The image of the Great Patriotic War in Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin. The poem "Vasily Terkin" - an encyclopedia of the great war How the war is shown in the poem Vasily Terkin

War is a difficult and terrible time in the life of any people. It is during the period of world confrontations that the fate of the nation is decided, and then it is very important not to lose self-esteem, self-respect, and love for people. In a time of difficult trials, during the Great Patriotic War, our entire country rose to defend our homeland against a common enemy. For writers, poets, and journalists at that time it was important to support the morale of the army and to help morally the people in the rear.

A.T. During the Great Patriotic War, Tvardovsky became an exponent of the spirit of soldiers and ordinary people. His poem “Vasily Terkin” helps people survive a terrible time, believe in themselves, because the poem was created during the war, chapter by chapter. The poem “Vasily Terkin” was written about the war, but the main thing for Alexander Tvardovsky was to show the reader how to live in times of difficult trials. Therefore, the main character of his poem, Vasya Terkin, dances, plays a musical instrument, cooks dinner, and jokes. The hero lives in war, and for the writer this is very important, since in order to survive, any person needs to love life very much.

The composition of the poem also helps to reveal the military theme of the work. Each chapter has a complete structure, complete in thought. The writer explains this fact by the peculiarities of wartime; Some readers may not live to see the release of the next chapter, and for others it will not be possible to receive a newspaper with a certain part of the poem. The title of each chapter (“Crossing”, “About the reward”, “Two Soldiers”) reflects the event described. The connecting center of the poem becomes the image of the main character - Vasya Terkin, who not only raises the morale of soldiers, but also helps people survive the difficulties of wartime.

The poem was written in difficult wartime field conditions, so the writer took the language of the work from life itself. In “Vasily Terkin” the reader will encounter many stylistic turns inherent in colloquial speech:

- It’s a pity, I haven’t heard from him for a long time,

Maybe something bad happened?

Maybe there's a problem with Terkin?

There are synonyms, rhetorical questions and exclamations, and folklore epithets and comparisons characteristic of a poetic work written for the people: “bullet-fool.” Tvardovsky brings the language of his creation closer to folk models, to living speech structures that are understandable to every reader:

Terkin said at that moment:

“It’s over for me, it’s over for the war.”

Thus, the poem, as if in a leisurely manner, tells about the vicissitudes of war, making the reader an accomplice of the events depicted. The problems raised by the writer in this work also help to reveal the military theme of the poem: attitude towards death, the ability to stand up for oneself and others, a sense of responsibility and duty to the homeland, the relationship between people at critical moments in life. Tvardovsky talks with the reader about painful issues, using a special artistic character - the image of the author. Chapters “About Myself” appear in the poem. This is how the writer brings his main character closer to his own worldview. Together with his character, the author empathizes, sympathizes, feels satisfied or indignant:

From the first days of the bitter year,

In the difficult hour of our native land,

Not joking, Vasily Terkin,

You and I have become friends...

The war described by Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky in the poem does not seem to the reader a universal catastrophe, an unspeakable horror. Since the main character of the work - Vasya Terkin - is always able to survive in difficult conditions, laugh at himself, support a friend, and this is especially important for the reader - it means that there will be a different life, people will start laughing heartily, singing songs loudly, joking - a time of peace will come . The poem “Vasily Terkin” is full of optimism and faith in a better future.

War is a difficult and terrible time in the life of any people. It is during the period of world confrontations that the fate of the nation is decided, and then it is very important not to lose self-esteem, self-respect, and love for people. In a time of difficult trials, during the Great Patriotic War, our entire country rose to defend our homeland against a common enemy. For writers, poets, and journalists at that time it was important to support the morale of the army and to help morally the people in the rear.

A.T. Tvardovsky during the Great Patriotic War became

An exponent of the spirit of soldiers and ordinary people. His poem “Vasily Terkin” helps people survive a terrible time, believe in themselves, because the poem was created during the war, chapter by chapter. The poem “Vasily Terkin” was written about the war, but the main thing for Alexander Tvardovsky was to show the reader how to live in times of difficult trials. Therefore, the main character of his poem, Vasya Terkin, dances, plays a musical instrument, cooks dinner, and jokes. The hero lives in war, and for the writer this is very important, since in order to survive, any person needs to love life very much.

The composition of the poem also helps to reveal the military theme of the work. Each chapter has a complete structure, complete in thought. The writer explains this fact by the peculiarities of wartime; Some readers may not live to see the release of the next chapter, and for others it will not be possible to receive a newspaper with a certain part of the poem. The title of each chapter (“Crossing”, “About the reward”, “Two Soldiers”) reflects the event described. The connecting center of the poem becomes the image of the main character - Vasya Terkin, who not only raises the morale of soldiers, but also helps people survive the difficulties of wartime.

The poem was written in difficult wartime field conditions, so the writer took the language of the work from life itself. In “Vasily Terkin” the reader will encounter many stylistic turns inherent in colloquial speech:

- It’s a pity, I haven’t heard from him for a long time,

Maybe something bad happened?

Maybe there's a problem with Terkin?

There are synonyms, rhetorical questions and exclamations, and folklore epithets and comparisons characteristic of a poetic work written for the people: “bullet-fool.” Tvardovsky brings the language of his creation closer to folk models, to living speech structures that are understandable to every reader:

Terkin said at that moment:

“It’s over for me, it’s over for the war.”

Thus, the poem, as if in a leisurely manner, tells about the vicissitudes of war, making the reader an accomplice of the events depicted. The problems raised by the writer in this work also help to reveal the military theme of the poem: attitude towards death, the ability to stand up for oneself and others, a sense of responsibility and duty to the homeland, the relationship between people at critical moments in life. Tvardovsky talks with the reader about painful issues, using a special artistic character - the image of the author. Chapters “About Myself” appear in the poem. This is how the writer brings his main character closer to his own worldview. Together with his character, the author empathizes, sympathizes, feels satisfied or indignant:

From the first days of the bitter year,

In the difficult hour of our native land,

Not joking, Vasily Terkin,

You and I have become friends...

The war described by Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky in the poem does not seem to the reader a universal catastrophe, an unspeakable horror. Since the main character of the work - Vasya Terkin - is always able to survive in difficult conditions, laugh at himself, support a friend, and this is especially important for the reader - it means that there will be a different life, people will start laughing heartily, singing songs loudly, joking - a time of peace will come . The poem “Vasily Terkin” is full of optimism and faith in a better future.

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Option 6: 02/25/2012: 21.38 Picture of war in A. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin”

A. T. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin is an outstanding work. Both its content and form are truly folk. The poem has become one of the most significant works about the Great Patriotic War. At first glance, it may seem that “Vasily Terkin is just a series of episodes from the life of one fighter. But, after carefully reading and comprehending the entire poem, the reader receives a fairly complete understanding of the course of the war - from the retreat in 1941 to the great victory.

War is hunger and cold, death, self-sacrifice, heroism, patience, deep pain for a homeland engulfed in fire. All this can be seen in Tvardovsky’s poem. The poet painted impressive pictures of the war years. In war, “you can live without food for a day, or more, and all these hardships must be endured patiently and with dignity. You must be prepared for death every day.

A vivid picture was created by the poet in the chapter “Before the battle.” The commander’s native village appears on the fighters’ route, and his heart sank with melancholy. He has to make his way to his home “along the wall, because there is war and Germans all around.

Ran in, took a quick nap,

Catch up with the war again...

This is how Tvardovsky describes this short stay. There is no time for a soldier to enjoy the joy of a short meeting, and for his wife this holiday is “bitter, sad, because miserable hours, if not minutes, are allotted to her for a meeting with the closest person and, perhaps, this is their last meeting. It is bitter for the commander to leave his home , because “maybe today the Germans with guns will enter this hut.

The poet speaks with great respect about a simple Russian woman who endured enormous suffering on her shoulders during the war years, and the poet bows to her.

The last crumbs are given by the housewives to the soldier who entered their house on the way to victory. He is not a stranger to them, he is dear to them, because, like thousands of others, he goes to give his life for the Fatherland.

In the chapter “General Tvardovsky shows the unity of a simple soldier and a general. The war became a common misfortune for them, one grief separated them from their home. The war also unites families:

Nowadays the wives are all kind,

Selfless enough

Even those that for the time being

There were just witches.

Love strengthens the fighters’ desire for victory, because “the love of a wife... in war is stronger than war and, perhaps, death.

The poet paints a tragic, typical picture in the chapter “About the Orphan Sol.” The hero of this episode, passing by his native places, does not recognize his native village of Krasny Most, does not find his native home:

There is no window, no hut,

Not a housewife, even a married man,

Not a son, but there was one, guys...

The soldier cried about all this, but there was no one left to cry about him.

Today we are responsible

For Russia, for the people

And for everything in the world.

The poet speaks easily about death, because this death is in the name of the Motherland: “a terrible battle is going on, a bloody, mortal battle not for the sake of glory, but for the sake of life on earth. Soldiers die while crossing, die in unequal battles with the Germans, but still reach Berlin .

Tvardovsky, Essay


1. The idea of ​​the poem “Vasily Terkin”.

2. The poem is an encyclopedia of the Great Patriotic War.

3. The image of the fighter Vasily Terkin.

4. “For the sake of life on earth.”

1.. A. T. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” is the highest achievement of poetic mastery, a manifestation of citizenship, an understanding of the essence of the Russian national character. “What freedom...” I. A. Bunin said about this book. This is a selfless impulse to tell the truth about the war, about everything that it brought with it, what it discovered, what it made us think about:

And more than anything else

Not to live for sure -

Without which? Without real truth

Truth that hits right into the soul,

If only it were thicker

No matter how bitter it may be.

2. The poem “Vasily Terkin” can be called an encyclopedia of the Great Patriotic War. “Here is the terrible face of war, and ordinary, simple life, here is life itself, where heroic deeds and everyday actions are nearby; here is the poet’s reflection, where folk wisdom, a crafty joke, and deep thought are intertwined. Here, finally, there are seemingly incompatible things nearby - blood and tears, jokes and laughter. All this is written in simple, yet vivid, figurative language.” (Yu. G. Razumovsky).

3. “Vasily Terkin is a fictitious person from beginning to end, a figment of the imagination... And although the features expressed in him were observed by me in many living people, not one of these people can be called a prototype of Terkin...” - wrote poet. The chapter “Crossing” largely reflected the poet’s experiences during the Finnish War, and “Before the Battle” - the impressions of the sad retreat of our troops “into the depths of Russia”: “It was a great sadness as we wandered to the east.” The terrible picture of the death of “our short-haired guys” prepared the soldiers to realize the difficulty of fighting the hated enemy, to perform a feat of arms, and to the bitterness of losses in this war:

Crossing, crossing!

Left bank, right bank,

The snow is rough, the edge of ice...

To whom is memory, to whom is glory,

For those who want dark water -

No sign, no trace...

At the time of the retreat of our troops in 1942, the poet did not reproach, but praised the soldier - a true hero and martyr of the war, who paid at the front not only for his own mistakes, inexperience, incompetence, but also for all the miscalculations and mistakes made before and during wars by senior officials and their entourage:

Skinny, hungry,

Lost connection and part,

He walked by company and platoon,

And free company

And one is like a finger sometimes.

He walked, gray, bearded,

And, clinging to the threshold,

I went into any house,

As if to blame for something

In front of her, what could he do?

Describing everyday life and battles, the author shows the hero in different situations, emphasizing his ingenuity, resourcefulness, enthusiasm, courage, ability not to lose heart in difficult times of life, and to ignite others with his optimism. Having swam in the icy water with a report, “neither teeth nor lips work,” he, having slightly recovered, immediately says with humor:

Doctor, doctor, is it possible?

I can warm myself from the inside,

So as not to spend everything on skin?..

The poet speaks about Tyorkin’s modesty in the chapter “On the Reward”:

- No , guys, I'm not proud.

Without looking into the distance,

So I’ll say: why do I need an order?

I agree to a medal.

The sincerity and spontaneity of Tyorkin is revealed by the author in the chapter “Accordion”:

The fighter just took the three-row,

It’s immediately obvious that he’s an accordion player.

To begin with, for the sake of order

He threw his fingers from top to bottom...

And from that old accordion,

That I was left an orphan

Somehow it suddenly became warmer

On the front road.

Terkin’s meeting with the old soldier endears him to the old man, who recalls his battles, his generation and, together with the hero, talks about the current war:

And they sit like brothers

At the table shoulder to shoulder.

The conversation is carried out like a soldier's,

They argue amicably, heatedly...

Answer: we will beat the German

Or maybe we won’t beat you?..


He sighed right at the door

And said:

From the first days of the bitter year,

In the difficult hour of our native land,

Not joking, Vasily Terkin,

You and I have become friends.

But I didn’t know yet, really,

What's from the printed column

Everyone will like you

And you will enter the hearts of others.

And indeed, Terkin became close to every soldier fighting in the war. Tvardovsky received many letters from them with “tips”: “But if only I could reflect this and that...” Everyone wanted a continuation, everyone wanted Tyorkin not to die, to live to see victory:

The holiday is near, Mother Russia,

Turn your gaze to the west:

Vasily has gone far,

Vasya Terkin, your soldier.

Sometimes serious, sometimes funny,

No matter what the rain, what the snow, -

Into battle, forward, into the utter fire

He goes, holy and sinful,

Russian miracle man...

4. And a simple Russian soldier walked along the roads of this war - Ivanov, Petrov, Sidorov - aka - Terkin, to come to that long-awaited goal, which was called Her Majesty - Victory:

Crossing, crossing...

The guns fire in the pitch darkness.

The battle is holy and right,

Mortal combat, not for the sake of glory -

For the sake of life on earth.

When you turn over the last page of A. T. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin”, the years of its writing catch your eye - 1941-1945. That is, Tvardovsky wrote his work not from memories, but, so to speak, “but from fresh tracks.” He experienced the war together with his hero. Moreover, it is unlikely that the author, in the process of creating the poem, knew what would happen to his hero tomorrow. Conceived as the image of a simple - perhaps it would be even better to say rustic - Russian guy, who combines heroism and humor, Vasily Terkin has outgrown the boundaries of his writer's plan. He began to live an independent life, like any other participant in the war. “There is no plot in war,” as Tvardovsky said, just as there is no clearly traceable plot line in the poem. The poem is constructed in the form of a diary, a chronicle of the life of one person. Short episodes are often united only by the main character, if you look at it superficially. But in fact, “Vasily Terkin” has a fairly coherent plot, the plot of life in the war. It is also important that the poem has neither beginning nor end. The author especially emphasizes this. This construction allows them not to follow the development of the action, but to simply immerse themselves for a while in the reality created by the author’s inspiration.

Tvardovsky showed us the war from all its sides. It can be unsightly, scary, black. But even in the heat itself there is a place for jokes, songs, music, laughter. People cannot live without it. Tvardovsky emphasizes that Russian soldiers combine seriousness, concentration, and a willingness to risk themselves with perseverance, recklessness, and a sense of humor. Perhaps this is what helped them to endure the hardships of war.

A broad picture of the war appears in the reader’s mind, created from small scenes, episodes, and details. A soldier's everyday life and a soldier's leisure time - all this has a place in the poem.

Here, for example, is the chapter “The Crossing,” which is sometimes even published separately from the poem. Night, icy water, the light of spotlights suddenly cutting through the darkness: before the reader is a picture, sketched with very meager strokes, but quite imaginable. This is just one of the episodes where Tvardovsky shows the undisguised face of war, its terrible grin.

The poem contains descriptions of battles more than once, but the chapter “Duel” makes the most indelible impression. Terkin fights one-on-one, without weapons, with a German. In order to strengthen the difference between the two soldiers, Russian and German, the poet presents the German as a rather repulsive creature. By and large, it was not two individual soldiers who came together here, but two warring parties, so the episode takes on a nationwide scale. Terkin fights with the German fiercely and selflessly, and you especially need to pay attention to the fact that the fight takes place one on one, no one sees them. In such a situation, there is no point in showing your prowess or showing ostentatious heroism. Terkin fights because he sees this as his sacred duty:

You don’t go to death then,

For anyone to see.

Okay b. But no - well...

Not everyone, of course, survived even in hospitals. Some died in the arms of doctors, others right on the battlefield, without having time to say goodbye to their relatives. Letters home continued to arrive, but the man was no longer alive. This is war, it has its own laws. Tvardovsky writes about this in the chapter “Death and the Warrior.” A dying soldier talks to Death, bending towards him, asking her to allow him to at least visit his homeland for the last time, see his relatives or:

... Death, and Death, is still there for me

Will you let me say one word?

Just a word?

No I will not give...

Terkin survived that time. But there were millions of people who begged death to give them at least a little more time. Death is inexorable; it does not measure time for its victims. Is it easy to die young? Tvardovsky writes about this half-jokingly: I don’t want to die in the summer, in the heat, or in the fall, in the slush, or in the winter, in the cold. But how hard it is to die in the spring, when all nature is reborn and calls to life!

It’s rare, but even a soldier has “days off.” Soldiers love to eat well, chat about peaceful topics, forgetting where they are, they love to take a steam bath and sing, they love to dance to the accordion. I don’t mind having a glass or two of alcohol sometimes. A soldier is sometimes cheerful even in the face of the most terrible danger. He knows that every second could be his last, and yet he laughs. Laughs to spite his enemies, to spite death.

You can immediately feel it when a person writes about what he himself has experienced, about what he has seen and felt. The truth is heard in such works. Among such books is “Vasily Terkin”. This poem is not only about war. It is about the native land, where the town of Borki in the swamp is as valuable as the capital itself. It is about millions of Terkins who accomplished feats or simply fulfilled their sacred duty. It’s about how the Russian people know how to unite during testing years. Therefore, one can rightfully call “Vasily Terkin” an encyclopedia of war.

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