Interpretation of the influence of Saturn transits. Transits of Saturn, Konstantin Daragan “Transits

Transit of Saturn in the 5th house.

Saturn's transit through the fifth house has a dual meaning for love relationships. On the one hand, it contributes to the emergence of thoughts about the seriousness of the relationship, even to the point of marriage proposal. On the other hand, the influence of transit Saturn leads to a break in a love relationship, to a certain cooling, dissatisfaction, and separation. All this is the cause of anxiety, fear, uncertainty, which makes a person strive to stabilize relationships. Transiting Saturn in the fifth house can bring about a love affair with a much older person or bring back a past relationship.
Since the fifth house is associated with children, the transit of Saturn through this house will require close attention to all issues relating to children. We will have to take responsibility for their upbringing, material maintenance and development. Negative Saturn can cause problems with pregnancy or protracted labor, and can also lead to forced separation from children.
Strict Saturn will not give you good luck in adventurous investments, speculation, or gambling. There may be problems with creative self-expression. It is worth paying more attention to current projects rather than starting something new. But there is one exception when it comes to talent recognition. If in the natal chart Saturn is placed extremely favorably in the tenth house, then the transit of Saturn in the fifth house will give well-deserved recognition.

Transit of Saturn in the 6th house.

The sixth house is not only the house of enemies, debts, illnesses, but also the house of service. Therefore, the transit of Saturn through this house is favorable for a person who understands that in life it is necessary to show such qualities as patience, concentration, methodfulness, and humility. Those who accept these qualities of Saturn can improve their situation at work, although not in terms of salary or position increases. For Saturn, manifestations of zeal at work are a normal state and there is no talk of encouragement. To a greater extent, this will concern responsibility and responsibilities. What you should not do during Saturn's transit through the sixth house is change jobs. But forced dismissal is possible.
The sixth house concerns the area of ​​everyday life, therefore you will have to devote a lot of time to everyday affairs. Sometimes, if there is a seriously ill person in the family, you have to take on the responsibilities of a nurse or guardian. And of course Saturn's transit through the sixth house will force a person to reconsider his lifestyle, nutrition system and attitude towards his own health. This may be due to both illness and the desire to become a healthy person. Any options are possible here - traditional medicine, all kinds of diets, procedures to cleanse the body. It turns out that The movement of Saturn in the sixth house brings a lot of useful things into our lives.
And yet, with all the usefulness of Saturn’s transit through the sixth house, you need to pay attention to the negative aspects. This could include problems at work, lack of mutual understanding with colleagues and subordinates, dismissal, or a period of unemployment. Accidents or accidents at work, serious errors in performing one’s duties, and heavy physical exertion are possible. Overwork can lead to deterioration of health and exacerbation of chronic diseases.
Pets can cause trouble for their owners.

Saturn is associated with gaining wisdom, experience and maturity through correct action, patience, determination and hard work.

Transiting Saturn in the 1st house

During this period, you will have a continuous struggle with yourself. Look in the mirror and ask yourself who is responsible for your appearance, character traits and image. After you blame your own childhood, those around you, and life compositions for everything, the moment of truth will come, which consists in the fact that you only have yourself to blame. It is you who must understand and correct the shortcomings of your own image and solve other personal problems. If you have failed to maintain your health and fitness in the past, circumstances will make you regret it now. Whatever the situations of this period, they will require your personal attention. Deal with them yourself, make decisions personally. The greatest reward for taking the right actions and healthy habits is that you will come to the end of this period a more mature person, with a clear understanding of your personal goals and path of development. When transiting Saturn is in your first house, anxiety may become too intense and you will likely take on additional responsibilities as a result. Be prepared for the fact that if you acquire something valuable, you will have to make some kind of sacrifice for it. Move forward gradually, remember moderation and calmness, and this will bring you success.

Transiting Saturn in the 2nd house

The current circumstances pose the question of what is important and what is secondary. The threat of losing something truly valuable will come to the fore. During this period, you will not lose money, but if your income increases, it will only be thanks to hard work and the willingness to make some sacrifices for it. Your behavior and views on how money should be managed will become important when transiting Saturn is in your second house. Do you pay too much attention to money and material possessions, neglecting more important things? Are you wasting money by using it irresponsibly? Do you use money to buy yourself out of your responsibilities? If you neglect your relationships with people, your connections may be damaged. Your willingness to change your relationship with finances will be tested. But more importantly, you will need to clearly define your priorities and establish a value system. In addition, there may be a situation in which you save money and your financial capabilities, but lose the desire to make purchases, and what you want to buy turns out to be unattainable or unattractive.

Transiting Saturn in the 3rd house

When transit Saturn is in your 3rd house, you will lose the desire to leave your family hearth. Your need to remain in your immediate environment will become so intense that any absence will irritate you. Circumstances point to inconsistency in the methods you use, your inability to speak up, organize, think through ideas and opinions, and lack basic information or skills. Such deficiencies could arise as a result of past negligence or indifference on your part. Responsibilities associated with relatives, neighbors and those with whom you interact on a daily basis can become tiresome and your contacts with them difficult or limited. Traveling and daily commuting will cause irritation. If you neglect preventative inspection of your vehicles, they will have to be repaired or replaced. The same situation will arise with communications equipment, computers, household appliances and other equipment that you use. During this period, your willingness to change your views and behavior related to collecting information, exchanging ideas and opinions, learning new things and acquiring new skills will be tested. It should be remembered that the trials of this period are inextricably linked with overcoming obstacles. If an obstacle arises in front of you, you should look for another way. Your activities should be better organized and time distributed more efficiently. Although there may be various restrictions during this period, you will learn how and when to act so that you have more free time.

Transiting Saturn in the 4th house

When transiting Saturn moves through your 4th house, you may be discouraged or disappointed by your home, household routines, or family relationships. Attempts by family members to limit or hinder your development will irritate you, and your relatives will be unhappy with your interference in their affairs. They may try to impose additional responsibilities on you towards family members or home. Parenting may come to the fore, and if it has led to negative attitudes and behavior, you will have to acknowledge this and try to correct the situation. If you want to reach the next higher level of personal development and experience (and the rewards that go with it), your sacrifices and efforts must be directed towards strengthening family ties, creating a healthy home environment, and understanding yourself and your own past. When transiting Saturn is in your 4th house, it marks the end of one stage and the beginning of the next. Circumstances will prevent you from achieving success in new situations if you do not have time to complete your previous tasks. If you don't want change and don't understand that it is inevitable, circumstances will force you to change your mind.

Transiting Saturn in the 5th house

When transiting Saturn is in your 5th house, it is difficult to enjoy life, especially since the pursuit of pleasure will likely come with responsibilities. You may have new obligations towards your children or problems related to them will require resolution. Children may find you too harsh or unyielding, and you may feel alienated from them. During this period, a long and lasting romantic interest is likely, however, such relationships must be accompanied by serious emotional obligations, otherwise they will not last. Bad habits and indulgences in the past can cause significant difficulties: now you will have to pay old bills. Social activities may either stop or become so overwhelming that you are unable to focus on other important issues. In addition, the development and use of artistic and creative abilities, or their abuse, may come to the fore. Actions involving physical, economic or emotional risk should be undertaken with the utmost care and caution. Failure to do so will likely lead to serious losses.

Transiting Saturn in the 6th house

The focus during this period will be primarily on your work and health. Work means day-to-day tasks and responsibilities - whether you do housework or work outside the home. Work related responsibilities will increase. There may be job losses and other disappointments and difficulties associated with it. The atmosphere in the workplace will become tense, relationships with colleagues will become strained. When transiting Saturn is in your 6th house, your usual routine, endless small tasks and tasks can become tedious and boring. Problems will require solutions and appropriate changes. Health will come to the fore: this does not mean that you will get sick, but during this period you will regret that you once neglected a healthy lifestyle and maintaining physical fitness. Exacerbations of chronic diseases are likely, as well as physical ailments due to overwork, tension and emotional stress. If you understand the importance of regular visits to your doctor and dentist, and start eating a healthy diet and exercising, your efforts will pay off: your health will improve and you will enjoy more joyful years of life.

Transiting Saturn in the 7th house

The circumstances of this period will reveal how you communicate with people and how others perceive you (contrary to the image you are trying to create). For example, there is a possibility that people tend to accept your authority. They may also perceive you as more stern, inflexible, or unapproachable than you actually are. The focus will be on your relationships with partners and allies, as well as joint ventures. Perhaps your partner is entrusted with too many responsibilities, his health may deteriorate. If you and those around you feel secretly frustrated and seriously disagree about your goals, then the relationship will suffer when transiting Saturn is in your 7th house, and if you fail to reach a compromise, then the mutual relationship may be severed. On the other hand, if difficulties are overcome, a long, more stable marriage or other union may emerge. A marriage or partnership formed during this period may be born out of responsibility or practical considerations. Based on this description, one can imagine a joyless union, but such an outcome is not at all necessary. It may be a satisfying and valuable experience for both parties if they put in the effort. Legal issues are unlikely to be handled calmly or resolved quickly, and the same is true for contract negotiations. While cooperation is possible, assistance is unlikely to be provided free of charge, and the additional responsibilities you will be required to take on for such assistance may not be worth it.

Transiting Saturn in the 8th house

Areas that will require you to be responsible and make mature decisions include shared income or other wealth and position you have achieved through marriage, business partnership or inheritance, contributions or property (yours or that you manage on behalf of others, payment or collection Debts may be encountered by the tax police if due attention is not paid to tax issues or if you have made a deliberate attempt to evade taxes in the past or mislead the tax authorities. Sexual encounters during this period may be more serious or have a deeper and more lasting impact. Impact When transiting Saturn is in your 8th house, death also comes to the fore. This does not mean the end of your own life or the life of a family member or friend. Some aspects of death, even if not a close one, but belonging to your circle, will remind you. about the need to value life. In addition, during this period you will certainly be able to evaluate your own capabilities, striving to become more resourceful and ready to use all your skills and abilities to ensure your financial and other independence. If during this period you had to realize your responsibilities related to debts, money, material and intangible resources, and fulfill them, try to do this conscientiously and willingly. This is the key to your future security.

Transiting Saturn in the 9th house

When transiting Saturn is in your 9th house, expanding your intellectual horizons and seeking new experiences becomes especially important. You may have to face neglect, long-standing disappointments or failures. You are likely to become more involved in cultural, religious, or political groups, as well as engage in education or specialized training. Remarriage. In-laws and court decisions may lead to new responsibilities. Long-distance travel may be postponed until better times, or the circumstances of such travel will require more careful organization due to various restrictions. You will be worried about the work and health of one of your parents, losses or failures associated with your superiors or other government officials. There is likely to be an increase in responsibilities and restrictions related to foreigners, foreign trade, education, computers, publishing, broadcasting, distribution, advertising and mailing.

Transiting Saturn in the 10th house

You are likely to achieve what you worked for and gain well-deserved recognition or worthy status. But all your achievements will come with additional responsibilities when transiting Saturn is in your X house. If you have not set long-term goals and have not formed an idea of ​​​​what your destiny should be, circumstances will lead to the need to more clearly define your life course. Although you have the right and opportunity to benefit from the wisdom and advice of others, you will make a mistake if you allow them to make decisions for you. Resist the temptation to blame other people for your own failures or wrongdoings. This may comfort you, but the people and circumstances you will encounter during this period will not allow you to shift your responsibility to them. This is especially true if you have abused someone else's trust or your own power. By accepting the consequences of your actions and taking control of your own destiny, you will gain the experience and maturity that will help you rise to a higher level where true success and fulfillment are possible.

Transiting Saturn in the 11th house

During this period, you will be worried about your own happiness. Everyone's idea of ​​happiness is different, so satisfaction with your career, the implementation of long-term plans and the role you play in the lives of others depends largely on your age, maturity and experience. Perhaps the most painful thing to experience when transiting Saturn is in your 11th house is to question what your position as a child, lover, spouse, parent, friend, colleague or clubmate brings to you. As you begin to explore these different roles more closely, relationships and activities will become more stressful, especially if they do not bring you joy. But you will have to think about more than just your happiness. Saturn is associated with lessons about limits, responsibility and maturity, making it more meaningful to participate in a group's activities and making it clear that one should not bury one's talents and skills. A lack of friends in the past may create a need to establish friendships. If you have many friends, you may realize that your friendships lack commitment and responsibility and that it is much better to have a few more loyal friends. Friendship is just one example. Similar circumstances can arise in any relationship. Perhaps you will take custody of a child who is not related to you by blood, or you may begin to take a more responsible approach to your responsibilities as a member of an organization or group. The necessary answers cannot be found within oneself - first of all, one must determine one's place in society.

Transiting Saturn in the 12th house

You will have to face what is hidden from others, intentionally or intentionally, knowingly or unwittingly. When transiting Saturn is in your twelfth house, you will have to sort out your own fears and anxieties, resolve past issues that are negatively impacting your happiness and creativity, and take losses and disappointments seriously. If you previously sought refuge in self-pity and were tormented by empty remorse, now you will be forced to get rid of these feelings, as well as secret and destructive habits. You or those you are responsible for may have to spend time alone or face other restrictions. During this period, you should not expect others to notice your struggles or praise your achievements. These are your personal matters, and you should deal with them yourself. You will gain significant mental strength and understanding, and thus be better prepared to deal with present and future circumstances. You may need to help a family member who is seriously ill or having trouble getting work done. One of the most positive possibilities is that you will be rewarded for the previous sacrifices and hardships, as well as for the loneliness that you endured, just to achieve the important goal you had in mind. ]]>

Planets continuously move across the sky, and this is called transits. There is a general transit for all people, the results of which depend on the specific horoscope. Thus, Saturn is currently transiting through Scorpio, the eighth house of the natural zodiac. In your particular case, it could be any of the 12 houses, depending on the location of your Lagna (1st house).

The transit of Jupiter and Saturn is traditionally considered the most important, since these planets move slowly and have a significant impact on a person’s destiny. For example, Saturn travels through the entire zodiac in 30 years, while Venus takes only 1 year. Transits are used in such important predictions as marriage or the birth of a child.

"There is a general transit for all people, the results of which depend on the specific horoscope"

Consider the result of Saturn's transit (from the Moon) through all 12 houses:

First house

Illnesses and difficulties, possibly the funeral of relatives.

Second house

Loss of wealth, problems with children.

Third house

Welfare is restored and profits increase.

Fourth house

Problems with my wife, family and difficulties with luck.

Fifth house

Depression, difficulties in relationships with children, decrease in wealth.

Sixth house

Good, brings happiness and fortune.

Seventh house

Danger from disease, conflicts in the family.

Eighth house

Problems with friends, illness, loss of finances and relationships.

Ninth house

Difficulties with the father, many obstacles in achieving goals, death of relatives, sadness.

Eleventh house

Good results, gaining wealth, fortune, happiness and recognition.

Twelfth house

Losses, problems with enemies, illness of a partner.

It is important to take into account that Saturn is a planet that gives difficulties, a planet-teacher, it strengthens character through humility, patience and hard work, and leads a person to spirituality. In this regard, very few Saturn transits are favorable, and most of them bring various types of tests.

“Saturn is a planet that gives difficulties, a planet-teacher, it strengthens character through humility, patience and hard work, and leads a person to spirituality”

In particular, the transit that passes through the sign of the Moon, one sign before it and after it, is distinguished as the most difficult, called Sade Sati (7.5 years). In fact, no serious predictions can be made without a comprehensive and comprehensive study of the map.

If you want to know the details of Saturn's position in your horoscope, order a natal chart from a Vedic astrologer.

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Each planet, transiting through the Houses of the horoscope, colors our life in certain tones depending on the nature of this planet and the nature of the House through which it passes. When considering the transit of a planet through the House, one should take into account the strength and status of this planet (whether it is good or evil) according to the position it occupies in the radix. In addition, a planet entering a House brings with it the problems of the House in which it was in the radix, taking into account all the aspects that it had in the birth horoscope.
When considering the transits of Saturn, it can be useful to look at its aspects at the moment Saturn passes the border of the House. Since Saturn has a habit of passing the same point several times (usually three times), there are several such moments. The astrologer’s task is to build these three pictures into a single coherent plot (commencement - climax - denouement) and, taking this plot into account, look at the general background of events determined by the transit of Saturn through this House of Radix.
It is necessary to pay attention to the aspects of Saturn to the almutens of various Houses of Radix, which arise at the moment of Saturn's passage through the cusp of the House. So, if Saturn was affected by any planet in the radix, then Saturn’s trine to the same planet (supported by appropriate indicators) at the moment of entering the House can completely neutralize this defeat for the period of Saturn’s transit through this House of radix. The same principle applies to some other major planets.
The information provided by the transit picture is often loaded with small and not very significant details, but this picture reflects reality more fully than, for example, an analysis of the corresponding primary progressions.
Let us briefly describe the general points associated with Saturn’s transits for each House of the horoscope.
Saturn in 1st house
Modesty adorns a person if there is nothing else to decorate him with.
This transit is so significant that (with a strong Saturn and corresponding aspects) it can completely change a person’s tastes and habits. Saturn in the 1st House is in decline, so this transit requires close attention to the internal, spiritual side of a person’s life.
Having succumbed to the negative vibrations of Saturn itself (if it is evil) or its unfavorable aspects, a person can suppress the bright impulses of the soul and forget about aspirations designed for the long term. This transit makes a person gloomy and gloomy, prone to a secluded lifestyle, pessimism, and sometimes to suicide (if Saturn is related to the 8th House or Pluto, or unfavorable degrees come into play). With an indifferent attitude towards oneself, this transit roots bad habits if Saturn is related to Neptune and the Moon (Neptune and Lilith), and also helps to cool emotions in any area.
With good Saturn or favorable aspects, this transit promotes sober self-esteem, when some fog associated with the 12th House dissipates and the real reasons for the circumstances that constrain a person become clear. The period of forced isolation and loneliness, no matter how hard they are experienced by a person, can be used to deeply study one’s hidden complexes, to gain a spiritual core, to overcome ambitions and illusions. A good time to concentrate, reflect on your goals and make plans.
This transit requires a person to make conscious sacrifices in the affairs of the 2nd House. This may mean, in particular, a voluntary renunciation of material accumulation, which subsequently opens the way for achieving previously set goals. If a person tries to retain what has been achieved in the 2nd House, Saturn can not only take away everything, but also punish for inattention to this transit. Working with a dense form can become difficult to such an extent that a person’s hands seem to give up on their own. This often happens due to the fact that work is done solely with the expectation of owning its result, which Saturn passing through the 2nd House does not at all guarantee.
Evil Saturn in this transit can provoke senseless spending and unjustified material losses, depriving a person of confidence in the future, or, on the contrary, senseless accumulation (like collecting empty cans), which does not bring either wealth or joy. At the same time, this transit makes it possible to achieve an understanding of one’s own goals in the affairs of the 2nd House and, having thrown off excess burden, work fruitfully in those directions that are really necessary to solve the problems that concern a person.
Saturn in the 3rd House
If you are carried away into the open sea of ​​absurdity, drop the anchor of common sense.
This transit, as a rule, takes away the possibility of constructive communication with anyone and requires restrictions on contacts and connections.
A kind or harmonious Saturn moving through the 3rd House makes it possible to consciously break off unnecessary relationships, get rid of false contacts and focus on independently obtaining the necessary knowledge. This is a good period for correspondence contacts (for example, for writing a book), for individual work with information, for summing up results. This transit at a high level of development of Saturn provides unique opportunities to switch off from the flow of time and timeless development. At a low level of Saturn development during this period, problems with memory (forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, etc.) are possible. Conscious concentration of attention, logic and common sense help to overcome the difficulties of this transit.
Saturn in the 4th House
Our world is not very suitable for habitation, but this is not a reason to make it uninhabitable.
Saturn, like Mars, is a planet of the cardinal cross, since its abode and exaltation are in the signs of this cross. Therefore, the most significant, other things being equal, are the transits of Saturn through the angular Houses of Radix.
In the 4th House, Saturn is in exile, and his transit through this House can threaten serious troubles if not prepared for in advance.
At the everyday level, this can be the destruction and loss of a home (collapses, earthquakes, expulsion from one’s own home, etc.), the loss (in one form or another) of close relatives, primarily parents, inattention to one’s family responsibilities, for which you have to pay dearly. At a higher level, this is a separation from traditions, from roots, from moral foundations, the support of which a person should feel throughout his life.
Most often, the cause of the troubles of this transit is poor processing of Saturn or its aspects, which in this case means the inability or unwillingness of a person to take responsibility for what is happening in his home, in his family, etc. Working through Saturn during this period, a person learns to feel and accept his origins, regardless of how pleasant they are to him. Saturn, even if he is kind, in any case requires constructive work from us, which cannot be replaced by any other things.
Saturn in the 5th House.
This transit for an ordinary, average person is more difficult, the stronger the 5th House of his horoscope. Saturn, moving through the 5th House, requires voluntary renunciation of the chosen role, from any kind of public play. Saturn in this transit sometimes gives the loss of children and loved ones, cooling of feelings, abandonment of one’s hobbies in one area or another (in which particular area will be shown by the aspects of Saturn at the moment of entering the House).
A person who fails to take these events for granted feels misunderstood and unnecessary, abandoned and forgotten by everyone.
This transit provides an opportunity for active manifestations of the individual creative spirit, which, however, should not yet be brought up for public discussion. During this period, you can easily separate truth from falsehood in human relationships, show sincerity and loyalty to principles in love and creativity. There is no need to be afraid that you will not be understood or rejected; it is much worse to make a similar mistake yourself, because during this transit it is no less difficult to be a good spectator than to be a good actor. It should be remembered that, in addition to the so-called public opinion, there are other criteria for assessing our life that help to separate the vain and perishable from the great and eternal, the measure of which can only be Eternity itself.
Saturn in the 6th House
Labor created man, but it must also educate him.
This transit seems to have been created in order to accustom a person to the idea that the difficulty of the work being performed has nothing to do with its meaningfulness, and the accuracy of its execution has nothing to do with its expediency. During this period, a person is often burdened with a lot of difficult and completely meaningless work, which a fierce boss demands to be completed accurately and in a timely manner, moreover, constantly monitoring the progress of work. The meaning of this situation is actually to work on Saturn by acquiring personal qualities that allow you to work in such an environment for a long time and diligently, as required by the current state of affairs. Another possible option is that a person eager to work, as if by chance, falls out of the team, and no one notices his brilliant results. In some cases, on the contrary, it becomes possible to take credit for the merits of others and appropriate the fruits of collective labor.
The only recipe for overcoming the difficulties of this transit is to show hard work, patience and readiness for free work. During this period, you should work so that by the time Saturn passes through the descendant, other people can be proud of your success in overcoming the obstacles they created.
Saturn in the 7th House
Blaming the mirror, you risk completely ruining your relationship with him.
Saturn in the 7th House is exalted, so this transit may allow a person to show his best qualities in the affairs of the 7th House. At this time, loneliness comes as if by itself, many problems associated with spiritual growth and self-awareness fade into the background, and the person is immersed in working on the world around him. At a low level of Saturn development, the main problem of this transit may be that one has to make decisions concerning other people alone, and this is not always easy. At a high level of processing of Saturn, a person during this transit can realize that the environment is, in essence, his own reflection, so working on the internal plane may allow one to achieve better results.
As a rule (if Saturn is not too evil), during this transit a person does not suffer direct failures in the affairs of the 7th House. He feels only the limited means that he has in working with the environment and - in some aspects - an aggravation of direct opposition to it. It is only important that alienation and distrust of other people do not develop into open confrontation. The difficulty of problems often lies in the fact that they cannot be solved, compensating for their undeveloped relationships with the world by intensive work on the affairs of the 1st House.
Public opinion during this period is not very significant for a person, so the only way out is to understand the problems of the 7th House and to abandon false, illusory relationships with the environment, with other people, and for this this transit opens up good prospects.
Saturn in the 8th House
Saturn in the 8th House is inharmonious because it requires a person to internally isolate and concentrate in matters related to collective karma, with the resonant fields that arise around him during the period of this transit. This period is fraught with large and small troubles and trials: disasters, accidents, natural disasters. It is possible that a person will attract similar situations to himself, but they will not directly affect him, he will be able to stay away. In any case, the difficulty is that even from massive disasters you have to get out alone, relying only on your own strength.
This transit, with good processing of Saturn, provides an opportunity for a person: everything around him will collapse, and he will seem to have nothing to do with it.
This transit is bad for active work in any field; at this time it is better to remain a contemplator and not an active participant in what is happening. It is better to avoid fuss and not try to learn more about things that do not concern you personally.
Saturn moving through the 8th House opens up prospects for occult activities, for thoughtful knowledge of higher truths. But the discoveries that you can make for yourself during this period will not always be pleasant, and their comprehension may require long-term work on yourself.
Saturn in the 9th House
By expanding your contacts with the environment around you, you risk narrowing it down to the size of a cell.
This transit is all the more difficult for a person, the greater the role played by Jupiter, the significator of the 9th House, in his horoscope. The principles dictated by Saturn are opposite to the principles of Jupiter, so the contradiction accompanying this transit requires a person to consciously limit himself in the affairs of the 9th House.
You should carefully consider your worldview, your views on the world around you, but not with the goal of preaching these views, but with the goal of bringing order to them, so that they do not represent a motley mixture of different shreds, but a single and solid crystal. The internal logic of your views, if achieved, will help you more clearly define your goals and promptly abandon false ideas that do not deserve attention.
Saturn in the 10th House
If achieving goals and staying true to principles contradict each other, figure out which of them is older.
This transit makes a person more purposeful, stubborn and principled. He patronizes people who achieve their goals alone, who are patient, independent and ascetic. During this period, you can count on the help and support of people older in age or position. You should avoid talkativeness, absent-mindedness and excessive optimism, which at this time almost never has any reasonable basis.
Saturn is the signifier of the 10th House, and this transit is really good for people with a high level of Saturn development. It does not promise easy success, but it helps people who are prepared, who work hard on themselves and who know what they want. This transit requires endurance, dignity, a sense of proportion and loyalty to duty.
Saturn in the 10th House can help a person not allow himself to fall below others, but sometimes helps not to allow others to rise above him. This is a good time to realize your goals and align them with the means to achieve them. However, Saturn, moving through the 10th House, can brutally deal with people who do not have an internal spiritual core, with those who put their rights first, forgetting about duty, as well as with people who try to rise to the top at the expense of others effort. They can expect a fall under Saturn in the 10th House, a general renunciation of them under Saturn in the 11th House, and oblivion when he enters the 12th House.
Create - and do not possess, work - and do not demand rewards, achieve - and do not be proud. This elegant formula expresses the logic of Saturn's transits through the Houses of the earthly element (second - sixth - tenth), in which Saturn is most strongly expressed. Those people for whom Saturn plays an important role in their horoscope have to accept this simple commandment. And the rest can just think about it.
Saturn in the 11th House
When playing dice with Fate, remember that the theory of probability is always on its side.
During the period of this transit, it is best to show firmness and moderation, performing only thoughtful and reasonable actions. It is better not to tempt fate in one way or another, not to look for adventures and not to count on chance in the faint hope that the curve will take you out.
It is necessary to be clearly aware of the motives of your own actions, otherwise their result may be the opposite of what was expected.
However, a serious test of strength, as a rule, does not occur during this transit.
During this period, you should not develop vigorous activity, take the initiative and make promises that you cannot fulfill. This is a good time to restore order in your environment and give up false connections and contacts. During this period, sometimes true friends are discovered on their own, and strong relationships with whom are established for the rest of your life... or for the duration of this transit.
Saturn in the 12th House
If you can’t see the main thing with your eyes, is it worth opening them at all?
Saturn, passing through the 12th House of Radix, envelops a person in a veil of secrecy, surrounding his words and actions with fog. As a rule, during this period, acquaintances rarely see the person, the usual social circle remains aside for a while, and he seems to fall to the bottom, falling out of the usual rhythm of life. At this time, communicating with friends and acquaintances can be a burden; solitude and disconnection from all processes are preferable.

The difficulty of this transit lies in the fact that solitude should not obscure a person’s life goals. If you manage to keep a level head during this period (in all respects) and do not lose sight of the main tasks that you want to solve, you can expect that the fog will clear without significant consequences. If you prefer to make a mystery out of every word you say and watch with rapture how those around you become baffled in vain attempts to unravel your intentions, then there is reason to think about whether your mystery covers up the usual laziness and reluctance to participate in the creative processes offered to you real life. During this period, excessive stress on the psyche is undesirable, however, careful work on the internal plane can help to reach the hidden truths that govern the development of being and consciousness. If this does not happen, do not be upset: God openly shows everyone his secrets, but helps only a select few to understand them. When transit Saturn, it is difficult to enjoy life, especially since the pursuit of pleasure will most likely be accompanied by responsibilities. You may have new obligations towards your children or problems related to them will require resolution. Children may find you too harsh or unyielding, and you may feel alienated from them. At this time, if your age and other factors allow, conception is possible. Although a long-term and lasting romantic interest is likely during this period, such relationships must be accompanied by serious emotional commitments, otherwise they will not last. Bad habits and indulgences in the past can cause significant difficulties: now you will have to pay old bills. Social activities may either stop or become so overwhelming that you are unable to focus on other important issues. In addition, the development and use of artistic and creative abilities, or their abuse, may come to the fore. Actions involving physical, economic or emotional risk should be undertaken with the utmost care and caution. Failure to do so will likely lead to serious losses. You should strive for stronger and more stable relationships, learn to manage your selfish desires, and take a more mature approach to enjoy the variety of life. (Rolling pin J.)

Transit of Saturn through the 5th house of the horoscope

Here, Saturn either helps to strengthen love relationships (in some cases, it can even contribute to marriage proposals) or indicates the possibility of breaking up the relationship. But even with positive aspects, a person may experience some cooling, dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs, or feel detached from a loved one. He may think about the seriousness of the relationship and the advisability of its development. A long separation from your lover is possible, or some other circumstances interfere with meetings. All this causes anxiety, fear, and creates a feeling of uncertainty, so a person strives for certainty in relationships. In some cases, this position may indicate a love or creative relationship with a person who is much older or has a strong position in society. An old love affair may be renewed.

Children and everything connected with them may require serious attention. There may be problems that come through them. A person either himself realizes responsibility towards them, takes on their development and education, or he is forced to do so by circumstances. Saturn, passing through the V field, reduces the chance of having children; women may have problems with pregnancy, labor may be prolonged. In some cases, transit may indicate separation from children.

Saturn, by its nature, does not welcome adventurers and does not like risk, so you should be careful in everything related to gambling, entertainment, speculation and other financial adventures. Creative self-expression is also difficult, so at this time it is better to improve your creations rather than start something new. Recognition is difficult to obtain at this time. Although in the case of an exceptionally favorable position of Saturn, for example, if he is the ruler of the X field in Radix, it is quite possible that the owner of the horoscope will receive well-deserved recognition, and perhaps, through his creation, will gain immortality. But it also happens that a work presented to the public at the time of Saturn’s passage through the V field remains unnoticed, but it may be remembered later, with a more favorable transit position of the planets. Therefore, Saturn in this field is not at all an obstacle to creative work, things will simply go much slower.

Negative aspects indicate problems with loved ones and children, dissatisfaction with relationships with them. Depending on additional indicators, this could be forced separation from children (for example, during a divorce), a serious illness of a loved one or child, and even death, if indicated in Radix. Children at this time require increased attention, they may withdraw into themselves, reject their parents, older children may leave home. Contact with adult children is lost.

Often this transit leads to disappointment in a loved one, and may indicate betrayal, a serious break in relationships, bringing suffering to the owner of the horoscope. In some cases, there is a decrease in sexual needs, and a person may give up love altogether. It is better for women to avoid conceiving. With appropriate additional indicators, problems associated with pregnancy and childbirth are possible: caesarean section, miscarriage or post-term pregnancy. It is a very unfavorable time for an abortion.

Losses are possible due to gambling, speculation, and financial fraud. (Vronsky S.A.)

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