject-developing environment” as spiritual, material, subject.

The course “Preschool Pedagogy” - one of the specialized disciplines for training future specialists in preschool education - provides an introduction to various aspects of the terms “environment” and “developmental environment”. The environment is considered as an interdisciplinary concept that is most important for pedagogy, as a factor in the development of the child’s personality in the narrow and broad sense of the word (micro-, meso- and masofaktur). The sociocultural environment is revealed as a factor restraining or, on the contrary, activating the process of child development (favorable, greenhouse, hostile, aggressive, neutral environment. At the same time, the role of an adult in filtering the harmful effects of the environment on a small child who cannot do this on his own is emphasized (S.A. Kozlova , T.A. Kulikova).

The developmental environment refers not only to the subject environment. It must be structured in a special way in order to most effectively influence the child’s development.

The creation of a developmental environment in the recommendations “on the examination of educational programs” for preschool educational institutions of the Russian Federation is considered as a necessary requirement for their implementation (R.B. Sterkina, 1995). In recent years, partial programs for specialization of a child’s personality have appeared with the aim of creating a favorable environment for upbringing and learning, strengthening the spiritual ties between educators and those being educated, and developing the self-awareness of preschoolers (“we are the basis of life safety, the alphabet of morality, together, a wonderful city”).

Requirements for the development environment are an important component of the state standard of preschool education. The child's development environment as a complex of material, technical, sanitary, hygienic, ergonomic, aesthetic, psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure the life of children and adults is the subject of examination during the period of licensing and certification of preschool educational institutions. For this purpose, criteria for assessing the living conditions of children in kindergarten have been developed. A preschooler, even with basic reading skills, cannot independently use a book as a source of knowledge. He gains social experience and new information about the world around him in the process of direct communication with adults. Therefore, it is very important that it be developmental.

The developmental environment creates favorable conditions for the child to learn in independent activities, provides various types of his activity (mental, physical, play), becomes the basis for independent activity, a condition for a unique form of self-education.

Much attention was paid to the issues of equipping kindergartens with equipment and materials. Tikheyeva, E.A. Flerina, A.V. Surovtseva. Research in the field of building a developmental environment began shortly after the creation in 1960 of the Research Institute of Preschool Education of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR. In the 60s - 70s. 20th century requirements were developed and sketches were created for the interior design and area of ​​the kindergarten (E.V. Maksimov, L.V. Panteleeva). The importance of organizing the aesthetic environment in preschool educational institutions is noted by Yu.A. Ekzhanova, V.I. Lyaskala, S.L. Novoselova, A.I. Savenkov, O.V. Heron. The important role of the aesthetic environment in the development of artistic and creative activity is emphasized by E.A. Flerina, N.A. Vetlugina, T.S. Komarova. The works of T.S. are devoted to the creation of a developmental environment in an integrative educational system. Komarova, V.I. Lyaskala, O.Yu. Phillips.

Tracing the history of the development of the problem of building a developmental environment S.L. Novoselova writes that by the mid-70s. 20th century systems of educational toys for infants were developed, new principles for the formation of a developmental environment, educational modular and play environments were developed, a new pedagogical classification of toys was proposed, construction sets were created that meet the tasks of the child’s intellectual development, educational toys and didactic aids aimed at forming the initial culture of thinking of children of early and early childhood. preschool age (G.G. Lokutsievskaya, N.N. Poddyakov, N.A. Paramonova, S.L. Novoselova, N.T. Grinyavichenye, E.V. Zvorygina).

In the second half of the 80s. The concept and system of “computer gaming complex” was developed. Following the school, the gradual computerization of preschool education began. Specialists appear to teach older preschoolers how to use a computer. Computer gaming complexes, through educational games and symbolic-modeling activities, help prepare children for life in a modern, information-saturated society.

The creation of a developmental environment in preschool educational institutions has become the most important direction of the reform of preschool education in Russia. The main approaches to its implementation are formulated in the concept of preschool education of 1989. A special place in it is occupied by the section devoted to the creation of a developmental environment, which should ensure a person-oriented relationship between specialists and kindergarten students. In the early 90s. In preschool institutions in Russia, the process of updating the subject-development environment is intensifying. In 1991, the target program “Developmental object-based play environment for children of preschool and primary school age” was approved.

Changing the subject environment is considered by N.Ya. Mikhailenko, N.A. Korotkova, 1992; as one of the areas of humanization and increasing the efficiency of the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions and formulates a number of requirements for its organization:

  1. Free choice by children of toys and materials for the type of activity that attracts them and the realization of their plans;
  2. The opportunity to play both in small subgroups and individually is not found in a large group that constantly tires children; it makes sense to build the space of a group room in a niche, separating parts of the rooms with low shelving, screens, etc.
  3. The space of a group room for classes, devoid of official school paraphernalia.

In 1993, a creative team of specialists representing various professions (psychologists, teachers, designers, architects) developed the concept of creating a developmental environment in a preschool institution (V.A. Petrovsky, M.N. Klarina, L.A. Smygina, L.P. . Strelkov), in which the general concept of preschool education was further developed. In relation to the organization of living conditions for children in kindergarten, the authors formulated the following principles for constructing a person-oriented model of a developmental subject environment:

  1. Distances, positions during interaction;
  2. Activity, independence, creativity;
  3. Stability and dynamism;
  4. Integration and flexible zoning;
  5. Emotionality, individual comfort, emotional well-being of an adult and a child;
  6. A combination of conventional and extraordinary elements of aesthetic organization;
  7. Openness and closedness;
  8. The principle of recording the sex and age of children.

One of the authors of the “Childhood” program M.N. Polyakova understands a developmental environment as a natural, comfortable, cozy environment, rationally organized, saturated with a variety of sensory stimuli and play materials. She offers her list of principles for building a developmental environment in a kindergarten group: respect for the needs of the child, taking into account the type, direction of children's activities and the priority nature of the content of education; dynamism and aesthetics of the environment.

The characteristics of the development environment, according to M.N. Polyakova should be:

  1. Comfort and safety;
  2. Providing a richness of sensory experiences;
  3. Independent individual activity;
  4. Opportunities for research and experimentation;
  5. Methodological recommendations for the design of variable design projects for a developmental subject environment in kindergartens and educational complexes were proposed by S.L. Novoselova (1995).

The developing subject environment is defined as a system of material objects of a child’s activity, functionally modeling the content of his spiritual and aesthetic development. The main elements of the subject environment are architectural and landscape environmental objects, art studios, physical education and playgrounds and their equipment, large-sized construction kits suitable for a child’s height (modules, thematic sets of toys and aids, a children’s library, a design studio and a museum, a musical and theatrical environment, audiovisual and information means of education and training.

So, S.L. Novoselova offers key conceptual provisions for organizing a developing subject environment.

  1. All components of the developing subject environment must be combined with each other; they must be combined in scale and artistic design; provide meaningful communication between adults and children.
  2. The developing subject environment acquires specificity depending on the type of educational institution, content and upbringing, age, level of development of children and their activities.
  3. The architectural and planning solution of preschool institutions should provide for the creation of conditions for the joint activities of young children and take into account local ethnopsychological, cultural, historical and natural climatic conditions.
  4. The environment should be varied.
  5. The initial requirement for the subject environment is developmental in nature. Its content and properties should create conditions for the creative activity of each child, serve the goals of actual physical and mental development and improvement, and provide a zone of proximal development.
  6. The environment should be information-rich, which is ensured by a variety of topics, enrichment of the functional properties of its elements, and complexity of materials.
  7. Gaming, sports, household, and environmental environments should be comfortable at the level of functional reliability and safety.

Equipped in this way, the subject environment, according to S.L. Novoselova, not only represents the objects of the child’s activity, but also acts as a bearer of the culture of the pedagogical process, ennobles the work of the teacher, provides him with opportunities for creativity, and serves to maintain his personal and professional self-esteem.

Various authors studying these problems of creating a developmental environment agree that the concept of creating a developmental environment as a whole should be based on an activity-age system approach and be based on modern ideas about the objective nature of activity, its development and significance for the mental significance of the child. This means that the developing subject environment must correspond to a certain age, the content of children’s activities, the goals of education and training, and the principles of project culture.

Researchers note the frequent congestion of the subject-spatial environment, the irrational distribution of zones for various types of children's activities, and the formality of the situation.

In the manual “From Preschool Educational Institutions to School” (M., 2007), T. Doronova expresses the idea that the “sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational institutions, SanPin - 03 are archaic. According to her In the opinion, this document blocks the path for practicing teachers to innovation in education, limits the possibilities of designing a subject-spatial environment by architects and designers, requires its strict unification, and contradicts modern ideas about the appropriate forms and content of the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

As the basic principles of designing a subject-spatial environment, T.N. Doronova calls it correspondence to the form and content of the educational process.

This manual offers an approximate framework design that meets these principles. To do this, the author believes that the space of a group room should be divided into three zones:

- working – for productive, cognitive and research activities (objects for experimentation);

- quiet - for reading fiction, gaming (board games) and educational and research activities (educational books, thematic dictionaries, atlases);

- active – for story play and productive activities (large floor construction sets)

The boundaries between zones should be movable and easy to move, in the form of low screens, shelving, or volumetric floor modules. This framework design should be specified by practicing teachers “for their group”, taking into account the area of ​​the group room, available equipment, and the number of children.

In modern preschool institutions, significant changes have occurred in the living conditions of adults and children. Positive changes include the desire to create a home environment through the use of modern building materials in the decoration of premises, upholstered furniture in the interior, which often does not meet the requirements of SanPin; a special room is allocated and equipped for various types of children's activities (art and theater studios, fairy tale rooms, handicrafts, constructive activities, relaxation for adults and children (living rooms, computer and choreography classes, sports complexes, mini-stadiums), all existing premises are used thoughtfully, functionally used, rationally zoned for organizing various types of activities (game, constructive, artistic, motor) , conditions are created for the joint and individual activities of children. The following principles are observed: convenience; accessibility; age; compliance with psychological and pedagogical aesthetic, hygienic requirements for toys, play and sports equipment; the production of attributes for interior decoration and toys remains traditionally in demand. - homemade crafts, crafts made from natural and waste materials by the hands of adults and children, the use of substitute items. At the same time, homemade toys and interior items are being replaced by high-quality equipment and factory-produced toys. There is no doubt that new educational programs are equipped with the necessary scientific methodological sets of materials, manuals, and equipment. Consequently, a preschool educational institution is currently able to solve the problem of creating a subject-developing subject-spatial environment. The listed approaches to building a subject-development environment determine one of the directions for the development of the field of preschool education. They can only be partially implemented. Their implementation will require innovative architectural design, new design, equipment, furniture, and toys of a new generation.

In conclusion, it should be said that the defining moment in creating a developmental environment is the pedagogical goal or idea that guides the preschool educational institution in its activities.

Innovative components

subject-development environment


To introduce children to objects, to teach classification according to various characteristics and sensory skills. Collections should be placed in special cabinets at a level accessible to children. Components taken into account:

- accessibility of facilities;

- variety;

- safety;


A corner with various indoor plants, aquariums, an alpine slide, for children to relax and care for plants.


Includes cartographic materials - maps, diagrams, plans, drawings about nature; hiking equipment.


Decorated with models of the Moon, Sun, planets, a star map, games and manuals - card index of constellations, “assemble a constellation”, “sun and planets”.


Made by children and teachers - a model of a region, a model for a fairy tale, climatic and natural zones.


Pyramid "Transport" - water, air, road, rail and maps of traffic routes. During the game, the child travels, rearranging the figures of cars, trains, and planes.

The music-noise pyramid denotes a musical corner in the group. Musical instruments are attached to it.

Pyramid “Nimble Fingers” - toys made from old clothes, plastic containers, multi-colored lids are placed. Braids for weaving, laces, bows, threads.

Pyramid “Beloved Land” - map of the region, animals and plants.

Pyramid “Seasons” - spring, summer, autumn, winter, objects of living and inanimate nature.


Separate sections of halls and groups are allocated. Mini-museums play a great educational and educational role. They are created by a team of children, parents, and educators. Of no small importance is the presentation of family exhibits collected together with the parents. Exhibits are provided with labels with the child's name and surname. You can place mini-museums: “Miracle Tree”, “City of Masters”, “Fun Toys”, “Best Friend”, “World of Books”, “Our Motherland - Russia”, “Costume Theatre”, “Puppet Theatre”.

The “Miracle Tree” mini-museum consists of two parts: on the one hand - exhibits about the life of a tree in nature - a three-dimensional model of a tree, animals associated with it, photographs of forest inhabitants and various trees; the opposite wall is designed in the form of a wooden house, with windows through which the forest is visible, wooden products are placed - toys, household items, birch bark crafts, books about plants.

Mini-museum “City of Masters”. The city is run by a shoemaker, a baker, and a hairdresser, living in small houses. The inhabitants of the city - dough men - can ride a train, ride a horse, or simply relax in their apartments.

The mini-museum “Best Friend” is created from exhibits related to the life of dogs - stone, wooden, glass, plastic, paper figures of dogs, large and small toys, children's jewelry - games, postcards, photo albums, calendars, stamps, magazines, books, videos, plastic bags with corresponding pictures; photographs of your own dogs and stories about them; dogs made by children and their parents.

The World of Books mini-museum includes types of books: ancient publications, small books, folding books, and music books.

The mini-museum of fun toys includes all types of fun toys with ropes, buttons, etc.

Mini-museum "History of Things". Antiques, household items and household utensils are selected - jars, towels, baskets, bast shoes, cast iron pots and samovars, grips, rockers, balalaikas, gramophones, chests, clothes.

Mini-museum of nature – unusual objects of living and inanimate nature.

  1. Natural objects - mushrooms, tree cuts, corals, abandoned nests of birds or wasps, feathers).
  2. Geographic maps, atlases (maps of the location of museum exhibits).
  3. Things made from natural materials.
  4. Family collections of stamps, postcards, calendars, badges with nature themes.
  5. Items made from waste.
  6. Items depicting various environmental and resource-saving signs.

The description of the exhibit is written on separate sheets of paper and placed in file folders.

Exhibit description scheme

  1. Drawing, photograph of the exhibit.
  2. The name is scientific, everyday, folk.
  3. Where collected - place of collection, its characteristics, country, environment.
  4. Collected by: Full name of the donor.
  5. Information about the exhibit - where it is found, what its features are, how it is used by humans.
  6. Use in working with children - what to pay attention to, in what types of activities it will be useful.
  7. Additional literature – for children and teachers.

"Bottle Kingdom"

Doll made from plastic bottles

Stages of making a doll.

  1. Cut off the bottoms of the bottles in the required proportions.
  2. Roll a piece of linoleum into a tube, insert it into the necks of the bottles and connect the body and head.
  3. Cover the head of the future doll with stocking in two layers, tightening it at the top of the doll’s head and at the bottom of the neck.
  4. Make hair from yarn and attach it to the head, decorate the details of the face.
  5. Cut a strip 1.5 cm wide from the bottle - the future frame of the arms. Cut out parts representing hands from leather.
  6. Sew clothes for the doll that match the intended image.

Bottle thermometer

Take a plastic bottle with a volume of 400 - 500 ml and pour in colored water. Then place a cocktail straw in it and secure it with plasticine - an analogue of a mercury column. Attach a cardboard with divisions from 1 to 10 marked on it to the back of the bottle. When the temperature rises, the water in the straw will rise, and when it falls, it will fall.

Non-standard physical education equipment


Basic movements: throwing, catching.


Two holes are made in the plastic balls, one exactly opposite the other, and they are strung like beads on a cord. The cord is pulled 50–60 cm above the child’s outstretched arms. Children move the balls with a gymnastic stick, walking one after another. Correct posture is formed, children try to stand on their toes and reach the balls.

Soft target

Basic movements: throwing at a moving target, jumping, throwing up, balance exercise.

Foam rubber squares (20\20 cm) are covered with fabric, a target is sewn in the center, and a loop is made in one of the corners (for stringing on a rope). The rope on which the target is located is stretched across the entire gym. Children can throw at a target using the frontal method (swing the rope - throwing at a moving target).

  1. Press the target with your knees, jump right, left, forward.
  2. Place the targets at a distance of 40 - 60 cm from each other, perform jumps over the targets sideways, in an extended step.
  3. In one hand there is a ball, in the other there is a soft target. Throw the ball up and catch it on a soft target.
  4. Target on the head, arms to the sides. Move around the hall with turns, zigzags, backwards, try to keep the target on your head.

Cards with exercise sets

General developmental exercises.

Mats for foot correction

The material for rugs can be different: synthetic materials, sewn buttons, rows of metal bottle caps.

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