Hebrew-Russian online translator and dictionary. "Azohen wey": what does it mean, translation from Hebrew into Russian

The free online translator Transеr® will correctly translate words, phrases, sentences and small texts from any of the 54 foreign languages ​​of the world presented on the site. The software implementation of the service is based on the most popular translation technology Microsoft Translator, so there are restrictions on text input of up to 3000 characters. Transёr will help overcome the language barrier in communication between people and in communications between companies.

Advantages of Transёr translator

Our translator is developing

The Microsoft Translator development team works tirelessly to improve the quality of translated texts, optimize translation technologies: dictionaries are updated, new foreign languages ​​are added. Thanks to this, our Online Translator becomes better every day, copes with its functions more effectively, and the translation becomes better!

Online translator or professional translation services?

The main advantages of an online translator are ease of use, speed of automatic translation and, of course, free!) To quickly receive a completely meaningful translation in just one click of the mouse and a couple of seconds is incomparable. However, not everything is so rosy. Please note that not a single automatic translation system, not a single online translator can translate the text with the same quality as a professional translator or translation agency. It is unlikely that the situation will change in the near future, therefore, in order to provide high-quality and natural translation - a company that has positively proven itself in the market and has an experienced team of professional translators and linguists.

 Now you can translate from Hebrew into Russian using online translators. More recently, machine translation system developers have added Hebrew support to their systems. Online translators now support Hebrew and translate texts from Hebrew into other languages ​​of the world. Online translation is still free and very fast.

Interestingly, until recently there were no online Hebrew translators. On the Internet you could only find a Hebrew translator program or regular dictionaries, as well as some solutions based on the same dictionary. Developing a machine translation system for Hebrew was not an easy task, but such a system was eventually created.

As with other languages, machine translation from Hebrew into Russian is of rather low quality. The creators of online translators continue to work on improving their developments.

Free translator from Hebrew to Russian from Google

Not long ago, Hebrew support appeared in the online translator Google Translate. Now you can translate from Hebrew into Russian and other languages ​​directly, with high speed and good quality. And, of course, the translator still works for you completely free of charge.

Hebrew-Russian online translator ImTranslator

Here is a free online Hebrew translator. Now you can easily translate anything from Hebrew into Russian and other languages ​​of the world without resorting to qualified translators.

You need to paste the Hebrew text into the top field of the translator. Select the translation direction and click the "Translate" button. The result of the translation into Russian will appear in the lower field in a few seconds.

When translating from Hebrew to Russian, you may have problems with the correct display of letters. Typically, an online translator will correctly detect the encoding of the entered text, even if it is not displayed correctly, and will translate without problems. If you still have problems with the display of letters or with translation, you need to install Hebrew support on your computer. Try machine translation from Hebrew today.

[+] Expand the translator ImTranslator [+]

For the Hebrew-Russian translator to work correctly, you must enable frame support in your browser.

For the Hebrew-Russian translator to work correctly, you must enable support in your browser JavaScript.

How to translate from Hebrew into Russian?

Is it possible to translate from Hebrew without knowing this language? Most likely the answer will be no. Even if you use a dictionary, you probably won't be able to do it. After all, the Hebrew language uses a so-called square font, which can cause difficulties for those who are not familiar with its features.

If you contact a translation agency, you can get a high-quality translation. However, professional translation services are not cheap and require some time to complete.

You can try to find a person on the Internet who knows Hebrew and Russian and ask him to help with the translation. If you are lucky and can negotiate, you will not have to pay any money for these services at all. However, in terms of completion time, this method of translation from Hebrew may even take longer than the first.

The easiest way to translate from Hebrew to Russian is to use a free online Hebrew translator. In this case, you definitely won’t have to spend money and wait for results. The translation process will be fast and free.

Nowadays, it has become even easier to learn Hebrew on your own. Remember how before, in order to translate just one word, you had to leaf through a thick dictionary for several minutes. People never even dreamed of translating several phrases at the same time, and it took a lot of time and effort to increase vocabulary.

Today, in this article we have selected two of the most best online translator, which are capable of translating texts both from Russian into Hebrew and from Hebrew into Russian. They will undoubtedly facilitate and speed up your learning process.

The best Hebrew translators:


Perhaps the best Hebrew translator for those who have just started learning the language. It has some very important and useful features. In addition, “Iris” works online, there is no need to download and install it


  • Support for vowels in Hebrew words.
  • Ability to read the correct pronunciation and stress of a word.
  • The dictionary additionally displays all meanings and similar variants of the translated word.


  • Does not support translation of texts and phrases, only single words.

Google translate

Probably the most popular translator in the world. Google has a huge database that contains almost all languages.


  • Huge database of Hebrew words.
  • Users themselves can choose the most suitable translation option, and Google adjusts its database based on this.
  • Translates not only full texts, but also entire sites (just insert the site address) into the word entry field.
  • It is developing very quickly, perhaps a function will appear in the future.


The translation of some words is not entirely accurate

Virtual Hebrew keyboard + vowels

As you learn the language, you will likely need to enter Hebrew letters from your computer. But if you don't live in Israel, most likely you don't have a Jewish keyboard layout. This site provides an online Hebrew keyboard. Would you like to practice placing vowels in Hebrew words? Here you can do that too.

The principle of its operation:

  • Enter a letter
  • Choose a vowel or even two
  • Enter the next letter, etc.

Applications for phones:


The official language of the State of Israel is Hebrew. In addition, it is used in Jewish communities around the world, and also acts as a religious language for all Jews. The general structure of this language is significantly different from the one we are accustomed to, characteristic of the Russian language. There are almost no vowels as individual letters in the letter. They are replaced by special vowel symbols that complement consonant letters. When they are added, the consonant begins to be pronounced differently, thereby changing the entire syllable.

There is a spelling option in which vowels are subject to separate placement. Because symbols are attached to specific consonants in a word, the corresponding "vowel" in a modern "full" alphabet will immediately follow the consonant. This system eliminates confusion during online translation. The work of free online translators only with text information eliminates another translation problem. The fact is that in Hebrew many letters have a similar sound, this also applies to vowels (both when written in separate letters and when voweled). Moreover, words pronounced the same way can be spelled completely differently.

The writing of words and phrases is subject to strict logic, which makes it easy to translate manually or through an electronic translator for any modern documentation. The status of Hebrew as the state language provides for the presence in it of all modern terms that are used in speech, technical or business documentation, etc. Thanks to this, the electronic translation dictionary makes it possible to select analogues of words for any text. Unlike many foreign languages, Hebrew's word order is not so strict. So, breaking the order of words, it is much easier to translate one phrase into Russian than when translating the same phrase from German or, say, French.

Like many eastern languages, Hebrew requires words to be written from right to left. Therefore, considering the Hebrew text from the point of view of the Russian language, the order of syllables (vowels and consonants) will have the opposite direction, which is necessarily taken into account when translating. Online translation from Hebrew into Russian (or vice versa) makes it possible to obtain a finished text containing a minimum of distortion of meaning. Moreover, double translation also seems to be a fairly simple task, thanks to the equally rich representation of languages ​​in both written and spoken language.

The problem is all kinds of phrases, sayings and special words, since these languages ​​​​belong to different cultures and religions. As a result, the catchphrases and sayings in them are very different. However, many free online translators include semantic analogues of phrases in both languages. This makes translation possible with almost no loss of meaning.

Hebrew is considered one of the languages ​​widely used by the Jewish diaspora. Belonging to one of the branches of the Semitic language family, it was “reborn from the ashes” only in the 20th century, having been included in the list of “dead” languages ​​for 2000 years before that. Today it is the official language of the State of Israel. Acting as the religious language of the Jews, Hebrew is considered a means of communication for 8,000,000 people, and this figure suggests that the demand for online Hebrew to Russian translator is beginning to gain strength.

The online Russian-Jewish translator from the site is a faithful assistant in mutual understanding of two dissimilar cultures. By providing high-quality machine translation, it eliminates the difficulty in understanding texts even on narrowly focused topics. Conducting a conversation on a social network, attending classes at the university or international negotiations - a Russian-Israeli translator available online will help you get out of any difficult situation with dignity. Speed, accuracy of translation, which is as close as possible to the “live” version and ease of use - our service has all the conditions for enjoying the work done.

4.09/5 (total:57)

The mission of the online translator m-translate.com is to make all languages ​​more understandable and to make the ways of obtaining online translation simple and easy. So that everyone can translate text into any language in a matter of minutes, from any portable device. We will be very happy to “erase” the difficulties of translating German, French, Spanish, English, Chinese, Arabic and other languages. Let's understand each other better!

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