Sources of pollution in wastewater from industrial enterprises. Abstract: Wastewater pollution

chemical treatment to bind and precipitate nutrients or kill algae;

violation of stratification and reaeration;

phytomass collection and biomanipulation.

Preventive methods used to prevent eutrophication:

control of nutrient discharge;

removal of nutrients from wastewater;

use of preliminary settling tanks;

strategic restructuring of water management in the basin.


The oldest type of water pollution is direct human waste. In terms of dry matter, each adult “produces” about 20 kg of organic matter, 5 kg of nitrogen and 1 kg of phosphorus per year. Initially, this waste was directly used as fertilizer, then the first earthen latrines appeared. Some of the waste inevitably ended up in drinking water sources. That is why large cities already in ancient times began to build water pipelines from sources quite remote from crowded places.

With the advent of water closets, the idea of ​​a simple solution to the problem arose again - diluting waste and removing it from the dump site. The volumes and then the composition of wastewater to be treated have changed significantly. Municipal wastewater now comes not only from residential buildings, but also from hospitals, canteens, laundries, small industrial enterprises, etc. Modern household wastewater, in addition to the easily oxidized organic substances and nutrients themselves, contains many substances used in everyday use: detergents and surfactants, chemicals, medications, etc.

Easily oxidizable organic substances entering watercourses and reservoirs are subjected to chemical and microbiological oxidation. To measure the content of organic substances in water, it is customary to use the value of biochemical oxygen consumption over 5 days. (BOD5, BOD5 – Biochemical Oxygen Demand). It is determined by the difference in oxygen content in water when sampling and after five days of incubation without access to oxygen. BOD5, reflecting the content of easily oxidized organic matter in water, is a universal indicator using

which can compare the degree of pollution from different sources. Thus, in Table 20, pollution from enterprises of various profiles is expressed in equivalents of pollution from people.

Table 20 Organic contamination of industrial wastewater in household wastewater equivalents


Daily production or

Equivalent of effluents from

processing 1 t


Wood shavings

Dairy plant

1 cattle head

livestock or 2.5 pigs

Cheese factory

Starch plant

Corn or wheat

Paper mill

Factory of


artificial fiber

Sugar factory

Sugar beet

Flax mill


Wool Moynya

Enterprise for

bleaching fabrics


Dirty laundry


Pulp mill



Consequences of pollution from domestic wastewater

Easily oxidized organic matter, contained in excess in municipal wastewater, becomes a breeding ground for the development of many microorganisms, including pathogenic ones. Normal soil contains a large number of microorganisms that can cause severe infectious diseases. Typically, drinking water is protected from the invasion of these microorganisms by the fact that the content of accessible food for bacteria (easily oxidized organic substances) in it is low and almost all of them are used by normal aquatic microflora. However, with a significant increase in the concentration of organic matter in water, soil pathogens find enough food sources for themselves and can become the source of an outbreak of infection. In addition, an increase in the amount of organic matter in water stimulates the growth of non-pathogenic microflora, which, in turn, serves as food for larger pathogens - a number of amoebae (as was the case, for example, with amoebae that caused

In addition to the immediate danger of the development of pathogenic organisms in water contaminated with domestic wastewater, there is another indirect, unpleasant consequence for humans of this type of pollution. During the decomposition of organic matter (both chemical and microbiological), as we mentioned above, oxygen is consumed. In the case of severe pollution, the content of oxygen dissolved in water drops so much that this is accompanied not only by fish kills, but also by the impossibility of normal functioning of microbiological communities. The aquatic ecosystem is degrading. In running waters and in reservoirs, the picture of the consequences of pollution from household wastewater looks different.

IN In flowing waters, four zones are formed, following each other downstream. They clearly show gradients in oxygen content (increasing from the point of discharge downstream), nutrients and BOD 5 (corresponding decrease), species composition of biological communities.

The first zone is a zone of complete degradation, where mixing of wastewater and river water occurs. Next is a zone of active decomposition, in which microorganisms destroy most of the ingested organic matter. This is followed by zones of restoration of water quality and, finally, clean water.

Back at the beginning of the twentieth century. R. Kolkwitz and M. Marsson provided lists of indicator organisms for each of these zones, creating the so-called saprobity scale (from “sapros”, gr. - rotten).

IN The first zone, the polysaprobic zone, contains a significant amount of unstable organic substances and products of their anaerobic decomposition, and many protein substances. There is no photosynthesis, and oxygen enters the water only from the atmosphere, being completely spent on oxidation. Anaerobic bacteria produce methane, Desulfovibrio

82 desulfuricans reduces sulfates to hydrogen sulfide, which promotes the formation of black iron sulfide. Due to this, the sludge is black, with the smell of hydrogen sulfide. There are a lot of saprophytic microflora, filamentous bacteria, sulfur bacteria, protozoa - ciliates, colorless flagellates, oligochaetes - tubificide.

IN next after her The b-mesosaprobic zone undergoes aerobic decomposition of organic substances. Ammonium bacteria metabolize nitrogen compounds to form ammonia. High content of carbon dioxide, oxygen is still low, but hydrogen sulfide and methane are no longer present, BOD5 is tens of mg l-1. Saprophytic bacteria are numbered in tens and hundreds of thousands per 1 ml. Iron is present in oxide and ferrous forms. Redox processes occur. Silt is gray in color. Organisms that have adapted to the lack of oxygen and high carbon dioxide content predominate. There are many plant organisms with mixotrophic nutrition. Filamentous bacteria, fungi, oscillators, chlamydomonas, and euglena develop in the mass. There are sessile ciliates, rotifers, and many flagellates. Lots of tubificides and chironomid larvae.

In the β-mesosaprobic zone there are practically no unstable organic substances; they are almost completely mineralized. Saprophytes – thousands of cells per ml. The oxygen and carbon dioxide content fluctuates depending on the time of day. The silt is yellow, oxidative processes are taking place, there is a lot of detritus. There are many organisms with autotrophic nutrition, and water blooms are observed. There are diatoms, green ones, and a lot of protococcal algae. Hornwort appears. Lots of rhizomes, sunflowers, ciliates, worms, mollusks, chironomid larvae. Crustaceans and fish are found.

The oligosaprobic zone corresponds to the pure water zone. There is no flowering, the oxygen and carbon dioxide content is constant. At the bottom there is little detritus, autotrophic organisms and worms, mollusks, chironomids. There are a lot of mayfly larvae, stoneflies, you can find sterlet, minnow, and trout.

IN In reservoirs with slow water exchange, the picture depends on the size of the reservoir and the regime of wastewater discharge. In large bodies of water (seas, large lakes) around a permanent source, concentrically located, poly-, meso and oligosaprobic zones. This picture can persist indefinitely if the self-purifying potential of the reservoir allows it to cope with the incoming load. If the reservoir is small, then it transforms as

In recent years waste water problem is becoming increasingly acute and relevant throughout the world, including in the Russian Federation. In the process of economic activity, modern society consumes considerable amounts of water, most of which as a result becomes contaminated with a variety of substances. When they enter the environment, enormous damage is caused to the environment, and therefore they are subject to mandatory cleaning. To ensure it properly, it is necessary to use special equipment and technological complexes with the help of which the established wastewater pollution standards, defined in the relevant documents. The Flotenk company is one of those Russian organizations that is successfully working on wastewater treatment problems. For many years, it has been developing and producing devices that allow for the effective separation of harmful substances contained in wastewater from industrial enterprises, agriculture, housing and communal services and transport. This equipment allows you to bring degree of pollution wastewater to levels at which they can be discharged into the environment without causing damage to it.

Main wastewater contaminants and methods for their removal

Anthropogenic factors
wastewater pollution is quite diverse and leads to the presence of mechanical, chemical and biological impurities in it, which must be removed by treatment facilities. As a rule, they are contained in wastewater in complex, in different concentrations, which significantly complicates the solution of the problem of wastewater treatment. Mechanical impurities are in most cases sand, various small solid particles of industrial or agricultural waste. Their separation from wastewater is usually carried out in special sand separators and settling tanks, where they settle naturally, under the influence of gravity. In addition, to separate mechanical impurities, Flotenk equipment uses meshes and filters. Sources of wastewater pollution, such as industrial and agricultural enterprises, “saturate” them with a considerable amount of various chemical compounds. Their separation is often a very complex problem and requires the use of expensive equipment and special reagents. To eliminate organic impurities, special microorganisms are actively and successfully used, which, as a result of their vital activity, decompose them into safe components. As for contaminants of biological origin (bacteria and other microorganisms), chlorine was previously actively used to neutralize them, and now more advanced technology for treatment with ultraviolet radiation is being increasingly used.

Wastewater pollution from industrial enterprises

The source of many environmental problems associated with wastewater disposal, are industrial enterprises. Technological production processes in almost all industries involve the formation of wastewater contaminated with a wide variety of substances. To date industrial pollution wastewater is one of the most significant threats to the environment. Industrial enterprises, according to current legislation, must necessarily use wastewater treatment facilities to neutralize the negative impact of wastewater; however, this requirement, unfortunately, is not always fully met. Pollution indicators Discharges from industrial facilities often significantly exceed established standards. In most cases, as practice shows, this is due to the fact that treatment facilities that are outdated, both morally and physically, are used, which are subject to reconstruction and modernization. This work is successfully carried out by the Flotenk company, using modern, high-performance and efficient equipment developed by it and produced at its own production facilities. Its specialists produce pollution calculation, determine many other important parameters, focusing on which they design, manufacture, install and put into operation all elements of wastewater treatment plant complexes.

Questionnaire for calculating and ordering treatment facilities for industrial enterprises:

Wastewater pollution from agricultural objects

Environmental problems of wastewater agricultural origin are also very serious. Enterprises of the agrarian-industrial complex often discharge into the environment wastewater that has such indicators of the presence of mechanical, chemical and biological impurities that many times exceed the maximum permissible standards. Decline wastewater pollution concentrations agricultural origin to the required level must be ensured by their high-quality cleaning using modern equipment. Only it can guarantee such quantitative and qualitative indicators of wastewater pollution of this type, which allow their removal without harm to the environment. The specificity of agricultural production is that its livestock and crop production units produce wastewater that has completely different composition of contaminants: in the former, impurities of organic and biological origin predominate, and in the latter, impurities of inorganic origin. Therefore, the approach to their cleaning, the methods and methods used for this, and the composition of the equipment must be different. When arranging treatment facilities at agricultural enterprises, specialists from the Flotenk company must take this circumstance into account, and therefore, at various facilities they install equipment that separates the corresponding types of pollution.

Domestic wastewater pollution

Human wastewater pollution
is actively produced not only “thanks” to its economic activities, but also through household activities. Residential facilities and social and cultural facilities produce a significant amount of wastewater, which is discharged either into centralized or autonomous sewer systems, and is then subject to treatment and discharge into the environment. Mechanical, biological and organic wastewater pollution, formed as a result of human household activities, are removed by wastewater treatment plants very effectively. It should be noted that concentration of pollutants in domestic wastewater is relatively low, and modern equipment does a good job of removing them. Those devices for the treatment of household wastewater, which are developed and produced by the Flotenk company, are distinguished by their high efficiency, ease of operation and maintenance.

Questionnaire for calculating and ordering wastewater treatment facilities for enterprises:

Preventing environmental pollution from wastewater

Preventing pollution of water bodies by wastewater, as well as protecting surface waters from pollution by wastewater are the most important tasks facing modern society. Their effective and comprehensive solution is possible only with the use of advanced wastewater treatment technologies and modern equipment.

Barasheva Svetlana Valerievna, student, Kazan Scientific Research Technological University, Kazan [email protected];

Karataev Oscar Robindarovich,

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department. mechanical science "Kazan Scientific Research Technological University", Kazan [email protected];

Trends in environmental pollution by wastewater from various industrial enterprises

Abstract: This article discusses one of the most important problems of our time, the problem of wastewater pollution. The causes of pollution, types of pollution, sources, as well as their further consequences are discussed. Basic requirements for treatment, trends in the development of technologies in Russian treatment facilities. Key words: types of pollution, treatment methods, water pollution index, saprobity index.

Flood waters and precipitation falling in zones of influence of industrial enterprises cause harm to the environment, especially dangerous for the territories of adjacent settlements. Wastewater treatment is one of the main tasks for all humanity, since the discharge of untreated water creates a serious environmental problem, polluting soils and reservoirs.

There are a sufficient number of treatment facilities and a variety of methods for treating wastewater. An important method is closed water supply, in which the discharge of water into surface water can be eliminated, and purified water can be used to replenish irrecoverable losses.

Existing combined techniques are used at several stages of different cleaning methods. The use of each technique depends on the harmfulness and composition of the impurities. Without stage-by-stage treatment of wastewater using several methods, high-quality treatment is impossible. Low-performance methods, which are characterized by the high cost of wastewater treatment, include: sorption (absorption of a substance from the environment in a solid or liquid state), extraction (removal of certain substances from a liquid), coagulation (introducing certain substances into the drain), electrolysis (breakdown of chemical compounds through an electric current into their constituent parts), reverse osmosis (forcing pressure to pass through a semi-permeable membrane from a more concentrated to a less concentrated solution), ion exchange (a reversible process). When using the listed methods, it is possible to purify water from soluble and insoluble compounds. Mineral oils and suspended impurities contained in wastewater are polydisperse. The effect of purification from suspended matter by settling is 5060%, and from petroleum products – 5070%. If wastewater is left to settle in flotation units for 2040 minutes. , then the result will be a high degree of purification up to 9098%. Most often, areas in which oil and petrochemical industries are located are subject to contamination. In addition, modern production technologies involve the use of a closed water supply circle, when water discharge is not the final stage. At the same time, contaminated water ends up in settling tanks and, having gone through a purification cycle, continues to be used in many technological processes, where they are subject to re-contamination, presenting an even greater danger. In the modern world, wastewater treatment is one of the global problems that is being worked on in all developed countries. It should be noted that new technologies for the purification of industrial wastewater are being developed and existing ones are being improved. Sedimentation is the main method of purification from oil products, but this degree of purification is not enough, and in some cases the method of filtering through a layer of porous or granular material is used. However, most of the proposed technologies do not completely or cannot be used due to their high cost or complexity. In this regard, an important factor is respect for the environment. Thus, in the Central Federal District, progress in wastewater pollution is observed. This, as shown by the analysis of the environmental situation, was caused by a high degree of wear and tear of existing equipment. And in the Far Eastern and Southern Federal Districts, both large overload of treatment facilities and, in some cases, their complete absence were revealed.

Industrial wastewater from various industries contains toxic substances, which are greatly influenced by the amount of impurities contained in the wastewater. The properties of water of this kind are opposite to the physical properties of ordinary water. There are also wastewaters containing inorganic impurities, they can be found in soda and nitrogen factories, zinc and nickel factories. The main issue today is the question of disinfection of treated wastewater and the installation of facilities for purification of biogenic pollutants. Also, the question of post-treatment systems remains open. Oil and petroleum products are the main pollutants of wastewater; the smallest dose of oil, and this is one drop (12 g.), can render one ton of water unusable. Oxidative processes cause serious harm, the causes of which are a decrease in the oxygen content in water and an increase in the biochemical need for it. As a result, the organoleptic characteristics of water deteriorate. There are two types of wastewater: contaminated and slightly contaminated. Contaminated wastewater can be purified using ultrasound, ozone ion exchange resins, and methodological treatment by chlorination cannot be excluded. Extreme attention is paid to increasing the efficiency of industrial wastewater treatment. Discharge of water from industrial enterprises is prohibited considered constant, because it is often amenable to significant changes. Before you begin to design and build treatment facilities, you need to know the volume of wastewater. It is impossible to achieve an ideal result; quality standards for the discharge of industrial water into wastewater and a year-by-year plan for achieving the result are required. The total volume of wastewater discharged by industrial enterprises compared to 2012 was reduced to 0.8%. And in mid-2013 it was 590.1 million m3, which included 560.6 million m3 discharged into surface waters. Contaminated (73%)–398.3 million m3, treated (0.1%),

0.6 million m3 that meet the standards that do not require treatment (27.9%). – 151.6 million m3. If wastewater contains substances such as detergents, pesticides, oils, phenols, etc., then they have a toxic, negative and aesthetic effect , which has a detrimental effect on the environment.

And those that have radioactivity (100 curies per 1 liter, etc., this indicates increased radioactivity) are subject to inhumation in special tanks and underground drainless pools. The bioaccumulation process is caused by the content of metals such as: Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu , Ni. When developing state-of-the-art wastewater treatment plants, scientists rely on nitrogen removal and chemical phosphorus removal. And the destruction of all other more harmful substances: hydrogen sulfide, ammonium and alkali is nothing more than a beneficial result of the action. The result obtained can be called a side result, because unni does not give in under any conditions

calculation due to the complexity of the ongoing processes. Microorganisms are capable of destroying organic compounds and accompanying biochemical reactions. The process of absorption of contaminants by the surface of activated sludge includes microorganisms (which include worm eggs, fungi, pathogenic bacteria, algae viruses).

When wastewater enters rivers and lakes, it has a negative effect: the saturation of water with oxygen decreases, the activity of bacteria that mineralize active substances is suspended. The amount of activated sludge increases every year, its biomass amounts to several million tons. Based on this, there was a need to develop processing methods that would increase the range of use of activated sludge. At chemical enterprises, activated sludge is most often burned, thereby obtaining a substitute for coal and oil. This is called the reverse method. Approximate calculations have shown that when burning 400 thousand. activated sludge, it will be possible to obtain oil fuel equivalent to 800 thousand barrels of oil and 180 thousand tons of coal.

There is a close relationship between the quality of cleaning and specific organisms, this can be explained

with the help of activated sludge biocenesis, which allows the improvement of species that do not differ from each other and are located in different ecological zones, influencing the improvement of a complex complex of biotic and abiotic factors.

The technology of all chemical petrochemical production is often developed without taking into account its impact on the environment. It is practically impossible to check the content and huge number of pollutants of each of the industrial enterprises, but theoretically it is possible, by highlighting the main

group of priority polluting components. Table 1 Priority polluting components of wastewater Group of priority pollutants

Compounds Organochlorine pesticides Aldrin, dibenzofuran, etc. Organophosphorus pesticides Disulfoton, parathion, etc. Pesticides based on phenoxyacetic acid 2,4D, 2,4,5 T Volatile organochlorine compounds Chlorobenzenes, chloraldigrad, etc. Nitrogen-containing pesticides Dichlorobenzenes, chloroacetic acid, etc. ..“Low-volatile” organochlorine compoundsO, p , mchlorophenols, etc. Chloroanilines and chloronitroaromatic compounds Chloroanilines, chloronitrotoluenes, etc. Polychlorinated and polybrominated biphenyls Chlorobiphenyls, bromobiphenyls, etc. Aromatic hydrocarbons Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, etc. PAHAnthracene, fluorene, etc. compoundsbenzidine, pyrazone, etc.

Very significant damage is caused by heated wastewater and water containing hydrocyanic acid, aniline, mercury, lead, copper salts and various arsenic compounds.

Heated wastewater from thermal and oil refining industries causes “thermal pollution”, which poses a threat to water bodies with quite serious consequences: because in heated water there is much less oxygen, which means a sharp change in the thermal regime can be observed. About 80% of the priority polluting components are chlorine and bromine-containing compounds. The close connection between high persistence and lipophilicity suggests that, as a result, bioaccumulation occurs, the accumulation of halogen-containing organic compounds in aquatic ecosystems and ecological magnetization. In nature, there are six types of pollution of surface and groundwater:


draining heated water from nuclear and thermal power plants into rivers and lakes.

Mechanical (surface type of pollution) increase in the content of mechanical impurities. Chemical

presence of organic and inorganic substances in water. Bacterial and biological; presence of various microorganisms in water. Radioactive

the presence of radioactive substances in underground or surface waters. Mechanical and chemical methods are more effective. The main principle of the mechanical method is that it is possible to destroy mechanical impurities in large quantities from wastewater using the method of filtration and sedimentation. Thanks to this treatment, up to 90% of insoluble impurities are separated from industrial wastewater. During chemical decripitation, chemical reagents are added to wastewater that react with pollutants, the end result being the precipitation of pollutants in the form of insoluble sediments. This purification can achieve a reduction of soluble impurities by up to 30%, and insoluble impurities by up to 90%. Significant sources of pollution and clogging of water bodies are insufficiently treated wastewater from industrial plants, these include: production residues from the development of minerals, finishing and rafting of timber, water from mines, mines. More noticeable changes in water are caused by pollutants, entering through natural bodies of water.

Changes can mainly be observed in the physical properties of water, in particular: the appearance of tastes, unpleasant odors, changes in the chemical composition and the appearance of harmful floating substances in the water, their deposition at the bottom of the reservoir and their presence on the surface of the water. At petrochemical enterprises, a large amount of phenol enters the discharged wastewater, which leads to a decrease in biological processes and self-purification processes of reservoirs. In addition to all this, the water acquires the smell of carbolic acid, which becomes specific.

Table 2 Types of wastewater pollutants. Sources of pollutants Types of pollutants Non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy plants Minerals, resins, etc. Oil refineries Oil, petroleum products Coke chemical plants Resins, ammonia, cyanides, etc. Pulp and paper industry enterprises Dissolved organic substances kaolin. Machine-building and automobile factories. Cyanide, scale, etc. Textile. enterprisesDyes, surfactants.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), water contains 14 thousand toxic elements, hence it can be concluded that 85% of diseases are transmitted by water; 28 million people die from them every year. After wastewater treatment, sludge remains, obtained from the initial and further settling tanks. In 1990, the sludge began to be used as fertilizer, because it contains heavy metals, but with the significant emergence of large, industrial petrochemical enterprises, such a quantity of sludge has become an unwise decision to dump into the lithosphere as fertilizer. Therefore, due to the unacceptable amount of sludge and the content of heavy metals in it, they began to resort to burning sludge.

Toxicological studies were carried out, from which scientists concluded that it is possible to process raw sludge and excess activated sludge. At the moment, quite a lot of effective and simple methods for extracting impurities from wastewater have been studied. Sewage sludge from oil refineries is widely used for fertilizer purposes. That is why there is a need to check the likely impact of toxic substances in them, namely heavy metals on the growth and development of their accumulation in soil and plants. There are various methods of wastewater treatment: mechanized dehydration of sludge, the use of a centrifuge, and the use of a chamber or belt filter press. Of all the above, mechanized dehydration of sludge is a more advanced and technologically advanced method of wastewater treatment.

Complex wastewater treatment facilities are reliable and durable in use. The main part of the sludge is sent to deposition sites, where it is laid in a multi-meter layer, or another method, more modern and technologically advanced for sludge disposal, is its incineration. An example is the Moscow treatment plants, where more than 13 million tons of sludge are formed per year, this figure can be compare with 250 thousand railway tanks.

Thanks to the indices and several formulas given below, we will be able to determine not only the degree of pollution, but also the class of water quality. Hydrochemical index of water pollution (WPI). The hydrochemical index of water pollution is a specific additive coefficient. HIP refers to a group of indicators that are used to assess the quality of water bodies; when calculating, it is necessary to take into account, that none of the official regulatory documents published later has confirmed the mandatory use of it. The additive coefficient represents the average share of exceeding the MPC for a limited number of individual ingredients:

where: Ci is the concentration of the component; n–number of indicators that are used to calculate the index, n= 6; MPCi is the introduced standard value for the corresponding type of water body.

Table 3 Water quality classes depending on the WPI valueWaterWPI valuesWater quality classesExtremely clean up to 0.3IClean0.3–1.0IIModerately polluted1.0–2.0IIIPolluted1.0–2.0IVDirty4.0–6.0VExtremely dirty6.0–10.0VIInfinitely dirty10.0VII

Among the hydrobiological quality indicators in Russia, the saprobity index of water bodies is often used. It is substantiated on the basis of special characteristics of saprobity studied by scientists, species that can be represented in certain water associations.

Hi, is the relative abundance of the species, Si is the indicator significance of species i, N is the number of indicator species.

oligosaprobic 1.5 -1, polysaprobic reservoirs (zones) it is 4-4.5, α and β-mesosaprobic 2.5 -1.5 and 3.5 -2.5, in catarobic - less than 1. For a reliable result it is necessary, that the test sample contains at least thirteen individuals in the field of observation and at least twelve indicator organisms.

Individual index value

saprobity belongs to each of the types of organisms that we study. The resulting value means the sum of its physiological and biochemical characteristics, which determine the ability to live in water with a varied content of organic substances. Contaminated industrial wastewater is identified by its physical properties (for example, you can take the boiling point, boiling substances at temperatures below 120. °C, 115250. °C and above 250 °C), one cannot fail to take into account that everything depends on the properties of the impurities contained in them: wastewater is contaminated for the most part parts with organic or mineral impurities. Wastewater can vary in degree of aggressiveness: non-aggressive (pH 6.58). slightly aggressive (weakly acidic, pH 66.5 and slightly alkaline, pH 89); highly aggressive (strongly acidic pH 9); To radically shape the composition of industrial wastewater, the type of raw material that is prepared for processing is of great importance. Composition of wastewater

depends on the intermediate products of the technological process, the composition of the source water,

initial components, manufactured products, endemic conditions and other numerous factors that influence the composition and harmfulness of wastewater. Petroleum and petroleum products are significant polluting components of wastewater from oil refineries. At different plants, even with the same technological processes, the composition of wastewater, water disposal mode and specific consumption per unit of output will vary greatly from each other . In the petrochemical industry, the most widespread introduction of waste-free and low-waste processes has been highlighted, which give the maximum environmental effect.

The qualitative characteristics of industrial wastewater are important for choosing a method for their deferrization, resolving issues about the possibility of reusing wastewater, controlling the operation of treatment facilities and the discharge of wastewater, as well as extracting and processing substances that pollute water. Through ceramic membranes, wastewater can be purified from petroleum products using special applications

cleaning facility, such as an electric flotator, or a flotator with dispersion. The flotator is designed for cleaning oil-containing storm drains and wastewater. The filtrate must meet all water quality requirements for a multi-circuit water supply. The excess that is formed from the operation of the filtrate is discharged into the sewerage system, then, during the flotation process, petroleum products, gasoline, oils, emulsols and other substances are extracted. The operation of this system is based on a combination of electroflotation processes, ultrafiltration of water and sorption on activated carbon. Composition of the flotator: electrode block with insoluble electrodes, automatic system compressor assembly, oil sludge, plastic housing, air dispersion system, polypropylene storage tank for water, coagulant essence, transfer pumps.

Table 4 Technical characteristics of installations for treating wastewater from petroleum products. Parameters After the flotator After the filter Initial wastewater Oil products

Suspended solids

500 2000 mg/lPurified waterOil products0.5 5 mg/l0.05 mg/lSuspended solids5 20 mg/l0.5 5 mg/lChemical oxygen demand

Electricity consumption

0.353.5 kW h/m3


2000x1200x1115 mm

Service life of membranes for air atomization

Today, oil and oil products are the main pollutants. Penetrating into water bodies through wastewater, they form multiple types of pollution: not only an oil film floating on the water, but also oil products dissolved or emulsified in water, which are based on the heavy fraction. In this case, you can observe a decrease in the volume of oxygen, changes in taste, smell, color, water viscosity, as well as surface tension. The contamination of wastewater discharged by oil refineries and industrial enterprises can be significantly reduced by isolating priority impurities. A challenge in petrochemical plants can be the variety of products and processes produced. It should be noted that a significant amount of water is spent on cooling in the industry. The transition from water cooling to air cooling will reduce water consumption in various industries by 70-90%. As a result, the development and implementation of modern special equipment that uses the least amount of water for cooling is paramount.

Today, all over the world, and in Russia, there are problems of various pollution of water, soil, and air. Technical progress in this area will be noticeable when all the problems are solved, but it is practically impossible to achieve an ideal result. Having analyzed all methods of wastewater treatment, we can conclude that the mechanical method is the simplest and least expensive, compared to biological and chemical methods. And the considered flotation process, one of the main ones for wastewater treatment, consists in the molecular interaction of impurities and water with bubbles of finely dispersed air. At the moment, modern wastewater treatment technologies are being industrialized using reverse osmosis and nanofiltration facilities. Hydraulic washing with special cleaning solutions is used to remove contaminants from the membrane surface.

Links to sources1. Kucherenko L.V., Ugryumova S.D., Moroz N.Yu., Modern technical solution to the problem of industrial wastewater treatment. Bulletin of Kamchatka State Technical University. 2002. No. 1. P. 1861902 Ermakov P.P., Zhuravlev P.S. High-intensity electrochemical water purification devices, p. 20 213 Lyutoev A.A., Smirnov Yu.G. Development of a technological scheme for treating wastewater from oil pollution using magnetic nanoparticles. Electronic scientific journal Oil and Gas Business. 2013. No. 4. P. 4244354. Ksenofontov B.S., Kapitonova S.N., Taranov R.A. Development of new flotation technology for water purification. Water supply.

Water purification.2010. T. 33. No. 9. P. 2832

Barasheva Svetlana ValerievnaStudent, “Kazan Scientific Research Technological University” [email protected];Karataev Oscar RobindarovichCandidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor. mechanical engineering, Kazan Scientific Research Technological University, [email protected];Trends of environmental pollution by sewage various industrial enterprises.Abstract:his paper discusses one of the most important problems of our time, the problem of sewage pollution. The causes of pollution, types of pollution sources, as well as their further consequences. Basic requirements for cleaning technology trends Russian treatment plants. Keywords: types of pollution, cleaning methods, water pollution index, the index saprobity.

The main pollutants in industrial wastewater are phenols, sulfates, nitrates and iron compounds. Untreated wastewater is a source of elements toxic to humans and animals (salts of heavy metals, pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms).

Atmospheric precipitation and water discharged from the territories of industrial enterprises and populated areas through the sewerage system or by gravity are called wastewater. Industrial wastewater contains substances that affect the general sanitary condition of the reservoir, change the organoleptic characteristics of water and contain substances toxic to humans and animals. What is the difference between storm, industrial and domestic wastewater? And how is the filtrate of industrial wastewater subsequently used?

Types of industrial wastewater

Wastewater from industrial enterprises can be divided into several groups based on the content of chemical components, environmental reaction and source. Depending on the type and nature of the wastewater, a system for purifying products of processed liquid raw materials from industrial production is also selected.

Based on the reaction of the environment, wastewater is divided into:

Non-aggressive (pH 6.5-8);

Slightly alkaline (pH 8-9);

Slightly acidic (pH 6-6.5);

Highly alkaline (pH greater than 9);

Strongly acidic (pH less than 6).

In the composition of all wastewater, two main groups of pollutants can be distinguished - conservative (not biodegradable) and non-conservative (easily decomposed during the process of self-purification of the reservoir).

Main pollutants

Industrial wastewater may include petroleum products, heavy metals, soil particles, ores, fungi, bacteria, yeast and organic matter. The most common compounds found in water bodies are phenols, zinc compounds, copper compounds, ammonium and nitrate nitrogen, aniline, potassium xanthate, methyl mercaptan, lignin, etc. Depending on the source of wastewater formation, the nature of wastewater pollution can be assumed with a high degree of probability (Table 1).

Table 1. Types of pollutants

Source of pollution

Types of pollutants

Non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy factories


non-ferrous metals,


sulfuric acid,


Oil refineries

petroleum products,

suspended substances,

hydrogen sulfide,

iron compounds.

Coke and chemical enterprises

suspended substances,


Pulp and paper industry

Dissolved organic matter

Machine-building and automobile factories

Textile enterprises


After appropriate treatment, the effluent can be used as process water or recycled products. One of the most promising methods for recycling industrial wastewater enriched with nitrogen, potassium or phosphorus is the use of waste industrial products for irrigation of agricultural land and pastures.

Sources used:

1. Popov A. M., Rumyantsev I. S. Environmental protection structures.

2. Sokolova V.N. Protection of industrial wastewater and disposal of sludge.

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Ussuri State Pedagogical Institute

Faculty of Biology and Chemistry

Course work

Sewage pollution

Completed by: 2nd year student of group 521

Yastrebkova S. Yu._________

Scientific adviser:


Ussuriysk, 2001


I.1. Sources of pollution of inland waters…………………4

I.2. Discharge of wastewater into water bodies……………………………………..7

II.1. Methods of wastewater treatment…………………………………….…9




Water is the most valuable natural resource. It plays an exceptional role in metabolic processes that form the basis of life. Water is of great importance in industrial and agricultural production. It is well known that it is necessary for the everyday needs of humans, all plants and animals. It serves as a habitat for many living creatures.

The growth of cities, the rapid development of industry, the intensification of agriculture, a significant expansion of irrigated areas, improvement of cultural and living conditions and a number of other factors are increasingly complicating the problems of water supply.

The demand for water is enormous and is increasing every year. The annual water consumption on the globe for all types of water supply is 3300-3500 km3.
Moreover, 70% of all water consumption is used in agriculture.

The chemical and pulp and paper industries, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy consume a lot of water. Energy development is also leading to a sharp increase in water demand. A significant amount of water is spent for the needs of the livestock industry, as well as for the household needs of the population. Most of the water, after being used for domestic needs, is returned to rivers in the form of wastewater.

Fresh water shortage is already becoming a global problem. The ever-increasing needs of industry and agriculture for water are forcing all countries and scientists around the world to look for various means to solve this problem.

At the present stage, the following directions for the rational use of water resources are being determined: more complete use and expanded reproduction of fresh water resources; development of new technological processes to prevent pollution of water bodies and minimize the consumption of fresh water.

I.1. Sources of pollution of inland water bodies

Pollution of water resources refers to any changes in the physical, chemical and biological properties of water in reservoirs in connection with the discharge of liquid, solid and gaseous substances into them that cause or may create inconvenience, making the water of these reservoirs dangerous for use, causing damage to the national economy, health and public safety

Pollution of surface and groundwater can be divided into the following types: mechanical - an increase in the content of mechanical impurities, which is characteristic mainly of surface types of pollution; chemical - the presence in water of organic and inorganic substances of toxic and non-toxic effects; bacterial and biological - the presence of various pathogenic microorganisms, fungi and small algae in the water; radioactive - the presence of radioactive substances in surface or underground waters; thermal - release of heated water from thermal and nuclear power plants into reservoirs.

The main sources of pollution and clogging of water bodies are insufficiently treated wastewater from industrial and municipal enterprises, large livestock complexes, production waste from the development of ore minerals; water from mines, mines, processing and rafting of timber; discharges from water and rail transport; waste from primary flax processing, pesticides, etc. Pollutants entering natural bodies of water lead to qualitative changes in water, which are mainly manifested in changes in the physical properties of water, in particular, the appearance of unpleasant odors, tastes, etc.); in changes in the chemical composition of water, in particular, the appearance of harmful substances in it, the presence of floating substances on the surface of the water and their deposition at the bottom of reservoirs.

Wastewater is divided into three groups: waste water, or fecal water; household, including drains from the galley, showers, laundries, etc.; sub-oil, or oil-containing. Fan wastewater is characterized by high bacterial contamination, as well as organic contamination (chemical oxygen consumption reaches 1500-2000 mg/l). The volume of these waters is relatively small. - Domestic wastewater is characterized by low organic pollution. This wastewater is usually discharged overboard the ship as it is generated. Dumping them is prohibited only in the sanitary protection zone. Subsoil waters are formed in the engine rooms of ships. They are characterized by a high content of petroleum products.(6)

Industrial wastewater is contaminated mainly with waste and emissions from production. Their quantitative and qualitative composition is diverse and depends on the industry and its technological processes; they are divided into two main groups: containing inorganic impurities, incl. both toxic and containing poisons.

The first group includes wastewater from soda, sulfate, nitrogen-fertilizer plants, processing factories of lead, zinc, nickel ores, etc., which contain acids, alkalis, heavy metal ions, etc.
Wastewater from this group mainly changes the physical properties of water.

Wastewater of the second group is discharged by oil refineries, petrochemical plants, organic synthesis enterprises, coke plants, etc. The wastewater contains various petroleum products, ammonia, aldehydes, resins, phenols and other harmful substances. The harmful effect of wastewater from this group lies mainly in oxidative processes, as a result of which the oxygen content in water decreases, the biochemical need for it increases, and the organoleptic characteristics of water deteriorate.

Oil and petroleum products at the present stage are the main pollutants of inland waters, waters and seas, and the World Ocean. When they enter water bodies, they create various forms of pollution: an oil film floating on the water, oil products dissolved or emulsified in water, heavy fractions settled to the bottom, etc. At the same time, the smell, taste, color, surface tension, viscosity of water changes, the amount of oxygen decreases, harmful organic substances appear, water acquires toxic properties and poses a threat not only to humans. 12 g of oil makes a ton of water unfit for consumption.

Phenol is a rather harmful pollutant in industrial waters. It is found in wastewater from many petrochemical plants. At the same time, the biological processes of reservoirs and the process of their self-purification sharply decrease, and the water acquires a specific smell of carbolic acid.

The life of the population of water bodies is adversely affected by wastewater from the pulp and paper industry. Oxidation of wood pulp is accompanied by the absorption of a significant amount of oxygen, which leads to the death of eggs, fry and adult fish. Fibers and other insoluble substances clog the water and impair its physicochemical properties. Fish and their food - invertebrates - are adversely affected by moth alloys. Rotting wood and bark release various tannins into the water. Resin and other extractive products decompose and absorb a lot of oxygen, causing the death of fish, especially juveniles and eggs. In addition, moth floats heavily clog rivers, and driftwood often completely clogs their bottom, depriving fish of spawning grounds and feeding places.

Nuclear power plants pollute rivers with radioactive waste.
Radioactive substances are concentrated by the smallest planktonic microorganisms and fish, then transmitted through the food chain to other animals.
It has been established that the radioactivity of planktonic inhabitants is thousands of times higher than the water in which they live.

Wastewater with increased radioactivity (100 curies per 1 liter or more) must be disposed of in underground drainless pools and special reservoirs.

Population growth, the expansion of old cities and the emergence of new cities have significantly increased the flow of domestic wastewater into inland water bodies. These drains have become a source of pollution of rivers and lakes with pathogenic bacteria and helminths. To an even greater extent, synthetic detergents, widely used in everyday life, pollute water bodies. They are also widely used in industry and agriculture. The chemicals they contain, entering rivers and lakes with wastewater, have a significant impact on the biological and physical regime of water bodies. As a result, the ability of water to saturate with oxygen is reduced, and the activity of bacteria that mineralize organic matter is paralyzed.

The pollution of water bodies with pesticides and mineral fertilizers that fall from the fields along with streams of rain and melt water is of serious concern. As a result of research, for example, it has been proven that insecticides contained in water in the form of suspensions are dissolved in petroleum products that contaminate rivers and lakes. This interaction leads to a significant weakening of the oxidative functions of aquatic plants.
Once in water bodies, pesticides accumulate in plankton, benthos, and fish, and enter the human body through the food chain, affecting both individual organs and the body as a whole.

In connection with the intensification of livestock farming, wastewater from enterprises in this sector of agriculture is becoming increasingly noticeable.

Wastewater containing plant fibers, animal and vegetable fats, fecal matter, fruit and vegetable residues, waste from the leather and pulp and paper industries, sugar and breweries, meat and dairy, canning and confectionery industries are the cause of organic pollution of water bodies.

Wastewater usually contains about 60% of substances of organic origin; the same category of organic includes biological (bacteria, viruses, fungi, algae) pollution in municipal, medical and sanitary waters and waste from tanneries and wool washing enterprises.

Heated wastewater from thermal power plants and other industries causes
“thermal pollution”, which threatens quite serious consequences: there is less oxygen in heated water, the thermal regime changes sharply, which negatively affects the flora and fauna of water bodies, while favorable conditions arise for the massive development of blue-green algae in reservoirs - the so-called “bloom water". Rivers are also polluted during rafting and during hydropower construction, and with the beginning of the navigation period, pollution by river fleet vessels increases.

I.2. Release of wastewater into water bodies

The amount of wastewater released into sewage facilities is determined using the maximum permissible discharge (MAD). The MDS is understood as the mass of a substance in wastewater, the maximum permissible for discharge with the established regime at a given point of a water body per unit of time in order to ensure water quality standards at the control point. The MPD is calculated based on the highest average hourly wastewater flow rate q (in m3/h) during the actual period of wastewater discharge. The concentration of pollutants S'st is expressed in mg/l (g/m3), and MPC - in g/h. The MAP, taking into account the requirements for the composition and properties of water in water bodies, is determined for all categories of water use as the product of:

Reservoirs are polluted mainly as a result of the discharge of wastewater from industrial enterprises and populated areas into them. As a result of wastewater discharge, the physical properties of water change (temperature increases, transparency decreases, colors, tastes, and odors appear); floating substances appear on the surface of the reservoir, and sediment forms at the bottom; the chemical composition of water changes (the content of organic and inorganic substances increases, toxic substances appear, the oxygen content decreases, the active reaction of the environment changes, etc.); The qualitative and quantitative bacterial composition changes, and pathogenic bacteria appear. Polluted water bodies become unsuitable for drinking, and often for technical water supply; lose their fishery importance, etc.

The general conditions for the release of wastewater of any category into surface water bodies are determined by their national economic significance and the nature of water use. After the release of wastewater, some deterioration in the quality of water in reservoirs is allowed, but this should not significantly affect its life and the possibility of further use of the reservoir as a source of water supply, for cultural and sports events, or for fishing purposes.

Monitoring the fulfillment of the conditions for discharging industrial wastewater into water bodies is carried out by sanitary-epidemiological stations and basin departments.

Water quality standards for water bodies for domestic, drinking and cultural water use establish the quality of water for reservoirs according to two types of water use: the first type includes areas of reservoirs used as a source for centralized or non-centralized domestic and drinking water supply, as well as for water supply to food industry enterprises; to the second type - areas of reservoirs used for swimming, sports and recreation of the population, as well as those located within the boundaries of populated areas.

The assignment of reservoirs to one or another type of water use is carried out by the State Sanitary Inspection authorities, taking into account the prospects for the use of reservoirs.

The water quality standards for reservoirs given in the rules apply to sites located on flowing reservoirs 1 km above the nearest water use point downstream, and on non-flowing reservoirs and reservoirs 1 km on both sides of the water use point.

Much attention is paid to the prevention and elimination of pollution of coastal areas of the seas. The seawater quality standards that must be ensured when discharging wastewater apply to the water use area within the designated boundaries and to sites at a distance of 300 m to the sides from these boundaries. When using coastal areas of the seas as a recipient of industrial wastewater, the content of harmful substances in the sea should not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations established by sanitary-toxicological, general sanitary and organoleptic limiting hazard indicators. At the same time, the requirements for wastewater discharge are differentiated in relation to the nature of water use. The sea is considered not as a source of water supply, but as a healing, health-improving, cultural and everyday factor.

Pollutants entering rivers, lakes, reservoirs and seas make significant changes to the established regime and disrupt the equilibrium state of aquatic ecological systems. As a result of the processes of transformation of substances polluting water bodies, occurring under the influence of natural factors, water sources undergo a complete or partial restoration of their original properties. In this case, secondary decay products of contaminants may be formed, which have a negative impact on water quality.

Self-purification of water in reservoirs is a set of interconnected hydrodynamic, physicochemical, microbiological and hydrobiological processes leading to the restoration of the original state of a water body. Due to the fact that wastewater from industrial enterprises may contain specific contaminants, their discharge into the city drainage network is limited by a number of requirements. Industrial wastewater released into the drainage network must not: disrupt the operation of networks and structures; have a destructive effect on the material of pipes and elements of treatment facilities; contain more than 500 mg/l of suspended and floating substances; contain substances that can clog networks or deposit on pipe walls; contain flammable impurities and dissolved gaseous substances capable of forming explosive mixtures; contain harmful substances that interfere with the biological treatment of wastewater or discharge into a body of water; have a temperature above 40 C. Industrial wastewater that does not meet these requirements must be pre-treated and only then discharged into the city drainage network.

II.1. Wastewater treatment methods

In rivers and other bodies of water, a natural process of self-purification of water occurs. However, it proceeds slowly. While industrial and domestic discharges were small, the rivers themselves coped with them. In our industrial age, due to the sharp increase in waste, water bodies can no longer cope with such significant pollution. There is a need to neutralize, purify wastewater and dispose of it.

Wastewater treatment is the treatment of wastewater to destroy or remove harmful substances from it. Removing wastewater from pollution is a complex process. It, like any other production, has raw materials (wastewater) and finished products (purified water).

Methods of wastewater treatment can be divided into mechanical, chemical, physicochemical and biological; when they are used together, the method of wastewater treatment and neutralization is called combined. The use of a particular method in each specific case is determined by the nature of the contamination and the degree of harmfulness of the impurities.

The essence of the mechanical method is that mechanical impurities are removed from wastewater by sedimentation and filtration. Coarse particles, depending on their size, are captured by gratings, sieves, sand traps, septic tanks, manure traps of various designs, and surface pollution - by oil traps, gasoline oil traps, settling tanks, etc. Mechanical treatment makes it possible to separate up to 60-75% of insoluble impurities from domestic wastewater, and from industrial wastewater up to 95%, many of which are used as valuable impurities in production.

The chemical method involves adding various chemical reagents to wastewater, which react with pollutants and precipitate them in the form of insoluble sediments. Chemical cleaning achieves a reduction in insoluble impurities up to 95% and soluble impurities up to 25%

With the physico-chemical method of treatment, finely dispersed and dissolved inorganic impurities are removed from wastewater and organic and poorly oxidized substances are destroyed; coagulation, oxidation, sorption, extraction, etc. are most often used among physico-chemical methods. Electrolysis is also widely used. It involves breaking down organic matter in wastewater and extracting metals, acids and other inorganic substances. Electrolytic purification is carried out in special facilities - electrolyzers. Wastewater treatment using electrolysis is effective in lead and copper plants, in paint and varnish and some other areas of industry.

Contaminated wastewater is also purified using ultrasound, ozone, ion exchange resins and high pressure; purification by chlorination has proven itself.

Among wastewater treatment methods, the biological method plays an important role, based on the use of the laws of biochemical and physiological self-purification of rivers and other bodies of water. There are several types of biological wastewater treatment devices: biofilters, biological ponds and aeration tanks.

In biofilters, wastewater is passed through a layer of coarse material coated with a thin bacterial film. Thanks to this film, biological oxidation processes occur intensively. It is this that serves as the active principle in biofilters.

In biological ponds, all organisms inhabiting the pond take part in wastewater treatment.

Aerotanks are huge tanks made of reinforced concrete. Here the cleansing principle is activated sludge from bacteria and microscopic animals. All these living creatures develop rapidly in aeration tanks, which is facilitated by organic substances in wastewater and excess oxygen entering the structure through the flow of supplied air. The bacteria stick together into flakes and secrete enzymes that mineralize organic contaminants. The sludge with flakes quickly settles, separating from the purified water. Ciliates, flagellates, amoebas, rotifers and other tiny animals, devouring bacteria that do not stick together into flakes, rejuvenate the bacterial mass of sludge.

Before biological treatment, wastewater is subjected to mechanical treatment, and after it, to remove pathogenic bacteria, it is subjected to chemical treatment, chlorination with liquid chlorine or bleach. Other physical and chemical techniques (ultrasound, electrolysis, ozonation, etc.) are also used for disinfection.
The biological method gives great results when treating municipal wastewater. It is also used for cleaning waste from oil refining, pulp and paper industries, and the production of artificial fiber._________________________________


Protection of water resources from depletion and pollution and their rational use for the needs of the national economy is one of the most important problems that require urgent solutions. In Russia, environmental protection measures are widely implemented, in particular for the treatment of industrial wastewater.

In the chemical industry, a wider introduction of low-waste and non-waste technological processes that provide the greatest environmental effect is planned. Much attention is paid to improving the efficiency of industrial wastewater treatment.

It is possible to significantly reduce the pollution of water discharged by an enterprise by separating valuable impurities from wastewater; the complexity of solving these problems at chemical industry enterprises lies in the variety of technological processes and resulting products. It should also be noted that the majority of water in the industry is spent on cooling. The transition from water cooling to air cooling will reduce water consumption in various industries by 70-90%. In this regard, the development and implementation of the latest equipment that uses a minimum amount of water for cooling is extremely important.

The introduction of highly effective wastewater treatment methods, in particular physical and chemical ones, of which one of the most effective is the use of reagents, can have a significant impact on increasing water circulation. The use of a reagent method for treating industrial wastewater does not depend on the toxicity of the impurities present, which is of significant importance compared to the biochemical treatment method.
Wider implementation of this method, both in combination with biochemical treatment and separately, can to a certain extent solve a number of problems associated with the treatment of industrial wastewater.

In the near future, it is planned to introduce membrane methods for wastewater treatment.

For the implementation of a set of measures to protect water resources from pollution and depletion in all developed countries, allocations reaching 2-4
% of national income approximately, using the example of the USA, the relative costs are (in%): atmospheric protection 35.2%, protection of water bodies - 48.0, solid waste disposal - 15.0, noise reduction -0.7, other 1.1 . As can be seen from the example, most of the costs are the costs of protecting water bodies.
The costs associated with the production of coagulants and flocculants can be partially reduced through the wider use for these purposes of waste from various industries, as well as sediments generated during wastewater treatment, especially excess activated sludge, which can be used as a flocculant, more precisely a bioflocculant.
Thus, the protection and rational use of water resources is one of the links in the complex global problem of nature conservation.


Article 250 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Water pollution

1. Pollution, clogging, depletion of surface or underground waters, sources of drinking water supply, or any other change in their natural properties, if these acts entailed causing significant harm to the animal or plant world, fish stocks, forestry or agriculture, is punishable by a fine of one hundred to two hundred minimum wages or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of one to two months, or deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to five years, or correctional labor for a period of up to one year, or arrest for up to three months.

2. The same acts that entailed harm to human health or mass death of animals, as well as those committed on the territory of a nature reserve or sanctuary or in a zone of environmental disaster or in a zone of environmental emergency, are punishable by a fine in the amount of two hundred to five hundred times the minimum wage or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of two to five months, or correctional labor for a term of one to two years, or imprisonment for a term of up to three years.

3. Acts provided for in parts one or two of this article, resulting in the death of a person through negligence, are punishable by imprisonment for a term of two to five years.

1. The object of the crime in question is public relations in the field of water protection and environmental safety. The subject of the crime is surface water, including surface watercourses and reservoirs on them, surface reservoirs, glaciers and snowflakes, groundwater (aquifer, basins, deposits and natural outlet of groundwater).

Internal sea waters, territorial sea of ​​the Russian Federation, open waters

The world's oceans are not the subject of this crime.

2. The objective side of the crime consists of pollution, clogging, depletion or other change in the natural properties of the above-mentioned components of the hydrosphere with untreated and non-neutralized wastewater, waste and garbage or toxic or aggressive in relation to the quality of the environment products (oil, petroleum products, chemicals) of industrial , agricultural, municipal and other enterprises and organizations.
In accordance with Art. 1 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, adopted by the State Duma
October 18, 1995, clogging of water bodies - the discharge or otherwise entering water bodies, as well as the formation in them of harmful substances that worsen the quality of surface and ground waters, limit the use or negatively affect the condition of the bottom and banks of such objects.
Clogging of water bodies is the discharge or otherwise entry into water bodies of objects or suspended particles that worsen the condition and complicate the use of such objects.
Water depletion is a steady reduction in reserves and deterioration in the quality of surface and groundwater.
The quality of the environment and its main objects, including water, is determined using special standards - maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances (MPC). Discharges of untreated wastewater, industrial and agricultural waste into rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and other inland water bodies sharply increase the maximum permissible concentration in water sources and thereby significantly reduce their quality. Discharge - the entry of harmful substances in wastewater into a water body is determined by GOST.

Total discharge into surface water bodies in 2000 in the Ussuriysk region

Vozdvizhenskaya KECh village Novonikolskoe

MPZHKH Ussuriysk region

Table No. 1
|TOTAL: (thousand cubic meters) |1071.96 |
|including: |
|Polluted without treatment (thousand cubic meters) |
|825,86 |
|Insufficiently purified (thousand cubic meters) |246.10 |

|Regulatory-cleared: |

|BOD total (in tons) |48,730 |
|Petroleum products (tons) |0.2694 |
|Suspended solids (tons) |36,870 |
|Dry residue (tons) |0.000 |
| Ammonium nitrogen (in kg) | 33657.180 |
|Nitrates (in kg) |820.160 |
|Nitrites (in kg) |158.740 |
| Surfactant (in kg) | 1252.170 |
|Phenols (in kg) |45.598 |
|Total phosphorus (in kg) |3376.660 |

Total discharge onto the terrain in the Ussuri region in 2000.

Ussuriysky district village. Vozdvizhenka - 2,322 ARZ

Table No. 2

|TOTAL: (thousand cubic meters) |0.70 |
|including: |
|Polluted without treatment (thousand cubic meters) |0.70 |
|Insufficiently purified (thousand cubic meters) |0.00 |

|Regulatory-cleared: |

|BOD total (in tons) |0.017 |
|Petroleum products (tons) |0.0003 |
|Suspended solids (tons) |0.009 |
|Aluminum (in kg) |0.313 |
| Ammonium nitrogen (in kg) | 1,170 |
|Iron (in kg) |0.771 |
|Copper (in kg) |0/015 |
| Surfactant (in kg) | 0.110 |
|Phenols (in kg) |0.007 |
|Total phosphorus (in kg) |0.082 |
|Chrome (in kg) |0.03 |
|Zinc (in kg) |0.025 |

Total discharge onto the terrain in the city of Ussuriysk in 2000.

JSC "Dalenergo - Central Electric Grids"
Ussuriysk water supply distance and STU
OJSC "Primornefteprodukt"
JSC "Primagroremmash"
Ussuriyskaya KECH
State farm "Yubileiny"

Table No. 3

|TOTAL: (thousand cubic meters) |98.80 |
|including: |
|Polluted without treatment (thousand cubic meters) |82.21 |
|Insufficiently purified (thousand cubic meters) |16.59 |
|Standard-clean (without purification) (thousand cubic meters) |0.00 |
|Regulatory-cleared: |
|biologically (thousand cubic meters) |0.00 |
|physical and chemical (thousand cubic meters) |0.00 |
|mechanically (thousand cubic meters) |0.00 |
|BOD total (in tons) |2,087 |
|Petroleum products (tons) |0.0301 |
| Suspended solids (tons) | 5,654 |
|Dry residue (tons) |3,500 |
|Aluminum (in kg) |42,560 |
| Ammonium nitrogen (in kg) | 486.580 |
|Iron (in kg) |832,560 |
|Copper (in kg) |0.418 |
|Nitrates (in kg) |45.180 |
|Nitrites (in kg) |5.530 |
| Surfactant (in kg) | 29,080 |
|Tetraethyl lead (in kg) |0.132 |
|Phenols (in kg) |3.681 |
|Total phosphorus (in kg) |48.620 |
|Chlorides (tons) |0.720 |
|Zinc (in kg) |1,650 |

Total discharge into surface water bodies in the city of Ussuriysk in 2000

Novonikolskoe Regional Energy District (branch of Ussuri Raipo)
JSC "Primorsky Sugar"

Ussuriyskaya KECH
CJSC UMZHK "Primorskaya Soya"

JSC "Primorskavtorans" convoy 1273

Table No. 4

|TOTAL: (thousand cubic meters) |17805.35 |
|including: |
|Polluted without treatment (thousand cubic meters) |5235.50 |
|Insufficiently purified (thousand cubic meters) |12569.85 |
|Standard-clean (without purification) (thousand cubic meters) |0.00 |
|Regulatory-cleared: |
|biologically (thousand cubic meters) |0.00 |
|physical and chemical (thousand cubic meters) |0.00 |

|BOD total (in tons) |207.975 |
| Petroleum products (tons) | 8.6101 |
| Suspended solids (tons) | 346.216 |
|Dry residue (in tons) |3,000 |
|Aluminum (in kg) |1665.310 |
| Ammonium nitrogen (in kg) | 58894.770 |
|Boron (in kg) |892,000 |
|Iron (in kg) |10009.630 |
|Fats, oils (in kg) |5562,000 |
|Copper (in kg) |218.920 |
|Nitrates (in kg) |89948.570 |
|Nitrites (in kg) |1049.830 |
| Surfactants (in kg) | 1687.770 |
|Hydrogen sulfide (in kg) |409,600 |
|Sulfates (tons) |0.300 |
|Tetraethyl lead (in kg) |0.049 |
| Tannin (in kg) | 43,500 |
|Titanium (in kg) |1411,000 |
|Phenols (in kg) |131.206 |
|Total phosphorus (in kg) |10384.760 |
|Chlorides (tons) |596.390 |
|Chrome (in kg) |21,900 |
|Zinc (in kg) |222.810 |

Total discharge into surface water bodies in 1999 in the Ussuriysk region
Ussuriysky district village. Vozdvizhenka
Vozdvizhenskaya KECh village Novonikolskoe
MPZHKH Ussuriysk region

Table No. 5

|TOTAL: (thousand cubic meters) |1060.30 |
|including: |
|Polluted without treatment (thousand cubic meters) |836.70 |
|Insufficiently purified (thousand cubic meters) |223.60 |
|Standard-clean (without purification) (thousand cubic meters) |0.00 |
|Regulatory-cleared: |
|biologically (thousand cubic meters) |0.00 |
|physical and chemical (thousand cubic meters) |0.00 |
|mechanical (thousand cubic meters) |0.00 |
|BOD total (in tons) |32,070 |
|Petroleum products (tons) |0.0670 |
|Suspended solids (tons) |27,400 |
| Ammonium nitrogen (in kg) | 13201.580 |
|Nitrates (in kg) |2413.250 |
|Nitrites (in kg) |151.560 |
| Surfactants (in kg) | 459.230 |
|Phenols (in kg) |8.420 |
|Total phosphorus (in kg) |905.020 |

Total discharge into surface water bodies in the city of Ussuriysk in 1999

Ussuriysk Raikoopzagotprom
JSC "Primorsky Sugar"
Ussuriysk Vodokanal Administration
Ussuriysk Tank Repair Plant (military unit 96576)
Ussuri Cardboard Mill
Ussuriyskaya KECH
JSC "Dalsoy"
Ussuriysk refrigerated car depot (VChD-7)
Motorcade 1273
Oil depot in Ussuriysk

Table No. 6
|TOTAL: (thousand cubic meters) |17240.90 |
|including: |
|Polluted without treatment (thousand cubic meters) |5283.50 |
|Insufficiently purified (thousand cubic meters) |11950.40 |
|Standard-clean (without purification) (thousand cubic meters) |0.00 |
|Regulatory-cleared: |
|biologically (thousand cubic meters) |0.00 |
|physical and chemical (thousand cubic meters) |0.00 |
|mechanically (thousand cubic meters) |0.00 |
|BOD total (in tons) |381,530 |
| Petroleum products (tons) | 5.7491 |
| Suspended solids (tons) | 317.424 |
|Dry residue (in tons) |2,700 |
|Aluminum (in kg) |671,270 |
| Ammonium nitrogen (in kg) | 79461.480 |
|Boron (in kg) |1486,000 |
|Iron (in kg) |11573.100 |
|Fats, oils (in kg) |615,000 |
|Copper (in kg) |264.850 |
|Nitrates (in kg) |32^965,000 |
|Nitrites (in kg) |8702,800 |
| Surfactant (in kg) | 1738.260 |
|Hydrogen sulfide (in kg) |8,000 |
|Sulfates (tons) |271,900 |
| Tannin (in kg) | 5332.100 |
|Titanium (in kg) |1459,000 |
|Phenols (in kg) |151.402 |
|Total phosphorus (in kg) |14477.740 |
|Chlorides (tons) |628.310 |
|Chrome (in kg) |150,000 |
|Zinc (in kg) |162.637 |


1. Karyukhina T.A., Churbanova I.N. "Water quality control" M: Stroyizdat,

2. Karyukhina T.A., Churbanova I.N. "Water Chemistry and Microbiology" M:

Stroyizdat, 1983

3. Protection of industrial wastewater and disposal of sludge Edited by

V.N. Sokolova M: Stroyizdat, 1992.

4. Turovsky I.S. "Treatment of sewage sludge" M: Stroyizdat, 1984.

5. Sergeev E. M., Koff. G. L. "Rational use and environmental protection of cities." -M.: Higher School, 1995.

6. Novikov Yu.V. “Environmental Protection” M.: Higher School, 1987.

Waste water

Reagent methods

Ion flotation



Ion exchange

Centrifugal methods

Reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration



Regenerative methods

Cleaning from organic impurities

Cleaning from mineral impurities

Cleaning from dissolved impurities

Cleaning from suspended and emulsified impurities

Elimination or destruction

Gas purification


Destructive methods

Biological oxidation

Liquid phase oxidation

Vapor phase oxidation



Clarification in suspended sediment layer




Cleaning from fine and colloidal impurities

Mechanical cleaning from coarse impurities



Electrical methods

Reagent methods

Radiation oxidation

Electrochemical oxidation


Injection into wells

Injection into the depths of the seas

Thermal destruction

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