To be your own inner voice. The enemy within: the dangers of dialogue with yourself

Anna basis

Intuition in psychology means the sixth sense, the inner voice of a person, helping and telling him how to respond or act. It is a premonition and prediction of the future that cannot be rationally explained. This is also how it differs from logic. It is difficult to imagine at least one person who has not experienced the power of intuition. It is present in every person from birth.

Intuition and logic

There are two contemplations of reality: intuitive and logical. They constantly fight with each other: logic is suppressed by intuition and often does not trust it, and intuition is rejected by logic. If they work together, they will stop fighting. The meaning of intuitive work is the generalization of information that we collect from the internal and external world. It can process an infinite amount of information over a period of time and then produce decisions that do not require confirmation. This is expressed in a person’s faith, and we understand what needs to be done and how to act and we feel that this is the right and correct decision.

When logic operates, it tests the conclusion of intuition and, if there is no result, it often rejects the solution recommended by intuition. In thinking, intuition is seen as a strategist, logic as a tactician. The main line is set by intuition, and the time and method of action of this is decided by logic. The operational achievement of a result is considered to be the interaction of the generalizing factor (intuition) with the linear factor of thinking (logic).

Both positive and negative information are important for the inner voice. From it she highlights positive moments that lead to the best outcome. Do not interfere with her work with judgment. Take a break and see what's going on. Watch for signs, symbols, images and pictures.

Each sign and image is of considerable importance for the decision. They cannot be deciphered using a logical method. In short, intuition is a powerful and impressive “tool” to use. You just need to learn how to use it.

So how do you listen to your intuition?

Reproduce the “inner child”

From childhood we were taught how to live fairly and correctly: study well, find a job, build a personal life. But everyone understands the word “right” differently. This also needs to be taught. There is a child inside a person who is afraid to say anything. The main thing is to remember about this kid who wants something unrealistic and let it come out. He will say what he wants. If it is impossible to bring it into the light through meditation, contact psychotherapists who can awaken the people responsible for the creative process.

Learn relaxation

Know how to enter into yourself, be silent for one day and listen to your inner self. Stay alone with yourself and develop this ability. A large number of people cannot imagine life without a television, the sound effects of a radio, or a tape recorder. But it is difficult to break through these obstacles, so the sixth sense becomes silent and does not have time to convey to you what you want. Take a break from everything, lie down in silence for a while, get everything out of your head and accept the truth by conducting an internal dialogue with yourself.

Learn the method of concentration

This method is a continuation of relaxation. Take the same position you took when relaxing and inhale and exhale deeply. Turn off your thoughts and concentrate on your breathing, watch it and do not be distracted by outside voices.


You can switch to meditation after mastering relaxation and concentration exercises. Take the same position as during relaxation. Next, breathe deeply for several minutes, concentrate on breathing for so long until your thoughts provide space in silence. Breathe deeply. Breathing should be quiet and calm. Listen to your inner voice. Do this exercise every day until you listen to yourself without using these methods.

Dismantle dreams

If meditation is out of reach, go to the subconscious. It also tries to bring our intuition to us. By explaining dreams, it will be easier to understand what is going on in the subconscious. You don't have to read dream books. The main thing is to understand what dream images mean to you. It often happens that dreams are not remembered. Therefore, put a pen with a piece of paper next to your pillow, and as soon as you wake up, write down what you saw in your own reality.

Keep a diary

Observe your feelings and keep a journal. Thus, you will understand what makes a person prosperous, happy, successful, prosperous. Don’t write in it all day every second, write down only what gave rise to positive and negative feelings within 24 hours. This makes it possible to better understand oneself, change one’s mood, and feel one’s inner self. Then, perhaps, one’s perception of the world will change.

Love yourself

The main and fundamental property is adequacy in relation to oneself. Say nice words to yourself, accept compliments with gratitude and don’t refuse or make excuses for them. Self-criticism is a major factor. But everything is fine within reason. Praise yourself, even for the smallest things. Trust yourself, accept thoughts and emotions, even if they do not seem so logical. You live only once, so live more correctly for you, and not for others.

Listen to your body

Everyone knows that people with limiting gifts have enhanced intuition. Don't use your dominant hand for a few days. If you are left-handed, do everything with your right hand and vice versa. Close your eyes and sit in silence to listen to your inner voice.

Intuition training and its development

Intuitive thinking is trained and developed through special exercises. To do this you need:

  • focus attention on a specific issue;
  • listen to the first feelings that arise inside you;
  • deal with the created sensations and feelings and follow the accepted messages.

Develop intuition by working with cards or other objects that are distinguished through your inner instinct. Do these exercises for 20 minutes a day and gradually increase the time.

It is necessary to often listen to yourself and distinguish between the thoughts swarming in your head from your inner voice. Transfer all your concentration and attentiveness to emotions and sensations. If you feel that the solution to a question is incorrect, but you feel it is logical, accept it and observe it. If you are unhappy with the result, do not be sad or disappointed, because over time your intuition will give you more accurate instructions.

When appropriate, deviate from pre-conceived plans or use cards in an unfamiliar location.

People often have a fear of missing out. This fear will close the channel of connection with intuition. To do this, you cannot set yourself difficult tasks. Do not use this method for accepting and solving important tasks and problems that relate to property and finances.

Developing concentration will help you learn to choose the inner voice among the many voices heard in your head. Using meditation, martial arts, physical exercise, solving puzzles or riddles, you will get results and achieve its stability. Practice systematically.

Every person's intuition is different. He tells the truth to some and lies to others. Check your intuition and find out when to trust it and when to be cautious. Test it when watching movies and predict how an object seen at the beginning of the film will affect its script. You can do this with friends and compare your inner voice with the intuition of others.

Listen to your inner voice in real life. Predict the actions of acquaintances, friends, relatives, colleagues. When talking with old comrades, guess how the story will end. In this way you can test the presence of intuition and develop it.

Let your intuition, together with your subtle instincts, not let you down. Feel positive things, and when you do, do something to improve the situation. Develop your sixth sense and use it to accomplish noble and good deeds. Use useful advice from psychologists. We wish you good luck in your business! Health, happiness, prosperity to friends and relatives. Give many happy days to your loved ones. Your intuition will be your assistant.

February 15, 2014, 11:48

We all sometimes ask questions that seem rhetorical to us. Where can we find the strength to start a new, truly our own life, freed from the stereotypes that our environment imposes on us? How to learn to listen and hear your inner voice? How can we recognize where our true desires are, and where is my mother’s intention for a happy marriage and my father’s for a successful career? What needs to be done to finally heal with your own mind, clearing the brain, like valuable ore, from unnecessary impurities and slag?

It turns out that there are still people in our lives who manage to find their own answers to these questions.

Exactly a year ago, one of my good friends was dumped by a guy with whom she seemed to have a serious relationship. He left in a bad, ugly way - he left for their mutual friend, and even in the middle of a project that the three of them were doing together. The project collapsed into tartarara, friendship fell apart, personal life was over. An acquaintance howled for two weeks, generously wetting the surfaces of the tables of all friendly kitchens with her tears. She banged her head on the doorframe, rolled her eyes and wrung her hands, asking the unfortunate people around her: “How could he? How could they? Those around her, without really understanding how, responded by throwing up their hands and pouring her more. So a week passed. During this time, a friend lost eight kilograms, cried a lot and... began to act.

This is where the fun begins. No, the abandoned girl did not come up with and implement a sophisticated plan of revenge on her unfaithful lover and insidious homewrecker. She spat on them and... went about her own life. Now, a year later, I look at her and can only thank the person who so treacherously left her. Her example clearly proves to me: trees grow on rocks, and from the most lousy situation you can extract useful new experience and energy for positive changes in life. This is what a personal chronicle of this dive bomber looks like.

Two weeks after the breakup, my friend quit her position as an editor at the latest women's magazine, and three weeks later she moved out of her rented apartment. Knots, bales and a favorite sofa were handed over to compassionate friends for safekeeping. A friend bought a plane ticket to Ufa and, having paid off her debts, flew to the Urals with a small backpack and six thousand rubles in her pocket. For two months, the whole company followed the frog traveler, reading her blog with horror and delight: Ufa, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod. The girl stayed with old friends, apparently nourished by the holy spirit. I must say that day by day her posts became more and more optimistic. At the end of November, a friend went to Crimea - she wanted to swim in the sea.

Just before the New Year, we met in a cafe, and I, looking into her enlightened and peaceful face, was finally able to ask: “Uh-uh, what was that?” “You know,” the friend leaned confidentially towards me and lowered her voice, “if this eccentric (she, of course, put it more strongly - author’s note) had not left me, I would have continued to live like this, thinking that she was my love , here it is - my job and here it is - my friendship... I would never allow myself to feel that I have long wanted to throw everything to hell! After all, in fact, I’ve long been tired of messing around with this mama’s boy, renting an apartment in this hole and going every day to this women’s serpentarium, where the main event of the day was the Chanel heels on which the editor-in-chief clicked. I would never have known what I really wanted - freedom, travel, the opportunity to choose again! It turns out that I was so tired of worrying about trifles - what to wear to work today, what to cook for dinner... The explosion worked like a bomb - it exploded a ton of slag that had accumulated in my head. I was able to look at my life in a new way. And you know, I don’t regret anything!” I looked at her - no job, no home, no boyfriend - and felt the slag in my head begin to boil...

In winter, a friend of mine met her first love, whom she foolishly broke up with seven years ago, in the spring she found a new interesting job (no office!), in the summer she went to get a second degree, and now she plants tulips on her plot in the far Moscow region. Apparently, all the slag in her head had completely burned out.

Brain hygiene

Not all problems can be solved so radically, and not every lifestyle needs to be radically changed. However, if you feel that you are ready to tear off your office blouse and cry out after Tsoi: “Our hearts demand change!”, It is worth taking very specific steps to clear your own head of what is preventing you from changing. For example, from a false idea of ​​one’s personality.

1. Find time for yourself. This is not a smooth, glossy recommendation to lie down in the bath with a magazine in your hands, or a call to set aside a couple of evenings a week to meet your girlfriends in a cafe! We are talking about something completely different. If you have ignored the voice of your true self for a long time, then being alone with it will be very unpleasant at first. (How would you behave with someone who locked you in a dark room without water or food and returned after many years?) Turn off the TV (or better yet, throw it away altogether). Stop turning on the car radio at full volume, creating background noise that makes it difficult to think. Destroy the glossy Talmuds accumulated under the bed. Let there finally be silence inside. Absolute, akin to meditative. Then there is a chance that at some point the voice of the inner child will be heard in it - that part of your personality that is responsible for creativity and spontaneity, and not for how to live “correctly”.

If you doubt your own abilities to dig him out of the closet in which you put him, turn to specialists for help - now there are a lot of psychological trainings aimed at waking up the little sleeping creator inside you. It is the inner child that will help you get things moving - move, change jobs, start crocheting or cross-stitching again. In short, get joy from life, not profit.

2. Learn to take care of yourself. I'm not talking about a pedicure for 100 euros. I'm talking about spiritual harmony. And you shouldn’t be afraid that everyone will turn away from you if you suddenly turn to your desires and stop indulging the desires of others. A lady psychologist I know once told me: “You know, in fact, to be happy you only need one thing: to do what you want.” While the skeptics sadly shake their heads (what do you want to feed your children?), I’ll clarify: doing what you want does not mean turning from a sacrificial altruistic mother, tortured by diapers and reports, into an inactive egoist of the highest class. This means constantly asking yourself the question: “What do I want at this particular moment?” - and find an adequate answer to it. Agree, it’s difficult to be tormented by reports at a job you truly love or to turn into a scarecrow buried in diapers if you don’t fall into hysterics every five minutes about “I’m a bad mother!” Especially for such neurotic women, British psychotherapist Donald Winnicott developed the concept of “The Good Enough Mother.” People are drawn to those who live in harmony with themselves.

3. Keep an emotional diary. Whether it's a private blog or a beautiful diary with a lock - it doesn't matter. In a world where everything happens too quickly, we do not have time to experience our feelings. By describing your experiences on paper or electronically, you will learn to better recognize your own emotions, find their true cause and be more attentive to yourself. Often we don’t notice how we replace feelings with intellect. Psychotherapists laugh when they talk about men who come to see them for the first time. To the question: “How do you feel now?” the vast majority begin to answer: “I think...” and get terribly annoyed when the therapist interrupts them and repeats his question. No matter how powerful your intellect is, sometimes it deserves only one thing - to be sacrificed to feelings. In Jungian analysis there is even such an image - a victim of the intellect. If you dream that your head is being cut off, your inner depths are hinting to you that you need to stop thinking with your head and trust the flow of life.

3. Learn to interpret dreams. At least your own. No, you don't need to buy a dream book. And you shouldn’t completely rely on grandfather Freud with his trains, tunnels and bananas either. After all, sometimes a banana is just a banana. In modern psychoanalysis, there is an established opinion that the best interpreter of your own sleep is not someone else’s uncle or aunt, but you yourself. No one except you will understand your images and symbolic series better. And if the analyst may decide that you dream of a needle for fear of violating your integrity, then for you personally it may mean a kind grandmother who embroidered all the time, and that is how you remember her. The analyst doesn't know about this. Even if you hardly remember your dreams or remember them with difficulty, do not be discouraged. Practice shows that if immediately after waking up you grab a pen and scribble a few lines, capturing at least a couple of “dream” images, things will go smoothly. The constant habit of writing down dreams leads to improved memory of them. And every dream is a key to your unconscious. The key to yourself, essentially.

4. Praise yourself. Is the inner critic always whispering: “You can do more...”? Shut his mouth with a rolled up sock and don’t devalue your own achievements. The phrase “You can do more” can make any joy pale. According to statistics, more than half of women in Russia do not know how to accept compliments. If you cannot accept someone else's praise, this also indicates that it is extremely difficult for you to treat yourself adequately. Try to start with the little things - after all, you can praise yourself for anything, even for the delicious coffee you brewed in the morning, even for the fact that you finally made it to the dentist. Straighten up, straighten your chest and say loudly, looking in the mirror: “I’m doing great!” (let the people in the waiting room grab their gumboils in surprise). Only a self-confident person can act decisively, changing his life with a firm hand, and self-confidence, if it was not instilled in childhood by our dear parents, we are able to grow. And here you need to start with the little things. By the way, it’s better to respond to any compliment: “Thank you.” Dot. And not: “Oh, what are you talking about... Come on...”.

When a child begins to explore the world around him (crawls, grabs everything), good enough parents help him and stimulate his interest, not forgetting to provide support in a timely manner. And they don’t scare you with screams: “Don’t go! Do not touch! Don't poke your nose!" Your task is to regain or grow in yourself the confidence that the world, although not at all simple, is still friendly. It is safe to explore, looking for new ways to develop. Everything will work out if, instead of a critic, you include an inner parent who is balanced and confident in your strengths and abilities. We are all old enough to become both a caring father and a gentle mother.

5. Free yourself from unnecessary information. A couple of weeks without TV - and you will remember that you really love not the singer Nyusha, but the Bravo group, not the series “Daddy's Daughters,” but the films of Alfred Hitchcock. Or make sure of your sincere and ardent love for Nyusha and turn the box back on. In the world of gadgets and accomplished scientific and technological revolution, it is very difficult to isolate from the flow and consume the information that you need. Separate yourself from the mass of viewers, readers, listeners. Stop clicking your mouse aimlessly, walking through the links your colleagues are bombarding you with. Don’t have long conversations on ICQ about anything with people you haven’t seen for years. Don't "like" strangers' photos on social media. This is your time. Better spend it on creating your news feed in the search engine. Or subscribe to blogs that are truly interesting to you - this is especially important if you have not had time to read books on topics that concern you for a long time.

The formation of individuality does not happen quickly, but the journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Learn to trust your own opinion. Mom, grandmother and strict boss can think whatever they want. (They might even be right!) But in order to live your life, you have to make your own mistakes. Then you can chalk up victories exclusively to your own account. Remember, you and only you are the captain of your ship. And only you can decide what course this fragile little boat will take - to the reefs, to the aground, or to distant green islands.

It's no secret that intuition or inner voice is an internal premonition of certain events. Various spiritual heritages interpret the connection of intuition directly with the Soul, Higher Planes, Guardian Angels and God.

To believe or not to believe, to listen or not, a person decides this question for himself in his own way. Everyone in their life has had at least one case in their life when a person received an answer to their question in the form of internal impulses or a direct indication of not doing something or, on the contrary, an active action in relation to something.

This precisely explains the moments of inexplicable anxiety that come to many passengers who have avoided accidents, crashes of various vehicles and other tragic events. Subsequently, the people who survived say that they received a clear message that they should not make this or that trip, voyage, or journey.

One can, of course, be very skeptical about such manifestations of intuition, however, there is one very good test for the true attitude towards the appeals of the so-called inner voice. In critical situations, in moments of danger, all people without exception, such as believers and non-believers, turned to God and called on the forces of the Lord to help them and save their lives.
How necessary is intuition?
There is a skeptic opinion that claims that logic and consciousness play a leading role in human life. However, a complete denial of the manifestation of intuition in our lives may indicate that a person has not learned to “hear” the voice of his subconscious, namely, to recognize the signs given by it. Because intuitive insights are present in the life of every person. Someone just learned to “read” and understand the signals they transmit inner voice , such as traffic lights: red, yellow, green, and understand what each of them means. And others, not realizing the warning messages being sent, completely deny such manifestations.
However, denial in no way can change the model of world perceptions that are inherent in the human body and Soul. Over the past three or four decades, intuition has moved from the category of something unusual to the category of properties of the Soul and body that are considered practically. There is enormous potential for developing such a skill as recognizing intuition signals. A large number of books have been written, a countless number of trainings and educational seminars have been created. All these practical developments allow you to develop this skill quite seriously and achieve practical results. Even a special device has been developed by one famous specialist in the field of psychology. This invention is of particular educational interest because it creates pain impulses. Thus, a person learns to very quickly recognize at the level of pain which decision options are correct for him and which are wrong. Outwardly, it seems to be somewhat reminiscent of animal training. However, many see specific “tangible” results and are quite satisfied that they know in advance the solution to business issues, receive answers on the topic: “Family and relationships” and many others. In general, the device immediately demonstrates the practical “teaching” of a person to listen to his intuition.

It is difficult to say how ideal this approach is. However, if we consider intuitive forecasts for future events, then, as a rule, an answer based on the “Yes/No” principle is unlikely to satisfy. In this case, you will still have to go through training seminars that teach you to listen to your voice from simple to complex. inner voice , turn off consciousness and, stopping the swarm of thoughts, receive information flow from the subconscious part of the human essence. Surely, everyone knows about the rule of first impression, when when we meet a new person, we clearly immediately receive an answer within us: whether we like this person or not. At this moment, when the primary perception of a new person or object occurs, an assessment-answer is formed at one moment: is it good or bad. Perhaps there is not a single person on Earth who would reject the rule of first impression by saying it doesn't work. Because it is precisely the first perception, based on intuitive vision, without possessing any information about a person or object, that provides a complete information palette. Those who deny this argument may remember that this is why many people prefer to dress well and even elegantly, remembering the rule of first impression. Often, just one glance at a person can give a complete description of a person. That's why some even say that there won't be a second chance or a chance to make a first impression.

Great businessmen of all times and peoples, emperors and courtiers, often, in spite of everything, took steps and actions that were illogical from the point of view of the current moment. They did not rely only on the factual side of the matter, and did not listen to their consciousness. Such people became great due to the fact that they received information about the right decision or movement from their own inner voice. Because they knew that turning to the voice of the subconscious or to the Guardian Angel given to us to preserve the Soul and body is the true and sure means that gives the correct answer to the question asked.

Why is it difficult for us to hear our inner voice?

This article is not for those who have been hearing voices since childhood, or those who have already achieved in their practices the ability to listen and hear their Higher Self, the voice of the living God. It is also not for those mediums who have stopped balancing their ego and began to listen not to the voice of the spirit, or God, as they once knew how to do, but only to the voice of their own ego.

So, first of all, people have difficulty hearing their inner voice because they expect results. Even when you tell yourself that you are not expecting, you are still expecting. Otherwise, the dialogue would have already taken place, and you would stop distrusting yourself and doubting your

It seems to you that if you really, really want to, you will definitely hear some secret information that someone wants to convey through you. But you continue not to hear, and if you do hear, it’s only a monologue with yourself. It happens that sometimes a barely audible voice breaks through your blinders, but you continue to not believe your own ears, and it seems to you that you yourself were making it all up.

You will practice meditation, spiritual practices several times and end there, thinking that you are not capable, like others, of hearing anything. But you differ from those others only in laziness and in the fact that you create tension within yourself by expecting results.

You’re bored of just sitting there, not thinking about anything, and you immediately remember how many things suddenly need to be redone. You are trying hard to relax so that you can hear at least a word that is not from your chattering mind, which has been taken over by your ego.

You don't know how, or don't want to learn to hear?

I remember as a child, when my mother taught me to write letters (and I also had to write beautifully), I almost cried, saying that it was difficult for me and that I could not write the way my mother wanted. To which she replied: “I can’t and I don’t want to - the things are different. If you force yourself to do something you don’t want to do, but need to do, you will soon laugh at yourself, remembering difficulties. All difficulties are temporary, and not everyone can cope with laziness.”

Secondly, admit to yourself, are you ready for the changes that your spirit, Higher Self, etc. will indicate when you begin to recognize voices? These are the “guys” who will want specific changes from you, both in thinking and in your entire habitual life, which no longer corresponds evolution of your spirit .

You visit psychics, gurus, astrologers and other seers. And they all point out your mistakes that you don’t want to hear about. What kind of conversations with God can we talk about then? What will you do with what you hear? What if the voice does not praise you for what you have achieved, but on the contrary, points out that you, as a poor student, have been sitting in the same class for many years with your convictions?

Or God will begin to talk to you only when you stop waiting, expecting, resisting, not trusting and being lazy. And you don’t need to deceive yourself that today you agreed to sit in silence with yourself and that you don’t care if someone inside you volunteers to talk.

You've let your ego go for a long time keep you in duality. Therefore, it is difficult for you to admit even to yourself that it is high time to let go of everything that should no longer resonate with the evolution of your soul.

You are deceiving yourself by saying that you are flattering yourself that life arranges everything in the best possible way for you. And it’s just the ego that convinces you of this and finds all sorts of excuses so that you continue to do what you’re used to - lying to yourself, just so as not to break away for a second from your usual, comfortable zone, where miracles have long stopped happening.

And getting out of your comfort zone - condition for personality development. After all, if your job is taken away from you today, will you continue to calmly meditate for a day, two, a week, knowing and believing that life will really show you a completely different path, for which you were not ready only because you did not trust either yourself or God? no spirit, no life?

Balance your ego, fill it cosmic light. And when you want to talk with the spirit, the inner God, volunteer for a conversation and get ready to listen the way a child listens to his mother who is reading him a fairy tale.

See how simple everything turns out to be. Well, if it’s difficult in this life, learn in another. Life will never end, neither in 10 years, nor in a hundred.

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How to learn to hear

your inner voice...

The inner voice that tells us whether to take certain actions is usually called intuition. This ability is inherent in all living beings. It helps to avoid danger, suggests the moment when you can take a risk and get a big win, etc. But often people do not listen to the admonitions of their inner voice. No matter what he tells us, we will still do it differently, obeying the cold reasoning of reason. Many of the greatest people of the past considered intuitive insight a necessary tool for understanding the world around us, often giving preference to the voice of the heart rather than the mind. Do you remember how the fox argues in “The Little Prince” by A. Saint-Exupéry? “Only the heart is vigilant; you cannot see the most important things with your eyes.” And we, children of technogenic civilization, are accustomed to trusting the readings of instruments more than the voice of our own body, which has preserved ancient instincts. Intuition helps you connect to the cosmic information space and draw information from there or hear the memory of our ancestors carried through thousands and millions of years in human genes.

A significant disadvantage of intuitive knowledge is its spontaneity: we cannot predict when the inner voice will provide us with the next hint. Representatives of psychological science have found through numerous experiments that intuitive knowledge manifests itself most often in extreme situations. By the way, our ancestors knew about this feature of the human psyche to mobilize in critical conditions and find a way out in difficult situations, but they attributed this to the intervention of higher powers.

One of the sources of intuition is life experience. The famous Swiss psychiatrist M. Luscher, creator of the equally famous color test that bears his name, in his article “Is it possible to develop intuition in yourself?” writes that information through the senses enters the human brain continuously and in huge volumes - up to 10 million bits per second! However, we consciously perceive only about a few hundred thousandths of this volume. And how much information, until now unclaimed, accumulates in billions of brain cells! Intuition is what helps you take advantage of them. We can deny its existence and close our eyes and ears to its clues, but it exists and works. In order to receive accurate instructions from the signals that the Universe sends us in everyday life in the form of various material signs, we need to learn to trust the world around us and believe that there is some higher law according to which everything in the world, including ourselves, lives and develops.

To listen to your inner voice, you need to trust yourself and listen. The main obstacle on this path, oddly enough, is the human mind. The “intelligent” part of our brain makes up a twentieth of it; the rest is the work of the subconscious, in which sudden connections are instantly born, reflecting the indivisibility of the world and giving brilliant insights. The mind, whose main property is the analysis and subsequent classification of the information received, rejects everything that cannot be decomposed into clear components.

Universal laws that apply to everything and everyone around us are usually expressed not in simple and understandable words, but in symbols. In one word or image you can compress a huge amount of important information, indivisible due to its universality. But, just as we do not see any reality behind mathematical formulas, we cannot recognize the essence in the symbols sent to us by intuition.

The voice of reason also rejects the so-called truisms. Have you noticed that at the moment of the highest tension of physical and emotional forces, for some reason, continuous platitudes creep into your head? The mind laughs at them, but they are the truth in the highest authority, which has stood the test of time and therefore is the quintessence of true knowledge.

The ability to listen to your inner voice and your mind at the same time ultimately gives an amazing effect, which seems quite difficult, but, believe me, it’s worth learning. Firstly, the channel of intuition in modern people is clogged with distrust of the world and oneself, inability to listen, and an abundance of various information that enters the brain through all 5 senses. Intuition, which is also rightly called the sixth sense, is not fed by information from the outside, but knows the answer to any question due to the indivisibility of the perception of the world. Clearing the intuitive channel, the ability to disconnect from excess information from the outside world - this is the first task.

The second difficulty is related to the lack of understanding of the voice of fate. We sometimes interpret clues incorrectly, if we do so at all. The language used by the inner voice is symbolic and often incomprehensible. Therefore, it is worth learning to decipher mysterious messages and understand the language of your own inner voice.

There are people who do not hear their inner voice. But this does not mean that he does not try to shout to his owners. There is a purely psychological reason for this, which extinguishes the ability to intuitively perceive the world and, figuratively speaking, plugs your ears. This is a blockage of consciousness. To learn to use the help of intuition, you need to find and remove blocks from your consciousness. Their causes are any unpleasant incidents in the past associated with the involuntary use of intuition. This has happened to every person. Usually the situation is simple: you did not listen to the signs of your inner voice, and misfortune happened. Consciousness drew a parallel between these two things and concluded that there was an obvious connection between them. But instead of heeding the warnings of intuition next time (and they make their way to our consciousness in the form of negative emotions and unpleasant sensations more often than signs of good luck and success), the mind put a block on any subconscious information, the consequence of which is trouble. Messengers of misfortune are not liked everywhere; in ancient times they were even punished, believing that they showed the way to grief and death.

Intuition appears today in the position of the mythical fortuneteller Cassandra, whose prophecies no one believed. Why should we be surprised at the troubles that happen in our lives? They could be so easily avoided if we were a little more attentive to the signs of our own intuition.

Channels of intuitive information.

Each person experiences the surrounding reality in his own way - emotionally, intellectually and logically, and guided by internal impulses caused by the contemplation of reality and its perception. And since each person has his own intuition, which depends on personal experience, there are a huge variety of types.

All people, without exception, have the ability to sense impending danger. This intuitive knowledge is associated with the ancient instinct of self-preservation (instinctive intuition). Also, everyone has a predisposition to a certain kind of action and behavior, which is due to individual personality characteristics and the influence of the momentary situation (dispositional intuition). Some people prefer to combine intuitive knowledge of the world with logical analysis and theoretical calculations; someone emotionally perceives the whole world and people, having a high capacity for empathy (sympathy, empathy). Some perceive the world through the prism of associations, instantly connecting two facts into a single chain (the chain of reasoning is not visible, but only the result - insight); others simply intuitively read the possible development of the situation and are rarely mistaken in their forecasts. The brain, every time it receives a task, knows its solution before the person realizes it.

American psychologist A. Damasio conducted an interesting experiment. 4 decks of cards were placed on the table (2 with blue backs and 2 with green backs), from which participants were asked to take any at random. On the cards was an amount that the “player” received as a win or gave to the bank as a loss. Initially, the cards in the decks were distributed so that the blue ones had more large wins and losses, and the green ones had smaller amounts, but there were significantly fewer opportunities to lose. Naturally, the subjects were not aware of this fact. As a result, it turned out that it took up to 50 attempts to realize this fact, after which the experiment participants no longer wanted to take cards from blue decks, fearing large losses, since winning was more obvious with green cards. But after 10–15 attempts, the brains of the participants recognized this principle, and every time the “master” reached for a dangerous deck, he signaled with all his might: at this moment, the participants’ hands were sweating a lot, and their heartbeats increased. All these physiological data, indicating a critical situation, were recorded by special sensors.

The famous Soviet pop artist V. Messing, performing in the genre of pop telepathy, had phenomenal abilities. His brain could not only accept a huge amount of information, but also process most of it, allowing it to issue unmistakable conclusions about the things hidden in the hall. He not only had subtle perception, but was also sensitive to the slightest changes in the behavior of the experimental viewer. However, he himself claimed that he did not know exactly how he did this: “... This is not reading thoughts, but, so to speak, “reading muscles”... When a person thinks intensely about something, brain cells transmit impulses to all muscles body. Their movements, invisible to the naked eye, are easily perceived by me. ...I often perform mental tasks without direct contact with the inductor. Here, my indicator can be the inductor’s breathing rate, the beat of his pulse, the timbre of his voice, the nature of his gait, etc.”

Other examples of such sensitivity can be given. A number of similar cases from many years of medical practice are described in the popular scientific literature. One day, an experienced doctor was invited to see a boy who was experiencing a nervous breakdown - he had been silent for several days. None of those around him could establish the reasons for such an anomaly, especially since the boy was usually talkative and sociable. Asking leading questions to the patient, the doctor determined from the pulse beat that he really wanted to get a dog and even brought home a stray dog, but his parents did not allow it. The doctor even managed to determine the dog's name! When the reason for this behavior was discovered and the problem was eliminated, the boy spoke again.

Thus, the specifics of working with the inner voice are different for each of us. Someone perceives it through physicality, feeling changes in the physical state of their own body; other intuition clues are heard in emotions, positive or negative; For some, intuitive information is pure knowledge. The inner voice works based on information received from the outside, but does not classify it, but perceives it as a single ingot, sees all sorts of internal connections that the logical reasoning of the mind misses. Then all of them are issued using one of the intuitive channels. If it is easier for you to perceive the world in its physicality and materiality, listen to your physical and physiological sensations; if you are emotional, then your emotions are the key to deciphering the messages of your inner voice.

However, both of these channels are publicly available. And, by the way, we most often brush aside the intuitive information that they provide us. Think about the past, rummage through it, and you will probably remember several cases that are not entirely explainable from a logical point of view. For example, how many times has it happened that you didn’t want to go to work (to class) and you literally dragged yourself out of the house by your hair? But when they arrived at the place, it turned out that classes had been canceled, and there was no light or water at work all day. Your intuition warned you, but you didn’t listen, and the day was lost. Or cases from the business sphere: you were offered to invest a certain amount of money in a rather risky enterprise. This very thought caused a surge of positive emotions in you, your mood improved. But you remembered (your mind has already kicked in) that you don’t know the person from whom the offer is coming very well, and you don’t want to risk money. After some time, it turns out that those who took the risk received a worthy reward.

Of course, you should not rely only on intuitive insights, to the exclusion of any other sources of information, especially since intuitive clues can be incorrectly deciphered. And the inner voice itself sleeps under the influence of poor physical condition, depletion of biological energy, or is completely silent, tired of shouting down the everyday experience of its “owner”.

From the point of view of signs and symbols, what and how you feel is important. You need to listen to yourself, your own desires and interests: emotions are the loudest clues from your inner voice. For example, figuring out where to go if your current path is full of failures can sometimes be easy. Are there things that you truly love, or activities that make you forget about bad mood and boredom? This is the path suggested by intuition. You should not think that your favorite hobby is associated only with costs and does not bring anything. Firstly, it gives a good mood and a desire to live and work; secondly, provided that, having listened to your inner voice, you try to earn money with its help, even if in addition to your main income, it will begin to make a profit.

Another universal hint from the inner voice is negative emotions (sudden anxiety, obsessive fears, causeless bad mood or irritation, etc.). So, boredom to the point of yawning means that you need to change the environment, goals and direction of movement.

If you do not want to turn your own hobby into a source of income, there is another way to make your own intuition speak. Go to the job site. Just scroll through them, read employers’ offers and mark everything you like. Do not make allowances for your age, skills and abilities that you possess, or the distance of the proposed place of work from home. Just look for what will put you in a good mood, make you smile involuntarily, or bring back pleasant memories or associations. Positive emotions will suggest an area in which work will give you pleasure, and therefore bring benefits, because you will work with full dedication. When you have enough material, you can, based on the prompts of your inner voice, draw up a picture of the ideal job for you. To do this, you need to find out the area to which your soul strives, the particularly attractive characteristics of your future place of work. Express your aspirations in one short phrase. Finally, decide what you need to immediately start working in this capacity (perhaps special knowledge or initial capital). Most often it happens that everything seems to be there for this, but you just need a push that will set you in motion. Here your intuition is no help, and you will have to act on your own. In any case, you will not regret listening to your inner voice: a change of environment will bring new experiences, new friends and new emotions.

Working with the inner voice.

There are a few simple rules that will allow you to hear your inner voice. The first is associated with turning off consciousness and being attentive to one’s own feelings. Sometimes it is only the abundance of unnecessary information that prevents us from listening to our inner voice, since it needs analysis and classification. The mind, connecting to the information channel, blocks the signs of intuition, since it does not trust everything that is illogical and intangible. He weeds out what is unnecessary, from his point of view, that which does not fit into a rational framework. Remember the work style of Scotland Yard Inspector Lestrade, the hero of A. Conan Doyle's novels about Sherlock Holmes: he collected several of the most striking facts and evidence at the crime scene and built a version of the crime based on them. He simply did not take into account all the data that did not fit into this picture. It is not surprising that he never solved a single complex crime, where not everything is as obvious as it seems at first glance.

Therefore the first rule – avoid external excess data coming through the senses, and listen to information coming from the subconscious. Set your task free, give the solution time to “mature and manifest itself.” In general, one should work with intuition “by touch”: in order to get the correct answer, the intuition does not need to know the question at all.

Another negative quality of the human mind is stubbornness. Today everyone is practicing the so-called Success System, one of the most important aspects of which is developing the ability to set goals. It's simple: you set goals, and your subconscious, with the help of the Universe, does everything according to your wishes. All this is wonderful, if not for one “but”. Very often, along with our goals, we also think through the path along which we will go to this goal. The Universe offers paths shorter than those we have chosen, intuition whispers various techniques with the help of which what we want is achieved much faster. But we stubbornly rush forward along the road that we have determined for ourselves, and close our eyes and ears to all the hints and detours. The mind is very stubborn and does not want to turn aside. Yes, we ultimately achieve our goal, but we spend so much effort and time on it, and most importantly, nerves!

Second rule– listen to your own feelings, physical and emotional. Let memories and quotes flash through your head. Associations will help you understand what your inner voice wanted to tell you. The main thing is not to miss the slightest detail from the first sensations, so it is important to say, without stopping and without thinking, everything that comes to mind. Use a voice recorder to record or ask someone close to you to record your monologue without omitting anything. Finally, once you recognize the question posed to your inner voice, learn to interpret the signs. As has been said more than once, it is the solution to the signs that often confuses people. This is quite difficult and requires a certain skill, especially since the pieces of the puzzle are scattered, often many of them are not enough to complete the picture. Your inner voice offers you these separate fragments, and leaves it to you to put them together into a single picture. When a coherent and logical answer does not work out, come up with one! You must trust your inner voice; This is the hardest thing to learn.

Of course, learning to listen to your inner voice requires training. There is special literature devoted to this issue. Here we will offer only a few well-known techniques.

First, you need to decide what type of intuition you have and what kind of intuitive information you receive (sensory, associative, verbal or bodily). To do this you need to connect memory and reason. First, remember various times when you think you took cues from your inner voice; The more similar cases you remember, the better. Then, when you have collected material for analysis, distribute all cases into groups depending on the channel through which the information came to you, for example, through positive or negative emotions; with an arbitrary association that was the answer to the question asked; feeling unwell, intrusive sounds or smells, etc.

Conclude how it is easier for you to hear your inner voice - in wordplay, smells and sounds. Perhaps clear pictures pass before your mind's eye, or you just suddenly feel that your body is giving out some strange reactions. Once you have done all this, you will be able to identify your own intuitive channel.

If visual information only clogs the intuitive channel (most of the information that enters our brain is what is transmitted through the visual channel), perhaps other organs are connected to the inner voice with stronger ties. For example, smell. For representatives of the animal world, smell and its change speak volumes. People do not have such a keen sense of smell as our smaller brothers, but still the ability to capture the finest odors is quite well developed. The brain receives this information and sends signals to the body that consciousness cannot always respond to. Eric Berne, in his work on intuition, writes: “The fact that we are not aware of the presence of a smell does not mean that it does not affect our emotional attitude. Smells can change the content of dreams without being perceived as smells.” They can also be a source of intuitive information.

When working with the inner voice, it is always important to remember that the subconscious - the main source of our intuition - works with an undifferentiated picture of reality. For him, any situation is seen as a whole. When it receives a question (sometimes we don’t even know that it has already been formulated), it immediately gives a possible scenario for the development of events, seeing connections at a level inaccessible to consciousness. To develop the ability to connect various data with chains of associations, it is enough to force both hemispheres to work in a coordinated manner. However, this is easier said than done. The exercises aimed at this are quite complex. The point is that you need to learn to combine incompatible things and perform several dissimilar actions at the same time. For example, there is an exercise for children “Goat and Cow”, which is also suitable for our purposes. It is necessary to show the “goat” with the fingers of one hand, and the “cow” with the fingers of the other, sticking out the index finger and little finger. Both figures are performed simultaneously. To begin with, you don’t need to take a high tempo; perform the exercise at a speed that will allow you to avoid getting tangled in your own fingers. Recommendation: when you are just starting to master the exercise, it is more convenient to pronounce the names of the figures, silently or out loud.

When you no longer get lost, begin to increase the pace. In addition to the fact that this exercise coordinates the work of both hemispheres of the brain, it also develops attentiveness and teaches concentration.

How does your intuition speak to you? Through internal and external sensations. To catch them without missing the smallest nuances, you must learn to pronounce everything that comes to mind. The fact is that consciousness is responsible for speech. It builds a phrase in a logical sequence, organizes entire texts, whether monological or dialogical; forces you to choose words and constructions, topics of conversation, etc. The same applies to written speech, only it is even more organized and subject to the logic of reason. While all slips and slips are the work of the subconscious, it is through them that our intuition speaks. From all of the above, we conclude: in order to “awaken” our inner voice, we need to learn to speak without stopping, without choosing words and expressions, jumping from topic to topic, while getting rid of the control of consciousness. This is very difficult, since at first the mind constantly intervenes and tries to dictate its laws. To get rid of its pressure, you need to approach a state close to meditative.

It happens that people, faced with the need to speak without stopping for at least a few minutes, seem to be speechless. Words suddenly disappear somewhere, not a single thought comes to mind. This happens, for example, when you talk on the phone with a person who, by and large, has nothing to say. And it is necessary. Learn to pronounce everything that literally comes into your head. Let the words flow like a river. It will be good if at first one of your relatives or friends helps you. Their job is to “talk” you by asking questions and not let you stop. It is better to record this stream of consciousness, or rather the subconscious, on a voice recorder. Remember, when you speak, forcing your consciousness to remain silent, your inner voice speaks. It reveals connections and associations that you don't see. Don't disturb him, don't try to connect the fragmentary details together. You can do this later by listening to the recording. Perhaps it will become clear to you what pressing question in your life is answered by intuition. The fact is that the subconscious, better than you yourself, knows all your problems, requests, questions and goals. They are born there and do not always manage to break through to the level of consciousness, to move into the category of “put in line for decision, implementation.” Listen to the voice of intuition, and you will learn a lot about yourself. Don't be afraid to speak: you will find the words!

Then, analyzing the information obtained in this way, you will notice with interest that absolutely everything you say falls into 3 blocks:

The first consists of comments and logical insertions of reason. He enters into your monologue as soon as you allow him to, and corrects what is said;

The 2nd block is the results of the imagination. It also comes into work with permission, and sometimes, when there is absolutely nothing to say, and under his compulsion: this is easy to track from the recording. For example, you fell silent, losing all your words at once, but then, with an effort of will, you clung to the last word spoken and continued the phrase, inventing its ending;

The 3rd block consists of images, thoughts, sensations and words that first came to your mind. This is the voice of the subconscious.

You need to pay attention to the information from all three blocks when analyzing, without missing anything. Signals coming from consciousness need to be monitored. Sometimes it happens that they interfere with concentration, and this irritating factor is worth paying attention to. If something persistently “crashes” into your head, and the brain fixates on this factor in such a way that it is impossible to distract it, then it is important. Listen to those “interferences” when nothing else comes to mind and they occupy all your attention: this can also be an inner voice.

Imagination is also necessary because it helps the work of intuition. After all, consciousness is only the starting point of the imagination, and then free associations come into play, launching the subconscious and all the information stored there. Finally, signals received specifically from intuition must be carefully analyzed and, if you wish, coherent answers can be composed from them at first.

When the first steps have been mastered, and you have learned to voice the voice of intuition without restraining it with your consciousness, you need to move on. To hear the prompts of your inner voice and heed them, you need to trust it, we have already talked about this above. The famous multimillionaire Robert Kiosaki, the author of many books on developing the ability to be financially independent, writes that many people believe in God, but very few of them trust him, relying entirely on his kindness, justice, love and desire to help. Let us also add: it is with those who trust that things happen, popularly called miracles! In the case of intuition, the situation is similar: it is not enough to believe in its existence, you also need to listen to its advice. No, we are adults and reasonable, why are we going to act like children?! Yes, they trust their inner feelings and very rarely make mistakes. Adults are hampered by elementary mistrust. Introduce a special rule for yourself: live one day a week according to the advice of your inner voice. Now that you have learned to hear him, he will speak to you very confidently. Neither doubt nor reasoning should be taken into account: intuition never doubts or guesses. She knows.

So, what does it mean to “live by intuition”? You listen to your inner voice and go where it leads you, or, on the contrary, go nowhere. Choose the clothes (shoes, bus, movie session) that he will tell you; if suddenly there is a persistent desire to call a person whom you have not seen for many years, you do it without doubting or thinking about the result. This list can be continued endlessly, because in almost every case, intuition will give its recommendations. And the results will not be long in coming. For example, a chosen bright shirt will help maintain a good and festive mood throughout the day, which means that everything will be easy and fun. At a morning screening at the cinema (if you usually go to the movies late in the evening, but then decided to listen to your inner voice), you will meet a school friend who has brought his children. It may provide the key to solving the long-standing problem of investing capital, finding a job, etc. If the question is “launched” in the information field, then there will definitely be an answer to it, and your intuition will lead you to it along the shortest path. An example from real life can be given. A certain young woman from a small provincial town decided to start looking for a new job, but they were unsuccessful. She was already desperate, but somehow she went to an exhibition of gems (which, by the way, she was never interested in) and met her old friend there. In a conversation with her, it turned out that she now works in Moscow and earns good money. And, remembering that our heroine is fluent in English, she suggested to her: “Move to Moscow. Our boss has two school-age children, and he is just looking for an English tutor for them. The pay will be good." After some time, this young woman moved to the capital and got a job as a governess, while her employer provided her with housing. Once again you are convinced that it is not possible for us to predict where our paths lead, but for intuition this is not a mystery.

And the last stage of our studies: we need to give our inner voice a task. If there is no goal, then the results are not very visible (although a good mood, unexpected finds of long-lost things, meeting old acquaintances, etc. are also a consequence of the work of intuition).

It has already been said before that intuition knows better than you and me what exactly we want and what we are striving for. She tells us where to go, what to do, but we don’t hear. Why? Because our desires and goals are unconscious. If you learn to consciously set tasks for your inner voice, it will, of course, also give an answer. But in this case, there is a greater chance of hearing it and, most importantly, applying it, because it will correspond to the direction of the search. It must be said that when a goal is set, not only the subconscious, but also the mind participates in the search for ways to achieve it. He also looks for solutions, and there is no need to discard them, waiting for prompts from the inner voice. Simply, when accepting them, you need to remember: not the whole picture is open to consciousness; it is not able to calculate all the possible consequences of the actions performed. Frankly speaking, not many people have a mind that is able to calculate the situation and determine all possible options for the development of events. But each of us has an intuition that can do all this, knows everything and will undoubtedly help in making a decision. You probably know examples of “unexpected” insights and greatest discoveries. Take, for example, the textbook story of Isaac Newton's apple. If the question had not been formulated by scientists long before the moment the notorious apple fell on their heads, the law of universal gravitation would not have been discovered by them. After all, many people had apples and other objects fall on their heads; nature chose Newton, who was able to draw the right conclusion from this.

Ordinary people want to receive answers to questions not of a scientific nature, but of everyday life, which would lead us to prosperity and success. So let's learn to formulate questions and, once again, listen to the answers to them.

The simplest exercise is to learn to formulate short questions addressed to yourself. It should be mastered in several steps, slowly and analyzing each intuition response received through any of the possible communication channels. So, relax, get comfortable in your favorite chair and - let's go!

The first stage is that you ask yourself the simplest questions that require a monosyllabic answer. Even if they are obvious to the first questions, you will still “hear” instant agreement or disagreement with your own intuition. However, you will not only hear, but also feel - in an instant change in physical state (tingling in the fingertips, the desire to change a comfortable and familiar position, yawning, ringing in the ears, etc.); in visual images that appear to your inner gaze, etc. Not all answers will be identified by you as positive or negative. Therefore, the results of such a blitz survey need to be carefully recorded and then, after analyzing, decide in which case your intuition agrees with you and in which it does not. This will be quite easy to do, since the questions of the first stage are unambiguous and the answers to them are well known to you, for example: “Am I sitting in a chair?”, “Do I have long hair?” etc.

Stage two. Now we ask more difficult questions: “What to buy first: a refrigerator or a stove?”, “Should I go to the theater or cinema tonight?” etc. You will hear the answers and, based on previous experience, will be able to interpret them, checking your feelings.

To practice, play this game with your intuition constantly. Let the questions get more complicated from time to time (first ask questions the answers to which you are able to check; then, when information about your individual channel of communication with the inner voice accumulates, you can complicate them by asking really important ones, the answer to which can radically change your life).

For those who do not want to believe in the existence of an inner voice, I would like to offer an interesting experiment (such people usually believe their own ears and eyes better than the words of others). Let's call it "Libra" because all you have to do is try to pretend to be a scale. You can choose any image for yourself, that’s not important. The main thing is that your scales have 2 bowls - you will depict them using your own hands. Focus, formulate your question to your intuition and then imagine that both possible answers (“yes” or “no”, “good” or “bad”, “for” or “against”) are on the scales. Remember which of them each decision relates to for you. Usually good is associated with the right side, and evil is associated with the left. People even say that “Behind the left shoulder is the devil, and behind the right is the guardian angel.” Let go of all thoughts and relax, feel the heaviness in your palms and carefully monitor your own sensations. You will definitely feel that one hand has become heavier: the answer lying on this side of the scale pulls the palm more strongly towards the ground. This will be the answer to your question. The experiment always works, even if your faith in intuition is zero.

Automatic actions as signs.

Now let's talk about actions that are commonly called automatic. We do them without the participation of the mind. You can automatically speak, write, leaf through a book, finger objects in your hands, etc. All of these are also signs of the inner voice. Everyone in childhood has probably read the fairy tale “Go there, I don’t know where, bring that, I don’t know what.” This was a task just for an intuitive: without listening to the voice of reason, let your feet choose the path themselves. The body, which receives commands directly from the brain, bypassing the censorship of consciousness, knows where to go. You can do the following exercise. Formulate a goal for yourself; it does not have to be localized on the map of your locality. This could be a question from any area (it would be desirable, of course, to be able to check whether the answer given by intuition is correct). And then hit the road, without choosing a particular road, but carefully looking around and noticing everything that your eye or ear catches on. Give yourself a certain amount of time to complete the task, for example 30 minutes. And after exactly half an hour, stop and look where your feet have taken you. By the way, it is better to go on such a walk on a fine, clear day and with a friend who will distract you with light conversation from consciously choosing a route. When you return from a walk, write down everything you remember: impressions, emotions, changes in the topic of conversation, changes in weather and, of course, your final destination. Analyze this data and relate it to the question posed before the walk. Believe me, the results obtained during this unscientific experiment can be very interesting.

Automatic speech or automatic writing are widely used in the practice of clairvoyance. There is a special category of people - mediums who easily refuse the primacy of the mind in the body. A place is freed up, which, as we know, is never empty; he is immediately occupied by, say, intuition, which begins to speak through the mouth of the medium. By the way, who or what exactly takes the place of the mind in the body of the medium, I think they themselves argued. For those who perceive the other world as something real, such a question does not arise. Therefore, we will not insist on our point of view, putting it forward as a hypothesis.

Disadvantages of the inner voice.

If you think that, relying solely on your own intuition, you can happily avoid any dangers and traps, then you are mistaken. Especially, you should not rely only on signs from your inner voice in business. As already mentioned, past experiences and memories are one of the sources of intuitive knowledge. And the experience, as you understand, can be not only positive. He remains in our memory once and for all, constantly whispering fears and concerns, mostly groundless. For example, the famous American psychologist and writer D. Myers, author of the book “Intuition,” says the following. After the tragic events of September 11, 2001 in New York, when the famous twin towers were destroyed, most Americans prefer ground transport to air transport. Their negative experience (even if not their own), reinforced by numerous broadcasts from the scene, publications in newspapers and magazines, and eyewitness accounts, warns them about the dangers of airplanes, although statistics report different data: air transport is much safer than a regular car or bus. Or another example. As a student, you wore a yellow shirt to take an important exam, which you ultimately failed. This happened because you were ill-prepared for it. What will consciousness do? It will associate a yellow shirt with failure and in the future, when you choose clothes of this color in your wardrobe, the brain will say: “Don't! Be careful! Failure is guaranteed! This is how signs and superstitions are born. Although here the behavioral line developed as a result of negative practical experience is clearly erroneous: the color yellow is in no way to blame for your failures. Psychologists call this phenomenon, which so often influences our inner voice, the “illusion of correlation,” that is, it is common for a person to see or invent cause-and-effect relationships where they do not exist.

If you are seriously involved in business and are going to invest heavily in some new business, you should not completely trust your intuition. The already mentioned D. Myers said in one of his interviews: “...economic intuition is a very dangerous thing. Relying only on it, you can lose big.” Moreover, as you understand, she does not always act as a voice from above, speaking exclusively the truth. This feature of the human being was noticed by an American philosopher of the 19th century. G. D. Thoreau: “We hear and accept only what we already half know.” Therefore, if there is too little experience in this particular area, it is better to gain some!

Let's try to draw a conclusion that suggests itself by conducting an experiment. We offer you 2 situations:

1) a person is in mortal danger of which he is unaware;

2) a person (let’s assume he plays on the stock exchange quite often, but is not a professional broker) is faced with a choice: buy more shares of a particular company or start selling them?

Now answer the question: in which situation are you more likely to receive a real prompt to action from your inner voice?

That's right, in the first one. Our distant ancestors evolved mental strategies that helped them find food and survive. Their brain constantly analyzed the surrounding reality in order to make the right decision and avoid danger. The mind has never evolved to intuitively predict fluctuations in the stock market, the optimal social security policy, or the relative safety of driving compared to flying an airplane. Therefore, jumping to conclusions may work better in situations that our species has faced during evolution than in those that it faces today. Often, based on certain behavioral stereotypes, people make far from the wisest business decisions.

Another unpleasant feature of intuition is its unpredictability and obvious dependence on human emotions. The famous psychologist E. Berne wrote about this in 1971: “Unfortunately, at present, intuition can only be revealed at such times and in such circumstances that seem suitable to its bearer. Either he’s “on the ball” or he’s not, and so far no one has discovered a way to control intuition, which would make it possible to call it up arbitrarily...” D. Kahneman worked on the problem of the emotional bias of the inner voice, who proved that “different ways of describing a problem that needs to be solved give different results. Even though from a rational point of view the answer should be the same.” This phenomenon was called the "staged effect", which was confirmed in an experiment referred to as the "Case of Asian Disease". Its participants were asked to choose one of two existing ways to combat a certain terrible disease that came to the United States from Asian countries. If you don’t fight it at all, 600 people will die; method A will help save 200 sick people, and method B will either save everyone (about a 30% outcome) or none (the probability of such an outcome is approximately 70%). With this formulation of the hypothetical situation, the participants in the experiment cast their votes for method A.

Another group of participants was given the same choice, but worded differently: if method A was used, 400 people would die; Method B allows you to save with a probability of 30% of all sick people, or (with the remaining probability) everyone will die. Although with a rational approach the choice should be the same, in the second case the participants in the experiment voted for method B, since it indicated not the number of deaths, but the number of saved ones, that is, emotions came into play.

However, there are situations in which you should not rely on emotions and feelings, so it is better to ignore the inner voice in favor of rational logic.

An intuitive solution can sometimes indicate problems that have not been relevant to you for a long time. The inner voice doesn't care what matters to you today. Moreover, one of the requirements of intuition is the ability to temporarily forget about the task at hand. The mind is busy with other things, and meanwhile the subconscious is looking for a solution. When analyzing the prompts of your inner voice, it is worth considering this point: perhaps they do not relate to the current moment, not to the problems that your brain is currently occupied with, but to some questions asked to your intuition a long time ago?..

Finally, when listening to the advice of your inner voice, you should always remember: intuition, like any other sign of fate, does not predict the guaranteed occurrence of a particular event. Any sign, be it a folk sign from the field of superstition, an individual number in numerology, a zodiac sign and date of birth, speak of potential events that everyone has the power to change. An inner voice often signals the creation of a turning point, after which, if the situation is not taken under control, everything can go from bad to worse. Therefore, sudden negative emotions or a voice ominously muttering somewhere inside you are not signs of a problem, but an approaching one. And instead of cursing your fate, it’s better to analyze the clue and try to fix everything before it’s too late.

And finally, here is an excerpt from the book “Intuition” by D. Myers, who, discussing the pros and cons of intuitive knowledge of the world, cites the 12 most common misconceptions of our inner voice, peculiar thinking stereotypes.

1. Constructing memories – Our moods and misinformation can cause us to form false memories and give questionable testimony.

2. Misinterpretation of our own mind - often we do not know why we act the way we do.

3. Misinterpretation of our feelings - we are bad at predicting the intensity and duration of our own emotions.

4. False predictions of our behavior - our intuitive predictions about ourselves often turn out to be completely groundless.

5. Distortions of looking back - when remembering certain events, we proceed from the false premise that we always knew that “this is exactly how it will all end.”

6. Defensive self-esteem distortions - we demonstrate inflated self-esteem in various ways.

7. Excessive self-confidence - intuitive assessments of one’s knowledge are usually distinguished not so much by correctness as by confidence.

8. Fundamental attribution error - we attribute the behavior of others to their inclinations, downplaying the importance of unnoticed circumstances of a particular situation.

9. Belief persistence and confirmation bias - partly due to the fact that we prefer to confirm information, while beliefs often persist even after their reasons are discredited.

10. Representativeness and accessibility - fast and economical heuristics become hasty if they lead us to illogical and incorrect judgments.

11. Framing effect - conclusions change to the exact opposite depending on how the same piece of information is presented.

12. The illusion of correlation is an intuitive perception of a connection where it is absent.

The Great Ones on Signs and Symbols

“When a drop of rain knocks on the window, this is My Sign!

When a bird trembles, this is My Sign!

When the leaves rush in a whirlwind, this is My Sign!

When the ice melts the sun - this is My Sign!

When the waves wash away spiritual sorrow - this is My Sign!

When the wing of insight touches a troubled soul - this is My Sign!

Count the steps when you go to the Temple,

for every seventh step bears My Sign!

When you show a new understanding of My Sign,

you will see the sparkling lightning of the Worlds.

I opened the door for you, but you can only enter yourself.”

E. I. Roerich

“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words or laws.”


I wish you good luck on your journey in life!!!

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