How to prioritize your work. Human life priorities and their role in life

In this day and age it is very difficult to set priorities because the number of opportunities is amazing. People see dozens of opportunities and yet fail on several significant goals. Therefore, learning to set priorities correctly is extremely important; it affects our destiny and success in life.

Surely each of us has had it happen that at the end of the day we realized that all we did was react to external stimuli, were constantly distracted by the unimportant and did not move one step towards our goal. Days add up to weeks, months and years. Some people have no goals or priorities, so they float through life and take whatever option comes their way. This leads to dissatisfaction and broken dreams.

Think about whether the day is going the way you want it to. Or maybe you are only reacting to what happens to you and are not able to decide what exactly you want? If so, then here are three tips for you that will help you take control of your life and each specific day in it.

Don't work for the number of things completed

Many people create a to-do list with dozens of items on it. And even if they manage to complete most of them, at the end of the day they don’t feel like it was a productive day. Often these lists are made just to keep you busy all the time and none of them are anything significant or global. On such days there is a lot of bustle, but not enough work actually for your life. Important life actions and decisions are replaced by aimless actions; they do not lead to a common result. Think about whether there is a structure in your affairs, whether they lead to something more than an attempt to patch up problems that arise.

These are two completely different types of thinking - reacting to what life offers or making life react to your decisions. The first is always easier and this is the trap of automaticity. The second is more difficult, this is the desire to live consciously and get ahead of many problems that may arise. Easier doesn't always mean better. It's important to fill your day with activities that are significant steps for your future. It's the difference between reacting to stimuli and making progress. The first is like having a hole in your boat from which you constantly empty water with a bucket, the second means inspecting the boat before sailing, having a clear understanding of where you will arrive, being aware of the pitfalls in specific waters and traveling with a full understanding of what to do and how to do it.

So ask yourself two questions: “What activities will significantly move me towards my dreams? What three things do I need to complete so that at the end of the day I will know that I did everything right and not feel dissatisfied? Do the three most important things in one day, do them the right way. And then you can focus on the less important ones. And if at the end of the day you realize that you have not solved minor problems, this will not make you feel like you spent your day aimlessly, because you did the three most important things and it is by these criteria that you evaluate yourself.

Stop being distracted by unimportant things

The fact that you have a new task today does not mean that you must complete it today and now. Of course, if this is not your job and not your responsibility. If you start to notice how much time you spend each day on things that don't provide any value, you might be a little overwhelmed. And it is this time that can be used for something more significant.

The danger is that after performing some immediate meaningless action, you automatically begin to react to others. You start living according to the “Stimulus-Response” system and cannot force yourself to stop, simply because it has become your habit.

To understand which things are not essential, use the first tip and identify the three main things that need to be done. All other things are secondary and if they can wait, they should wait their turn. It is very pleasant to do nonsense only when you have done the three main planned things. You feel like you deserve to relax a little.

You should not become a complete egoist and focus only on yourself, just learn to politely refuse people and let them know that you will help them only when you have finished your business. The world constantly sends its requests and the art is to correctly prioritize and clearly understand which requests and when to respond. If a person asks you to help him, think about your family - that's who you should help first, and not the person you may not know very well. Any external request is an irritant, no matter how it sounds. Any phone call or message on a social network (no matter how much you value these people) is inherently an irritant and nothing else. It may feel good, but it still distracts you from your priorities and goals.

Start planning your freedom

This is a very important skill that everyone should learn. If you have three important goals and are focusing on them every day, don't forget that you need some freedom. Emotional, physical, social, financial freedom will help you relax from any business and feel alive. It is extremely important to find time for such things, otherwise after some time any of your priorities will simply disappear because you are burnt out and you are not satisfied with such a boring pursuit of your dreams.

Many people live with the feeling that they must suffer, sacrifice themselves and be unhappy. This is a psychological problem, victim syndrome. But even they are able to realize that it is not necessary to suffer every day, even if there are many things to do. It is quite possible to be productive and at the same time relax, enjoy every minute of life. To do this, you need to learn to plan for your freedom, the freedom to do what you want and be filled with energy in order to move forward. If life is a series of tasks, this leads to very bad consequences and you know what they will be. Therefore, if you clearly decide to set priorities, do not deceive yourself - you will not be able to do what you need to do 24 hours a day. You need a recharge and the simple pleasures of life. You can afford small weaknesses if you stick to your priorities. The reward system works great if it doesn’t end up becoming a way of life. Everything should be in moderation, only this allows you to follow your dreams and not go crazy along the way. We wish you good luck in this difficult but exciting task!

Sometimes it starts to feel like the whole world is collapsing. Work and school assignments start piling up, household chores and responsibilities, commitments to friends and family—sometimes there aren't enough hours in one day. By learning to prioritize effectively, you will become a more productive worker, saving time, energy and stress. Learn to organize your tasks into categories and difficulty levels, and start practicing a professional approach to completing them. Go to part one for more information.


Part 1

Making a to-do list

    Set a time frame for your list. Are you facing a particularly busy week? Crazy day? Perhaps the thought of what you need to accomplish before the end of the year is driving you crazy. Regardless of the nature of your commitments, choose a period of the priority list you hope to create and begin managing those priorities and translating that stress into concrete action.

    • TO short term goals often include items from different categories. You probably have a few things you need to get done at work by the end of the day, some errands you need to run before heading home, and a lot of errands around the house when you finally get there. You could make a list of stress culprits, all the things that need to be done in the next few hours.
    • Long term goals may include larger goals that will need to be broken down into several steps and which will also need to be prioritized. You could put the goal of “going to college” on your long-term to-do list, which would include various small things. This simple breakdown step will make the process easier and clearer.
  1. Write down everything you need to do. Start breaking down your list and writing down exactly what you need to do in no particular order. Within the deadlines that make you nervous, select all the tasks—big or small—that need to be completed and list them. List projects that need to be completed, decisions that need to be made, and errands that need to be run.

    Categorize everything you need to do. It may be helpful to break everything down into separate categories, that is, creating different to-do lists for different areas of your life. Household chores may be in one category and work projects in another. If you are actively involved in social activities, then there may be a lot going on during the weekend that you also need to prepare for and prioritize. Make a separate list for each category.

    Get your list in order. Identify the most important or urgent items on your list and rewrite the list with those items at the top. It's all up to you and the topics on your list, so you may decide that school events take precedence over work projects, or vice versa.

    • Also, if everything is equally important and necessary, leave the list unordered and organize it alphabetically or randomly. As you actively check the boxes on the list, all that matters is that you complete the items on the list.
  2. Keep the list in a visible place. Keep your list somewhere visible, especially for long-term tasks, where you can use it as a reminder of what needs to be completed, actively crossing off or checking off items as you complete them.

    • If you've made a paper version of the list, hang it in a place you often look at, such as the refrigerator door, a bulletin board near the front door, or on your office wall.
    • Alternatively, you can keep the list open on your desktop while you're doing other things, so they're fresh in your mind, and delete the items when you're done.
    • Self-adhesive note paper makes a great reminder around the house. If you stick one of these reminders to work on your documents on your TV screen, you will remember to do important things instead of wasting time on less productive activities.

    Part 2

    Organizing your list items
    1. Rank your tasks in order of importance. What is the most important thing on your list? In general, you may decide that work/school tasks outweigh social and home obligations, although there may be some variation. You have to eat and bathe, for example, although laundry can wait another day until you finish an important work project.

      • Define three different levels that will be enough to classify the different tasks and criteria on the list. High, medium and low task importance is the best and easiest way to start classifying your list items by importance. Be reasonable in your definition.
    2. Determine the urgency of each task. Consider upcoming deadlines and your ability to work within those deadlines. What needs to be done in the near future? What needs to be done by the end of the day? What could you do to gain a little more time?

      • It's important to consider the length of time it will take you to complete each task, perhaps even assigning a set time to certain tasks. If you make it a priority to exercise every day, but you have a crazy amount of work that needs to be completed, give yourself a block of 30 minutes to do it and try to fit it in somehow.
    3. Classify each task by degree of difficulty. It may be important that you get something to the post office by the end of the day, but it's not a terribly difficult task. Categorize all the items on your list by difficulty so you know how to rank them in relation to other tasks.

      • It is effective to classify using levels such as difficult, moderate and easy rather than trying to rank them against each other. Don't worry about ordering them before assigning a degree of difficulty to each item if that would be helpful.
    4. Compare all the tasks and organize the list. Put the most important and urgent tasks that require minimal effort at the top of the list, so that you can try to complete the maximum amount of work in the allotted time.

    Part 3

    Start completing the list items

      Take it one step at a time and see it through to completion. It's difficult to move through the list by being selective and doing a little of everything. In a few hours, your list will look exactly the same as it looks now: unfinished. Instead of doing a little at a time, complete one task and then, after a short break, move on to the next thing on the list. Don't start working on anything else on your list until you've finished the first most important things.

      Decide what to delegate to others and what will go your way. If the Internet is not working at home, then it may be tempting to go to the library, start studying on wi-fi so that you can re-diagnose the problem, but not if you have to finish cooking dinner, check twenty written papers until the morning, and do more fifty cases. Wouldn't it be better to contact the ISP company instead?

      • It is acceptable to decide in favor of something that is not worth the time, or when delegating a task's cost outweighs the time you will spend on it. You could buy new, expensive wire fencing, or assemble it yourself from waste, diligently combing landfills, carefully sorting through scrap metal for several hours in the hot sun, but if it only adds up to a few rubles in savings, then it may be better to buy new wires.
    1. Alternate between different tasks on your list. Separating the types of activities you perform will help you stay interested and move through the items on your list faster. Alternate your school homework list with your chores list to work most efficiently. Take short breaks between them and do different things. This will maintain enthusiasm and increase productivity.

      Start with the least attractive or most difficult tasks. Depending on your character, it will be better for your mood if you finish the thing you least want to do first. It may not necessarily be the hardest or most important task, but for many people it will be effective to get rid of it in order to save less unpleasant activities for later.

      • Your English essay may be more important than your math homework, but if you really hate math, get rid of it first so you can free up all the time you need to devote it solely to your essay, giving it your full, undivided attention.
    2. Let importance in some cases exceed relevance. You may have a situation where you only have 10 minutes to drive across town to the library to pick up the new Game of Thrones CD you ordered, making it the most important thing on the list, but that time could be better spent on completing a more important task, working on an English essay. You will buy yourself more time if you wait until the next day to pick up your DVD, when you have more time to do so.

      As you complete tasks, cross them off the list. Congratulations! As you move down the list, take a joyful moment to cross an item off, delete it from the file, or aggressively cut out what is written on the paper with a rusty pocketknife and ceremoniously burn the pieces in the fire. Take a minute to reward yourself for every small achievement. You do it!

    What you will need

    • Pencil
    • Paper
    • Marker
    • Consider breaking a large task into several smaller ones. Small tasks are less scary to take on and easier to complete.
    • Give yourself time to rest, relax and recover.
    • Be realistic about the volume completed over a period of time.
    • Ask for help. Assign some of your list to family members or friends to complete.
    • In the case of school assignments, the ones at the top of the list should be those that will give you the most points and that are due soon.
    • Leave some time for the unexpected.
    • If two tasks have the same degree of importance or urgency, consider the one that requires less effort.
    • Half an hour to one hour will be enough time to stay focused before needing a break.
    • Tasks that require a longer effort may require special consideration to be allocated separate time for completion.
    • Use a text editor or spreadsheet editor on your computer. Then you won't have to copy the list again.
    • Help and teach this to others. If you finish things early, offer help and teach your family and friends how to prioritize. Your parents may reward you with extra pocket money.
    • Skip or put off things that are not that important and require a lot of effort.
    • You must master your time and plan ahead, as well as maintain a positive attitude and not procrastinate.
    • Manage your time, plan ahead and don't procrastinate.
    • Remember the mantra “I can, I must and I will do it!” and don't complain about being busy.
    • Patience and hard work will definitely be rewarded.

Hello, my dear subscribers. The first of September is the beginning of a new school year, and for some, the beginning of a new life. This happened to me 10 years ago. Today we are celebrating a pink wedding, but more on that in one of the following reviews. In the meantime, let's talk about life...

Standing at a crossroads, most people begin to think about which path to choose. Have you encountered this? At such moments, people mark time in one place for a long time, because they cannot make a final decision. Knowledge of how to prioritize in life and work in general will help you avoid this.

Understanding the importance of priorities

Remember the children's epic about Ilya Muromets, where the main character has to make a choice, standing in front of a stone: “If you go to the right, you will lose your horse, to the left, you will lose your life...”. Sometimes every person faces such a choice. Here are common examples: get up and do exercises to be alert or sleep longer, do work in the morning or leave it for the evening, etc.

A competent approach and awareness of the importance of committing a particular act will help you cope with a bunch of impending problems. The choice of sequence should be based on the person's goal and contribute to achieving it. Do you know why some people become successful, while others cannot get closer to their desires? It's all about misplaced priorities.

The main feature of choosing a prioritization technique is the person’s emphasis on his life positions. Imagine a single woman with children. Introduced? So think about it what's important for her?


· Children's health, which is directly related to how kids eat and what they wear. If you walk down the street barefoot in rainy weather, you may get sick the next day.

· Place of residence (a warm apartment, not a barn with a leaky roof).

· An understanding employer, ready to pay a decent salary and let you leave the workplace if necessary.

· The woman herself (unfortunately, for many mothers, their condition is the last priority).

In a woman's life, the main priority should be herself. No wonder they say: “Put the oxygen mask on yourself first, and then on your neighbor, relative or child.” The meaning of this phrase is that only by protecting yourself can you save millions of lives.

It turns out that circumstances sometimes force us to make other decisions, therefore, everything rests on three “pillars”: importance, urgency and coincidence. Learn to work with them, and then you will become successful.

Ways to resolve failures

In order to become happy, learn to cope with assigned tasks and enjoy life, just follow these tips:

1. Eradicate the problem of determining life values. To do this, you need to conduct an introspection of the period you have lived, draw a map of desires and set goals that can fulfill your ideas.

It turns out that this is not difficult to do, you will have to spend a little time. Think for yourself: what is important for an athlete? Naturally, victory, a medal, respect, therefore, his priorities are training, taking into account the coach’s comments, and not computer games and watching TV series. Is this clear?

2. Use the principle of time management: “Do complex and important things in the first half of the day.” This rule allows you to relieve yourself of the burden responsibly, increase self-esteem and serves as a kind of motivation that allows you to “conquer peaks.”

What do you think is more important for a successful person: reading news on social networks or having time to conclude a profitable deal? Naturally, it’s the latter, but many people suffer from a problem called “later.” These people say: “I still have time,” “I have a lot of time,” but in the end they begin to blame themselves for failures and try to correct the situation at the last moment. Do you belong to this category?

3. Ranking of cases should be done in the following order:

  • urgent and important;
  • just urgent;
  • especially important;
  • important;
  • minor.

How to do this separation of tasks? Quite simple: you need to look at them, analyze the scope of work and make an assessment. After this, it will become clear what things need to be taken care of first, because they cannot be delayed (treatment of an illness, quarterly report, etc.).

4. Don't be afraid to delegate responsibility. If you are the head of a department, then taking on all the problems on yourself is not the right solution. You have subordinates whose work you know, therefore, assign a knowledgeable person to create the program. This way, you will not only complete the task in the shortest possible time, but will also be able to advance a few more points in your plan (you will have time to complete a couple of things).

Value your time. If you don’t know how to save it, then feel free to study the material from Evgeniy Popov’s training “Master of Time.” There you can find a lot of useful information, and most importantly, you will understand that becoming successful is not so difficult.

5. Follow the schedule and then you will be able to increase your personal productivity and, therefore, become successful.

Life priorities

It's no secret that a person has several priorities: family, health, work, hobbies, appearance, friends. Try ranking them in order of decreasing importance. This way you can find those areas that are worth paying special attention to (the first three).

Do not forget that priorities will constantly have to be reviewed, because their allocation depends on:

· Age of the person. What does a child need? Toys, books, mom, dad. What is important for a twenty-five-year-old man? Car, apartment, finances. What about an elderly person? Health, rest.

· Circumstances It is no secret that the birth of a baby radically changes the life values ​​of parents, and therefore their priorities. In addition, it is known that until a person has a problem, he does not begin to act in this direction. This is true.

People who have taken out a loan begin to think about an additional source of income, try to save and dream of throwing off this burden. What does a student think about on the eve of a session? Naturally about studying. Do you agree with me?

Setting priorities in life is sometimes not easy. If you cannot understand yourself or it is difficult for you to choose the area that is more important than others at this stage of life, then use the method of “Memoirs of Gleb Arkhangelsky”.

The essence of this method is to capture a daily important moment. For some, it will be associated with a healthy lifestyle (did exercise, took a contrast shower), for others with family (a wonderful dinner surrounded by family, a walk in the park), etc.

The main rule of this method is to record the event that left the greatest impression during the whole day (even if it is negative). You need to record your own feelings within a month, although for some a week is enough.

Perhaps this is all I wanted to tell you about priorities and the principles for identifying and arranging them. Still have questions? Rather, write them down on paper or leave them in the “Comments” section. I will be happy to answer them.

Best regards, Elena Izotova.

A young woman, Olga, came to see a psychologist with a problem that was atypical for her age, which she identified as emptiness. A strange situation: husband, two children, work, and there is emptiness around her. Oh well, it would only be all around, there was also emptiness deep inside. After completing a number of formalities, the psychologist asked to talk about how a typical weekday goes in order to understand the daily prioritization.

- Priorities? What are you talking about? I am absolutely correctly oriented towards life. The main thing for me is the health of my loved ones,” the client was indignant.

“I’m not asking you to talk about values, I just want to understand the daily prioritization,” the psychologist explained.

- Do you want to understand what is more important to me: my mother’s health or my husband’s love?

— I’m not trying to figure out the hierarchy of your life values. It's quite difficult. I'm just trying to understand how you structure your day.

The dialogue could be endless and required a simple explanation of the meaning of the art of prioritization.

What are priorities?

The question that took the client by surprise is indeed very important from the perspective of her daily attitude towards life. Prioritizing means understanding what is really important NOW.

The concept of priority has actively entered our lives recently from computer vocabulary. The task scheduler of the computer operating system determines which program to run at a given moment depending on its importance - i.e. assigns priority.

Let's look at determining priority using a simple example. Let's say you need to collect information about something on a computer disk. First you need to create a folder with a specific name, and then put the necessary files there. This is more convenient and faster than throwing files in different places and then collecting them in a folder. So, to start collecting information, we need to create a place where we will collect it. Creating a folder is a priority.

Note, not the main or important, but the priority, that is, the first, important right now. You can create several other folders along the way if it is important now. And if not, then is it necessary to spend time and effort on this?

So, priority is a process, an event that is most important in a given place, at a given time. Everything about the car is simple. The computer brain quickly calculates all options for completing tasks and determines the most effective ones at the moment, making them a priority, that is, it performs them. And you can't argue with that.

In everyday life, we constantly have to prioritize, that is, choose the most important and effective processes. We plan a trip to the store, daily cleaning of the apartment, things to do at work, including easy breaks to discuss the news. We even plan to start a new life on Monday, but we don’t start because completely different processes become priorities.

The psychologist continues the dialogue with Olga:

— Do you buy food at fast food for your loved ones?

- Why?

“My family loves this food, I want to please them.” Plus, this purchase frees me from having to spend the evening at the stove.

- Do you know that this food is harmful?

- I know. But this doesn’t happen often.

— So, sometimes for you the desire to get rid of household chores is more important than the health of your loved ones?

There is no answer. And it cannot be, the concepts are confused here.

Why do you need to prioritize?

The continuation of the dialogue between the psychologist and the client indicates a distinction between concepts: values ​​and priorities. We will not talk about the dangers of fast food. We are talking about processes that are important right now. And, the main thing is to understand what exactly is important - to set priorities.

Firstly, this will help save time. Think about the task scheduler of a computer system, which clearly prioritizes processes based on this principle.

Secondly, this will help save your energy. Indeed, it is easier to go to the store on the way from work than to return after you have already arrived home. It is more convenient to plan your activities in advance, calculating possible options.

Thirdly, this will determine your main tasks for the near future and subordinate all other actions to them.

To understand the importance of prioritization, consider the fast food situation.

Option 1. Situation: A tired woman returns from work. She really wants to relax at home after a hard day.

Solution: Buy food for your loved ones at a fast food restaurant. This will keep them in a good mood and save her from cooking dinner.

Priority: relaxation after a hard day of work.

Will you reproach her for her bad attitude towards her loved ones? No, because you understand the motive of her action and the chosen priority.

Option 2.(complicating the situation). Everything is the same, but there is very little money in the wallet.

Solution: buy fast food. This will save her from the need for lengthy cooking and give her additional time to relax.

Priority: prepare food as quickly as possible and save money.

Will there be reproaches in this case? Also no. Because here the choice is also clear.

Option 3. The situation is the same.

Solution: buy vegetables, defrost meat, cook chakhokhbili.

Priority: proper nutrition of loved ones.

The result: long cooking times, a dissatisfied hungry family, a nervous tired woman and, possibly, conflicts in the family combined with mutual accusations.

Was this priority worth the results? What is more important to you: peace in the family or maintaining proper nutrition? So, again, prioritization.

Having understood the concepts of priority and values, Olga received homework in which it was necessary to rank daily priorities, starting from the most important. The difficulty of the task was that she had to indicate at least 50 points.

The psychologist noted with surprise that the woman managed it. In an abbreviated version it looked like this:

  1. Don't be late for work.
  2. Walk the children to school.
  3. Do your job conscientiously.
  4. Don't make mistakes in the texts.
  5. So that the boss notices her efforts.
  6. Possibility of bonus.
  1. N.'s attention to her person.
  2. Colleagues' opinions about her appearance.
  1. Opinion of A.P. about her shoes.
  2. An invitation to tea in the chief accountant's office.

38. Have time to do everything at work so as not to take work home.

  1. Feed your loved ones.
  2. Eat low-calorie foods to lose weight.

Mistakes in choosing priorities

So, we have already found out that the need to set priorities confronts us every day, and the result of our activities depends on how correctly we do this. What is wrong in the rating of our heroine?

The first thing on the list is not to be late for work, then, after the point, do your job without making mistakes. Commendable. And if the list consisted of four points, then the option with a boss and a bonus would not be important? And the material side of the issue turns out to be irrelevant? It turns out to be some kind of communism.

In fact, it's not like that. We come to work to earn money, and that means material interest is important. Unselfish workaholics are quickly identified in any office, and then they cry into their pillows and become depressed, just because they have their priorities wrong. They are considered conscientious and responsible, but are not promoted or given financial incentives.

Another thing is careerist people. Even with lower abilities, they receive high salaries and positions because of the right priorities. Is it so bad to be a careerist?

Several checklist items relate to the assessment of appearance. For every representative of the fair sex, appearance is important. But we didn’t see anything on the list that concerns the processes of creating female beauty: makeup, manicure, choosing clothes. What's the matter here?

In this case, the client does not consider self-care important, and the assessment of her appearance by her colleagues most likely frightens her more than it pleases her. She is afraid of negative attitudes, or even comments, and does not expect compliments. This point, along with others, can cause a depressive attitude towards what is happening.

Everything will be easier if you add a well-groomed appearance, correctly selected clothes to the list of priorities, and only then the desire not to be late. The morning of a young woman will be subject to her mood, reflection in the mirror, and desire to please. The opinion of her colleagues about her appearance will fall lower and lower in the table until she completely disappears from the ranking.

This point, of course, will force you to change your plans for the weekend. You need to take time for yourself: go shopping, visit a beauty salon, or at least do simple cosmetic procedures at home. Perhaps your plans for the weekend will include the task of relaxing, the most important thing to do. It’s just that in the priority ratings, as a rule, cooking borscht and cutlets is more common, rather than family vacation options.

What happens: we drive ourselves into a dead end by simply planning our lives? Yes, that's right. Errors in prioritization destroy a person's personality, making them slaves to needs; destroy relationships in the family, bringing cleaning of the apartment and cooking to the forefront, reducing the importance of mental communication and family recreation to zero.

I imagine an imaginary dialogue with readers:

“How is it,” readers exclaim, “that we destroy our own lives?” But we try to do household chores, taking care of loved ones.

— What is more important to your loved ones: a plate of borscht or a skiing trip together?

“Both are important,” you say.

- Right. But we are talking about prioritizing when you need to choose one thing. And in this situation, a quick snack may well be suitable if it preserves the warmth of relationships and impressions of the weekend. And spending a whole day in the kitchen can cause alienation and resentment.

Of course, household chores need to be done. But this needs to be planned in such a way as not to destroy other values.

The art of prioritizing

Setting priorities is actually simple if you learn to understand what exactly you need. Don't be afraid to answer your questions honestly. Only you can understand your desires.

How to do this? Here are some rules:

  1. Always prioritize your tasks, even the smallest things. Start your workday with what is important, but not with what is simple, easy or less in scope. Remember that by wasting time on the little things, you will miss the important things, and this is always fraught with consequences. Your personal planner should always prioritize.
  2. Know how to clearly assess your condition and, based on this, plan your activities. Don't do anything forcefully unless absolutely necessary. If a negative state is normal, then try to change this particular situation.
  3. Involve your surroundings in important decisions and affairs. Voice your condition without fear of the reaction of colleagues or loved ones. Let those around you learn to build their priorities, taking into account the interests of loved ones.
  4. Identify a few important long-term priorities that will be presented in the form of small tasks. For example, the goal of losing weight will be reflected in buying low-calorie food or giving up dessert.
  5. Consider the wishes of your loved ones in your priorities. Give in to them and make compromises. Don't confuse goals and values. And don't let one destroy the other.

After some time, Olga talked about how she accompanied her husband on a long business trip. Usually, she got up early in the morning, started preparing pies, putting things in a suitcase and ironing each shirt. By evening she became tired and irritable.

But not this time. She desperately wanted to spend this time with her family. Having discussed the insignificance of homemade pies and shirts that still have to be ironed in the evening, she and her husband packed their suitcase and planned a family vacation.

The young woman talked with a smile about visiting the shopping and entertainment center, air hockey and a little shopping.

The psychologist noted that Olga learned to enjoy life.

The daily routine will always be there. It is very easy to become dependent on an endless series of work and household responsibilities. At some point, a person completely submits himself to the concept of “should.” It is then that life is filled with fatigue, bustle, and alienation.

It is important to understand your own desires and needs in a timely manner, and it is from this position that you prioritize daily work and home affairs.

Do you know how to do this? Want to learn? Then first, make your rating of daily priorities (at least 50 points). Just one important condition: be honest with yourself.

Sometimes a person has the feeling that everything in his life has been turned upside down, that complete chaos reigns in it. A person does not have time to solve one problem, cope with one problem, when new difficulties appear, destroying plans and leading astray. To prevent all this from happening, it is important to learn how to set life priorities. Anyone who knows how to prioritize saves his time, saves his nerves, money and spiritual strength. To do this, it is important to be able to organize at least your day, to classify the tasks that a person faces.

How to make a to-do list

Before compiling a list, it is important to clearly define a time frame for yourself, ask yourself the question of how much time it will take to implement a particular plan, to solve a problem and carry out the intended action. Making a list gives . Your goals need to be divided into long-term and short-term. Short-term goals include goals that need to be achieved within the next few hours or tasks that need to be solved in one day or week.

The next step is to prioritization. It is necessary to divide your goals into 4 subgroups: urgent and important matter, important but not urgent matter, urgent but not so important matter, not urgent and not important matter.

In the same way, you need to make a list of your long-term goals. These tables will help a person set priorities and correctly distribute his energy and vitality so that his work becomes as productive as possible. The list must be stored so that it is constantly in sight of the person. As you complete a task, as you achieve the goal indicated on the list, you can cross it out or tick it. It is best to hang the list on the refrigerator, next to the TV or computer. You can also leave the list on the desktop in your office.

Experts do not recommend achieving your goals by starting one thing, giving it up halfway, then starting another thing. This approach will not bring success and will not save time. It is important to finish what you start without being distracted, focusing as much as possible on the goal. After a successfully completed task, you can relax and reward yourself, for example, by listening to your favorite music, delicious food, talking on the phone, etc. First of all, you need to do important, urgent things, and then proceed to important, but not so urgent, etc. Some things can be combined, but you need to be careful when combining them. Important things should be done at the beginning of the day. - these are periods when a person is ready to work productively, remember new information and act actively. It is better not to combine important and urgent matters with other important and urgent tasks and goals. Option: important, urgent matter + not urgent, unimportant matter is considered more successful. For example, ironing clothes and watching an educational video in English. Having learned prioritize, you can become a successful, confident person who finds time for everything.

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