How to understand by gestures that a person is being suppressed. How to recognize a lie: counting a liar

In the modern world, the language of gestures and facial expressions is no less important than verbal communication, which is why such great importance is attached to their interpretation. The use of various gestures and facial expressions when communicating is called “non-verbal communication” - these are distinct body movements, gestures used by a person, also with the help of various objects. Psychologists believe that people convey only seven percent of information through speech, and 59% through body language. From this it turns out that HOW a person speaks is much more important than WHAT he says.

Often a person does not focus attention on his facial expression and his own gestures, but they are not just a reflection of our perception of incoming information, but can also influence the interlocutor. For these reasons, body language has become so widespread among politicians and business leaders. By skillfully resorting to it, you can achieve the interest of your partners, effectively present a service, product, project, achieve the signing of profitable contracts, force the audience to closely follow your speech... But also understanding what lies behind a certain gesture can be useful in personal, intimate relationships . A complex of clear visible signs (posture, direction of gaze, presence of objects in hands, facial expression) will make it possible to guess what the other person is really feeling and tell about their intentions. It is worth understanding the meanings and remembering the main signals that the body gives, and using them correctly for more effective interaction and communication with people.

Instead of a thousand words

Often, when communicating with people, we ourselves and our interlocutors give many subtle and very significant signals. These gestures are perceived unconsciously by our counterparts and contain a lot of useful information. It will be possible to interpret this information after becoming familiar with sign language.

If you decide to study body language, learn to “read” a person by analyzing the gestures and facial expressions of your interlocutors, you should remember that the same gesture can be interpreted in different ways. The interpretation is influenced by the general background and essence of the conversation. We should also not forget that the same gestures have different interpretations among residents of different countries.

Understanding nonverbal communications during communication will allow you to “read” your opponent, understand how the interlocutor perceived what he heard, and know his opinion even before it is voiced. Having knowledge in this area of ​​the human subconscious, you will be able to adjust your behavior in time to achieve the desired outcome when communicating with other people.

Common facial expressions and gestures

Key communicative gestures, like human facial expressions, do not vary too much in different countries. Someone who is happy and content smiles, someone who is sad frowns, a person in a fit of rage and anger also has his own distinctive facial expressions. A very clear example of a generally significant, universally accepted gesture is the shrug. It is understandable to all peoples and means misunderstanding.

Nonverbal signs perfectly reflect what place a given person occupies in society, the degree of his upbringing and type of activity. Given the above, it is extremely important to know and use body language so that you can always present yourself in a favorable light.

Many people don't know where to place their hands when talking. The first thing to do is learn to keep your hands calm(do not tap your fingers, do not fiddle with objects in your hands, do not scratch the bridge of your nose or the back of your head, etc.). In any communication, it is highly advisable to keep gestures to a minimum. It is permissible to use only the simplest and most universal movements that accompany phrases used when making acquaintances or in social communication.

Facial expressions. Reading from the face

Even if a person manages to lie using words, none of us is able to completely control body language.

Facial expressions are a mirror of a person’s feelings and partly thoughts. By the expression on a person's face you can understand everything that is going on in his soul. Understanding facial expressions will help you achieve mutual understanding when communicating with each other.

So, wide open eyes, raised eyebrows and downturned corners of the mouth are a sign that a person is experiencing surprise; a frowning forehead, furrowed eyebrows, narrowed eyes and tightly closed lips are a clear sign that the opponent is angry. Sadness and melancholy are indicated by “faded” eyes, eyebrows brought together, drooping corners of the mouth, and a serene expression of the eyes and a barely noticeable smile at the edge of the lips are clear evidence that the person is currently satisfied and happy.

No wonder they say: eyes are the mirror of our soul. And indeed, it is they who are endowed with the greatest expressiveness on their faces. A glance can convey the whole variety of semantic information: irony, fear, joy, happiness, surprise, confusion - the whole spectrum of human emotions.

Of course, the science of sign language is too multifaceted and voluminous to fit into one article, so we will consider and interpret only the most common nonverbal signals that we encounter in everyday communication.

Protective Gestures

With obvious antipathy and acute distrust of the interlocutor, a feeling of discomfort or danger, any of us at the subconscious level will strive to protect ourselves, to “close ourselves” from the negative factor. Be sure to pay attention if your counterpart moves away or puts up a “barrier” designed to separate you in the form of his bag or a stack of papers, sits cross-legged or has his arms crossed on his chest. Apparently, a pleasant and constructive dialogue between you will not work - your interlocutor experiences a feeling of discomfort and is unconsciously determined to repel the attack. Also, clenched fists are another non-verbal sign with a pronounced negative connotation.

Gestures that show respect

There really aren’t that many “respectful” gestures that show your interlocutor’s respectful attitude toward you. The most characteristic of these gestures is the handshake. A respectful handshake requires that the interlocutors shake hands at the same time. The hand is extended, and the handshake itself is usually long. If a man shakes his hand to a woman when exiting a vehicle, this is also a gesture of respect. Another common gesture is a bow of the head in greeting.

Gestures of location and openness

In contrast to defensive ones, there are gestures that show the openness of the interlocutor, his certain trust in what he saw or heard. You can understand that a person is open and disposed towards you by a free, slightly relaxed posture. If the interlocutor unbuttons the top buttons of his clothes, leans forward slightly towards the interlocutor, shows open palms when gesturing, straightens his legs or joins his fingers into a “dome” - all this indicates the interlocutor’s sincerity. If you notice these signals, you can be sure that it is easy and pleasant for the interlocutor to conduct a dialogue with you, and you can get the desired result from the meeting and conversation with him.

Gestures of boredom

The gestures described below make it possible to understand that the interlocutor is not interested and is bored, which means it is necessary to change the topic of conversation or end the conversation altogether. To understand that your interlocutor has become bored and there is a need to change the topic of conversation or end the conversation, it is enough to know a few rules of sign language. The fact that your counterpart is bored is evidenced by constantly glancing at the watch or phone, examining the situation, absent-minded gaze, yawning, small movements of the hands (tapping, fiddling with objects), stamping the foot, and the like.

Gestures that demonstrate concern and interest

Being in the company of an interesting, pleasant interlocutor, a person will give special signs signaling sympathy. Women, when communicating with a pleasant man, straighten their hair or clothes, “play” with their curls, sway their hips, stroke their shoulders or knees. They are distinguished by a soulful and long gaze directed at the man, and a “sparkle” appears in their eyes. Read the full list of female sexual signals.

Men, when communicating with a woman they like, usually pull themselves up, straighten their backs, straighten their shoulders, and straighten their clothes and hairstyle.

Gestures of doubt

The ability to read non-verbal signs from this category will be useful to provide arguments and additional arguments that the interlocutor needs to make the decision you are counting on. Psychologists say that a person who is not confident in his interlocutor or in making any decision rubs the tip of his nose, scratches his eyes, rubs his neck, interlocks his fingers, and in general his fingers “behave restlessly”: they tap, twirl something , teasing...

Gestures of submission and superiority

A raised chin, straightened shoulders, hands clasped behind the back, when shaking hands, the opponent’s palm is placed on top (giving you a hand with the palm down), hands tucked into the front pockets of clothing, and thumbs on the outside - all these are clear signs that your counterpart feels internal dominance. A clear sign of superiority and even aggression - the opponent sits “astride” the chair. When you see that a person is trying to appear lower than he really is (slouches, sits down, if you remain standing, tilts his head), the soles of his legs look inward, you must understand that he recognizes the superiority of his interlocutor. If your counterpart blinks frequently, this indicates his confusion and inner desire to defend himself.

Facial expression (facial expressions)

The fact that a person is in a positive mood is eloquently indicated by such factors as a calm expression in the eyes, a barely noticeable smile at one corner of the lips, and frowning eyebrows, detachment in the gaze and the corners of the mouth downturned - a clear sign that the person is sad and in a bad mood . A sign of interest is slightly raised eyebrows and wider open eyes than usual, and if at the same time the interlocutor has a slightly open mouth, this is a sure sign of surprise. If the interlocutor shows tightly pursed lips, furrowed brows and flared nostrils, he is likely to be angry or indignant. If during a conversation the interlocutor’s face takes on an elongated shape and at the same time raised eyebrows, this indicates clear disrespect and even contempt.

Every girl is interested in the question of how to use “reading” gestures and interpreting facial expressions to understand that a man likes you, and maybe even he is in love? To answer this question, it is enough to remember simple signs that will immediately give away a lover in love, including at the stage of the emergence of tender feelings.

So, sure signs that a man is interested are:

Knowing sign language is very interesting.

One smart man said that words mean nothing. Observe and you will see the truth.

Everyone would like to know what is on the mind of the other person. No wonder Alice’s melaphone from the future became the reason for such a confrontation. As often happens, you look at a person and cannot understand whether he is lying or telling the truth, sincere or deceiving.

Maybe he is worried or afraid, and perhaps even gives signals asking for help. Science has been studying various gestures and facial expressions for centuries.

It turned out that, armed with some knowledge, you can learn to understand your interlocutor much better. Verbal gestures can “open” a person’s inner state, like a book.

You just need to be able to read...

The art of reading a person by gestures: postures, behavior and various gestures

Hand language– fascinating and multifaceted.

  • A passive person of weak will is revealed by his arms sluggishly hanging down along the body. Such a person is not ready for active action and does not want change.
  • A defensive reaction from someone or something would be to cross one's arms across one's chest, or for a timid or stranded person to put one's hands behind one's back.
  • Hands hidden in pockets will indicate hidden difficulties and problems, and the desire for self-affirmation will be expressed by hands clenched into fists.
  • If during a conversation the interlocutor covers his face with his hands, this indicates a desire to hide the truth or hide his inner state.

“Finger” feelings are expressed no less violently:

  • A straight finger touching the edge of the lips will reveal an insecure person who is looking for help and support.
  • A naive and absent-minded person will put a slightly bent finger in his mouth, as will someone who cannot understand anything in the current situation and does not know what to do next.
  • Pulling your earlobe or touching your eyes is a signal of a desire to run away and leave your interlocutor. Such signals indicate an awkward and uncomfortable situation.

Gestures are words and everyone can hear them.

  • Gestures and postures of a person that speak of openness are hands outstretched towards the interlocutor with palms up, as if revealing the soul. The gesture encourages communication, dialogue and speaks of a positive attitude and cordiality. Business people, having come to a common denominator as part of a meeting, unbutton their jackets or sit on the edge of the chair closer to the table and interlocutor, which also belongs to this group of gestures.
  • Guilty children always hide their hands as if they were dirty, and when they want to show off, they spread their hands and show them to adults.

A person’s postures and gestures speak of protection or defense when the opponent begins to sense danger emanating from the interlocutor, or a conflict situation is brewing.

  • The interlocutor’s hands crossed on his chest are a sign to stop, take a deep breath and reconsider and rethink what is happening. Because there will be no result in this direction and it is necessary to change tactics, or return to the conversation later.
  • Gestures of assessment and reflection - pinching and rubbing the bridge of the nose or the thoughtful pose of a “thinker” when a person rests his cheek with his hand, as well as a slight tilt of the head. Such signs are the result of interest and serious consideration.
  • A distracting maneuver - wiping your glasses, fiddling with them in your hands - a time-out to analyze what you heard or what is happening.

Gestures expressing doubt or uncertainty will indicate that the interlocutor is not convinced and doubts the information received. Perhaps he does not have enough facts and needs additional convincing. At the same time, he rubs the area under the earlobe or the tip of the nose with his index finger.

  • When a person is bored, he makes various and involuntary gestures that distract your attention - he taps his foot on the floor or his fingers on the table, clicks an automatic pen, draws something on paper. All these “little things” indicate that the interlocutor is not being listened to.
  • Gestures and behavior that betray excessive suspicion and even secrecy are sideways glances to the side.
  • Also think about non-disclosure of the information received if the person sitting opposite covers his mouth with his hand during a conversation.
  • A slight cough is a sign of nervousness.
  • Elbows placed on the table in the form of a pyramid - be careful, the interlocutor is playing with you, and he has not yet said his word.

In a greeting handshake, you can consider whether the person feels like he is the master of the situation or is ready to submit. If, when shaking hands, the interlocutor turns it so that his palm is on top - he is confident in his superiority. On the contrary, he holds out his hand with his palm up – he is open and willing to accept someone else’s opinion.

If the interlocutor wearing glasses suddenly took them off and put them aside, leaned back in his chair, closed his eyelids - the conversation is over, and there is no point in continuing it. But if he closes his eyes during a conversation, it means he is lying or making things up.


Mindfulness can protect you from unnecessary mistakes and help you get out of difficult situations with dignity.

B.Yu. Higir. Business meeting. Chapters from the book.

How to recognize secret thoughts by gestures. Lie or truth. Hiring pp. 293-307.

One can be an excellent theoretician, an excellent solver of technical problems, and yet be considered a limited person with whom it is difficult to deal only because he lacks the qualities that form the core of social intelligence. This deficiency manifests itself especially painfully if a person, due to the nature of his professional activity, has to constantly enter into various contacts. And it is completely contraindicated for people who lack social intelligence to perform leadership functions. It is difficult to talk about the competence of a leader who does not know how to communicate with people, even if he has excellent professional skills. Psychological research proves that managers who successfully cope with their responsibilities do not necessarily have to surpass the most prepared subordinates in professional qualities. But in one thing they must be unconditional leaders - the ability to understand the needs and individual characteristics of subordinates, to choose the most effective forms of communication in business and interpersonal situations.


Each of us had to study languages. We studied our native language, a foreign one, many are studying programming languages, etc. But there is another international, publicly accessible and understandable language, about which until recently little was known - this is the language of gestures, facial expressions and human body movements. We know from our own experience: the human body expresses who, what and what he is. We explode with laughter or cry with deep grief, laugh with quiet joy, jump with pleasure or blush with shame. All this happens completely involuntarily, whether we want it or not - our feelings set our body in motion. Posture, gait, gestures and facial expressions, way of speaking - all this reflects the mental makeup of each person.

Let's take gait as an example: haven't you ever been on the street at a distance of several hundred meters, so far away that you can't see faces, in a close stream of people, you suddenly recognized someone? So characteristic is the pattern of human movements that, with a subtle understanding, four billion gait variations can be established among four billion people. And our feelings are so incredibly alive and our instincts are so precise that we can grasp these differences. Thus, involuntary body movements are the basis for understanding the meaning of facial expressions, gestures and other bodily forms of expression.

Is it possible to learn body language, master it and use it competently? We believe that this is not only possible, but also vital. Psychologists have found that the transfer of information occurs through verbal means (words only) by 7%, through sound means (tone of voice, intonation) by 38%, and through body language by 55%. Therefore, having mastered the art of understanding body language, you will be able to read all the information directly from your interlocutor. For example, let's take the following case: you are talking with a person who wants to buy your car, which is in good condition, from you. After he has examined it thoroughly, he asks about the price. You answer: “I consulted with experts, and they valued it at such and such an amount.” As soon as this number left your lips, you notice how your partner turned his face, which had previously been completely turned towards you, slightly to the side, with his eyes, however, continuing to look at you (look “from the side, sideways”).

Or his head leaned forward (“look from below, from under his brows”).

Or his head is tilted back, his gaze is directed at you from a slightly elevated position (“look from above”).

What does this mean? If you notice these perhaps very small changes in your partner's behavior, then in each case you have valuable evidence that something is going on inside the person. And you can react to it immediately. For example, you can intercept a budding doubt or desire to enter into a collision, starting a quarrel before it develops to its fullest extent.

Lie or truth

The problem with lying is that our subconscious works automatically and independently of a person’s desires and thereby betrays him completely. During deception, a burst of nervous energy is released, which manifests itself in gestures that contradict what the person said. For example, if a 5-year-old child tells a lie to his parents, then immediately after that he will cover his mouth with one or even both hands. This gesture will tell parents that the child has lied. But throughout his life, a person uses this gesture, only changing the speed of its execution. If a teenager is telling a lie, then his fingers will only lightly trace the line of his lips. In adulthood, this gesture becomes more and more refined. When an adult lies, his brain sends him an impulse to cover his mouth, but at the last moment the hand moves away from the mouth and gives birth to another gesture - touching the nose. Evidence of a lie is also the curvature of the facial muscles, dilation or constriction of the pupils, perspiration on the forehead, blush on the cheeks, rapid blinking and breathing. These microgestures appear only for a split second and are often noted by us subconsciously, giving rise to distrust of the interlocutor. In a study of people's gestures that accompany their lies, it was observed that they caused an itching sensation in the delicate tissues of the face and neck, and scratching was required to soothe the sensations. This is why some people pull back their collar when they lie and suspect that their deception has been discovered. When you notice this gesture, you can ask again: “Could you repeat that?” This may cause the deceiver to give up his cunning game.

However, if a person is able to control the expression of his face, then the behavior of the body, the dynamics of the arms and legs, is much more difficult to record. According to Russian psychologist M. Krol, the legs don’t lie. In addition, they are often hidden by natural barriers - a table, podium, tablecloth. But if you have the opportunity to observe the position of the interlocutor’s legs and you feel a discrepancy in the behavior of the upper and lower parts of the person’s body, then you have every reason to be suspicious.

For example, up to the waist, the interlocutor’s body is pleasantly relaxed, his face is at ease, his gestures are polished and innocent - and his legs swing from heel to toe and back, wrapped around the leg of the chair, ankles digging into each other, the toe of the shoe rhythmically knocking on the floor.

I would like to note that it is much easier to determine a lie if the information is significant and emotionally charged for the speaker. And on the contrary, the most trained person does not recognize a dishonest answer to a question that is neither important nor interesting for a person.

How to Woo Your Partner

In order to gain the trust of your interlocutor, you must first of all convince him of your own sincerity, honesty, devotion and gullibility. Among the many gestures that express this, let us name “open hands.” They are often accompanied by raised shoulders. If a dog shows humility and submission to the winner by exposing its neck, then a person does this with the help of his palms. Thus, you seem to say: “I will be completely frank with you.”

Another characteristic sign is unbuttoned clothing (jacket, jacket, coat...) A person who trusts you will unbutton or even take off his outer clothing in your presence. We can observe the same thing in animals: if during a fight one of the animals lies on his back, exposing his stomach to the enemy, he will never touch him. Dr. Leon Smith, a specialist in comparative psychology, studying the behavior of young wolves, decided to test this rule in his own skin. One day, when the beast approached him threateningly, he lay down and exposed his stomach. “The wolf touched my belly in typical canine affection. I wasn’t bitten, but I was scared almost to death,” he said. In a word, unbuckle yourself - and you will achieve your goal faster.

The next technique is “mirroring”. While at an official reception, evening or party, we can observe people sitting in the same poses and repeating each other’s gestures. They seem to say: “I think exactly the same as you, so I copy your posture and your gestures.” Mirroring is of great importance because it is one of the ways to tacitly show the other person that you agree with him and that you like him. Using this technique, you can influence the outcome of your face-to-face conversation with another person. Copying his gestures and posture will help you win this person over because he sees that you understand and share his point of view. However, it is worth noting that before “mirroring” the gestures of another person in the process of negotiations of various kinds, it is necessary to take into account the nature of your relationship with him. If this is a person of higher status than you (boss at work, teacher, etc.), and during the conversation he emphasizes his superiority with his posture, then copying his posture can become a challenge, which will immediately affect your position. In this situation, gestures of open arms and unbuttoned clothes would be more appropriate for you.

Gestures of preening and courtship

Studies conducted by zoologists to study courtship processes among animals have revealed that males and females use a number of complex movements and gestures. These movements are unconscious and proceed in a certain and predetermined manner. The human courtship ritual is not much different from the ritual of animals. A person's success in sexual relationships with members of the opposite sex depends on his ability to send courtship signals and recognize those sent to him. Women are very sensitive to these body language gestures. Men are less susceptible, sometimes remaining completely “blind”, not noticing anything. When a person enters the company of the opposite sex, certain psychological changes occur in him. This person's muscle tone increases (he seems to be preparing for a possible sexual encounter), the bags under his eyes and on his face disappear, his chest arches forward, his stomach retracts, and he appears younger.

Eyes play a huge role in courtship, being the main “litmus test”. Communication with a sexually attractive partner causes the pupils to involuntarily dilate. Studies have shown that showing men pornographic films depicting men and women in sexual positions causes their pupils to enlarge by about three times. At the same time, women's pupils increase even more. Several centuries ago, prostitutes specifically dropped belladonna into their eyes to make their pupils dilate and look more desirable and attractive.

Another sign of courtship is the so-called intimate gaze.

During a conversation, this gaze outlines a triangle through the eye line, drops below the chin to other parts of the interlocutor’s body and returns to the eyes. In close communication, this gaze drops from the eyes to the chest, while distant from the eyes to the genital area. The duration of the gaze in this case is much longer than with simple emotional contact.

The gestures that men use when courting are approximately the following: when he sees a charming woman, his hands will reach to his neck to straighten his tie.

If he is not wearing a tie, he can adjust his collar, shirt, cufflinks or other item of clothing. The most active preening gesture is to place your fingers behind the belt to emphasize the genital area.

A man can turn his body towards the lady and place his foot with his toe in her direction.

He may also place his hands on his hips to demonstrate his physical strength and sex appeal. The outerwear and jacket are usually unbuttoned. This almost completely exhausts the entire arsenal of male tricks, and, as A. Pease writes, in courtship “men succeed just as much as a fisherman succeeds, standing knee-deep in water and trying to catch a fish by hitting it on the head with a stick.”

Women have much more bait, and they have such skills in “catching fish” that men never dreamed of. They use the following characteristic movements:

A sudden movement of the head to brush hair away from the face or shoulders and demonstrate the beauty of falling hair;

    periodic demonstration of soft and smooth skin of the wrists. This area is considered one of the most erogenous zones. Showing wrists and shaking hair is often copied by homosexuals who play the role of a woman;

    the hips sway more than usual to demonstrate the delights of the pelvis;

    With their eyelids slightly lowered, women secretly look at the man until he notices her gaze, and then quickly looks away. It gives a mesmerizing feeling of voyeurism and can “ignite” any man;

    stroking cylindrical objects such as cigarettes, wine glass stems, etc. is an unconscious hint of what may be on the mind;

    playing with a thrown off shoe, as well as periodically diving a foot into a shoe and taking it out of it is so sexy that it can drive many men crazy;

    slowly crossing one's legs in front of the man's eyes and returning to the previous position; gentle stroking of the thighs with hands, indicating anticipation of the touch of male hands. Often the woman speaks in a low chest voice.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in this article we only came into contact with the most extensive material describing body language. But even having mastered so little, in order to be on the right path, you must follow the following rules:

Never make a hasty decision based on just one trait. Be confident that you are right only when several body signals point in the same direction;

    avoid fantasizing and embellishing what you find;

    be very careful towards others.

“We must be careful with the secret of personality: do not rush, forgetting respect, into the holy of holies of a person.”


When top managers from recruiting agencies were asked what the most difficult part of their job was, 9 out of 10 answered: the first conversation with people when hiring. Therefore, a HR employee should pay serious attention to preparing and planning conversations with applicants, since the success of personnel selection largely depends on the correctness of the first conversation. And it is important that they are professional practical psychologists. But in fact, they do not know the subtleties and their professionalism is lacking. This is the problem with many large recruitment agencies.

    The following should be taken into account:

    ensuring confidentiality. This is a very important condition for a person to be able to speak freely and frankly, especially in cases where the reason for leaving a previous job is discussed;

    exclusion of all factors that distract from the conversation (phone calls, the appearance of outside employees, visitors, etc.);

The manager, when preparing for the meeting, should think about how to establish mutual trust during the interview. Many people must prepare for any meeting, quickly study their interlocutor based on external data and physiognomy. It is not always possible to rely on your life experience. This is not enough to understand the interlocutor, so you need to study his dossier, which he compiled and sent by fax. Special tact must be shown in cases where there are several candidates for one vacant position, as this exacerbates the feeling of dissatisfaction in oneself. You should also consider the possibility that your first impression may be wrong. You cannot judge the merits and demerits of people based on appearance alone. It is necessary to analyze all its advantages, as well as disadvantages. External data is physiognomy, which gives a very correct answer, but few people know physiognomy, so many rely on intuition.

Of no small importance is not only the information received about the candidate and who it is from (a good or bad employee). In both cases, the manager is influenced by someone else's opinion (the "halo effect"), instead of assessing the person's strengths and identifying his shortcomings based on his own views and principles. When assessing the business and personal qualities of an applicant for a vacant position, it is necessary to take into account the culture of his speech and gestures, facial expression, reaction speed, etc. In this case, the environment and the emotional state of the interlocutor should be taken into account.

Of particular interest for determining professional training is the method of tests, which can give the wrong answer, because the test is also created by a person; it is human nature to make mistakes. And a psychologist who graduated from a university makes mistakes about a person, about his behavior and psychological behavior, and then about his other behavioral state. It is possible to study a person in a short conversation, but not with a test. The test often confuses intuition. Many also take foreign tests and apply them, but the behavior of people abroad is completely different from that of our Russians, and that’s the whole answer - a zero result. The Higir system immediately gives from 70 to 80% accuracy, but it is not yet in demand because managers in personnel selection do not know it.

The essence of the tests is that candidates give answers to a series of Questions, the processing of which helps to assess their psychological abilities (activity, balance, sociability, impulsiveness, originality of thinking, self-confidence, etc.) and qualifications. From a wide variety of professional and psychological tests, those that are most suitable from the point of view of the goal are selected: selection of managers of various ranks, specialists, technical performers or workers.

One of the methods, which in certain cases successfully complements other methods of assessing professional suitability, is a practical test of the candidate, when he must work for a certain amount of time in various departments of the enterprise before being hired for a position.

One example

I will give just one example of the characteristics of people born in February.


Despite the passion for research, Pisces are restrained and cautious in their actions, sometimes even

They seem to be slowing things down. Therefore, they are often misjudged, considering as slowness what is actually thoroughness and thoroughness. This is important in professions such as a teacher or archaeologist, as well as in the work of an electrician, carpenter, and fitter. Ideal professions for Pisces women are: nurse, health visitor, social security worker, doctor.

The character of men who are born under the sign of Pisces largely depends on their name and patronymic. They sometimes find it difficult in life, especially in choosing a profession. But if they have chosen a profession, they show great hard work, stubbornness, and perseverance.

If they work as managers in large companies, they try to carefully select personnel. They are strict. If a subordinate has done something wrong, the boss may immediately shout, but after a moment he calms down and begins to calmly find out what’s wrong. Pisces are very emotional, explosive, but not vindictive. Their psychological characteristics are such, and they cannot be different. February itself is complex in terms of climatic conditions, as is the character of the sign. This needs to be taken into account.

Verification methods

A method for solving specific specialized problems by a candidate for a given position should be very useful. If the problems are well prepared, their solution can provide valuable information about the special, organizational and business qualities of the person being tested.

At the same time, you should not be afraid to delegate your authority on important issues to conscientious subordinates. All employees and colleagues and higher authorities should know about this. The manager must have a deputy and not be afraid to delegate tasks when he goes on a business trip. But if there is no reliable deputy, you can not be afraid to entrust an experienced personnel employee who will carry out your orders while you are on a business trip or on vacation. Such a leader will be proud and respected, and employees will always meet him halfway.

Then your subordinate will be proud of the trust placed in him; will certainly show energy and initiative so as not to let you down, and will use the opportunity to show off his abilities. As a result of this, both the manager and the subordinate win the case.

To cultivate a high performing culture of both an individual employee and to achieve precise clockwork in the functioning of the entire management apparatus, the cultural level of the manager and his style of activity are important, which should be characterized by the unity of theory and practice: efficiency, sensitive, attentive attitude towards people, modesty, high demands, reliance on the masses, organization, a combination of individual and collegial leadership, careful selection of personnel. This requires a highly professional psychologist, but, unfortunately, today there are no such people, and therefore there are difficulties in this. It is necessary to create special courses in practical psychology, for this we need specially trained people. Today this direction is beginning to develop, so HR departments should have practical psychologists.

When selecting personnel, the manager must take into account the advantages and disadvantages of both “his own” and future employees in such a way that the weaknesses of some are compensated by the advantages of others, and the advantages of both are mutually enhanced.

The task of a manager is not to brush aside capable, smart and talented people, fearing competition for his leadership position, but to involve them in every possible way in leadership activities and skillfully use their strengths, neutralize their weaknesses, learn to listen to the advice and objections of such workers, and be able to appreciate them.

The most important requirement for a leader is the ability to select assistants. Which method to choose? So far we only know how to select based on our intuition, or the manager himself takes an acquaintance and then soon refuses, and he is immediately offered another candidate. And this can go on endlessly: we know how to speak, philosophize, but we cannot give a specific description, so our branch of applied psychology is slowly developing. Today, not every company carries out the right selection, the most serious companies are leaders in the selection of personnel “Hobby” and “Sammaster”, others are just trying to do something right, and this is good.

When selecting personnel and determining professional suitability, a horoscope is of undoubted interest, which will tell about the candidate’s innate predisposition to a certain type of professional activity. Studying different horoscopes of people, their behavior and what astrologers write, I became convinced that much did not coincide, and decided to offer my vision in personnel selection for recruitment agencies, characterizing people who were born at different times of the year, regarding their professions and hard work. For example, many astrologers say that you can accept a job applicant if he is a Virgo - the boss, but, from my point of view, Virgo should and can only work in secondary roles. Virgos are good performers. It will be difficult for them first; they do not always have the strength to act sharply. I suggest you think seriously about this issue, very responsibly.

We need professional psychologists in our recruitment agencies, but, unfortunately, there are almost none, which is a shame.


Case Study

From top managers according to psychological data, the most talented are Igor Pavlovich, Andrey Vladimirovich, Dmitry Eduardovich, they have the greatest success in their work. Much depends, of course, on the month of their birth.

CFOs, the most promising are Dmitry Andreevich, Andrey Sergeevich and Alexander Vladimirovich. They are the most capable, which largely depends on the month of their birth.

Sales managers, Sergey Antonovich, Igor Leonidovich, Vladimir Vasilyevich, Alexander Petrovich, Andrey Konstantinovich are very talented in their work and acumen. They find it easy to work; this largely depends on the month of their birth.

Chief accountants the most talented: Natalya Pavlovna, Marina Vladimirovna, Elena Petrovna, Irina Vyacheslavovna, Tatyana Stepanovna, Galina Viktorovna, Svetlana Sergeevna, Olga Olegovna and Alla Vladimirovna, but largely depends on the month of their birth.

Despite the fact that lies are found everywhere in life, there is a list of gestures that help to recognize them. This, in turn, is used to reveal the truth, and to find out the main nuances of the case that the person wanted to hide.

The easiest way to recognize a person who is telling a lie is through video. It clearly shows the facial expressions that are typical of a liar.

  • When telling information that is a lie in advance, a person constantly experiences anxiety. It is easily captured in the sound of a voice, a shifting gaze, a sharp change in movements. When announcing a lie, a person suddenly begins to involuntarily change his intonation. There appears a sharp acceleration in the voice or, conversely, a smooth slowdown and stretching of the conversation.
  • If a person is very worried about the information he is conveying, the interlocutor’s voice will tremble. In this case, changes in combination with other signs affect the timbre and volume of the voice, hoarseness appears, or the person pronounces words at high notes.
  • Another sign by which it is easy to determine that they are lying to you is the appearance of a shifting gaze. This behavior is interpreted as a natural sign of a person’s insincerity. True, if you are interviewing a candidate or catching people in an awkward situation, then a shifting gaze means shyness and even a kind of anxiety. If this happens when discussing a personal issue, the reliability of the information people provide should still be checked and treated with doubt. This behavior is primarily associated with a state of shame, since one becomes embarrassed by the lies being told.
  • Experts in the civil service can easily determine whether a person is lying or not by his smile. When people reproduce false information, a smile may involuntarily appear on their face. There are also cheerful people for whom this behavior is the norm, but for others, an inappropriate smile expresses a lie in relation to the question asked. This is explained by the fact that thanks to a slight smile, a person manages to internally hide his excitement and tell a lie much more believably.

Facial expressions indicating a lie

In addition to external excitement and a shifting gaze, you can determine a lie with the help of signs on the face. If you take a careful look at your interlocutor, pay attention to the micro-tension along the contour of the facial muscles. In this regard, they say about a lying person that “a shadow ran across his face.” This tension on the face lasts literally 1–2 seconds. Experts note that the manifestation of instant tension in the facial muscles is an accurate indicator of insincerity.

Another indicator in the facial expressions of a lie that recognizes a lie is the appearance of an involuntary reaction on the skin and other parts of the interlocutor’s face. This takes into account a change in the color tone of the skin (the interlocutor will blush or turn pale), the pupils dilate, the lips tremble, and both eyes blink frequently. However, the factors determining lies do not end with changes in color and facial expressions. Gestures are of great importance in determining that the interlocutor has told a lie.

What human gestures cannot be trusted

American researchers conducted a large number of experiments, during which they were able to identify those gestures that indicate lying. The main ones are:

  • involuntary touching of the face with a hand;
  • covering your mouth with your hands;
  • constant rubbing or any other touching of the nose;
  • gestures in the eye area (rubbing, touching eyelids);
  • periodically pulling back the collar of a shirt or jacket.

By gestures you will understand at what point in the conversation they will lie to you. In principle, a person can use gestures to show both lies and his insecurity. In this case, an example is a regular interview. When announcing responsibilities, a person is often simply not confident that he will fulfill all the responsibilities assigned to him. However, in other cases, involuntary gestures should be trusted and you should clarify what the person is hiding from you.

One of the main points is the understanding that gestures and facial expressions should be trusted only if their manifestations are systemic. To put it simply, gestures will never be a concrete criterion to determine a lie. For a full assessment, experts record a person on video and compare facial expressions and gestures.

How to encourage facial expressions and gestures when lying

If the interlocutor introduces himself as a calm person and it is impossible to read on his face whether he is trying to lie or not, you need to bring the interlocutor out of balance.

  • First of all, this is easy to do with the help of leading questions. At the same time, questions should be asked in such a way that in the case of an honest person he did not recognize the trick, but in the case of a liar, on the contrary, he got the feeling that he was caught, and you already know all the information.
  • During a conversation, ask your interlocutor for advice for a friend who is in an awkward situation in which the person opposite is suspected. If you have a sincere interlocutor in front of you, then he will give advice as he thinks, and you will not be able to recognize changes in gestures and facial expressions. If the interlocutor decides to deceive, he will begin to joke awkwardly and get nervous.
  • In addition, another technique is to tell the person that you can and masterfully master the tools for recognizing lies from gestures and facial expressions. Then the person will be afraid of being exposed, and will show just the signs of a liar - he will begin to periodically glance to the sides, fidget with his tie or collar, and create obstacles from objects on the table between you.

How to recognize a lie

The following reaction will help you recognize whether your interlocutor actually lied or not:

  • Changes in emotional expression and slower reactions. Speech may begin incoherently and end abruptly.
  • Little time passes between the spoken words and the accompanying emotion. A person who speaks to you in a sincere tone immediately displays an emotional coloring along with the words spoken.
  • If the expression on the interlocutor’s face does not agree with what was just said, he is lying.
  • If, when expressing emotions on a person’s face, only a slight grin appears or only the muscles of the face are involved, it means that he is hiding something from you.
  • When a person tells a lie, it is as if he is physically trying to “shrink.” This is accompanied by an attempt to take up as little space as possible in the chair, with one movement to press your hands towards you and take a position that is not comfortable for sitting.
  • The interlocutor avoids meeting your eyes.
  • Constantly touches or scratches his ears, eyes, or nose.
  • Periodically turns away from you, while tilting both his head and the entire body. This symbolizes an unpleasant flow of conversation for the interlocutor on a given topic.
  • When talking, he unconsciously places objects between himself and you: a napkin, a vase, wine glasses, a chair. Thus, a person creates a kind of “protective barrier” around himself.
  • When answering the specified question, he uses only those words that he heard from the question itself.
  • Indicates much more detail and answers the question much more extensively than was generally required. Thus, he tries to better disguise a well-thought-out lie with other facts that will supposedly distract the interlocutor’s attention.

Knowing the list of changes in people’s behavior and facial expressions indicated in the article, you will be able to accurately determine whether they are telling you a lie or not.

All the features and properties of the human soul are expressed in the body: facial features, posture, facial expressions and gestures. You can learn to identify them only comprehensively: by understanding the psyche and observing its external manifestations. How to do it?

And yet he is lying! He tries to hide his excitement, but gestures and facial expressions will always give the person away. Look, your eyes are darting, your fingers are drumming on the table. Although no, the next moment he looks straight into my eyes. And such a sincere, open look penetrates directly into the soul... Should you believe it or not? Maybe I completely misunderstand the meaning of his facial expressions...

How to stop being nervous when communicating with people? I wish I could learn to read a person like an open book! So that not a shadow of doubt remains about what his true intentions, thoughts and feelings are. They say there is a way to accurately judge a person’s character and behavior - by his gestures and facial expressions. It's like reading people by their appearance. I'm not doing well yet. Maybe there is a way to become a professional in this matter?

How to understand a person by facial expressions and gestures: the road of trial and error

In attempts to understand how to read a person by gestures and facial expressions, people created a whole science - physiognomy. How convenient it would be to penetrate into the recesses of the human soul through facial expressions and gestures that are noticeable and understandable to everyone! And how easy it would be to understand people's psychology. By external signs we want:

    recognize false information by understanding people's gestures and their meanings,

    get a transcript of a person’s facial features,

    learn to determine the state of your interlocutor by facial expressions and gestures, determine the hidden emotions of a person in a conversation.

Unfortunately, our attempts to determine, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, a person’s psychology and the deep motives of his actions often fail.

The owner of a high forehead turns out to be not a great genius, but an arrogant windbag. The one who squinted, looking at you with obvious distrust, actually just forgot his glasses at home. A colleague who nervously taps his foot and fidgets with his tie is not trying to catch you up, but is simply late for something. So after this, read books on human psychology...

So do gestures and facial expressions have any meaning in psychology? Maybe we are simply misidentifying something in body language and gestures? Didn't train enough?

Gestures and facial expressions in human psychology are secondary signs of mental properties

Facial expressions and gestures really matter; they truly reflect a person’s inner state. But decoding them is a secondary tool. The analysis of facial expressions and gestures can be effectively applied only on the basis of accurate knowledge of the structure of the human psyche. Otherwise, you will constantly be at a loss as to why the person itched his nose now, for example? Is he lying or doubting, embarrassed or remembering? Or maybe it really is itching, and the secret language of gestures and facial expressions has nothing to do with it at all?

The System-Vector Psychology training by Yuri Burlan offers a different approach to how to understand people’s psychology. She explains that a person's body and soul are truly inextricably linked. All the features and properties of the human soul are expressed in the body: facial features, posture, facial expressions and gestures. You can learn to identify them only comprehensively: by understanding the psyche and observing its external manifestations. Understanding human psychology, behavior, facial expressions and gestures are observed as clarifying details. How to do it?

We read human gestures and facial expressions systematically

Let's look at simple examples. Before us is a person with a skin vector. What can be said about the psychology of this person and how is this expressed in behavior and gestures?

By nature it is given the following properties:

    mobility and determination,

    competitiveness and high ambition,

    the desire for material and social superiority is a natural earner.

His psyche is flexible and adaptive, capable of quickly adapting to environmental changes.

The human body, his gestures and facial expressions are fully consistent with psychology. The skinman's body is slender, agile, and flexible. Both men and women with the skin vector literally “manoeuvre” in the crowd without colliding with anyone. If a skinned person is sufficiently realized in his qualities (military, athlete, middle manager) - he is organized and fit, dexterous and precise - not a single unnecessary movement. The gestures of such a person and their meaning can really say a lot about him.

However, a person with the same characteristics looks completely different when under stress or lacking social fulfillment.

It is clear from his body language and gestures that he is literally “fluttering”:

    spins around, taps his fingers on the table,

    shakes or taps his foot,

    alternately grabs hold of one thing and then another, unable to bring anything to the end,

    in a state of irritation, his characteristic gesture is to wag his finger.

Can we characterize the psychology of this person by such gestures and facial expressions? Determine whether he is capable of destructive actions against us?

It turns out that external signs alone are not enough. Facial expressions are important, but we need an accurate systemic diagnosis, an understanding of the psyche from the inside, in order to accurately understand who is in front of us?

    Option 1. This is a developed leather worker. The head of a serious company or a career military man, engineer or technologist, professional athlete. In a situation of severe stress, he may demonstrate the gestures and facial expressions described above. The reason could be a serious collapse of his ambitions (he didn’t get a promotion in his career, he “failed” a competition). However, a leather worker with this level of development will not lie at every turn or steal from you.

    Option 2. A person’s behavior, his gestures and facial expressions look the same outwardly. However, deep systemic recognition from the inside allows you to see that the skin in front of you is not sufficiently developed. Due to childhood psychotrauma and/or unfavorable circumstances, he did not learn to realize his natural properties in society. Then, instead of a “breadwinner”, he remains undeveloped, just a thief, prone to theft to one degree or another. And such a person can lie “without blinking an eye” - if it is beneficial for him.

Therefore, without knowing human psychology only from behavior and gestures, people make erroneous judgments.

Gestures and facial expressions of a man with anal vector

Completely different gestures and facial expressions can be traced in the psychology of carriers of the anal vector. These people are by nature sedentary, diligent, and scrupulous. They have thoroughness and attention to detail, and a phenomenal memory. These are potentially the best teachers; they strive to pass on experience and knowledge. Perfectionists, people of quality who want to correct the slightest mistake or inaccuracy.

Nature gives them a body, facial expressions and gestures that ideally correspond to the aspirations of the psyche. These are stocky, plump people who prefer a sedentary lifestyle.

A developed and realized person with an anal vector:

    Carefulness in his work and the desire to correct a mistake make him a professional.

    Has an open, honest face. His language of facial expressions and gestures is not difficult to read. These are people who are naturally incapable of lying.

    A wonderful father and husband (the main value of the owner of the anal vector is family and children).

    A grateful person who treats people in general with respect.

However, when the carrier of the anal vector experiences severe stress or lack of development and realization, we see a completely different picture:

    the ability to teach becomes the desire to teach everyone and everything,

    thoroughness in detail is expressed in the fact that a person notices and emphasizes the mistakes and imperfections of others, criticizes,

    honesty is expressed in the fact that he “cuts the truth” in the face, without thinking about causing pain to others,

    instead of gratitude, a person is fixated on grievances and the fact that he was “not given enough” something,

    in the language of gestures and facial expressions of such a person one can read reproach and reproach: a heavy glance from under his brows, a characteristic gesture - a threat with a fist.

Is it possible to recognize the intentions of such a person by gestures and facial expressions? Predict his behavior, understand how dangerous he is for you? External signs alone (facial expressions and gestures) will not give anything. But with deep, systemic recognition of a person, you will know exactly who is in front of you:

    Option 1. This is a developed owner of the anal vector. Professional in his field, teacher, analyst or critic, scientist. His stress is temporary and may be caused by social or sexual frustrations.

    Option 2. Here is a person who has not received sufficient development of his properties. Then he can be a lifelong critic and a “dirty man.” Moreover: it is anal men who are prone to violent crimes. Understanding the laws of the psyche allows you to recognize such people not by gestures, but by all their manifestations at first sight. After all, human psychology is primary, and gestures, facial expressions and even behavior are only a consequence.

In each of the vectors of the human psyche (there are eight in total) there is a whole palette of states, degrees of development and implementation. And the external manifestations of these states, in addition to facial expressions and gestures, are given by a person’s voice, face, his words and, of course, his actions. To determine all this, you don’t need to carry multi-volume books on human psychology and read them on the go. There is a much simpler way.

Facial expressions and gestures are secondary

Gestures and facial expressions in human behavior are secondary. They are only the “external façade” of the recesses of our soul. Today there is a way for any condition of people. For those who have mastered this, there is no secret in how to read another person and understand everything about him:

If you want to not only understand a person’s emotions, body language and facial expressions, but also read his psyche like an open book, you can start with System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan.

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

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