Sytin's healing spirit: reviews. Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin

Georgy Nikolaevich became a legend during his lifetime. More than 150 published books, hundreds of thousands of healing attitudes. Amazing results of rejuvenating and restoring the body. First of all, Sytin performed all the research on himself.

Attitudes have no contraindications, and by their nature cannot have a negative or side effect. Obviously, all this allowed Georgy Nikolaevich to be in good physical shape and continue to work until he was 95 years old.

The sentiments of Academician G.N. Sytin represent unique texts with a specially selected set of phrases, aimed at activating the brain, which then gives a powerful impulse to the body, to the organs, practically ordering the diseased organ to heal, to return to its original state of a healthy organ.

The texts are designed taking into account all the features of human thinking, so that phrases are not perceived as empty words, but actually have an impact on the reader. Sytin’s mood is the result of his 70 years of activity in this direction.

In order for the moods to work flawlessly and heal, Sytin G.N. in the process of developing the settings, he became a doctor of science three times, which was required for this. Namely: medical, philosophical, psychological. And when the mood was needed to treat childhood diseases, Sytin became a pediatrician.

This unconventional treatment method in medicine, recognized by doctors as valid.

The method is based on the emotional-volitional conviction of a person. In simple terms, everything is based on the long-proven fact that thought is material. As we think about ourselves, so it will be. If a person constantly thinks about his illnesses, complains about his health, and is not sure that he will live to see retirement, then this is what happens. If a man positive, does not pay attention to the illnesses of himself and those around him, then his quality of life is much better and healthier.

How to achieve to always be healthy? This is where the action of attitudes helps. Words and phrases are composed in such a way that, assimilating the mood, a person helps his brain become more active and the brain begins to create positive thoughts, directing them into the body, into diseased organs, bringing them to a healthy state.

Attitudes are an important, and often the only way to improve and heal a person. The attunement technique is based on the method SOEVUS: verbal-figurative emotional state control.

How do attitudes heal diseases?

There is no mysticism in the SOEVUS method. While you, for example, are listening to Sytin’s tune, the brain gives a powerful impulse to the organ that you want to improve.

The texts themselves are compiled in such a way as to be better digestible.

Step 1. We assimilate the mood by reading or listening

Step 2. The brain sends impulses to the desired system of the body

Step 3. The body’s healing mechanism is launched

Every person has creative thoughts about yourself, which with their materializing power completely form the physical body. If a person thinks of himself as young, healthy at a hundred years old and beyond, he will be so.

Creative thoughts about yourself are stronger than omnipotent fate, stronger than all the elements of nature. Human possibilities are truly unimaginable and limitless.

Through self-conviction a person puts into action creative thoughts about himself. G. N. Sytin discovered the great secret of maintaining health and prolonging life. Ordinary people themselves create and intensify their illnesses.

If any organ has become functionally weaker due to injury (and the injury can also be spiritual), and sometimes even hurts, then the person is dissatisfied with this organ, he treats it with disdain, with a claim and thereby with his creative thoughts he destroys this organ.

Work with your moods at least a month, taking into account the recommendations, and you will see the result.

A very important point that many people forget: regardless of whether a person knows the text by heart or not, the mood is acquired only in the process of listening, speaking or writing it down.

Key rules for working with settings:

  1. Moods are learned only through the process of speaking, recording and listening.
  2. It is necessary to visually represent the normalization of the functioning of the organ of interest.
  3. You need to work with your mindset every day until you achieve the desired result.

Work regularly with the Attitudes of Academician G.N. Sytin and be healthy!

Sad, but, alas, news subject to the world order: Academician G.N. Sytin died.

In the summer, Georgy Nikolaevich fell ill due to hectic work activity.

As a result of accumulated fatigue, the digestive system malfunctioned. All other organs and systems worked stably, in accordance with the mood.

Until the very end, there was hope that the doctor would cope with this illness and would soon return to work. And he fought. I struggled for several months. But age is age.

At the age of 25-30, I managed to overcome illnesses and heal myself with the help of attitudes from severe wounds received at the front.

I managed to maintain efficiency, health and energy well into retirement age, at 60-70-80-90 years old!
What can I say, just a few months before his death, the 95-year-old academician held the most interesting events, gathering a lot of listeners. I spent several hours energetically, without getting tired at all.

And this was possible thanks to the attitude, thanks to the author’s own method of healing and rejuvenation.

But alas, 95 years and 3 months became the limit of the independently extended life cycle.

However, by his own example, G.N. Sytin proved that his method works! With the help of attitudes it is possible to maintain the health of the physical body. It is possible to slow down the aging process. It is possible to maintain vigor, energy and ability to work throughout the entire life cycle given to us, which can be increased independently!

Let me remind you that G.N. Sytin did not work until he was 95, only 4 months before his death. All the other years he created! He worked for the benefit of humanity, with incredible capacity for work.

The result of G.N. Sytin’s work was about 10,000 created attitudes. Moods for all diseases and for all occasions. Moods for body and soul.

The academician made a huge contribution to the development of a drug-free method of treating patients.

He handed over to the administration of President V.V. Putin, as well as to the Ministry of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as gratuitous assistance to Russia and the army, all his 60 books of psychological assistance to people, healing from all known health disorders.

G.N. Sytin created the medicine of the future. Still future. His method works, but humanity is not yet ready to accept and spread the method of healing with attitudes everywhere.

Pharmacists and doctors earn huge sums from people's illnesses by selling us their services and medicines. This category absolutely does not need a method of self-healing.

Therefore, there was constant persecution of the academician, the injection of false information and efforts not to notice, to push, to remove his method.

While humanity is not ready to accept the method of Academician G.N. Sytin.

As long as wars continue in the world and as long as the thirst for commercial profit prevails, humanity will have no time to think about spiritual, intangible values, which are attitudes.

Wars kill before the end of the life cycle of the physical body. The need for attitudes that prolong life and give health to warring humanity automatically disappears.

I have already mentioned pharmacists and doctors. They are infuriated by the method of drug-free self-healing. It nullifies the commercial component of their business.

Thus, it remains to be expected that in the future humanity will overcome the base instincts to kill and profit. In the future he will engage in spiritual development.

That’s when people will remember about old man G.N. Sytin. They will put him on a par with Newton, Mendeleev, Korolev and the like.

In the meantime, let’s pay due respect to Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin, who has left us, and say goodbye to him a huge THANK YOU for his contribution to our recovery and prolongation of life!

Eternal memory to him... Condolences to his wife and children.

P.S. What's next?

G.N. Sytin’s attitude saved me from further spiritual and physical self-destruction. They saved, cured, revived and turned their minds to self-creation.

By studying moods, I was reborn and grew spiritually, and became ready to contribute to solving global problems of humanity in improving health and prolonging life.

Contribution in the form of promotion and possible development of G.N. Sytin’s method. As a result, I created this site.

All of the above will continue to be provided free of charge.

Those interested, write a message to .

Wishing everyone a long, healthy and happy life!

In this article you will learn about a unique method of verbal-volitional attitudes - SOEVUS, also known as Sytin's healing attitudes. This method was developed by a Russian scientist - Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin. His scientific methodology is aimed not only at combating specific diseases, but also at the overall health of the body and has already proven itself as an effective means of preventing and treating cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, nervous and many other diseases.

But, before we move on to considering G.N.’s healing methods. Sytin, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with some of the facts of his biography, which led to the creation of healing attitudes. This is described in the article ““.

SOEVUS method - healing moods of Sytin

The abbreviation SOEVUS stands for verbal-figurative emotional-volitional state control. It is based on the impact of speech on the mental and somatic state during the assimilation of special attitudes.

Method G.N. Sytin is based on the teachings of Academician Pavlov, who considered human speech to be a powerful irritant. Sytin tested the influence of the attitudes he created on himself after receiving a severe wound during the Great Patriotic War. He was recognized as disabled, but Georgy Nikolaevich proved by his example that with a strong-willed attitude you can change any diagnosis and return to a full life. After an inspection by the Ministry of Health, the effectiveness of his settings was recognized, and they began to be widely used in psychiatry in the treatment of various diseases.

Moods are a text with a special structure and content, clear and figurative formulations that form a vivid presentation. You can listen to Sytin’s healing moods in audio recordings or read them aloud, but listening to them is considered the most effective. At the same time, it is not forbidden to go about your own business, but it is advisable that when listening to tunes there is nothing distracting, then the maximum effect is achieved.

It is recommended to listen to healing moods until a correspondence is established between the person’s condition and the content of the listening mood. When listening, you need to be active, you can walk and memorize the text. In this case, the degree of perception increases and, following it, the degree of assimilation of the mood increases.

Clinical trials and reviews

The SOEVUS method was first tested at the Institute of Normal Physiology named after Academician Anokhin of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences on an employee of the academy who suffered for many years from tachycardia, the cause of which was not clear. After a session of verbal and figurative influences on the subject, her pulse returned to normal, and the return of tachycardia was no longer observed. Using the method of verbal and figurative influences, another doctor, an employee of the clinic of the USSR Academy of Sciences, got rid of extrasystole, which until that moment had not been amenable to drug treatment.

Reviews of the use of Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin’s moods indicate positive dynamics in patients. After listening to the settings:

  • blood supply to organs is normalized,
  • oxygen circulation in tissues improves,
  • a restructuring of their life activity occurs, which persists for a long time.
  • attitudes have helped many get rid of stuttering, nicotine addiction, excess weight, nervous tics,
  • in patients suffering from gastric ulcers, the gastric mucosa was restored without scars.

The use of self-healing attitudes does not require special preparation. People at any age, starting from sixteen years old, can learn them. Some recordings of moods are presented in two versions, and you can listen to them in any of them, having first selected the most suitable one for yourself. Listening is recommended one to three times a day , and the treatment period varies from a week to one year.

The mood “How to live to be 150 young and healthy,” read by G.N. Sytin

Feedback from readers about listening to moods

Judging by reader reviews Listening to Sytin’s healing moods showed a positive result.

Larisa Usenkova:

“After listening to the moods, it really becomes easier and better. I will continue."

Dmitry Fedotov:

“Thanks to Sytin for the spirit. Thanks to them, I overcame stomach ulcers and much more. Very good thing."

Vanish Kuyantsev

“I want to tell you about an absolutely amazing incident. The sole of my daughter's right foot quickly became completely covered with warts. It’s not easy to remove just one wart, but here a solid crust has formed! The surgeon did not have any instrument for the operation, and he ordered to come in a week. And for some reason we decided to start reading Sytin’s sentiments; I had his book. We didn’t count on anything, we just read his daily attitude towards the overall health of the body. People, we were shocked! A week later, the sole turned out to be clean, not a trace of the warts remained! Just some kind of miracle! So I wholeheartedly recommend using his moods, they really help you recover!”

How to listen and where to download G.N.’s moods for free. Sytin?

You can listen to Sytin’s healing moods regardless of the disease and at any time of the day, because they act on vital human systems and normalize the general condition. When body functions begin to work at a high level, local problems disappear.

During listening sessions, taking medications is not excluded, since the effect on the body should be complex, only the dose of drugs is slightly reduced.

When listening, slight dizziness may occur, and in some cases the temperature rises, but after three days these symptoms disappear. During this period, it is recommended to increase the number of listening sessions. A positive effect is often observed after the first use of the method, but to consolidate it, you must continue listening for at least a week.

ATTENTION: Nowadays you can find recordings of G.N.’s sentiments on the Internet. Sytin accompanied by music. Herself The author of the method warned in one of his books that it is better to listen to recordings of moods without music, since the rhythm of speech and melodies can differ and interfere with the perception of thoughts, as a result of which the effectiveness of the influence of moods is reduced.

Especially for my readers, I have prepared audio recordings of healing moods without music accompaniment. You can listen to the moods in mp3 format or download them for free on the page

Good health and happiness to you! Best regards, Sergey Rodnik

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The healing spirit of Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin helps to recover from many serious diseases, as well as rejuvenate and improve the health of the human body. They work much more effectively than the spells of healers and medicines.

They have also been tested by the USSR Ministry of Health and approved for use. That is, each word was tested 100 times on special equipment to understand how it affects the cells of the human body. In those distant times, such things were treated with great reverence.

In medicine, this method is called SOEVUS Verbal-Imaginative Emotional-Volitional State Control or (method of psychocorrection) or Educational medicine. You can read. Be sure to read it - it is important for your healing!

And here are videos with Sytin’s sentiments for many diseases, performed by A. Bakhtin

Many people like the healing moods performed by Irina Kuznetsova,. Why only one? And decide for yourself in what performance you will listen to Sytin’s healing moods, with or without music. In fact, there are quite a lot of performers of Sytin’s moods, and if you use them, you will certainly find the most acceptable perception options for you.

As for their creator G.S. Sytin, then this is not just some healer. He has many scientific titles: doctor of medical, psychological, pedagogical and philosophical sciences, professor of the sociology of medicine, and so on. His healing spirits cured tens of thousands of people, including those from cancer.

And here is how Georgy Nikolaevich himself was cured with the help of a verbal attitude.

He was born in 1921, in Kyrgyzstan, and volunteered to go to war. And after nine wounds he became a disabled person of the 1st group. He was in severe pain and, according to doctors, he did not have long to live.

But Georgy Nikolaevich was not going to give up. Then he composed his first healing mood (you can hear it in the video) and began to recite it constantly. The pain gradually subsided. And a few years later, he greatly surprised the doctors by not only being completely cured, but even being declared fully fit for military service.

As the military commissar general, who made inquiries about his illness, said: the case when a disabled person of the 1st group was declared fit for military service is the first and so far the only one in world history!

After such a miraculous healing, Georgy Nikolaevich began studying conspiracies and traveled to villages. He secretly recorded various conspiracies on a tape recorder, and then deciphered them to understand how they worked. And he composed his own healing moods for oncology, for high blood pressure, for female beauty, and so on. In total, he created more than 20 thousand healing moods, wrote more than 150 books and cured tens of thousands of people.

In 1957, the Academic Council of the Ministry of Health decided to study and promote Sytin’s “Nurturing Medicine” method. Georgy Nikolaevich defends his dissertation on the topic of cultivating willpower. Next came practical work in Dnepropetrovsk schools, correctional colonies, with athletes, the Bolshoi Theater ballet troupe and at the cosmonaut training center. And everywhere the results were amazing.

In 1983, the leadership of the USSR learned about the method. And at the direction of Kosygin, a group was created in order to introduce this method at enterprises. The first enterprise to implement the method was the Almaz jewelry factory. And again a resounding success!

G.N. Sytin is allocated large financial resources to introduce the method in other industries. But, unfortunately, this was not destined to happen, since Gorbachev’s perestroika began in the country, no matter how bad it was!

But now his method is widely used and even advisory centers have been opened in Germany and the USA. To this day, Georgy Nikolaevich is in service, although he is already 94 years old!

Here is a video about G.N. Sytin

You Can Heal Yourself with Thoughts and Words. Self-hypnosis

The video begins with a story about how a woman was cured of stage 4 cancer. She was treated by rewriting Sytin’s sentiments. And it tells how this method works from a scientific point of view. And you will also see Georgy Nikolaevich himself there and hear his first healing spirit, which he composed in order to recover.

How to listen to healing moods correctly.

Sytin’s healing moods have no contraindications. And yet, G.N. Sytin gives some advice on how to correctly use verbal attitudes for healing.

What NOT to do

  • Change the words of sentiments or shorten them, as this will sharply reduce the effectiveness.
  • Listen to the moods where “unnecessary details have been removed.” As written above, reduction reduces the effect.
  • Impose this method on your family and friends if they don’t want to. Until they themselves understand its simplicity and effectiveness, it will not help them.
  • Use background music when listening. Otherwise, you may get unpredictable effects, such as headaches. Because the music has one tempo, but the mood is different. For example, astronauts were strictly forbidden to work with moods in the background of music.

Although I really like the healing moods against the background of music. For example, Irina Kuznetsova does it very beautifully.

Here is one of those moods

Set the mood for energy and life force

Agree - it’s great, she just has talent. You can listen to it to relax. But if you are serious about healing, then it is better to listen to the author of the method and do as he advises.

What needs to be done to make the settings work most effectively

Sytin's healing moods for women and men video.

  • For general strengthening of the body, for strong resistance to adverse factors, heart health and hypertension, Sytin reads.

Some people don't like his voice. But we must take into account that the man is already 94 years old! But the author himself reads, who studied this issue and is the creator of this method. And who else but him would know how to pronounce words correctly, what tempo to set and what intonations to use. Moreover, you can look for other recordings or books on the Internet or record the mood yourself.

  • Sytin's mood from oncology + Explanations of how to correctly assimilate healing moods

OBESITY Fight excess weight!

For hypertension

And this is a link to his channel to watch videos on YouTube.

Try to choose the highest quality options. If it is audio or video, then let it be a high-quality version, without abbreviations, text changes or poor pronunciation. If you don’t like the way a person reads, then even waste time, it won’t help, because you will be annoyed, it’s better to look for other videos and audio files. Or options for assimilation of moods.

Sytin’s healing moods are the most accessible and easiest path to health. Moreover, they definitely won’t be able to harm you.

The text is read by Irina Kuznetsova. Sytin's moods will definitely help you if you listen or read them regularly. Learn by heart at least a few of your favorite phrases, and let them constantly ring in your head, changing your life for the better!

Healing mood for the stability of the nervous system

The text is read by Irina Kuznetsova Listening or reading the texts of the moods, completely immerse yourself in their content. Amazing verbal formulas will get the job done if you maintain a sincere belief in achieving a positive result and persistence.

Healing mood for a healthier head

When listening or reading mood texts, completely immerse yourself in their content. Amazing verbal formulas will get the job done if you maintain a sincere belief in achieving a positive result and persistence.

The mood for rejuvenation and healing of women

Attitude towards rejuvenation and healing of women G.N. Sytina will help you always remain young, healthy and cheerful.rnThe more often you listen to the mood, the stronger the effect on your subconscious and the body begins to use internal reserves.

Mood for expectant mothers. Grow up, my daughter

Grow up, my daughter! The healing spirit of G.N. Sytin. The mood can be recommended for expectant mothers. Author of healing moods Sytin G.N. - a famous psychologist, Doctor of Science, academician, founder of a new direction - educational, or as it is also called, spiritual medicine.

The mindset to assimilate creative thoughts

Sytin's moods are a technique that has a scientific basis and is recognized by leading scientists in Russia, Europe and the USA. The author of the method is Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin, a psychotherapist with 50 years of experience, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical, Psychological, Pedagogical Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy.

Healing, rejuvenation, development

The very name of the program “Healing, rejuvenation, development” speaks for itself. Those. it is a very versatile program. You do not need to use many programs for some special cases - it is enough for you to focus on this program in order to instill in your body a program for absolute health, eternal youth and the development of all your potentials.

Healing thoughts for all diseases. G.N. Sytin

The mood of Academician G.N. Sytin "Healing thoughts for all diseases." Read by A. Bakhtin. Attitude helps to gain confidence in one’s abilities. It sets you up for positivity and, like a wall, blocks a person from thoughts about his own weakness. Thanks to the great scientist!

Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin. Anti-cancer attitude

The mood is read by the author - Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin - a psychotherapist with 50 years of experience, the author of a highly effective method of healing and rejuvenation based on self-conviction. The idea to create such a treatment method came to Sytin after he was able to, with the help of a strong-willed effort, resist mortal danger during the Great Patriotic War.

Stomach intestines. We treat the stomach and intestines with words. G.N. Sytin

The mood of Academician G.N. Sytin to heal the stomach and intestines. The background is barely audible relaxing music. It's better to listen with headphones. It has long been known that the mood for recovery and positive thoughts about one’s health are a huge help to the doctor.

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