How to correctly emphasize the word agreement. Way out

Agreements or treaties - which is correct?

How to spell in the plural, what to say and pronounce? Look in the dictionary, Wikipedia is also good))

Why exactly Treaties, but not Agreements? - we often receive letters with similar contents: “There is no such word for agreement in the Russian language.”

In fact, there is such a word, but in the literary description the word “contracts” is used. In business language, the word has a professional connotation and now it is preferable to say contracts, directors, etc., and the option “contracts” is becoming obsolete. Just 40 years ago it was indecent to write contracts, but now it’s par for the course.

In general, “agreements” are correct, “agreements” are acceptable. It all depends on which syllable you emphasize in the word agreement. If the latter is correct, “contracts” are correct, if the first is correct, “contracts” are correct. In business communication, the word “agreements” has recently been used mainly in relation to international treaties. BUT we will still adhere to the norms of the Russian language and will use the word “Agreements”.

What is a contract?

A contract (plural - agreements) is an agreement between two or more persons establishing, changing or terminating their rights and obligations.

The parties to the agreement can be both individuals and legal entities, including various public legal entities (international organizations, state, municipalities, etc.). It is used in three meanings: an agreement as a legal relationship, as a legal fact giving rise to obligations, and as a document recording the fact of the occurrence of obligations at the will of its participants.

Contract in Russian law

In modern Russian civil law, contracts are considered to be a type of transaction; the rules on bilateral and multilateral transactions apply to contracts. This statement has been disputed in the scientific literature, however, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes the identity of the concepts of bilateral and multilateral transactions and agreements.

Contracts can be paid or gratuitous. Any contract under which at least one of its parties must receive payment or other counter (in relation to such obligation) compensation for the performance of its duties is compensated. A gratuitous agreement is an agreement under which one of the parties undertakes something to the other party without receiving reciprocal compensation from it.

A plurality of persons is possible on one of the parties to the agreement, that is, the conclusion of an agreement between several persons, on the one hand, and one person or several persons, on the other.

The agreement can be drawn up in several languages. As a rule, when challenging in such cases, the language of the contract in which the proceedings are conducted in the relevant court is valid, unless the contract itself establishes the priority of any language version.

Also, a contract often means obligations arising from a contract, or a document in which its terms are recorded.

Where does the emphasis fall in the word “agreement”? This question is very often of interest to those who regularly deal with various documents and constantly hold meetings where it is necessary to constantly use the mentioned lexical unit. In this regard, we decided to devote this article to this topic.

general information

Few people know about the word “agreement”. Moreover, not everyone knows how the plural is formed from such a lexical unit. After all, some people are used to saying “agreements,” while others find it more convenient to say “agreements.” But in order not to be branded as an illiterate person, it is recommended to remember the rule of the Russian language, which indicates both the correct stress in this word and its plural form.

Correct emphasis in the word "agreement"

It should be noted that in the Russian language there is an incredible number of words whose stress is questionable. And it is often possible to identify an illiterate person by asking him only a simple question about where the emphasis falls in the word “agreement”? Although, according to experts, such a lexical unit can be pronounced with emphasis on both the first and third syllables. If you still doubt this information, we suggest looking at a reference book or a modern dictionary of the Russian language. After all, it is there that it is stated that the word “agreement” can be pronounced in absolutely any way (“agreement” or “agreement”).

However, it should be noted that in contrast to such lexical units as “bArzha-barzhA” or “tvOrog - tvOg”, when both options are equally considered common in Russian speech, the word “agreement” still has its own characteristics. Let's look at them right now.

When should the stress be placed on the first syllable?

As mentioned above, the emphasis in the word “agreement” can be placed on the first syllable, that is, pronounced as follows: “agreement”. But, according to modern dictionaries of the Russian language, this form is considered acceptable only in informal oral speech. In other words, the presented version of the lexical unit (with emphasis on the first syllable) can only be used in normal conversation or dialogue. Moreover, such a form, if used during an informal meeting, should in no way affect your reputation as a competent person.

When should the stress be placed on the second syllable?

We found out a little higher that the emphasis in the word “agreement” can be placed on the first syllable, but only in informal (colloquial) speech. As for literary norms, only the last vowel should be in the stressed position. Thus, at business meetings, during public speaking, etc. You should only say “contract”. Otherwise, listeners have every right to correct you.

If you use such a lexical unit (with emphasis on the last syllable) during an informal conversation, then no one will be able to blame you for poor knowledge of the Russian language.


So, the words are “agreement” (that is, with the emphasis on the last syllable). Although it is possible to use this lexical unit as “agreement” (that is, the emphasis falls on the first syllable), but only in informal colloquial speech. It should be noted that these same laws apply when you need to put the mentioned word in the plural form.

Literary norm

How would you pronounce the word “agreement” in the plural? We looked at where the emphasis falls in it a little higher. All modern dictionaries of the Russian language say that such a lexical unit has the following plural form: “agreements” (in the genitive case - “agreements”). It should be especially noted that this is a literary norm, that is, this word can be used without hesitation both at official meetings and during ordinary conversation with colleagues, partners, etc. At the same time, no one can blame you for not being familiar with the basic rules of the Russian language.

Colloquial speech

As with accent, the word mentioned above can take completely different plural forms. Moreover, if the lexical unit “agreements” is used only at official meetings, business events, etc., then “agreements” (with an emphasis on the ending) is allowed to be used only in colloquial speech. By the way, such a word will sound like this: “contracts”. But if you utter this lexical item at an official meeting, your colleagues can easily reprimand you.

Let's sum it up

So, now you know how to correctly pronounce the word “agreement” and how to form the plural from it. In order to remember this feature of the Russian language once and for all, let us briefly repeat the material covered:

  • The word “agreement” (emphasis on the last syllable) is a literary norm. It can be used both in colloquial speech and at official receptions.
  • The word “agreement” (emphasis on the first syllable) is allowed to be used only in colloquial speech.
  • The plural words “agreements” and “agreements” (emphasis on the third syllable) are a literary norm. They can be used both in colloquial speech and at official receptions.
  • The plural words “agreements” and “agreements” (emphasis on the ending) are allowed to be used only in colloquial speech.

Way out

Agree, there are quite a few words in the Russian language whose stress is questionable. And not every person is able to remember all these subtleties and nuances. Thus, if you need to use the lexical unit “agreement”, but you don’t remember how and in what cases you should use one or another option, we suggest replacing it with the most suitable synonym. Let's give a clear example:

  • “Today we need to sign a lot of agreements” or “Today we need to sign a lot of papers.”
  • “When does this agreement end?” or “When does this document expire?”
  • “We need to conclude this agreement” or “We need to conclude this deal” and so on.

Pronunciation standards are not the easiest thing. Most often, questions arise in cases of use and spelling of words in the plural. If everything is more or less clear with feminine nouns, then masculine words (second declension) can cause serious difficulties. For example, how to say: contracts or agreements, directors or directors, outbuildings or outbuildings?

Confusion with endings -ы (-и) and -а (-я)

In the Old Russian language, for the masculine plural there were only forms ending in -ы (-и). Even M.V. Lomonosov identified only three exceptions to the rule, prescribing that one must say “eyes, sides, horns”, and in other cases pronounce -ы or -и at the end of nouns.

However, the form of words with -a at the end confidently gained popularity. In modern language it occurs often, especially in colloquial speech (contracts, proofreaders). While endings with -ы today often carry a connotation of “bookishness” and formality.

In modern Russian, some words in the masculine plural are used only with the ending -а (running), the other part is pronounced with -а only in colloquial speech, and when writing, the ending -ы (contracts) is necessarily used, and in the remaining cases the form with -а remained incorrect (authors). Because of such confusion with endings, questions constantly arise about how to correctly write and say this or that word.

Words ending in -a

Among the words with endings -а (-я), the spelling of which often causes difficulties, you can find the following words:

board, buffer, buer, fan, monogram, bill of exchange, director, doctor, huntsman, chute, millstone, boat, jacket, dome, bell, master, number, haystack, watchman, paramedic, farmstead, best man, stamp, sharpie.

Ending in -ы, but it is acceptable to use -а (contracts)

There are many cases where ending in -ы (-и) is a strict literary norm, but in conversation it is permissible to use -а (-я). A striking example is the word “agreement”. “Agreements” (emphasis on the third letter O) is correctly used both in oral and written speech, but in an informal setting you can also say “agreements” - this will not be a big mistake.

Here is a list of similar words where the ending -ы (-и) is required, but -а (-я) is allowed:

bunkers and bins, years and years, inspectors and inspectors, feed and feed, proofreaders and proofreaders, boxes and boxes, bodies and bodies, contracts and agreements, holidays and vacations, spotlights and spotlights, editors and editors, sectors and sectors, mechanics and mechanics, outbuildings and outbuildings, poplars and poplars, workshops and workshops.

The ending -ы or -а is used depending on the meaning

It happens that the answer to the question of how to use a word correctly depends entirely on the meaning of the noun.

  • If boars, then hogs. If it's chimneys, then it's a hog.
  • The bodies are referred to as bodies, and the buildings are referred to as bodies.
  • Political groups are camps, but the military and tourists have camps.
  • There are images of heroes in books, movies, and paintings. But images are written on icons.
  • If we are talking about the skin of animals, we need to say fur. If we are talking about bags for transporting liquids, then bellows.
  • Societies of knights or monks were called orders. Insignia are called orders.
  • When something happens due to oversight, it is an omission. But the documents for entry are passes.
  • While the animals are sable, they are written with -i. When they turn into skins, they are already sable.
  • You can listen to the tones in the heart, tune the tones on the guitar, but the tones in the paintings are different.
  • Obstacles are called brakes, and in equipment the brakes can fail.
  • School teachers are teachers, and the founders of some theories, inspirers, are teachers.
  • Cereals on the root are bread. The store sells bread.

It can be concluded that pronunciation norms continue to change today. Forms in -a are confidently making their way and it is possible that someday, in 70 - 100 years, they will become the main ones.

Correct: agreement, plural. -ы, -ов and (colloquial) -а, -ов


Which is correct: agreement or agreement? How to put emphasis on the plural?

Strict literary norm: agreement, agreements; in casual oral speech, the variant agreement, agreement is acceptable. Here is an interesting quote from the “Dictionary of Difficulties of Pronunciation and Stress in the Modern Russian Language” by K. S. Gorbachevich:

Now it is still difficult to say with certainty whether over time the emphasis on agreement will become as normative and aesthetically acceptable as agreement. There are prerequisites for this. Not only part of the intelligentsia, but also some modern famous poets use the contract variant: “But don’t be scared. I will not break our agreement, There will be no tears, no questions, not even reproach” (O. Bergholz, Nothing will return...). In the book “Alive as Life,” K. Chukovsky predicted that the variants of agreement, contractA would become the norm of the literary language in the future.

A small note: many people believe that the agreement, agreement option is an innovation of recent years. However, an indication of the admissibility of such stress in colloquial speech can be found in publications half a century ago, for example, in the dictionary-reference book by R. I. Avanesov and S. I. Ozhegov “Russian literary pronunciation and stress” (M., 1959).

Please tell me how to write correctly. Conclude and sign agreements or agreements for the amount of each transaction...?

Right: contracts.

Question No. 254998
Good afternoon, please tell me how true this is - agreements or agreements. Thank you!

Russian help desk response

The variant named after them corresponds to the strict literary norm. n.m. h. treaties.

Hello, please tell me which is correct - agreements or agreements? In Ozhegov’s dictionary it is written contracts, and on your website - contracts. Can you explain please.

Russian help desk response

A commonly used and stylistically neutral option: Great Danes O ry, acceptable in casual oral speech: agreement A.

Question No. 240620
Agreement - units number
Treaties or agreements- pl. number?

Russian help desk response

Plural form h. – treaties.

Question No. 238678
How to do it right agreements or agreements

Russian help desk response

Literary norm: contract, CONTRACTS. However, some dictionaries already recognize the option as acceptable (but only in casual oral speech!) agreement, agreement.

On a folder with additional contracts, how to write it correctly agreements or agreements?

Russian help desk response

It's better to write _contracts_. Option _agreement_ is typical for colloquial speech and is not allowed by all dictionaries.
Question No. 232621
how to write correctly: agreements or agreements?!

Russian help desk response

In them. n.m. h. correctly _agreements_, the colloquial version is _agreement_.
Hello! Please tell me how to speak correctly agreements or agreements? Or maybe both options are already possible? Thank you!

Russian help desk response

Question No. 230550
Tell me how to correctly write “agreement” in the plural: agreements or agreements? Thank you!

Russian help desk response

That's right: _contracts_. The second option is acceptable in colloquial speech.
Question No. 230508
Good afternoon I would like to know how to correctly write the word Contract in the plural - agreements or agreements. Thank you very much.

Russian help desk response

That's right: _contracts_. See _contract_ in the "Word Check" window.
Question No. 228285
How to speak correctly CONTRACTS OR CONTRACTS? Thanks for the answer!

Russian help desk response

That's right: _contracts_. The _agreement_ option is acceptable in colloquial speech.
Question No. 224213
How to spell the word "AGREEMENT" correctly in the plural: agreements or agreements?

Russian help desk response

That's right: _contracts_.

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