How to improve Russian language literacy for adults. Posters on the wall

Increasing the spelling literacy of students is one of the most important tasks in the methodology of teaching the Russian language in secondary school. It's no secret that for the vast majority of children who make spelling mistakes, the teacher's request to formulate one or another spelling rule does not cause any particular difficulties. However, the need to apply a long-familiar rule in somewhat unexpected conditions, requiring not a mechanical repetition of the usual algorithm, but a conscious approach, turns out to be an insoluble task for many. Thus, schoolchildren should be taught to see their mistakes, develop so-called “spelling vigilance,” and achieve a certain independence of spelling thinking. Of course, this is one of the problems that requires interaction between methodologists and psychologists.

Psychologists believe that for successful learning, including spelling, the following are necessary:

  • teacher motivation for this type of activity;
  • providing conditions for the formation of the motivational sphere of students;
  • creating a situation of success for each student;
  • the desire of the teacher to move from edifying, instructive pedagogy to collaborative pedagogy.
The need for an individual approach to students is not denied. This means taking into account both the level of preparedness of the child and his psychological characteristics: will, attention, etc. “Depending on the quality and stage of development of these features in students, the proportion of various types of training exercises changes: in some cases, the number of exercises designed to develop visual memory increases, in others, exercises aimed at disciplining the will and attention of students, accustoming them to them to be independent when doing homework.”

Our spelling is difficult, because most Russian words, if spelling standards are not followed, could have a huge number of spelling variants. But thanks to spelling, we have the opportunity to write them in only one, the only correct way. Of course, mastering the art of competent writing is difficult, but it is necessary to learn it.

Based on the experience of innovative educators, I believe that students are helped to develop authentic literacy by:

  • non-traditional assignments;
  • use of standard speech texts for analysis;
  • a form of presenting linguistic knowledge accessible to children.
As an example of non-traditional tasks, I will name tasks from “Methodological recommendations for the Russian language course” edited by M.M. Razumovskaya.

In some cases, it is necessary to indicate according to the diagram whether a word belongs to a particular part of speech or to explain the meaning of the word based on its diagram:  ist . (Answer: chess player, guitarist, parachutist - that is, a person of a certain profession, occupation.) And with what surprise and joy of discovery the students become acquainted with the famous phrase of Academician L.V. Shcherba about the “glok bush”!

In my practice, I use the linguistic game “Auction”, the essence of which is that students are asked to talk about a word, for example, zimushka, from the point of view of different branches of linguistics:

  1. phonetics - 7 letters and 7 sounds, three syllables, 1st - stressed, sounds з, м - voiced, sounds ш and к - voiceless, etc.; 
  2. word formation – winter – winter + -ushk- (suffixal method of formation);
  3. morphology – noun, inanimate, common noun, 1st declension, feminine, singular, in the nominative case.
Thus, we talk about a word, giving it various characteristics. The winner is the one who is the last to name the distinctive feature of this word.

Non-traditional exercises include working with various signal cards:

  • letter cards to reinforce the skill of writing words;
  • morpheme cards to show the composition of a word or the method of its formation;
  • cards - members of the proposal;
  • cards - the words “yes” and “no” for an affirmative or negative answer to the teacher’s question;
  • cards of different colors, shapes, which can be used depending on the game, search or other situation.
It is also necessary to pay attention to the texts for analysis. They must be standard in terms of speech. A good help for the teacher are the texts of the textbook-workshop on the Russian language for senior classes by A.D. Deykina and T.M. Pakhnova (M.: Verbum - M, 2004), practical course by T.M. Pakhnova (M.: Verbum - M, 2001). The text, in my opinion, should also be interesting and educational for students, which is why I often work with A.G.’s collection. Narushevich “Thematic tests for preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language” (Library “FIRST SEPTEMBER”, series “Russian Language”, issue 23. M.: Chistye Prudy, 2008), texts from collections recommended by FIPI.

What is my method for developing strong spelling skills?

Firstly, the success of teaching spelling depends on how well the teacher implements the principle of continuity between the primary classes and the secondary level. At the same time, the teacher finds out the actual state of spelling preparation of students who came to the 5th grade, since the level of mastery of educational material in different classes varies significantly. Taking into account the features of the program (in the 5th grade in the first half of the year there are no spelling topics), the teacher has the opportunity to thoroughly consolidate the spelling skills that students acquired in primary school. But to be confident in children’s knowledge, serious diagnostics are necessary. Cross-sectional work and dictations, carried out, as a rule, in the first month of classes, allow us to present an accurate picture of the knowledge, skills and abilities of students. Therefore, it is important to plan the repetition of elementary school material on spelling. Moreover, the question of what to repeat and how is far from idle.

So, repeating a group of spellings, then consolidating the knowledge of individual spellings that are “difficult” for younger schoolchildren, and, finally, a comprehensive consolidation of all spellings studied in the elementary level - this is the methodological path that I have chosen to improve the spelling skills of 5th grade students in first half of the year, which makes it possible not to reduce their literacy level.

Secondly, when studying unverifiable spellings, it is necessary to activate visual memory and attention. According to the observations of psychologists, educational results are often improved thanks to a memorization mindset. Therefore, I often use the following training technology.

A group of 5–7 words is written on the board in advance. The teacher reads the words, clearly pronouncing each sound. Children in no way copy or take dictation of these words, but must first memorize them within a minute. It is important to explain to children that today everyone or almost everyone will write these words without mistakes.

To do this you need:

  • look carefully at the words and try to remember them;
  • speak out loud each word syllable by syllable, then close your eyes and imagine the word written, and then open your eyes and check yourself;
  • silently look at the words, reading them to yourself syllable by syllable;
  • pronounce the words syllable by syllable to your desk neighbor.
Consequently, the stage of presenting words with unverifiable spellings should consist of several strictly required elements:
  • visual and auditory perception of words;
  • memorization based on the main type of memory;
  • recording words from dictation;
  • self-control.
Thirdly, I consider prediction and error prevention to be one of the most important principles of a literature teacher’s activity. A spelling dictionary is a good helper for this. I use it in almost every lesson: first, group work with the dictionary is carried out, then individual work. This is how students develop a sense of responsibility: children get used to controlling their learning activities; They ask the teacher questions only when they cannot find the answers in the dictionary.

Sometimes I use so-called “unscientific” techniques for remembering the spelling of difficult words. For example: Kostya came in a suit, and Pavel came in a coat; The cat who was sitting in the cauldron ate the cutlet; Zhanna wears a jacket and loves jasmine. Students make such humorous sentences themselves easily and with interest.

I also rely on such a technique as copying from correct samples. As practice shows, cheating as one of the methods of teaching spelling is most effective in grades 5–7. The volume of texts for cheating should be large enough (otherwise the work loses all meaning), but not exceed reasonable sizes: 15–20 lines of book text in the first two–three weeks of study and up to 25–30 lines in subsequent ones. This type of cheating, together with the check, will take 30–45 minutes, and the spelling vigilance that the students will gradually develop will lead to a reduction in this amount of time. Children should receive cheating assignments daily. You should definitely convince students that they need to write down not word by word, but phrase by phrase, or even sentence by sentence, if they are not large in volume. This will make it possible to lengthen the process of retaining visual images of words in memory, which will have a beneficial effect on learning results.

The most important stage is checking the correctness of the copying. It can be assigned to the students’ parents, or it can be assigned to the students themselves, that is, mutual verification can be organized. The significance of this approach is obvious: by checking the work of his friend against the text, the child develops his own spelling vigilance and memory. Next comes mutual or self-esteem. The evaluation standards are strict: “5” is given if the work is completed without errors, clerical errors, or corrections; “4” - if there is one inaccuracy (error, typo, correction); “3” - if two inaccuracies are made (mistakes, typos, corrections); etc. The exacting nature of the assessment is determined by the fundamental importance of preventing students from making mistakes when cheating. After one to two months, children develop a responsible attitude towards words, they make fewer mistakes, diligently avoid incorrect spellings, and this is the most important prerequisite for achieving spelling literacy.
To develop the ability to apply grammatical and spelling rules in the practice of independent writing, I successfully use the so-called special spelling exercises. These include exercises such as copying, usually complicated by grammatical and spelling tasks, and dictations of various types. All special spelling exercises are accompanied by oral or written language analysis. I consider the core of the system of spelling exercises to be a high degree of independence for students in completing tasks. At the same time, the teacher must always take into account the connection between classwork and homework.

When determining a system of spelling exercises, you need to keep in mind:

  • degree of student independence;
  • participation of vision, hearing, speech-motor perception;
  • the nature of students’ mental activity associated with the use of spelling rules;
  • features of the studied spellings (spelling options);
  • specific difficulties children have when applying spelling rules.
Several years ago I developed an algorithm for teaching spelling rules, which I successfully use in practice. The algorithm is simple, despite the fact that it consists of ten stages. To achieve the necessary results, it is important to follow the sequence of transition from stage to stage strictly in order (especially in the fifth grade), so that students can get used to such work, feel and understand its “systematic nature”.

1st stage
Introduction to spelling, derivation of spelling rules
It is advisable that students themselves find a pattern in the writing. For example, when studying the topic “The letters a-o in the root -kos-/-kas-,” I write the following on the board:
  
touch touch
  
touch touch
 
yes and no and
This entry allows students to quickly infer the spelling of the root.

2nd stage
Explanation of spelling using examples selected by the teacher
At this stage, it is necessary to monitor the clear pronunciation of words and an explanation of why this particular letter is written in a word and not another. Here and below, the root spelling rule -kos-/-kas- is considered as an example. For example, on the board it is written:
    
Touch, touch (no a), touch (no a), tangent.
In this case, the students’ attention is necessarily drawn to the graphic designation of the spelling.

3rd stage
Coding a rule
This stage is most loved by students, as it allows them to show creative imagination and resourcefulness. Students in grades 5 - 7 love to play, and coding a rule (drawing a diagram) can easily turn into a fun game.
The teacher invites all children to come up with a short record of the rule; You can use symbols and abbreviations. Then the most successful option is selected. For example, as a result of the discussion, the following entry appears:
 
cas --------- a
 
kos --------- but no

4th stage
Selection of examples for the studied spelling from words with homonymous roots, prefixes, etc.
At this stage, the student understands that it is necessary to take into account the lexical meaning of the morpheme. The writing on the board might look like this:
Bonfire, touched, scythe, braid, touch, cash register, touch.
The teacher offers to choose only words for the spelling pattern being studied, and then the student explains why other words are not suitable. The teacher can ask the respondent to graphically highlight the spelling in suitable examples.

5th stage
Working with signal cards or signal sheets
Each student has at his disposal signal cards: the letters a and o. The teacher dictates the words (the pace of dictation is constantly increasing), and the students show the required letter card.
The disadvantage of working with signal cards is the inability to evaluate the activity of each student. However, this drawback is easily eliminated in the next step.

6th stage
Letter dictation
What is easier to write without errors: a word or one letter? Of course, a letter! Letter dictation helps the student to believe in himself; The results of such a dictation are always high, despite the severity of the assessment. A dictation usually consists of 12 words. If the student made one mistake, a “4” is given, two – “3”. Such a dictation takes a few minutes, is easy and quick to check, and the results are announced immediately. Sometimes I use the peer review method.

7th stage
Vocabulary dictation
At this stage, the skill of correctly writing words with a given spelling is gradually formed.

8th stage
Selective dictation or dictation consisting of phrases
You can read in detail about selective dictation in specialized literature, for example, in the collection of G.I. Blinov, V.A. Anokhina. (Blinov G.I., Antokhina V.A. Collection of dictations on spelling and punctuation: A manual for teachers. - M.: Education, 1986.) A dictation consisting of phrases allows you to simultaneously repeat other spellings studied in previous lessons.

9th stage
A warning or explanatory dictation, which is a coherent text

10th stage
Control dictation
The results of the control dictation will be positive if this algorithm is applied sequentially, from stage to stage.

Sometimes you can skip one or another step if the rule is learned quickly. After the first stage, you can move on to the third, and the second and fourth can be combined. It all depends on the degree of difficulty of the material being studied.

For many years I have tested the effectiveness of the technologies described in this article. The results showed that the use of these technologies has a positive effect not only on the formation and improvement of the level of spelling literacy of students, but also on the overall development of children. Of course, today is the time of using information technologies and electronic educational resources; all of us, teachers, are trying to keep up with the times, to keep up with our students in mastering information competencies. Therefore, it is quite possible to translate the algorithm for teaching a spelling rule into the “language” of computer technology and use it in work. But no matter what technologies we use, no matter what methods and techniques we use when teaching children, the main thing, in my opinion, remains the teacher’s creative approach to the matter and the students’ interest in the subject being studied! A positive result is the cooperation of teacher and student, assistance from the school administration and the children’s parents. After all, only through joint efforts can we achieve what we want.

Bogoyavlensky D.N. Psychology of spelling acquisition. M., 1966, p. 45.

Kozlova Marina Ivanova
Email: [email protected]

I want to support the youth of our project (from 10 and above - my grandson will soon be 10 years old, and therefore I understand this audience well) - this instruction will help you.
The ability to write correctly will help your career.
And here is a great place where you can practice (but not to the detriment of readers).
This is how to train, I will write in this instruction.

Difficulty level: Not difficult

1 step

I, like many of you, probably chased dogs too much as a child. And that’s why I had big problems with literacy. And when I began to write a lot, my “literacy” greatly hindered me.
But somehow a thin book fell into my hands (perhaps it was called like this instruction). I was already an adult - and in this book “about literacy in 5 minutes” a lot coincided with what I already knew, in particular with my knowledge and experience about memorization and memory.
So, the first tip - maybe you will be lucky too - you need to look for such a book.

Step 2

This little book (it was so thin that I called it so affectionately) said something like this:
“We read a lot. But for the most part, the books we read are written competently - in any case, the texts of these books were edited by a competent editor. And that’s what we’re using here for the 5-Minute Literacy Challenge.
So step two - do not re-read your poorly written personal diaries (or instructions of the same quality), but read good books - the more, the better for your literacy. YOU WILL GET USED TO READING LITERATE SPEECH.

Step 3

So, you go to work or school along the same road, and if nothing changes on the road, then you don’t notice the old things. But if suddenly, where nothing stood yesterday, you find, say, a green tree right in the center of your path - you will immediately notice it, stop, as if you have stumbled.

It’s the same when reading texts: when everything is written without mistakes, it’s like the old way to work or school. But if you encounter an error while reading, you will definitely stumble. So - a mistake is like that Christmas tree on the road.
So, step three – you stumbled while reading the text, stop and look to see if it’s a mistake.

Step 4

Step four.
Now type your text. Then be sure to re-read it, where you stumbled - there is an error. She needs to be dealt with.
(Here, I hope YET, there are instructions that not only the author did not check for errors, but, apparently, did not read at all after typing the text - this is disrespect for readers and is detrimental to his rating.)
Of course, use error checking in the editor, where you made a mistake - think why, and if you didn’t stumble during the first reading - think again.

Step 5

Fifth step.
This is already an advanced level.
In the place where you stumbled, for example, a word is spelled incorrectly, but you don’t know how to write it correctly - we look into the dictionary. After 3-4 such climbs, you will be able to remember the correct spelling of the word.

Step 6

Step six, although it is useful to do it first, is motivation to improve your literacy.
For example, I needed the described technique, which in an instant transferred me from semi-literate to more or less literate, so that I would not be ashamed of my numerous texts.

Step 7

However, relatively recently I gained additional motivation. When studying a foreign language without Russian grammar, it is very difficult, or better yet, impossible (if, for example, you confuse parts of speech with parts of a sentence - say, verbs with predicates.)
Yes, here is the next step to understanding grammar - study grammar (if you are still in school - treat Russian as your favorite subject - your career, that is, your whole life, depends on it.
If you are already working, you can take a thicker grammar manual.

We repeat:
1. Read more books.
2. Re-read our texts.
3. Where we stumbled, we correct the mistake.
4. We don’t know how to fix it - we look into the dictionary and grammar.
5. We treat the language with love.

6. We buy an interesting book on linguistics (for example, “A Word about Words” by Uspensky).
7. We pleasantly shock the audience with a competent letter.

  • Now I take great pleasure in reading books on linguistics that tell about how our language developed. This is the next level, but in my experience it is a mandatory level for improving your literacy.

Literacy has always been considered an essential quality of an educated person who occupies a worthy place in society. The development of modern technologies, the emergence of social networks and mass online communication have become an excuse for illiterate written speech for many modern children and adults. However, it is a mistake to believe that the ability to competently present your point of view orally or in writing is a useless skill that can be neglected.

Mistakes when filling out business paperwork, writing reports, or communicating with clients via email or regular mail can cause significant damage to your reputation as a professional. In everyday life, at any moment the need may arise to drop a few lines to relatives, friends or neighbors, and no adult would want to blush for annoying mistakes in words and punctuation marks.

If you have problems with spelling, punctuation or vocabulary, there is no need to lose heart. At any age, it’s not too late to learn to write without errors and work on your literacy; the main thing is to approach the problem seriously and regularly improve your skills.

At the same time as spelling, a successful person must maintain the intellectual functions of the brain in good shape. The brain fitness resource BrainApps will help him with this, classes in which involve daily individual training. Even the busiest person can find 15 minutes a day to improve their own intelligence.

How to become literate in Russian

There is a common misconception that literacy is one of the innate qualities of a person, that is, the ability to write and speak correctly to one degree or another is inherent in every person from birth. Some schoolchildren and adults refuse to work on spelling after several failures and believe that they simply do not have the innate skills for beautiful and correct written speech.

However, absolutely anyone who has no deviations from a medical point of view can become literate. And although literacy is accessible to everyone, disappointing statistics in recent years show a decline in its level among children and adolescents. The causes of this unpleasant phenomenon are considered to be:

  • Decreased interest in reading fiction. Readers are much less likely to write with errors, but a modern child usually prefers playing on a computer or smartphone to a collection of fairy tales or short stories;
  • Massive communication on social networks. Online correspondence rarely involves observing all the rules of spelling and punctuation, since each of the interlocutors strives to express their opinion as quickly as possible and is simultaneously engaged in other matters;
  • Lack of parental interest. Many parents do not pay enough attention to their child’s literacy development, believing that completing school assignments is more than enough. But school performance is influenced by many factors, and the example of a mother or father who regularly read books and always writes without errors is much more effective. Therefore, before finding out how a child can learn to write without errors, you should work on your own level of literacy;

Writing texts without errors and correct speech provide many advantages at any age. You will always be able to make a good impression on your interlocutor, colleague or manager, easily complete any document and be able to help your child with his homework. All that remains is to find out exactly how to become literate in the Russian language.<>and how long it will take. Ideally, due attention should be given to correct writing from school days or even from pre-school age. But if this moment is missed, then regular independent studies will come to the rescue, which do not require huge financial investments, but do require discipline and systematicity.

There is no magic method that will make you forget about misspelled words and incorrect punctuation in two weeks. Only self-education and long-term painstaking work on yourself will give the desired result, which will stay with you for life.

9 working ways to learn to write correctly

There are several truly effective ways to teach yourself to write competently. To write without errors you can:

  1. Read regularly. It is with reading that correct, beautiful oral and written speech begins. Visual memory plays a big role in spelling, and you will gradually be able to remember how to spell a particular word correctly. For reading to be beneficial, you should be selective in your choice of literature. Domestic classical works are best suited for working on improving literacy. Don’t think that classics are necessarily boring and drawn-out; everyone can choose a genre to their liking and enjoy reading. You need to read every day for at least an hour, thoughtfully and in a calm atmosphere. Soon you will notice that your speech has become richer, more figurative, and there are fewer errors in your words.
  2. Learn the basics. In addition to fiction, pay attention to working with reference books and textbooks of the Russian language. This is one of the most effective ways to learn to write without errors and construct sentences correctly. Remember the rules and be sure to reinforce the theory by completing practical tasks.
  3. Purchase and regularly use a dictionary. Every time you don’t know how to exactly spell a particular word, look in a spelling dictionary. Forming this useful habit will quickly allow you to get rid of mistakes, so keep the dictionary on your desktop or other prominent place so that it is always at hand;
  4. Write from dictation. Ask relatives or friends to dictate texts from a collection of dictations to you several times a week, this way you can quickly identify gaps in your knowledge and direct your independent studies in the right direction.
  5. Work on mistakes. Feel free to write down in a separate notebook the words that are most difficult for you and re-read them every day. This is an excellent visual memory training that will allow you to write even the most tricky words and phrases correctly over time.
  6. Improve memory. To do this, you can memorize your favorite poems or passages of prose. This method will also improve your oral speech, and repeating learned material out loud will train your diction skills. If memorizing does not suit you, then simply rewrite the texts, paying special attention to complex words and sentences;
  7. Find friends with similar interests. Nobody wants to write with errors, it annoys any person and many would like to improve the quality of their writing. Classes in pairs or groups are more disciplined, and you will also be able to help each other and test your assimilation of new knowledge.
  8. Contact a professional. Not only schoolchildren may need a Russian language tutor before taking exams. Several full-fledged lessons with a specialist will allow you to fill in the main gaps and develop a further plan for self-education.
  9. Apply knowledge in practice. Write notes and reminders to yourself, write out quotes you like from books, write regular paper letters to friends or relatives instead of email, sign and give postcards. Such little things will always keep you on your toes and force you to focus on the rules of spelling and punctuation;

If you systematically use these simple ways to learn how to write without errors on your own, you will soon notice positive changes. However, maintaining literacy at the proper level is necessary throughout your life, so all of the above recommendations are relevant for any person who is actively involved in self-development.

How to learn to write without mistakes from childhood

Some children learn to spell much more easily than others their age. To understand how such children learned to write correctly, it is necessary first of all to pay attention not to their school performance, but to classes with their parents at home. A child can be gradually taught to read from the age of three, and for this it is not necessary to force the baby to intensively memorize letters and syllables. First, you should arouse interest in the fascinating world of literature, read fairy tales and children's stories every day.

Reading and writing need to be developed in parallel, in a playful form accessible to the child. With school-age children, it is imperative to work on mistakes and additionally explain incomprehensible or difficult points. Parents who shift all responsibility for their child’s literacy to teachers are unlikely to be satisfied with the outcome of their child’s education. Therefore, you should know how a child can learn to write without errors and actively help him, overcoming learning difficulties together.

Children usually have a hard time remembering many rules of grammar and punctuation, so together with spelling it is recommended to develop memory and attentiveness. For this purpose, there is a resource called BrainApps, whose games are suitable for both adults and children.

Ecology of life: What is literacy. Is it only the correct spelling of words and the correct use of punctuation marks? I'm sure it's something more.

Is literacy important for a person? And for a writer?Should you become a writer if you have problems with literacy - errors in words and punctuation marks, confusion in formulating thoughts on paper?

This article is about the fact that most often the ability to express thoughts colorfully and accurately on paper goes hand in hand with literacy..

It is important to understand how to improve personal literacy, whether this can be done, and what steps to take to achieve this. The benefits of literacy are obvious, since in the age of unprecedented development of technology and virtual communication, people have partially lost the sense of their native language and forgotten the language rules.

This text is intended to remind you of the benefits of reading, the importance of maintaining the purity of language; will talk about ways to improve your own literacy not only in order to start writing correct articles, but also for general personal development. Without a high level of knowledge of the native language, there is no full-fledged, accomplished and cultured person.

“If culture is a home,” he said, then language is the key and

to the front door, and to all the rooms inside.

Without a tongue, he said, you will get lost, you will remain homeless,

without full self-identity."

H. Hosseini “And it flies through the mountains”

At the end of last year, a colleague asked me how to become literate. She tries to write posts for social networks, she always has a lot of interesting ideas swarming in her head, but there are huge problems with literacy! And not only with punctuation marks, but also with the wording of the phrases themselves. And as far as I can see from the people I communicate with at work, this is a common sore spot.

Unfortunately, today's trend is that people make mistakes more and more often, more and more often they cannot quickly and clearly formulate their thoughts in order to put them on paper. People don’t know how to write concise letters, and then they are surprised that no one answered their letters. General literacy has deteriorated greatly.

I had a “funny” incident. When almost 10 years ago my future husband and I filled out an application for marriage in the registry office, the registry office employee could not hide her delight and surprise when she accepted our completed application. Seeing our bewilderment, she immediately explained that in a long time we were the first couple to fill out the application correctly the first time. Sad.

Let's remember our main question: is it worth starting to write something, thinking about future writing, if you have problems with literacy? My unequivocal answer is – it’s worth it. But you just need to start writing for yourself, without dreaming of the glory of a writer. First, you need to get into a certain shape (like athletes), which will later allow you to write for others, and not on the table. But in order to get into shape, you need to work hard, until you sweat.

And before moving on to the essence of our question, I propose to formulate for yourself what literacy is. Is it only the correct spelling of words and the correct use of punctuation marks? I'm sure it's something more.

Yes, the absence of errors is important, of course. And it is desirable to have innate literacy or some kind of inner sense that helps to write words correctly and choose commas correctly. But this is not all that for me is included in the broad concept of “literacy.” It is important to feel the language, to understand in what situations or contexts certain words, phrases and expressions should and can be used. This also includes life experience, erudition, observation, and curiosity. Without this, a person cannot be fully literate.

So,Is it possible to improve your literacy level and how to do it?

Yes, you can and should do this throughout your life.

I suggest the following 10 steps to improve personal literacy:

1. Constantly turn to special resources-assistants.

3. Get yourself a Russian language dictionary in the format of a reference book.

4. Solve crosswords and puzzles.

5. Write dictations.

6. Attend literacy courses.

7. Submit written texts to a literacy test

8. When in doubt about the spelling of words, it is better to replace the word, a phrase with a similar meaning, or check the spelling with colleagues or friends.

9. You need to practice writing texts a lot. It’s better to start with simple short stories about everything. Here you can take the akyn’s rule - what I see, I sing. The main thing is simplicity. Don't invent topics, don't take too complex subjects to describe, just look around. For variety, you can write down your dreams. This is doubly useful

10. Write expositions. Do you remember from school what this is? This is a written retelling of a short story in your own words. It is useful to combine reading with writing. We read a short story, rewrote it in our own words, and then compared it with the original.

The main thing is to exercise daily, then progress will not be long in coming. Good luck!

Competent written speech is based not only on knowledge of the rules of the Russian language. A large number of adults do not remember them at all when writing, but they know how to write this or that word or sentence. This is explained by the fact that during school years the correct spelling of certain grammatical structures was clearly recorded in memory. To improve your literacy level, we offer some self-development techniques.

The first technique is reading

The main way to improve writing skills is to read. Books are a storehouse of useful information that cannot be exhausted. By reading, a person develops in several directions:

  • expands your vocabulary;
  • trains the ability to combine and connect lexical units harmoniously;
  • unconsciously records the correct spelling of words and sentences, which in the future will allow you to make fewer mistakes.

Advice: to get the fastest results, you need to read out loud; it is enough to do it in a whisper. This technique will not only help you master grammar, but also acquire a share of the author’s style, thanks to which your future texts will be read with interest.

What books should I read?

Any. In fact, every book will help you develop your writing skills. But in order for your texts to be literate and logical, you need to devote at least half an hour a day to reading classical literature.

How to read?

There is a special spelling reading technique. It differs from the usual way of reading in that the words must be pronounced exactly as they are written in the text, and not as they are generally spoken. Difficult long words and phrases should be pronounced slowly, syllable by syllable. The effectiveness of this technique lies in the fact that this process involves not only visual memory, but also auditory memory.

Advice: Read several works by the classic of Russian literature Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky. This will help not only broaden your horizons, but also enrich your speech with interesting verbal constructions. You can purchase books either in a bookstore or in your favorite online electronic library.

The second technique is writing

Writing can also help improve your spelling skills. It will form the habit of quickly combining words, and you will have more confidence when writing articles. As in any other business, in the field of creating texts, only practice will make a person a professional. It is worth noting that this technique will be truly effective if the text is subsequently carefully checked either by another literate person or by the author himself using a printed or electronic spelling dictionary.

What texts should I write?

You can practice writing a short essay every day about the past day, a movie you watched, a book you read, that is, keep a diary. If desired, it is permissible to use a text editor on a computer, which will indicate spelling, lexical and punctuation errors in the text.

Advice. There is another technique for improving knowledge of the Russian language - calligraphic writing. It trains focus, attention and concentration, helps to fix a sentence in memory and remember the rule.

Improve your literacy online

In the age of information technology, it is impossible to imagine the learning process without the use of Internet resources. If a person has discipline, the following ways will help increase the level of literacy several times:
1. Taking specially designed courses and studying materials on platforms such as Universarium, Open Education, Intuit, Lectorium, PostNauka, Lectorium and others.
2. Using sites to check spelling or meaning of words, punctuation, grammar -,,, etc.
3. Interactive dictation is a quick method of improving literacy. This is not only useful, but also educational.
4. Using various kinds of tests (for example, to prepare for the Unified State Exam), rebuses, puzzles and anagrams that promote the development of cognitive and mental abilities.

The best daily lifehacks

For daily development of spelling skills, life hacks familiar from school days will be useful:
1. Repeatedly spelling a word that you often misspell. You should write it a hundred times, pronounce it syllable by syllable, underline or highlight the difficult-to-remember letter in it.
2. A game where one person reads the definition of a word from a dictionary, and the other person guesses the word.
3. Listening to audiobooks. This activity helps to develop a sense of rhythm and understand the logic of text presentation, which is necessary for intuitive placement of punctuation marks. Over time, the author will learn to place commas where they are needed.

Advice: If you cannot determine whether a comma is needed in a sentence or not, then you should simplify it by removing isolated phrases, clarifications, and appeals. You can also break it down into several simple sentences.

How to remember exceptions?

Exceptions to the rules of the Russian language will have to be learned by heart. Such words can be written out and pronounced out loud syllable by syllable. By memorizing 20 words every day, you can significantly increase your literacy level in a few months. You can also teach one rule every day, for example, on “Gramota” (

Ways to remember the rules

Russian language is considered one of the most difficult in the world. However, teachers have noticed that if the error is supported emotionally, for example by laughter, then the correct spelling of the word is more likely to be remembered by the child.
The spelling of the word "freckled" is explained simply: "What does a person have on his nose - freckles or freckles?"
The phrase familiar to everyone from childhood: “Styopka, do you want some bacon? - Fi!” will allow you to remember voiceless consonants.
The phrase “Zosya is waiting” contains all consonants, after which it is necessary to use the suffix -chik-.
The phrase “For a husband - rank, for a wife - cabbage soup” helps to remember the spelling of the words “men” and “women”. And there are a huge number of such memos; you can find them on the Internet in countless numbers.

As you can see, there are many methods for improving literacy, and they all work differently for different people. There are always hundreds of orders available on the Exchange on various topics, the implementation of which will gradually increase your literacy.

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