The use of information and communication technologies by a speech therapist teacher. The use of ICT in the work of a speech therapist

Various speech defects at different ages are subject to correction within different time frames. Everyone knows that between the ages of six and seven, a child develops significantly in all respects. And at the same time, speech defects become more persistent by this age.

The use of ICT in speech therapy classes significantly increases the effectiveness of work on correcting defects in sound pronunciation, overcoming reading and writing disorders, and developing fine motor skills due to:

  • accessible visibility;
  • the ability to read, listen (syllable, word, sentences, etc.) without seeing the articulation;
  • use of karaoke;
  • increasing motivation.

Advantages of classes using presentations:

  • thanks to the sequential appearance of images on the screen, children have the opportunity to perform exercise elements more carefully and fully;
  • the use of animation and surprise moments makes the correction process more interesting and expressive;
  • children receive approval not only from the speech therapist, but also from the computer in the form of prize pictures, accompanied by sound design, characters in the plot who thank the children for their help.

The use of presentations can significantly increase children's motivation for classes and, therefore, significantly reduce the time for differentiating mixed sounds.

The classes developed in this way are used by me for:

  • development of speech breathing;
  • automation of delivered sounds in syllables, words, sentences and coherent speech;
  • differentiation of sounds;
  • replenishing vocabulary, practicing the grammatical structure of speech and lexical topics;
  • development of coherent speech and cognitive abilities.

In our modern world, when simple didactic and board-printed games are replaced by computers, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of children. ICT helps me do this in my work.

Firstly, children like something new and unusual, and if there is interest, the assimilation of information goes better.

Secondly, computer technologies make it possible to provide not only visual material, but also sound (voices of birds, animals, sound of water, etc.).

Thirdly, animation, practically a small animation, also attracts the interest of children with its novelty, and provides an endless variety of game options, and for me the embodiment of my ideas and fantasies.

You can also use ready-made photographs in the presentation (for example, the children and I guessed). What kind of animal came to their lesson? All his body parts were from different animals. The purpose of the lesson was to consolidate possessive adjectives. The children guessed: whose paws? (foxes), whose ears? (hare), etc. If they guessed and named correctly, this part of the body disappeared, and in its place remained a part of the animal that was bewitched.

Of course, using this technology in every lesson will become uninteresting over time, so its frequent use is inappropriate, which means it is necessary to logically organize the process of working with a computer.

Lesson summary on the topic: Sound “S” in presentation form.

We present to your attention a lesson summary on the topic: Sound “C” in the form of a presentation.

Purpose of the lesson: automation of the sound [S] in syllables, in words, in sentences.

The presentation includes game exercises on:

  • Development of phonemic hearing;
  • Consolidating the skills of forming diminutive forms;
  • Strengthening the skills of agreeing numerals with nouns;
  • Dividing words into syllables;
  • Development of fine motor skills;
  • Development of attention, memory, and thinking.

Rogunova Svetlana Yurievna,
teacher-speech therapist MBDOU d/s No. 20, Achinsk

Use of ICT

in the work of a speech therapist

Prepared by:

teacher speech therapist

Rat M.V.

The use of ICT in the scientific and methodological activities of a speech therapist teacher

Information and computer technologies can be used in the scientific and methodological work of a speech therapist teacher, whichfacilitates the organization of activities of a speech therapist teacher. Have an opportunity:

· registration of all types of documentation on the organization of the correctional educational process using Microsoft Office tools (work program, planning, reports, notes, consultations and recommendations for teachers and parents, assignments with material for consolidation at home, booklets, memos, brochures, etc. );

· creation of an information bank of the regulatory framework, a bank of information about children with speech disorders.

· using the programExcelfor drawing up graphs and diagrams, processing the results of diagnostic studies.

· use of various graphic editors and programs (WinRaR, PinnacleStudioPlus, WindowsMovieMaker, AdobePhotoshopC.S.3, MicrosoftOffice) for processing video materials that allow presentable presentation of visual material for various events held at preschool educational institutions, brochures, booklets and information stands;

In this case, ICTis a means of creating, storinginformation and tools for processing it.

Using the Internet information network gives the speech therapist the opportunityimprove your professionalskill, learn the latest news in the field of correctional work with children;

· find the necessary materials for work;

· present yourself on the Internet by creating a website or page on the institution’s website.

· participation in Internet projects, competitions, master classes;

· increase the level of self-education and competence using Internet resources and remote events.

There was also an opportunitycreationelectronic portfolioteacher

In this case, ICT helps to systematize the accumulated teaching experience, generalize it, analyze the collected material, and determine areas of work with teachers, parents and children.

A current direction for introducing information technology into the work of a speech therapist teacher is the use of multimedia presentations, interactive exercises and games developed using the Power programPoint,Flashand other programs.

So that the child can manage the “task-games” independently without the help of an adult, the Presentation must be converted into a DemonstrationPowerPoint, and it appears to the child in the form of a “game”. And this kind of “games” can already be used in working with parents. If there is a computer at home, then mini-games can be given to parents to practice difficulties at home. This is possible because they are made in a standard program, are easy to copy, and these “mini-games” have intuitive controls.

A harmonious combination of traditional means with the use of presentations, games, and interactive exercises developed using the Power Point program can significantly increase children’s motivation for classes and, therefore, significantly reduce the time to overcome speech disorders.

Material and technical base.

The use of modern technologies is impossible if there is no appropriate material and technical base that allows the use of ICT in working with children. These are the so-called ICT hardware: computer, laptop, multimedia projector, screen; interactive board; printer and copiers; scanner; video recorder; TV; music Center; digital camera; camcorder; record player. Over the past decades, these information technology tools have made it possible, real and convenient to collect various types of information about the world around us.

The main ICT tool for the information environment of any education system is personalcomputer,the capabilities of which are determined by the software installed on it. Combining the capabilities of a TV, VCR, book, calculator, the computer comes to the child as a universal, exciting toy that a speech therapist teacher can and should use as a unique opportunity for diversification and individualization of the correction process, the development of higher mental functions; creating communicative motivation and developing communication skills; development of intelligence, cognitive interests, creative abilities.

A type of computer istablet personalcomputer,- variety , which took shape after the presentation of the hardware and software platform In November . Equipped and allow you to work using or fingers with or without use And .

Another of the most common ICT tools isTV.Telecommunications play a very important role in people's lives: almost every family has at least one television. Educational television programs are widely used throughout the world and are a prime example of distance learning.

A preschool child collects digital images of the surrounding world withusing a digital camera. Gradually, he acquires ICT qualifications for obtaining high-quality images in parallel with ICT competence, expressed in the precise selection of an object for shooting, the selection of images in accordance with a given purpose, the choice of names for images and folders where the images are stored. The child gains subject-matter competence in the field of literacy and speech development, expressed in the correct spelling of folder names and the ability to construct a story based on a photograph.

Scanneris a necessary digital tool for the educational process. It allows you to freely use existing non-digital information sources, including the visual works of the children themselves, pictures they found, etc.

interactive boardallows the teacher to include an on-screen presentation of handwritten notes, notes, etc. right during the performance, highlight individual objects on the screen and much more.

Directions of correctional work using ICT

Work on sound pronunciation: articulatory gymnastics, automation of sounds, differentiation of sounds.

Literacy training: formation of phonemic analysis and synthesis skills.

Formation of lexical and grammatical categories: vocabulary building, inflection, word formation.

Development of coherent speech: retelling (composition) of the text based on clarity.

Formation of visual-spatial coordination: the ability to follow the movement of objects with one's gaze.

Correctional and recreational: using a mouse and keyboard as a simulator for developing fine motor skills.

Timely and complete formation of speech in preschool childhood is one of the main conditions for the normal development of a child and, in the future, his successful education at school. Any delays and disturbances in the development of a child’s speech affect the formation of his personality and behavior, determining his future.

Recently, along with speech therapy groups, speech therapy centers have been opened in preschool institutions. A relatively new form of organizing speech therapy assistance was not chosen by chance. The significant growth of children with speech pathology and the burden of speech therapy diagnoses with somatic and neurological symptoms has become a prerequisite for searching for the most effective forms of organization and methods for correcting speech development.

The advantage of a speech therapy center is that it covers a larger number of children with speech disorders, however, this organization of work has its own characteristics: the variety of speech disorders forces the speech therapist to conduct classes in an individual or individual-subgroup form. The lack of interest of parents in the final result, the short period of correction and the undeveloped voluntary attention of preschoolers determined the use of ICT in the process of speech correction at the preschool speech center. Computer technologies, being a powerful means of optimizing speech therapy, not only help to acquire and consolidate previously acquired knowledge, but also emotionally liberate children, activate and encourage cognitive activity.

However, when using a computer in his classes, the speech therapist must remember that the main goal of the work is to correct speech in order to realize the child’s full communication with other people, therefore the main part of the lesson should be devoted to direct communication between the speech therapist and the child. We should not forget that computer teaching aids should complement the teacher, and not replace him. Computer technologies should be included in the structure of traditional individual speech therapy sessions as additional innovative elements. In this regard, the use of a computer in a speech therapy session should be considered as an additional means of work for a short time.

A speech therapist can use the capabilities of ICT at all stages of the correction process: from examining a child by a speech therapist to the formation of coherent speech. Regular use of computer technologies allows a specialist to accumulate a bank of electronic educational resources: computer speech therapy programs, computer educational games, multimedia presentations, speech therapy simulators and audio material in all areas of correctional work.

After enrollment in a speech center, a child with a speech disorder undergoes a detailed speech therapy examination for a specialist to make the correct diagnosis. The procedure is quite lengthy and not always interesting.

· Examination of sound pronunciation (the sound being studied must be in different positions: at the beginning, end, middle of the word and in combination with a consonant);

· Examination of tested sounds in phrasal speech;

· Examination of the pronunciation of words with a complex syllabic structure;

· Examination of phonemic perception (determining the location of a given sound in a word, selecting words for a given sound, pronunciation, reproduction of sound, syllabic series, etc.);

· Examination of the grammatical structure of speech (word agreement in phrases and sentences, understanding of gender, number and case, use of prepositions, etc.);

· Examination of the state of the child’s vocabulary, etc.

Every area of ​​speech therapy examination is impossible, and there is no need to replace it with computer games, but some tasks can be diversified with the help of ICT. This arouses great interest among children due to the realism, dynamics of the image, and the use of animated images. At this stage I use presentations - pictures for all groups of sounds.

The stage of forming articulatory motor skills, strengthening the muscles of the speech apparatus and producing a targeted air stream can last quite a long time. This is explained by the need to firmly consolidate the desired motor skill. The use of slide presentations with various sets of articulatory gymnastics with poetic accompaniment will help maintain the child’s interest and performance, during this“technical” period of work on sound.

And even at the stage of sound production, where imitation and explanation play a leading role, it is possible to use computer technology. Without visualization, mastering the articulation of sound for a preschooler presents a certain difficulty. A schematic representation of the articulatory pattern of sound may not always be understandable to a preschooler, but dynamic articulation profiles, where you can control the lifting of the tongue and correct the incorrect articulatory pattern yourself, create a stable visual image of the articulation of the corrected sound.

But the widest use of computer technology is possible at the stage of automation and differentiation of delivered sounds. To practice the correct pronunciation of a given sound, repeated repetition of the same material is necessary. The child does not want to study, he is simply tired of the daily pronouncing of syllables, words and sentences, naming pictures in order to automate the sound, etc. And then the specialist has a need to keep the preschooler’s interest in speech therapy classes for a long time, not to lose the student’s desire to learn how to pronounce sounds correctly . It is important to interest the child so that he himself wants to participate in the process of speech correction. And for this purpose, classes should not be boring lessons, but an interesting game. Computer games “Learning to speak correctly”, “Sound and letter C”, “Home speech therapist”, as well as original games - presentations, prevent fatigue, support cognitive activity in children with various speech pathologies, and increase the effectiveness of speech therapy work in general.

On the Internet you can find a large number of original speech therapy presentations for automation and differentiation of any sounds.

It is also possible to use computer technologies to form lexical and grammatical means of the language. Presentations - games “One is Many”, “Count to Five”, “Odd Four”, “Who’s Hidden?”, “Name It Kindly”, “Make an Object Small” and many others, due to the realism and dynamism of the image, the use of animation, make the process of forming lexical and grammatical categories more interesting and help achieve the desired result.

An indispensable tool for developing a sense of rhythm, auditory attention, memory and fine motor skills are audio programs:

- “Fun Logorhythmics” series “Developmental from 1 to 5” by Ekaterina Zheleznova.

- “Absolute pitch” series “Developmental from 1 to 5” by Ekaterina Zheleznova.

- “10 mice - finger games with music” series “Developmental from 1 to 5” by Ekaterina Zheleznova

- “Five little pigs. Finger games from 2 to 6" by Ekaterina Zheleznova.

- “New speech therapy chants, musical finger gymnastics, outdoor games” N. V. Nishcheva, L. B. Gavrisheva

- “Speech therapy chants” by T. S. Ovchinnikov

It is advisable to use these audio programs not only for speech therapist teachers, but also for educators, music directors, and physical instructors, as full participants in the comprehensive correctional process in a preschool institution.


Designing educational activities with children using ICT

requires compliance with certain didactic principles.

1.Activity principle the child in the learning process has been and remains one of the main principles in didactics. Using ICT, stimulate the cognitive activity of children, thereby increasing interest in speech therapy classes due to the novelty, realism and dynamism of the image, and the use of animation effects.

2. Guided bythe principle of science, help children acquire real knowledge that correctly reflects reality. ICTs make it possible to present realistic, undistorted information materials (photos, video clips, sound recordings) in multimedia form.

3. Realizingprinciple of accessibility, select visual material, forms and methods of organizing educational activities so that they correspond to the level of preparation of children, their age characteristics, taking into account the specifics of children with speech impairments.

4. The principle of systematicity and consistency, learning is that the assimilation of educational material occurs in a certain order, system.

5.The principle of individual training, ICTs are used for individual and group lessons and make it possible to build correctional work taking into account individual educational needs and capabilities.

6. The principle of educational teaching, the use of ICT allows one to develop strong-willed and moral qualities in children of speech pathologists.

7. The principle of interactivity of computer tools, the use of computer programs occurs simultaneously with the implementation of feedback in the form of animation of images and symbols and evaluation of the results.

Thus, adherence to traditional didactic principles will create a favorable atmosphere in classes conducted using ICT.

Problems solved in the process of using information and computer technologies in correctional and developmental classesRecently, new technologies have been playing an increasingly important role in eliminating speech deficiencies. Thus, computer technology acts as a powerful and effective means of corrective action. A speech therapist teacher who uses computer technology in his work needs to solve the problems of special education:

Objectives of the introductory-adaptation cycle:

Familiarizing children with the computer and the rules of behavior when working with it;

Introducing children to computer programs;

Overcoming the psychological barrier between the child and the computer by creating a situation of success;

Formation of children's initial computer skills using a mouse manipulator.

Correctional educational tasks:

Formation and development of speech and language means in children: sound pronunciation, prosodic components of speech, phonemic analysis and synthesis, lexico-grammatical structure of speech, connected speech;

Formation and development of skills in educational activities;

The preschool speech center, as a form of organizing speech therapy assistance, has a number of features: a predominantly individual form of work, time-limited correction periods and a wide range of speech therapy diagnoses. All this determines the feasibility of using computer technology in the correction process. Children develop impaired articulatory skills faster, the time required for correctional work to introduce assigned sounds into speech is reduced, self-control over pronunciation is developed, vocabulary is activated, the grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech, and mental processes are improved.

The possibilities of computer technology are unlimited - new games and presentations appear every day. They cover all areas of the work of a teacher-speech therapist: from diagnostics to the development of the intonation side of speech. And such diversity cannot but please specialists, because the use of ICT in working with preschoolers not only greatly facilitates the work of a speech therapist, but also allows one to achieve significantly better and more sustainable results in the correction of speech disorders.

While working with a computer, it is necessary to periodically move the child's gaze away from the computer to the side every two minutes for a few seconds. After finishing work, visual gymnastics must be performed. Example: exercises “Dragonfly”, “Caterpillar”.


The exercises are designed to practice correct speech breathing, in particular, to form oral exhalation, smoothness and long exhalation. The exercise can also be used to correct the nasal tone of the voice in children with rhinolalia and dysarthria. In the process of practicing diaphragmatic breathing, a computer simulator can be used as an aid to help increase the duration and smoothness of exhalation. At the same time, work is carried out on the formation of oral exhalation; the child is offered blowing games: “Blow out the candles”, “Pipe”, “Cup of tea”.

Prepared by:

ON THE. Ustinova

teacher-speech therapist MBDOU d / from No. 5


In modern conditions of social development, pedagogical science and practice are faced with the task of finding the most optimal systems for teaching and raising children with special health needs and various pathologies, the structure of which also includes speech disorders. Increasingly, speech pathologies have a combined form, when a child’s speech, the development of higher mental functions, the state of general and fine motor skills, and the emotional-volitional sphere are simultaneously impaired.

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, the priority task is to solve these problems with the help of innovative technologies, including information and communication technologies.

Information and communication technologies in education (ICT) is a complex of educational and methodological materials, technical and instrumental means of computer technology in the educational process, forms and methods of their application to improve the activities of specialists in educational institutions (administration, educators, specialists), as well as for education (development, diagnosis, correction) of children.

Mastery of new information technologies will help the teacher feel comfortable in new socio-economic conditions.

Computerized forms of working with children allow you to:

  • it is more productive to correct speech disorders in preschoolers and speed up the process of overcoming speech disorders;
  • significantly expand the child’s zone of proximal development;
  • promote the intellectual and social development of children;
  • manage the cognitive activity of preschool children, i.e. move from the position of giving knowledge to the position of organizing the actual cognitive activity of children;
  • motivate the child’s cognitive activity through communication and mutual understanding;
  • develop the emotional-volitional sphere of children;
  • encourage active creative activity;
  • create a positive emotional atmosphere of cooperation.
  • activate children's involuntary attention;
  • increase children's interest in learning and children's motivation to study;
  • allow you to effectively interact with parents (legal representatives) of children;
  • the effectiveness of training increases.

Where can ICT help a modern teacher in his work? This:

1. Selection of illustrative material for joint organized activities of the teacher with children and for the design of stands, groups, classrooms (scanning, Internet; printer, presentation).

2. Selection of additional educational material.

3. Exchange of experience, getting to know the work of other speech therapists.

4. Preparation of group documentation and reports. The computer will allow you not to write them every time, but just type the diagram once and then only make changes.

5. Creation of presentations to increase the effectiveness of joint direct educational activities with children and the pedagogical competence of parents in the process of holding parent-teacher meetings.

Specialized computer teaching tools contribute to the successful development of a preschooler with speech impairments in the new conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. Consequently, the work we carry out meets the requirements of the standard.

In my classes I successfully use the following computer games and programs: “Games for Tiggers”, “Home speech therapist. Practical course", "Soon to school. Speech development", "Frivolous lessons. Getting ready for school”, “Baba Yaga learns to read”, “Speech development. Learning to speak correctly”, “Learning to read by playing”, “Electronic primer”, “Frivolous lessons. Logic and attention", "Garfield for preschoolers. Basics of vocabulary and spelling".


Presentations reflect several aspects of speech therapy work:

  • diagnostics of sound pronunciation,
  • correction of sound pronunciation disorders,
  • vocabulary enrichment,
  • development of grammatical structures,
  • improving coherent speech,
  • literacy training,
  • development of cognitive functions.

Sound pronunciation survey

Sound [ WITH ]

Development of elementary and complex forms of phonemic analysis and synthesis

Determining the position of a sound in a word: “Name the pictures, stretching the sound [S] in words. Where is the sound [S] heard: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end?

Information technologies have recently become a promising means of correctional and developmental work with children with speech disorders. Widespread computerization opens up new, unexplored learning options. They are associated with the unique capabilities of modern electronics and telecommunications.

The use of ICT in domestic pedagogy is based on the basic psychological, pedagogical and methodological principles developed by L.S. Vygotsky, P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydov, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontyev, A.R. Luria, D.B. Elkonin and others.

Computer technologies are among the effective teaching aids that are increasingly used in special pedagogy. In recent years, there has been an open discussion about the content, form, methods of special training and the nature of professional thinking of specialists. Each new task of developmental education is transformed into problems of method, the development of workarounds for teaching that would allow achieving the maximum possible success in the development of a child with special cognitive needs (I.K. Vorobyov, M.Yu. Galanina, N.N. Kulishov, O. I. Kukushkina and others).

An analysis of the literature shows that computer tools represent for a specialist not part of the content of remedial education, but an additional set of possibilities for correcting deviations in the development of a child.

Correctional and educational work with children with developmental disabilities involves the use of specialized or adapted computer programs (mainly educational, diagnostic and developmental). The effect of their use depends on the professional competence of the teacher, the ability to use new opportunities, to include ICT in the education system of each child, creating greater motivation and psychological comfort, as well as providing the student with freedom to choose forms and means of activity.

The main advantages of using multimedia resources in speech therapy classes are:

Increasing motivation to correct children's speech deficiencies;
- ensuring psychological comfort during classes;
- development of the psychological basis of speech: perception, attention and thinking by increasing the level of clarity;
- improving spatial orientation skills, developing the accuracy of hand movements;
- development of all aspects of speech, sensory functions, articulation and fine motor skills;
- improvement of cognitive activity, primarily thinking, memory, attention;
- formation of the child’s personality as a whole;
- improving the quality of education and performance of children.

The use of ICT in speech therapy is based on the following principles:

  • The principle of a multisensory approach to the correction of speech disorders. Corrective work is carried out using various analyzers.
  • A systematic approach to the correction of speech disorders. ICTs make it possible to work on systemic correction and development of the following characteristics:
  • – sound pronunciation;
    – prosodic components of speech;
    – phonemic analysis and synthesis, phonemic representations;
    – lexical and grammatical means of the language;
    – articulatory motor skills;
    – fine motor skills;
    - coherent speech.

  • The principle of developmental and differentiated education for children. The ability to objectively determine the zones of current and immediate development of children.
  • The principle of systematic and consistent learning. Using previously acquired knowledge in the process of mastering new ones, moving from simple to complex.
  • The principle of accessibility of training. Compliance with the age characteristics of children. Tasks are presented to children in a playful way.
  • The principle of individual training. ICT is intended for individual and subgroup lessons and allows you to build correctional work taking into account their individual educational needs and capabilities.
  • The principle of objective assessment of the child’s performance. In computer programs, the results of a child’s activities are presented visually on the screen, which eliminates subjective assessment.
  • The principle of game strategy and introducing a child into a problem situation. The game principle of teaching with the presentation of a specific task to the user allows one to effectively solve the assigned correctional tasks and put into practice the didactic requirements for the availability of computer teaching aids.
  • The principle of educational training. Nurturing children's strong-willed and moral qualities.
  • The principle of interactivity of computer teaching aids. The use of ICT occurs simultaneously with the provision of feedback in the form of animation of images and symbols, as well as with the provision of an objective assessment of performance results.

When using information technologies in speech therapy classes, the following tasks are set:

Objectives of the introductory-adaptation cycle:

  • familiarizing children with the computer and the rules of behavior when working with it;
  • introducing children to computer programs;
  • overcoming the psychological barrier between the child and the computer by creating a situation of success;
  • developing children's initial computer skills using a mouse.

Objectives of the correctional educational cycle:

  • formation and development of speech and language means in children: sound pronunciation, prosodic components of speech, phonemic analysis and synthesis, lexico-grammatical structure of speech, connected speech;
  • formation and development of skills in educational activities: awareness of the goal, independent solution of assigned tasks, achievement of the set goal, evaluation of performance results;
  • development of the sign function of consciousness;
  • development of mental functions.

Creative cycle tasks:

  • development of imagination;
  • development of cognitive activity.

In speech therapy classes, specialists use various computer resources. Most often, these can be both finished products and independently developed tools.

1. Finished product.

  • computer speech therapy simulators;
  • computer tests;
  • adventure quests and educational games;
  • books, textbooks and encyclopedias;
  • email newsletters;
  • speech therapy resources;

2. Self-developed tools.

  • games compiled using Microsoft Office and Power Point presentation programs;
  • web pages and websites;
  • collections of computer tests;
  • digital videos, audio recordings, etc.

Developmental and educational computer programs used include:

Program "Games for Tigers" Designed to correct general speech underdevelopment in children of senior preschool and primary school age, it allows you to effectively organize individual and subgroup work with children. The program is built on the basis of teaching methods for children with developmental disabilities: L.N. Efimenkova, G.A. Kashe, R.E. Levina, L.V. Lopatina, N.V. Serebryakova, R.I. Lalaeva, N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova, T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina. Solving educational and correctional problems with the help of the “Games for Tigers” program is integrated into the system of general correctional work in accordance with the individual capabilities and needs of children.

To work on sound pronunciation, you can use the program « Home speech therapist» . The program helps in automating the delivered sounds, providing more than 500 colorful picture slides. The child himself or with the help of an adult finds words-names for a certain sound. In addition, the program contains samples of correct sound pronunciation (isolated sound, pure tongue twisters, tongue twisters). And the “Guess” mini-game draws attention to the sounds of the surrounding world, thereby developing phonemic awareness.

Multimedia project « Speech development. Learning to speak correctly» (“New Disc”, 2008) is a set of tasks for developing the sound side of speech.

The program contains four sections:

  • Non-speech sounds (familiarity with the sounds of the objective world: musical instruments, transport, household appliances, etc., familiarization with the sounds of the natural world: sounds in the forest at different times of the year, etc.).
  • Onomatopoeia (familiarity with the sounds of the animal world, the variety of human voices).
  • Speech sounds (development of skills of recognition and correct pronunciation of sounds of the Russian language).
  • Development of coherent speech (learning to construct coherent speech from phrases to text).

Program features:

  • Speech development and correction, correct pronunciation skills.
  • All stages of speech development: recognition of the sounds of the surrounding world, learning to correctly pronounce the sounds of the Russian language, development of coherent speech.
  • Several levels of difficulty in each task.
  • The program was developed jointly with speech therapists.
  • Recommendations for working with the program for parents and educators.

« Learning to read. Country ABC» (“New Disc”, 2010) The authors set a goal to formulate approaches to using the methodology of simultaneous and interdependent literacy teaching and computer science propaedeutics. When working with this program, children develop:

  • The concept of a letter as a graphic symbol of sound,
  • The concept of a word as an ordered set of letters,
  • The meaning-forming role of a letter in a word,
  • Symbol as a designation of an object (pictogram),
  • Design and modeling as ways to identify the relationship between elements and the whole.

The program uses poems, riddles, proverbs, sayings, games with words, letters, which helps create a developing environment for the child. The use of tasks in parallel with the formation of reading skills contributes to the development of speech, creative abilities, logical and algorithmic thinking, expansion of vocabulary, and the ability to work according to a given condition. The set of tasks is designed so that parents and specialists can choose from them the most appropriate ones for the learning goals and age of the child.

« Lessons from Cyril and Methodius. Russian language» from the “Primary School” series – these are multimedia aids for preschool and primary school children. Entertaining interactive tasks will help children gain knowledge of the Russian language in a fun way. The manuals contain all the educational material of the subject.

Well « Superkids: speed reading training» (“New Disc”, 2007), containing a set of tasks for developing reading skills. The exercises are presented in the form of mini-games, which does not require much time. The main character, a cheerful and comical character, will be a faithful companion throughout the game. The game features four types of tasks:

  • Quick search
  • Half words
  • Damaged text
  • Speed ​​and understanding

For each game there are several difficulty levels, the child can choose the most suitable one for himself.

And also professional additions:

  • Materials for preparing classes,
  • Image constructor,
  • Specialist's desk.

The introduction of modern computer technologies into speech therapy practice makes the work of a speech therapist more productive and efficient. Computer technologies are another effective way to form correct speech and correct its deficiencies. The use of ICT organically complements the traditional forms of work of a speech therapist, expanding the possibilities for organizing the interaction of a speech therapist with other participants in the educational process, which can significantly increase the efficiency of correctional work.


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