How to develop speech: simple exercises. How to develop speech and learn to speak beautifully


Start your speech development training by doing articulation exercises. Training your speech apparatus will help you achieve clear pronunciation. If you speak quickly, but swallow half of it, then no one will see you. You most likely want to achieve not only high speed, but also speech quality. Therefore, you should not neglect articulation exercises.

Stand or sit in front of a mirror, straighten your shoulders and lower them down, straight back. Pull your lips forward and stretch them into a wide, open smile. Perform the exercise 10 times at a medium pace and 10 times at a fast pace.

As you inhale, inflate your cheeks like a balloon. As you exhale, blow them off sharply, exhaling through your mouth and stretching your lips forward. Repeat 8 times.

After training the articulatory apparatus, proceed to the pronunciation of tongue twisters. Choose tongue twisters with a combination of sounds that are most difficult for you. First, pronounce them, clearly pronouncing each syllable. When you learn the tongue twister by heart and master it, increase your speaking speed. Memorize a few verses and read them quickly and with expression.

Expand your vocabulary and general knowledge. The larger arsenal of words you own, the easier it will be for you to select the ones you need for quick speech. And a storehouse of knowledge will allow you to speak freely and confidently. Practice every day in front of the mirror, saying speech on a given topic. Write it down speech into a voice recorder and evaluate the speed and quality of pronunciation. Note the mistakes you made and try to correct them next time. With regular practice you will definitely achieve success.

Speech disorders and diction defects occur in the vast majority of children. Correcting the bite in a timely manner, and sometimes trimming the frenulum, and sessions with a speech therapist work wonders. However, not everyone manages to get rid of speech problems at a young age. It is not surprising that many adults, dissatisfied with their reprimand, turn to the services of specialists. A professional will immediately tell you how quickly a person can hope for improvement in speech development, since some deficiencies are more difficult to eliminate. However, you can develop speech at any age if you have patience and perseverance.


If you work with a speech therapist, he will most likely determine the optimal ways for you to develop speech. However, there are also several universal ones that are suitable for anyone who needs to improve their pronunciation. For example, correct speech breathing. To develop it, you need to do a few simple exercises every day. As you exhale, chant the sounds a, o, u, i, s, try their various combinations, for example, ay, oi, and so on. Alternate the pronunciation of sounds with short breaths. Also, as you exhale, count out loud to ten, trying to keep the sounds continuous.

Learn tongue twisters. Say them every day in front of the mirror, making sure your articulation is clear. Start slowly, in a whisper, emphasizing each growling, hissing sound. Each time, read the tongue twisters faster and louder, but do this without “chewing” or “swallowing” the sounds. The tongue twisters can be anything, including those that are familiar to you: “Sasha was walking along the highway,” “Three ships were maneuvering, maneuvering.” But still, when selecting them, try to pronounce more often those that contain sounds that are problematic for you.

One of the developed speech is correct intonation. That is, the placement of stress in words, pauses, volume during the story. An adult can learn intonation expressiveness of speech. To do this, write simple sentences or children’s sentences on a piece of paper, for example: “A bull walks, sways, sighs as he goes...”. Read them out loud, with different intonations, each time changing the stress in the sentence so that and changes. Take logical breaks. Train yourself not to blurt out the entire text in one fell swoop.

The development of fine motor skills is an important component of overall child development. Thanks to the increase in the dexterity of the child’s fingers, the correct formation of the speech apparatus occurs, the baby begins to speak faster, absorbs knowledge more easily and masters manual skills. What ways help quickly and quietly develop fine motor skills?

Useful games

Most kids are big fans of grabbing everything, trying it by touch, crushing it or tearing it. Many parents try to rid their child of these habits, but in vain. Translate children's desire to use their hands for good.

In the process of finger actions, the active work of the speech centers of the child’s brain begins. Don't limit your baby. Prepare objects that you don’t mind, let the child crush and tear them with pleasure. The smaller the pieces end up, the better.

You can play with different objects. Activities with cereals, beads, and coins are great for developing fine motor skills. Such games can be played with children over three years of age and only under adult supervision. For kids, manufacturers have already come up with a lot of special soft toys that are filled with small balls inside.

Drawing and sculpting

Children's plasticine is an excellent tool for developing fine motor skills. Give preference to modeling mass that is made from safe materials, kneads easily and does not dry out. Invite your child to make his favorite toy, animal, or fairy-tale character. Kids can simply knead the plasticine in their hands; any forceful actions with their fingers help form speech.

Drawing should be unusual. Try to paint a picture together not with a regular brush, but with your fingers. This method can be done even by the smallest. Surprisingly, the drawings turn out no worse. And the benefits of such drawing are much greater.

Toys with laces and buttons

Buy ready-made toys equipped with threading laces and large buttons. By practicing buttoning, unbuttoning, getting a button into a buttonhole or a lace into a hole, the child, unnoticed by himself, trains his manual skills.

In a playful way, the baby acquires the necessary skills, and the mother acquires some free time.

Natural material

To develop fine motor skills, it is not at all necessary to buy special aids, which are not cheap. Available materials, used correctly, have the same effect. Use your imagination and show your child how to interact with objects around him. Your desire and curiosity guarantee the success of the child's future development.

When a child turns two years old, the process of active speech development accelerates. But this happens differently for each baby. Some children immediately speak in coherent small sentences, others pronounce only individual words. In any case, parents should help the child in the further formation of correct speech.

Features of the pronunciation of certain sounds by children of two years

By the age of two, a child is often unable to pronounce all sounds. The age norm of two years is considered to be clear pronunciation of the vowels “a”, “u”, “i”, “o”. But children often replace the sounds “y” and “e” with the sound “i”. As for consonants, most of them are still very difficult for children to pronounce. Therefore, they replace some hard consonants with soft ones, which are easier to pronounce. This also applies to the front-lingual sounds “g”, “d”, “s”, “z”. Then instead of “give” they say “dyay”, etc. Speech may lack hissing sounds and the sounds “l”, “ry”, “r”.

Most children by two years old should be able to correctly pronounce the following sounds: “p”, “p”, “b”, “b”, “m”, “m”, “f”, “p”, “p”, “v” "", "v", "t", "t", "d", "d", "n", "n", "s", "l", "k", "k", "g", “g”, “x”, “x”. You shouldn’t run to a speech therapist in a panic if your child has difficulty mastering whistling and hissing sounds, as well as “r”, “ry”, “l”. He can replace them with simpler ones or skip them altogether.

What activities are useful for the development of children's speech at 2 years old?

It’s worth starting by looking at the pictures together. You can ask the child to name the objects depicted. You need to discuss with him everything that is around as often as possible. During a walk, you can show him surrounding objects or phenomena. And then ask the child to name them independently. In this way, passive vocabulary will be replenished. The child will begin to distinguish prepositions (at, behind, in, about, etc.), adverbs (far, close, high, low, etc.), pronouns (there, here).

You definitely need to read books to your child. This is one of the first rules for successful speech development. After reading the book, discuss what you read. It is useful for the child to reconstruct the plot himself from memory. To do this, parents need to ask clarifying questions. The simplest fairy tales (“Teremok”, “Turnip”) can also be acted out: open and close the door of an imaginary house, imitate the sounds of fairy-tale characters.

It is useful to memorize poems, songs and rhymes not only for memory development. This also has a positive effect on speech development. It is necessary to stimulate independent children's monologue as often as possible. Let the child answer the question “which one?” by describing things or phenomena. It is useful to pay attention to a detailed description of surrounding objects. For example, a flower consists of a stem, leaves, and petals. Petals vary in color and shape, etc. Due to this, the child will quickly expand his vocabulary.

Puzzles will help develop the speech of a two-year-old child. He may try to describe the resulting picture. Such activities help develop fine motor skills. And it has a positive effect on speech development. Therefore, the benefit is double.

You can do articulation gymnastics. This will make it easier to pronounce many sounds later. Two minutes a day is enough to form a tube of lips with your baby in front of the mirror. These and other activities, as well as the efforts of parents, will help make the child’s speech correct and literate.

The development of speed reading techniques allows you to improve attention, memory, and imagination. And also activate creativity and thinking. To achieve good results, you need to perform several exercises described below.


Clench your teeth tightly and repeat to yourself: “One, two, three...”. And so on, do not pronounce the words in a whisper. Get rid of articulation when reading text (mentally speaking words or pronouncing them in a whisper). The “Tapping Rhythm” exercise will help you with this. When you read any text “to yourself,” tap out the rhythm with your hand, but it should not correspond to the usual rhythm of speech. This can be two-beat tapping with percussive elements in beat 1 and two in beat 2, and tap the first element of each beat with significant amplification. Twenty academic sessions with a tapping rhythm will be enough for a new brain to be “programmed”, ensuring the processing of information that enters the brain through the visual channel.

When reading, move your eyes across the page not from left to right, but from top to bottom. Take in at one glance not one or two words, but a group. Don't stop and don't look back at the pieces of text you read.

Train your peripheral vision, while trying to take in as many words as possible with your gaze. To develop peripheral vision, Schulte tables are used. Each is a square of size 20 x 20 divided into 25 cells with numbers from 1 to 25, which are inscribed in the cells in random order. The arrangement of numbers should not be repeated.
For training you need to use 8 tables. Before you begin, fix your gaze in the center; you should see the entire table. Next, look for the numbers by

Many businessmen are interested in the question of how to develop conversational speech, because this skill is important for negotiations and effective cooperation with clients and partners. It also plays an important role in self-development.

In this article you can familiarize yourself with the program for the development of spoken language, which includes six tasks. It takes three days to complete each of these tasks. Before starting a new task, you need to repeat what you have already learned. At first the training will last 15-20 minutes, and at the end of the program it will last about an hour. Then you can, if you wish, perform the tasks again individually or the entire complex. Having completed 2-3 repetitions of the program, a student with a certain talent will be able to be proud of fairly developed skills in the field of speaking.

1. Expanding vocabulary

For the exercise you will need text and dictionaries. The task is to replace encountered words with synonyms. For example, select all adjectives and select epithets that match the text. One word can be replaced with an idiomatic phrase or catchphrase. The same can be done with other parts of speech. At first you will need a dictionary, but then you will be able to do without it. This activity expands passive vocabulary and helps improve knowledge of both native and foreign languages.

2. A short story using keywords

For this task you need to take five unrelated words. Any book is suitable for this - just open it on a randomly selected page and point your finger at any word. This can be any part of speech that carries a semantic load. Having selected five key points in this way, compose a short text and speak it. Each story should take no more than three minutes of presentation. One exercise should include no more than 3-4 texts. This task develops imagination, logic and intelligence.

3. Talk to the mirror

The exercise consists of pronouncing individual words with different intonations - words can also be taken from a book. Tell your essay from the previous task first without the participation of facial expressions, and then include it. See which facial expressions are most suitable for this text.

Watch your facial expressions. Do you like it? Will others like it? This task helps you develop the habit of consciously managing your facial expressions.

4. Keyword story #2

This task is no different from exercise 2, but now the composition will require not 5, but 10 words.

5. Listen to yourself

Take a voice recorder or use the one built into your mobile phone. Speak texts and addresses by writing them down. This task will help you hear from the outside the weak and strong sides of your speech in order to correct shortcomings and learn to use the highlights of your speech.

While listening to the recording, evaluate yourself according to two criteria:

  • do you like your speech;
  • whether other people will like it (in your opinion).

Literary texts and poems are used to work with the recorder. First, read them from the page, and to re-write them, do a retelling (if prose) and learn them by heart (if a poem). Pay special attention to the placement of accents; if you are not sure, check in the reference book. Write down words with accents that are difficult for you to remember in your notebook.

6. Exercise with an interlocutor

To develop dialogical speech, you will need an interlocutor. It is best if this person, like you, uses these exercises to develop speaking skills. In this case, you will need to practice the dialogue, starting from the task of constructing a text using keywords. In this case, there can be a different number of them - one, three, five, seven.

If you don't have such an ally, choose one of your friends who will agree to help you practice. Prepare in advance the topic of the conversation, its plan and a convenient time for dialogue. The primary task of this stage is to learn how to interest your counterpart in the topic of conversation, arouse his curiosity and hold his attention for at least five minutes. The task can be considered completed if the interlocutors successfully conducted several short dialogues on the assigned topics.

This program is aimed at the rapid and effective development of spoken language in adults who need the skills of a good interlocutor in work or social activities. By doing all the exercises, you will see an improvement in your speaking abilities over and over again. .

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It's no secret that the ability to speak beautifully, it is necessary for every person to defend their point of view correctly and logically, and doubly so for those who speak publicly. Ability to persuade people - a gift from nature or an acquired skill and how to achieve success in persuading your interlocutor? This is perhaps one of the most pressing questions today, which sooner or later faces everyone who has entered the information business, who has entered a profession that involves the need to speak in front of an audience. A confident speaking interlocutor always makes you feel comfortable communicating with him; you want to be as open as possible in such a conversation.
Develop beautiful speech skills always necessary. You can do this either independently or by attending trainings and webinars on public speaking.

Today I want to talk about speech technique exercises available to everyone. The most important thing for successfully using them in your practice is desire and regular practical application. The result, believe me, will not keep you waiting.

Exercise 1. Articulation gymnastics.

It would seem that we know this technique from school. But do we use it? Why? Yes, because we find this technique boring and uninteresting. So I suggest doing this set of exercises “jokingly”. Make faces in front of the mirror, make fun of yourself or your loved one during this exercise. And the process won’t seem so boring to you! I will present the simplest complex in this article, I hope that it will be useful to you.

Each exercise must be repeated at least ten times. By the way, this gymnastics promotes relaxation, which is very important before an important public performance: 1. Raise your eyebrows up. 2. Move your eyebrows towards the center. 3.Pull in both cheeks. 4.Puff up your cheeks at the same time, and then one at a time. 5. Press on your cheeks with your tongue. 6.Run your tongue in circles behind closed lips. 7.Click your tongue. 8.Press the upper and lower lips with your tongue in turn. 9.Bite the tip of your tongue. 10.Put your lips into a tube and smile, but without teeth. 11.Pull your lips into a tube and smile broadly. 12.Open your mouth wide and then close it. 13.Open your mouth wide, close it first halfway, and only then completely.

But let me remind you once again that by replacing any exercise with “acting” in front of a mirror, you will give yourself a bunch of emotions and you will do articulatory gymnastics with pleasure.
Exercise 2. Tongue twisters.
Take any a selection of tongue twisters, and start pronouncing them daily, starting at a slow pace and gradually speeding it up, so that you pronounce tongue twisters without “eating” sounds and syllables, gradually the speed of reading them will be fast enough, and the pronunciation will be clear and correct. May this process also bring you pleasure. To do this, you can experiment with a cork from champagne - read tongue twisters with and without a cork clamped in the mouth.
Below is a selection of tongue twisters.

1) The interviewer of the interventionist interviewed.

2) Once upon a time there lived three Chinese: Yak, Yak - tsedrak, Yak - tsedrak - tsedrak - tsedroni.
Once upon a time there lived three Chinese women: Tsypa, Tsypa - drypa, Tsypa - drypa ​​- drypa ​​- drypamponi.
They all got married: Yak on Tsypa, Yak - tsedrak on Tsypedrypa,
Yak - tsedrak - tsedrak - tsedroni on Tsypa - dryp - drypamponi.
And they had children: Yak and Tsypa: Shah, Yak - tsedraka with Tsypa - drypa: Shay - sharakh, Yak - tsedrak - tsedrak - tsedroni with Tsypa - drypa ​​- drypamponi: Shah - Sharakh - Sharakh - Shironi.

3) Tell us about your purchases! - What kind of purchases?
About shopping, about shopping, about your purchases.

4) The fast talker quickly spoke quickly,
That you can’t quickly pronounce all the tongue twisters,
But, having become nervous, he quickly said,
that all the tongue twisters are spoken quickly, but not spoken too quickly.
And the tongue twisters jump like crucian carp in a frying pan.

5) Bankers were rebranded, rebranded, rebranded, but not rebranded.

6) In Cannes, lions did not wreath wreaths for the lazy.

7) In Kabardino-Balkaria, valocordin from Bulgaria.

De-ideologized, de-ideologized, and further de-ideologized.

9) Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

10) Sasha walked along the highway, Sasha found a sachet on the highway.

11) The river flows, the stove bakes.

12) Tongs and pliers - these are our things.

13) The pike tries in vain to pinch the bream.

14) The train rushes by grinding: w, h, w, shch, w, h, w, shch.

15) You can’t say all the tongue twisters too quickly, you can’t say too quickly

You can also find various collections of tongue twisters in the VKontakte Group and Odnoklassniki.

Exercise 3. Write a short story about the subject or simply describe the subject.
A very interesting exercise. When I made it for the first time, it didn’t seem very simple to me. Many people can describe a simple object with only two or three words, but it is necessary to stretch the description process for 4-5 minutes, without repeating it. Very interesting exercise-develops imagination and logic and associative thinking. At the same time, you learn to avoid junk words, unwanted repetitions, watch your speech. Turn this exercise into a kind of speech energizer and you will certainly get a boost of energy.
Exercise 4. Reading aloud.
Reading aloud is good to practice on works of poetic form. You can use poems from your favorite poets. Try to read the same poem in different ways: with different emotions, for example, or at a different tempo or, emphasizing some part of speech, and you will see how differently the text will play in your performance every time.
Exercise 5. Retelling.
For retelling, it is good to use fables or parables or any genre of prose that you love. Here, practice highlighting key words. You can write them out from the text, they will serve you wonderfully guideline-cheat sheet when retelling. Take any article from a magazine that you like and retell it, for example, adding a particle to each verb that you pronounce during the retelling process. I think you will definitely smile.

Of course, the exercises I have given in this article are not dogma, and I must tell you that in fact there are many different exercises and techniques. But sometimes lies under your feet, which we don’t notice, but the techniques described in this article are very easy to use and you can do it both at home and at work during your lunch break, for example, or while preparing lunch or while walking with your child on the playground. The main thing so that the process of working on your speech gives you pleasure.

Elena Kleimenova was with you. All the best.

Beautiful, correct speech is a necessary attribute of a successful man. Why is it so important to develop speech for an adult if he has certain problems with it? Maybe we shouldn’t bother and continue to communicate at the same level? It’s better, of course, to improve your skills. I'll explain why.

Firstly, with correct, confident speech, efficiency in communication immediately increases. It becomes easier to come to an agreement with a person, convince him, and also make a good impression.

Secondly, in a pickup truck this is an important component of successful seduction. "It doesn't matter what you say, it matters how you say it."

How to develop correct and beautiful speech for an adult

If there are obvious speech defects, then the first thing you should do is visit a speech therapist. With the help of a doctor, you can quickly improve the situation for the better. He will give recommendations on how to properly work on correcting speech.

If you have no obvious defects, then you can enroll in a public speaking school. There they teach you how to speak and speak in public confidently, to interest the audience, so that people listen to you with enthusiasm. Of course, this costs money, and often significant money. But in the end, you will rise to a new level in life, and the fees for these courses will be repaid more than once. Such schools operate in most large cities.

How to develop competent speech

In order to develop competent speech, you will have to work hard. You can take the first steps yourself:

Reading fiction. An extremely useful activity in which you learn the correct and understandable presentation of thoughts, a new vocabulary, a subtle sense of humor and much more. After consciously reading several books, you can already feel a certain result.

Watching public speeches of famous people. Choose the person who most impresses you in terms of beauty and literacy. This could be a politician, a business coach, or a person in some other profession related to publicity. Watch recordings of his performances, remember the moments you liked the most and made an impression on. You can also try to repeat certain moments of their speech.

Exercises for home training:

In addition to the above tips, you can perform specific exercises at home that will help you in public speaking. Important conditions for successful development are methodicality, diligence and awareness of what you are doing at the moment.

#1 Reading tongue twisters. Where would we be without them? One of the most productive and popular exercises for speech development, which has a positive effect on articulation. To begin, choose several tongue twisters to work on different sounds. Each tongue twister should be carefully worked on, bringing its pronunciation to perfection.

#2 Reading aloud words with a combination of several consonants in a row. For example, comedy, postscript, angstrom, wakefulness, etc.

#3 Reading passages and sentences with correct intonation and expression.

#4 Keyword story. To do this, you should write down a few words that are not related to each other, and use them to come up with a short story on the fly. This exercise develops logical thinking and intelligence.

#5 Dialogue with the interlocutor. Choose a topic, sketch out a short conversation plan. The purpose of this exercise is the ability to competently conduct a conversation, captivate your interlocutor, and acquire persuasion skills in a real situation.

Of course, these exercises, like the entire article, are the tip of the iceberg. But with the help of this information you received basic concepts about the development of speech in an adult. And if you complete the exercises above, your communication skills will noticeably improve. Good luck!

Competent speech is the key to success in life. After all, people are judged not only by their clothes, but also by their ability to correctly convey thoughts and write correctly. A person who knows how to express his thoughts simply, concisely and clearly, and construct sentences correctly, is always perceived more positively. Interlocutors, listening to competent speech, automatically assign a completely different, higher level of life competence to a person.

Have you ever lost or not gotten a job because you had too many writing errors or had to clearly explain why you were the right person for the job? The development of competent speech is one of the basic tasks of every self-respecting person. Even if you don't speak in public, the ability to speak beautifully and clearly is valued by everyone. So, how to develop competent speech?

Read fiction

Reading high-quality fiction can hardly be called a waste of time. In the modern world, we are exposed to a very large flow of information; we mainly listen to news or read it on the Internet. But the Internet, entertaining reading and business literature cannot replace good books by recognized domestic and foreign authors.

Reading novels helps to intuitively write correct, beautiful sentences and develops a sense of language. By reading fiction and scientific articles in special publications, a person expands his horizons and vocabulary. If you want to make your speech more lively and imaginative, read poetry. Identify the rhythm, metaphors and figures of speech that you would like to use.

Use dictionaries

Look for new words. If you hear or read a word whose meaning is unfamiliar to you, feel free to take a dictionary and find out what it means. The origin of words is a very interesting science. What if this becomes one of your hobbies?

In addition to the usual dictionary, there are dictionaries of metaphors, foreign words, special terms, even dictionaries dedicated to a particular science. Use them all - and your vocabulary will begin to grow quickly. You can always find the most accurate word and apply it in conversation.

Play educational games

As you know, children acquire almost all their knowledge of language before the age of seven. A child develops competent speech with the help of the people around him. There are also many games and techniques that allow you to develop your imagination, expand your vocabulary and learn to speak beautifully.

If possible, listen to yourself from the outside. Make an audio or video recording of your voice. If you are afraid to speak into a voice recorder or get an inaccurate result, ask someone close to you to record you during a normal conversation.

Evaluate your speech. Competent speech is always free from all unnecessary things. How accurately did you convey your message to others? Was she clear? Could it have been said shorter, clearer, more understandable? Are you pausing in the wrong places? Are you constructing your sentences correctly? Are your thoughts confused, are you jumping from thought to thought, confusing your listeners?

Watch the accents. Incorrect accents (call, jalousie and other tricky words, of which there are many in the Russian language) reveal an illiterate and ill-mannered person. There are two options: do not use these words or open the dictionary, textbooks and remember them firmly.

Edit what you've written

Have you written a letter, a message to a friend, a report to management or an artistic essay? Whatever it is, review the text as carefully as possible and try to give it a critical assessment. This is great speech training. If you practice “cleaning” your writing, you will see results very soon. In addition, spoken language will also change significantly!

Once you've written something, try to "switch" to something else (at least go and make yourself a cup of tea), and then return to the text with fresh eyes. Imagine that this is someone else's text. Does it have errors? How accurately is the thought expressed? Is everything clear to you as an outside reader? Is it possible to formulate this idea more clearly and concisely?

Correct speech and competent speech are always bright, expressive and understandable. Get rid of words that do not carry any semantic meaning. They often take up a third of the text, which is why your idea definitely loses. If you can use a simpler and shorter word, use it. You can also try reading it out loud (be sure to do this if you are preparing a speech that you will give).

Develop your voice

Not only grammatically and lexically correct speech is important for communication. Proper communication also includes using your voice. If you have applied all the methods outlined above, but at the same time express your thoughts in a monotonous voice, devoid of any intonation, listening to you will be unpleasant and not very interesting.

It's worth developing your voice. Do exercises, listen to speakers and try to repeat after them. Sign up for a public speaking course. Even with little effort, the results will please you, and your interlocutors will stop yawning.


Competent speech is not given at birth. You need to work on this constantly, throughout your life. But even if you devote very little effort and time to developing your speech, but reading becomes your good habit, you are guaranteed a more interesting and successful life.

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