Research and reviews - what do doctors say about tobacco substitutes? The whole truth about electronic cigarettes. Expert opinion: doctors and scientists about electronic cigarettes

Positive and negative aspects of using electronic cigarettes, opinions of specialists and doctors

Chewing tablets, candies, electronic cigarettes... Almost every smoker who wants to give up his bad habit has come across them. But the key to the difficulty of quitting smoking is not so much the dependence on nicotine as the habit of constantly holding a cigarette in your hands. And also from the already familiar smell of smoke, imitation of being busy with a cigarette.

Watch the video above. There are many theories about the mysterious sponsors of anti-tobacco companies who are engaged in the production of all these cigarette substitutes: candies, nicotine sticks and other candies. It is possible that tobacco companies are involved in this and may also benefit from such tactics. What if in this way they are trying to retain their customers to the last, even after they throw the last half-smoked pack of cigarettes into the basket.

But really, it makes little difference to sell nicotine in cigarettes, chewing tablets, or even in simple candies in bright candy wrappers. The main thing for them is the result in the form of the clink of coins in their pocket. Perhaps this is how electronic cigarettes came to the market, the purpose of which is to replace harmful, poisonous cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes are safe, high-tech smoking simulators that are absolutely harmless. Especially against the backdrop of real cigarettes smoking with tar. This is the image that e-cigarette manufacturers drive into the heads of gullible smokers. This is also hinted at by the way they are used.

First, the unfortunate smoker is asked to choose the desired type of cigarette (so that he can choose electronic cigarettes that are as similar as possible to those that he was used to smoking before). For example, you can buy a standard cigarette, a cigar with a mouthpiece, a thin cigarette, or even an electronic pipe. Afterwards, you need to refill the cartridge with smoking liquid, which comes in three types: without nicotine (none), with a low level of nicotine (light), medium and strong (classic).

One cartridge is enough for about 15-30 real cigarettes. This number depends on the e-cigarette model. After charging the battery, you can begin a relaxing smoking session. During this process, an electronic cigarette simulates a real one - it emits smoke, the strength of which depends on the puff and evokes the taste of smoking.

Manufacturers of electronic cigars claim that their product not only helps to get rid of nicotine addiction, but can also become an original and truly useful gift. In addition, this is a product about the use of which you can sincerely say: smoke as much as you need - for your health!

But there is one thing. Are electronic cigarettes still dangerous? Harm and benefit, as you know, always go, if not hand in hand, then somewhere very close. By its structure, an electronic cigarette is a kind of inhaler that provides the body with liquid with nicotine, simulating smoke and taste sensations similar to those that a person gets when smoking a real cigar. This process becomes possible thanks to the energy received from the micro battery of the electronic cigarette substitute.

That is, the liquid that is in replaceable cartridges may contain nicotine (in different doses) or not contain it at all. It would seem that this guarantees the harmlessness of electronic cigarettes. And it even provides them with a chance to become a new generation of cigarettes - safe and even healthy.

But why is there talk only about a safe alternative to replacing real cigarettes? Indeed, unlike traditional ones, electronic cigarettes are still not subject to the mandatory certification procedure. That is, it is still impossible to say anything about the benefits or harm of this product with one hundred percent certainty. Certification indicates strict standards for the content of specific dangerous substances in a cigarette - nicotine and others.

In the case of traditional cigarettes, these standards are outlined by the World Health Organization. It is also alarming that e-cigarettes have not been fully tested by WHO, but have only been tested by scientists, doctors and specialists from independent research organizations from different countries.

Opinions of specialists and doctors about electronic cigarettes

Here opinions differ: some openly defend the benefits of e-cigarettes, like a doctor from Portugal named Antonio Arajo. He calls them an effective way to quit smoking harmful cigarettes. But American researchers unanimously insist that in the course of their research they discovered unsafe levels of hazardous substances in substitutes for real cigarettes.

In turn, experts from Switzerland conducted a study, thanks to which they found out that electronic cigarettes helped 95% of smokers give up the nicotine habit. Manufacturers and suppliers of electronic newspapers take advantage of this well-known fact.

If we look at the reviews of independent buyers, we can come to the following general conclusion. Various theories and rumors about the harm caused by electronic cigarettes are not unfounded, but at the same time greatly exaggerated. Perhaps they are so widely distributed by manufacturers of real cigarettes. For whom e-cigarettes are clearly an enemy product.

The list of their positive and negative aspects will help you form your own opinion about the dangers and benefits of electronic cigarettes.

Pros and cons of electronic cigarettes:

  • An electronic cigarette is a truly effective way to give up traditional cigarettes by smoking a liquid that does not contain a drop of nicotine.
  • Does not contain poisonous resins and harmful combustion products, lung contamination is almost impossible.
  • Does not disturb non-smokers with its characteristic odor.
  • Allowed for smoking where traditional cigarettes are prohibited.
  • The price of a liquid cartridge is not much higher than the average price for a pack of traditional cigarettes.
  • You can put it aside without finishing smoking, there is no need to buy ashtrays.


  • Psychological addiction to traditional cigarettes is simply replaced by the same addiction to electronic cigarettes.
  • Possible presence of harmful impurities in cartridge liquids.
  • Failure to confirm the absolute safety of e-cigarettes.
  • Smoking e-cigarettes is not illegal in public places, but the artificial smoke they emit can still irritate people around you.
  • There may be a large number of fake and low-quality similar devices.

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Electronic cigarettes are becoming increasingly popular as a relatively harmless nicotine replacement product. In this regard, medical opinions about their impact on human health are very important. European oncologists were the first to express their point of view on electronic cigarettes. Since the smoke of conventional cigarettes contains many carcinogens that cause cancer, doctors first decided to test the vapor of electronic cigarettes for the presence of similar compounds. For this purpose, European specialists conducted special independent studies, during which the composition of dispersion liquid for electronic cigarettes was studied for the presence of harmful substances that provoke cancer. But such substances could not be found. And the nicotine and propylene glycol contained in electronic cigarettes do not affect the occurrence and development of cancer. However, the publication of these studies recently caused a strong scandal in Europe. Many tobacco companies have tried to force doctors to refute information about the harmlessness of e-products. But the researchers still did not give up their findings. Cardiologists also do not object to the use of electronic cigarettes. They conducted a number of their own experiments, monitoring the health of their smoking patients with heart defects. At the same time, the patients were transferred from regular cigarettes to electronic ones, and after 4 months of “vaping”, all of them experienced a significant improvement in their well-being. And after smoking e-cigarettes for a year, their risk of heart attack decreased by 2-3 times. As a result, British doctor Ayan Bruman decisively stated that the electronic cigarette is a safe and effective nicotine replacement product for smokers, it is thousands of times healthier than tobacco products. Phlebologists also have an equally positive opinion about “vaping”. According to their direct observations, former smokers who switched to electronic cigarettes improved the patency of blood vessels that were previously actively clogged from smoking. Therefore, according to phlebologists, all smokers should switch to electronic cigarettes to avoid the grim prospect of limb amputation. In this case, their vessels will never become clogged, and the total number of amputation operations in hospitals will be reduced several times. Narcologists also stand in solidarity with their colleagues. Thus, according to experts V. Mikhayuta and M. Logsen, vaping is the most effective nicotine replacement agent that can save a person from smoking. It must be said that not all doctors adhere to such unambiguous optimistic views. For example, Israeli doctors consider electronic cigarettes harmful and do not allow their use. According to them, the production of electronic cigarettes is not well controlled, there are no clearly developed criteria for product quality, and electronic cigarettes themselves have not yet been studied much; more experiments need to be carried out to find out whether they cause significant harm to human health. Specialists from the American FDA have a similar position . True, both of these organizations have a much calmer attitude towards smoking. But smoking tobacco is still more harmful than inhaling vapor from electronic cigarettes. It is also important to note that neither Israeli nor American experts who prohibit the use of electronic cigarettes provide any actual indicators that refute the positive conclusions of oncologists, narcologists, cardiologists and phlebologists, who, based on numerous experiments, have revealed the relative harmlessness of vaping compared to smoking. In general, most doctors agree with this characterization. Another thing is that, according to a number of experts, it is necessary to strengthen control over the quality of their production and develop more clear quality criteria. This is, in particular, indicated by authoritative British researchers who generally support vaping.

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Electronic cigarettes are becoming increasingly popular. Many tens of millions of people around the world are believed to be regular users. But is this invention really safe?

The whole truth about electronic cigarettes - the latest data

E-cigarettes, seen by many as a healthy alternative to smoking tobacco, can cause lung damage. This was stated by scientists from the University of Athens at the annual congress of the European Respiratory Society in 2012. Scientists conducted experiments on 32 volunteers, of whom 8 were former non-smokers and 24 were heavy smokers. Some of the subjects had healthy lungs, while others suffered from asthma. Everyone was asked to use e-cigarettes for 10 minutes, inhaling the vapor into their lungs.

Research and reviews - what do doctors say about e-cigarettes?

Here are some of the doctors' findings:

Professor Cristina Grazu, Chairperson of the European Respiratory Society for Tobacco Control (ERS): " We do not yet have evidence that unauthorized nicotine products such as e-cigarettes are safer than regular cigarettes, despite marketing claims that they are less harmful".

"We found an immediate increase in airway resistance in subjects, suggesting that e-cigarette use may cause immediate harm after smoking the device. More research is needed to understand whether this harm will also have long-term effects". ERS recommends the use of smoking cessation techniques whose treatment guidelines are based on clinical evidence, which does not recommend the use of products such as e-cigarettes ".

What else do doctors say about e-cigarettes? " We do not fully know what exactly is in them besides nicotine and how this nicotine affects the body if inhaled in this way".

How does an electronic cigarette work?

Electronic cigarettes (the device is battery powered) are used instead of cigarettes. Manufacturers, distributors and sellers of e-cigarettes say they are effective and a healthy alternative to smoking tobacco because the user does not inhale harmful tobacco smoke, which contains more than 4,000 toxic chemicals. Regular e-cigarette smokers say the device offers them a similar experience to smoking tobacco cigarettes. However, since there is no combustion there is no smoke. Sucking on such a cigarette activates the heating element, and the liquid nicotine solution evaporates. Vapors enter the respiratory tract. The effect of an electronic cigarette is practically no different from that of regular tobacco.

For reference

Nicotine upsets the heart, disrupts the contraction rhythm, and the heart begins to work intermittently. Nicotine causes prolonged and severe constriction of blood vessels. There is a special “tobacco” form of angina, in which compression of the heart vessels occurs. There are known cases of heart attack due to excessive smoking. It has been established that heavy smokers by the age of 50 are 12 times more likely to develop angina than non-smokers. Nicotine causes a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels. Blood vessels that have lost their elasticity can rupture easily, resulting in a risk of hemorrhage, especially in the brain.

The World Health Organization stated back in 2008 that e-cigarettes are not considered as nicotine replacement therapy.

Are there clinical studies on the safety of e-cigarettes?

The WHO says it has no scientific evidence to support the safety and effectiveness of this “invention” because the necessary clinical trials have not been conducted.

One of the most harmful habits of modern man is smoking. Many heavy smokers dream of getting rid of their addiction, but if the period of addiction is long, then doing so can be quite problematic. Previously, people had special lollipops, chewing gum, and sweets in their arsenal. Now another means has been added - electronic cigarettes. The new product is actively advertised by product sellers, and an increasing number of men are trying to get rid of smoking regular cigarettes by switching to electronic ones. The article will tell you what harms and benefits of electronic cigarettes are known, what an electronic cigarette is and what doctors think about the new product.

New device

The design of the new product is significantly different from conventional cigarettes, and in order to understand whether smoking them is beneficial or harmful to health, it is better to understand it. The device includes:

  1. Light-emitting diode. Its function is to imitate a smoldering fire.
  2. Battery (lithium) for inhalation replacement and microprocessor.
  3. Sensor.
  4. An ultrasonic liquid atomizer (evaporator) and a replaceable cartridge containing liquid.

The composition of the liquid for filling a replacement cartridge varies, but its main component is a base consisting of glycerin and propylene glycol in varying percentages, as well as flavorings and possibly nicotine.

Propylene glycol is a clear and completely colorless liquid with a sweet taste. Used as a food additive under code E 1520 in industry (pharmaceutical, food industry, cosmetics). Has no known toxicity. Metabolized in the body into uric acid and partially excreted unchanged. Glycerin is a colorless liquid. When dehydrated, it can form acrolein, which in some situations is toxic to the respiratory tract.


If we talk about the benefits and harms of electronic cigarettes with liquid, then we should start the story by listing the absolute advantages of the device. Both doctors and their patients note the benefits. These include the absence in the device of such harmful substances present in ordinary ones, such as tars, carcinogens and especially dangerous substances (cyanide, arsenic, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide), combustion products, plant alkaloids (harmine, nicotine), etc.

The benefits of switching to electronic cigarettes have also been noted by dentists. People who give up habitual smoking in favor of vaping improve the structure and appearance of their teeth, and the unpleasant smell of tobacco disappears over time. It is impossible to say that after switching to electronic cigarettes it will be possible to completely get rid of the ingrained yellow plaque, but the yellowing process will slow down.

People who give up habitual smoking in favor of vaping improve the structure and appearance of their teeth.

By the way, the smell of cigarettes and smoke will disappear and the houses, clothes and personal belongings of a person who prefers vaping will smell more pleasant, which, of course, is beneficial for the image of a successful person.

When talking about the pros and cons of vaping, we need to mention personal safety. Many promotional programs have been developed to prevent smoking in bed and at home to reduce the risk of fire. You can smoke electronic cigarettes in bed - a fire from vaping cannot occur.

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